A drag queen reads a book to kids at drag queen story hour
Drag Queen Story Hour began as a small operation in San Francisco, but quickly grew to a global phenomenon. DQSH now produces over one hundred events each year and has chapters worldwide.

The South Hill Library in Spokane, Washington became the latest moral battleground over the controversial Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH).

Hundreds of jeering protesters and counter-protesters faced off outside the library as parents and their excited children gathered inside to listen to Andrea Tate, a drag king better known as Tirrany, read from such books as "The Princess and the Pony," "Not all Princesses Wear Pink" and "Love Is Love Is Love," part and parcel of a national program designed to expose kids to positive queer role models and gender fluidity.

"I'm done with letting drag be confined to adult-only spaces," explained Tate of the Spokane event, where libraries turned away dozens of kids due to the large public turnout. "Obviously we're not teaching kids what it means to be gay. That's not our goal here. Our goal with this story hour is to teach kids that regardless of what someone else looks like, or who they love, we have no place telling them they're not allowed to do that."

Drag Dissent

Conservative Christian Tom Turner, who joined about 200 people protesting the Spokane event, waving signs reading "Gender fluidity is a lie" and "Drag is Black Face," was not buying Tate's message of inclusion for one second.

"I'm on this side of the street because God isn't over there," he said, pointing to the 400-or-so counter-protesters who showed up to support the drag queens. "Ultimately, they're being deceived. The fact that this is happening all over the U.S. reflects where our society and culture is headed. Sin is never satisfied."

Anti-LGBTQ rights organization MassResistance mobilized a similar protest at a Seattle story hour, describing it as inappropriate and hypersexualized. And a religious group in Houston even filed a legal challenge against DQSH, saying the event violated their religious freedom.

Meanwhile, at an unrelated "Teen Pride" celebration at a Washington public library, two concerned mothers were ridiculed online for their efforts to expose a graphic dance by a drag queen, as well as the distribution of questionable adult sex and gender materials.

Still, the pastor of Westminster United Congregational Church of Christ applauded the Spokane event, glad that her own granddaughter could attend. "Even though there's only one of me up here," began Rev. Andrea CastroLang, "there are other Christian churches that are friends and allies, and it really sucks to have to represent Christianity sometimes because we've done a lot of disservice. So I'm here to try and be a friendly face."

The Debate Drags On

The libraries hosting the events are generally very supportive of the events. Judy Zuckerman, Director of Youth and Family Services at Brooklyn Public Library, said that "Drag Queen Story Hour is a fun and important program that celebrates diversity in the way that children may dress and act. It encourages children to look beyond gender stereotypes and embrace unfettered exploration of self."

But those in opposition see Drag Queen Story Hour as the unnecessary promotion of homosexuality to children. One protester at the Des Moines, Washington Drag Queen Story Hour laid his argument out. "Why impose this lifestyle on a child? Children will grow up and learn their own opinions all by themselves. There's no reason for this." Another protester at last year's event in Mobile, Alabama was even blunter. "They're going to try to say that they're just trying to teach kids how to read Everybody knows that's not what this is about. They're trying to teach children that there's nothing wrong to have two fathers instead of a mother and father. I mean that's what this is all about, and I'm against that."

So as Drag Queen Story Hour continues, so too will the protests. But DQSH co-founder Jonathan Hamilt is unfazed by the opposition, and insists the protests are born out of ignorance. "When you leave big liberal areas, people tend to be more conservative. Their fear can come out as anger."


  1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

    You idiot

  1. Minster Raydeen's Avatar Minster Raydeen

    Our Children needs the word of God more than anything, we have told them too many stories already, Easter bunny, Santa and the devil with horns. GIVE THEM THE TRUTH OF GOD!!!!

    1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

      How about christmas? Most "truth" in Christianity is a pagan lie. And it doesn't stop at holidays.

      1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

        That's what he is talking about... pagans got involved and added all that. Ceasar needed it to be easy for the Roman's to accept. That's why we need to teach our families the right way and avoid false teachers.

        1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

          Most "Christianity" doctrine today has its origins in paganism. Including that Jesus was some kind of "godman". I taught my kids the fundamentals of right and wrong. But I had them go through the Lutheran church to get an idea of what religion was. Lutherans are a social group and quite orthodox. We were balanced in child rearing tending to guide the kids rather than punish them and I didn't push anything on them that wasn't societally acceptable. Now one is a lawyer and the other a financier. They are amazing children and quite balanced. I raised them to have a good life. Not to be religious fanatics. I would not have allowed them to be taught by a perv in a clown suit. We were most careful in their public schooling and watchful about what went on.

    2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Raydeem, if god doesn’t exist there is no truth of him.

      No child should be taught anything they cannot fully comprehend due to the infirmity of their years. Teach them how to think, not what to think. Let them make their own decisions when they are fully capable of doing so.

      I get told that I seem very angry about religion. Yes, I am angry. I am angry I was lied to. I am angry that I was brainwashed. I am angry that I was taught to be religious before I could even do basic math. I am angry because religion infects your brain, and it’s very hard to get away from the constant fear and guilt that is instilled in you before the age of reason.

      I now think......therefore I do not have a lot in common with many people. Let children think!


      1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

        That's exactly the opposite from the truth. Teach a child the ways of the lord and he will not depart from them... you were taught something other than the way of God by something not really christian. Why don't you leave raising our kids up to us... apparently your way failed

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          Clearly, I am no match for your level of ignorance.


        2. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen


        3. The Doctor's Avatar The Doctor

          We all know that any emotional bias — irrespective of truth or falsity — can be implanted by suggestion in the emotions of the young, hence the inherited traditions of an orthodox community are absolutely without evidential value…. If religion were true, its followers would not try to bludgeon their young into an artificial conformity; but would merely insist on their unbending quest for truth, irrespective of artificial backgrounds or practical consequences. With such an honest and inflexible openness to evidence, they could not fail to receive any real truth which might be manifesting itself around them. The fact that religionists do not follow this honorable course, but cheat at their game by invoking juvenile quasi-hypnosis, is enough to destroy their pretensions in my eyes even if their absurdity were not manifest in every other direction

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Once again you are right on with your comments. Religionists are slowly imploding due to their level of ignorance. Fortunately for us, they are so ignorant they cannot see it.


          2. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            Religionists are obviously fed their own brand of religion. However, that does not negate the Bible or the existence of God. I was born into a cult, became a scientist and in being who I am disproved religion but confirmed the validity of the Bible and the existence of God through objective research. Just like religionists, atheists hold to their belief without proof and to their own agenda. religionists twist and define the Bible to their own agenda. but atheists simply reject intuitive evidence and reject God based on a supposed lack of proof. Neither is a valid basis for any kind of philosophy.

          3. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            You are illogical and a fool. If religion is true, why would you not share it to save and protect those you love the most? You do what you want. But there is no rational way to justify what you do as being right. Wrong is wrong. You people need to leave those kids alone. You know damn well how important it is to teach kids... that's why you want to "teach"/groom them in your perverted ways instead.

          4. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            The burden of proof Kim is always upon the person making the claim. You make the claim your god exists. You know you have absolutely no proof whatsoever.

            If I make a statement of saying fairies exist, or the Loch Ness monster is real, it's for me, as that claimant, to provide evidence of my claim. It's not for anyone to disprove them, only for the claimant to validate their claim.

            So, bottom line Kim. If you say a god exists, do what your mythical god is struggling to do and come up with the goods. Not some pathetic airy fairy statement like, it's in our genes. It's very obvious that your mythical god cannot do it, so try and help him out.

            Get your name on the Nobel prize, as a chemist, that proved her claim unequivocally, with proof that everyone understands, even the worlds illiterate, and those starving in Africa, that your god is real and exists.

            Quit trying to turn other peoples statements around in a vain attempt to make a point. That just doesn't wash. Where's your proof? Forget other peoples statements, where's your proof?

            If all you can do is reply with a poor piece of rhetorical prose, then forget it. We'll take it you don't have any.


          5. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            Hey Lion...I choose to acknowledge God exists based on observation of the collective intuition inherent in the human genome. Just as we all choose to intuitively acknowledge Truth and Reality exist yet know both can never be comprehended based on our limited senses. You choose the opposite and logically in rejecting the existence of God you should also reject the existence of Truth and Reality beyond your personal comprehension. Yet you do not. I put it to you that your rejection of God is a contradiction in logic and intuition. You keep bringing up fairies yet you probably think extraterrestrials are "out there". Next time forget the fairies and talk to me about extraterrestrials.

          6. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            James...If you read my posts you should know that I recognize religion to be a human contrivance and mostly false teachings.

        4. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          As expected, just a fallacious rhetorical word salad. Why was I expecting anything else?


          1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            Small wonder you're an atheist dear. I feel for you.

          2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Yes, atheism is inherent in all of our human genome, the same as it is with all animals, until a DNA marker mutates and becomes corrupted, very often by the programming of religious indoctrination. The mutation is very hard to correct, but is often diagnosed by recipients using completely fallacious religious word salads that mean absolutely nothing at all with the real intent that they do. The only people they delude are usually themselves, and others with the same genetic defect. Treatment is extremely complex, and those afflicted with the virus are rarely cured.

            The one good thing about this illness/mutation is that it only affects the DNA of Homo sapiens, so you can rest assured that your dogs, cats, and other pets still have atheism inherent in their DNA, so you won't be seeing them barking at a Holy Dog, or meowing at a Holy Cat. If you do, it's become affected and it needs putting down to put it out of its misery.


        5. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

          Aliens, those who came down, the fallen ones, those who were cast out, ... somehow I knew we were going to get tangled up in Sumerian text.

          1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            NOT fallen angels.....lion's little green men

  1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

    Lionnuts. You can try to wear me down with your idiots liberal logic call you want to... I've done my research and I'm not a weak spineless person like so many you have met you may as well give up now. Because I don't give in to things I don't believe in. And since I know so much more than you about everything you seem to be confused about you might want to consider stopping... because it's better to be considered a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt even though it is a little late for you. No need to throw fuel on the Fire. You're going to get enough of that in the next life if you don't change your ways. But as I said that's between you and God and I'm not a middle man. So go ahead and bask in your ignorance. Ignorance is bliss. But, for someone who should be so blissful you seem pretty miserable and full of hate. Your attack of Christianity is further proof that you people just aren't happy.. you appropriated the word gave which meant happy and light of heart. But you people are anything but happy or light of heart. You try to take on the name Lionheart well you are anything but a resemblance of that moniker. Maybe you should re-evaluate your life before you start attacking things you don't understand. If you don't like Christians then don't be one. Don't associate with them and don't attack them.. because not all of the sons of thunder are gone...

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      It’s truly amazing James that out of approximately 500,000 sperm you were the fastest. Those of us who have the ability to understand you have empathy for the trials and tribulations you are clearly going through. We wish you well in your healing and recovery. If it’s any comfort, just know that there are many people around the world, just like yourself, going through the same religious manure.


    2. The Doctor's Avatar The Doctor

      Lets see your post begins with an insult, continues with insults, then states you are superior while so much in your writing and posting style indicates the opposite. You then attempt to define the person your attackings mindset as if you are a psychic. Finally you finish it off with a threat attempting to sound like your a member of a larger group capable of violence, which indicates you are indeed not a true christian, as a true christian would sooner die then fight back or cause harm to anyone even to save themselves.

      You are likely so full of your own bile your incapable of understanding that your entire statement renders your position invalid in any forum of debate.

      1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

        ya gotta admit...……...Valmaz has a point.

      2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        I’m right with you. Excellently written article T’Keren Valmaz.

        1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

          Why don't you too get a room or whatever it is your kind does when you want to hook up

  1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

    And you can google those statistics yourself. No link required

  1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

    I am well aware it is not a Christian anything. As most of you so-called ministers prove everytime you attack normal thinking people . I'm fine with you doing your thing. I'm just tired of your kind attacking everyone then claiming to be the victim. While bullying everyone you encounter. I can't even imagine what kind of religion you claim to be. You talk worse than Muslims during a jihad. But are bigger cowards than Hindus who allow cows to walk all over them. Truth is you're probably just some liberal keyboard warrior who hates everyone and got the ministers thing as a joke. Because everyone who knows you knows you aren't the type in any religion.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      I notice your comments appear to be sarcastic and very unchristian, but who knows how a Christian is supposed to behave towards his fellow man? I honestly don’t, from comments I read on here.

      ULC is not only an ecumenical service organization but also caters to many religions/beliefs. So, I have no problem performing services for any religion including paganism, and also yours. Would you perform a service for someone of a different religion to yours James. I do hope you would, seriously.

      I’m all for showing love and kindness to those who need it at those special times. I’m sorry you don’t see those that have different beliefs to yourself as being kind. I think you will find most of us are. In fact, I think you might find our morals could be better than many Christians, but there are always exceptions.

      Hugs ? to you James.


      1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

        You judging me? What a joke. You support grown men molesting children and you attack me for not being politically correct or what you think a Christian is. Clearly you have no earthly idea what a Christian is. Didn't you say We are evil people scarring people with fables of lakes of fire and damnation? Fear mongering as one commit you made stated. Only not you claim as a Christian I need to be more of a pushover... a weak spined Hollywood cliche? Well which is it gay-guy? Looks like you need to pick a narrative and stick with it. Just don't look for me going along with any of your lying liberal crap. You do what you want with consenting adults in private... but never think I could support you lusting for children

      2. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

        Clearly you've never read the Bible if you think Christians have to accept people of other religions and their religions. Especially when the Bible says do not allow sin among the people. I think you're confusing wife with Hollywood. And modern-day weak people claiming to be Christians that don't have the backbone or stomach to stand up for what they believe in. Churches that allow perversion into their congregation. Which was never allowed before. If something is wrong it's wrong there is no hate in calling them on it. And there's no love and allowing it to continue because it's like a cancer that will destroy the entire group. And it is destroying modern churches. What's the point of going to church if they teach you can do anything you want and still go to heaven. They sure don't teach what's in the Bible. God hates sin. Yet they teach sin is acceptable. I'm not saying they have to be mean to people. I'm just saying they should not allow these people to destroy the group. Sorry if it hurts your feelings if I don't let you into my group when you don't believe what my group believes. Why the hell would you want to be in a group like that anyway. The only answer is you want to destroy it from inside. That you are the one that is full of hate not the group who just wants to live to a code they established for themselves or rather the Bible did.

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          Your ignorance, anger, and piousness is amazingly laughable and pathetic James. You are to be pitied, along with your mythical god.

          It’s crazy how crazy religions think the other crazy religions are crazy and their crazy is the right crazy.

          Definition of your god: -spaceless -timeless -Immaterial -unprovable

          Definition of Nothing: -spaceless -timeless -immaterial -unprovable

          The similarity is really weird isn’t it James? Do you have the mental capacity to understand that James?

          Possibly not!


          1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            God, like Truth and Reality can and should be intuitively acknowledged but defining God, Truth or Reality contrives them to be nothing more than an extension of limited human engineering and thus are falsely God, Truth and Reality.

          2. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            Believing in God isn't about proving anything. It's about faith. People like you will never understand. Guess you are where you belong

          3. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            Most fanatical religionists like James don't actually believe in God. They believe in what their organization leaders tell them about God. Big diff.

          4. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            What leaders? Who ever said I attend a church? I must have hit pretty close to home for you to get so butthurt words don't hurt you chicken wing, it's what you know about yourself that really makes you angry. All you have said through out this is the same package slightly reworded over and over again. Delivered with no imagination or wit. You don't like Christians boo-hoo. Orange-man bad. You hate America, you hate white people. You are so full of self-loathing you stink of it. How many little creatures have you had to torture to get you through the long days of your own emptiness? Yet you call me sad? Well, perhaps I am sad for those little animals you have so heartlessly killed and maimed for your dead gods and little statues. What have they done for you? Taken your grandson while you blame some other persons God for it. So typical of your kind

          5. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            Kimberly you are no Christian. You are the fool they judge all other Christians by. Even the real ones.you would have supported killing christ because he was too fanatical for you too. You missed your era, stoning others for having different beliefs is long gone clown

          6. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            James....I never said I was a "Christian". Jesus was not some kind of "godman" born of adultery and/or fornication. Nor was he God. "Christians" will be the most surprised of us all when we rise to be judged. And the Bible clearly states the world will not accept Jesus' return. Just as they didn't accept him the first time.

            Luke 21:8 And he (Jesus) said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for MANY shall come in my name (ie/as my "brothers" or "brethren" or "Christians), saying, I (Jesus) am the Christ; and the time draweth near (for my return): go ye not therefore after them.

          7. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            James......sticking feathers up your butt don't make you an eagle.

    2. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

      normal thinking people think perverts teaching children is wrong.

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Yes, thank you Kim. When did you come around to my way of thinking?

        People who teach hell, burning lakes of fire, damnation, sin, a final judgment by a mythical deity, are so perverted. I’m so glad you’ve joined the ranks of normal thinking people. ?


        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          Your argumentum ad populum doesn’t hold water in its logic.

          There was a time the majority of people on the face of the earth believed everything in the universe revolved around the earth. Did that make them right? People who believed otherwise were classed as heretics. Galileo was in fact imprisoned until his death because he proved mathematically that the earth was not the center of the universe, and he proved the earth revolves around the sun.

          Bottom line: your argumentum ad populum logic is flawed.

          The reason few have attacked my pagan beliefs is very possibly because I am not pagan.

          I’m noticing you mention pedophilia a lot in your posts to various members of this blog when that topic isn’t even being addressed, so I’m just wondering if you’ve ever thought of having a psychosexual evaluation to determine why that thought keeps cropping up in your thought structure to keep addressing it? Just asking!

          May your days be filled with love for your fellow man.


        2. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

          Silly Lion...tricks are for kids. We've always been like two Nazi's in step with politics and religion. The problem is that you won't admit that neither originates from the Bible and that the "mythical god" isn't the God of the Bible.

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Does it matter which mythical deity is the god of the Bible? In our hearts I think we all really know that he, and all other man made gods, don’t exist.


          2. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            You have proof of non-existence...not possible. No mythical deity is the God of the Bible. Mankind has intuitively acknowledged the existence of God from the beginning. Religion has simply taken advantage of that. The Bible is anything but religious even though it is most often used in that capacity. There is a clear distinction between reality and so-called religious "spirituality". You have failed to make that distinction. Many who claim to be atheists have made that same mistake.

          3. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Kim, you are so wrong, it’s unbelievable as a chemist that you cannot see it.

            Mankind has “not” intuitively recognized the existence of god.

            Since mankind has had the ability to think, there has always been the ability for enquiry.

            Enquiry, and even intuition, can create untruths, and only testing ideas created from an enquiring mind can prove reality. You as a chemist should be able to understand that.

            You might have intuition in the chemist lab but nothing is real until that thought can be demonstrated to be correct. This is simple chemistry 101. Intuition, on its own, can be your nemesis.

            If all we needed in life was intuition we wouldn’t need witnesses and evidence in a court of law.


          4. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            Believe that if you want kim. We'll believe what we believe.

          5. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            Lion dear...you speak of evidence in a court of law. That is precisely what the Bible has been compiled to be. The fact that religion has taken it for their own agenda doesn't change anything. The "book" remains sealed. Regardless of whether we can read it or not we don't know what it actually says and won't until we stand to face God Himself. The ultimate court of law.

            Daniel 7:10 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.

            Revelation 5:5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

            Revelation 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

      2. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

        No wonder you side with them. You are all of the same type.

  1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

    Good thing this isn't Facebook your good people would have reported me at my first comment even though we supposedly have free speech you're entitled to your opinion. But don't try acting like it's the true. People like you abort babies so you should have no say in how the rest of us raise ours. You suck as a human being. I can feel your hate radiating like heat. What's the matter. Christians having an opinion hurts you so bad? But Muslims killing you is just fine? Good luck with that.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      “People like you abort babies...”

      But didn't people like your god kill babies, and not only babies, he drowned their mothers as well, and more than likely pregnant mothers? Your god has some very weird morals.


      1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

        That's the Mayans dumbass. And perhaps Catholics at some point or another during a war. Which really wasn't the Catholics themselves but War profiteers who fought for them. Against Invaders who invaded Europe murdered raped and tortured the Europeans until the Crusades fought then back to the Middle East. But try to stay on topic Wingnut... you are all over the board trying to spread your hate about Christianity and attacking people who don't deserve it.. you want to hold Christians accountable for things people who claim to be Christians but he will not christ-like did centuries and Millennia is ago. While saying it's okay for homosexuals today to do just as bad or worse. Talk about a hypocrite and having double standards. Your Muslim friends do exactly what you accused Christians of and they are doing it today. They burn your kind of life and throw you off of buildings for fun. They currently own slaves and sex slaves and molest children. They commit all kinds of atrocities toward women. And like the true fool you are and the poor Marksman you want to attack Christians to have no part of this. Further proof you are not a deep thinker

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          So you’re trying to tell me your god didn’t drown most everyone on earth including children, babies, women, some pregnant, during the flood, apart from a drunkard called Noah and his family?

          Are you also trying to tell me your god didn’t kill all the first born children, and animals due to his anger at Pharaoh?

          Who is the dumb ass James. Don’t you know your Bible, or do you think these stories are still just Mayan?

          You need serious help James, especially with ignorance and your Christian morals of attempting to berate those more educated than yourself.


  1. Vicky's Avatar Vicky
    1. Drag Queens are not dangerous.

    2. ULC is not a Christian organization, despite all the 'good Christians' posting their loving opinions here.

    3. Feeding your child the typical Christian dogma of born a sinner/must be saved or they will burn in hell IS dangerous.

    4. Drag Queens are not dangerous.

    1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

      You're wrong of course........................

      HOUSTON, Texas, March 19, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A pro-family activist group has uncovered the truth about the pedophile past of a drag queen who reads to young children at a public library’s “Drag Queen Storytime.” Thirty-two-year-old Albert Garza is a registered sex offender who was convicted of assaulting an eight-year-old boy in 2008, yet that has not hindered him from dressing in garish women’s clothing, calling himself “Tatiana Mala Nina,” and performing in front of kids.

      1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

        Which is pretty common. But liberal media won't report on it because it goes against their narrative. Numbers wise so-called straight men commit more crimes. But make up 49% of the population. While gay men only make up around 1% of the population. Yet per capita commit so many more crimes mystically than the straight population. 86% of gay men admitted when asked to have had sex with minors. 46% admit to doing it on a regular basis with minors under the age of ten. Yet still these sick pieces of human garbage come on here trying to spread their lies and attack people who don't approve of child abuse. And lie to people who haven't looked into the statistics. In an attempt to brainwash the uneducated.

  1. The Doctor's Avatar The Doctor

    To highlight a few realities of history for those decrying acceptance and tolerance of those not of their faith let me do so now without bothering to waste energy replying to the specific god fear mongering willfully ignorant and delusional fools.

    Accepting this behavior is the opposite of being like the Nazi, who murdered those they deemed deviant alongside Jews. They in fact where very pro christian as they used that faiths animosity for the Jewish scholars stating Jesus was not the figure of their ancient prophecy as another way to rally the people against the Jews.

    The Russian Orthodox Church was the state endorsed religion under Stalin,who also had those deemed deviants persecuted and executed along with other innocent people. Both of these nations despite the labels used by those leaders were Dictatorships. Dictators use dehumanizing language to isolate and degrade while using fear of the "Others" to motivate and rally the ignorant masses.

    We also saw this behavior under Spain during the reconquesta to persecute and drive out the Moors for being muslim who had brought culture and education to a country that had otherwise been largely ignorant masses of savages and it was the loss of the moorish culture that began the proverbial Dark Age that the Catholic church did its best to maintain for centuries through persecution and torture, and murder.

    The people here on these forums who yearn fora modern crusade or inquisition, who wish to put the real power of government in the hands of their chosen church, who wish to see those they deem as deviant, whom they attack with falsehood and degradation as they unjustly make accusations with no proof, and define all as they see as "Others" as evil and perverse while side stepping the truth of the crimes actually perpetuated among their own faction show themselves to follow in the foot steps of the fascist dictators of the past.

  1. Brian H's Avatar Brian H

    Please, for once & for all, tell me the verse where Jesus discussed homosexuality (not that all DQ's are gay, it's just the "Christians" seem to have an issue). Tell me what Jesus said about the cities Sodom and Gomorrah. Why did he warn that folks who do not receive his disciples peacefully would be judged harsher than those of the "Gay" cities?? Why is that? Did both Ezekial and Solomon get it wrong when they said the problem of those cities was not welcoming guests, being stingy with food, not aiding the poor or needy? You'd think those two would have mentioned "And they were gay" if it were that clear cut. When Leviticus mentions men who lie with men you'd think he'd finish by saying "Like in Sodom & Gomorrah". Finally, it says all the men of the city were waiting outside to do bad stuff. All the men in the city were gay? Or, if this was sexual assault, could it just be they were men just being really, really violent? Read the darn words as they are written. Not as you wish they were written.

  1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

    God's light will shine every. No one escapes it. Every knee will bow, every tongue confess.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Yes, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that you wasted your life on religion.


      1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

        My life, my choice. Go do your thing, and get over it

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          I’m totally happy you are capable of making a choice. If it serves your needs, I say go for it.

          May love dominate your life.


        2. The Doctor's Avatar The Doctor

          Actually and here is something so many who claim to be patriots of the U.S. and its founding rights seem to forgt is that the freedom of religion is also the freedom from religion. That means why you are free to believe what you want, that ends the moment you start pushing your faith publicly as the one and only true faith.

          Say your a christian fine, say others are damned or wrong about their own beliefs and views and your basically saying you do not actually give a shiite about the freedom and ideals of the U.S. and are holding up your church as your true government and basically admitting to treason at that point because you are basically turning your church into your leader and ignoring the actual government.

          All religiouns are basically just another form of government. So ultimately you do have to decide, do you put the laws of the land or the laws of your church first. If you say church you are not a loyal citizen of the U.S. you are a traitor to it.

          No different then all those scary evil muslims you and your ilk here are always fear mongering about that the paranoid bigots say are here to turn our country into an islamic state. Its all Zealotry and its all wrong.

          Keep your Faith to yourself and no one will care, push it and you make enemies of all free thinking individuals.

          1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            well, hmmm....we now have ragheads in congress. They could care less about US law and will marry their brother to avoid taxes. Its really disgusting

          2. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            You have absolutely no understanding what any of it means do you. We have freedom of religion but that means we are free to not be persecuted by the government. That doesn't mean your neighbors can't call you a dumbass. There's a big difference by calling you a dumbass I am in no way stopping you from practicing whatever whack religion you think you need to practice. The same thing is true of freedom of speech. We are free to say whatever we want without being arrested and thrown in jail. That's the whole issue. King George through people in jail for speech he did not agree with. King George required people to be members of the Church of England. It only goes to show how uneducated and how little you understand about our Constitution and the way it works. Nice try dumbass I'm not buying crazy today.

  1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen


    Good one

  1. Carrie's Avatar Carrie

    Go back and read it again. Sodom sin was pride. Ignoring the poor and hungry. Why are you Christians so ignorant!

    1. Bill Fox's Avatar Bill Fox

      Anal sex is called "sodomy". Is that because it ignores the poor and hungry?

      1. Brian H's Avatar Brian H

        You should continue with your list. Since 400 AD please name all the acts that have been called "Sodomy". I'll give you two just for starters. Woman on top = Sodomy. Masturbation = Sodomy. The list is long... go read about it. Humans try so hard to control other humans. They have many methods and one of them is called "religion". If I scare you with one hand and reward you with the other you might do as I wish. Not much of it has anything to do with what is actually right or wrong. Just tales & stories poorly told in an attempt to control large numbers.

        1. Carrie's Avatar Carrie

          Thank you for the great comment. It has been said that organized religion is the opiate of the masses. They are trying to beat us with a stick. The actual passage I quoted was "Sodom's sins were pride, gluttony and laziness, while the poor and needy suffered outside her door.". Ezekiel 16:49. I'm not a Christian but I was raised in a Christian home. I read the book, several times. I will admit, however that Lord Of The Rings is my favorite and make much more sense to me.

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Sadly James, you are way off the wall with your comments. You are a typical example of someone who has become so deeply indoctrinated into religion that you have become mentally impaired. Carry on speaking to your imaginary friend but please don’t try getting us to speak to him, it just won’t wash.


    2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      “ And one day you will be judged by the Creator and you will act all surprised and beg for mercy but it will be too late.”

      You think we are lost James? Your mind has been so totally taken over you can’t even see it, and possibly never will, it’s not even funny.

      You can take all of your religious blackmail and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.


      1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

        Totally your choice. I never asked you to. Though you are on a site for minister's. Perhaps not Christian ones. But since your kind panders for respect of your beliefs. I find if so typical you have none for others beliefs.

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          I'm totally okay James for people to believe as you do, especially if that’s what they need to get through life.

          It’s totally okay to be what you are, and who you are. Kim is okay to be what she is. I too am okay what I am and who I am. I believe that what is most important is that as long as we have love for our fellow man is all that we need to be.


      2. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

        I have to be honest it doesn't sound like love from what I've read on here. I'm not here to judge anybody. But even a small child knows the basics of right and wrong. That doesn't mean they won't do the wrong anyway. People with children know what I mean they will try to peek at you while they're doing what they know they are not supposed to be doing to see if they get away with it. In the end it's always between the person and their creator whether they believe in him or not. I don't pretend to be a middleman. And God knows I'm not a shining example by any means. But there are certain things a person has to speak out on . and that's the only reason why I said anything here. I don't wish anyone any ill-will here. And your business is your business. I sincerely hope you understand that.

  1. David Burckhardt's Avatar David Burckhardt

    Brothers an sisters, let us not forget GOD destroyed sodom for acts HE considers an abomination. Men with men an women with women, drag queens, boys wanting to be girls, girls wanting to be boys, girl marrying girl, man marrying man, has everyone lost track of the word? Not acceptable, not then not now. GOD IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER. HE doesnt change. Come on people, protect our future the kids. Raise them in the word an stop being an ostrich an burying ur head on the issues. Its wrong period. Dont think so, give ur reason for it when GOD asks u when u meet HIM an give an account for all ur actions, words an beliefs. Pastor dave GANGSTERS FOR GOD MINISTRIES AN RECOVERY.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Yes David you are right, your god is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and always will be forever....mythical.


  1. Debbie Johnson's Avatar Debbie Johnson

    If these drag queens are so wonderful for our children, why not let them have story hour in a mosque or synagogue?

    1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

      Excellent idea!!!

  1. Brian H's Avatar Brian H

    Anyone who reads to a child has done a service that improves the world. The kids being read to seem to have no issues with the appearance of the person reading. Only the adults seem to have issues. Kids are taught intolerance, fear, and bigotry. From the womb they have none of that. Why do such a large number of adults teach this to children? How is this making anything better?

  1. Secretary3rd's Avatar Secretary3rd

    Getting children interest in reading is a big problem, making reading fun with this person being a clown or what ever he made up to be seems to work.

    1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

      Oh it works all right... I don't know if they learn how to read but they sure learn how to be groomed for the pedophiles. There are pictures which according to a couple of people on here Google doesn't bring up. Of these drag queens laying on the ground. With children laying on top of them. I know Liberals are stupid. And we'll defend their side no matter what it is such a shame that they will defend even something as blatant as this.

  1. RevHeidi's Avatar RevHeidi

    Drag has been criticized by feminists for decades for mocking women. It is an exaggerated performance of femininity. Drag queens are given free reign to insult women and adopt over-the-top sexist language (bitch, ho, fish, etc.) and objectified depictions of women. Why is it funny for men to dress up as women and not for women to dress up as men? What does this tell children about men and women? The humor is usually very adult. It is inappropriate for children. A few of these libraries (Houston) did not do background checks before the story hour. One was found out to be a convicted sex offender. I am not conservative, yet I believe there should be community standards upheld regarding what is appropriate for children. This borders on sexual grooming.

    I'm sure there are many people who think drag is a lot of laughs. Sorry if my feminism ruins your sexist joke.

    1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

      Heidi HO....That's an interesting perspective. Kudos.


    I have no problem with what people do in their bedrooms but this whole LQBTQ thing is a movement to flaunt and get in your face! The whole thing is a corrupting influence on the young kids who don't need this in their consciousness in their formative years. The time for exposure to this is when they have had time to grow up and are able to use all their reasoning powers so as to avoid confusion. The harm this could do can not be reversed so easily. I am also getting sick of the ULC posting this stuff on every issue,,when we have more important world matters that need attention. Has the ULC been taken over by those on the left? The ULC should remain neutral. I doubt if this .will get posted even.

    1. Woke's Avatar Woke

      Excellently stated Roger. I totally agree. ULC clearly has a political bent and posts this bullshit too often. The gay agenda is grooming young children to accept degeneracy. Next up: pedophilia. It's disgusting and repulsive. Just look at the children's faces in some of the DQSH photos - they have not been taught to hide their disgust and confusion. You can be tolerant and accepting of people without celebrating mental illness and unhealthy behavior.


        Thanks! It's just common sense, and knowing what is right and wrong, which somehow has become lost in the minds of men. I am glad I am not the only one to see that the ULC is off the charts with this stuff. The world is on the brink of nuclear annihilation and the collapse of the financial system is imminent,, as well as our freedoms being encroached upon daily. Things we should be really talking about and concerned with.

    2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      "The whole thing is a corrupting influence on the young kids who don’t need this in their consciousness in their formative years. The time for exposure to this is when they have had time to grow up and are able to use all their reasoning powers so as to avoid confusion"

      Totally agree! Children shouldn't be programmed; indoctrinated; introduced, to any religion until they have reached the age of reason, which then allows them to think for themselves.


  1. jim mertz's Avatar jim mertz

    Mom always taught me that if we truly believe we are made in his image that all of the fantastic people who make up our civilization are a reflection of his beauty and diversity. I have always accepted all types of people and endeavored to like them for their actions and not their performances. I do not share many people's sexual orientation nor am I comfortable watching it for any reason, but I know they are who they are and that these differences are influenced by nature, media and exposure. I am comfortable in my own self and have taught my children to encourage and respect the same in others. I have never feared the influence of others on them because even in their darkest moments they knew I love them and welcome them home. I pray that Jesus' sacrifice was not in vain, and that those who hate are washed in his loving messages and go forth to love all of their neighbors for their strength and their faults and ESPECIALLY their differences.

  1. Sandra Morgan's Avatar Sandra Morgan

    Let's keep it real. For those of us that know the Word. GOD says woman with woman, and man with man is wrong, but who am I to judge. I have a daughter that prefers to be with a woman. She explained she had those desires as a child. She ended her relationship with the girl, got with a guy married him, and had 4 children. The desire didn't go away and she went back. To answer your questions I raised my children in the Lord. I have not always been right, and I know God loves me still. She accepted Christ as her Savior and knows that she will stand before GOD for her choice, as we all will. I don't agree with her choice of lifestyle but I do love my child. God is our creator, he said he knitted her together in secret. Therefore, he knew her role in life. My role is to love, not judge! Keep It Real.

    1. Dustin's Avatar Dustin

      If you are a Christian walking in the spirit you are to judge "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. John 7:24" if you are to do you you better have yourself in order "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Matt 7:1-2. One of the biggest lies that the church teaches is "once saved always saved, that is lie from the pit of hell, you should be concerned with your kiddo she will not make it to the kingdom with her current life stay, "This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.  But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.  Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Gal 5:16-21, this message from Galatians is not to the unsaved person this is specific to the God believers, if you are engaged in any of this you are cut off until repentence takes places.

  1. Amoretta 598's Avatar Amoretta 598

    On the surface the drag queen appears no more controversial than a clown reading to little children. A clown could be used to teach children tolerance for others who are different. But the rainbows on his outfit and the DQSH mission statement says their goal is to teach that homosexuality is normal. That is where I draw the line. Small children are not ready for sex education. Let them be children; stop forcing them to grow up too soon. Wait until they're ready for sex at 12-14yrs. Then the drag queen can entertain and educate them.

    1. Rev. CH's Avatar Rev. CH

      Exactly. As you've pointed out, this is different from a man dressing up like a woman for dramatic or comedic purposes. There are visible suggestions there is an agenda here. While I don't believe in judging the drag queen for being a drag queen, that doesn't necessarily mean I would want my children to be exposed to the practice at such a young age. By the same token, I wouldn't want them to be exposed to heterosexual entertainment with an agenda either. They need to be allowed to be kids.

    2. Brian H's Avatar Brian H

      And I bet the 5 year old saw the rainbow & thought "Gay Symbol"? Are you being serious? Do you think the DQSH Mission Statement was handed out to the kids on a flyer before the reading started? What part of an hour long "Read to kids" program included talk of sex education? Please... feel free to be specific.

      1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen


  1. Bill's Avatar Bill

    I could post this comment for many of the items I read here. What we need in this country (and the world for that matter) is 'radical diversity'. What we call diversity now is a very limited form of it: identity diversity. Radical diversity will require 'radical tolerance'. Basically this means that if what someone is doing is not physically harming anyone nor stealing their property, then you should tolerate it. Just because you tolerate something does not mean you agree with it. If you don't like it, then go away. Live and let live. Of course this is a libertarian (with a lower case L) belief, but it appears to me that the ULC is a fairly libertarian organization. But if it bothers you for me to suggest that the ULC is libertarian, then just think of it as an organization that supports radical diversity. In passing, I suspect that many of the children won't realize until they're older that the 'woman' who read them stories was actually a man...

  1. Rev. Nagi Mato's Avatar Rev. Nagi Mato

    Question is put: Is drag dangerous. Question is answered: No.

  1. Tabitha's Avatar Tabitha

    And for all of you vomiting bible verses, not everyone is a xtian. Some of us actually outgrew fairy tales. Your mythical scriptures mean absolutely nothing to me. Go tell them to Santa Claus

  1. LN's Avatar LN

    There'd be fuss if it were sex workers and strippers and porn actors reading to kids in libraries, Some folks see drag king/queen entertainers - known for being raunchy - as being part of that industry and being set up as positive role models for kids. And of course parents are going to protest when such sexually blatant performers are performing in obscene ways at what is supposed to be an event for teens.

    Trying to obfuscate and claim it's LGBTQIA phobia that has the parents and protestors riled up is just plain deceit. If it were a committed gay couple reading books at the library, yes there would be some protest, but not as much as is happening with the performers known for being raunchy and performing in sexual ways being allowed to interact with children.

    And then there's the drag performers getting little boys to dress up as such and perform in blatant ways to entice the lust of adult men. Very clearly there are lines being crossed and openly lied about. So much that violates Luke 17:2 (KJV) Where Jesus admonishes that it's better to weight oneself with rocks and jump in the sea than commit offenses against children.

    I'm not seeing a lot of 'positive role models' when they deliberately install sexually blatant elements into public spaces that are meant for children.

    1. Jay's Avatar Jay

      "Some folks" are wrong.

  1. Amber's Avatar Amber

    Kids already play dress up or pretend to be other things (cowboys and indians? cops and robbers? anyone?). They already do these things. So what is so dangerous in an adult dressed up when kids already do such things? Is cross dressing with all the frills such a big bad scary thing? Really? It's hardly dangerous, just more extreme than most are used to simply because it's adults still doing it.

  1. Tabitha's Avatar Tabitha

    Drag Queens and Drag Kings are entertainers. It’s tantamount to a man, or woman, dressing as Spiderman or Wonder Woman to entertain. It has nothing, in itself, to do with sexuality or the entertainers own gender. Some of you need to learn about something before you start spouting off about what you know not

  1. Dr. Arthur GrayIII's Avatar Dr. Arthur GrayIII

    Solomon and Gomorrah

    1. Carl Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Elfstrom

      Don't you mean Sodom and Gammorrah. Solomon was a king. And a very magickal king, who might do something in retalliation to you comparing him with osuch an inhospitable place as Sodom, even now from beyond the grave.

      1. Dr. Arthur GrayIII's Avatar Dr. Arthur GrayIII

        I do apologize, my tablet was typing for me. Typo. God bless you.

  1. Carl Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Elfstrom

    However, if your kids are exposed to dragqueens early in life they might realize that is their true calling. Of course, you would want them to be all they could be, which is called accentuating the positive, like the song goes. Try to imagine your sons on stage, dressed like, and singing songs of The Andrews Sisters. And they'd only have you to blame for their success, and stardom!

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      .....or if your kids were exposed to stories of the Bible which resulted in some boys having their foreskin removed from their penis’s and then told they could be going to a burning lake of fire if they don’t toe the line. Stories don’t come much sicker than that no matter whose telling them.


  1. Laurie Cleveland's Avatar Laurie Cleveland

    I was just waiting for this to hit here. I have no problem with gays, etc., but I do draw the line at this. There is even a TV commercial where the guy is putting on a wig and false eye lashes andd while it looked like he was attempting to do a 70's or 80's disco type vice, it reminded me of the drag queens at The Other Side in Boston, MA. I have to admit, it was an interesting place where everybody appeared to have fun, but the difference here is that it was for ADULTS not CHILDREN. I am not in favor of all of this fuzzy or neutral gender stuff. Kids maybe "delighted" and I am sure the queens put on a show, but seriously? There are just some things that you have to draw the line on. Kids are impressionable enough without adding to things. Lionheart, yes, there are a lot of stories in The Bible that aren't for preschoolers and young school-aged children as well. If I had a child in this age group, and I knew that one of these queens was going to be doing story time, I'd probably just opt not to do it. As a parent, I have that right. While I can understand that the LGBT community has been ridiculed, ostrasized and God knows what else for centuries, it's alive and kicking in the Catholic Church, which is why so many flock there, but it has to be hard when they preach about the "sins" and are railing against who they are. Does it make any sense? Nope. It doesn't. The Christian community is now on the receiving end and that isn't right either. I believe that a shopkeeper has the right to decide what he or she will or will not do. So long as people understand that there is a line that they will not cross based on their moral and ethical stance, they should have that right. There have been too many court cases where the rights of the shopkeepers are being trampled on. Neither side is right. in this case, as in the other case that had a lot of attention by everybody on the board, Libraries are public institutions. Most are government funded, some privately, some paid for by local and state taxes and some a combination. Again, they are public. Because of this, there are right ways and wrong ways to do things. I would choose to make my comments heard to the library, the town, etc. They are my opinions. I also wouldn't subject my kids or grandchildren to this. They will have enough when they get older. There will always be rabid people on both sides of the issue, sadly. Each side thinks that they are right. This is classic slingshot effect. This group has been ostrasized for too long, now they've swung in a 180 degree in the opposite direction. I really think that the answer lies somewhere in the middle where everybody can feel valued. By the way, the man in the picture really needs to get some hair and make-up tips. It does absolutely nothing for the image he is trying to portray. Just sayin'/

  1. Marcus's Avatar Marcus

    Is that a picture of Rachel Dolezal?

  1. Mark Hannon's Avatar Mark Hannon

    I would love to go to one of these readings. I'd like to be in drag as a reader for one if I could be brave. I'd read the book, "The Little House" by Virginia Burton.

  1. Amy's Avatar Amy

    UGHH Now my comment appears Sorry everyone!!

  1. Amy's Avatar Amy

    Guess my comment wasn't approved. Interesting I didn't swear once, used proper english and grammar and even used a supporting link from wiki that was unoffensive. Anyway short version of that post. The people in Houston have no right to sue over an event in Washington. If its against your religion don't go. as far as Deuteronomy, I hope you don't wear pants or you are just as much a "freak" as the people your hating on.

    if anyone wants to read my full post (though as no one really knows me I don't see why you would you) and if this post actually makes it, here is the link. Don't freak out if you if you click. the site has paid options but my blog is free and you don't have to pay a thing to view it. https://think-and-speak.mn.co/posts/3421288?utm_source=manual

    1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

      I wear women's pants, made for women and I look like a woman. There's a difference. Don't be obtuse. I have my freakish moments but wouldn't dream of flaunting it. And hate has nothing to do with objectivity and reality my dear.

      1. Amy's Avatar Amy

        Three points on your response to me.

        1.) There was no need to be insulting. I am nether slow to comprehend nor am I dimwitted. Insults are very low form in a debate. If you found my reply insulting my apologies. I was being sarcastic. In my experience people are quick to pull out a bible verse that fits there needs and will follow one thing and not another depending on the convince at the time. If you follow one thing, should you not in good faith follow all the laws. https://www.christianbiblereference.org/faq_OldTestamentLaw.htm

        2.) Ending all your posts in "My Dear" is rather condescending. As it is a personal term of endearment (https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/dear) and you do not know any of us personally it cannot be taken as anything other then that. So that in itself is also an insult.

        3.) "I have my freakish moments but wouldn’t dream of flaunting it" So it's ok to be a freak in private? Would this also extend to sinning in private is ok? and I am not trying to be a butt head here I am trying to understand.

        1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly
          1. Obtuseness infers one smart enough to pretend dimwittedness. You're obviously better than to pretend to be stupid Amy although you seem to be without an advanced education. Nothing wrong with that.
          2. If I wanted to insult you Amy, you'd know it sweetie. Apparently, you've never lived in the south.
          3. Having a freakish moment when alone and acting out being a freak is a different matter altogether. Its called temptation and resisting temptation.

          The two greatest commandments are love God and love neighbor. What could one (not a couple) possibly do in private that would be against these fundamental precepts? Can one sin when alone on a desert isle? doubtful.

          1. Mark Hannon's Avatar Mark Hannon

            God sees you when you are in private.

          2. Amy's Avatar Amy

            Why would you assume that I don't have an advance education? Though granted I did mess up on my wording. I had thought that by calling it an insult that it would be taken for granted that I was insulted by the fact that you considered me to be pretending. My mistake. I am a little rushed at the moment with my classes. That would be college not high school by the way. And to be honest I am very glad I have not and will not live in the south with current atmosphere down there at this time. And yes you could sin by yourself on an island. You can sin in your heart as well as by deed. I may not have read the bible cover to cover but that I do remember from when I was once part of a christian faith.

            OK I really have to stop responding for awhile as I have to finish up a couple of class projects and this is no way furthering my effort lol. Ill check back in after I am done. Though to be honest I really shouldn't as we are obviously of different views and are unlikely to change those and are both wasting our time. :)

          3. the Pink Ranger's Avatar the Pink Ranger

            Kim! What did the lord JUST say about this? The Bible is very clear that you need to shut it. I don't want to have to bring out the stoning rocks, so help me god.

          4. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            Theocratic law is not in affect here. Stoning for any reason will land you in the poky with a hate crime on your record.

          5. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            OMG....a college student. That explains a LOT.

          6. Amy's Avatar Amy

            Yes. A 49 year old, disabled, Native American, Female, Non christian, college student. Anything else you want to hit me with to make me seem less then you because my views are not the same as yours? and oh look we are off topic and has dwindled down to this. Surprise..NOT! The crap that spews from some of the ordained on here is puerile at best and bigoted at its worse. It does not bode well for us as a group.

          7. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            That's fascinating Amy. We have a lot in common.

          8. Carl Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Elfstrom

            It depends on your fantasies. One might even imagine that she's having sex with Satan. Would your God approve of that ? Or, would that be a sin committed all by oneself ? Satanists sell their souls to Satan, all by themselves. Is that not considered a sin, or are there Satanists in Christian heaven ?

        2. Jay's Avatar Jay

          Don't bother. Kim is a horrible person.

      2. Carl Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Elfstrom

        When Deuteronomy was written there was no such things as women's pants. As a matter of fact , I don't think there was any such thing as pants at all. Pants were invented for use exclusively for men. In those days a woman wouldn't be caught dead in anything other than a long dress. Some women decided to change that, and start wearing pants. My guess is it was probably started by manly lesbians. Regardless of that, women wearing pants look manly, compared to women wearing dresses, to men, in this day and age, regardless of how many women call them women's pants. Deuteronomy wasn't addressing what women thought of their apperal. And it wouldn't surprise me if people who saw you in your women's pants started labeling you a lesbo, if they haven't yet.

      3. Carl Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Elfstrom

        Kimberly, are you saying that if you weren't wearing women's pants you wouldn't look like a woman. Maybe you aren't really a woman but think you are, and when you're wearing pants you tape it under. That way you can at least go down on straight men without them suspecting anything.

        1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

          Once you reach 90 its hard to tell the men from the women and it really doesn't matter at that point anyway. A billious pink polka dot mumu sets the record straight.

      4. Carl Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Elfstrom

        There is much power in words. Always choose your words wisely.

  1. Thomas's Avatar Thomas

    Bible tells us to Love one another as we love ourselves also that we should not judge one another because GOD will be the one judging us when we get to Heaven. If we would teach this, then there would not be so much hate and violence against one another. Everyone on earth can judge me, but my only true Judge will be Jesus and God.

    1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

      Deuteronomy 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.

      1. Alicia's Avatar Alicia

        Just love how tolerant you are. I bet you're a real life of the party.

        1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

          Tolerance has nothing to do with it. Objectivity and reality dear.

          1. the Pink Ranger's Avatar the Pink Ranger

            Shhhhhhhh, Kim, hush. There there, quiet down. I see 1 Bible verse didn't do the trick. So let me bust out 1st Timothy 2:11-12 on ya. "A woman must learn in quietness and full submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man; she is to remain quiet." Gotta stop talkin' back to good ole Thomas here.

          2. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            Pinkie.....what you probably don't know is that Paul's letters to Timothy were some of the last written. They were written in the context that Timothy's group were the last of the churches and they were soon to face death by being torn apart by lions. Paul was exhorting Timothy to keep his group from panicking in the face of death. Much of the new testament letters were written for this reason. Too often religionists assume they are how to organize a church. Not so.

          3. Carl Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Elfstrom

            It could also be a symptom of PMS.

          4. marcus's Avatar marcus

            Oh I see. kimberly is a pick and choose christian. she prescribes bible verses when it suits her fancy and ignores them when they don't and she does it all with a heaping dose of condescension

          5. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            You do realize you're wasting your time. Apparently most of these people are openly gay and will never admit that's so many of their kind have already admitted to being with young children. You will never get them to admit they are wrong they will keep deflecting and name-calling. Remember the verse about not casting your Pearls Before Swine. This is apparently a liberal group who believes in communism, homosexuality, open borders, gun control. Etc... you're not going to find any common sense from these people. Remember sinners do not like to be pulled out into the light. Most of these so-called ministers do not believe in the Bible. A lot of them are pagans and a few are satanists. Basically we are wasting our time other than not to go gentle into that night

          6. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            James...where else am I so sorely needed than here?

          7. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Delusional and wrong, Kim.


        2. Carl Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Elfstrom

          Especially when she's at costume parties, dressed like the wicked witch of the west, stirring the party punch in her cauldron to the tune of 'Double bubble, toil in trouble", like in a Midsummer Night's Nightmare.

          1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            Actually I sit here in the basement pecking at this old computer, cackling and drooling on my pink polka dot mumu while trying to keep my dirty yellow hair from dropping into a cold cup of watery chicken soup. At least down here in the near dark I can lift one hefty butt cheek and pass gas in privacy.

        3. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

          Jennie....not so. I only quote when it is generically appropriate to do so and not from the perspective of a "Christian" but as a biblical researcher. A "Christian" is one who thinks Jesus was God. That is not true. There's too much of biblical interpretation by taking the specificity of a passage and applying it generically.

          1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            Preach to those willing to hear you. How are you needed on deaf ears? You stated your case. These fools refused it.

          2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Yes, preach to those with low education, and those that are willing to believe anything that they want to hear. You’ll find plenty. People like James in fact. You’ll have plenty of success.


          3. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            Lion...I don't preach. Preaching the "gospel" is a dead work that was completed over 2,000 years ago. It was 100% finished. There was no passing on that great commission to self-proclaimed "church" organizations. It was an Eyewitness message. And it went to the entire world as prophesied. The "end" came after Paul and has continued to this day and will continue until Jesus returns. Mankind is in a "holding pattern" right now but quite busy going about the business of building the world's greatest civilization and a population explosion meant to bring many into the day of judgement and the potential for salvation. All recorded in the Bible and predicted by the Bible. Even to today's world in astonishing detail.

      2. Carl Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Elfstrom

        In the days of Deuteronomy there was no such thing as women's pants or slacks. Everyone e wore dresses. I guess some of them looked manlier than others. So, it should be alright with Old Testament thumpers for dragqueens to wear those manly dresses now too. However, there is no biblical justification for women wearing any kind of pants, but should be wearing long, unrevealing dresses like Muslim women, who are apparently more religious.

        1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

          I would rather be considered a fool my people like you than by the one who really counts.

  1. Travis Wilbur's Avatar Travis Wilbur

    Personally, I don’t think the sexuality of drag queens is appropriate for children, let alone gender identity issues.

    But, we’ve become too accustomed to micromanaging each other, banning things, mandating things, and limiting each other’s liberty and freedoms.

    Let the drag queens do their thing. Children enjoy dress up. Hell, some of us even experimented with gender roles, as children. It was just a dress up phase that never lasted long.

    If you don’t like it, then just don’t be there. No need to blow this thing out of proportion.

  1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

    Even kids enjoy staring in morbid fascination at clowns and freaks. Haven't you ever noticed how they do that? Perverts need to leave our kids alone though.

    1. Carl Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Elfstrom

      As long as only pretty dragqueens are reading the stories there shouldn't be a problem.

      1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

        Well it's not they left out the picture of the drag queen laying on their back with several kids Laying across him on top of him. All this is is grooming children for pedophilia... I wish they would at least be honest about it

      2. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

        Your little co-conspirator jennie will not allow comments. But I'll tell you this she is clearly not a Christian even though she accuses kim of all kinds of crap. A person's faith is between them and God. Further proof you people attacking her are the clowns who are full of hate.

    2. Carrie's Avatar Carrie

      Yes, indeed! Let them be entertained, instead, by pedophiles and priests! Wait a minute....they are one and the same! Have you seen what priests and preachers do to children? They are arrested for child porn and pedophilia left and right! Clowns and freaks entertain with respect and love! Once again, Lionheart is 100% correct!

      1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

        I include religious pedophiles in the phrase "clowns and freaks". There is no love in dressing up as a freak to make it appear "normal" to kids. It is immoral.

        Deuteronomy 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.

        1. Mark Hannon's Avatar Mark Hannon

          The Bible doesn't really say anything about what garments are designated as male and female. I know women are not supposed to cut their hair because they would look like pagan temple prostitutes. Maybe it's a little outdated.

          1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            It depends on the culture Mark. The intent is to not dress to look female when a man and the reverse. Women can cut their hair in any feminine way they want. I know of one religion that takes that passage out of context and forces it's members to never cut their hair. Hideous

          2. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            Deuteronomy 22-5

        2. the Pink Ranger's Avatar the Pink Ranger

          1st Corinthians 14:34 "...It is not proper for women to speak. They must be submissive just as the law says." So shut up, Kim

          1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            That passage was specific to the time. Women of the day were not learned. I have a doctorate.

          2. marcus's Avatar marcus

            I love how you brush off the one that's not convenient for you as being for a specific time as if your verse isn't. that's a bit cheap

          3. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            maybe you missed one of my posts Jennie...………….the culture was different in those days. Women weren't literate or learned and it was a patriarchal society. The passage was to prevent gossip and thus panic in the face of death by the Romans. Not to prevent praying or prophesying (1 Cor 11:5).

          4. Dustin's Avatar Dustin

            Most people use the scripture of women like "must be submissive" always out of context in order to full fill some type of agenda, which is sin "Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. Deu 4:2" and "He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 1John 2:4" It is clear that men and women have different roles, given to us according to God, we did not choose our roles the Lord did. Remember that God breathed life in to Adam, he did not breath live in to Eve, she was made from the rib of Adam. Which is the start of the responsibilies of each of them. God gave man the responsibility to provide and to take care of his family, however, all men are suppose to love and respect their wives, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. Gen 2:24" and "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it Eph 5:25" and if a man does not provide for his family its bad....really bad "But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. 1Tim 5:8", how many men do you think violate this command.....a ton. The responsiblity of man leading his house falls on his shoulders, its a great responsiblity that often,...... to be real,..... sucks, but a faithful man takes that burden and then cast it to the lord "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you, 1 Pet 5:7." Anyone that has actually read the bible knows there are a ton of strong women throughout the bible, however, they all followed the Lord failthfully. There are certain things women have been command not to do, one is preach the gospel as a pastor "Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 1Tim2:11-14" Of course people usually get offended for this but ultimitely Adam took the hit for Eves transgression because his "house was not in order," people like to pick and choose what Paul is preaching as his commandment, when it fact he was teaching based on what God told him through the Holy Spirit. This does not mean women don't have roles, women are strong advocates in the child to lead other women and to grow children up in the Lord "The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things.  That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children.  To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed, Tit 2:3-5" and for the fathers,  "And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. , Eph 6:4." Last, if you disagree with what I put that is fine, but if you are a person that said the Bible is the true word of God the scripture you can't disagree, well you can, but that falls on you, the word is clear at the end of the day is not a Christian problem, its a personal problem you have with God, not man.

          5. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            That passage was talking about women in the back of the church. Who were yelling and repeating to people who could not hear what was said.. and it was causing confusion. Further proof you guys have no clue what you're talking about you just want to hate on people who believe in the Bible yes you don't know the Bible so you twisted around to suit whatever you want

          6. Brian H's Avatar Brian H

            I keep turning the pages trying to find the asterisk or the footnote explaining how it only applies to uneducated women. Weird... unable to find that. Don't read the bible for what it says, read it for whatever you want, hope, or pray it says. Yea... twisting like a bedsheet in a tornado in order to try to make sense of it.

        3. Caitlin's Avatar Caitlin

          Clearly people are uneducated on what that ACTUALLY means.

          1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            Funny how these liberal types show unwavering support to historically classical diviants... People who have the highest suicide rates, and who commit a disportionate amount of crimes against children. Considering their numbers in society. 3.8% Lbgtq's vs. 96.2% straight people. But just like everyone else they mislead by deception. In percentage of about straights commit more, but there are 20+ times more of them. A few Catholic priests have done it. Compared to the hundreds of thousands who don't but you claim stereo type them saying they all do. While 86% of gay men admit freely that they have done it. But you ignore it and accuse anyone who doesn't of judging. Probably because you do it too. My guess is this thread is teeming with pedophiles.

        4. Brian H's Avatar Brian H

          Deut!!! I love Deut as a perfect example of "Christians" pretending some verses matter while others do not. You go ahead & read all if it. Write down all the things we should not do & the punishments we're supposed to hand out. Then, we'll get back together and talk about what "rules" we plan to live by. Thanks.

          1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            morality is not driven by rules. It is driven by a sense of right and wrong. So don't be obtuse. You know as well as I do that drag is an oddity and most people see it as that. and btw...I'm not "Christian" in that I know the Bible doesn't say Jesus was "god". Nor an I naïve enough to think Mosaic law applies to this society other than what is written into codes of federal regulations, state regulations, county regulations, city regulations and on down. Millions and millions of "rules" each and every one of us must abide by or else. And yet each and every one of us breaks rules as we go about our personal business. If you wish to live under a theocracy then I would suggest you move to a Muslim country and see how that goes.

      2. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

        Funny how you hate Christians, and mix them up with Catholicism. Basically judging everyone by the acts of a few. But ignore and are tolerant of gays who admit in surveys that 86% of them have had sex with minors.

        1. Carrie's Avatar Carrie

          My mother was a true Christian who accepted all as God's children. She never went around using a dirty book as a cudgle. Evangelicals are the most perverted cult I have ever seen. Next to them are priests. 86 percent of who? You aren't giving truth, you are throwing numbers.

    3. Alicia's Avatar Alicia

      How very "tolerant" you are. Do you even realize that drag queens are not "perverts"? They do not prey on children. They just have a flamboyant way of expressing themselves. For the most part, they are incredibly sweet, compassionate and giving people. They are also very amusing and talented AF! I'm sure there are some "bitches" in the group, but so far, I haven't met them.

      And..."clowns" and "freaks"? Really? Just because YOU are intolerant doesn't mean that they are clowns and freaks. They are people. People who like to give back to their communities. How many of the "tolerant" people that you know would volunteer their time to read to these kids? Not many, I'm sure.

      Get the stick out of your ass and get to know some of these drag queens.

      1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

        Alicia dear....you asked a rhetorical question and told yourself a rhetorical lie. plenty of people volunteer.

        1. the Pink Ranger's Avatar the Pink Ranger

          Yo, Kim. Too much yappin' and not enough 1st Corinthians 14:34

        2. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

          The opportunity to make people think is rare these days. The trend is to close down any opposition to the current PC whim to prevent just that.

        3. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          Yes, please start thinking James. I know it’s not easy with your mind being clouded in religion but it’s well worth it.


        4. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

          Well maybe someone else will read it and see the truth. Because the ones you are talking to have already shut down for the most part. We already went through the argument stage with the illogical so-called facts and propaganda... then we got into the abusive states where they were name-calling and displaying anger. Now we're to the point where they totally lost. But what have you really gained? They just found another thread to spew their hate on and make their ridiculous arguments. I know we had to say something. I only hope it helps the ones with the open minds...

          1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            I've gained some wonderful fellowship and excellent research material for my book. Don't be so serious.

      2. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

        Says you. And your liberal hero's. In survey's they admit to something else. 86% admit to having sex with minors... go be understanding with your own children. But stop lying about it. If you want them groomed. That's your call. Just know if you get caught it's illegal

        1. Higgins P Weatherby's Avatar Higgins P Weatherby

          oh he has stats. Well 100% of people named James R Bowen have known every dog at the local pound in the biblical sense. You're so ashamed about it that I bet you'll try to deny it. You gotta be careful. If you get caught, it goes on your record and you've really screwed the pooch, and not in the way that you like.

    4. Carl Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Elfstrom

      There couldn't possibly be a larger percentage of gay perverts than there are straight perverts. People are people, and all have different interests. There are far more straights than gays, so there must be far more perverted straight people. Besides that, what could possibly be perverted about actors and other entertainers wearing costumes when performing in shows (drag shows included). Of course, those drag queens who dress like women when off stage are probably transvestites, but most of them aren't like that.

      1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

        Yes. There are pervs. Then there are freaks who are pervs. One doesn't justify the other. Even if it is quite fascinating to observe how much hate such people have against those who maintain traditional views. It's quite obvious the goal is to eliminate traditionalists. Even to wishing death on us.

        1. Carl Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Elfstrom

          Do you feel like there's a conspiracy forming against you and other traditionalists, Kim? They have medicine to treat that condition.

          1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            hardly. Freaks, clowns and pervs are a small minority. Lotsa bark. Not much bite. Mostly worthy of being ignored.

          2. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            Says someone attacking her. Talk about a bunch of small minded bullies. What is this, an antifa convention?

        2. Bob Anderson's Avatar Bob Anderson

          No, Kim..we don't wish the "elimination of traditionalists". We have just finally decided to stand up to your demands that everyone follow your dictates. You promote bigotry and hate under the guise of "traditional values" and then cry foul when we tell you to back off. Sad for you, but you'd better get used to it...your days of ruthless domination are over.

          1. Brian H's Avatar Brian H

            Bob... you are correct!

          2. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            Say what you will one day everyone will stand before God and be held accountable... even everyone on here who has complained about what I am the others have had to say about it. Like when they hold back comments so as not to offend you people who are so easily offended by the truth. All I can say is clearly none of you are Christians or even believe in God. I really don't understand why you would want to be in this conversation in the first place other than to try to bully and confuse others. Since there are dozens of you too the very few of us

          3. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            James. It would appear that we're the only two people who are sane here. But sometimes I wonder about you.

          4. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            Don't worry about me Kim I'm used to fighting these liberal degenerates. We're not going to convince them of anything anyway so why be nice about it. They take kindness for weakness. They twist around anything you say so why go out of your way to try to prove anything to them. You're not going to believe it no matter what you give them as proof. God could come down in a flaming chariot and they would try to Twisted into something else. Nuclear missiles could be following and their hair on fire and they would try to say they are freezing to death. There is no logic Rhyme or Reason to these people

          5. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Seriously James, have you taken your medication today?


          6. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            James...I don't intend to convert anyone. My intention is to sharpen my own intellect on the stubbornness of their ignorance. Typically, they get tired of being pounded like a mallard duck and shift to personal attacks when they can't provide an intellectually logical rebuttal to my obvious logic.

        3. Higgins P Weatherby's Avatar Higgins P Weatherby

          James, you do realize that labeling anyone that disagrees with kimberly as antifa is just another way of saying kimberly is a nazi, right? I mean, I'd agree. I just think you probably failed to communicate what you were going for.

          1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            Actually it does not because antifa is Nazis. They use the same fascist techniques. Believe it or not you don't have to make up a new name for something out of fear of linking it to someone else I'm sorry your mind is not that expanded enough to understand that. There's little difference between a Nazi a communist and a liberal. Basically the systems are the same the only difference is how they implement it and who is actually running it other than that they are the same

          2. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            You are a liar it pops up on Google bigger than life. There are at least three news stories about it. And some of the pictures are on Flickr. It happened in Portland Oregon St John's Library and the drag queens name is Carlo Rossi.. Now what

    5. Carl Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Elfstrom

      I wonder if Pablo Picasso had you in mind when he painted that picture he called Girl In The Mirror. And when I read your comments Salvador Dali's painting called A Young Virgin Auto-sodomized By Her Chastity also comes mind. Be careful not to screw yourself.

    6. Minister V's Avatar Minister V

      Quick web search for "children molested by drag queen" - yields right-wing panic stories about what they think would happen because of these story hours.

      Meanwhile, we search for "children molested by priest" - yields news stories about actual documented instances of sexual assault by religious leaders. And one of the first links is "Database of priests accused of sexual assault".

      So, I agree with you when you say "perverts need to leave our kids alone" - and the way to do that is stop sending our young ones to church. Send them to Drag Queen Story Hours instead. They'll be safe from sexual assault at the latter events, not so much at the former.

      1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

        You missed the Newsweek article about the drag queen who read books to children being arrested as a sex offender.

        1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

          That did not make the Google search because that did not fit Google's liberal propaganda.. apparently these clowns missed the part where they caught Google and YouTube which is owned by Google manipulating stories to support their propaganda.

      2. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen
        1. There are more priests than drag queens.
        2. 86% of gay men admit to having sex with minors. (In survey's)
        3. Pedophile priests are a liberal narrative pushed to try to make all Christians look bad. Hollywood has beat that drum for years.
        4. You attack Christians because they turn the other cheek. But never mention Muslims. Because they'll cut your heads off. It's common practice for them to marry small children. They teach it's okay... at least most churches preach it's wrong!
        5. Just because you are a member of something doesn't mean you really believe in what you're a part of. Pedophiles, especially gay pedophiles like to hide and place themselves in places that would give them access to children. For centuries the Catholic church was an easy place to do that...apparently now you people have this place.
      3. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

        You mean the same Google that is currently under investigation for manipulating searches and being biased towards conservatives to the point of publishing outright lies and hiding the truth. There's a moral compass for you.

  1. Amy's Avatar Amy

    Here we go again sigh

    "And a religious group in Houston even filed a legal challenge against DQSH, saying the event violated their religious freedom."

    Really??? If the event is against your "religion" then STAY HOME. This ties in so closely with the worries that some have about the "christian" backer. Where does the bull crap stop? If the baker can refuse to bake then ppl will be screaming their religion and their over sensitive feelings all over the country. EVERYTHING will become religious based and we wont be able to sneeze without being sued for being offensive to someones beliefs.

    For Example

    Not immunizing your children is against my "religious" belief (Sarcasm here). Immunization protects us and saves our lives but ppl are wasting their time over being offended by stuff they don't have to be a part of, that doesn't even touch their lives in a personal way (as the article states the group suing is on the other end of the country) Immunizations on the other hand effect health of every person in this country that comes in contact with someone who isn't immunized and spreads very quickly endangering all of us.

    My point. Stop wasting time, energy and money on BS and spend on things that actually matter. All of our homeless and hungry and disfranchised. You want to promote your religion DO something that shows your beliefs in a positive manner instead of showing hate and intolerance. I hear all the time how christianity is about love and forgiveness about helping and not judging. Little tip..It sure as bleep doesn't look it from my view. What I see is constant war on everything they "think" is against their religion. Christianity as a whole can't even agree on which bible is the "right" one. How can something be against your religion if you don't know what your religion is truly about. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_English_Bible_translations) here is a list of "bibles" its amazing to think you all are claiming your christian when you don't even know if the words your quoting come from someones rendition in the 1900 or is the real translation from the original Hebrew and Greek writings.

    Ok done. Sorry for the length. This whole subject has about driven me nuts. Go ahead and let the flaming begin as I know it will. Nothing like being warmed by the burning fires of Internet hell ;)

    1. Jean Bakula's Avatar Jean Bakula

      People like this are the ones who make Christianity a religion based on fear, shame, and intolerance. My son is asexual (ACE) and is a 31 yr. old virgin. He was made to feel ashamed in the little, backward town he grew up in, until I realized what was happening. It is very hard to struggle with orientation and gender issues. Christian One Upmanship gets so boring.

    2. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

      It's not about and offending adults it's about the harm it is doing to the children's. Liberals want to normalize this and use it as a stepping stone to legalize and normalize pedophilia. That's why they have been pushing the boundaries. Liberals are communists... back in the fifties they said the only way to destroy America would be from within. Their plan to destroy America was to destroy the family unit. Destroy people's faith in religion.. Destroy feelings of patriotism and national pride. And several others . And so by making deviant acts acceptable it brings them one step closer.

      1. guidvce4's Avatar guidvce4

        James R Bowen. You hit the nail on the head with your post. The left is pulling out all the stops to attempt to normalize all sorts of behavior with the goal of destroying our family values. The ultimate goal is to take over control of all of the power in this nation. What those who are supporting the destruction of our values don't seem to realize is that once that final goal is achieved, then they will be in the crosshairs of the leftist elites who they helped put into power. Study history, folks, that has been the way of the left each and every time they finally achieve the goal of absolute power. It worked in Russia, Germany, etc. the same way once the "useful idiots" were no longer needed to reach the goal. Just sayin', wise up and see this trend of "normalization" for what it is.

  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

    I’m sure the stories for the children were fun. Better than the horrific stories in the Bible and telling the little children they were born in sin and will be going to hell if they don’t let a man called Jesus save them.

    I’ll go with the fun stories for my children any time no matter who is reading them.


    1. Carl Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Elfstrom

      By far most drag queens are good people, and drag shows are very entertaining. I started going to them in 1981, when I was eighteen years old,at Robert's Lafitte in Galveston. And that fabulous gay bar still has very entertaining drag shows. Ive known a lot of drag queens, and they were all good people. I've even known a couple of them who were married to women and had children at the time they were performing in drag shows. Drag queens aren't all homosexuals, iether. The entertainment industry is all-inclusive. I hope y'all aren't confusing dragqueens with transvestites, and transexuals. All three of those are different things. Transvestites dress like women, but don't perform in drag shows, unless they are drag queens ,too. Drag queens are professional entertainers. And even some cross dressers or transvestites are straight.

      1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

        Personally I thought the drag queen should have won American Idol last year. But it was with morbid fascination that I watched. Not for entertainment. There's a lot of freaks in the world. Some are fascinating. Some are just disgusting.

        1. Jay's Avatar Jay

          Very Christian to be calling people freaks Kim. Shame.

          1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            It's reality....There are quite a few weirdos around these days pretending to be biological rarities. It's a real freak show

          2. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            You are not a Christian so how would you know?

        2. Brian H's Avatar Brian H

          Kim, As much as I do not believe there is a god I also have read the bible several times. I believe the Jesus I read about would have some suggestions for you in regards to your opinions of others. Perhaps some additional reading is in order?

          1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            But apparently it doesn't apply to you right? Why don't YOU stop worrying about what others believe. And YOU need to decide for yourself instead of trying to correct others that believe what the bible says. From what I've seen you need to read it. And pray hard before and afterwards brian!

          2. Brian H's Avatar Brian H

            I bet my problem is the hypocrisy and pretzel logic explanations to use the bible to reinforce bigotry & hate while at the same time ignoring the passages that either make absolutely no sense or preach about tolerance and inclusion. You can't have it both ways. You pretend that you know the nuances of the bible so that you can stutter-step around the actual words as they are printed in an effort to support your beliefs. That's some weird mojo you got going. Nature gave you an amazing brain & you choose to not use it.

      2. Carrie's Avatar Carrie

        Oh Ginny, I feel so sorry for you...So sad...you must have been molested as a child but, you grew to love your father, didn't you....don't you still feel his arms around you? Little Ginny, you also must be a pedophile...those who are so fanatical in hatred are the ones with the most to hide..and you hide a lot, don't you Ginny. You were molested and abused...you hide your child porn from others...you are attracted to the man next door...all true, right Ginny? Ginny Bowen, you are forgiven! Your god wants you to open your mouth for him! Hows that feel.....

      3. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

        That's the reality of the gay lifestyle.

        1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

          Exactly. So maybe they aren't so good around children.

    2. Jai's Avatar Jai

      Lionheart, would you let a man called Jesus read or tell a story to your children

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        What’s in a name? A man called Jesus mows my neighbors grass. He seems okay, (he’s possibly an illegal) and he doesn’t wear an off-white dress, but he is performing miracles. Her grass is now starting to come back from the dead at last.

        It lives! It lives! All hail to the grass!


        1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

          Jesus and jesus christ or different names and different people. When you curse... I'm pretty sure you aren't referring to your gardener. -just saying

          1. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            The commandment was to not take the name of God in vain. A name in the Bible refers to a patriarchal name corresponding to the original patriarch. Consequently the "name" of Jesus wasn't "Christ". It was "Son of God" which in modern vernacular equates to "Godson" but from a patriarchal perspective rather than a physical one.. Religion twists that into the pagan "godman" hybrid. Jesus was not the hybrid of a virgin and a god. If such were the case Jesus would have been a bastard child if one says Mary wasn't married or the consequence of adultry if one says Mary was married. The fact of the matter is that Jesus was born of the "sperma" of Joseph by artificial insemination as the son of man within the marriage vow. He was declared to be the Son of God at his baptism and those returning memories drove him into isolation where it nearly killed him before he was able to handle it. He was the Son of God from eternity and had been sent to be born a man. Ever that Son but never God. His value is that he gave up his eternal existence. Not his physical one.

        2. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

          I never attacked a pagan in my life... and as for pedophiles... you are the one defending them. Maybe you need psychiatric help as much as the drag queens...

        3. Jai's Avatar Jai

          Lionheart.. yep that's what I do mow grass good guess or enlightenment for you by the CREATOR your choice

    3. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

      I love how they left out the picture of this drug queen laying on their back with the children laying on top of him. Have fun grooming your children for pedophilia.

      1. Brian H's Avatar Brian H

        I tried to Google Image "this" queen lying on her back. Didn't work so now I'm left wondering two things. Did James lie about it? And... when I think of all the abuse children go through by people who are not queens what did we fail to detect if we need to worry about kids climbing on a person in front of a large group? My head says I have a lot more things to worry about before I need to worry about "this" queen.

        1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

          I can sure send you the picture I posted it on Facebook, LinkedIn and on mewe. The liberal Media doesn't want you to see it.. they own google.

          1. Brian H's Avatar Brian H

            Was it really scary? Shocking even? Was the fear for the safety of the kids almost overwhelming. Again, you could have included a link to some page with it but you did not so that's not helping. And... if a link were to be provided, are you certain it supports your theory of scary, inappropriate contact or is it just some kids & a grown up having kid fun? The DQ's name is Andrea Tate aka Tirrany. Google has many pics of her but none show kids on her. Just watching her read.

        2. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

          Portland Oregon st. John's Library Carla Rossi. And apparently you don't know how to use Google any better than you can read the Bible

        3. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

          By the way it's all over YouTube now too. You can choose to do not believe if you want to okay. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. The same is true when dealing with fools. You can offer them knowledge but you can't make them accept it.

      2. Amy Varela's Avatar Amy Varela

        Straight white men are pedophiles way more often than drag queens. You're not very bright, are you, James? Just another hater hiding behind "religion"?

        1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

          Not true. There are more cases because there are more straight men. Percentage per population tells a different story. Liberals love to tell this half truth. 49% straight men vs. 1% gay / .03% trans/ drags. Which are different but counted in same group. The entire LGBTQ community is 3.8% nationwide average. Of course NYC is 10% and California is just over 8% Nice try though

        2. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

          The ratio of pedophilia in drags is higher simply because there aren't that many of them. The percentage of pedophilia in gays and drag queens is significantly higher than in the normal population.

    4. WarriorMaiden's Avatar WarriorMaiden

      Honestly, I don't see what the problem is?! folk are happy to let your kids do dress up, take your kids to the circus and see clowns, ballet to view fairies, allowed to sit on father Christmas' knee, but you have an issue with a drag queen (who would be seriously vetted) teaching your kid to read...!!!

      Not only are you protesters a hypocrite, but here is a case of 'one doest protest too much'...!!!!!!!!!

    5. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

      I think the question is, have you had your electro-shock treatment yet. Followed by a Thorazine chaser

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Have you James? We are all in different places in out thought structure. It doesn’t mean that those that think different to yourself need psychological help unless someone is prepared to harm others.

        We all are on a learning path, and that doesn’t exclude yourself. A good education into understand reason and logic is a good place to start from.


        1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

          Ordinarily I would agree but when it puts children in danger that outweighs the need to ignore what others do. There is such a thing as mental illness whether you like it or not. And people who do the things that those people do. Are not normal. That's not judging that is merely mathematical statistics. When 96% and the population does not do a thing then it only follows that what the smaller percentages are doing is outside of the norm. Sometimes it's no big deal. But when it endangers children I consider it a big deal. Children should not be twisted like that they should be given a chance to be in the 96% category. Not the 3.8 % categories that suffer from higher suicide rates. And domestic abuse at far greater levels than the rest of society.

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            I lost a grandson due to suicide only 2 months ago aged 19 because of his indoctrination to religion. He never felt good enough and never felt he could live up to Christian standards.

            When little children are indoctrinated to believe they will go to hell if they don’t take upon them the name of your Jesus Christ and forsake their sins this is utter mental abuse. It’s a criminal act in the name of religion. It’s the sickest act anyone can shove into the heads of little children. That sin, if sin really exists, lies with religious educators and they should be ashamed of themselves. If there is a hell, that’s where they are headed.


          2. Dustin's Avatar Dustin

            @Lionheart, it is a shame that you lost a grandson, I too have lost a child one of the most painful things I have ever experienced. However, there is more to suicide than just religion causing the problem. But you did us the word right "religion" is creation of man most often corrupting the real truth. From you previous post on here God and the Bible really seem to hit a sore spot with you. The problem of today is more churches are filled full of dead people who are spiritually empty, the Christians you judge so quickly you are probably right about, however, the real Christians are much different than what you even know, does not sound like you have ever meet one. One quick note, spiritual warfare is a real thing, in Job the devil approached God trying to hid among angels, God asked Satan where he came from, the devils response "From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it." Satans agenda is to cause choas and confusion, if real Christians are so wrong why have they be kill more than any other culture of people in history. They killed Jesus who was God, if they can kill him for spreading truth they will do the same to us sinning Chrisitans.

          3. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            @Dustin. Thank you for your well meaning thoughts. I once held a high position in a Christian Church so I totally understand where you are coming from as I’ve have made similar remarks from the pulpit.

            I have now left religion and Christianity behind and feel I have recovered from my childhood/adulthood indoctrination. I now see all religion through very different eyes, and feel much better for it.


        2. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

          Lion....I suggest college courses in Boolean math, set theory and logic.

        3. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

          Lion....Justin's response is typical of religionists who claim some kind of abstract "spiritual" church that never can be found. The fact of the matter is that churches are what they are.....perpetual money laundering schemes and they use what works to bring in the only source of power they have regardless of whether it's in the Bible or not. Money. Passion and the appearance of sincerity are two of the most commonly used tools.

          1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            Your response is typical of a loser, trying to high five another loser on losing

        4. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

          Lion....I lost several peers from suicide when I was growing up in a cult. We were told the world would end in 1972. Some couldn't handle it. We were lied to of course. Protect the kids if you can from any kind of extremism whether religion or politics.

          1. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            So because the ufo never came and you were left with a pocket full of quarters... now you feel jaded. What bothered you the most? The fact that they lied to you, or you got the control koolaid that had nothing in it? You may have trusted Jim Jones. Peter Popoff, and Jim &Tammy faye.. it's not the Christians fault you chose weirdo groups... normal people knew those groups were messed up. Without being told. The fact that you didn't only goes to show your judgment can't be trusted. If one old guy claims he has secret knowledge .. he probably doesn't. Christianity is not a secret... unless you are with someone claiming to be christ himself. Which I'm sure you have been.

          2. kimberly's Avatar kimberly

            James dear…..I grew up in a cult. was born into it. And when I grew older I began researching the Bible and found I had to unlearn all that I'd been taught. Until that time the cult was "normal" to me. I thought nothing of killing kitty cats in the woods and other little woods critters as a form of sacrifice. Don't be so naïve puddin.

          3. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            My point exactly

        5. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

          What high position did you hold? You reek of lies. Had you claimed you taught Sunday school. Or volunteered as a janitor I might believe that... let me guess, youth directed until you got caught in the baptistery banging some confused 5th grader who seemed older to you at the time. At least now we know why you defend pedophiles and hate churches

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Jimmy, as per usual, you are wrong. I was never involved in the Roman Catholic Church. It was very possibly the cult you are currently involved with.

            I notice once again your mind is very centered on pedophilia. It’s very much on your mind isn’t it Jimmy? You are obviously hiding something very deep in your psyche. I’ve noticed similar out-of-the-blue remarks from you to other ULC members.

            I know this might be a real stretch for you Jimmy, but it might help you if you try as best you can to not have those thoughts in your mind when you are replying to ULC members. If you find it becomes a struggle for you, I think you might find that seeking help might be your best option.


          2. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

            Well when you support the pedophiles it's kind of hard to put it back into me for calling you on it. The other guy admitted he was. I imagine you may too, but probably not here or now. This story was about drag queen pedophiles so clearly it's on the mind of anyone commenting on this thread. Sorry if it hits close to home or outs you. It is sick. And you need help and possibly castration. Because guys like you can't help yourself. Especially when you try to shift it on to others trying to intervene for your would be victims. It's written on you like a cheap jailhouse tattoo poorly drawn on your neck I never said you were catholic. Though I'm betting a priest may have tampered with you when you were a small lad and still loved life and the world around you. And could sit without the discomfort of your advanced hemorrhoids bothering you as such.

    6. James R Bowen's Avatar James R Bowen

      Because you are one. And you molest children.

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