December 2014 Newsletter
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A Staten Island grand jury cleared an NYPD cop in the choke-hold death of Eric Garner during his caught-on-video arrest for peddling loose cigarettes. How can the message that black lives matter rise above the mishegoss? Continue reading
What do you think?
There is one thing that keeps tech genius Elon Musk awake at night: the notion of a renegade artificial intelligence taking over the world. What does the fact that we are beings capable of both good and evil mean for any new, electronic life we may create?
More on artificial intelligence...
Is a friend or family member excited after seeing the new Star Wars 7 teaser trailer? What did you think of it? A Jedi Knight certificate would make a great holiday gift for any fan! Check them out here.
Belief in a male god can shape your views on women and sex, but we must ask, does it make any sense to assign a gender to a supreme being? Read about a new study from the Journal of the Scientific Study of Religion.
Does God Need a Gender?
No matter your beliefs, Christmas is a time to come together. With roots in Pagan practices, a Christian message, and secular traditions, this is a time of year to show love and be at peace.
According to Christian theology...
This holiday season certainly hasn't been the most joyful one in recent memory. As people around the country struggle to understand and reform a broken system in the wake of heartbreaking human loss we've noticed a marked decrease in feelings of festivity.
We live in frightening times. While it is perfectly respectable and understandable to look at the world we've built and grieve this winter, we would also invite and urge you to find some time to celebrate all the good that does exist around you.
The message at the heart of Christmas or Chanukkah or Festivus or whatever winter holiday you personally celebrate is one of thanksgiving, redemption, victory, joy, and love. With an enhanced understanding of our errors and a fervent commitment to build a better tomorrow, let us march together into 2015 with reinvigorated spirits and hearts.
Peace and Love,
Your Brothers and Sisters at the Universal Life Church
