dove made of waterWe interact with water every day. It's in our cells, we consume it, wash with it and even play in it. For us for life in general there's no denying its importance. But what metaphysical properties does it possess and what role can it play in our spiritual lives? Research conducted by Dr. Masaru Emoto of Yokohama Municipal University in Japan is shedding light on some surprising properties of water. Dr. Emoto photographs samples of water as they freeze into ice for his book, Hidden Messages in Water. His samples, all from the same source, will form very different crystals depending on the words that are said during the process. Samples that freeze while negative words are spoken form discolored and truncated crystals, or sometimes fail to crystalize altogether. On the other hand, those samples frozen during the recitation of positive or encouraging words make clear, intricate, symmetrical and sprawling formations. The words can be said in any language to produce these results, so it would seem the behavior of the crystals is a function of the speaker's intentions and not any particular combinations of sounds. It may be possible that to some extent, water can contain information the way semiconductors like silicon are combined to make a functioning computer chip, though at this point it would seem that the slow process of freezing and the nature of the information as a record of emotion lacks application. But who knows what the future will hold for this sort of experimentation?

the hidden messages in water bookWe do know at least that water is affected by our emotions, and this can be profound when you consider that up to 60% of the human body is water; 70% of our brains, almost 90% of our lungs, and 83% of our blood are water according to the US Geological Survey. Since this compound is influenced by our emotional intent, it is no wonder that we often feel physically better when we have happier thoughts or interact in a positive way with each other.

This also lends credence to the notions of holy water and baptism. For many of our ordained ministers, they wanted to become a pastor to baptize others. This of course has a metaphorical aspect of cleansing a person, but it may also have some metaphysical aspect as the person baptized is washed with water that is enhanced by his attitude of submission and the intent of the ordained minister. The Universal Life Church Monastery gives you the tools to become a pastor and baptize followers. Whatever your beliefs are, water is a vital part of our lives. Given the research by Dr. Emoto and facts about our biology, the old adage "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" seems to fall flat, especially when you consider that even our bones are themselves 22% water!


  1. Rochelle Granito's Avatar Rochelle Granito

    I feel blessed to have come across your website and yes I became ordained and ordered products, I feel this is what I was guided to do become a minister and spread love and understanding. How can I make holy water? I will order all books to gain more knowledge. Thank you.

  1. Tamera Jean Earl's Avatar Tamera Jean Earl

    I also would like to know a prayer for blessing water to use in blessings & baptism

  1. Rev. Rebecca's Avatar Rev. Rebecca

    When blessing a home or a person, I always use holy water that I have blessed, along with prayer.

  1. Shelby Sheppard's Avatar Shelby Sheppard

    Hello I am in the process of starting my own church The Church Of Humanity. I would appreciate any advice or guidance I can get. Love and blessing to you all. Thank you, Minister Shelby Sheppard

  1. Gwendolyn El's Avatar Gwendolyn El


  1. Lorna L Dye's Avatar Lorna L Dye

    I believe that this has been my calling in life. Believe it or not, I have died 4xs and seen heaven,plus passed love ones and friends. God told me that I had not yet met my purpose and he would lead me to it!! Well he did!! I plan to move forward and share God's blessings to all who will listen. "For God so loved the world,that he gave his only begotten son, whosoever believeth in him Shall not Perish but have Everything life". John 3:16

  1. Cassie's Avatar Cassie

    Thank you John 3:16

  1. Shela's Avatar Shela

    Hallelujah. Thank you for this post.

  1. John Harland Johnson's Avatar John Harland Johnson

    we need refill that event of water drinking holy is his name pastor John Harland Johnson

  1. Dale Mark George Hansen's Avatar Dale Mark George Hansen

    I am ordained. Thank you for this opportunity. I feel closer to God as I understand Him. I look forward to taking my commitment to the next level as I intend to perform baptisms for those who wish to be in fellowship with the "Church in NAH"

  1. Lana Roberts's Avatar Lana Roberts

    I am happy god lead me to this site. It confirms my willingness to get as close to god as possible in this life and to let God lead me as I follow his word, learning all he has for us. Teaching other gods peace, grace and love for us. And for most that God sent his only begotten son to save us from sin

  1. Paul Denny Smith's Avatar Paul Denny Smith

    I noted quotations from Desiderata on this website. That confirmed my choice of this particular organization for my ordination. I founded the Eclectic Order of Deism. I believe that Jesus was the first Deist.

  1. Joann Teague's Avatar Joann Teague

    My LORD blesses me daily with His grace. My faith gives me access to the LORD grace; this is all that I want to do is to lift Him up to God, be the Glory.

  1. Joann Teague's Avatar Joann Teague

    My LORD blesses me daily with His grace. My faith gives me access to the LORD grace; this is all that I want to do is to lift Him up to God, be the Glory.

  1. Joann Teague's Avatar Joann Teague

    My LORD blesses me daily with His grace. My faith gives me access to the LORD grace; this is all that I want to do is to lift Him up to God, be the Glory.

  1. Alexander Boire's Avatar Alexander Boire

    I truly feel god has ushered me in this life that I chose yes I've made mistakes in my past however I feel that god has always been with me; and I have always asked for his forgiveness knowing that I am just one of his many children makes me feel loved.

    As I end my comment I wish all who read it a very happy, safe and blessed life in Christ Jesus' most holy name Amen

  1. Ainsley Schultz's Avatar Ainsley Schultz

    Patience, faith, mercy and grace; there’s no pain God can’t ERASE! Thank you Lord for directing me to this site and spiritual journey in your golden gravel road to Heaven faithfully! -TSgt Ainsley Schultz


  1. Ainsley Schultz's Avatar Ainsley Schultz

    *On Follow God’s Plan good people, thanks for listening and Godspeed!

  1. Sabrina M Calvillo's Avatar Sabrina M Calvillo

    Thank you for the opportunity to become Ordained! I do feel like I was guided here by something Stronger than myself. I have and will continue to order books and supplies to learn and spread God's Love and Word. I will Do God's work with Love and Kindness to all God's children no matter their beliefs.

  1. Sabrina M Calvillo's Avatar Sabrina M Calvillo

    Thank you for the opportunity to become Ordained! I do feel like I was guided here by something Stronger than myself. I have and will continue to order books and supplies to learn and spread God's Love and Word. I will Do God's work with Love and Kindness to all God's children no matter their beliefs.

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