Welcome to the ULC Blog, where members of our worldwide community of ministers —
from across the faith spectrum — gather to engage in healthy discussion about the many important
issues facing humanity today. All opinions are welcome, so long as they are respectful and offered
in good faith.
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A Tennessee state lawmaker is introducing a bill to ban the teaching of “religious doctrine” in public schools until at least the 10th grade. Rep. Sheila Butt’s proposal was created in response to parent complaints.
In recent years, non-denominational churches have been on the rise in America. Instead of the majority of believers associating with a specific denomination such as Baptist or Catholic.
The Oregon Shooter The Umpqua Community College shootings that took place last week in Oregon have left our nation in mourning and wondering what could have caused the shooter to do such a horrible thing.
Assisted suicide, or dying with dignity, is one of the most hotly debated issues in global politics. Should it be legal? And under what conditions? How would you feel if a loved one chose this path?
The Wedding Ceremony Script Generator is a free online tool that you can take advantage of at any time that will craft a service with all the things you wanted to say but didn't know how.
On Tuesday, Pope Francis arrived for his first-ever visit to the United States. The popular pontiff has a number of events scheduled during his five-day stay, which includes stops in Washington D.C. and New York.
This weekend, candidate Ben Carson appeared on NBC's "Meet the Press" and stated that someone of the Muslim faith shouldn't be president. Does the faith of the president actually matter?
A mother in New York has won her appeal to not vaccinate her child with the MMR vaccine for religious reasons. Her son will be exempt from the vaccination and will be able to attend school without receiving the vaccine.
Nearly eight million Syrians who have been forced to flee from their homes. Now, they are scattered throughout nearby countries, staying in tents with little access to basic things like food and water.
Many same sex couples nationwide are finally enjoying the perks that come with being married after the Supreme Court struck down state bans against it. However, there have been some bumps on the road.
The Universal Life Church Ministries proudly welcomes all who feel called to get ordained,
regardless of creed. We enable all faiths; Christian, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, Pagan, Wiccan,
Atheist – and more – to join our growing non-denominational congregation. Underlying everything
we do is a simple core belief: that we are all children of the same universe.
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