A popular Brazilian porn star has the country's religious community in an outrage. Kamilla Werneck, one of Brazil's hottest adult movie stars, went on live TV to declare that she is an Evangelical Christian and assert that God approves of her lifestyle.
During an interview on a late-night TV show, Werneck brought up the topic of her faith. Despite the church's official views on her chosen profession, she said she maintains a strong relationship with God. When asked how she reconciles being a Christian with her morally-questionable line of work, she opened up further:
"People are very judgmental. They try to make you conform in a way they think an evangelical should be because society says so But I don't agree with this. I think God sees inside our hearts. He judges the good and the bad things you do, and I do good things for people."
The interview went viral, and the porn star's comments quickly generated a storm of controversy. The reaction on social media was strong and immediate, with some people spewing insults and telling her to "burn in hell". Others, however, expressed support for her "modern" views on religion and called her brave for taking a public stand.
A Strict Upbringing
The 25-year old porn star didn't always lead a life in the spotlight. Werneck explains that she grew up in poverty and was raised deeply religious household. She left home at an early age, but told reporters her family has no idea that she makes X-rated films for a living.
However, they do know that she recently divorced her husband of 3 years to pursue a lesbian relationship.
"My family was really shocked when they found out. It took them a while to accept because their Evangelical beliefs and prejudice against gay relationships made it hard for them to come to terms with my decision."
Werneck insists that she doesn't mind if her family finds out that she's a porn star because God is behind her.
Trafficking in Lust
Werneck insists that her line of work brings happiness to many people. One need only check the view count on her videos to see that this claim has plenty of legitimacy. However, some argue that the so-called "happiness" she brings is really just capitalizing off of lonely people. Trafficking in lust is morally repugnant, they contend, and brings no value to society.
Werneck says such attacks don't bother her. "I'm a good person at heart and that's what matters. I love my work and I want people to appreciate and respect what I do. I still have a normal life outside and when I get the chance, I go to church with a Bible in my hand."
A Cycle of Sin
This case highlights an interesting conflict present in religious life. The Bible (as with many other religious texts) gives directions for how believers ought to live their lives. Some acts it encourages; others it condemns. It's safe to say that "become a porn star" would make the list of "don'ts".
But what if the porn star insists God is on her side?
The Bible says no one is immune from sin. Sinners go to church to repent their sins, but often fall victim to temptation once again. The cycle repeats itself. Let's say Werneck continues her career in the adult film industry. As long as she repents her sins every once in a while, is her path not similar to that of many other churchgoers around the world?
What do you think? Can a porn star be a true Christian?
Rahab seems to be held in high regard, maybe this lady's following in her footsteps. After all, you never know when your spies will need to escape the city.
So right you are, so right. Rahab not only turned traitor on her own people in Jerico by hiding the Jewish spys and helping them excape, she is also mentioned - as a woman - in the line of anscestors of Jesus of Nazareth, a Christ. Also, as Jesus was confronted by the mob of men who wanted him to cast the first stone at the whore they accused, he squated writing the names in the sand of the men in the mob who had sex with this woman, and the dates they had sex with her. Seeing that he Saw their Sin, they slowly went away. Whereupon he asked the woman if there was no one to accuse her, to which she replied that no, they had all left, and he told her to go and sin no more. And finally for those who actually read the bible, we know that all thru the old testament the Yawast priests in the temple were constantly complaining about the people attending to other church services and even accused Solaman of burning incense to strange gods on the high place with his non-jewish wives. Some of those temples employed priestesses who performed sex acts on stage for "Wholly" enlightning rolling in the aisles services. So holy sex was a well established fact accross the ancient world and many jews would attend such services in addition to attending to Yawhist priest services also - just like today. Mary of Magdelene was one of those temple priestesses. She and her brother Philip were the gentile (Greek) apostles following Jesus and she became founder of the Cather religion in the south of France just after the ressurection. It is her daughter by Jesus, Sarah, who became matriarch of the Maringian line of French Kings.
Christians do not do porn for a living. Identify your God by your beliefs and pray your not wrong. Your God should have a plan for you. When you get asexual transmitted disease don't come after my tax money for your health. Go to your God. Simple. My God says sin leads to death and eternal death.
Mr. Quantum, First, some Christians do perform in porn for a living. YOU don't. Second, based on your name or title or whatever that is, you must be from another planet. So I don't think your tax dollars are in jeopardy. Third, sin does not lead to death. Life leads to death. It happens to everyone, and as of yet, no one has found a cure.
Buddha says that from the day we are born we are one day closer to death....death is inevitable and part of existing in human form and experiencing all that we experience while our spirit is in this form. So even to eternal death aspect, I believe (without trying to quote any spiritual leader because my beliefs are taught to me yet I don't necessarily walk away with a belief in them all) qll death from this human form is eternal because whether our not our experiences here are done or we will have to return to complete our lessons, we will never come back as the being we are this time around.
It appears that maybe her lifes plan was to become a porn actress ao that an article such as this would be written aboit her. Therefore, that is why her relationahip with hwr God is so strong because although she may not know why, she feels the peace in her heart with her choices because the Divine would not allow her to struggle with her choices when they are part of a bigger plan. The reason it could all come down to this article is because it has carried on for so long and people are so passionate with their opinions about another persons life; yet have anyone of those who are judging her so harshly, read any other comments with an open mind and maybe turned the focus inward and question whether the way you are choosing to spread the word of God you are working so hard to defend would agree that doing it with hateful and nasty opinions is the way he would want to be honored.
Joanne...good thoughts...all judgments are false...Tom
I often find the things that others choose to judge regarding another person are often a direct reflection of something they find within themselves that are having trouble coming to terms with. The diverting attention from their own faults by working so hard to find fault in others.
Just as the judgement and ridicule of others is wrong, it has far harsher consequences when we do not allow ourselves the same courtesy of respect and forgiveness. Happiness will follow and an awakening of sorts that replaces judgement with understanding will easily become a new reality.
WE should NOT JUDGE others WEAKNESSES BUT SURELY OUR OWN,I do NOT know if JESUS said this but I HEARD it in MY HEAD, JESUS !!!
I say if its in your head it must have come from somewhere right.....sounds about t=right to me :)
You didn't address the important last sentence in the article, Marius. If pedophiles, murderers and rapists can be forgiven, why not a porn star? Have you been living a pure, sinless life knowing what your God says?
I agree that a porn star can be forgiven, no doubt at all, but didn't Jesus say, your sins are forgiven, go and sin no more...
Absolutely.....porn star isn't living a life that is consistant with the Bible
The bible is merely mans recollections of the true teachings of Jesus. Jesus did not write these pages himself. So like any stories based on recollections passed down from generation to generation, the interpretation of the meaning is based in who is repeating its content. I am not questioning the validity of the teachings Jesus brought back to his followers, but to say that the bible is to be take word for word as if it was unscripted by Jesus himself and one persons understanding of those words are the only true way to interpret them just cant be possible.
I'm not going to talk about the health related issues, or even touch on the topic of sin... What I will say is that I believe that God loves those who love. Especially those who are able to love as He does. Unconditionally. As well as those who see past 'sin',and see the true weight and value of a soul, not just it's bodily container, as He does. Those who can easily forgive when it is warranted and requested, as He does. Did he not sacrifice His own Son for this purpose?!... Those who accept all those before them, as He accepts all who come before Him... One who loves is loved by God
I don't see much difference between a porn star or many politicians. If our politicians get paid for screwing people and for making public, vulgar displays of themselves and they claim to be good Christians, why not porn stars, prostitutes or anybody else? If we truly believe in Christ then we respect how he LIVED, how he loved everyone, regardless of whether they were a sinner, an adulterer, a prostitute or anyone else. Christ's life was all about LOVE and respect for all--live and let live. We should try to be more like Christ.
wrong. bad politicians can ruin your life. bad porn stars can ruin your fap session. dont sully porn by comparing it to politics!
I don't believe in the God thinking, I don't believe your going to another place when you die, but if people need a crutch to make themselves feel better about what they do, go for it, believe in a God, believe in a shrine, you can believe in a piece of French toast on eBay. Every scum bag that does indescribable things feels he has a right to cleansing, why shouldn't some pretty young thing who spreads her legs for money. You people who are screaming blasphemy better check your own rear view before opening your mouths. Gotta say though, she's a pretty girl.
there is no such thing as sin...categorizing something as sin is simply a way to assert one's own importance as a judgmental person...it is irrelevant as to whether she is a good Christian...the only issue is whether she is a loving person
to say "Your comment is awaiting moderation" is clearly censorship...publish my comment, please
As a Pagan, I don't believe in sin either. Being a good person, is all that matters.
thank you, Ben...i have found that everyone is capable of love...we just need to realize it
The answer is NO!!!
And why is that exactly.....
A Christian is defined as...... noun: Christian; plural noun: Christians 1. a person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Jesus Christ and his teachings.
Just wonder how it is just a NO? Because you choose to believe it is so. Clearly by definition you can not come to that conclusion.
This is simply an outrageous statement made for publicity, who cares? There are bigger fish to fry in the world currently, this in no way threatens anyone else's beliefs, my best advice would be to ignore it.
God created every life form in this universe. Each life form is one thought in The Mind of
God. All insects, animals, plant life and each person's soul is formed in the divine universal
consciousness within The Mind of God. We all come here into this physical realm to create
life while learning lessons to advance the depth of knowledge, love, grace and acceptance
within The Mind of God. As the near death experience reveals: God commands each life
form to reveal what they have learned. The depth and quality of our significant lessons
determines if our soul advances to the heavenly Mind of God or returns to our earth life to
continue our lessons fulfilling our divine destiny. In truth we are all God's children. As God
has said, "What kind of parent would I be if I didn't love EVERY life form that I have created.
You all come here to create life and expand my universal consciousness with your journey.
Earth life is the school for souls... animal, vegetable and mineral. Each life form creates the
positive and negative perspectives reflecting reality. These essential diverse lessons reveal
the totality of life experiences to advance OUR truth within divinity. WE ARE ALL ONE NOW.
i agree...that is the revelation
Mary Magdalene was. Also, I know Catholics who sin all week, go to confession on Saturday and all is forgiven. As for me, she can be a porn star and be a good Christian.
right on, Ben...i was discussing Mary Magdalene with my son in this context just this evening
This is hilarious, but not a worthy topic of discussion in my humble opinion.
That is your prerogative, to feel that the unwarrented persecution of a woman is hilarious... It is slightly ironic you comment to say you don't think this woman is worthy of your commentary... I hope I have misunderstood your post my dear brother. Let none of us ever forget that indifference is in fact the greatest evil. God Bless you my dear friend
Don't be self-righteous. I didn't SAY the woman was unworthy of discussion. I said the TOPIC is unworthy, actually, like most of the topics we discuss on here. Just put here to allow argument and venting.
What's the difference between a porn star and a lying politician who votes to destroy peoples' lives? They both can ease their conscience by knowing that Jesus forgives all sinners. Who among us is sinless and can cast the first stone? "Judge not, lest you be judged."
A porn star is an entertainer. Politicians are liars and thieves.
Ben, that's a good point. And anyone can claim to be religious.
She will not be let into to the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN for tempting men. You cannot repent harlotry.
And another casts the first stone. Christ himself said this to his chief priests and elders. "Truly , I say to you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes go into the kingdom of God before you." (Matthew 21:31)
Bernard's bible of choice (the Moleman Revised Big Book of Divine Personal Revelations) might not contain that verse Guairdean. The prostitutes and tax collectors will not be directed to secondary inspection along with the judgemental bigots. "We have serious concerns about what you've posted on the ULC forum, Moleman", said the angelic pillar of fire with feet of bronze, the heads of two lions and snakes for fingers.
Sure she will Bernie, and back off on the harlotry gab, she's screwing for a camera, not trying to bring down the 12 deciples.
For women, sex outside of marriage is SIN. Or do you think she is married to all these men?
Bernard, that goes for MEN and women, at least for those who believe in sin.
Men may have sex outside of marriage without heavenly reprisal. They are given preference in the bible. What gender do you think JESUS was?
Well, Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene*, so, that doesn't matter. Men and woman are bound equally under the 10 Commandments. So, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/simcha-jacobovici/jesus-marriage-to-mary-th_b_6225826.html
I'm sorry I guess I missed the memo saying that sin was a sin regardless of gender. I'm interested to know Bernard if the the men working in the business aren't or even worse, are married...is she still the only one you believe is sinning?
You say you're a man......I feel so ashamed....I hope to stand beside you on judgement day. I will weep for you
It has been a while since I actually studied the bible, but I was a pretty good listener....Is there not a passage is the bible that talks about all men resisting the temptations of lust,,,,,,I don't believe Eve was the only one who was cast out of the Garden of Eden. If I remember correctly Adam found himself with the same fate.
Im sorry and mean no disrespect but it is the picking and choosing of the teachings of Jesus Christ that suit your views on a subject while blatantly ignore the ones that counteract your objective that make true people of faith. Christians who live their lives as extensions of Jesus Christ to the best of their ability find themselves get attacked and ridiculed for other peoples interpretations off the bible and ability to only use the parts that suit them.
This kind of ignorance of your own faith only hurts your cause, rather than try to make other see why you see this as a sin,
Bernie there is a misogynistic bent to your posts, here and the girl guide thread are two I picked up on, anyone with sexist, racist or elitist bent in my book is an asshole, slag me however you want, I won't be throwing down with someone whose brain quit growing in dark ages.
Let he who have no sins cast the first stone.Dear fellow brothers and sisters. All we can do is to tell people how great God is.Whether He accept the person or not is entirely up to His prerogative With our puny/small mind how can we understand the greatness, mercy and compassion of God almighty? Please use the bible for guidelines but ask the Lord God for wisdom and discernment..
"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;"
Sorry, that was from the new testament; Romans 1:28
Bernie is trolling all of you.
The fact is, this beautiful woman is doing nothing wrong.
The most difficult issue for me regarding God is our looking at God through my human eyes. I believe there is a difference between Faith and Religion. It is the religious aspect that troubles and confuses me as I continue on my journey contemplating What makes us human, what connects us all...this idea of God. From what I know, every culture has had some idea of God. Those cultures, as like our own, has 'created' God in their own image...what they were/are familiar with. I've challenged myself to take from what I know and humbly acknowledge the vastness of what I don't, can't and will never know concerning God. I struggle to not be shackled by traditions and/or interpretations of God by ancient relationships with God. Our understanding of the world has evolved yet it seems our 'understanding' of God is mired in the past. That is not to say the past is wrong or that there is no value in bringing forward some of the teachings the past. But we must be on guard of blind belief in the guise of faith.
Don I applaud you for understanding you have not found where you fit and what you actually believe as of yet. However you continue to grown and learn and search for you path that will lead you to the answers you seek.
You have already made the first most difficult observation and simply need to remember that as you continue your journey The only way I have ever been able to explain the difference between religion and faith is that religion is often and organized group of people. Who have agreed that they will believe what they are taught within the confines of such religion no matter what. Consider this analogy; you are siting among 30 like minded people. Meaning that some survey was taken that put you all together. Maybe it as your passion for music or your cultural background. During this meeting, everyone is told that because of your similarities they have comprised a list of guideline to model you life by. I will give 2: the first is to be a part of this group you must understand that work comes first. It will be the foundation of your family and will make your children feel closer to you for you hard work. and second, no family shall own a cat because some people in the group are allergic and you may bring stray hairs into the meetings. So in my experience I can guarantee that no matter how many things you agree with that match many others. But when you tell an entire group of people they must all believe and follow these rules because they are your only chance for success, there is mo way that the entire room with believe in each guideline and question its validity. This is Religion. Its member are given a set of rules that they ate required to follow. Problem is, that's impossible so you get what we have here, The picking and choosing of the parts that suit their beliefs without any attention to any part that can not explain away because its in the same black and whit but they will just ignore that,
Faith or Spirituality is learning all you can about all religious/spiritual theories and teachings until one day you will read a single line or a single phrase that will forever change your life. Does that mean you now need to identify with whatever religion that statement came from, absolutely not. It just lets you know that if you seek answers you will find them, It will also let you know the difference in how it feels to follow a religion because that's what you were taught to believe and the feeling of truly believing in something that make require the same amount of blind faith, but when it all of a sudden is so clear and has been there all along its not really blind faith because you just know. Different example, we can not see oxygen, we don't feel it but it is not blind faith that makes us know its there and what is does, we just know.
As an example, My hardest thing to understand was how can anyone claim to believe everything that their chosen religion teaches. They either don't or they lie about it. Even the closest friends don't agree on everything. Throughout my research and studies I came across and book about Buddhism I had never read before. On the first page of the book, almost like a title page there was a quote. This quote was all it took to answer one of the biggest questions I struggled with regarding spitituality and it lead me on a journey to a strength in faith I never thought I would be blessed enough to have...for me that quite went as follows.....“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”
I am reminded that there is only one Eternal God...Love...Love is not gender bias.nor gender specific.. I am not willing to judge the hearts of others.. least I be judged myself.. I do believe that Love is all that is Eternal. She carries light to a potential darkened location my prayers are that she is upheld by love... remembering that not a one of us is perfect...and that Love continues to work in all our hearts at these Very dark times
Giving instant sexual gratification to some while causing addictions and rifts between families is not doing good for people. Drug dealers could claim the same thing. It has nothing to do with religion since there are no sky fairies. Religion is not a prerequisite for having morals.
some people overeat... are the owners of Mcdonald franchises sinners too?
Remember that once we accept Jesus he live inside of us. Would he use sex conduct to show love?
Couple use sex to express love.
If she were Pastafarian, her profession would be honored. It may be a joke but at least she wouldn't be going up against Christians who hypocritically choose society acceptable professions that are still detrimental to others and look down upon others. Military, Bankers, Televangelists, Politics, etc. Jesus spoke against all of these specifically, yet doing them becomes justified by those doing it and the Churches who support them. Keep on doing what you are doing girl and stay safe. God loves you no matter what man-made religions say.
Well stated
My beliefs are between myself and God and if I believe in my soul in Jeasus Christ and I have surrendered and given myself to him (need saved) then what I do for a living has no bearing on what I do for a living.NONE!!! My conversations with God are mine alone. We are all sinners and ask for forgiveness and are forgiven. But if I am comfortable in my career or how I make a living and believe God has my back then rest assured, God's got my back.
To speak publicly is a brave and selfless act. Dangerous in most cases and add fame or in this age of social media you get a backlash of opinions.
If you want my opinion you will have to ask God. I'm not sharing it with you because it's none of the public's business.
A few biblical points... We are all born into sin. Some just call it "human nature." In the eyes of God, all sin is equal. There's no hierarchy of what is "more sinful." By accepting Jesus Christ as our savior, all of our sins are released. ALL of them. When we commit sin (and we all do) after our salvation, we must repent!
What occurs after... When we repent, we must make a promise to God to do our best not sin again. None of this, "Sorry, my bad. Won't happen again," kind of stuff. We ask for forgiveness as a means to give ourselves another chance to redeem ourselves. If we don't have it in our power to do better (and quite often, we don't)... we then have to ask God for His help to overcome the sin. This last step is where this woman (like many others) have failed. They stop short of their sin by simply accepting it.They then try to justify their sin by abusing the love and grace that God has given them.
An example... A child conducts in bad behavior that the child knows is wrong. That child's parents spare the rod and show their child forgiveness and compassion. They treat the child with love and understanding. That child admits their wrong doing but continues to embrace the bad behavior as it satisfies their flesh. Although the child is loved by the parents, those parents will eventually have to do more to change the behavior pattern forming. If they don't, the child will continue to live in this "sinful" behavior without true repentance.
Conclusion... Our Creator is a great and loving one. He especially has a fondness for those who are distant from Him. The porn star in this article is in a cycle of sin and needs to fully repent for those sins. God has announced that when all enter the gates of heaven, our lives will be examined. If this woman continues to accept her sins and also justify it by saying that God allows it, she will be denied.
Thank you Dallas for reminding all the true definition of repent as explained in the Bible.
It is not for me to judge but.for me to lead them into the light or thou SHALL be judged. I am only a tool of God so that his word may be HEARD and be spread it is on the ears it falls how it is received. Remember when you stand in front of almighty and EVERYONE will and he is balancing the books what side will you be on!!!!!!!
The side who is forgiven
Im an atheist freethinker - - however if IF there were a god, how could she disapprove of what she made so natural >>??? - - besides in my old age I fine good sex to be a big part of the meaning of life
not to mention that if God created us all as his children....does that me he is imperfect and makes these kind of mistake that some feel so compelled to degrade. And Edward I agree...age doesnt change the fact that we were made to be sexual beings thats why we fit together like a puzzle piece. there is no commandment regarding Porn and it is a job so they cant use adultery as her sin. i just want to know what commandment that is supposed to make what she is doing a sin. they can think its morally wrong or ethically wrong...ok but its only an opinion.....Not a sin
I think the whole concept of labeling someone a "True" christian, or labeling them not a "true" christan is a self condemning concept. Any christian that projects these labels onto someone that genuinely loves and believes they have a relationship with god is in direct contradiction with the bible. The righteousness of a person is not our business to judge. We are here for guidance. Not judgement.
AMEN~Namaste~and Thank You~ This is the one true concept I keep finding hard to understand because its the entire basis of what Christianity was supposed to stand for yet its been lost along the way somehow. We are all God children and having true faith and strong spirituality, you have found you place alongside the divine. I di believe a life live without a spiritual understanding of one thing or another makes life a lt harder and can be lonly i the most crowded room....but how I choose to honor and worship the divine is between me and my God. The way people are choosing to to treat others and the hate being spread will define their relationship with their God and even that is none of my business. That another person life they choose to live. Spend half the time wasted on spreading hate to look inside yourself yo find where this need to be cruel comes from and all of a sudden you will realize each persons way they choose to relate to their god is their life to live.
OHHH Trump.....thats a whole hypocrisy on it's own. One like I have ever seen before lol
Roman 14:14
Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.
Mathew 7:1-5
Matthew 7:1-5King James Version (KJV)
7 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
Why not. She's making movies that show people loving each other. NOT denying people healthcare, forcing women to have babies and then denying them help feeding them, like some CINOs (Christian In Name Only) that I know would do.
Even Porn Stars can have a Come To Jesus moment.
The short answer is yes
It is not for us to judge this woman. She has done nothing to harm our homes or our lives. Her salvation is between her and the Lord period. If you or anyone else chooses to watch what she does in front of a camera then it is also between you and the Lord. Let the Lord do his job and the rest of us do ours by being good and loving human beings and trusting in our Lord. There is so much work to do in this world other than worry about things that we should not concern ourselves with like "who gets into heaven and who does not".
Perfect response. My thoughts exactly.
Very well put. Every one has the right to their own personal relationship with their God. Siblings hat are raised the same way in the same home rarely share an identical personality and/or future. Yet a parents love is unconditional regardless of which child seems to have the life they had hope for them. If each sibling lives a life without judgement and have a heart that is filled with pure love for their parents...then they are both worth the same respect they offer to others, regardless of any other traits that may not quite meet the expectations put forth on them.
We are all Gods children...strong faith, a loving heart and a nonjudgmental perception of others and God will only recognize us as the children raised to love in his name.
Best response yet. Thank you for your thoughtful, sincere and wise comments throughout this discussion. Yes, we are all Gods children. And God is Love. God's true children keep love in their hearts.
I am concerned because we are supposed to be fishers of men. I do that by trying to communicate the bible. Matthew 4:19King James Version (KJV) 19 And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
You do your part by following you desire, need, responsibility (however you see your mission to educate) by doing exactly that. You share your knowledge of the bible and will find that your words will help others who are not sure of what to believe in, or rather need so help in understanding it. However, even Jesus himself could not make everyone a believer and therefore if you can get even a single person to view themselves or the words between the pages of the Bible then you are doing what you can do as your way of respecting and worshiping your God.
Shane also states his understand of what is written in the Bible; Mathew 7: Judge not, that ye be not judged.
Or John 8:7 And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”
Like any written word, the lessons and teachings that are taken from it are subject to the individuals interpretation of its meaning and what is important. So I guess in a matter such as this it is matter of understanding that your relationship with God and your faith in what you do and how you conduct yourself based on what you learn from your bible, it may not align with an others interpretation but respect for our fellow man also pertains to how they choose to follow the word of their lord.
Dwayne...you are correct in saying the "porn Star" should not be judged...every single judgment by us is wrong...judging is only destructive...Tom
I would love to check out the browser history on the computers of those that judge her harshly. I bet we would find some very juicy stuff out there. Oooh, I smell the foul stench of hypocrisy. Can you smell it? Keep sniffing. It's out there.
If this woman has a belief that works for her and gets her through the day, then who are any of you to judge her? You're nobody, that's who. Mind your own business. Worry about your own stuff. If only we could all just worry about our own stuff all over the world, maybe there would be a lot less hatred and bigotry.
I guess it depends on who your "God" is. If it's the god of the Old Testament (that wrathful, vengeful, jealous egomaniac entity that spoke from a black cloud of smoke, who needs worship), or our Creator that gave us free will. From my understanding, Jesus gave His life to free us from the slavery laws that were imposed by Yahweh.
I believe that it boils down to "reaping what you sow". Karma. If whatever you do doesn't cause actual harm to another person, then you are free to do as you will. Just don't do anything that you don't want to echo back to you.
Can she be a Christian, by today's standards? Probably not. Can she have a deep relationship with the Creator? Yes.
Where is the Love in these comments?
Non-existent.....which makes me concerned as to how they have any right to just whether a person can be a Christian....when the hate and judgement all over this post is definitely a direct violation of what Jesus Christ taught his disciples....
Joeanne..I believe the old testament was the beginning of man trying to take control of the world they knew...to take control away from women and what better way than to blame them for everything that was wrong in the world at that time. From the old testament to the new ,Jesus tried very hard to show the world ...man how sorely wrong they were....Jesus tried to hard to teach men how to love...be compassionate...kind...forgiving and above all accepting of others....I believe he died broken hearted at the lack of success that was evident to him of his time here.... Or he would never have had to die such a horrible horrible death.... It is well documented before the time of the old test for many thousands of years women were recognized as the amazing creatures that they are and we're considered equal or even revered by men.....as they should be as it was a woman who gave birth to Jesus our savior My point. How wrong can man be. If you have read the two books one can only be filled with wonder at the truly archaic misleading teachings of those times..it was all to take control of mankind because of his evil ways but I don't think the theologians new when to let go The end result....love one another....be kind to others...be compassionate and caring...judge not and be a good ,fine human being. Oh yea ...please be forgiving, it costs you nothing
Beautifully stated....and exactly what I wish so many would just understand. Whether religion or spirituality of faith...if it doesnt begin and end with love what is the point......thank you
If, as she says, God approves of her films,and as the evangelicals say, God does not approve of their sexuality,, Then obviously God is working in a mysterious way again. My suggestion is for each of us to do what God tells US and not imagine that any of us have the right to dictate to others.. Just sayin'.
Mary Magdalene, was a prostitute, and if porn was an option do you not think she wouldn't do, don't judge this woman shes doing what she needs to, to survive in a world of judgement. So sure God may be on her side, but the question should be is God on the side of those who judge others, with out considering the reputation of the thing that they may say.
I applaud her. I am a very spiritual person, however I was raised Catholic. Which we are all aware is one of the most cut and dry of the Christian based religions.
In the eyes of the Catholic church I am considered a true Catholic because after the years of having to attend CCD, i made confirmation because thats just what you do. We are told that this is the point where you, not your parents decide to accept a position in the church; however i never for once believed i could voice my ideas regarding Catholicism and skip this induction into the church.
That ended my relationship with the Catholic Church. I questioned many things i was taught that are not pertinent here but i will at least say that i never doubted the existence of a divine being or that Jesus himself was the spiritual leader i heard about, i just questioned the ideals of the organization.
The principle regarding every persons needed to fit into a certain mold and follow certain rules or they would be denied access to "heaven". I encounter far to many hypocrites who believed themselves to be good Catholics because the attended church and. Took Jesus as their one true savior.
They could then leave church and yell racial slurs at their neighbors or abuse their children but their judgements view regarding others because they were not Christians and would burn in "hell" seemed ludacris to me. The saying "The fear of God" made me sad. How and why would a caring loving God that I was taught created all people, want "his children" to fear him.
I have since found my path and my belief system embraces the knowledge that each organized religion share many common components if studied with an open mind capable of seeing it and the existence of each of the spiritual leaders at the center of their religion could have all existed. I was not there, it would be ignorant of me to believe that the divine would not send numerous spiritual leaders throughout time to teach and spread spirituality. Jesus was Jewish, Mother Theresa was Catholic yet she cared for and spread love to anyone in need. While i search for my own truths i was always jealous of anyone who posses any kind of true faith that they found strength in.
This woman has a true and strong connect with her God and an unwaivering faith in a higher power to be able to be herself. She does not need anyone's acceptance because she has made her peace with her God regarding what she does for work.
I also don't know which commandment says Though Shall Not Work In Any Industry That Other Christians Decide To Be Against Gods Word.
It is wrong of anyone to be told how they should live and it is even worse to tell someone that they have no right to have faith or believe in God unless they stop what they are doing.
I hope i get to cross paths with her on the other side and let her know how much i admire her.
To those who tell her she will burn in hell and threaten her with death threats...i just have to say......That is very Christian of you and please keep believing that your right to enter the kingdom of God is guaranteed. I do remember a commandment that states "Treat Others As You Wish To Be Treated". --Namaste
Jesus had told Mary Magdalene to go and sin no more-- and she didn't-- So is this porn star still sinning??
I am still unclear of the sin she is committing.? She is doing a job. Not "Coveting Thy Neighbors Wife".....She states that she attends church on Sundays whenever she can. so she is "Keeping Holy the Sabbath Day". Attending church at all gives her a higher attendance rate then the majority of Christians I have ever met. They found it easy to see the faults in everyone else regarding their commitment to Christ however...I assume as a way of making up for their lack of commitment to the church. I am not agreeing that you need a specific building, date and time to speak to God or to have him hear your words. But if I chose to point out all the things I personally found to condemn a person for claiming to be as good a Christian as me.
In this day and age, I am still so saddened by the absence of empathy and increase in judgement happening all around the world. We can not control anything beyond the space and people that occupy our own small portion of the world. If we spent as much time, as a civilization, ensuring that we were living our life with as many values and morals as we could, raise our children with manners and a strong sence of self worth that naturally grows onto a healthy tolerance towards all people regardless of any of their differences and removed toxic people who lack these kinds of qualities from our inner circle of people we love; eventually the toxic people would either feel the need to be introspective and discover why they are so insecure that hurting others is their only outlet or they will find themselves alone and unable to have an effect on the people around them because our new generation of the human race would all posses the same personal strength and helpful empathy that can find our world at peace, at last.
Change will never come by taunting, threatening, and judging others from a place that they hold deep inside a dark sad place. All these efforts to push your beliefs are having the opposite effect and finding people fleeing the churches they once loved because the hypocrisy become so intense that it is hard to remind yourself that these are individuals twisting their doctrine to fulfill an inner need for acceptance.
I am not worried about this woman and her porn videos, but I would love to help dedicate some time with the individuals that are so angry and mean regarding a person they never met, to help them see in themselves what is going on to feel the need to seek out a place to spread hate, especially when it is masked behind their idea of what God expects from us and never once talk about how the bible is clear that God is a loving being who created all people to live as his children. Are you saying God makes such huge mistakes that he would create a child knowing that they may choose to follow a religion different from what they are taught which will result in sending them to burn eternally in hell fire? Either the Bible has lied to us regarding the true loving nature God posses for all of us, or you are committing an even more heinous act by insulting God but believing he made these mistakes and it is your job to fix his mistake by trying to break these people into either changing or preparing for an eternal hell fire.
Forget the porn star, she knows the kind of Christian she is; Which of these Christians are you going to choose to be?
You are asking many of the same things that I have also questioned in the past. I am so relieved to have found the answers I sought after. No one has all of the answers but I am finally satisfied. I was raised Baptist, I attended a Catholic High school, I also had the opportunity during serving in the military to experience several different denominations. Each Sunday I would attend a different one because they had so many under the same roof. It was a great opportunity. I found most have the same belief of being a good person. Also that their is a God. As far as Catholic beliefs go I feel that God only wants us to pray to him and not to idolize other Gods. So I cannot see praying to saints or Mother Mary when I am supposed to be praying to God. I also feel that by confessing my sins and saying ten hail Mary's then going out Friday night and doing it all over again is not going to fool God. God knows what is in your heart and if you are truly sorry for what you have done you will not try to do it again. You have to have some kind of remorse. I always wondered how and why their were so many different denominations? After reading the Bible KJV, NKJV and the MEV for answers and study I found that there was no mention of different denominations that I could find. I believe they separate us. The only common thing mentioned in the bible about church is simply the "Church of God". This is why I am non-denominational. I am simply a Christian that believes in God. As far as communion goes. I have attended churches that made me feel It was required of me or I would get strange looks and I have also attended church that would not allow me to take communion until they saw me fit to become a "brother". That I was not part of the fellowship yet and could not partake with them and had to sit in back and watch everyone else. I did not ever see or read of Jesus denying anyone to take of his body and blood if they wanted. The definition of fellowship is simply" a friendly association, especially with people who share one's interests." My answer to that group was whether they thought I was or was not part of the fellowship I was no matter what they said because we had a common belief. That made me part of it whether they wanted it or not. I understand baptism to be the choice of the individual. Where you personally decide to be baptized and live as a Christian. I know many think it is important to baptize children. There are also many children that never even have the knowledge or opportunity to be baptized. This is where I put my trust that my God is a loving and merciful God. The bible states that God will do what is right. As far as good deeds go I understand that good deeds and good works alone are not enough to get into heaven. Jesus said "if you deny me I will deny you in front of my father" So you must be saved. Matthew 10:32-33King James Version (KJV) 32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. 33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. Being saved is very simple. All it requires is like this verse says. Romans 10:9King James Version (KJV) 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Yes being saved IS THAT SIMPLE! So I'm sorry to say but I have come to the understanding that "no you may not enter Heaven by good deeds or good works alone. You must also be saved. Probably not the answer you wanted to hear but it is what I interpret from the bible. Believing in God can be difficult for some. It was very difficult for me at times! Just look at the stary of Lazarus and the rich man. Luke 16:19-31New International Version (NIV) The Rich Man and Lazarus 19 “There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. 20 At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores 21 and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. 22 “The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 24 So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’ 25 “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. 26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’ 27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’ 29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’ 30 “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’ 31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” Some people will never be convinced even if God raises the dead. Which he has a few times. A great movie I recently watched was "The Case for Christ" It was about a reporter whos wife was finding God and he did not approve. He did not believe in God and did not want her loving God more than himself. He was a full blown atheist and believed his wife was being suckered into a cult and they just want money. So he asked his friend what to do. His friend said he could not try to argue with her because she is very intelligent. You must prove to her that God does not exist. So this man goes out and professionally studies and reports on everything and everyone he can find. The more he tried to disprove it the more he ended up becoming a believer. This was an intelligent reporter that knew how to prove something wrong. He finally come to the conclusion that no Hoax in history has ever had over 500 witnesses and over 5,000 pieces of documentation found from the past times. Along with several other reasons. It must be true because no way could all those witnesses and documentation be for a hoax. Why it would have to be the biggest hoax ever in mankind. He realizes he can keep searching for ways to try to disprove the existence and he is not going to be able to do it. There is always going to be some doubt or unanswered questions. He is told by his friend that One way or the other you have to have faith that either God is real or faith that he is not. He is also asked what if you are wrong? Anyway he ends up becoming a minister. He decided to put his faith in God. I have my own personal experience that made a believer out of me. I prayed about three very distinct things one evening. My wife heard me say them out loud. The next day I went out of town golfing. I sat below a tree where I sat and admired the beauty around me it was gorgeous outdoors. I looked down and saw a piece of paper. I usually don't make habit of picking up small pieces of paper off the ground. I picked it up and found it had three bible verses listed on it and that was all that was on it. I put it in my pocket and took it home. I stopped at my mom and dads place and asked to see my dads bible. I opened it up to each verse and read them. All three of my questions were answered very specifically. It was mind blowing. I thought about the odds of this happening. The odds of me praying, going out of town, picking up random trash and finding bible verses listed that completely answered the things I prayed about the night before. the odds were astronomical. There is no way, I mean no way no one could ever convince me that God did not make that happen. God spike to me. He used other people and places and put this in my path and compelled me to pick it up and read the verses. There is just no way that could be any kind of coincidence. Some may think I am crazy or it a coincidence. I don't care because I know what I witnessed and I believe it. I put my faith in God. If others hear of my story and they find God great. If they don't want to then I feel bad for them. I realize it is up to each individual to find what they want to believe or not. It is in fact your right to have faith it is true or faith it is not true. I just hope that they might find their way. I hope this helps. Sorry for the novel but you sent me a novel. LOL God Bless you JM!
Dwayne...you sound like a good person...i believe that every single person goes to heaven...the issue is that whatever you do in this lifetime determines the karma that controls your next lifetime...feel good...Tom
Tom, That would be great if every single person goes to heaven, but it does not work that way according to the bible King James Version.
2 Corinthians 5:10 - For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things [done] in [his] body, according to that he hath done, whether [it be] good or bad.
Revelations 20- 12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. 14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
Tom I also believe there is no selection process, yet it is just another plain of existence where we come together and everything makes sense that was once confusing. I know that the existence of a heaven and hell as places meant to separate the good from the bad is merely a misinterpretation of the description of hell in the bible and then turned into a way trying to force people to be afraid of their eternal faith. When analyzing the bibles description of hell it is eerily similar to the description of the issues that plague the earth we live in as living souls.....
Dwayne, I would like to thank you for your response and much like other posts I have read of yours I thank you for presenting your comments is a respectful way that one would expect when presenting opposing views on a matter so sensitive. Disrespectful, ignorant responses are the reason it is often hard to pay attention to any explanations they may have. I just want to let you know how much I appreciate the class you show in you correspondence. I am not sure if your parents had made a conscious plan for you to attend a Catholic High School while being raised Baptist, by either way I am a firm supporter of exposing children to different faiths so they will know that belief is really their own and not one they have been told to believe. As with yourself, you had many questions and searched within your soul till you found faith. Your faith, the answers that rang true to you and allowed you to move forward with a strong, personal and true faith in your decision. I was raised in a Catholic family and besides personal experiences that made me wonder how it could be possible (I know have a better understanding and acceptance of these experiences) but I also found myself being asked to leave a CCD class for one reason or another. I was too young to be taken as disrespectful but when these volunteer teachers, often just students themselves, did not have the answers I would be asked to leave so I didn’t get the other kids asking the same ones. For example, 1st grade I wanted to understand how if Adam and Eve were the first people of earth and would then be responsible to populate the earth (This is what and how we were taught about this) how could they do that because all their children would be brothers and sisters. I still find this a reasonable inquiry from a 6 year old child who was very excited to learn about Jesus. This was only one of the many innocent questions throughout my time in CCD classes that found me in trouble rather than finding a new way to explain it to me. I will come out and explain that although the church I was affiliated with was the larges in the area, it was also the congregation that became one of the many priest that would later be depicted in the movie Spotlight. So I understand that I may not have had the greatest support and teachers but it was harmful either way. I never denied the existence of a higher power but I was unsure of my idea as to whether Jesus was what I was told he was. I wanted so bad to find faith. I noticed the difference in the people who possessed a true faith and how they always just seemed more at peace than those who didn’t. I knew when I found it, I would just know. I have a different understanding regarding taking communion when I find myself attending a Catholic mass as I still often do. I was taught to believe that accepting the host was for only those Catholics (I use Catholics as my focus since that is where the majority of my experience took place) who had attended confession within a certain amount of time and by accepting it I am confirming my commitment to the Catholic faith. I never wanted to be seen as disrespectful but you are right, It is an offering to accept the body of Christ as a respectful gesture. I do not identify myself as a single religion or with a single belief system. I identify myself as spiritual being and enjoy studying and learning more about all people an what they believe in. When I am asked to give an answer as to what I believe I, I usually identify myself as Buddhist since it was within the teaching of Siddhartha that I found some of the answers I had been searching for so long for. However, I still find myself confused and maybe there is no explanation that will make it any easier for me to understand. I do not deny the existence of God. I never denied it, I was just never convinced I was getting the truth. I use the word God because it is the name I have been raised to call the higher being/Divine. I do not feel that referring to God by a different name does not mean our belief is in 2 separate entities. I also believe in Jesus and would never deny my belief in him to anyone. So idea of not accepting any false Gods is not anything I worry about because there is only 1 true God. Was Jesus the son of God. Of course, he was but according to the bible so are you and I am also a child of God, correct? I do believe (and this is where the only difference to what you have explained comes in) that Jesus served a special purpose on earth and was meant to be the voice of a greater power and teach others the power of love and forgiveness and scarified his own life to prove the importance of his teachings and how nothing would make him falter from any of his teachings. I also believe that God has sent many “messengers” to spread his word and even though there have been many false prophets who presented themselves falsely and for personal gain but I find it hard to see a personal gain that the Buddha would have been reaching for. He gave up the life of a spoiled prince to reach enlighten. I am not going to list each spiritual leader and their teachings but I believe they were all given the same task and had a much stronger connection to the divine than most people will ever experience but when studied you will find that the differences in religions is peoples on perception if what the written word means and there are always the radicals that send a bad message regarding their chosen religion to tarnish with hate; the main lessons are based around love, worship and understanding. So again, my confusion lies in the words themselves. I never denied the existence of God and I do believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ; so does that mean even in the eyes of Christians I am then welcome into the kingdom of heaven? So I change my question to wonder about a person like myself who can make the previous statements with total honesty, so excluding the people that do good but do not believe in anything at all; does it make my circumstances different?
All religions, governments, groups, etc try to control the dictates to their members, rather than just teaching love...love and caring for each other is far more important than following teachings...as i have said before, everyone goes to heaven...there is no hell; it is just a temporal construct...everyone comes back, based on past lives/karma
Dwayne...unfortunately, all scriptures, etc were written by people, not by god, and are directed at control...Tom
GPSministy, If you have done this then yes you will go to Heaven. Romans 10:9King James Version (KJV) 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. It does sound as though you do believe this but have you confessed it with your mouth? Do you believe God raised Jesus from the dead? If so then you are saved and will go to heaven. I do believe that what we did here while on earth will affect our treasurers and maybe even what we will be doing in Heaven. If you read Revelations closely you will see we will be eating, drinking and have jobs. Randy Alcorn has a great book called "Heaven" If you can get your hands on the booklet for study it is full of some extremely eye opening things that are not explained or understood by most. I highly recommend it. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Heaven-Booklet-by-Randy-Alcorn-/322447186175?hash=item4b135998ff:g:JTwAAOSw4A5Ywa6B Oh and thank you for acknowledging how I condone myself. I try very hard not to get angry or be hateful. Many people think Christians hate them because the bible might not agree with how they are living. When a Christian cares enough to come forward and explain that they are concerned you may be headed to an eternal damnation of fire it is because they love you and don't want that to happen to you. IT IS NOT HATE!!! A person really should be happy that someone would share somethin so personal with them because they care about them. Whenever I approach a friend that is doing something the bible says is a sin I run the risk of losing a friend when I discuss it with them. Of course every religion or group has a few bad seeds in them but that is just life. We all sin. I sin plenty but I try not to. I don't want to. I am just trying to do what God wants. I have never met anyone that truly lives 100% the way Jesus tells us to.
Sorry this is Joanne Martin, it changed to my world press name so may be confusing lol....
Dwayne. I know it is confusing since some of my post were posted under my GPSMInistries name so it may have been hard to follow. I thinking saying outloud and not denying something are two different things. So if you are asking then i will answer....yes i believe we are all "raised from the dead" by God when we pass. I have experienced visitation dreams by my own father after he passed and i was lost and hopeless. So i do believe God raised Jesus from the dead if those are the words chosen and I believe he did return to those who needed to know that he was still around and would always be there to help and guide them. I believe is and have witnessed that the passing of a human life does not mean the end. Our souls are eternal. Jesus did not remain a living, walking being in human form, he was called home by his father after he was able to do what he needed to do to put many at peace with his horrific torture and death. I have posed these questions to you because as i have stated i know i will be answered in a respectful way to questions that always confused me. I feel a better understanding and now also can say that even through the eyes of my Christian upbringing that based on the factors needed to enter the Kingdom of God, that i still have my place alongside the souls of those i love. Thank you for your replies.
I do however want to say that my belief of the afterlife and what greets me on the next plane of existence and how i will be welcomed in has never been in question. This is not the outlet to which my beliefs are needed to be expressed but i am always at peace with who I am and what my path is leading me to. I just think it is important that whether we are strong in what we believe in and know in our hearts we are doing what is right, it is always important to be understanding and support the belief of others. It is the only way to be a truly compassionate and well rounded human being .
He also said not to judge. Hasn't stopped you (generic) from doing so. That's a problem when people decide to take over God's chores.
Sorry my issue is not she is a porn star but that she is a Christian
Why because you dont like Christians?
Porn is just another way of saying sex. Sex is not a sin, Now we have reliable (and safe) contraceptives it can be a great hobby. Sex is often a bit of an obsession with people who do not have or can't get enough of it. If the girl wants to have an imaginary friend in Jesus, as long as she's not hurting anyone let her. I can't see a problem other than her wanting an imaginary friend.
As a Christian believer that has actually read and studied the bible before spatting off personal opinions. I do know that Jesus died for all of our sins. All sins and not just certain ones. He took on the pain and suffering of all of the sins of mankind. I believe that once you are saved you are always saved with maybe only one exception to the rule. The only one I can think of would be if you all of the sudden decided to take on the mark of the beast. If you ever did that you were never a true believer in Christ to begin with. I also know that after the rapture is all said and done, the New earth is created and God will come and join us. Then we will be in Heaven. Jesus has prepared a room in Heaven for those who believe and are saved. I also know there will be great rewards in Heaven. I believe our rewards and duties will be greatly affected by how we live our lives. So my understanding is that yes this porn star can be a saved Christian. I understand her profession is a sin. I believe God loves all of us. I believe God is on everyone's side and wants us to repent. That means change our sinful ways and worship him. God threatened to destroy an entire group of people in the Old testament if they did not repent. Those people did repent and God showed them mercy and did not end up destroying them. God destroyed many a place that were full of sinners that worshipped or idolized other Gods. "Baal" the God of sex being on of the main ones mentioned when God was angry enough to justify destroying entire groups of people. The New testament states all we have to do is believe in Jesus and we will go to Heaven were he has prepared a room for us. Now that doesn't mean just believe he existed but "BELIEVE" by repenting, praying, worshipping and trying our best to live the way God wants us to live our lives. That requires you to really want to try not to sin. We are all sinners. All of us! We have to be saved and repent.
Thank you Dwayne, that was very well written and actually has renewed my faith in the ideals that Christianity was becoming a very hateful group and as a culture we were going to come full circle and witness many battles and even wars in the name of God (or rather the masses idea of what God represents).
I hope that I am correct when I believe I can ask you a question and you will know that I ask it with complete respect and as a fellow Life Church Minister wanting a full understanding of all spiritual beings so I can be confident when advising all people regardless of what religion they identify with.
A quick understand of me is that I was raised in a Portuguese Catholic family. I completed all requirements to be seen as a "true Catholic" in the eyes of the church. I felt bad about it then, and I have attended Catholic masses for weddings, funerals and memorials but stopped accepting host because I felt it to be hypocritical and more insulting to the people around me who had faith in everything it meant to receive communion. This upset my father obviously, and being the daddy's girl I was it was very hard for me know this was a sore subject for him. However, I was raised in a strong family where we were raised to stand up for what we believed and always be true to ourselves. I would never lie to my father or deceive him so I had to accept that I was not going to be able to please him in this situation.
I always believe in a divine being that watched over all of us, so I never found myself denying the existence God just the things I was taught.
I have since (many many years ago) finally found my first :truth" regarding my understanding of God (For ease of writing I use the title of God to identify the divine being, or higher power at work all around us). My own "truths" are not important here....unless it is something we choose to explore further later and maybe then through email or another medium of communication...I felt the need to explain it here so I could also stress the point that I do not question the existence of Jesus Christ or the validity or rather truth regarding his presence as a true son of God and prophet meant to seek out and then pass on his knowledge of what was expected of all people in the eyes of God. I will end this section by also stating that regardless of my personal reservations and the knowledge that my beliefs were not a match for the Catholic Church I still had my child baptized; in the same church I apprehensively and with great regret (due to my feelings of guilt for not being able to express my reservations and either get the answers or respectfully decline this final passage into the church) made my confirmation to become a "true Catholic". It was my own offering of respect for the church and my father. Being blessed and protected has never hurt anyone and I wanted my son to have the same foundation I had and allow him to find hims, like I was eventually able to do.
Their we many things that I always questioned as I studied Catholicism but was always told to simple have faith and I needed to accept all the churches teachings and believe them even if it with blind faith. However, once i found what I was search for, in most ways I have to say I believe without seeing but nothing has ever caused me pause or to question it, I just understood and knew it to be true. I finally found what made me jealous to see in so may people. I found my spiritual path and it awakened a whole new part of me I never new existed. The world seemed brighter and even colors took on a brighter appearance. I felt like I had become a part of the divine as it filled my heart and soul.
I have lived the majority of my life helping others. To a fault sometimes. Strangers have always felt comfortable approaching me and loading off all their problems and fears on me for guidance. It is during these times that I feel the most whole and fulfilled. I am a good mother and dedicated wife. I have raised my 3 step children, along with my own son, for 7 years and going. The kids are manipulated and guilt-ed into feeling like horrible people regardless if whether they the did anything or not. Yet I never spoke ill of her as we built our life with the absence of any help from the other parents because I committed to loving and caring for them as my own and now as teenagers they know they have the choice to visit her every other week or not and i dont have to say there is less visiting than ever these days. yet i endured verbal attacks and emotional turmoil from the kids themselves for 2 days after each visit because she had manipulated their minds in such a way that they lashed out on me. Luckily regardless of our only 1 mile separation at the time she never contacted them to even say goodnight until her weekend rolled around again. I never quit on them or our family because Love filled my heart and as much as i loved them, I also saw that they needed me and needed me to be protective and supportive...not vindictive and judgmental towards their mother. They figured it out on their own. Finally, I suffer severe PTSD because of the numerous traumas I suffered throughout my life. So many traumas that I have never met a therapist who does not make some kind of comment when they meet me regarding my ability t get up each day, never mind being able to function and make it through each day.
Sorry for the lengthy explanation but I wanted to show where i came from on my spiritual path and that my moment of enlightenment was not leading me back to the church I grew up in but yet on a journey to continue learning and growing spiritually and as a person, everyday. But according to your post (directly taken from the teaching of Christianity, and please see my inquiry for what it is. Its a true desire for an explanation I have often sought out but never found an opportunity to ask. I respect what you have written and your overall value in what you believe so I hoped you would not see this as an attack or questing your belief system. I have always admire anyone who find strength in their spiritual being) or rather my interpretation of it; If I do not Accept Jesus as my savior and become "saved" (im unsure exactly what this means too) I will not be welcomed into this room in heaven. So my commitment to others, my empathetic way of helping strangers when I am needed etc topped of with a life full of one trauma after another yet the love in my heart and my strong faith in the divine and my spirituality being the single part of myself that never weakened not matter what I was going through because I knew I had a purpose.....I just want to believe how a loving, forgiving God would not examining me as an individual and the life I chose to live and what I offered to the others selflessly while in human form that once my soul move on to the other side there will be and angry God waiting for me and denying me access to the same place as other who accepted Jesus and were "saved" yet live their lives and treat people the way we are witnessing in excess on this post alone, will be able to pass by me as they enter this glorious afterlife regardless. just because they have been saved. It is this one concept that I just can not understand. I am a good person with only good intentions on my mind so I choose to stay true to myself and if that means I an considered to be one of those who will suffer during the Rapyure, I accept that fate as a way of showing my strength in what i believe, I just dont understand this once concept and although yours was by far the best and most educated way I have ever had it explained; I still can not find the reality of this God.
Sorry for the novel, I tried to find a way to send you this as an email but couldn't. I thank you in advance for any response and hope I present my inquiry in a respectful way because that was my intention. I look forward to hearing what you can tell me.
Thank you......-JM
Greetings, Be sure to see "The Spotlight", the movie that won academy awards about the Boston pedophile priests and how the lawyers and the other clergy empowered them in thier rapes of the children. That will clear up a lot of confusion. Jesus was accused of being an enemy of the "clergy" the Temple mafia I call them. He was. There is a reason he told them to not use formulaic prayers, but to talk to their Father directly, and to call no man "Father" because they have a true father in heaven. See: https://www.amazon.com/Spotlight-Mark-Ruffalo/dp/B019NB5GZU/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1495207605&sr=8-4&keywords=the+spotlight
I have seen it and one of the priests depicted in the movie was actually a priest from my own childhood church. Just one of the clergy I was exposed to in my childhood that made the concept of being a true Christian very hard to grasp. It was a time where I was overly observant and easily confused by the hypocrisy that surrounded me. Everyone makes mistake, no one is perfect all the time which makes it very hard as a child searching for answer to witness groups of people talking about and judging and alienating someone for whatever reason they all decided was there right to "throw stone".; Only to later learn the the glass houses those people lived in overshadowed the rest.
If a person feels that follow God laws and sinning is going to send you to hell....the moment they judge, insult and persecute a person for whatever reason, they have now broken their own rule. They are not allowed to pick and choose which things are important and worth harsh treatment and which are ok for them to break because they are just making the person know how horribly they sinned. Its not ethical, moral or very Christian of anyone to expect everyone else to behave according to their ideals yet they themselves are allowed to behave in any way they choose because they attend church and claim Jesus Christ as their savior.
I just cant understand why that is not so blatantly clear to everyone. Its baffling really.
Joanne Martin I have taken the time to respond to your questions in depth. I submitted it but I don't believe it was posted. Is there some other way I can send it to you?
Dwayne I believe the response you are speaking of was the one that posted onto the other comment. however I always welcome emails if thats easier....jld21073@gmail.com
I appreciate your opinion. Just remember that IT IS YOUR OPINION and not the word of God or Jesus. I respect right to interpret the Bible. I hope you accept and respect the right of others to interpret the Bible differently.
I tried very hard to not inflict my own personal opinions.I hope none of my personal opinions are in what I wrote. I only wrote what I believe to be the truth that is the written word. It's is my interpretation after all of my studies. It is also the interpretation of many others. Believe how you want. I'm only trying to help interpret using interpretations I believe to be accurate. I am very careful never to change Gods word or true meaning. I hope we can all be saved and live in Heaven with God for eternity.
Of course, a porn star can be a Christian. After giving up being a porn star. Until then, her god is money and she is defiling her body to gain wealth.
I cannot speak for anyone especially God wether they approve or disapprove. I can only say from what I've read in my bible it refers to Tamar's harlotry and to the professional harlotry of Rahab without passing any moral judgment. The only 'sin' Im aware of is if a daughter of a priest had turned to prostitution or if prostitution was associated with idolatry. Biblically speaking it is my understanding simple prostitution though considered a shameful profession and nothing to write home about wasn't itself a sin.
Personally I wouldnt bring her home to meet mom or ask her out on a date but I dont hate or dislike her either because she participates in indiscriminate sex for money.
Yes agree with you. Jesus said your sins are forgiven...go and sin more. Who dares to say that he or she after accepting the Lord Christ, they do not sin anymore? Holier than thou attitude is already a sin. Putting words in God's mouth is already a sin.
This lady is honest and brave. How many of us would do what she has and stand open to those she knows will judge her and condemn her as not good enough to be committed to her beliefs. She shows undeniable commitment to Christianity. God bless her.
Was any one of us on this world today there when Jesus was a man to walk the earth. Or to sit next to him at the last supper? But the one that was is more than likely with him now. We can all judge on what we think is right, but it is not right for us to judge.
I really want to know if she is a good porn star
"Jesus straightened up and said to her, ‘Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?’ She said, ‘No one, sir.’ And Jesus said, ‘Neither do I condemn you. Go your way, and from now on do not sin again." Gospel of John 7:53 10-11
It's just like a lot of quick dates where the client purchases an expensive meal or tickets to a pricey event. Nobody throws hissy fits over sex on the first, second or whatever date - and so nobody should pass judgement on these fast sex therapists ... or on sex therapists who give more time and attention to their clients. However, according to many religious documents, married people should not be doing this outside of their marriage, but many religions view marriage as a property agreement, so there is no relevant application to today's dating scene, or marital relationships, or this type of sex therapy.
Religions are further locked into documents that are relevant only to the times within which they were created. Christians are actually Jewish first, since Christ was a Jew, yet there are ZERO Christians who practice Hebrew religious rites or observe Jewish holidays. How can they call themselves Christians without first and foremost practicing the same Hebrew teachings that Christ observed? It's purely nonsensical and extremely hypocritical.
Slavery is now illegal, but it had been documented among every religion as a common element of the world economy of those time periods. Sex therapy was not discussed.
You can't have it both ways. You can't call things a sin these days while allowing other questionable issues to be altered within each religion due to changing modern moral views.
Slavery, which historically included every race and civilization as slaves and slave owners, and which was commonly accepted around the world until just 150-200 years ago, is now illegal, but issues like abortion and sex therapy have become religious targets and treated by the "faithful" as though they have always been immoral. Religious documents don't directly address the morality of abortion or sex therapy.
Just because you believe in a religion doesn't mean you can ignore common sense and logic when discussing the social pros and cons of sensitive issues. Without religious documentation (and even WITH it, as in slavery), people should just SHUT UP about morally-questionable issues, since they have ZERO documentation to back up how they now "feel" about these things.
John 14:6 - Jesus said - "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one come to the Father except through me." - period. He did not say, "unless your a porn star, drunk, drug addict's and people like that." It is clear that there is one way to Heaven, by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The Bible does say that, in numerous places. It also covers thief's, prostitutes, murderer's, people who killed thousands, unclean people, smart people stupid people, people who killed children and babies and fornicator's with sheep. Almost anything you think of that is bad and evil is covered in the Bible. But what is the only unforgivable sin? Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. All else is forgivable; so all of the judge's out there: If I were you, I would keep my own house in order and stop worrying about a Brazilian pornography actress.
Well put and it is becoming hard to be civilized when there is so much anger and judgement based on the same Bible yet the picking and choosing of which parts suit their own needs and ignorance of the other parts. I don't identify as much more than spiritual and I have read the Bible and other holy doctrine and can't believe how different each one can be so differently interpreted by so many people yet we are all reading the same words. Its mind blowing.
I am open minded, and I have respect for everyone's beliefs. I have responded to and commented on numerous post, I believe, in a respectful way. I have asked questions as true inquiries into understanding things I had trouble comprehending. So to those people I have been able to have respectful correspondence with and to anyone who has read any of my responses close enough to understand that I take my commitment to tolerance, understanding and coexistence very seriously, I apologize if this goes completely against everything I have stood for and is direct contrast with how you have view my posts in the past but the name calling,judgement and persecution of anyone that does not believe what you do can not be what a true loving God would ever want to be done in his name......so here it goes.....
Have you ever played the game telephone, where one person whispers in one persons ear and as the sentence gets passed along and repeated out loud by the last person it is a completely different statement then it started out as... Or told someone a story and later had the same story told back to you and you found you had to clarify some of the information because ot was not actually what you had said, It may have been close but through the grapevine the true interpretation got a little mixed up?
Well I hate to burst your bubbles, but Jesus did not write a transcript and walk into a publisher who took each written word from Jesus and produce the Bible. The bible are collections of different men's interpretations of what were once direct teachings of Jesus. These written words were not even directly from the men who where the first to sit and hear them from Jesus himself. So they were one day put in writing as the words of Jesus Christ as each persons own understanding of what they believed was meant at the time. The main concept and ideas may be present but much like telephone the words that made it to writing were not word for word what was taught by Jesus but the understanding of his words after generations of passing along his teachings.
So to chastise others because of YOUR interpretation of what each statement and quote in the bible may mean and how harshly you feel you can treat others because of them are a direct insult to what a Loving God stands for. I have shown in other posts that for each bible quote you want to use to show why everyone else is a sinner destined for hell I can find one that contradicts you and shows why you ignorance and treatment of others will give you a one way ticket in opposite direction of the pearly gates.
It is not for me to judge and everyone has the right to what they believe and if i truly believed that mine was the one true path to heaven then I should be able t sleep great at night and would pray that others find the same path I have....but insulting and taking the job of choosing who is destined to suffer in the after life from the God you claim will do that upon judgement day is the only true blasphemy going on here. Unless you somehow believe you are better than God and know better than he, you have no right to judge then.
Way to go joanne...yes yes and yes again...tell me your thoughts about arranged marriages for little girls please Ken and sandra
Well thank you....no worries, when i see something else i feel compelled to respond to....I will be there lol
It seems my extensive reply last night regarding trump and child arrange marriage is still waiting to be moderated so we will see....maybe ive been flagged for too many comments ...
Joanne...when what i considered to be a reasonable comment, that did not feature "bad" language, was put under "moderation", i wrote to the "censors" that "moderation" is a form of censorship...they published my comment...Tom
I know sometimes depending on the size they just like to make sure it is within good taste I guess. I have had a few that started out like that but were later posted. So I knew it was coming just wasn't sure when LOL
Pastor Ken, I am sorry I was not aware of exactly where this was stemming from but answered accordingly to what I knew. I have been so entrapped in this blog that I hadn't even branched out to other articles and I now see the article to which you are referring here. Pardon my ignorance, I had not moved forward yet. Rest assured It is now my next read.
Joanne...well thought out and written...as i have said before, no one should judge, because every judgment is wrong...also, and possibly interesting, while i do not subscribe to organized religion, i point out that there are no English translations of the Koran, because it is believed they would corrupt the actual meanings...Tom
Tom, I have actually read the Koran. It was years ago and it may take a bit of searching to find but there has been translations been done in English. I dont remember at the time that it was hard to find or even if it was something i was specifically search out at the time so i never thought it was not an easy find...however on my search of understanding the beliefs of as many spiritual scriptures as I could there was no Amazon or Google so I am sure i found it in the basement of an old book store but I am sure I can find it again. To be honest it was one of the most eye opening of all that I have read due to the amount of hate and terrorism is cited to be based on the teachings of the Koran. The quotes that so many are using to be so hateful or for other religions to use as a means of belittling and defacing its teachings are often only portions of actual scriptures and like everything else used to cause conflict and hatred, is then manipulated to sound like it was written to produce hate and harm. It is simply not true.
https://www.ebay.com/p/?iid=302283766888&&&dispItem=1&ul_ref=http%253A%252F%252Frover.ebay.com%252Frover%252F1%252F711-117182-37290-0%252F2%253Fmpre%253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.ebay.com%25252Fitm%25252Flike%25252F302283766888%25253Fchn%25253Dps%252526dispItem%25253D1%2526itemid%253D302283766888%2526targetid%253D478161023752%2526device%253Dm%2526adtype%253Dpla%2526googleloc%253D1018165%2526poi%253D%2526campaignid%253D764892186%2526adgroupid%253D39783961149%2526rlsatarget%253Daud-298628323666%253Apla-478161023752%2526abcId%253D978836%2526merchantid%253D7867094%2526gclid%253DCjwKEAjwsLTJBRCvibaW9bGLtUESJAC4wKw1t7VcC8aCy8BW998DgQ186rzlbSFamhFWinxOwTTY2xoC_tjw_wcB%2526srcrot%253D711-117182-37290-0%2526rvr_id%253D1220776402427&chn=ps. That was easier than i thought lol. And many different text...
Joanne...thank you for writing...when i said there are no translations of the Koran, i meant there are none that are sanctioned by Islam...as far as what anyone lives "by", i believe the only guide to living should be that we should be loving and caring...it does not matter what any religion or group says, because they are all judgmental...everyone should start by trying to go through a day with only love in your actions; and try not to lie in any way (which is almost impossible)...light to you...Tom
Oh now I understand...I also believe spirituality is a personal connection with a divine being greater than ourselves that should connect all of us by compassion and love and nothing more. If any person says they believe EXACTLY the same as every other person in that room then they are either lying to us or themselves and neither will make a person whole.- Love and Light to you as well Tom...... -JM
Thank you, Joanne...very nicely put...if everyone would act loving and caring, what they "believe" would be irrelevant...Tom
@John Maher It would take me 3 days and many hours to discuss anything to do with Trump. As another conundrum I have always believed that you respect the office not the man and my own beliefs are being tested on that one. (And to think his biggest amount of votes came from white women. I guess we were all reading and hearing different news)
@Ken and Sandra As in the Trump situation I would many hours with the exception that I live by the old rule that "it takes a village" and when kids are involved and the safety and well being of any children whether I am personally involved in their lives or not, I often become overinvolved and far too passionate on the subject. If a child can not rely on their parents for protection and find them as the executors of the abuse then they need someone to speak up for them.
However neither of these have anything to do with any religious/spiritual writings in the bible (well I guess except for the fact that Trump has claimed to be a Christian. Obviously not the best spokesman) but rather what we as human beings decide we find morally and ethically acceptable. So before I am called out unnecessarily for some kind of hypocrisy regarding what is moral and ethical....Trumps own words described a situation in which he was disregarding a woman's refusal and in the most vulgar way ever explain how he didn't care and how he would take that into his own hands. Same with little girls being forced in marriage, hence responsible for acts that little girl should have to understand never mind partake in. These are 2 situations where choice was taken out of the equation therefore do not fall into the same category as an adult woman's career choice.
I love my country and believe in it's people as a whole. I spent many debates regarding my fear of Trump made it to office. However, I take great pride in my integrity and that I will not change my beliefs or actions when something does not go my way. I often found myself asking others, on social media, to keep their opinions and lander of President Obama off of any personal post I would make. If they did not agree with me, that was their right but unlike a forum like this, I was not asking for anyone's opinions as they related to my own. I was often met with remarks such as, he's not my president, I didn't vote for him. Well as American we have a system in place to vote a person into office and once they are there that person does become "our" president. Just because the vote does not go your way does not mean he is any less the president of our country. I instantly ceased any and all pointing out the reasons I believed he should not be voted in etc. However, in order to remain true to myself I have to take my own advice. He is OUR president and I have to have enough faith in our system and the ones that are in charge of it, will find the strength to impeach if so be it.
But again I do not change my ideals or rules of life I live by just to suit my own needs. So therefore I pray a littler harder each night but for now he is Americas President.
I am NOT trying to SWAY UR thinking in anyway,JUST STOP,LOOK and LISTEN to the REAL NEWs, the TRAIN is a COMIN'
Oh John you have no need to try and sway me...I try to avoid the news so I can keep my integrity intact. Even trying to avoid as much as I can I still remain in shock that this is actually happening and the reality we live in. In order to keep my kids from living in fear I try to make them avoid learning too much about the things we can not control at this point. We have a circle of space that includes our family, friends and activities that are all controlled by us. We can choose the people we allow into our world and how we act and treat others. I call it the Rosa Parks effect. Stand up for what you believe in and what is right, but we can not control the choices of other people. So Rosa Parks did not judge or get angry at the others on the bus who did move when they were told because she was not judging them for the choices they made. She simply stood up for herself and what she felt was right and without even considering it more than her own personal choice, she managed to start a movement that would change history. So live a life you are proud of and be the best person you can be no matter what comes your way and hopefully someone will take notice and follow suite and this is truly the only way we can ever even hope to live in a world of love and compassion for one another. Pushing our beliefs and thoughts by means of arguing, spewing hate and refusing to take the time to listen and understand what others have to say will lead to nothing more than more hate, a larger separation of all people for even the smallest differences and the future for our children be filled with only fear.
Ah, just plain No! May God have mercy and the Holy Spirit call her home to repentance.
No one is perfect no not 1 even the Christian that looks perfect is not we all have sin in us its our job to make ourselves a better person the best way we can.... And at the end we won't do that perfect
Good answer! You summed it all up very nicely.
A true christian lives in sin. 1Jn 3:4 Everyone doing sin also does no-Torah, and sin is no-Torah-living. A true christian follows only church traditions not the instructions of YHWH written in HIS book. Sure, she is a true christian.
Romans 1: 24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.....31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.... All i got is the Word of God and prayer, and it works. she is lost and don't even know it, but with all of our prayers hopefully she can be baptized by Holy Spirit, before she truly become a reprobate. Praying for you young lady and the millions out there that have been fooled like you.
I cannot condemn this woman for what she does. If I see a naked woman it is almost impossible not to look at her, so in Spirit, I am as guilty as she. Still, I can say with all certainty that neither she nor I shall enter the Kingdom of God if we do not repent, because there will be no fornicators in the Kingdom. You can get angry at me, but that is what the scripture says. I judge myself by that, and not what anyone else says.
You poor illegitimate sod.
nothing new about her view, except the New Testament.
Jesus hung out with prostitutes and tax collectors - it was the 'religious' that condemned Jesus to DEATH ON A CROSS.
Would your church welcome a dark dirty middle eastern man dressed in robes ?
Jesus wasn't wearing a business suit !
Yes I can hear the condemnation from here . Sin is a word that is used freely by the church mortal sin another one it's like the church loves to talk about sin more than Christ's compassion or his love for all this woman makes a living as a porn star she does not kill children she does not bomb soldiers on a humanitarian mission as Jesus said who are we to cast the first stone because in my life I have seen born again brothers and sisters ambitious putting somebody down for not having a degree strutting on platforms having Christian love ins pastors giving young teenage girls an extra squeeze in the love of Christ of course . Which is disgusting whilst the parents go along with it my mother told me about s groper they had at the chapel she went to she swung her hand back and slapped him so hard it made his teeth rattle so let's stop condrming this woman for what she does for s living their are many good Christians who need not point the finger at her because of you are pointing the finger at her their are hundreds pointing back at you
Sure. Just ask for forgiveness.Christians do It all the time.
Didn't Jesus say, "your sins are forgiven, go and sin no more..."
why are we so sure she is a sinner,because of how she has chosen to make a living ?Im not personally so perfect Im fit to judge her without knowing her or sure she is not any the less spritual or blessed than anyone else .
Yes he sure did he also said dont judge or you will be judged im not judging this girl thats between her and god
If I was standing to be judged at the gates of heaven, as so many feel will be our eternal fate. I would feel a lot more confident accompanying the woman who may not have the career choices that some seem to find to be a person sin against themselves; because she has a strong and person relationship with her god and is not asking for the approval of others.
However, if we all are awaiting entry at the same time, I am going to remain a good distance from the "Christians" condemning her to hell and spew death threats. Very Christian of you too by the way....because I know for certainty that there is commandment that asks us to treat others as we wish to be treated but no matter how hard I research I have not found the commandment that asks us all to take it upon ourselves to decide the life path of another person.as a way for diverting attention from the very un-christian like behaviors that they are currently displaying. Spirituality is often a hard value for people to embrace completely and blindly. No one has any right to question any persons relationship with their divine, what ever they choose to call it.
She is to be admired. Not for her job....that's he way of making money to support her family. there are many jobs out there that will find that one group or another will chastise anyone involved in such a career. I do however admire her strength and trust in god to know who she is and that it is her faith and integrity that make her a good Christian, not a job.
For the hate spew Christian who believe it is their job to judge and excommunicate people from the faith because they do not fall into the cookie cutter world you have come to preach about as the only true way; I challenge you to take a hard look in the mirror. Hate, judgement and the wrongful treatment of others makes you a hypocrite and not a Christian. Maybe think a little more about that and how you can learn to practice tolerance a little more....because if the afterlife consists of this heaven and hell you are threatening others with does truly exist within the perimeters of your own belief system....You may find yourself a little warmer in your eternal life than you had thought.
> there is commandment that asks us to treat others as we wish to be treated
This is also the true meaning behind the story of the Good Samaritan. The Samaritans were genuinely awful people. They represented the major sin of Sodom and Gomorrah even, in that they were smug, proud, and had little time for those they felt were below them.
However, this one Samaritan, who of course became known as the Good Samaritan, even while living this exact lifestyle, helped out a person that was considered "below" them. You can bet they also went right back to living their life as all Samaritans did.
But good was seen in this awful person because of what they did in this instance.
I am so twisted and angered and honest cant believe this discussion is still going on. I was raised a Boston Catholic and lived Spotlight, I didnt need to watch the movie. I thought that i had made my peace with my treatment by the few ignorant, evil and arrogant priests I had the pleasure of teaching me what it meant to be a "true" Christian. Well I was just introduced to a Netflix series called The Keepers. https://g.co/kgs/kBMs7h It makes Spotlight look like a children's bedtime story. I wasnt prepared and I am a true crime fanatic and my life has left me pretty jaded that I can handle most situations i come into now. But I thought it was the horrific stories and the graphic content they told it in until I realized that I am a strong survivor in that sense but I am still angry what can be done guilt free in the name of Jesus Christ. The fact that so many sit here and judge so many on what they believe and who they worship rather than their integrity and honor. I will make it through this series because like everything else I was led to it for a reason but this woman being a Christian causing so many people so much anger...take a look around at your "true" Christians. Priest who have taken vows to YOUR God. Accepting Jesus as the one true son of God. Committing these heinous acts for centuries, ruining peoples lives but ironically HARDLY EVER making them ever completely lose faith but being able to evade the law hiding behind the Bible and all in the name of Jesus Christ....these are the people walking into the more blessed afterlife then those who suffered at their hands. I am sorry but if thats a God you believe in then I would rather not meet you in his kingdom.
Thank you Paul.... I feel a very strong echo in my heart.....we are reminded/admonished that we should " judge not, lest we be judged..." The world will know our faith not by our acts, but for the Love that is eternally working in our hearts.. Please Dear Lord..Forgive my heart as I forgive others....
Go and Sin no more! But she sins repeatedly Will god pardon her every time she goes to church and asks for" forgiveness."?????
I agree with Barry
Interesting. Humans/American Christians are eager to judge other people based on their religion, sexual orientation, color, national origin (to name a few). Yet, according to Jesus, "Judge not lest ye be judged." In my opinion, people who go to church regularly and quote scripture and judge others are Pseudo-Christians. They seem to forget/ignore the teachings and philosophies of Jesus and interpret Christianity according to how THEY are most comfortable. I just can't imagine that Jesus is proud of them.
They like to cherry pick the rules that enforce their beliefs.
I left the Catholic church because I witnessed far to much of this hypocrisy. As I found my true spiritual path I realized that it was never the teaching of Jesus that left me feeling confused, yet those who used them as tool of creating fear. I know know that Jesus as well as Buddha and Mohammad among others. Are all spiritual vessels just trying to pass on their own understanding of it. As much as all religions have their radicals that send a bad message regard the true meaning of their religion, I have read numerous religious texts and found that the radical behavior has stemmed from their own misinterpretation of or rather over interpretation of the words in their holy script.
Being raise Catholic all the way through making my confirmation, I never made sense of what I was being taught. Read me a passage that tells me that god is an all loving god and we are all his children. Ok that is pretty easy to understand. no way to misinterpret that....Yet I was the TOLD....that if you were not a Christian you will not find your way into heaven. I remember hating the phrase :The Fear of God". And yes Jesus IS the son of God, but doesn't the bible tell me that we are ALL Gods children. my point is...the writings are clear, its human involvement that has manipulated the teaching in the bible to suit their own immediate needs. If God created all people then why would he have made any of them to believe in anything by Christianity? So he could turn them always regardless of the valuable life they may have lived, just because they never accept Jesus as their only lord and savior? You also tell me he is a loving God. Well I am a mother and believe myself to be a loving mother. The last thing I would ever want is for my children to do whatever they are told to do because they would otherwise live in fear. No loving Divine I believe in ever wants anyone to fear it.
Point is, over thousands or even millions of years, I find it hard to believe that Jesus was the only spiritual vessel sent down from God (or whatever your divine is refereed to by you) Inst it possible all of the prophets existed at different time and in different places. true scriptures from most religious texts actually are very similar to eachother when actually read and not taught how to understand them.
Morals and values are important no matter what the reason is that you choose to follow them. Believe this woman's choice in careers to raise her family is morally wrong is your opinion, she feels a strong relationship with her God and does not see her job as anything God may concern himself about. However to be truly moral and posses true values begins with your treatment and tolerance of others regardless of your personal feelings. The way you treat others is a far more important trait in a human being in the eyes of any loving God I could believe in. Look inward at your own short comings and maybe that is where the hate is coming from. But condemning another person for how they choose to live and whether they are allowed to have their own relationship with God is not for you to decide. If you think it is, as a psychology major I have to let you know that this anger stems from your fear regarding how you will one day be judged. Maybe this woman can help you yo be a better Christian and let go of the unnecessary hate.
Well joanne Martin I believe you to be apsalutly correct in both of your comments..I too left the Catholic Church years ago for exactly the same reasons. And my god is truly a kind forgiving loving soul...if Jesus is so accepting and forgiving of others why do we even question what we should do or think....trust in the teachings of Jesus and you can't go wrong...live as Jesus did and you wouldn't even think twice about this young ladies choices or beliefs Good for you joanne...my wife and I both wish we knew you
Ken, Thank you for your kind words. I try to live a very open minded peaceful mind as much as possible and just can not believe that a loving God would want any of his children to live with any kind of fear. Yes our children may be afraid of getting caught doing something wrong that they will be punished. Meaning this is a consequence to every choice we make, good or bad (hense Karma) but I would be horrified to think my children were afraid if they did something wrong I would banish them to a place of eternal punishment. So How could I feel that way, yet and divine entity that has been describes as a loving God be less compassionate that I am as a living soul. I am pretty sure these same people would call my proclamation of being "better" than God would be blasphemous.
Ken I am sure I would be grateful to know you and your wife also and we have already took the first steps to the respect of friendship.
Ken I have sent numerous replies thanking you for your kind words...but they seem to be notgetting posted. Not sure I can leave my email address here but I would grateful and interested in getting to know you and your wife better and she what else we have in common. I will try to find out if there is another way to reach out to you if not do you know about leaving emails?
Joanne, I too was raised Catholic but I left when I was 19 because I could not stomach being part of a religion that hated those that are different. Being a lesbian myself, and married to my wife of 3 months, I saw no other choice but to leave. I answered my true calling to be a Witch, got ordained, and started my own church because I was sick and tired of the hypocrisy that most Christians, not just Catholics, preached day in and day out. I felt dead inside when I was still part of the church. Now that I am being true to myself and my calling, I have never felt more alive. I have found a lot of inspiration in your comment. May the Mother Goddess guide your path. Blessed be! High Priestess Katherine
Thank you. may Love bless you and your home.
Well congratulations on your new marriage. I am glad that you could find some inspiration in my words. I too always knew there was something greater than myself guiding our lives but i also knew that i had to look beyond what i was being told to believe and find what i knew in my heart would lead me to my truths. I also have a hard time with hypocrisy in my own heart and believing that a whole room of people could 100% believe and follow each word they were told was just unrealistic. I believe and know many Christians to be kind loving people who are strong in their faith, much like so many of other religious practices. I know and experienced first hand how having true faith in anything is life changing. Being able to have peace in your heart because the fear of what happens after all this goes away and understanding that we all have a purpose and reason for all we go through and all we become males even the roughest of times tolerable. I finally realized i never knew what true colors looked like because with a true relationship with your spiritual self will never allow you to be truly whole. So faith based on knowing in your heart what is right as opposed to reading any book and believing that no matter whether you could understand it or not you had to believe it because you were told to are very different. No one is wrong if the truth comes from within their hearts. It is not up to us to decide what others believe, just like we have chosen to find put own truths regardless of being told we were wrong. The basis of all faiths....if read and understood with an open mind..have family, love , compassion and the belief in a divine being greater than ourselves. We have the right to choose to practice these in anyway we choose. I have found that the most angry, judgemental, and most likely to spew hate instead of acceptance and understanding are usually the ones who blindly believe with a true understanding of why. The anger stems from the inability to intelligently and respectfully express their beliefs because they just cant. Therefore they feel if they HAVE to follow like this we all should. I Hold no ill will to them or anyone else. As i said i believe there is a reason for all of us and purpose for everything. The good and the bad have their place here. Who ever decides which of us is the good or the bad is not up to us, the human form of ourselves, to decide. We can only follow the path we have chosen and also choose how we react and interact with others along the way. If each night you can lay your head down and believe you were the best person you could be and feel like you behaved in a way you are proud of based on what you believe is right....well again, it is not my place to say you are wrong whether i choose to behave the same way or not.
You forgot that Adam ate from the Tree of Knowledge. If he also ate from the Tree of Everlasting Life, then he would be a god "like us". That is why we think for ourselves now, instead of relying 100% on God to provide for us.
About being raised Catholic, the only thing I ever needed to turn me away from that is in the sentence everyone likes to forget precedes the Lord's Prayer: "When you pray, pray like this:" Matthew 6:9. It wasn't a suggestion open to expansion to include other people. It was a command to pray directly to "Our Father". Did Jesus command you to pray like this: Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. yadda yadda yadda? He didn't. And nor should we.
You "...Lean too much on your own understanding..."
Speaking to @ Joanne Martin
A true Christain will not want to sin. Or practice sinning. It would be like. Ok. I can my clothes off and show myself. And then I can ask God for forgiveness. God doesn't work that way. So. No. You can't be a porn star and be a Christain. The bible's states. You cannot serve 2 masters. Choose you this day whom you will serve.
A true christian lives in sin. 1Jn 3:4 Everyone doing sin also does no-Torah, and sin is no-Torah-living. A true christian follows only church traditions not the instructions of YHWH written in HIS book. Sure, she is a true christian.
"Isaiah prophesied saying, 'These people draw near to Me with their words, but they worship Me in vain, teaching for doctrine the commandments of Men.' "
This is Totally Outragious, the Churches are full of Pedophiles yet they condem Kamilla for being Honest, she actually shows how 2 consenting adults Make Love Passionately with Respect for one another, wake up to yourselves you JudgeMENTAL creeps & ask for forgiveness from God & promise to never Pedophile/Rape/Beat or Murder Ever again!!! Shame on You! Kamilla is a Goddess of Lovemaking? Leave her alone Now!!!!!