Newsletters / ULC Newsletter - August, 2015

The Visionary
A Killer cop in Cincinnati, a computer learns to dream, and Candidate Trump!
This month, the Visionary focuses on goals and dreams. We discuss a ULC minister's growing ambitions for a marijuana ministry, Donald Trump's vision for America, and a computer that has been programmed to dream.
Pushback to marriage equality

Fight Against Equality

After the Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage, some political and religious officials have put up a fight. Who are the oppressors and who are the victims?
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Minister T-shirt

Minister T Shirt - Black

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Trump Card

Trump Card

Donald Trump is leagues ahead of the pack of Republican Presidential candidates. A captivating speaker, Trump's made some disturbing comments.
What Now?

Funerals and Memorials

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Cannabis Church fights back

Religious Freedom, Man!

A ULC minister in Indiana has turned that state's controversial Religious Freedom law on its head by building a church that incorporates weed into worship.
What Do You Think?
Wallet-sized credential

ULC Wallet License

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Killer cop of Cincinnati

Cincinnati's Killer Cop

A University Police officer stopped a man for driving without a front license plate; things quickly escalated to what city officials say is clearly murder.
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Islamic State

The Rise of ISIS

The Islamic State (ISIS) has dominated headlines for more than a year. How did this dangerous, radical group take such complete control so quickly?
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Classic wedding package

Classic Wedding Package

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Clergy business cards

Featured Product: ULC Minister Business Cards

We now offer these customizable business cards in response to high demand. These are a great way to share your contact information for those interested in your services as a minister!
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Google Dreamer

Google is "Dreaming"

The team at Google managed to get their computer system to "dream," and they have captured some pretty wild images of what it thinks up.

Read About It
ULC Facebook
We were all over the moon on Facebook earlier this month to be celebrating the release of the first-ever images of Pluto, sent back from the New Horizons mission. Weren't those jaw-dropping?
Follow us and join your brothers and sisters in ministry in our active and ongoing online conversations!