smart tattoos could lead to mark of the beast

Nowadays technology is getting smaller, more powerful, and more convenient. If there's one thing to be said about this generation, it's that we love our gadgets. From smart phones to drones, we've come a long way in just the past ten years. On that note, a new innovation caught our attention recently. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have created a unique way for us to interact with technology and share information: temporary smart tattoos. This breakthrough has the potential to change our lives for the better. However, some have been off-put by its striking similarity to the Biblical "mark of the beast".

Smart Tattoos to Revolutionize Tech World

The idea for smart tattoos came from a PhD student in the MIT media laboratory. She said it was in response to the sort of conformity that currently dominates the market for personal devices. As much as we champion our iPhones and Androids, in reality they are all quite similar in capability and overall design.

These smart tattoos can have completely customized looks using the basic building blocks of a lithium polymer battery and a small computing chip. This fascinating technology allows your skin to transform into a track-pad, like those used to control a cursor on your computer or in a video game. It can also hold information that can be read by smartphones with a simple touch or picture. Some will even change color when they sense a change in your body temperature.

Mmart tattoos are applied to the body the same way as their more traditional counterparts. You place the decoration with its paper backing face down on the desired patch of skin, moisten the backing, and press and hold the tattoo to the skin. When you gently peel away the backing, you're left with a metallic, geometric design that lasts for a few hours, or until it is rinsed off.

Of course what sets these seemingly simple marks apart is their technological capability. The emblem itself is made of gold leaf, which conducts electricity and can sense your touch, detect heat, and communicate with other electronic devices through Near Field Communication (NFC), which is commonly used by retailers to take payments from smartphones.

Mark of the Beast Spells Damnation

mark of the beast of revelation 666 In 2013, Regina Dugan, previous head of the Pentagon's research arm and currently working for Google, wore a precursor of these smart tattoos at a media event. Like those made at MIT, hers also used gold leaf, but rather than using a chip to relay information, the design itself contained information used to authenticate her identity. She proposed it as a possible avenue to solve the problem of identity theft.

While this all sounds potentially groundbreaking and exciting, some Christians may see parallels between this concept and the Biblical "mark of the beast" prophesied in the book of Revelation.

The last book of the Bible details visions of the events leading up to the end of the world, including the rise of an evil leader referred to simply as the beast. Prophecy often employs colorful metaphors, so understanding Revelation requires quite a bit of interpretation. At some point, the beast has a very large population following him and he creates a mark and a number (666). The inscription of these on the body appear necessary for participation in society:

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:16-17 KJV

A more permanent version of the smart tattoos could conceivably be used in the future for identification, purchasing, as a way to carry your medical history, and much, much more. Individual smart tattoos already have the capability to carry out these specific functions, so it likely won't be long before one tattoo could perform a complex combination of all of them. Understandably, something like this could be very important to daily life in the future.

What's worrisome about this idea is that the mark of the beast is said to have long-lasting effects. Firstly, those that do not accept it on their person could potentially not only have difficulty receiving medical treatment, buying and selling goods, or gaining access to some public areas, but it is said in the Bible that they could be killed as punishment for noncompliance.

Accepting the mark, however, could raise some eternal problems for your soul. Revelation seems to imply that having the mark is tantamount to worshiping the beast over God, thereby forfeiting salvation and earning you a spot in Hell. Again, the language of prophecy isn't clear-cut and there are a diverging popular interpretations.


This certainly leaves a lot to ponder over. to those who believe the prophecy, do you think these smart tattoos could be precursors to the mark of the beast? Religion aside, we'd like to hear your opinions on combining the human body with technology -- have we discovered a new frontier, or is this innovation a potential danger to society?


  1. Rodger W Harris's Avatar Rodger W Harris

    I'm firmly believe this world system currently we're all living in is pushing for the mark the beast mentioned in the book of Revelation . Without not evening realizing the very harsh realities both by using technology and the tattoo's . This will surely have a massive impact on all those's that striving to fight for their rights as (True Christians the chosen once's from out this world Jesus himself has called and meant for) We are living in such evil times such immoral disconnected times that evening many professing Christians cannot see this . I also believe that Pope Francis is surely one the major false prophets mention in revelation .

  1. Sharon LaVerda's Avatar Sharon LaVerda

    I know that in my lifetime technology has gone way beyond my imagination. I sometimes am concerned about what my grandchildren may have to deal with. All technology may not be good. As someone said - it is a matter of if it can be controlled by someone in power. Then there is the exploding lithium batteries. Suppose one of these explode in your arm, or wherever? Could someone in the future make them explode?

  1. Apostle Dr. C.N. Turrell's Avatar Apostle Dr. C.N. Turrell

    No matter how ones looks at this Scripture is clear on two things on Tattoo's and if one takes the mark they are doomed to not be part the the Eternal Kingdom. And if it will be used for ID or buying and selling etc. then it is the Mark of Best that we are not too take.

  1. Rev Ned's Avatar Rev Ned

    If you want to explain your religion to me, I will listen. However, if your opening statement is "Let's turn to the book of Revelation." We are done.

  1. solange silverman's Avatar solange silverman

    I am not a fan of religion, but, in some cases, it has and is being used to "soften" people to certain ideas against which, otherwise, they would certainly rebel. If, indeed, there is time travel and visitors from our future come here, some to prepare us, some to warn us, this "mark" would most certainly be a tool of great usefulness to the NWO, in whose interest it is to prove that the bible prophesies are true, and for the masses to comply to their agenda.

    1. solange silverman's Avatar solange silverman

      I am not a fan of religion, but, in some cases, it has and is being used to “soften” people to certain ideas against which, otherwise, they would certainly rebel. If, indeed, we are living in a simulated universe, and, if there is time travel and visitors from our future come here, some to prepare us, some to warn us, then, there could certainly be others who have written the words to attempt to ensure a certain scenario. In any case, this “mark” would most certainly be a tool of great usefulness to the NWO, in whose interest it is to prove that the bible prophesies are true and for the masses to comply to their agenda. (Edited)

  1. Donna Renee Anderson's Avatar Donna Renee Anderson

    It's important to remember not to "get in a bother" about the text regarding end times because for every person leaving a post there is a differing point of view. I continue learning not to place God (Father, Mother, Other) in my human box because "they" don't fit. Tats & marks are choices for the individual & having a quiet moment with God to ask questions about how we should then live works for me. Thank you for "listening".

  1. Ellis L Keyes's Avatar Ellis L Keyes

    The mark is in the mind and its symbol is Christ crucified, Nailed hands and feet are 666.

  1. Sharon's Avatar Sharon

    Years ago I felt 'stopped' in so many ways until I met a couple who did soul clearing. So, I boogied to their place in an ordinary neighborhood, met by ordinary looking people and then the session began with something that resonated so deeply within I knew it was for real. In the meditation I was a great healer in Atlantis who used crystals and more to heal all levels of those who lived there. The higher ups wanted me to use my powers only on them and not those who had less. Having none of that nonsense I continued on with healing arts for anyone who came to me and spoke out boldly on the behalf of everyone. So, the only thing they could do to me to shut me up and down was to place crystals in various places to shut down my energies and my mouth. After removal of these soul blocks I felt free of the fear of implants and more. However, I believe that we must be careful of who is putting in a tattoo or implant and for what reasons? Control in the name of good? ie, medical records? Who needs them to follow us around? Just remember what happened to those in concentration camps. We must remain aware of the why and the what of those who want power. Enough said for now.

  1. Denise's Avatar Denise

    The growing tide of tattoos can be seen everywhere! Why the interest? I admit I have seen some very attractive tattoos and then seen many that are "what were you thinking!". I personally do not have tattoos, not even interested in having one. The pain and discomfort alone would cure me of that! Mark of the Beast - not sure about that since I do not believe in an evil being. The God that I know and love would never allow us to be put to such suffering as described by religions by the Beast!

  1. Mary's Avatar Mary

    The Bible is God's word to all of us and we all need to take His word on what He is saying. So many people try to change His word for what they think He means. The words are there just as they are, they mean what they mean

  1. Rev. Ida M. Grossi, M.Div's Avatar Rev. Ida M. Grossi, M.Div

    Revelation 13:16-18 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a MARK in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the MARK, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

  1. Rev. JASON Durden's Avatar Rev. JASON Durden

    A lot of these discussions make you think, but the one thought that continues to pop up in my mind is "The Devils greatest trick, was convincing the world that he didn't exist." It's easy to fall into a politically correct mindset, or be complacent in our outlook. Everyone wants to jump on the next big thing, be part of the crowd. But we must tread carefully and be as sure as we can to make the best decisions we can, accepting a permanent mark to live life just strikes too close to what I was told was a mark of evil. I wi ere on the side of caution

  1. Thomas William Cornfield's Avatar Thomas William Cornfield

    Hahahahahahahahahahhaha opps sorry The lord god almighty does not believe in this bogus mankind belief. Really do you believe Satin is all powerful like the Lord god Almighty. If you do I will pray for you The Lord God Almighty (no matter what you call him/her) Is the creator of all, as the destroyer of all. nothing more or nothing less opps sorry

    1. Ellis L Keyes's Avatar Ellis L Keyes

      The mark is in the mind and its symbol is christ crusified, Nailed hands and feet are 666.

    2. Ellen M. Santistevan's Avatar Ellen M. Santistevan

      I too laughed out loud when I saw this article -- thanks for laughing too!

  1. Christopher Holloway's Avatar Christopher Holloway

    First off, no way!!! I am Muslim myself and against this for many reasons. I don't believe that this is the "mark of the beast" nor do I really believe in such things. I do believe it's a way for mankind to find a way out of hard work, applying credit(sorry, dislike that avenue) and form a way for the top 5 percent to exclude the rest of society. I firmly believe in hard work, loving ones fellow and spending out of what God has given us. A firm belief in Christianity is to not have debt as well.

  1. Minister Norman's Avatar Minister Norman

    I have chosen to not tattoo my body in any way... Can the Government then force me to do something I will not do to my own body? If so, can there be anything really other than ulterior motives behind this; even if it's just mass conformity and the cowing of our society they are after? EVEN IF!!!

    So let's see, in the name of "Non- conformity" or alternatives to those same-old-same, conformity driven and causing old Smart Phones (LOL), we ALL need to get, MUST, conform to having/getting/using "Smart Tattoos" instead, REALLY?!

    What a nafarious bunch of bullcrap, and a complete contradiction. This is a full tilt bag of rancid garbage. We Tag, Brand, and Tattoo farm animals, and beasts in the wild; oh right, and they did that to Slaves and Concentration Camp Victims... Never forget that!

    I will NEVER allow anyone to do any such thing to me, to my humanity, to the sovereignty of my body and human parsonage. I will never so disrespect myself as to allow anyone to Tag, Brand, or Tattoo me... EVER!!!

    BTW, that's regardless of any Religious convictions I also hold sacred.

    Besides which (for anyone still on the fence about all this), our bodies are each already unique enough to act as a personal identification method (to thwart "Identity Theft", and act as a liaison to any technology, and all these technologies are already exist and are being used today. So this isn't just redundant, it's a LIE!

    No two human beings TO DATE have the same Finger or Hand Prints (and those can be input and used as protocols or passwords or program authentications/executable's already); likewise no two people have even similar eye retinal patterns, which can also be used for any of the rationalizations given as to why there is any necessity for Tattoos. And even face recognition can be used for all such ancillary and technological uses.

    I'm calling NWO BS on this one. This is all about conformity, plain and simple, and turning the populace into farm animals.

    Count me OUT!

    1. John Lee Pettimore III's Avatar John Lee Pettimore III

      "No two human beings TO DATE have the same Finger or Hand Prints (and those can be input and used as protocols or passwords or program authentications/executable’s already); likewise no two people have even similar eye retinal patterns, which can also be used for any of the rationalizations given as to why there is any necessity for Tattoos. And even face recognition can be used for all such ancillary and technological uses."

      What about identical twins? Barring environmental happenstance, they would be the same.

      1. Douglas Tatum's Avatar Douglas Tatum

        Actually there is a case where two ppl have the same fingerprint. Just saying!

  1. Jonathan James Ingram Th.D.'s Avatar Jonathan James Ingram Th.D.

    I dunno kinda want one cool concept really

  1. Rev. John Montet's Avatar Rev. John Montet

    Before we consider something to be portents of end-times, it is important to recall the context of the Book of Revelations.

    As we know, the book was written by a Jewish Christian (John of Patmos) who was in exile from the Roman empire. As such, the majority of the book reads as pure propaganda against the Roman empire - most notably Nero Cesar.

    One of the reasons we know this is that hebrew letters have numeric equivalents. If you add up the Hebrew letter making up the name of Nero Cesar, we arrive at the number 666 (or 616 if you use the Latin rather than Greek equivalent).

    That is not to say the book should only be considered historic propaganda. It certainly has deeper meaning. However, assimilating things we find new and strange to be signs of prophecy shortcuts our understanding - both of the new and of the text. Believing, as so many millions have done before, that we see millennia-old apocalyptic signs in our current time may be a reflection of hubris.

    Ref: Ref:

    1. Reverend Krystina S.'s Avatar Reverend Krystina S.

      John, YOU make sense. You are using historical fact to bring out our selfcentered, everything-is-imminenet viewpoint. Thanks for resetting that sense of perspective, as it is greatly needed. I agree with you.

  1. I am Rev.Dr.Yanel J. Laroche Jr..And Priscilla the Chastity the female archangel in his soul.'s Avatar I am Rev.Dr.Yanel J. Laroche Jr..And Priscilla the Chastity the female archangel in his soul.

    Rev.Dr.Yanel J. Laroche Jr. : It might be their mark of the wild beast you see.The true story of thee is that I believe all tattoos are against Christianity actually. Any tattoo to me does not look spiritual nor holy on anybody. I also believe you are living a lie if you now have a tattoo until you die. So many Nazarites and Israelites had long hair and I know why. Women can wash off their make up and lipstick and say goodbye. Can you remove a tattoo permanently until you die? Satan the Devil is the Father of the lie.

    Priscilla the Chastity:Is it a mark of the wild beast to me,Priscilla the Chastity,so holy? What is the true story of thee? I do not know why anyone really wants to mess up their body with a tattoo in reality. I am Priscilla the Chastity.

    1. Graham Cooke's Avatar Graham Cooke

      I have seven tattos and plan in getting more ad i see ink as scform of self expresion. Im no good at art or music so the ink is my self expession

  1. Robert's Avatar Robert

    any of them in control as it is1 they already track and listen to people's phone calls as it is as well as track people online, and with basically a circuit board attached to ones person they can even do it more so, so no thank you i will pass

  1. Kathryn's Avatar Kathryn

    Fascinating technology. Its applications are myriad, and as with any innovation, are capable of becoming very beneficial or very detrimental depending on those in control.

  1. Randy's Avatar Randy

    I'm less concerned about mark of the beast than electromagnetic interference with our cells. More and more research is pointing to the information cells send and receive through energy transmissions. Any interference disrupts cellular communication, A good resource is the work done by Bruce Lipton and his book, Biology of Belief.

  1. John's Avatar John

    I see it as a real possibility of the future "Mark".

  1. Robert's Avatar Robert

    you wont catch me with something like that no way, im in enough trouble as it is!

  1. Don's Avatar Don

    I think smart tattoos are merely a new type of technology, one which may or may not take hold in society. I do not subscribe to millenarian fears. Comments?

    1. Thegift's Avatar Thegift

      I will launch a technological/spiritual assault on the entire planet. With the power of my word I will crash systems that were created to keep people who do not accept the mark of the beast form prospering making money and selling on line. Computers and servers will crash, some will self destruct the programs themselves will become corrupted glitches that cannot be repaired will wreak havoc memory wipes smart emp embedded in the wires and signals themselves will strike everywhere, the offensive will begin with those who access or tapered with y online accounts eCommerce.

      1. Thegift's Avatar Thegift

        I will pour the vial of depression, the chicken and hell dog all at 100% pure power over the persons hacking restricting accounts blocking ales and traffic world servers IT personal world leaders all persons in charge of the beast systems. I will put a terrible curse on all persons or beings interfering with my business or trying to control them for all eternity my sons and Mary's businesses too. you will be cursed with my stress hardships and suffering you have caused me this begins now.

      2. Thegift's Avatar Thegift

        666 Satellites will crash and burn and be kill shot.

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