Newsletters / ULC Newsletter - May, 2017

The Visionary
We like to to stand by our convictions, but sometimes doing so has consequences.
The Visionary spotlights those who were kicked out: a breastfeeding mom forced from church, a Christian student expelled from school, and an entire religion banned in Russia.
Mom breastfeeding kicked out

Breastfeeding Mom Forced Out of Church

Church officials demanded that a breastfeeding mother leave in the middle of a church service. Now she's fighting back.
Is Breastfeeding A Sin?
Premium certificate of marriage

Premium Marriage Certificates

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Cannabis Church Sparks Outrage

Cannabis Church Sparks Outrage

A community of weed-worshipers in Colorado has opened their own church. They want to light up during services, but neighbors say no way.
Are Smokey Sermons Legal?

ULC Wallet License

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Christian student expelled

Christian Student Expelled For Calling Gay Marriage "Sinful"

A Christian student was kicked out Sheffield University after he called same-sex marriage "sinful" during a debate on Facebook. Critics say it's a violation of free speech, and the student is taking the fight to court.
Was the University Right to Expel Him?
Holy Bible KJV collector edition

KJV Holy Bible

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Kentucky Bible in schools

Kentucky Endorses Bible in Public Schools

Kentucky will allow public schools to teach Bible study classes. Christians are cheering the move, but critics say it's a government endorsement of the Gospel.
Does Christ Belong in Class?
China Bans muslim baby names

China Outlaws Muslim Names for Newborns

Chinese Muslims are distraught after learning that the government has placed a ban on Islamic baby names such as "Muhammad", "Mecca", and "Jihad".
Is The Ban Fair?
Jedi knight credential

Jedi Knight Certificate

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Short sleeve clergy shirt

Featured Product: Short Sleeve Clergy Shirt

With hotter temperatures on the horizon and wedding season kicking into gear, don't miss out on the ULC short-sleeve clergy shirt. They're perfect for warm days and outdoor ceremonies! Pick one up before they’re gone.
Get Yours Here!
Russia bans jehovas witnesses nationwide

Russia Bans Jehovah's Witnesses

In a startling crackdown on religious freedom, Russia has outlawed Jehovah’s Witnesses from the country. Will more religions get the axe?

Who Will Be Next?

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Our friends on Facebook reacted after Pope Francis referred to Europe's refugee camps as "concentration camps". Do you think he was in the wrong?
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