Does tithing do more good than giving to charity?
One pastor seems to think so, and he's catching some backlash for it.
Keion Henderson is the lead pastor, founder, and CEO at Lighthouse Church & Ministries in Houston, Texas, a megachurch with multiple Texas campuses. Recently, a sermon in which he seemingly encourages congregants to tithe to his church instead of giving to the poor began recirculating online – sparking outrage amongst secular and Christian communities alike.
All About the Benjamins
“Let me tell you something: the poor will be with you always, and there is no blessing connected to blessing the poor other than getting back what you gave to them, but no multiplication," said Pastor Henderson to his congregants in a recently resurfaced 2023 sermon entitled ‘It’s All About the Benjamins’. "Multiplication is segregated for tithes and offering. When you give to the poor, the only thing you do is help them, but you don't help yourself."
"So when you give a dollar to somebody on the street talking about 'I did my job, God.' Like thank you, but it ain't going to help you," explained Henderson. "Read your Bible. Charity does not bring wealth. Only the tithe does that."
The Backlash Begins
The clip went viral on social media, prompting backlash from all corners of the internet against what many perceived as overt greed on the part of Pastor Henderson.
Some encouraged their fellow worshipers to be more thoughtful about who they choose to follow.
Others expressed empathy for the congregation he leads.
Praying or Preying?
Pastor Henderson is hardly the first faith leader to face pushback for dangling the collection plate in front of congregants. In fact, so-called "prosperity preachers" have a long history of public criticism for encouraging congregants to tithe instead of giving charitably. Some of these controversy-courting pastors have even been indicted for defrauding their flock.
One popular Instagram account, @preachersnsneakers, has spent years cataloging the often extravagant outfits and footwear of popular church leaders – leaving followers to reach their own conclusions about where, exactly, all those church donations are going.
The account even once featured Keion Henderson, highlighting his own $600 pair of designer shoes.
They say the Lord works in mysterious ways, but does the pastor's argument hold water? Is it really better to give to the church than the poor, or could there be ulterior motives at stake here?
Just to look searched this guy for other news. Found back in October a hurricane wrecked one of the campuses buildings. He asked every congregant to donate 2100.00 to build a larger better building with more parking. And to donate it within 3 weeks. Cost 4 million. Now he is reported to be worth 8 million, and wife (once married to Shaq) is worth 35 mil. Somehow he plans not to contribute out of pocket.
If he's out feeding the poor and running a soup kitchen or shelter, then sure it may be a more effective use of money that may go directly to the poor. But he don't look or sound like that kind of a preacher.
Tax them: individually and their religious institutions. And make them apply for waivers based on what charitable work they actually do versus these rip offs and the ones endorsing politicians they claim not to endorse. Make them file and justify their monies like the rest of us and see how it measures up. It won't. That is the only thing that will put a stop to it. And the only thing aside from taxing the rich and the corporations that will level the playing field for the people they abuse. Freedom to exercise one's personal religious beliefs has nothing to do with supporting fraud. Peace tk
Nobody in the history of religion has ever created a mega-church by caring about poor people. In fact the presence of a mega-church, a church with multiple 'campuses' is not a church that looks out for the poor, homeless or hungry.
Those churches function to simply get bigger and bigger, take in more and more money and let the 'preacher' live a rich and luxurious lifestyle. It's all about the prosperity bibble.
Nobody is forced to walk into those churches but when they do, they do it as sheep, the preacher is the shepherd and his/her job is to sheer the sheep.
Sheep gonna sheep and shepherds gonna shear.
It all seems perfectly legit. He's just saying out loud what everybody knows and thinks: give money to the church instead of the poor
Proverbs 19:17 - "Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed." Not he who is generous to Joel Osteen, Keion Henderson, the Pope or the King. These earthly men will not repay the generous.
Religious institutions are a scam, and not just for money, and amazingly people fall for it. 🤷
Religious institutions have become big moneymakers. The only help that they are providing is to put designer clothes on the backs of phony preachers, steak on their plates, and house them in bigger and better houses...building fancy 'churches,' aiming for television ministries with big bucks rolling in. Jesus and his disciples were humble people, giving and sharing everything that they had. Organized religion is not for everyone...not for me.
There are counties in the world that institute a church tax to belong to a church, especially a state sanctioned church. We are way to naive and superstitious here in the USA to approach that cure for charlatanism. But if the law doesn't intervene and or separation of church and state does not work for those who overstep their bounds..well taxes and a higher level of accountability will. It has nothing to do with religious beliefs or practice. These things are an abuse and perversion of religion.
Didn’t Jesus kick the money changers out of the Synagog for less?
Was he real?
C'mon Lionheart, Jesus as a historically existing man is a proven fact, just like a zillion other biblical figures and names. The problematic part is about his heavenly nature and superpowers. Let's doubt that without doubting his existence. Getting old, amigo.
I know it’s getting old, Sir. I just have a desire to encourage others to probe their thought structure rather than just accept what they have been told.
Thank you for your comment. 🤗
Greed that's all it is anyone who gives to him is deluded.its funny how he dresses in designer clothing not in any thing else he's like our English Government rob the poor and the pensioners and give to the rich.How come he's still a pastor?
Reminds me of the Republican candidate for President.
This explains why all of these megachurches haven't reached to help any of the victims of the recent natural disasters. All their billions and they're nothing more the the so called preachers that used to hold Tent Revivals, in order to scam money from the poor, uneducated and desperate.
Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.Luke 14:12-14 - 13 But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 14 and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you.Jul 19, 2022If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered” (Proverbs 21:13).
Hi this is Rev.Gene that is not the way GOD what us ministers, pastors to behave. He what us to help others. Not to make money from others.
How about this....
We give them Bibles, in a translation that suits our needs. It's got lots of thees and thous so it looks like the real thing.
Then we tell them they are the flock. It puts them in the subservent role.
Then we tell them only the priest knows how to read and interpret the Bible.
Then we tell them the priest [or the preacher] always knows best.
I've been a Southern Baptist for over 50 years. I've seen it happen. I know the pattern.
Yep.... false prophets... don't get the rugs dirty and we don't do food bank here.... move along flock... move along.
Lionheart, et.al. Religious institutions may be a scam, but most all religions have something to offer. Check this out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Rule#/media/File:The_Golden_Rule_in_multiple_religions.svg. I especially like the Judaism version. Simple. Keion Henderson is a prime example of an institutionalized scammer. Evil,
Yes, thank you, but do we really need an institution created by men, under the pretense that it’s from a deity, to tell us we need to be kind and loving?
Dumbledore, another mythical character, had some wonderful sayings.
It is better to give to the church than to the poor for several reasons. First, giving to the poor directly relieves pressure on the government whose responsibility it is to care for the poor in our society. We pay tax dollars to accomplish this end. Second, we don't now the circumstances of that person's life and if we are actually contributing to their vices or worse. And thirdly, once you start giving to someone they expect you to continue giving and can become violent if you decide not to give to them the next time they ask. After having properly supported your local church, then you may give to other charities if you so wish.
It will soon be Yom Kippur... at sundown. If you fast, have a good fast. And if you celebrate in your own way have a good celebration. f you remember those who have passed, remember the joys not the sorrows.
Reb tk
Sorry "When you remember" not f you remember... that's a whole other thing, eh? tk
I believe in tithing to the church first. ( After all I have seen the utility bills and know that we also send support to other ministries). I also believe in giving directly to the poor or other charities. That all counts in God's eyes as giving to Him. My own pastor gives tithe.
This mega-church person needs to repent and start reading his Bible.
He that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit: (The Kingdom of God).
I think the whole world in a frenzie at trying to find fault with one another. But my question would be: What building did Christ tell us to build and who did He say to give too. Ithink the Devil has from the beginning when he was called the Serpent how he tricked Adam and Eve into thinking that they could take Gods place and if I didn't know better he hasn't changed his operation not one iota. We take from the poor instead of giving to the poor. We build big buildings and hang a sign in front to seperate it from the other denominations trying to trick man into believing that this place has the answer. If you dig deep enough you find that they have the answer and it is to follow the devil with hate, bitterness, anger, fear, selfishness which leads to PRIDE still trying to take the place of God. How many of us would are will follow the words that Jesus told the young rich ruler Go Sell what you have and give it To The POOR then come follow Me. Don't shout me down with all of those Amens, because you know what i have said is the truth if you will read the Word. Yes He said give and it will be given unto you (lk 6:38)however I think we forget (Lk6:34-37) we are to love your enemies and do good and to lend hoping for nothing again, and your reward shall be great, and you shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. Judge not,and you shall not be judged:condemn not, and you shall not be condemned: forgive, and you shall be forgiven. This came just before Lk 6:38.
The Moneychangers have taken over the Temple. Where's Jesus when you need him?
Comment removed by user.
Man wanting to be like God. Control freaks everywhere led by their father the Devil. Lk 6:34-38 and don't forget the rich young ruler he wanted to know what he had to do and Jesus never sees are mention him again. So I guess I’ll have trust in the word and follow Jesus no mater what the circumstance is before me.
Very Interesting!
So.... How much does the church reach out to help the poor and disadvantaged? Yes, there will always be poor with us, but to turn our back on them, especially those who have a chance to break out of it, is sinful at best, evil is the better term. One never knows which homeless person is that way because they had cancer and couldn't keep their job because they decided to live and do cancer treatments, which didn't allow her to work. They never know the story behind the person who is poor. Is it generational or situational? Both need to be addressed, and won't be by giving money to a church that turns its back on them. How many homeless people have they allowed to become members? How many members have become homeless because of circumstance? I doubt they even know the answer to those questions, unless they require pay stubs as a way to prove they are saved and "worthy" of membership. [Rant over] One church I was wanting to become a member of told us the exact opporsite. They stated that money we gave towards other charitable organizations counted as the tithe (which wasn't mandated, only suggested).
We all know there are some “pastors” that are really more con men. These persons give all pastors a bad name.
However, we also know that churches do have expenses just like we all do, hear, lights, upkeep of the facility, etc.
The church I attend does take an offering, but they don’t push people to give. They also once a quarter have a meeting after service for those who want to stay a little bit longer in which they give a total accounting of what came in and what went out.
This is standard mega Church practices unfortunately. I have witnessed it elsewhere.
Prosperity preachers, hell is not full, it’s waiting for you so called rich people who think the word of God can be played with and twisted , maybe you should look at Jesus closer he never asked for money he helped all . I’ve read the Bible front to back, and never did I read give to me not the poor.
The pastor can get a job too instead of taking money from people. He is the same as the people standing in corners asking for money. The tithing should come from the heart of people. Whatever they can afford. Just like the people on the street asking for money. They too can get a job instead of standing out there asking for money. All of them have better homes and cars than the people that give them money.
Another false prophet, all Sunday churches are pagan ,stemming from the Catholic church 500 years ago that Forced Gods people to worship on pagan sun God day , or they were killed , we are together observe the Sabbath , it's God's Sabbath , to celebrate the creation ,a day of rest and to help the poor and minister to the sick , Laodecia segment in revelations tells us this , , it's bring ten percent to the storehouse so in hard times we all get to eat , it's not for Sunday false teachers to buy houses and cars and put their possessions in lawyers names , like Jim and Tammy Baker did , we are commissioned to Teach the upcoming Kingdom , the Laws of God , over see the animals , and Love, just love , and the proper prayer quoted by Christ himself is Mathew 6-9, Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name , no man on earth is Hallowed or deserving to take money and delegate where it goes , I don't allow cash at my services , they bring in form of food , supplies that folks will need that week , a caregiving situation if someone is sick that week, a car part so a person can get to work , if you have two goats and one of your neighbors goat died , give him a goat , the church started with christ at his ascension , all tribes and converted gentiles were to tell teach and preach ,,the upcoming Kingdom , period , not build a building , we are the temple
Another false prophet, all Sunday churches are pagan ,stemming from the Catholic church 500 years ago that Forced Gods people to worship on pagan sun God day , or they were killed , we are together observe the Sabbath , it's God's Sabbath , to celebrate the creation ,a day of rest and to help the poor and minister to the sick , Laodecia segment in revelations tells us this , , it's bring ten percent to the storehouse so in hard times we all get to eat , it's not for Sunday false teachers to buy houses and cars and put their possessions in lawyers names , like Jim and Tammy Baker did , we are commissioned to Teach the upcoming Kingdom , the Laws of God , over see the animals , and Love, just love , and the proper prayer quoted by Christ himself is Mathew 6-9, Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name , no man on earth is Hallowed or deserving to take money and delegate where it goes , I don't allow cash at my services , they bring in form of food , supplies that folks will need that week , a caregiving situation if someone is sick that week, a car part so a person can get to work , if you have two goats and one of your neighbors goat died , give him a goat , the church started with christ at his ascension , all tribes and converted gentiles were to tell teach and preach ,,the upcoming Kingdom , period , not build a building , we are the temple
Another false prophet, all Sunday churches are pagan ,stemming from the Catholic church 500 years ago that Forced Gods people to worship on pagan sun God day , or they were killed , we are together observe the Sabbath , it's God's Sabbath , to celebrate the creation ,a day of rest and to help the poor and minister to the sick , Laodecia segment in revelations tells us this , , it's bring ten percent to the storehouse so in hard times we all get to eat , it's not for Sunday false teachers to buy houses and cars and put their possessions in lawyers names , like Jim and Tammy Baker did , we are commissioned to Teach the upcoming Kingdom , the Laws of God , over see the animals , and Love, just love , and the proper prayer quoted by Christ himself is Mathew 6-9, Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name , no man on earth is Hallowed or deserving to take money and delegate where it goes , I don't allow cash at my services , they bring in form of food , supplies that folks will need that week , a caregiving situation if someone is sick that week, a car part so a person can get to work , if you have two goats and one of your neighbors goat died , give him a goat , the church started with christ at his ascension , all tribes and converted gentiles were to tell teach and preach ,,the upcoming Kingdom , period , not build a building , we are the temple
Another false prophet, all Sunday churches are pagan ,stemming from the Catholic church 500 years ago that Forced Gods people to worship on pagan sun God day , or they were killed , we are together observe the Sabbath , it's God's Sabbath , to celebrate the creation ,a day of rest and to help the poor and minister to the sick , Laodecia segment in revelations tells us this , , it's bring ten percent to the storehouse so in hard times we all get to eat , it's not for Sunday false teachers to buy houses and cars and put their possessions in lawyers names , like Jim and Tammy Baker did , we are commissioned to Teach the upcoming Kingdom , the Laws of God , over see the animals , and Love, just love , and the proper prayer quoted by Christ himself is Mathew 6-9, Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name , no man on earth is Hallowed or deserving to take money and delegate where it goes , I don't allow cash at my services , they bring in form of food , supplies that folks will need that week , a caregiving situation if someone is sick that week, a car part so a person can get to work , if you have two goats and one of your neighbors goat died , give him a goat , the church started with christ at his ascension , all tribes and converted gentiles were to tell teach and preach ,,the upcoming Kingdom , period , not build a building , we are the temple
If he wants all the Money, then he needs to dress down, and listen to his congregation, I know the Lord isnt telling him to say what he is saying.....it sound like its all about the benjamins$$$$$$
This is just blatant greed. This is not a Pastor or Minister he's a huckster, a con man. Like the Catholic Church thousands of years ago selling penance.
This is just blatant greed. This is not a Pastor or Minister he's a huckster, a con man. Like the Catholic Church thousands of years ago selling penance.
All churches are businesses that sell a product and should be taxed as such. The product is the hope of eternal life. Keion’s business model appears to be similar to the Papacy’s. The RCC forbids any type of contraception, which ensures that children will be filling the Sunday Schools and/or parochial schools for grooming. Properly groomed, as adults, they will attend Mass every week (mandatory) and PTL (Pass The Loot) in the offering basket. Almost all RCC parishes are wholly own subsidiaries of the Vatican. Keion seems to prefer that all charitable donations go through him so he can deduct “administrative costs”. 🤔 Think about it.
Obviously, I am in the wrong line of work.
This is one of the main reasons that people are leaving the church, refuse to attend church, and even the youth consider churches as Ponzi Schemes. This for-profit (prosperity) churches have given the true meaning of worship a dark look.
This is one of the main reasons that people are leaving the church, refuse to attend church, and even the youth consider churches as Ponzi Schemes. This for-profit (prosperity) churches have given the true meaning of worship a dark look.
This is one of the main reasons that people are leaving the church, refuse to attend church, and even the youth consider churches as Ponzi Schemes. This for-profit (prosperity) churches have given the true meaning of worship a dark look.
It saddens me that people even attend MEGA anything. It saddens me that people are willing to spend 1k a month on hair, nails, clothes, perfume/cologne, cars, cell phones, gaming consoles. Just to prove they can. My church is person to person. I never ask for money. I often give money or items that help the person. All I ever ask is to share some their good fortune to others. Sometimes they insist. I just say, I require nothing. But I'd you want, do what you think is OK. Sincerely, Be good to yourselves and kind to others. Rev Michael
Jesus never preached tithing to a church. He did speak on giving to the church body as believers. You give to a church there is no God Head from a building. Which proves the church is a dead building. But the God head is bodily consisting of members. A building can not support the equality of God. Its a form of worshipping God. The holy place is within you. Its where believers congragate as the church of Christ. You receive fulfillment from the God head in the spirit. The secert place in the mind of the spirit of man. That place is holy. The form of man can not go there only the spirit image of man. The flesh profits nothing.
People who give to a church are giving to something that can be destroyed. The life of the spirit of God can not. There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. Jesus preached giving as storing, But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
A building don't need people who are in need, people do. This is following Christ, when you follow Christ your following the image of God: the God Head. This is why Jesus thought it not robbery to be equal with God. Because men through him might be saved. Jesus gave the greatest offering, his life. Can a church building do that, the question is, has it ever. Praise God
I have always been told you cannot buy your way into heaven by tithing the Church the only thing that will get you there is proclaiming yourself to Jesus for you must go through him to inter reside with our Lord God in our Heavenly Father’s home
Tithe is what you give to the Lord. If you give money to a homeless person or someone in need then that's called a good deed. Also let me add this, the bible states that we should give our First Fruits and also we should give what we have decided in our hearts.
Tithe is what you give to the Lord. If you give money to a homeless person or someone in need then that's called a good deed. Also let me add this, the bible states that we should give our First Fruits and also we should give what we have decided in our hearts.
This country is full of "Pastors" milking the naive and overly trusting. I know of a Church (main line Baptist) in Virginia where the "Reverend Dr." has milked his HUGE congregation for Mansions, Summer "Get A Way - Retreat" homes, Villas in the Carib, Stretch Limo's with 24/7 Drivers for both he and his wife, and multi-million-dollar retirement accounts. All of these have been "Given Freely" by the Congregation in the form of annual bonuses and such. Not ONE dime of taxes does he pay! Look at the Financial Statement of Mr. Olsten sometime. He is Pastor and CEO of one of the largest Faith Based organizations in the country. It is reported that as many as 45,000 of his "Faithful" attend Services every Sunday. Is it "Right?" No, of course not, but as long as the "Faithful" show up, the "Cash Registers Will Ring!"
It always amazing how we can talk about a minister in some state and we know how many degrees they have and how many mansions and hide aways and retirement accounts yet they fail to mention his are hers name but, they just happened to remember Joel Osteen. NOW thats puzzling are is it once again a TRICK of the Devil. Remember the Devil, Satan, Serpent has not quit trying to deceive ALL of US. No different than the Garden of Eden.
He should be denounced at every turn
Ray Steven's song - "Would Jesus Wear a Rolex?"
He does not deserve to be called a pastor. He is preying on his congregation and I hope they are able to see this and remove themselves from his teachings.
Jesus said if you knew me you would know my Father but you are of your father the Devil. Stop with the judging and start praying that God will have his way and we all get over being selfish. Selfishness always starts with self. Who ever the Pastor is that maybe enriching himself will have to answer but if we want to join in, it doesn't matter which side we chose if it s not lifting up Jesus then its of no value, nothing but deception by the Devil. Don't be tricked.
Prosperity preachers are a leach on our society and the worst religion has to offer. Their message of "give me your money so you can reach God" is for the sole purpose of enriching themselves at the expense of their congregation and community.
Wholly agree. And as much as it shames me to admit, it also happens in pagan spaces. To a much smaller scale, sure, but it still happens.
(This isn't meant to imply that you're a pagan, I'm speaking from experience of being a pagan and being in those spaces)