Pastor Archives - Universal Life Church Monastery Blog
February 23rd, 2024
A sermon by Rev. Bobby Leonard, a pastor from North Carolina, has sparked outrage for his controversial statements that women wearing shorts justifies rape because "a man's a man."
Crypto Pastor: "God Told Us" to Pocket $1.3 Million From Investors
January 26th, 2024
A pastor and his wife are facing charges that they defrauded hundreds of Christians out of millions of dollars in a crytocurrency scheme. They're mounting an interesting legal defense: They say God told them to.
90% of Pastors Say Young Churchgoers Need to Donate More
November 3rd, 2023
Are young people uncharitable to their churches? A new report found that more than 90% of church leadership believe that Millennials and Generation Z aren't financially supporting the church enough.
Report: Pastors More Pro-LGBTQ+ Than Their Congregations
October 2nd, 2023
A new poll reveals a major disparity between pastors and their congregants when it comes to views toward the LGBTQ+ community. What does this growing divide mean for the future of faith communities?
Pastor Who Used Blackface Says People Are Too Easily Offended
May 1st, 2023
An Oklahoma pastor is refusing to apologize or back down after images of him dressed in blackface surfaced earlier this month. He says that society is too easily offended, and that the blackface was harmless.
The Sermonator: With AI-Generated Sermons, Pastors Ponder Robot Takeover
February 17th, 2023
There's been a lot of talk of AI and chatbots lately, and pastors are not immune to the general job security unease. With advancements made every day, will pastors eventually be replaced by artificial intelligence?
Brooklyn's 'Bling Bishop' Charged With Fraud
December 28th, 2022
Pastor Lamor Whitehead made headlines earlier this year when he was robbed at gunpoint during a live streamed sermon. Now the controversial 'bling bishop' is being charged with defrauding a parishioner.
Brooklyn Pastor Robbed of $1 Million Worth of Jewelry During Sermon
July 26th, 2022
A Brooklyn pastor was robbed of roughly one million in jewelry during a livestreamed Sunday sermon. The robbery has opened a dialogue on just how much money clergy should have, and whether they should flaunt it.
Your Pastor Has Had Enough: Clergy Members Join the Great Resignation
May 17th, 2022
Citing stress, politics, and declining church attendance, some 40% of church pastors recently reported wanting to leave the church. Is the Great Resignation going to sweep straight through church pulpits?
TN Pastor Purges 'Demonic' Books in Bonfire; Protesters Burn Bible in Response
February 8th, 2022
Is it okay to burn books we don't like? One Tennessee pastor caused a firestorm last week when he held a bonfire for his congregation, burning 'demonic' books like Harry Potter and Twilight in the blaze.
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