Newsletters / ULC Newsletter - July, 2023

The Visionary
Everything has changed, and we frankly aren’t sure what to think anymore. From the apparent bad blood between Islamic folks and their Western neighbors, to the true history of the great American dynasty, to a recent SCOTUS decision that could spell the end game for LGBTQ+ freedoms – it almost seems like we’re living through a death of a thousand cuts to the world we used to know. Call it what you want, but our eyes are definitely open as sparks fly this Fourth of July.
Shake It Off

Shake It Off

Controversy erupted in Norway after footage went viral of a Muslim student refusing to shake hands with his female principal due to his religious sensibilities.

Shaky Logic?
The Story of US

The Story of US

Is America a Christian nation? The answer may depend on who you ask. Was there ever separation between church and state? Or did something shift?

In God We Trust?
Religious Symbols Pendants

Religious Symbols Pendants

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Holy Bible KJV Collectors Edition

Holy Bible KJV Collectors Edition

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Love Story: How One (Maybe Fake) Website Set Gay Rights Back Decades

Love Story: How One (Maybe Fake) Website Set Gay Rights Back Decades

In a major blow to LGBTQ+ equality, the Supreme Court has just ruled that a Christian wedding website vendor has the right to deny service to same-sex couples solely on the basis that their union violates her personal religious sensibilities. This could change everything.

See What the Decision Means
Clerical Dickey

Clerical Dickey

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Rainbow Clergy Stole

Rainbow Clergy Stole

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Our friends on Facebook had strong reactions to footage of a transgender man being denied medication at Walgreens. In an expletive-laden video, the customer is heard lambasting the pharmacist, who refused to fill his prescription due to his faith. “It’s always the religious people that have the most [expletive] hate in their hearts,” he says.

Explore Wedding Scripts

Explore Wedding Scripts

Need some wedding script inspiration? Check out our extensive collection of sample scripts. Customize or use as-is for your next ceremony!

Find The Perfect Script
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Boost Your Summer Ceremony Game

Boost Your Summer Ceremony Game

Along with your official documents, the Executive Minister's Portfolio package comes with a sleek carrying case to keep all your supplies organized and easily transportable. Add a spirit of professionalism to any ceremony as you take your talents out into the world.

Are You Ready For It?

Offer Your Services as a Minister

Ready to bring your ministerial work to the community? Create a profile in our newly-revamped, free to use ‘Find a Minister’ directory and let folks know you’re available to serve in your area!