Newsletters / ULC Newsletter - August, 2018

The Visionary border=
"The Handmaid’s Tale" captivated millions with its vision of a dystopian theocracy.
But are we already living in that timeline? This week, The Visionary explores how religion and traditional values are utilized by powerful people to shape the lives of those around them, for better or worse.
Pope death penalty

Pro-Life Pope

In a landmark statement, Pope Francis has declared that the death penalty is unacceptable in all cases – no matter how severe the crime committed.
Is Execution Wrong?
Baptism package

Baptism Package

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No Lesbians Allowed

No Lesbians Allowed

A lesbian couple is suing a senior living center after the existing owners discovered they were a gay couple and threw out their application for residency.
Are Lesbians People?

Minister Business Cards

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Jeff Sessions

Under His Eye: DOJ Launches "Religious Liberty Task Force"

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the creation of a specialized task force to protect religious rights in America. However, critics are warning of a hazardous breakdown between separation of church and state.
Why Christians Stand To Benefit
Minister T-shirt

Black Minister T Shirt

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Rape victim abortion

Victim-Shaming 101

After a 12-year-old Alabama girl was raped and impregnated by a family member, a local religious group publicly criticized her for seeking an abortion.
Read Their Statement!
Gay teen rejected by Christian parents

Rejecting Their Own

When two Baptist parents discovered their son was gay, they disowned him and refused to pay his tuition. But then the story went viral, and everything changed.
See What Happened!
Holy Bible KJV collector edition

Holy Bible, KJV Collector's Edition

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Premium certificate of marriage

Featured Product: Premium Marriage Certificate

With wedding season now reaching its peak, don't miss out on these elegant marriage certificates. Featuring unique and colorful designs, they make the perfect post-ceremony gift for your newlyweds. Choose from a variety of styles to present to the happy couple!
Get Yours Now!
Trans athletes

Trans Advantage?

A transgender sprinter raced to victory in a high school track event, sparking a heated debate about trans athletes. Now, two guest writers weigh in other either side.

Where Do You Stand?

The ULC has relaunched the Minister Network and given it a fresh new look. Come join the most active online chapel on the internet.

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Our friends on social media reacted to news that a New York town clerk refused to issue a marriage license to a gay couple. The incident sparked renewed debate about whether public employees should be able to exercise their religious beliefs in the workplace. Want to weigh in?
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