Newsletters / ULC Newsletter - August, 2019

The Visionary
Is it just us or does the whole world seem like it’s gone a bit topsy-turvy?
In this edition of The Visionary, we're exploring a world that has seemingly turned inside-out. Atheists know more about Christianity than Christians, doctors are helping patients die, and a pastor is handing out sex toys like they're communion wafers. We've gotta ask, did we step into the Upside-Down?
Billy Graham rule

No Girls Allowed

A Mississippi politician made headlines when he invoked the "Billy Graham rule" and refused to be alone with a female reporter. Is it a sexist policy or a #MeToo precaution?
Were They Wrong?
Minister T-Shirt

Black Minister T-Shirt

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Is Sunday School Dead?

Is Sunday School Dead?

A new survey shows atheists outscored Christians handily on basic questions about religion. How is it that those that don't believe know more about belief than those that do?
Take The Quiz Yourself!

Clerical Dickey

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Female pastor sex shop

Stranger Kinks: Female Pastor Fired Over Sex Toy Scandal

A prominent female NYC pastor was fired after allegedly taking coworkers to an adult entertainment shop and buying them sex toys. But the gifts were most unwelcome, and her fellow clergy members filed complaints. Now, those close to the situation speculate that there may be more to the story.
Did She Go Too Far?
Complete book of chakras

Complete Book of Chakras

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New Jersey terminally ill patients legally end life

Death With Dignity

Seven states have now passed laws allowing terminally-ill patients to end their lives prematurely. But many faith groups insist the policy is "anti-life" and sinful.
Should Suicide Be Legal?
City removes Lord references from police monument

God Gets Cancelled

A city in South Carolina became the center of controversy after they erased the word "Lord" from a plaque dedicated to fallen law enforcement officers.
Were They Wrong?
Ceremonial handfasting cord

Ceremonial Handfasting Cord

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Classic wedding package

Featured Product: Classic Wedding Package

We're in the dog days of summer, but the heat isn't stopping many wedding officiants from getting out and performing beautiful ceremonies. Plus, that means autumn is right around the corner – did you know 40% of all weddings in the U.S. take place during the fall months? Join in on the action by ordering your official documents today!
Get Yours Here!

The ULC has relaunched the Minister Network and given it a fresh new look. Come join the most active online chapel on the internet.

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Ministers network
man with straight pride shirt
A controversial Baptist preacher has reportedly been banned from entering Australia. Pastor Steven Anderson, infamous for arguing that gay people deserve the death penalty, is complaining now that governments have responded by closing the door on his international preaching trips. See how the ULC Facebook community reacted to the news.
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