Australians celebrate a victory for same sex marriage
Supporters of marriage equality celebrate in the streets after the results were announced. However, many Australians are refusing to accept the decision.

In a nonbinding referendum last week, Australians voted in favor of allowing gay couples to legally marry. The final tally: 61 percent in favor, 39 percent against. And while supporters of same-sex marriage are no doubt still celebrating this resounding victory, the months-long campaign revealed just how vast the cultural divide is on this issue.

The results of the vote show that Australian support for gay marriage is most prominent in wealthier big cities like Sydney or Melbourne, while suburban areas and those with large numbers of working-class immigrants were among the most opposed to it. These two conflicting demographics, already split along lines of class and faith, have only become more divided thanks to the drawn-out public debate over gay marriage.

**Ugly Tactics On Display


None of this was helped by the fact that opponents of same-sex marriage, perhaps foreseeing a losing outcome, became increasingly desperate as the campaign wore on resulting in some ugly tactics and hateful messages. As our readers might recall, one particularly distasteful campaign poster went viral earlier this year. Others got less media attention, but were equally nasty:

An anti-gay marriage poster in Australia

The Opposition Speaks

As passionate as supporters have been, those in opposition appear equally determined to fight back against same-sex marriage. Take Nick and Sarah Jensen, a married couple from Canberra: they've pledged to get divorced if marriage equality becomes law. By almost any measure, this seems like a drastic step. However, the Jensens appear ready to stand by their word.

"My wife and I, as a matter of conscience, refuse to recognize the government's regulation of marriage if its definition includes the solemnization of same sex couples," Mr. Jensen said. He acknowledged that "some have painted our act as simply a petty tantrum, a toddler's reaction who doesn't want to share and will simply take his toys home if he can't win," but denied being a sore loser.

Politicians are making their voices heard, too. Cory Bernardi, who heads Australia's conservative party, spoke at a national conference for Christians after the vote, saying:

"We can no longer be silent, we can no longer sit back and rely on prayer to change the course of earthly events. Prayer is important never underestimate that. If you want to pray for things, pray for strength for those who are leading in this battle."

Refusing to Give in

Just as various organizations in the United States are still fighting to overturn marriage equality, so have numerous Australian groups refused to give up the struggle. For example, Australia's Coalition for Marriage hasn't let the recent vote stop them from speaking out. Here's Lyle Shelton, who heads the organization:

"It's only a few Western countries that have decided they're better than the millennia of human history and anthropology, so they redefined marriage. I think we're showing a lot of chronological snobbery in a handful of countries in the west."

"In countries where marriage has been redefined, we have seen that this does not stop at same-sex marriage," said Coalition for Marriage spokesperson Monica Doumit. "Despite promises of LGBTQ lobbyists, this is not about 'living and letting live.'" The real concern, according to Doumit, is that the government will next target Christians' right to free speech a reference to the ongoing legal battle in the U.S. involving business owners who refuse to serve same-sex customers.

Perhaps inspired by such stories, Christian lawmakers in Australia have introduced a proposal that would allow bakeries to put up signs saying that they do not serve gay couples as a matter of conscience. Additionally, parents would have the ability to withdraw their children from schools that teach them about LGBTQ issues.

What Does the Future Hold?

Despite all the ugliness, the people of Australia have spoken. While the advisory vote did not actually create a new law, the large victory all but ensures that legislation will follow. But what about other countries? Is same-sex marriage destined to be legalized around the globe, no matter how organized or passionate its opponents are?

We'd like to think so, but let us not forget that being gay is still punishable by death in some countries. Safe to say that humanity still has a long ways to go.

Update -- Ugliness aside, there is plenty of cause for optimism. Take this story, for example: following the successful vote in favor of marriage equality, an Australian politician gave an emotional speech to parliament in which he publicly proposed to his partner.


  1. Peter's Avatar Peter

    Actually, it was not a referendum. Labour and Greens blocked. It was a non compulsory survey, which traitorous parliment decided to change into a vote. 61-39 is very misleading. Corruption was wild, Christian voting belts, never received or had surveys stolen. People reported this, told new ones would come out, never arrived (1.5 million at last count). Aged in nursing homes said no, there children, grandchildren filled out yes on the surveys, this was reported by hospital staff. Government responce, it wouldn't have changed the result.

    Feel cheated ?. Traitorous Government had the result already planed.

    Yes vote was less than 50% of the population.

  1. Clifford Oliver's Avatar Clifford Oliver

    Being Pro Balance is not being Anti-Gay. There are many kinds of unions. But perfect ones are quite rare and sacred to some.

  1. Benoit's Avatar Benoit

    Often we do not read The Great Commandment in its entirety, Matthew 22:35–40, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind”, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”

    To love someone as you love yourself implies to love them as they love themselves. We must love people in the way that they love themselves for us to express love according to 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

    Love your neighbors where they stand, not if your neighbor stood where you stand which is an impossible request. Your neighbor will and can never stand where you stand even if he/she were your identical twin

    If your neighbor is Gay or a Lesbian, then that is where he/she stands and it is your duty as God’s Image to love them as such no matter where he/she stands

  1. Benoit's Avatar Benoit

    To fear homosexuals is to be afraid of what we see in the "mirror" through them. Those not threatened by self identification in gay people find it normal for gays to be gays

  1. Alexandra platis's Avatar Alexandra platis

    I feel that there is nothing wrong with same sex marriage, I believe that in the Bible it states nothing about the matter. I see and hear about lots of people that are Christians and are awfully rude to homosexuals. Let’s say that there was a man and a woman and someone was mistreating them and that someone was a Christian. You would say that person was evil and would learn there lesson. But if someone were to disrespect a homosexual couple you would stand for the person making the hateful remarks. The homosexuals won’t go to hell. The homophobia people will. If you don’t agree with the matter it’s fine and I’ll respect your opinion. But if you are causing trouble to people to whom are gay it’s inappropriate and no longer acceptable. So next time u or someone else around you is inconsiderate to a homosexual think of what the actual right thing to do is

  1. Allen's Avatar Allen

    Benoit​, No, we do not all agree. ​The worshipers of YHWH, the Yahudim disagrees with a few things. ​​1. ​T​his is a false statement​, ​You said, ​"​ We all agree​ that the Bible is a guide and not an absolute standard.​" The scriptures are the very Covenant of YHWH. The Torah, Praises and the Prophets. All of us worshipers of YHWH disagree with you. Several million.

    ​2. T​his is a false statement​, ​You said, "...many instances in the Bible that. we all agree. do not stand the test of time..." Psa 119:142 "Your righteousness is righteousness. forever, And Your Torah is truth. 160 The sum of Your word is truth, And all Your righteous right-rulings are. forever. " The Renewed Covenant does not in any way delete the Covenant of YHWH, It endorses it. All of us disagree with you.

    ​3.​T​his is a false statement​, ​You said,​ "Living by the Bible in a literal sense will mean living a life style that is over 2000 or even 5000 years old. Not a practical thing to do.​" It is the one belief that is endorsed in the scriptures. Mal 3:6 “For I am יהוה, I shall not change,..." X-Thousands of people and I myself, follow the scripture in the worship of YHWH to this very day. You cannot name one instruction that applies to me that I cannot obey before YHWH.​ We all disagree with you, it is very practical, and it is called life.

    ​The Hebrew word "ebed" is poorly translated as slave. It means servant. There were also slaves/servants in confinement, usually the Jews.

    Scientific proof That people are born gay? You made three false statements so far, so I question this one too.

    1. Worshipers of YHWH are to resist gay acts​ which are listed in YHWH's definition of Sin​, ​just like ​people are to resist any other act ​YHWH calls sin.​ If people want to live in sin, "What they are saying to YHWH Almighty is​,​ "I will not repent.​" He will judge them, I will not​​. "1Jn 3:4 Everyone doing sin also does​ no-Torah, and sin​ is ​'No-Torah'.​...​ 6 ​.... Everyone sinning has neither seen Him nor known Him. 8 The one doing sin is of the devil, because the devil has sinned from the beginning.​"​ 1Jn 2:4 The one who says, “I know Him,” and does not guard His commands, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 5 But whoever guards His Word, truly the love of Elohim has been perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him.​" Bu the Word of YHWH,​ gays are not YHWH's children. YHWH destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Why? Sin.

    2. Many people turned away from worship-YHWH by ignorance or by choice, just as it is today. We were not all created perfect. I was born nearsighted, I chose the scientific path to get glasses. ​

    3. Our enlightenment is found in the wisdom of the Torah of YHWH the Creator​'s definitions of sin. Years ago all sinners, including gays​,​ were ​punished according to the Torah.

    4. Bearing false witness against ANYONE, including,​ Gay or Bisex​​ual is sin.​ ​You added, "besides and expression of love, grace and gratitude is sin."​

    ​Good point, ​The wages of Sin is Death says the​ word of ​​YHWH,​ ​Deu 6:24 ‘And יהוה commanded us to do all these laws, to fear יהוה our Elohim, for our good always, to keep us ​ alive, as it is today.​ ​ 25 ‘And it is righteousness for us when we guard to do all this command before יהוה our Elohim, as He has commanded us.’ ​ Not to keep them is sin/death. ​

    ​8. This is a false statement, You said, "there is no such thing as a greater sin." But Yahushua said, Mark 3:29 but he who blasphemes against the Set-apart Spirit has no forgiveness forever, but is subject to everlasting judgment,” So, "if you want to live according to a strict Bible," Any of the other sinners you mentioned can repent/turn-back, but they cannot keep sinning, by living outside the Torah to be in YHWH's family. But they can go to church. contradicting your opening statement, "the Bible is a guide and not an absolute standard.​"., Church goers do not "live according to a strict Bible."

    I very much disagree with the government creating laws that override YHWH.

    Glad to help, Shalom, Allen

    1. Benoit's Avatar Benoit

      You quote scripture well. Fortunately, you contradict yourself and consequently you are agreeing with me that every sin is a sin no matter the sin, Not to love unconditionally is a sin according to 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NIV) 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

      To condemn another (Bearing false witness) is a sin. Matt 7:5 “You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother's eye.”

      If all sins are equal then you are as damned for that lie you ever told and keep telling just as damn as that Gay man or woman you so stand on your fake righteous horse to condemn.

      Throw out all those single mothers who had children out of wedlock from your churches, throw out the product of their sin (their children born out of wedlock) Cast out the thieves in your churches, and do not drive that car because somewhere down the line, from the Steel mine to the rubber factory to the Sales man, that car is the product of sin and driving it makes you a sinner by association.

      Walk naked because your clothes are a product of sin. Do not eat because your food is a product of sin by association

      Live a pure life and do not associate with sin for all sins are equal. Jesus gave you a way out, you can avoid all this if you simply go by the GREAT COMMANDEMENT You can do all that or simply WALK IN SPIRIT BY The Great Commandment, Matthew 22:35–40, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind", "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." It does not say though shall love thy pure neighbor or thy straight neighbor or thy gay neighbor, or thy Christian neighbor or thy Muslim or black neighbor, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

      1. Allen's Avatar Allen

        Benoit = B.​ Glad that you finally found the good one.​ "B You quote scripture well." Thank you​.​ ​A ​Fortunately, stating that I contradict myself does not prove that I did or do.​ I do not.​ ​B "​Every sin is a sin no matter the sin,​" A yes, and the Torah defines sin and how to repent for forgiveness.​ The back up is,​​ Jas 2:10 For whoever shall guard all the Torah, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all. ​ I do not accept anything that Shaul wrote because he​ has been proven to overstep the Torah. ​You just proved it with 1 Corin. 13: 4-7. This ​is ​not​ a​ quoted from the Torah, it is Shaul's law. ​ ​Deu 4:2 “Do not add to the Word which I command you, and do not take away from it, so as to guard the commands of יהוה your Elohim which I am commanding you." Shame on Shaul. (Scriptures 1998+) B "To condemn another (Bearing false witness) is a sin."​ A I am not condemning anyone nor bearing false witness​. Guess who is condemning and bearing​ true​ witness? (Torah)Lev 18:22 ‘And do not lie with a male as with a woman, it is an "abomination( תּועבה to-ay-baw',...; properly something disgusting (morally), that is, (as noun) an abhorrence; especially idolatry or (concretely) an idol.)" ​Yahwah​ is the judge​.! B "If all sins are equal...righteous horse to condemn." ​ A ​ I've stated that I'm not condemning, but here is the definition of righteousness. It means to follow the Torah. ​ ​Deu 6:25 ‘And it is righteousness for us when we guard to do all this command before יהוה our Elohim, as He has commanded us.’ ​ That means not ​doing ​gay​ stuff​. But, Once again, the Torah allows everyone to repent.
        ​ ​Mat 9:2... “Take courage, son, your sins have been forgiven.” Joh 8:11 ​... And יהושע said to her, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.”​(keep the Torah)​ Yahushua did not say "go, keep living in sin." ​ ​1 Jn 3:4 Everyone doing sin also does no Torah, and sin is no Torah life,"
        ? 1 Which side of the fence are you on?​ B ...single mothers...children out of wedlock...the thieves... yada, yada. "Yahushua gave you a way out, you can avoid all this if you simply go by the GREAT COMMANDEMENT" ​(commandment)​ ​ A ​ First of all​,​ you​ left out a very important part of the​ words that He spoke​ right then​. You cannot do​ partial quotes and expect a full meaning.​​ ​ B ​Mat 22:37 And יהושע said to him, “ ‘You shall love יהוה your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your mind.’ “This is the first and great command. “And the second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ ​ A Now ​Yahushua's​ ​words that most of the world forgets:​ ​ ​Mat 22:40 “On these two commands hang all the Torah and the Prophets.”​ ? 2 Didn't see that coming? ​ Next,,, B "You can do all that or simply WALK IN SPIRIT ​...​"​ ​ A​ Great, here's how that works: ​​Eze 36:27 and put My Spirit within you. And I ​(​YHWH​)​,​ ​shall cause you to walk in My laws and guard My right-rulings and shall do them." This ​again ​leads us back to YHWH's Torah. ​? 3 ​Does the spirit that you have keep you in YHWH's Torah, or do you have someone else's spirit? Perhaps the one that says NO-TORAH?​ (there are so many spirits listed in the scriptures, I started to count them,,,)​ ​ B "It does not say though shall love thy pure neighbor, yada yada..." ​"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
        ​ A ​Great quote, let's see what ​that entails​. Jas 2:8 If you truly accomplish the sovereign law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbour as yourself,” you do well," ​Scripture means written, therefore, again it says to follow the written Torah. ​ ​ ​? 4 ​Do you follow our own quote​s​? ​ I still disagree with government butting into religious beliefs.​ ​ Shalom, Allen​

        1. Benoit's Avatar Benoit

          Exodus 20:17"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's." bullet Deuteronomy 5:21"Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbor's wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbor's house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbor's.

          YUCK! If you want to live by a book thats states it is okay for one human being to own another, then you live on by your Torah, I will abide by the New Testatement.

          Bury your head in the sands of time and stick with an obsolete law, in my book the Torah is sin against the New Testament in itself. All those saints are sinners, adulterers and abominations to sainthood. Examples not to be followed by their actions but cautionary tales to be avoided spiritually.

          A man is the social equivalent of a woman weather you want to believe it or not, and keeping woman subservient will never pass the test of time, no will denying the divine creation of gays and lesbians

        2. Allen's Avatar Allen

          Benoit . It is interesting. Just because theses are obsolete and void to you, that you now desire and want to "...covet thy neighbor’s house,...covet thy neighbor’s wife,...his manservant,... his maidservant,... his ox, ...his ass,...every thing that is thy neighbor’s.” (Your biblical quote, your new rules, "Exodus 20:17) . You may as well add; murder, stealing adultery, profaning the Sabbath, profaning YHWH's Name, disrespecting your parents, lying(bearing false witness you spoke AGAINST earlier), sleeping with your sister, mother, father, brother, animals, aunts and uncles and everybody that you choose, profaning the very Word of YHWH, because these are obsolete! And because you said, "Bury your head in the sands of time and stick with an obsolete law,..." ??? Okay. YHWH is your judge. Good luck with and in your own word, "YUCK!" . You either did not read or comprehend what the scriptures say that servants are. Please reread for the answer that YHWH's Torah allows, hint it is not whips and chains as you imply. If so then our civil servants, the police, firemen, congressmen, etc.. are slaves in your comprehension of the Word of YHWH. Wrong. . You said, "I will abide by the New Testatement.(testament)" . Again, you either did not read or comprehend what the renewed covenant said about obedience to the written covenant. Please reread that too. You may learn something about the covenant of YHWH. . You made your own law when you said, "in my book the Torah is sin against the New Testament in itself." Please quote THAT scripture for all us readers. . The christian hero Shaul, opposes your "Torah of the Renewed Covenant" about men and women as equals. "...and keeping woman subservient..." Strange but true. . As I said, I do not follow Shaul's false made up laws that you say you believe, or disbelieve, please make your mind. Your description of the renewed covenant causes me to believe that you have little if any knowledge of what the scripture is all about. Genius to revelation. . You kind of forgot to respond to your bible quotes, and my Q's. How about now? 1. ​ ​1 Jn 3:4 Everyone doing sin also does no Torah, and sin is no Torah life,"
          ? 1 Which side of the fence are you on?​ ​It's in the "new covenant!" 2. ​ B ​Mat 22:37 ... “ ‘You shall love יהוה your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your mind.’ “... ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ ​40 “On these two commands hang all the Torah and the Prophets.”​ ? 2 Didn't see that coming? ​It's in the "new covenant!" 3. ​​Eze 36:27 and put My Spirit within you. And I ​(​YHWH​)​,​ ​shall cause you to walk in My laws and guard My right-rulings and shall do them." This ​again ​leads us back to YHWH's Torah. ​It's in the "new covenant!" ​? 3 ​Does the spirit that you have keep you in YHWH's Torah, or do you have someone else's spirit? Perhaps the one that says NO-TORAH? 4. Jas 2:8 If you truly accomplish the sovereign law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbour as yourself,” you do well," ​Scripture means written, therefore, again it says to follow the written Torah. ​It's in the "new covenant!" ​ ​ ​? 4 ​Do you follow our own quote​s​? Found in the "new covenant!" ​ I still disagree with government butting into religious beliefs.​ ​ Shalom, Allen​

  1. Janice A Ellery's Avatar Janice A Ellery

    In some countries, everyone is required tp marry in a civil ceremony and then can have a religious second ceremony if they chose. Secular law and religious scripture should be separate.. That being said, eavh church, temple or mosque is then free to determine if they will perform the civil ceremony for a same sex couple. In legally defining marriage in the United States, we have opened up the door for other changes. A Muslim or Mormon man can now use the same legal reasoning gays did to assert they should be able to have more than one wife. The slippery slope can lead to group marriages or perhaps even the legal concept of marriage being dissolved entirely.

  1. Allen's Avatar Allen

    Please , Can anyone guide me in editing and deleting

  1. Allen's Avatar Allen

    Benoit​, No, we do not all agree. ​The worshipers of YHWH, the Yahudim disagrees with a few things. ​​1. ​T​his is a false statement​, ​You said, ​"​>>We all agree​<>we all agree<>forever,<>forever.<>​alive, as it is today.​<<​ 25 ‘And it is righteousness for us when we guard to do all this command before יהוה our Elohim, as He has commanded us.’ ​ Not to keep them is sin/death. ​

    ​8. This is a false statement, You said, "there is no such thing as a greater sin." But Yahushua said, Mark 3:29 but he who blasphemes against the Set-apart Spirit has no forgiveness forever, but is subject to everlasting judgment,” So, "if you want to live according to a strict Bible," Any of the other sinners you mentioned can repent/turn-back, but they cannot keep sinning, by living outside the Torah to be in YHWH's family. But they can go to church. contradicting your opening statement, "the Bible is a guide and not an absolute standard.​"., Church goers do not "live according to a strict Bible."

    I very much disagree with the government creating laws that override YHWH.

    Glad to help, Shalom, Allen

  1. Allen's Avatar Allen

    Benoit, That was even worse. Allen. How to delete or edit?

  1. Allen's Avatar Allen

    Sorry Benoit, the program is messing this up. One last time. ​1. ​T​his is a false statement​, ​You said, ​"​>>We all agree​<>we all agree<>forever,<>forever.<>​alive, as it is today.​<<​ 25 ‘And it is righteousness for us when we guard to do all this command before יהוה our Elohim, as He has commanded us.’ ​ Not to keep them is sin/death.

  1. Allen's Avatar Allen

    Benoit​, No, we do not all agree. ​The worshipers of YHWH, the Yahudim disagrees with a few things. ​​1. ​T​his is a false statement​, ​You said, ​"​>>We all agree​<>we all agree<>forever,<>forever.<>​alive, as it is today.​<<​ 25 ‘And it is righteousness for us when we guard to do all this command before יהוה our Elohim, as He has commanded us.’ ​ Not to keep them is sin/death. ​

    ​8. This is a false statement, You said, "there is no such thing as a greater sin." But Yahushua said, Mark 3:29 but he who blasphemes against the Set-apart Spirit has no forgiveness forever, but is subject to everlasting judgment,” So, "if you want to live according to a strict Bible," Any of the other sinners you mentioned can repent/turn-back, but they cannot keep sinning, by living outside the Torah to be in YHWH's family. But they can go to church. contradicting your opening statement, "the Bible is a guide and not an absolute standard.​"., Church goers do not "live according to a strict Bible."

    I very much disagree with the government creating laws that override YHWH.

    Glad to help, Shalom, Allen

  1. Clifford Oliver's Avatar Clifford Oliver

    Personally I feel it’s ones own Journey to find the Holy Grail. Which is what marriage between the RIGHT Man and Woman represents.

    But allowing the Government to basically trample one of the most sacred bonds, disguised in legality.

    Many marriages are just a contract. But is that what marriage is supposed to be? Or an inseparable bond between the perfect pair?

  1. Benoit's Avatar Benoit

    We all agree that the Bible is a guide and not an absolute standard. There are many instances in the Bible that we all agree do not stand the test of time due to social realities come to light or flat out obsoleteness and or the advent of more information and the advancement of society. We cannot agree that slavery and incest are wrong because of new knowledge and then condemn same sex marriage. We cannot agree to the New Testament of Universal Love and preach exclusion and bias.

    Living by the Bible in a literal sense will mean living a life style that is over 2000 or even 5000 years old. Not a practical thing to do.

    Science is a path the works, religion is a spiritual path to the works, and one does not denounce the other. There is scientific proof that people are born Gay or Bisexual. These are creatures made and created perfectly by a God we claim to worship.

    In light of our current enlightenment, human beings are not equipped with enough information or wisdom to condemn other humans based on their natural states. Born Gay or Bisexual is a natural state and that is why anything we can say about gays and bisexuals besides and expression of love, grace and gratitude is sin.

    The wages of Sin is Death says the Lord, there is no such thing as a greater sin. Denying the Gays and Lesbians but accepting fornicators, single mothers / fathers the unwed, rescued slaves into your churches is a sin if you want to live according to a strict Bible

    1. Allen's Avatar Allen

      Benoit​, No, we do not all agree. ​The worshipers of YHWH, the Yahudim disagrees with a few things. ​​1. ​T​his is a false statement​, ​You said, ​"​>>We all agree​<>we all agree<>forever,<>forever.<>​alive, as it is today.​<<​ 25 ‘And it is righteousness for us when we guard to do all this command before יהוה our Elohim, as He has commanded us.’ ​ Not to keep them is sin/death. ​

      ​8. This is a false statement, You said, "there is no such thing as a greater sin." But Yahushua said, Mark 3:29 but he who blasphemes against the Set-apart Spirit has no forgiveness forever, but is subject to everlasting judgment,” So, "if you want to live according to a strict Bible," Any of the other sinners you mentioned can repent/turn-back, but they cannot keep sinning, by living outside the Torah to be in YHWH's family. But they can go to church. contradicting your opening statement, "the Bible is a guide and not an absolute standard.​"., Church goers do not "live according to a strict Bible."

      I very much disagree with the government creating laws that override YHWH.

      Glad to help, Shalom, Allen

      1. Benoit's Avatar Benoit

        "he who blasphemes against the Set-apart Spirit has no forgiveness forever" Really now we see that one blasphemous act is greater than the other? Is the ultimate act not love? Therefore the ultimate blasphemy not to disobey by not loving according to the New Testament?

        Did God not create all living things? SO if God created hermaphroditic plants, or made plants able to become hermaphrodites under certain conditions, and live stalk be born gay, you a simple animal created by the same force (God), what makes you really different (special?) besides your false pretense to be any greater than your dog by creation and nature?

        Thinking all life is not in the image of God except humans is a sin called pride. To hate because of sexual orientation is hate nonetheless. You preach hatred in the name of a god you claim to be pure

  1. Allen's Avatar Allen

    If the entire world was gay, the entire world would void of human life in one generation. What a future.

  1. Robert Bell's Avatar Robert Bell

    It is looking like sotiom and Gomorrah again

  1. Timothy Carlstead's Avatar Timothy Carlstead

    I say let the people decide if they want to do LGTBQ weddings or not because everyone has their opinion and they have a right. Australia doesn't need to become like the USA because if so every Christian minister, every baker, and etc. will be forced to by law do LGTBQ weddings. Over here in the USA bakers refused to make LGTBQ wedding cakes and what do the gays do? They go up to United States Supreme Court and they get the judges to side with them on how they should have wedding cakes. What the Supreme Court said is "Since the 2015 ruling on LGTBQ Christians are gonna have to give service to the LGTBQ whether they like it or not." Now doesn't sound like something a dictator would force or would say?!?!? Basically what I trying to get at here is let the people decide if they want to do LBTBQ weddings or not. If they don't they can go some where else to get married and go back to where they live.

  1. Father Fred's Avatar Father Fred

    Personally I don’t have an axe to grind with same sex. It’s up to them to reckon with their God and justify their lifestyle. I know many gay couples and I can’t find fault with them personally or professionally. However, that pesky thing called “religion” and the Bible sure causes some problems.

    I think the biggest problem with same sex is to call their union a marriage, or to compare it to that of a male/female union. Historically, I don’t think most people would have minded same sex unions, but to many in the U.S. the issue of them claiming it was the SAME as that of a male/female flew in the face of many straight folks. I heard an interesting comparison by a Catholic parishioner, who said, “to call same sex unions the same as traditional marriage is like saying that Luciferian practices is the same as Catholic teachings.” And there is a good base for argument on this.

    For all the reasons same sex gave for needing their unions to be called a “marriage”, I think the problems of wills, estates, and other legal matters could have been solved without being in the face of the straight community. As one person put it, “you don’t blow out someone’s candle, and light yours, just to make your life brighter.”

  1. Charles Jenkins's Avatar Charles Jenkins

    I have an amazing idea. If same-sex marriage offends you, DON'T GET MARRIED to someone of the same sex. Your judgement goes against GOD. Love is truly love. If GOD created everything and everyone, then he alone should make the decision. Not government, not your hate or beliefs. I have married 14 same-sex couples and found them to be the most respectful and personable. Stop the hate!

  1. Bill Fox's Avatar Bill Fox

    Above all, this is a secular human rights issue. Traditional religious laws have not changed. The non-binding referendum does not require anyone to marry someone of the same sex, or, to perform a marriage of people of the same sex. Realistically, as long as the government does not require religious officials to perform same sex weddings, this is an example of what has happened in many civilizations, before they collapsed. This time, the collapse will involve half the people on the planet, the "West" as it is commonly known.

  1. Charles Henry's Avatar Charles Henry

    it's not the function of government to enforce Christian doctrine (or the doctrine of any other religion for that matter). As for "protecting the institution of marriage" by excluding gay couples, I have yet to hear a reasonable explanation of how gay couples getting married has any effect on the marriage of straight couples. Straight couples are free to get married and raise families either way. Gay couples just want to be able to do the same.

    1. Sara's Avatar Sara

      Well and logically stated. Thank you.

  1. Jim D.'s Avatar Jim D.

    If we remove the emotional and religious aspects from the issue, what is the legal objection for disallowing same sex marriage? Can anyone answer that without conflating their religious and/or emotional beliefs into their answer?

  1. Henry Pitt's Avatar Henry Pitt

    I will service any couple from man and woman or man and man or woman and woman. The Lord knows who we are going to love

  1. Timothy Hunt's Avatar Timothy Hunt

    Yes Dan God made me and you.he mad my sister's and all my family .Jesus's belief was to love each other leave the judging to our father.God made me so let's have dinner and get to know each other.We might just learn something

  1. Dan's Avatar Dan

    God makes man and female! We can talk about the legality? Who we are?

    1. Sara's Avatar Sara

      We are religious people who don’t agree with you. My heterosexual marriage and religious practice are not diminished one bit by same sex marriage. At least by getting married they are trying to live by the standards of our society and religion. Just think of how many heterosexuals are not doing that at all? Respectfully, your interpretation of what God says and wants is not the sole standard of religious thought. People who are thoughtful, moral and religious can and do have beliefs opposite from yours about same sex marriage.

  1. James's Avatar James

    Same gender marriage? Lets look at this "legally". A marriage (to the government) is a contract. In the USA it is illegal to discriminate in many ways when signing contracts. Buy a car, a house, etc. All contracts apply equally as long all parties are of legal age, sound mind, etc. This appears to be contract discrimination when denial is reached. The governments should NOT be GIVING permission / denial for contract signing when they have no set permissions to give it to parties who have no need to ask. Ministers, bakers, florists should be able to accept or reject ANY customer they wish. We see this sign in copious business often...We reserve the right to decline service to any one at anytime for any reason".

    Now the paradox of the moral side. As long as the "permissions / contracts" given by the gov is not adversely creating any more of an issue as if it were a man / women. The contract should be permitted.

    1. Robin Call's Avatar Robin Call

      The real problem is that LGBTQ is suing any establishment that refuses to accommodate them such as bakeries and anything else and the judicial system in the United States are allowing LGBTQ even though before same sex marriage was passed, everyone in the United States was guaranteed and reassured that lawsuits like this would not be allowed so based on that lie people voted to pass same sex marriage.

  1. Sara's Avatar Sara

    On the one hand I can see that people are wary, frightened and indignant about societal change. Homosexuality and transgender issues, for example, go way beyond their comfort zones and opinions about what is right. These ideas are further confirmed by the beliefs of their particular religion, which both comforts them and tells them what is acceptable to be good people.
    On the other hand, other people don't feel challenged by change, especially when it seems beneficial to their views of humanity. Their particular religious beliefs or non-briefs or philosophies validate their feelings as well.. In the U.S. all beliefs are held valid and equal and it's one of our greatest ideals. When certain groups feel their doctrine is superior and that their's is the only understanding as to what is proper and good for everyone it reminds me of how things like slavery and the Holocaust got started. In the United States your rights only go so far as they don't infringe on mine. God bless America.

  1. Randall Worcester's Avatar Randall Worcester

    I personally don't understand why gay marriage is an issue? What does it matter to anyone else but the two men/women & their friends and family? You don't like it, don't attend one. The LGBTQ community doesn't tell you or me how to live, so why should you tell them? When I stand before God I won't be asked "why did you judge your fellow man" "it is written thou shall not judge" Judgement is for God only. By selling something or doing a service doesn't mean you're complicit with their way of life, it only means you provided a service to someone. How many "heterosexuals" don't live up to your standards? Do you refuse service to them? Probably not! As for STD's being higher in the "gay" community is false on the face. There are far more "straight" people with STD's. I will leave you with this to think about. "Judge lest you be judged"

    1. Anita's Avatar Anita

      I am Christian and I agree.Leave the judging to God.

  1. John A Anderson, CD, CIF Mons ON's Avatar John A Anderson, CD, CIF Mons ON

    A few points: A) Marriage existed millenia before Christianity existed, long before Moses was born, long before Noah. Therefore, the point of saying that this is an attack on marriage, because it alters the point of view introduced into Christianity by Saul of Tarsis, doesn't hold any water. For most of the history of marriage, same sex marriages were commonplace enough that they tended to raise no eyebrows. In ancient Greece, the idea of marriage between a man and woman was actually frowned upon, other than for procreation. Nowhere in the first 3 books of the NT does Yeshua ibn Youssef speak out against homosexuality (these were chosen because they are recorded from oral stories which were started by those who were contemporaries of Yeshua; John lived a century later, and the bulk of the other books were written by Saul as letters, and introduced his point of view (and that of Judaism) into the mix). B) Same sex marriages have been legal in Canada for about 15 years now. While it is true that there have been some problems here, they have't been caused by that, but rather by political parties bickering about what is best. The overall tendency here has been one of acceptance, and let people make their own decisions about who they sleep with. Individual clergy still retain the right to deny a same sex couple their PERSONAL service (i.e., you cannot be forced to marry a couple if you don't want to), but ALL the major Christian denominations have accepted that this is simply extending the basic rights of an individual into a branch which was previously denied, rather than attacking the church's prerogatives. If a clergyman doesn't want to perform a ceremony, the couple can request another, or go elsewhere. C) As to a government's involvement, marriage is actually a contract between two people. Churches didn't get involved in the wedding business until the Crusades, when they discovered that marrying nobles could be used as a way to generate income, with little actual cost to the church. The more elaborate the wedding, the larger the donation that could be charged. The government actually, historically, had more involvement in marriage than the church, because contract law applied, and matters involving property ownership were of great importance during the feudal era, where ALL land belonged to the Crown, and was parceled out as they saw fit.

    1. Chris's Avatar Chris

      Well said. You covered everything I wanted to say! :-)

  1. Clayton Beardmore's Avatar Clayton Beardmore

    It's "safe to say that humanity still has a long ways to go." the article asks. Which way is it going to go is my question.

  1. Terry Johnson's Avatar Terry Johnson

    Have Faith

  1. Clifford Oliver's Avatar Clifford Oliver

    We’ve already lost most of our understanding of the sanctity of the Trinity. Perfection of the mind, body, spirit of both aspects Male/Female or Ain Soph, under God or the light. Even in heterosexual marriage.

    Same sex marriage is really just adding insult to injury in a sense. And driving one further away from finding that balance within.

    1. Paula Shea's Avatar Paula Shea

      But Marriage as far as the government is concerned is just a legal status. The Government is not in the business of defining religious status, and shouldn't be. Marriage allows certain legal benefits that should be allowed to all, not just certain religious groups.

      1. Barb Lanier's Avatar Barb Lanier

        Well said!

    2. Benoit's Avatar Benoit

      I would agree with you if homosexuality were a choice. These human beings are gay and lesbian by divine design and by you people referring to them as flawed is making a bold statement that your perfect God is not perfect after all and you its creation know better than the hand that mocked it.

  1. Paster Quinn's Avatar Paster Quinn

    "America's right to free speech" is protection against government censorship. That's all. So Censorship only applies to the Gov't interfering with your right to free speech.

    Private organizations, such as newspapers, magazines, and website forums may make their own rules about what they will publish or permit. They may at their discretion block any user or any comment for any reason that they see fit without explanation or reason.

  1. James's Avatar James

    Why are my comments already waiting for moderation? Censorship?

    1. Huckabee's Avatar Huckabee

      you mean your comment here that was posted uncensored?

  1. James's Avatar James

    It is a fact based conversation. Homosexual people have the highest s. T. D. Levels. It is Sodomy. It is also an Individuals right to live whom ever they choose. Those are valid points. My question is :other than insurance, and taxes, what does a govt have to do with marriage. Wells and proxies fix that issue. So, is it just an "look what I can do now" thing? Because this topic never comes up in my world. Like many others in this string of commentaries.

    1. Sweet Jesus's Avatar Sweet Jesus

      Men have the highest STD percentages. Gay men at the top, straight men next, straight women, and gay women have least amount of STDs. That’s the fact. When you think of gays you seem to be only think of men. Gay men and women overall have least STD than heterosexuals. Both percentage wise and in numbers.

    2. Pat Neary's Avatar Pat Neary

      I am straight laced,...and a practicing heterosexual,...common-law, married man, a woman, However, I know what the Bible states about gays, etc. Let Jesus be the "judge!"

      1. Dragon Priest's Avatar Dragon Priest

        The bible is one crazy book filled with hateful rules that goes against Source and what it is. Source can't and does not condemn its creation... And it created gays as well. The bible also says ZERO about abortion! So the word of God? Hardly!

        1. Allen's Avatar Allen

          pablo Fumero Ref; Hate, you wrote, "The bible is one crazy book filled with hateful rules"? You missed a few verses, or forgot, or never read them. Whichever.
          Yahushua said, Mat 7:12 “Therefore, whatever you wish men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Torah and the Prophets. I can't see the hate here. Mark 12:30 ‘And you shall love יהוה[YHWH] your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the formost prescription. 31 “And the second, like it, is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other prescription greater than these.” I can't see the hate here. 1Jn 5:3 "For this is the love for Elohim, that we guard His commands, and His commands are not heavy,..." Ya'aqob/James 2:8 If you truly accomplish the sovereign Torah according to the writtings, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you do well, I can't see the hate here either.


          Shamoth/Ex. 20:13 "לאH3808 Thou shalt not תרצח׃H7523 murder." H7523 רצח râtsach raw-tsakh' ...; properly to "dash in pieces", that is, "kill (a human being), especially to murder:" Abortion is; "dash in pieces", that is, "kill (a human being), especially to murder:" You're welcome, Do you have any more questions? Shalom Allen

          1. Peter's Avatar Peter

            If you call the Bible hateful, how would you describe the Evil Koran. Kill all non believers, woman only half ax good man equal to dogs, rampant pedophilia, rape is for allah.

            What do you say to this Pablo ?

          2. Wendy's Avatar Wendy

            The Bible actually does specifically mention abortion. It's required when a woman commits adultery, and the abortifacient is administered by a priest. It's the trial of bitter waters in Numbers 5.

          3. Benoit's Avatar Benoit

            What do you call a God that has a need to slaughter innocent children in order to punish adults? Is it a bully God? A weak God? A dictator God or a hateful God? Ex. 11:1–12:36

            Had the First Council of Nicaea in AD 325 gone otherwise, Jesus would be just another prophet not unlike Mohamed.

            A decision clearly left to the hands of human Politics resulted in a slew of religious branches.

            To claim the Bible or Quran or any other so called holy book is the absolute word of God is as short sighted and ignorant as doubting that I spoke to God this morning. How can you tell I am not a liar about this? That God is not the one who told me so? Or to write this to you?

            Any witnesses on Mount Sinai to Corroborate Moses’s claim of the Burning Bush and ten Commandments coming from a God? Or was Moses playing a political game to gain leadership?

            Nonetheless we are ready and willing to claim we are intelligent enough to know God condemns Gays and Lesbians yet the limits of critical thinking skills required to see through the Dogma that is written all over the bible require less than a first grade education

        2. Sofia A Smith's Avatar Sofia A Smith

          Hi,we all have a right to feel, but I don't think God give us rules to kill us, but keep us in his will, with out rules there would be chaos.genesis 1:26 God did not create gays he created a man and a woman and thats how he wanted it to be.

      2. Denis L's Avatar Denis L

        And what exactly does Jesus have to say about gays in the Bible Patrick?

        1. Allen's Avatar Allen

          Denis L, You have a very interesting question that you sent to Patrick. Are you for or against the Messiah Yahushua? I have the answer to the question. Shalom Allen

        2. ivuzw mv3po's Avatar ivuzw mv3po

          Yeshua, Jesus, according to John 1:1-15 is the Creator. Therefore the prohibitions against bestiality and same sex sex in the OT, do come from Jesus. He did not address it in the NT, because he already forbade it in the OT.

          1. Allen's Avatar Allen

            ivuzw mv3po. Great response. Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with YHWH, and the Word was Elohim. "because he already forbade it in the OT." Shalom Allen

          2. Benoit's Avatar Benoit

            Why do we make a big deal out of homosexuality when the Bible Forbids fornication just as much. The Bible also condones if not accepts slavery, why are not not pro slavery as much as you are anti Gay?

          3. Allen's Avatar Allen

            Benoit I do not think that you are addressing me, but I will address the fact that most of us were taught incorrectly. B Why do we make a big deal out of homosexuality when the Bible Forbids fornication just as much. A 1. (Torah)Lev 18:22 ‘And do not lie with a male as with a woman, it is an "abomination( תּועבה to-ay-baw',...; properly something disgusting (morally), that is, (as noun) an abhorrence; especially idolatry or (concretely) an idol.)" 2. fornication / whorings:, What you are addressing is temple prostitution. Pay for sex. It is the same in the Greek text in the renewed covenant. Mat 15:19 “For out of the heart come forth wicked reasonings, murders, adulteries, whorings, thefts, false witnessings, slanders. As a kid I was taught by Xtianity that it meant something completely different....You can guess. B The Bible also condones if not accepts slavery, A The word "ehbed" was mistranslated , It means servant. I.E. I loan you $40,000, and you work for me for a year. There was evil slavery and YHWH did not condone it. The first time it is used: Gen 44:10 And he said, “Now also let it be according to your words: he with whom it is found becomes my slave, and you are innocent.” " עבד Ehbed: servant." not slave. Once again, the Torah and YHWH allows us to repent and not sin anymore. Shalom, Allen

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