Newsletters / ULC Newsletter - October, 2017

The Visionary
Do you think Kaepernick knew his first kneel 1 year ago would launch a movement?
This week, The Visionary examines a number of stories of people standing (or kneeling) for what they believe in, a strength of conviction often met with an equal and opposite force.
Athletes stand for anthem

Oh, Say Can You Stand?

In the midst of controversial protests across the NFL, a Christian university is demanding student-athletes stand for the national anthem.
Is This Good Policy?
Alpha omega stole

Alpha Omega Stole

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Bibles Behind Bars

Bibles Behind Bars

A Kansas prison is accused of pressuring inmates to convert to Christianity. Defenders say that Christian ideals help criminals become better people.
Can Christ Stop Crime?

Complete Book of Witchcraft

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Judge gay weddings

Company's Ban on Gay Weddings Akin to 'Whites Only' Sign, Judge Says

A judge ruled that a wedding videography company’s policy against filming same-sex weddings was equivalent to putting up a "White Applicants Only" sign and threw out their lawsuit. However, they aren’t ready to back down.
Are Gay People Asking Too Much?
Communion wafer and juice pack

Communion Set

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Plan B vending machines in colleges

Press Button For Plan B

The morning-after pill is now available in special vending machines on several college campuses, with many more planning to get on board.
Will Results Be Positive?
Women driving ban in Saudi Arabia

(Finally) Taking the Wheel

Saudi Arabia's decades-old ban on female drivers is finally coming to an end, much to the chagrin of the country's more conservative Islamic factions.
Could Other Laws Follow?
Classic wedding package

Classic Wedding Package

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Premium minister package

Featured Product: Minister Credential Package

Take full advantage of your status as a legally ordained minister by arming yourself with all the paperwork you need to get out into the world and start making a difference!
Get Yours Here!
Alabama senate candidate

Christianity in Command

A controversial former judge, Roy Moore, is poised to become Alabama's next Senator. Could his extreme religious views be cause for concern?

Why Some Are Worried

The ULC has relaunched the Minister Network and given it a fresh new look. Come join the most active online chapel on the internet.

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Ministers network
ULC Facebook
Our Facebook followers reacted to a video showing Orthodox Jews covering up airplane TV screens to censor a rom-com they found offensive. Were their actions a justifiable exercise of religious freedom?
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