Newsletters / ULC Newsletter - September, 2017

The Visionary
The world is constantly transforming, but how can we plan for an uncertain future?
This edition of the Visionary explores the shifting tides that surround us. From ministers marching against bigotry to social media becoming the next religion, change abounds.
Anti gay marriage campaign Australia

Thunder from Down Under

The loud debate on gay marriage in Australia is echoing across the globe. Opponents are waging a nasty campaign that many say constitutes hate speech.
Are Their Tactics Working?
Executive portfolio

Executive Portfolio

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Power in Numbers

Power in Numbers

The Rev. Al Sharpton rallied more than 1,000 religious leaders from across the spectrum to Washington D.C. to protest against recent displays of hate.
Is America in Trouble?

Minister's Baseball Cap

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Shoot drug dealers

Spray and Pray: Philippines Takes Aim at Drug Crisis

The Philippines has taken a uniquely violent approach solving its drug epidemic: shoot dealers on sight. As intended, the bodies are piling up.
How Can This Be Legal?
By the power vested in you

By The Power Vested In You

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Eclipse judgement day

Is Judgment Day Here?

Many were excited to witness the first solar eclipse in the U.S. since 1979, but some faith leaders insist it was a sign of a coming apocalypse.
Are You Prepared?
Facebook new world religion

The Church of the Future

With membership surpassing 2 billion, there are now more Facebook users than there are Muslims on Earth. Is organized religion in trouble?
Is Church Moving Online?
Baptism package

Baptism Package

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Premium wedding package

Featured Product: Premium Wedding Package

Come prepared to your next wedding ceremony with this comprehensive package that contains all your ministerial credentials, a wedding guidebook, and a variety of tasteful marriage certificates.
Get Yours Here!
Hate in America

Hate is Hate

As the hate underlying Confederate America resurfaces and circulates among certain groups we face an old question: What should be done with their statues?

Is it Time to Topple Them?

The ULC has relaunched the Minister Network and given it a fresh new look. Come join the most active online chapel on the internet.

Click to Join Your Fellow Ministers
Ministers network
ULC Facebook
We've asked our followers on Facebook to help us raise money for the ongoing relief efforts in Texas. For every share our post gets, ULC will donate $2 to assist the victims of Hurricane Harvey.
Click the buttons below to join your brothers and sisters in ministry in our active and ongoing online conversations!