What could be more American than hot dogs on the grill, fireworks lighting up the night sky, and... Bible verses?
As we approach another Fourth of July celebration for the nation's birthday, the debate once again has been raised: is the United States a Christian nation?
It's a question that seems to come up every year around this time, and advocates on both sides fiercely insist they are correct.
There are certainly compelling points of view on either side. Christianity is by far the dominant religion in the United States – both demographically and culturally – with Christian iconography baked into the very fabric of daily American life.
On the other hand, the Constitution makes no express mention of the Christian faith as a governing force in the United States, and in fact explicitly rejects the notion that government should endorse one particular religious viewpoint.
“In God We Trust” vs. Separation of Church and State. Who wins?
"One Nation, Under God"
Many Christian faithful would argue that America is absolutely a Christian nation.
Joining them are certain faith-forward corporations. Every year around the Fourth of July, for example, the craft giant Hobby Lobby puts out a full-page ad in newspapers across the country arguing that we are one nation under God.
Filled to the brim with pro-Christian quotes from some of America’s most important and influential leaders – including presidents, politicians, and Supreme Court justices – the ads seemingly argue that America is a Christian country through and through.
Faiths of Our Fathers
Much of the pro-Christian nation argument is that many of America’s founders were Christians – and thus naturally sought to build America on Christian values.
But it’s not so cut and dry. In fact, the faiths of the founders have long been the subject of debate among historians. Most of the founding fathers were Protestants, or at least raised as such.
But a philosophical movement called Deism, popular in the 18th century, complicates things. As it happens, some of the founders are believed to be followers of Deism. This belief system can best be described as a natural faith, the belief in a god – but not a god that intervenes in their creation.
Deists believed in the rational, not the supernatural. This inclination can be seen in The Jefferson Bible, a stripped-down version of the Bible edited by Thomas Jefferson to remove all supernatural elements, focusing the text on the morals and philosophy of Jesus rather than his divinity.
“In God We Trust”
So maybe not all the founders were devout Christians – at least not in the traditional sense we would understand today.
So what? Say proponents of the Christian nation argument. The evidence hardly ends there, they argue, pointing to the ways that Christianity is entwined with every aspect of our lives:
- “In God We Trust” is printed on our currency.
- Millions of school children recite “one nation under God” every morning during the pledge of allegiance.
- Creationism is taught in some public schools.
- Politicians invoke their Christian faith in support of one bill or another.
- Women's health care options are dictated by faith-informed policy decisions
At seemingly every turn, Americans come face to face with Christian beliefs, phrases, iconography, or public policy – whether they want to be or not.
One could argue that many of these examples are relatively recent additions to American life (for example, the words “under God” were only added to the pledge in 1954, and students are not legally required to recite it).
Their existence, however, at the very least indicates a strong Christian influence on both politics and culture that extends far beyond church pews.
An Opposing View
Of course, many disagree with this notion that America is a Christian nation.
One need only look at the Constitution, which makes no mention of God or Christianity. Indeed, the First Amendment explicitly establishes that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli also states that “the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion.”
What about the Pilgrims? Some ask. While many (but not all) of the early colonists were Puritans seeking religious freedom, their arrival in the United States preceded the founding of the country by more than 150 years.
Local colonial governments also often persecuted members of their community for being the wrong faith (or simply for being “not Christian enough”), and the founding fathers definitively eschewed such practices by separating church and state.
A Christian Nation?
So can you define America as a Christian nation? It depends.
Legally, Americans are free to practice the faith of their choosing (so long as it doesn’t harm anyone), and there is no state-sponsored religion to speak of.
But culturally, America undoubtedly has more Christian influences than from any other faith – and it's not particularly close. The majority of Americans identify as Christian. And more recently, a re-shaped Supreme Court appears intent on extending the rights of this religious majority in some important and influential ways.
What do you think? America: Christian nation or not?
I love this…. How many have said America is not a Christian nation and quote the constitution. Yet. Look closely.. officially you may not be but the separation of church and state is getting very small and is definitely leaning towards Christian.. So maybe you all need to take more care over the rights you cherish so much because they do seem to be slipping away quietly…. Very quietly. I thought it was “rage against the dark” not sit back and wait for the lights to go out….
Not according to a couple of the founding fathers. Adams clearly states that such is not the case and Jefferson thought xtianity was silly hokum.
“The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” John Adams
“The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus by the Supreme Being in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. ... But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding.” Thomas Jefferson
When it come to our creator Commandments, The LGBTQ Community - is Leviticus 20:13 - If a man also lay with mankind, as he lay with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination and also the the same women with women. So these act of sex is a sin and a lie that these people are trapped in and need to be laid out of this lie. Not through hate but LOVE and the truth. Because when it come down to it, what our Creator,Teacher and Heavenly Father (GOD) has Commanded mankind to do is what we need to be doing OR our SINS will cause us to see the second Death. Also our Creator gave us the freedom choice so if people as an adult want to live in SIN and face the second Death that is freedom but leave the Children out this LIE.
Amen ! GBU !
A American Indian might tell you otherwise. Since they were here eons before and one from Europe set foot on this side of the ocean. There is something else you are not aware of every culture that lands in America (US) comes in with their own type of religion. The Catholic Church is a Christian religion all others smell of sulfur. My religion is a (36- 4379249) religion and the rest of you your playing in the mud. Your God talks directly to me, and Mike Pence. The guy in Rome has a problem with wine.
So which one of the estimated 20,000 brands of Christianity are we founded on? I like the Fellowship of Ockham. Keep it simple, seeker. Being nice is always the default position.
We were “ one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Now we are divided by “under god”!
No it isn't. America is not a Christian Nation even after everything they have done.
In God We Trust does not state what GOD ... so it means the one YOU believe in.
Great job on this article! It was well written and very balanced. Thank you.
Mostly it is a Christian country with all the human failings inherent in it.
But overall it is a multi faith country and it is very galling to have ultra anything forced on us thus taking away the right to choose. ☹
Is America a nation? No. It's a continent that goes from Greenland to Argentina
Free trade and unregulated migration. Yep, America is a nation.
You've got that right!
Considering ower laws are based on Engish law which was written with the hand of the christian church. No, there has never been, and never truely will be a seperation of church and state.
I surely will say that the United States of America was not created to be a Christian nation. Just read the Constitution and it is self evident. 1/3 of the signers of the Constitution were Freemasons. It is plain that the intent was that of the Freemasons themselves, only that one must accept a creator. Any creator. No specifics. Many people involved in the founding were deist. Whatever god you worship, or not, and how you worship whichever god, or not, is your business and between you and your creator. With the caveat that you must not infringe on the rights of others. If you consider the U.S. to be a Christian nation, it is solely because of the number of citizens that are Christian. Christianity has no legal bearing on the administration, laws or functions of the government of the United States.
I surely will say that the United States of America was not created to be a Christian nation. Just read the Constitution and it is self evident. 1/3 of the signers of the Constitution were Freemasons. It is plain that the intent was that of the Freemasons themselves, only that one must accept a creator. Any creator. No specifics. Many people involved in the founding were deist. Whatever god you worship, or not, and how you worship whichever god, or not, is your business and between you and your creator. With the caveat that you must not infringe on the rights of others. If you consider the U.S. to be a Christian nation, it is solely because of the number of citizens that are Christian. Christianity has no legal bearing on the administration, laws or functions of the government of the United States.
Many people seem to forget that many, if not all, people who left their European countries to settle in America did so to GET AWAY FROM government ruled by religion. Or do they teach that any more in school? If we were to have government by religion, whose religion will it be? Roman Catholic? Southern Baptist? Muslim? Latter Day Saint? Lots to choose from out there. The Founding Fathers knew what they were doing.
We were founded on biblical principals, all civilized nations are. It's interesting how the hatedd biblical laws are pretty much rolled into our laws. True, we've added a few hundred thousand pages of laws and pushed their rationale over the cliff to point of insane laws but we started well. Today There's no chance we're a Christian nation. Not even close. With the imminent hard times we're approaching, who knows? If we survive then maybe we'll be a Christian nation. You know how it goes, 7 atheists enter the lifeboat and 2 weeks later they pull out 6 christians....
Not all civilized nations are based upon biblical principles. There are plenty of civilized nations that were founded without any knowledge of the Bible: China and India are two of the largest civilizations in the world and neither nation was founded on Biblical principles. This is just a lie perpetuated by the "moral majority" in their quest to re-write history in their image where Christians are the ultimate saviors who can do no wrong. Plenty of religions share the same basic rules of don't murder and don't steal because it's easy to say, "I don't want to be killed or stolen from so lets make it a rule that you don't do that." No one needs a Bible to tell them that.
Michael Right. My point is to expose the universal truth for civilization building found in the bible to counter the 'fairy tale' mentality so prevalent here. I do not believe these civilizations adopted the bible teachings, rather its citizenry automatically knows these things as the bible says they do.
My ultimate point is: One can believe the God speak of the Bible is bunk but one can't say the countless universal truths contained within are bunk for all civilizations have coded the same or similar rules into their laws. Such great timeless universal wisdom from uneducated, unprofessional goat herders. Pretty amazing if not unbelievable such a work of art would come from the bottom of the barrel.
Empathy and compassion are higher brain functions.
This is what causes the fall of empires: https://www.nytimes.com/1983/03/17/us/roman-empire-s-fall-is-linked-with-gout-and-lead-poisoning.html#
The foundation of productive morality is empathy - the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. One simple needs to understand that others do not want to be robbed, or murdered, or lied to, etc, just like oneself, and right behavior will follow.
Why a person comes to this conclusion is less important. In secular thinking it is a rational discerning judgement to recognize others as oneself. It is the result of deep thought and understanding.
In Christianity it is Matthew 22:36-40, which I am sure you know well. Let me point out that the second commandment is worthless without the first. The first, I submit, only exists to enforce the second.
This is the source of the 'universal truths' of the Bible - that they are true independently of the Bible, and were long before the Bible, and will be, long after the Bible.
The question becomes; while Congress is not allowed to prohibit the free exercise of religion by the People, are the states also limited in the same fashion? The recent Supreme Court decision says 'yes, the states cannot prohibit the free exercise of religion'. Since our Founding Fathers knew the states would not always follow the lead of the federal government, they gave the states an 'out' in the form of the 10th Amendment. They expected each the citizens of each state to choose their own form of government and laws as long as they did not deny the basic rights for citizens as laid out in the Constitution. This system worked fairly well until we became a more connected, more mobile, and more global society, then the laws had to change at the federal level because the state laws were conflicting. Had those changes not been made, we might have wound up being a collection of 50 little feudal governments.
I do not believe we have ever been a completely Christian nation. The Constitution clearly states the government cannot establish a state religion.
I hate to say this but by Amendment that can be changed. I wouldn't agree because I do believe in the practice of religion but we were founded on Judeo/Christian values. Many of the world's religions do not accept those same values. Hence, when I state immigrants should be vetted some should not be allowed to enter period. Hinduism and Buddhism are naturally pagan and aren't really a religion but a political philosophical form of life. Hinduism naturally believes in a caste system. Buddhism is naturally a similar form. Islam is naturally a fascist political system not recognizing the rights of women. Judeo/ Christian values have helped to create a democratic system and morals through time. Of course, some will attack me. But, human rights were granted to us by God, not by man. The oldest Abrahamic faiths acknowledge this. Islam does not. All cultural differences must adapt to our moral values or we should not let them in. Open borders are destroying just that.
Not in the Constitution but in the Declaration of Independence, the term Creator.
At the time the Declaration was written, England had just been through their own Wars of Religion and had seen what evil Establishmentarianism would wreak. We didn't want to have that kind of idiocy, and the Bill of Rights prohibited the Feds from establishing a religion or preventing the free exercise thereof.
But they probably didn't intend that clause to apply to the States.
Things have changed, communications are faster, the States have fewer rights and powers. Keeping the government out of religion is good for religion, and it's one of the reasons the US is the most religious industrialized country. If you want to corrupt the houses of worship, bring in government support. Or, worse yet, let the Feds dictate policies. One of the worst things to happen to religion is the economic support (in the form of school vouchers) of parochial schools.
Yes, I have argued on both sides of the question. Because there is little truth in political agenda.
Sorry we are a Christian based nation and founded upon those beliefs which are also etched in granite all over Washington DC.......You don't like it, Leave, move, Get the F out
I was raised Catholic and could not deal with the fear it projected. As a young adult I rejected my religion and belief in god. I remain secular and content with the way I choose to live. DO NO HARM I do not force my beliefs on anyone and expect the same from others
America is NOT a Christian nation. There is a lot of history pointing to the effort our founding fathers made in not defining a state religion for our new nation.
And more pointedly, too many "so-called" Christians use the label as a cover for plain old hate and racism. expressing hate for someone else's religious beliefs, faith, gender, race, etc is anything but Christian love.
No. It's a nation with predominantly Christians of many sects in it... along with many other religious persuasions. Our founding fathers were mostly deists and masons who believed it was the right of the individual to decide. Every time religion tries to take a hard foot hold it ends badly and I'd really like for people to study the over all religiously run government and how things go so bad. It's worth the time and effort to understand it. Whether it's liked or not is beside the point.
For all who commented on my posts have no tolerance whatsoever towards anything called faith. You just show that you're all a bunch of uneducated idiots.
Comment has been removed.
I believe the majority is Christian. We are a diverse country and the same goes for the religious beliefs. Some are based on God, but they believe Jesus was a prophet, not our God’s son. Then there is the Quran, which it talks about God, but I didn’t see Jesus in it. It was a long time ago, so I may be wrong. They don’t call themselves Christians. So many different religions in our country and I don’t know all the religions in our country. There are many who believe in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit but don’t attend a Church. They say they have their own relationship with God and they call themselves Christian. I say to each their own. If they want to know about my God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit, I share with them. Many of the religions are close to our beliefs. I’m shocked how close the Quran is to our Christian Bible.
Please, if you don’t like what I have to say, just say nothing. I get people attacking me in here and we are supposed to be Christian’s. There is no need for attacking. We all have our opinions and I respect your opinion. May your life be blessed with all you desire from life.
I think America is predominantly a Christian nation.
I believe America WAS a Christian nation until we elected a muslim into office. And to add to our downfall, slow joe got the sodomite law passed making it okay for sodomites to be recognized as being a real marriage. We have told GOD to get the Hell out. HE will do that until we repent, or America will fall even faster than we are now.
Kenneth, that was a great link thank you. And a huge thanks to the ULC minister Corey Collins who wrote it. We do have some impressive members.
Amen .
It was until about 1962 when they [Globalists] took The Ten Commandments out of our public school systems, then all hell broke loose, and it's turning into a Sodom and Gamora in ALL respects...
This will answer many questions about the state of our country, since 1962, and how to fix it, put The Ten Commandments back into our schools...
Zimmerman studied the downfall of civilizations and one thing they ALL had in common are the following 5 conditions:
1) Alternative forms of marriage [men to men, and women to women, etc] 2) Feminist movement flourishes, women lose their inclination toward childbirth and childbearing, and reduction in the birthrate. 3) Increasing desire and celebration for adultery 4) Growing disrespect for authority, both parents and others. 5) Greater tolerance for sexual perversion; trans, LGBT, gay and lesbian, etc...
Does any of this look or sound familiar?
STOP ANY Gun Control https://chng.it/pgzVddhCGx
https://www.qfs1776.com Go to the far right of the screen to click on the "Original Organic Constitution of 1787"
GOD Bless the Patriots of this World, The Globalists MUST go, one way or another, LORD please put a hedge of Protection around us ALL... AMEN…
brought to you buy your local, friendly christo-fascist who wants to force x tianity down everyone's throat, even if it kills them. they want the x tian version of sharia law and to eliminate anyone who is not a practicing x tian...but eventually it will only allow one flavor of x tianity and the first to go will be the roman cataholics, after that...well you're all on your own if you allow these people to contine
Due to the fact that we believe Christ established the Church which was Catholic because it was and is universal. Same beliefs and different cultural practices but he founded one church. The Reformation was a revolt of those beliefs. Their denominations were founded by men, not by Jesus Christ. And yes we may believe in the basic doctrines we also differ how we define Seven Sacrements. Orthodox and Catholics believe in the same doctrines. Only difference is.mostly on the Papacy and how much authority he has over the election of Bishops.
Protestant believe in 2 Sacremants. The other five are sacramental. We as Catholics believe they are equal in the sharing of Christ's grace through them. He wouldn't have meant them not be Sacrements if He had not acted and spoken so much of the greatness of these practices. Not enough time to go into them . The Catholic faith is universal and like it or not anyone who leaves it or born within the reformation and antibaptists churches are still Catholic. They have chosen to stand outside but are still apart of the Greater Catholic Church because they do share two of the basic Sacrements. They do not share in Apistolic Succession, except the Anglicans.
It is so sad to see so many use this forum to vent their hatred and bigotry. To simply answer the question, no we are not a "Christian" nation but are a nation that recognizes that beliefs differ but all of them matter. Pur forefathers chose to put the separation of church and state into the Constitution NOT to keep religion out, but to rebel against the Church of England of which the reigning king or queen is also the head of the church.
"In God We Trust" and "... one nation UNDER GOD ..." are 20th Century additions to our currency and the pledge of allegiance and are in no possible way connected to or associated with our nations founders. The addition of "under God" to the pledge occurred after WWII early in the 1950's. I think the 1st amendment is clear about not establishing any national religion and the Declaration of Independence specifically does not mention God but instead refers "their creator" (small c) "... we hold these truths to be self evident ... and endowed by their creator ...", who ever one might identify as their creator.
I am a follower of Jesus. However, not all Americans are so, nor should they be. We are "One nation under God." Whatever you believe is the right thing. Who the hell am I or anyone else to demand others conform to their ignorance?
All religions are attempts by one tribe or other, to personify nature, and to we Pantheists, and nature is synonymous with God (which is the only provable God).
Pantheism offers the best hope, for unifying all intolerant religions into one unified religion, and to ameliorate the threats of global overheating and overpopulation at the same time.
All the tens of thousands of religions (tribes) need to do, is to respect nature and to try to follow the Golden Rule,
Arguing about manmade gods, has caused more human misery, than anything else in human history.
“Imagine no more supernatural religions, it’s easy if you try,”
“No more make believe Gods to die for”
“Above us only sky.”
Comment has been removed.
The attempt to make the United States into a Christofascist Autocracy is a perversion of the efforts by our founders to create a NONreligious state. Imperfect, but never Christian. A more perfect union did not mean weaponizing one type of Christianity to meet their warped "values."
First ofvall the Gounders never intended to make the U.S. a non religious state. Christianity technically has the same values if thought carefully . And if Christians get active we are nota Christian fascist Autocracy. Where is the intended autocratic ruler.
The pastors, religious leaders, and gop officials. Stop playing naive, Eash. You are a bunch o christo-fascists if you try to erase and snuff out everyone who doesn’t agree with with you Particular superstition.
Right on! Intolerance, bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, racism...none of that was taught by Jesus. If you don't like the term fascist, then at least acccept the fact that the "moral majority" is neither moral nor a majority and is an oligarchical self-righteous group fully intending to impose their psychocultural ideology on everyone. Orthodox have always played the heretic card against anyone opposing their narrow views.
ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! And never will be!!! It's not a theocracy and those who want it that way need to move to the middle east where their abrahamic religions come from!!!
Only certain Muslim groups wish to establish a. authoritarian state.
Not to mention the millions of Christian Nationalists who are currently working to overthrow democracy.
I bieve the FBI tagged all white male Christians as as threat citing Christian nationalism. If I understand the FBI correctly, they're worried these Christian nationalists are demanding the USA constitution be adhered to. As we know, supporting the founding document of a nation really means they want it dismantled. Sneaky Christians. Tricky.
More conspiracy theories from the ULC Troll Farm.
Didn't you say millions of Christians are working to overthrow democracy? That sounds like a conspiracy. My my, you aren't falling for a conspiracy theory are you? When the fbi says it you fall for it, when I say what the fbi said, that you believe, you call me a conspiracy theory troll. I must confess, I don't think you've had enough corn flakes this morning, you should have another bowl and read what you wrote.
SOJ you said "all white male Christians".
DAL said "millions of Christian Nationalists".
NOT the SAME group. Though associated by Christianity, it is a far cry from "Nationalists" to "all white male[s]".
The thoughts of two of the founding fathers…
“The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” John Adams
“The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus by the Supreme Being in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. ... But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding.” Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson’s hope of the dawn of reason in the US still has not come to fruition. The problem is ‘thought’. The xtians aren’t really big on that.
Beg to differ. The Anglicans, Roman Catholics. Lutherans and Orthodox are the most biggest thinkers in Christ. We've got the theologians to prove it. Where have you been?
Most biggest? Your grammar is consistent with the sort of pseudo education preferred by orthodox Christians. Christians have a long history of biased education, selection of what "truths" are allowable for education, and confusing myth and methaphor with historic fact. Suppression of fact, denigration of science, and persecution of all opposition is characteristic. There is your most biggest truth. If Jesus descended on a throne of clouds surrounded by angelic beings He would likely shake his head and pop right back to te heavenly realms rather than participate in the bigotry, intolerance and narrow mindedness of those that claim to follow his teachings.
"Biggest thinkers...Theologians to prove it" An Oxymoron if ever there was one.
Dr z Plenty of founders were dripping with the water of life. You'll find Christians on the front line of anything of such importance as the freedom of mankind.
So, Servant, what does your comment actually mean? Christians have been on the frontline since our founding, but that doesn't mean they forced their ideology on the public. The Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion which also means a freedom from religion. Jesus could have changed the world to His way but didn't. Why do you think that is? John 18:36
Post attempt whatever, lost count. Just pointing to Dr z he's free to post his loathing feeling towards Christians because they did what must be done for that freedom. The sacrifice and loss of life is sluffed off like dead skin cells by the ungrateful whelps of this country.
The 1st Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”
Jesus Christ, where do we start with this Christian Semite Religion? This is not about a Country or a state. This is about present day exploitation of Christianity through deception and confusion. Jesus Christ saw himself as a saviour, or maybe the Son of God? This is and will always be a controversial subject. But he was born to the Mother Mary, the Mother of Semites. Today many people forget this or just do not understand that Anti Christian Semite is connectively directed at hatred towards the Anti Semite Jewish Nazi past, which is a distraction from both Judas and Christ, that were both Semites, of Hebrew Semite lands, one of which was called Israel, not the 1948 Israel as of today after the Nazi defeat of Hitler Germany.
Yeshua bar Yosef did not see himself as Mesach (messiah), or "Chosen by God". Others placed that title upon him. He was a very wise teacher (Rabbi), and a moral exemplar, hence "This is my son, in whom I am very pleased". The best any of us can do--professed Christian and otherwise--is to follow Yeshua's teachings and actions. As Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi (a Hindi and famous Indian pacifist) said, "I like your Christ, not so much your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
We must keep in mind when reading the OT/NT, that the Holy Bible is neither a textbook nor a history book. f Rather it is a book of hidden wisdom, requiring the reader to dig beneath the surface for its deeper and true meanings. Yet, most Fundamentalists treat it like its God's version of "Dick and Jane".
Immigrznts should be vetted. Certain.ones accepted, certain ones not. No open borders period ever. I could go on.
Christianity is the total and complete opposite to democracy. Christianity is all about kings, lords, and masters. Servants obey your masters. Women obey your husbands. Render unto Caesar. Bow down, sacrifice, worship, beg for forgiveness, or else! There is no room for compromise. That is why Religion is banned from democratic government - it is intrinsically un-democratic.
Well said DAL.
Wrong. Christianity is more like a republic. Democracy is mob rule.
slaveofjebus WRONG. your cristofascistism is a dictatorship, are you that stupid you don't get that? your Dog is a dictator, a malignant, psychopathic, misogynistic, pedophile who encourages followers to rape and kill children.
seriously, that you could actually write "...more like a republic..." shows just how truly, stunningly, blazingly ignorant you really are. while I suspect it's too late to stop you, people like you need to be neutered so as to stop contaminating the human gene pool
We do vet immigrants. You're welcome to leave.
Not in the last 2 1/2 years we have not vetted more then a handful of the millions that have poured in.
Wrong. False. X-tian Nationalist Propaganda with NO basis in facts.
1st of all our Yashua of Mary/ Jesus Christ is from the tribe of Judah- Palestine not supposed to be called Israel using the family name of 12 tribes. We are not supposed have ownership of any lands, Im from the tribe of Judah also after the Israelites not listening to Prophet Moses to intermarriages to our Baal pagan women of philistines & phoenician's of Canaan(Levant) making us superior, but a dangerous blending in our forbidden Baal deities with using the very devilish Babylonian Chaldeans Tamlud, So how is it possible? Jesus is a Rome catholic christ while during his ministry it was Emperor Augustus Cesar Nero reigning. Actually christianity emerged with Emperor Augustus, Caesar Constantine when he transformed himself from Emperor of Rome into the 1st Pope of Rome and converted himself with writings of Pharisee Saul of Tarsus aka St Paul then later with Simon/St Peter.
Why was my comment not posted ? I was not disrepectful of anyone, and upheld all the comments before me.
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Try emailing the website contact email address? I've experienced the same a few times.
Dr marv here with a thought. As the term providence at that the time of the country's founding was used instead of God it is taken by many that we as a country are to follow or worship God as our personal beliefs in the denomination we adhere to prescribes that's what MOMMA TOLD ME
May need to wait before seeing, but I posted a reply, but do not see it.
Shining Wolf Shiningwolf9 Shiningwolf7
90 percent of my posts are not posted.
Greetings !
I agree with all that has been said here, that the fact has already been stated, written into our constitution, and upheld by our early government leaders, before being re-worded, or twisted to mean something different, so, once again, it is the republicans (today's republican party) which is weaponizing religion, christianism, for their own political force to control people as a whole, and, recently, women's bodies, minds, beliefs, desires, and denying them their rightful place as an Equal in respect of being the Second half of the Human Race; not Man, but Man and Woman. The so called christian faith, had been in disrepair not long after it came into being after it's founder, called Jesus, for a lack of knowing his real name. And for those who want to dispute this fact need to do some real digging into history before replying. The teachings of this person was taken over by zealots of the faith, and later on by governments using it to control the populace, before our own time. Other faiths had similar down turns like it as well. So, is the U.S. of America a christian nation? In name only. And under power hungry politicians (on either side), who dare to weaponize it to even undermine any other Religion, or Faith belief.
You are so gaslighting it pains me.
Christians aren't even practicing the faith anymore. The religion has been weaponized, to oppress the non-GOP.
Organized religion oppress everyone, not only the non-GOP. Some are more or less honest about recognizing that.
You've got thAmen!
Not according to the Framers of the Constitution, but as you can see, Republicans are trying to change this. First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law....etc." Well neither can the Supreme Court, but they have done. They have made law!
Separation of State and Church is a cornerstone of freedom; Freedom should not be touched...
Minister Najah Tamargo USA
I know that the Christians would like to proclaim it, but it IS NOT TRUE. There are many, many religions (and non-religion) belief systems in this country. So saying America is a Christian Nation is completely FALSE. Hence the reason our Founding Fathers insisted on separation of Church and State, as they were members of different religions.
Granted, in the current environment, the Christians would LOVE to make it so, but it simply isn't. But what I find disturbing is the movement to FORCE Christianity down our throats. By the laws they are pushing thru they are trying to TAKE AWAY our 1st Amendment rights - governing who and who you can or cannot love, making a woman's body their business to dictate to, crippling our voters rights, persecuting immigrants, etc. They are literally taking us backward instead of forward.
These are not "Christian" actions. These are the actions of a Theocracy. So calling the United State a "Christian" Nation is laughable!
Fanning your flame !
And yet they constantly claim we are trying to make them follow our beliefs. Christian Nationalism is the last thing this country needs. Let’s start imprisoning people for saying the earth isn’t the center of the universe.
A little harsh, but I get your point.
I had posted an eloquent reply but was confused about my password, SO. I will say no, NOT a Christian nation. Here is the info from a history website. "The founding fathers were a mixture of deists, Christians, and possibly one atheist". So. We are a nation of stubborn individualists. One need only look at any current news to figure that out.
There is no one religion in America.
I agree. America is NOT a Christian nation as the founding fathers wanted to be because religion can and is used to suppress people's rights as it has throughout the centuries.
Very well said.
True, it can do that. Since we have some great examples of nations without religion like China, North Korea and Russia, we know religion isn't a requirement. The common denominator to oppression is mankind.
We are a melting pot of faiths. One faith should NOT be claimed for us all.
Comment has been removed.
Is America Christian nation?
It may have Christians in it but it also has people of many other faiths, or no religious faith at all. And our laws must apply to them all equally.
America would LIKE to think they're Christians but it's anything but! If we were we would open our doors to immigrants, feed the poor, love the loveless and care for ALL humanity !
There ya go. The lessons Jesus teaches in just the four “official” gospels—loving your enemies; giving away riches, etc—isn’t found in the “Christianity” that seems to be followed by those who insist that this is the religion of “our” nation. A profit driven capitalism that exploits every resource to its depletion, demands endless expansion, and supports the violence of warfare to defend its interests, does not sound like an enterprise Jesus would approve of. In fact, he’s constantly reproving and upbraiding the wealthy and “entitled” through all of his gospels. So I’m pretty sure He’s not OK with the America we’ve become. As for Jefferson and his fellow Deists, I kind of like the “natural” God; the blessings (?) of “Divine Providence”. It’s a spirituality on the order of the “Higher Power” of the 12 Step Program and leaves monumental room for individual faith and worship of every shade and flavor. Add in the “high minded” words if the Preamble of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and one has the makings of a fairly impressive moral guide. (It would be nice if the Country actually made policies that lived up to these ideals, but I guess we’re working on that.)
Those immigrants contain terrorists, murders, rapists, theives and drug cartels from 170 nations totalling 20 million invaders. Largest invasion in history, watch your future dissolve. Lol. They're dismemberment us citizens like in Mexico, lol.
Where'd you get this fake news? Immigrants dismembering US citizens? If that was actually happening it would be all over the news, both mainstream and fringe outlets.
In Texas, and no, the news will not negatively cover illegal invasions. Nope, they wont.
And that's how you know so much about it - because only alt-right media 'covers' it.
But we also must consider how you would pay for all that? Remember the government does not make a product to sell to bring in income, the only money it gets is what it takes from the taxpayers.
How much of your money are you willing to give away to those things.-
Read Ezekiel 16:49. It might explain why Texas and Florida have been going through so many natural disasters and now pestilence (Malaria).
If you think God makes disasters of any kind, you are terribly mistaken.
I believe that, if out of all the religions in the world only 1 is true (as most profess), logic would dictate that none are true.
That said, to hedge my bet, in case the Norse religion is the true one, I’ve made a pole arm and neck knife to be buried with me. Then when the Valkyries carry me across the Rainbow Bridge, I’ll have weapons to fight the Ice Giants. 😸
That's a HUGE NOPE!!!
The founding fathers had a diverse types of faith, and decided that the bill of rights should state freedom of religion. That states the whole answer, not a christian nation. Many make up this nation.
no it’s not. I don’t know what America is or was ?