Newsletters / ULC Newsletter - January, 2016

The Visionary
The new year renews and refreshes us to continue on our journey?
This month, The Visionary reflects on the victories we've seen and highlights the challenges ahead. Can Islam coexist with itself? Is equality realistic? Are we doing Christmas right?
Freedom and Marriage equality

Equality Fight Continues

While the SCOTUS ushered in nationwide marriage equality in the U.S. in 2015, the battle for equality still continues as "religious freedom" and LGBTQ advocates continue to clash.
Equality in 2016?
Minister Car Kit

ULC Minister's Car Kit

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Sermon: Self-Sacrifice

Sermon: Self-Sacrifice

President Obama highlighted the importance of giving of yourself to aid those around you. In the new year, how will you donate your love to actualize good?
What Can You Sacrifice?

Wallet license

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Sunni vs Shia Islam

Sunni Islam vs. Shia Islam

In the wake of a mass execution of Shia Muslims in Saudi Arabia, the world has once again, via Iran, been exposed to the complicated relationship between Sunnis and Shiites.
What’s the difference?
Master of Wicca package

Master of Wicca Package

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Why the Universal Life Church must speak up

Why We Speak Up

As one of the largest religious organizations in the world, the Universal Life Church has a responsibility to speak up on behalf of those who can't speak for themselves.
Will you Join Us?
Too focused on gifts during Christmas

Too Focused on "Stuff"?

There was much talk this year of a "War on Christmas" ... but has that war already been lost? Some think the focus on "stuff" is overwhelming, would you agree?
Sound Off Here!
Wherever you go there you are

Wherever You Go There You Are

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Premium wedding package

Premium Wedding Package

The holidays are such a magical time of year, and in the midst of all the joy and family time it’s not uncommon for young lovers to become engaged. Is there a wedding in your future?
Get Prepared Now!
How you should respond to merry Christmas if you don't celebrate

Responding to "Merry Christmas"

In this world dominated by soundbites, charged words, and "PC culture", it can be difficult to know what you should say. How should one respond to "Merry Christmas"?

Join the Conversation!
ULC Facebook
One of our favorite things to do with our friend on Facebook is to chat about the history of special holidays that may not get the attention they deserve. We loved our Yule conversation!
Click the buttons below to join your brothers and sisters in ministry in our active and ongoing online conversations!