Newsletters / ULC Newsletter - March, 2017

The Visoinary
Until we decide who we are and what we value, we'll never move forward.
This month, The Visionary examines divisive decisions and complex conflicts. From coast to coast, disagreement abounds. Is it possible to find a middle ground?
Suicide rate drop gay marriage

Gay Marriage Saves Lives

A groundbreaking new study links the legalization of gay marriage to a significant decrease in suicide attempts among LGBT teens.
Is This the Answer?
Clergy business cards

ULC Minister Business Cards

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Trans Scouts of America

Trans Scouts of America

Just several years after first allowing gay membership, the Boy Scouts are now welcoming transgender boys.
Was it a Good Call?

Minister T-shirt

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USA a Christian Country

One Nation Under God?

From the phrase "In God we Trust" on our money to creationism in schools, Christianity is ever-present in this country. Is the United States a Christian nation? Nearly 250 years after its founding, the debate rages on.
Does Jesus Belong in the Oval Office?
Minister car kit

ULC Minister's Car Kit

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USA land of violence

Violence On The Rise

Americans committed 1.2 million violent crimes in 2015 alone. Is there something fundamentally wrong with our culture?
Are We a Violent Country?
Kids turn off the TV

The Sin of TV Worship

Television can rot our brains if we’re not careful. A guest writer explains how he convinced his children to turn off the TV for good.
Do Your Kids Need Help?
Mans search for meaning

Man’s Search for Meaning

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Executive ministers portfolio

Featured Product: Executive Minister's Portfolio

The perfect accessory for any minister, this sleek black portfolio contains a complete collection of ministerial items. With portfolio in hand, your professionalism is sure to impress guests and couples alike.
Get Yours Here!
The dangers of self medication

Drowning Your Worries

Many people suppress their problems by self-medicating with alcohol or drugs. It’s tempting to simply bury an issue, but doing so has consequences.

Do You Self-Medicate?

The ULC has relaunched the Minister Network and given it a fresh new look. Come join the most active online chapel on the internet.

Click to Join Your Fellow Ministers
Ministers network
ULC Facebook
Our friends on Facebook reacted to the fascinating story behind Valentine's Day. Whether you’re single or taken, you'll enjoy our humorous take on the the often-misunderstood modern holiday.
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