collage of photos from birthday party deemed satanic
Was the devil present at this child's birthday party?

It’s not often that the birthday party of a one-year-old makes the news. But the birthday party for a little girl named Lilith made headlines courtesy of a viral video on TikTok, showing the adorable little girl’s eyebrow-raising birthday party, complete with black balloons, a cake decorated with a pentagram, and a Baphomet piñata.

Is a Satanic birthday party for a child okay?

Birthday Party, or Sacrifice?

Janeth Zapata could not have known the social media firestorm she was going to set off when she posted a few pictures of her daughter Lilith’s birthday party to TikTok. The brief video slideshow has been viewed millions of times across different platforms, and has accrued thousands of comments. 

In one photo, one-year-old Lilith is dressed in all black digging into a cake decorated with a pentagram. In another, she’s posing next to her party decorations, including black balloons and a piñata shaped like Baphomet.

It’s clear there was a theme at Lilith’s birthday party. And as you might expect, the negative comments and accusations of “Satanism” and “devil worship” quickly came rolling in.

“That wasn’t a birthday party, that was a sacrifice,” wrote one concerned viewer. “I really don’t know what went through the mom’s mind,” wrote another. 

Janet Zapata, the child’s mother, hopes to correct the record. In a statement, she said: “1. We’re not Satanists. 2. There were guests. 3. The party didn’t have anything Satanic. 4. The piñata isn’t Satan, nor the Devil, it’s Baphomet. 5. The pentagram isn’t inverted because it’s not Satanic.”

Satanic Panic (Now With Cake!)

Not everyone thinks the internet was being fair to Lilith, however. Some commenters backed up the mother’s choice of party decor, arguing that she has every right to celebrate her daughter’s birthday, and raise her in the faith of her choosing.

In our own Facebook post about this story, many commenters came to Janet Zapata’s defense. “Weird, we see THOUSANDS of people dunking kids in water, showering them in crosses and all - yet one kid has this birthday and people freak out,” wrote one commenter in a message that was liked hundreds of times. “Almost as if they're allowed to celebrate in ANY WHICH WAY they choose. Thanks to organized religion, anything out of the norm is seen as evil.”

The daughter has a pagan witchy name obviously they are celebrating her and their beliefs. I hate that people single out another because their beliefs are different. And usually it’s the ones that say they “love” everyone... They don’t even know what love is,” wrote another.

Opinions are clearly split on whether this was okay decor for a child’s birthday party, but what do you think? When it comes to their children, shouldn’t parents have the final say on their religious upbringing? And shouldn’t that extend to all faiths, not just those with mainstream acceptance?


  1. Unique/ jessica sanders's Avatar Unique/ jessica sanders

    Whoa this is out of comment hard to say untill you speak on but I say the parents might not see it that way.

  1. Linda Altman's Avatar Linda Altman

    Sorry to inform you that there are no satanic symbols in that kids party. The 5 pointed star is actually a pentacle, not a pentagram. Pentacles are one point up. A pentagram, has 2 point facing up--inverted pentacle. Also, the pinata is Baphomet... Not Satan, not the devil. Maybe the cupcakes and cake are vegan. Then it would be hail seitan...

  1. Bishop William Dusenberry, DD's Avatar Bishop William Dusenberry, DD

    O child should be indoctrinated into any religious nonsense until they are old enough to understand “Choosing Your Religion” and “Why I’m Not a Christian” by Bertrand Russell”

    Satanism (as with everything else associated with religious nonsense) is all manmade; and should be treated in any religions discussions accordingly.

    And brainwashing children into anything, is child abuse.

  1. Kelly Manning's Avatar Kelly Manning

    You people are sick and demonically spirited. One thing for sure you will bow down to the one and only true God Jesus Christ. You will reap what you have sewn.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Awe….thank you, Kelly for your concern. You might want to consider not believing everything you read. Logic, reason, and critical thought can indeed become troublesome at first, especially those brought up with religious indoctrination. May I ask what made you determine your religion, was more truer than other religions you studied……or didn’t you?

      Don’t you just hate that god of the Old Testament that condoned slavery, and stoning people to death, and killing the children of the first-born because of his anger management issue with Pharaoh? Thank goodness there is no demonstrable proof that any of it is true. Personally, I think that god is a very naughty deity, and needs its bottom smacked. Know what I mean, Kelly?

      Hang in there, Kelly. We are all rooting for you.🤗


  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Ehrman, I'm not aware of any human beings who are better than me, so I don't have anything to be vain or bitter about.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Before long, maybe even after Wednesday night, I bet they'd make a fortune selling pinatas in the image of Donald Trump (with horns on top). I can see knocking candy out of that with a stick, but I wouldn't eat any of it. It's bound to have a nasty flavor. I wouldn't have that at a child's party! Even a Satan theme sounds a lot better.

  1. Richard Lee Cornell's Avatar Richard Lee Cornell

    Consider what the other religions have against each other in this country it is nice to see someone that can make people laugh and others hide under their bed. Next month it is Ween time again.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Y'all keep throwing that one out there when y'all can't think of an appropriate response. It seems almost as if y'all are drawing straws, like those generalized newspaper horoscopes. I'm never at all fatigued or lonely. When are y'all going to learn that the Desiderata does not contain all the answers.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Ehrman, it's not heroism that many fools who strive for high ideals are on, but heroin. It sounds like you misinterpreted the story. Try paying attention next time, then come back and rewrite the Desiderata in your next incarnation. I know you meant well, but the road to Hell was paved with good intentions.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Has anyone seen flugo? Someone should help him get up from the floor, and sit upright on his barstool.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Ehrman, many of those people who strive for high ideals are too stupid to ever make it, so it would be better for us not to encourage them.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Personally, I wouldn't feel right about hitting the horned god with a stick, and wouldn't have a pinatas in the image of any of my deities.

  1. Anne 'Arie's Avatar Anne 'Arie

    I am only commenting because I was asked to do so. My comment is that people need to mind their own business.

    1. Rev. B's Avatar Rev. B

      And it is the most reasonable post here.

  1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

    You state that I’m simply observing Mr. Sky-Magic’s creations. But there is NO REASON to believe your claim is true. However, there are many reasons to NOT believe, the primary one being no evidence.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Dr. Zerpersande, what exactly do you need as evidence? Isn't an ordered universe enough?

      1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

        I’ll generate 10 strings of 100 characters each, all composed of an alphanumeric mix with upper and lower case and special characters. You go get with ‘god’ and get those strings for me.

  1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

    Dear Atheists and Pagans, if you feel you have the truth, why do you need to call us names and bully us? As far as I can see, we Christians aren't doing this to you guys. Debates require mutual respect.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Thank you George, it's not that we think we "feel we have the truth", it's just that with so little demonstrable evidence to prove the claims of all religions, we are left with no other option to assume those claims are false. It's very much like those claims of Fairies, Elves, Sasquatch, Flat Earthers etc., which I assume you don't believe, and presumably, you don't believe because there is no demonstrable evidence, right? Likewise, I assume you don't believe in the reality of Thor, Zeus, Krishna, et al? If that is true, then you are exactly like me, it's just that I don't believe in one more god than yourself.

      I do agree that it would be nice if we all treated one another with respect, though the First Amendment to the Constitution does allow freedom of speech in any way, shape, or form, but it would be nice if we did respect one another on this forum.

      Thank you for your comment. 🤗


      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Last night, while listening to ZZ Top, I saw a naked cowgirl floating across my ceiling. And I can't prove it really happened, but it sure did make me feel good, anyway.

      2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Lionheart, who told you I do not believe in all the things you mentioned? You would be surprised! LOL

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          Omg, George 😱.

          I must admit though, it would be kind of nice if Fairies existed. My grandchildren would love that. 🤭


    2. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

      Christians have been murdering and bullying pagans and non Christians. Not to mention each other since the orthodox vs. gnostic debate. Holding you accountable with the right adjectives and history lessons isn’t bullying. You’re not the victim here. Christians in the US, especially right wing evangelicals aren’t the victims. They’re very much the bullies.

    3. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      Amen Pastor George!

      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Richard, you should have put a comma after the word Amen.

  1. Gerard Joseph Messina's Avatar Gerard Joseph Messina

    The pentagram facing up is a protective symbol. I have them in blessed salt in all the entrances to my home laid in the holdings under my tile. The mis judgement of the symbol is a shame. Besides like all men and women and faith we choose out faith base on our understanding, we are just creatures of this universe and do not have the ability to understand the true nature or to name a g-d. We are guided by what guides us in the overall of the universe. We are just chimps that build houses and fight over G-d.If you sit in a cave for a thousand years you will never have time to read every story painted on the walls of cave, or read every book or poem written about G-d and nature.

    Focus on the true light and peace of the world. If you choose darkness, someone else chooses light. We as a global consumer of all need only to find the joy, peace and love in all the world, some of that is found in the darkness. The global joy of the universe is found in balance.

  1. Eric Steven Karukin's Avatar Eric Steven Karukin

    Nice decorations, and it was done with a mothers heart... being a Christian I would have been curious about the theme and if invited would definitely have gone ... at least she is putting her child interests out there by doing a party and if your religion or your beliefs keep you from not attending a kids Birthday party you better pull that splinter out of your eye

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      I think I agree with you :-)

  1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

    The only thing I can see that is wrong with this story is Baphomet IS a Santanic symbol according to the Church of Satan but if she wishes to bring her child up with satanic images...all I can say is its her child.

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Us Wiccans and Pagans don't concern ourselves with the beliefs of other religions, and our horned god, in all it's forms existed long before Satanism, or christian mythology, from which Satan and Satanism came. And by the way, I missed you too Danielle.

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Carl Bernard Elfstrom, now you are going to laugh... but the roots of Christianity are found in Adam and Eve! LOL

    2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      It's really just another form of the horned god, Danielle, the god of the hunt, consort of the goddess, which is not limited to any one religion, and can be believed in and worshipped anyway one chooses.

  1. William Frederick Taylor, II's Avatar William Frederick Taylor, II

    "Feel free to worship any religion you long as I agree with it...and it's Christianity..."

    Yep, I'll get right on that.

  1. William Frederick Taylor, II's Avatar William Frederick Taylor, II

    "Feel free to worship any religion you long as I agree with it...and it's Christianity."

  1. Rev Ned's Avatar Rev Ned

    If invited, I'd go.

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Ned, like me I bet you'd go to any party you were invited to, as long as they're serving free food.

  1. Cheryl Pettijohn's Avatar Cheryl Pettijohn

    I would not be interested in going to the party, however the mom can raise her daughter in the belief's she deems appropriate. I will not tell someone who believes differently than I do that they are wrong. Diversity is a strength and helps us to solve problems and live well together.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Cheryl, how about unity?

  1. Joshua Alan Smith's Avatar Joshua Alan Smith

    Love it!!! Love that they are practicing their religion whether satanism or Wicca. I myself am a Wiccan Elder of the Tuatha De’ Dannan. Love that they are in afraid to raise their child according to their own values and beliefs!

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Joshua, blessed be your feet that have carried you here! I'm sure you know the rest.

  1. Joshua Alan Smith's Avatar Joshua Alan Smith

    That’s awesome! I love that they are practicing their religion whether Satanism or even Wicca! I myself am a Wiccan Elder of the Tuatha De’ Dannan. Love that they are raising their child as per their values and own beliefs

  1. Candace Sue Singleton's Avatar Candace Sue Singleton

    This is not a satanic or sacrificial party. The people that are freaking out are ignorant and need to educate themselves with actual facts. Learning things via movies, fictional books, hearsay and so on is not the way to learn and generally that information is incorrect. I am a Pagan and a Minister of ULC. Everyone has the right to believe what they want to believe if that gives them comfort and strength. And, come on people, Sacrifice?! Why would someone posts pictures of something that is a sacrifice. That's just stupid upon the viewers part.

  1. EC's Avatar EC

    What’s wrong with being a Satanist?

    1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      What is right about Satan?

      1. Warren Calvin Wall's Avatar Warren Calvin Wall

        What is wrong about Satan? Outside of frivolous claims of "evil", list the documented and proven evils that Satan has committed. Show me where in history, outside of the bible, this supposed "evil" entity even exists. Satanism carries ALL of the authority and reasoning that Christianity does. Which in fact is none.

        1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          First,show us the good Satan has done!

          1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

            Richard, goodness is overrated. . Try letting your hair down for a change, and have some fun!

      2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Richard, Satan loves you! And don't you forget it!!!

      3. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        For one thing Richard, the word Satan contains the same letters as Santa (you know, that chubby, bearded, old elf whose knee you used to like to bounce up and down on when you were a kid(and no, that wasn't a Christmas candy cane you felt), during the holidays, at Macy's.

      4. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        For one thing Richard, this is called the age of Satan. So get with the program, and don't go against the grain!

  1. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

    If it was family or friends sure. The issue with this set up is that it isn't specific to their own religion so it must be evil, of the devil. Nothing could be further from the truth. Of course they would have to be willing to learn something outside their own faith to see that. What Jesus was said to have taught was for his followers to live their lives in his ways, not condemn others for not being part of it.

  1. Ilmenheru Terikson's Avatar Ilmenheru Terikson

    Sir Gawain in search of the holy grail sets out upon his quest. Pagan prince of the northern isles he bares the five point star sign of his faith upon his breast.

    You know the knight of Arthur that many call the best of them in the earliest tales. The five point star is not some symbol of evil when one of those who are called the champions of the grail bore that symbol.

    What? Arthurian lore mythology is more fun.

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      I thoroughly enjoyed watching that whole British series Merlin right here on this phone. It inspired me to get the audio book of Deepak Chopra's The Return Of Merlin. I had that book and read it when it was new, in 1995. I've always felt drawn to Arthurian legend, and Camelot, but haven't yet remembered living there in a previous incarnation.

  1. Amy Varela's Avatar Amy Varela

    The people who are up in arms about this are the same ones who say you'll go to hell if you don't do all the things they believe in. They can't even let a little child enjoy some cake. Bunch of party-poopers. So afraid of things that, most likely, do not exist.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Hell is separation from God. If you don't want to be with God, you are already in hell. I do not believe a girl that age can make that decision.

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Do you have a particular mythical god you like to believe exists, George? Just asking for a friend of mine that likes to believe in her Egyptian deity, and her belief in the Egyptian hell, which is more than like different from the hell you believe in.


        1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          Lionheart, I think Haiti's is really cool, with Cerberus, his three-headed guard dog, who won't let anyone leave the under world. However, Apollo, the Greek and Roman god of healing, is my patron god. Nevertheless, I bet we've both got what it takes to make it to the under world. And I'll buy you a cup of coffee when we get there.

        2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Lionheart, the God to whom I have committed my life, was manifested historically in Yeshua. He himself said in the gospel of John: "Those who see me have seen the Father."

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Thank you, George, however, we don’t know if anything that is written in the book of John, or any of those books, are true. I wonder who the authors were? What we do know is that the authors were not contemporary with the times that the said Jesus was supposed to have been alive.


      2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        Sadly the parents are making that decision for her. This is so sad and unnecessary.

        1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          Richard, atleast she has two parents who make such decisions for her. It wouldn't be good to let a one year old make decisions for herself.

    2. Kelly Manning's Avatar Kelly Manning

      A child can't be happy with a different celebration?

      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        I don't think a one year old can comprehend the meaning of a celebration or a birthday party, let alone a theme. They're just having fun.

  1. Lady Celynia's Avatar Lady Celynia

    This is nothing more than parents exploiting their child for potential profit.

    1. Martin L Stigleman's Avatar Martin L Stigleman

      How were the parents "exploiting their child"? The mother posted her photos of her child's birthday party on social media, as literally millions of parents do. One of the "God is Love" Hate Mongers took exception, threw a hissy fit, and shared it to get all the other Holy Rollers up in arms against a 1 year old child.

      The only ones "exploiting" this child are the Christians who are using a 1 year old's birthday party to raise hate against those who don't believe as they do.

  1. Ashley Thompson Brown's Avatar Ashley Thompson Brown

    Seriously people, CHILL...she's 1 and she got CAKE that's all that matters....

  1. Kelly Manning's Avatar Kelly Manning

    Yes this mother's choice is vulgar and satanic. People keep trying to change God's word and it doesn't change. This definitely falls on the mother. Woe be to anyone that causes a little one to sin. Like it or not, that's how it is regardless of how you feel about it. Don't call yourself a Christian or a child of God if you condone this. Repent. Jesus is coming back soon.

    1. Ilmenheru Terikson's Avatar Ilmenheru Terikson

      You do grasp this is a secular ministry right? Your insular outlook proves you are not a person of faith in good standing with the ministry.

      1. Kelly Manning's Avatar Kelly Manning

        I'm not a person of faith? Anyone that accepts this type of behavior doesn't walk with Jesus. I'm good over here. The only ministry is Jesus. Quit turning His words into things that are satanic. It's blasphemous and disgusting. People that accept this walk with Satan, not Jesus. Ya'll are so blind.

        1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          The atheists try to bully every one else off of this site.

          1. James T Wade's Avatar James T Wade

            I have to agree with you in that if they are atheist or agnostics, why are they on this site? 😉

            a·the·ist /ˈāTHēəst/

            A person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods. "he is a committed atheist"

      2. Kelly Manning's Avatar Kelly Manning

        Secular means non religious. So why call this a church? And why pull out scripture? Very obvious that it's secular. So if it's not religious or a church, then that leaves cult. 😳😱

        1. Rev. B's Avatar Rev. B

          Which again raises the question - no offense intended - why do you want to be a member here? This site is not supposed to be for any single specific belief system. Perhaps you could read more about it and see if it still is something you want to be a part of.

          1. Kelly Manning's Avatar Kelly Manning

            Never seen so many evil people at one time. SICKENING. why call yourself religious? Just to dishonor God? Guess what? God wins and you all will burn in Hell. I'm never scared. The one and only true God walks with me. Satan produces fear. God produces strength. I feel like I need a shower from this vile disgusting conversation.

            1. Rev. B's Avatar Rev. B

              Again, not everyone here calls themselves "religious", or even expected to. It is for ALL belief systems, even the belief in science. Which raises my initial question" why do you want to be a member here? You may be better off on a site that panders to whichever flavor of faith you were indoctrinated into.

              It would also help us if you told us to which god you are referring. This site is for ALL faiths, or none, you know.

      3. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Ilmeheru, you are actually mistaken and misguided on the meaning of Universal Christianity. Whilst Universalism is part of Protestantism (in fact this is a CHURCH), it also admits relativism - viz that everyone has their own truth and all truths lead to God. The focus is on the individual experience. Universalism is not part of mainstream Protestantism, but it still is Christianity. In other words, this is a Church ( Christian) but you don't have to be a Christian to be part of it. Secularism, on the other hand, has nothing to do with any religion at all.

        1. Tom's Avatar Tom

          Actually it's a non-denominational universalist church that supports all faith beliefs, whether Christian, Muslim, Atheist, Sikh, Buddhist, Humanist, or any other of the thousands of religions that exist. One of the ULC's mottos is "We are all children of the same universe" and it believes in an all encompassing universal religion.

          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Tom, I know what ULC is. I have given you the historical context of Universalism. It is a Christian theology originated in Quakerism. Study history, my friend :-)

    2. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

      Oh blow it out your bazooga, Kelly. Do you know how many times the Bible’s T’s and I’s were changed before they were crossed. The kid only cared about cake, and nothing more, that’s not sin, that’s just a kid being a kid, ya psycho fundie pervert. Chances are Yesh did return and was blown up due to the US’s agrees I’ve foreign policy stance it’s held the last 40 years. Though in reality Jesus was supposed to have retirement hundreds of years and never did. Take your head out of your ass and learn live again, thumper. The rest of humanity will be waiting for you.

      1. Kelly Manning's Avatar Kelly Manning

        I study and am in school in Eschatology. You're really filled by the spirit? Like I said you will never change the word of God.

        1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

          Eschatology is a joke study and a waste of time. So you study the end times, big damn deal. All prophecy is, is a blessing lot to shape the future as you want in the background. I’ve studied the actual history of the Bible and the peoples who wrote it. An it’s changed many times as it’s been translated and retranslated. Hell, there are entire books left out of some bibles for various reasons. I’m filled by the words of the ancients, the wise ones who came before and left actual evidence of their living. Which is more precious than any spirit. Not just one kooky cult of christo fascists. Like yourself, Kelly.

          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            If you have the truth, why are you name-calling?

            1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

              the atheists are bullies and that is their way sadly.

              1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Isn’t that a rather broad statement, Richard? There are many bullies of all faiths, and none beliefs.


              2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                Let one that has not sinned cast the first stone.

              3. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                "You are protected, in short, by your ability to love"



              4. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                quoted beautifully from the Bible . It is an awesome quote!!!

              5. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                I wonder who the authors really were 🤔


              6. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

                You could also be protected by winged monkeys.

              7. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Comment removed by user.

    3. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Your Jesus friend has been coming back for over 2000 years. Please wake up and get well. Most of us know it’s never going to happen, and that’s assuming Jesus, and your particular god that you worship, ever existed. 🤗


    4. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Jesus and Judas sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g !!!

    5. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Bingo :-)

  1. Thomas Payette's Avatar Thomas Payette

    I believe that a person's faith and beliefs fall under free will which was granted by God to all mankind. And God proclaimed "justice is mine". Which to me this would be a clear message that the judgement of others in all things is exclusive territory of God. And therefore in judging others one would be inadvertently claiming themselves as God by passing judgement upon another of God's creations. I personally am not going to go before God and having to answer for taking on the role of judgement of others which may or may not result in myself having to answer for this action. Imagine standing before God and being asked who am I to act as God, and invoking God's authority by passing judgment. An exclusive authority of God. I can hear God saying. "WHO ARE YOU WHO THINKS HE IS ME? THE ONE TRUE GOD!! That's not a position I would choose to be in knowing I am not perfect, and that throughout my life I I have disappointed, angered, and possibly already done things that have clouded me from God's heart and possibly dimmed the light of God's light upon me.

    I believe that the true test of mankind is to life peacefully in an inclusive global society of compassionate loving people. That is the purpose of all the things that give cause for we as mankind to separate ourselves from one another. That give our minds cause to judge, condemn, exclude, hate, war, and abandon others. And sadly our world is overwhelmed with these tests at this time and I may be disappointing God in these areas at times.

    Again this is my believe and thoughts. Thank you for taking a moment to read my thoughts on this topic.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Thank you Thomas. Do you have a particular god in mind that you’re referring to in this post? Mankind seems to have created so many that they believe in, with no demonstrable evidence to prove any of them are real. 🤗


  1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

    The child has no chance,please help them Jesus for they know not what they do!

    1. Amy Varela's Avatar Amy Varela

      Please provide some evidence of the existence of the deity in which you believe. I have searched and searched, and have found none. Not a single shred of good evidence for the existence of ANY deity has ever been provided by anyone ever. Good evidence will convince every single person on the planet, by the way. That's what I am looking for.

      1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        There are a lot of people that believe.You need to find your way and putting that work on other people to find your belief is scary!

        1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

          As I have said, I believe in things because of evidence. As Amy Varela states, such evidence is not to be found. Your position is obvious which means that you hold positive beliefs for which the only rational position is doubt. You can simply being asked to provide the evidence for your belief, And the fact that a lot of people believe something is no reason to believe it yourself. Most people once believed that the sun and stars orbited the Earth. Wasn’t true though, was it? Took a while to convince them but the sort that still believes the Earth is the center of the universe are now called what they are….delusional.

          1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            I have my personal beliefs and I don't need any bodies proof. There are too many people on this site that want others to fill in the blanks and make them believe and that is not good.

            1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

              I think God really doesn't care how you do or do not understand God. All that matters is that you think you are not God.

              1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                atheists disowning God are gods unto themselves and therein lies the problem for them...

              2. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

                truly one of the sillier arguments I've come across.

                exactly how do you make the leap that an atheist is a god unto themself? It just seems more like some words that came to you in the moment than any real logical statement.

                why do people who believe so fervently in their gods have such a problem with those who have no god or have different ones?

                why do so many feel compelled to ridicule those people who have no belief or believe differently? Its all just so very cult like, chock full of Woo, magical thinking and cognitive dissonance.

              3. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                I don't condone these attacks at all.Just don't bully us if we do believe in God. You can't prove there is not God and we can't prove to you thee is a God so where exactly are you being forced into anything???

              4. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

                Rev. JJ, the very principle of atheism is to decide for yourself what is good or evil, without depending on God's justice. That makes you want to be God. This is a tenet of Christianity and I think Richard referred to that. So please, once again, avoid personal attacks. Like yourself, we just try to live by our core values.

            2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

              Richard, your constant obsession with being good might be your worst character defect.

              1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                That would be awesome if true!

              2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

                Nevertheless, to much of anything can be bad. It seems better to achieve and maintain balance.

      2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Amy, your search is aimless. You will never find the evidence if you do not keep an open mind. I would invite you to simply try to get on your knees and allow anything or anyone up there, that you do not even know what it is, to enter a relationship with you. That is the start. Just do it. Don't analyze it.

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          Please explain to me what “getting on your knees and “allowing” anything up there, that you don’t know”, really means?

          Isn’t this the same adopted ridiculous practice that has caused over 4,200 religions to be created on earth?

          Additionally, not analyzing our thoughts, is exactly why we have 4,200 religions on this planet of ours. Using logic and reason helps us to remove illogical thoughts. If people don’t use critical thought they could end up on their knees speaking to the floor, wall, or ceiling, like many do. Know what I mean?


          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Lionheart, it is all about becoming humble before the Unknown. I only see a fundamental ultimate true religion: a loving God that is behind creation. The only true ultimate heresy is that you may think that God is you. That is all I meant.

            1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

              It wasn’t my intention to imply I am a god, George, unless in humor, however, it does appear that I can do one thing that most gods seem unable to do, and that is to physically show up and take care of human beings. I actually once helped two young girls and prevented them from committing suicide. I didn’t see any god helping out. It was in fact a “god” that caused them to think of ending their lives.

              At that time, I think I was more humble than the unknown was 🤷🏼


        2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          I feel it, I feel it.

          Oh… might be the double IPA 🍺, I’m drinking. Sorry about that, George 🤷🏼


  1. Cindy L Edgar's Avatar Cindy L Edgar

    It's just a birthday party doesn't matter what religious belief anybody has it's a child's 1-year-old birthday party wow make a big deal out of it seriously all kids have themes for their birthday parties and so what if her parents practice witchcraft and the child has a witch's name get over yourself people I'm a pagan ordained minister grow up people when everybody learns and not just one God and there's many gods and goddesses then you guys will figure it out for yourself

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Sometime during my childhood my family gave me a pirate birthday party, and I'm sure it didn't have anything to do with me becoming a juvenile delinquent. I was already a pirate in disguise.

    2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Maybe it depends on what we mean by the word 'God.' To me, that has been used in the past in many ways, to indicate different things. This is why I would say, for what I am to represent, that I believe in the 'true' God. No disrespect, but no one can explain one being in three persons. It's simply impossible. No human mind could have come up with this. With this, I still respect your conceit of God, which to me is more like a 'higher power.'

      1. Jean's Avatar Jean

        egg: shell. white. yolk. 3 in 1. just another viewpoint.

  1. Kevin Michael Zurrin's Avatar Kevin Michael Zurrin

    I have a question, if witchcraft is defined as someone praying to a power outside of themself to intervene on their behalf, then we have to admit that 95% of Christianity practices witchcraft. Change my mind!

    1. Colleen McAllister's Avatar Colleen McAllister

      That is not the deffination of Witchcraft, which is also not what those symbols represent. Nor is Satanism represented here. Do I think it looks like an odd party? Yes. But it is the parents right to choose the party theme.

      1. John P Maher's Avatar John P Maher

        Mr. ZURIN, BRAVO WELL SAID and 100% TRUTH !

    2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Kevin, witchcraft worships the spirits of nature. Christianity is a relationship with God. Witchcraft is based on fear (not in a negative sense, but as relating to something/one in a non-personal sense). Christianity is based on a message about Jesus who rose from the dead and with whom we can have a personal relationship. The difference is massive!

  1. Terry G Edwards's Avatar Terry G Edwards


    So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. John 8:7 KJV

    Any takers

    1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

      Why do Christians immediately attack with Accusations of Satanism? Why do they accuse and not get the facts?

      1. David Cox's Avatar David Cox

        You seem to know more than our creator you tell me

        1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

          @David Cox Please tell me, why do Christians believe what they are told to believe and can't think for themselves? You know, religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool. Don't you think it's easy to more than a mythical creature that doesn't exist?

        2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          Great point!Atheists lecture all about God whom they allegedly don't believe in. Atheists are very confused...

          1. Rev. B's Avatar Rev. B

            Richard, atheists discuss god only to point out the various hypocrisies in their mythology. When this occurs, the individual is pointing out one of the reasons they are an atheist. I can't believe you didn't understand that. Oh well, not everyone gets subtlety. Perhaps now you will be more enlightened.

            1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

              Hypocrites?That sounds like a judgment found in the Holy Bible! You just proved our point!

              1. Rev. B's Avatar Rev. B

                I said "hypocrisies", not "hypocrites". The spelling is sort of similar, but they are very different words. Not to mention, our discussion is not about judgement, it is about atheists discussing god. Stay on point, my friend.

              2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                Atheists are obsessed with God and hopefully that will lead to good things.

    2. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

      And just what's that supposed to mean?

      1. Terry G Edwards's Avatar Terry G Edwards

        Whenever you are about to find fault with someone, ask yourself the following question: What fault of mine most nearly resembles the one I am about to criticize? Marcus Aurelius

        "Let none find fault with others; let none see the omissions and commissions of others. But let one see one's own acts, done and undone." The Buddah

        1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

          @Terry G Edwards Please tell me what fault of yours most nearly resembles the former Utah mayor and Mormon Bishop who was just arrested for molesting and raping you children who were as young as 2 years old?

          1. Terry G Edwards's Avatar Terry G Edwards

            I believe a little differently than most people. While I have studied many religions and beliefs, I do not follow any specific belief. I am very grateful for my opportunity to have spent some time here on earth to experience what most people deem to be life. I am confident in my faith and relationship with the Creator, the Great Spirit, God, Allah, the Collective Consciousness, or whatever you choose to call your Supreme Being. I believe the Cherokee people have a saying "Yutta Hey", which translates out to "It is a good day to die.". This means that one has no regrets how they have lived their life and are perfectly at peace with their Creator should their life end in battle. I have no regrets of my life. I would ask the same question of you, but it is not my place to question your relationship between you and the Creator. What transpires there is strictly a one on one conversation. I am sure you are capable of handling your own affairs without any outside interference.

          2. Rev. B's Avatar Rev. B

            Is that who we're talking about? I thought we were discussing people criticizing a child's birthday party because the decorations were confused for satanic imagery (not that there's anything wrong with that).

            1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

              @Terry G Edwards was saying we should find our own faults. I asked him what his were and he failed to answer. Then he went rambling out about his relationship was a creator. I don't think he was talking about his mother and father. That's who he should be thanking. We are all made from stardust and will become stardust once again.

              1. Rev. B's Avatar Rev. B

                He gave a quote saying to compare our faults to the one we are about to criticize. You then asked him to compare something he did to the most egregious example you could find, essentially asking him to post, in a public forum, the worst thing he ever did. Of course he didn't answer. You are correct he changed the subject, but I believe the point of the quote was if your worst act is nowhere near as bad as the one you are about to criticize, then go ahead and criticize. But if you have done something as bad or worse, shut up. Terry can let me know if that matches his intent. As for asking him to post the worst thing he ever did? You're going to find that most people don't want to do that, even if it's not really that bad.

              2. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

                @Rev. B What you are describing is a Christian tactic. They point the finger at you, and then refuse to take accountability for their own actions and then change the subject. I assure you my worst action is doesn't even come close to the worst actions by Christian priests and pastors. I have never rapped or molested young children/women or deceived people in the name of God to get them to "give" money to God which I keep.

                I'm willing to share my actions in a public forum why can't he? Could it be he is one of those Christians who is a rapist? He was given the opportunity tell us, but he didn't tell us and instead changed the subject to avoid answering the question he asked.

              3. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

                Rev. B, it is called privacy.

    3. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      I saw that scene being enacted in The Life of Brian. It was hilarious Terry. I wonder if that really happened. I guess we’ll never know for sure 🤭


      1. Terry G Edwards's Avatar Terry G Edwards

        I'm sorry, I seem to have mistaken this site as one for intelligent conversation and discussion on spiritual development. I will not interrupt your play time any further.

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          No problem Terry. Your comment, and quote, from a book full of myth, and indemonstrable stories and tales, doesn't really warrant an intelligent discussion.


        2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          Terry, you've got to learn to roll with the punches. Try going to AA & NA meetings for 32 years like I did. It will definitely help. But don't expect to find spiritual giants there iether. We only work on ourselves, without placing unrealistic expectations on others. Some are sicker than others, but we're getting better, and seek progress rather than perfection. There aren't any perfect people. And you might just find that wherever you go, there you are: warts, halo, and all!

          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Good statement, Carl Bernard Elfstrom. I am also a member of AA, which is why I appreciate Universalism. I have never been keen on NA because I do not endorse their stance on nicotine. Have you tried Nicotine Anonymous?

        3. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          Terry, thankyou for realizing that, and going away. However, ULC has a few other minister blogs where you might fit in better. So check them out . And don't feel bad for not being able to keep up with us. Most people can't cut the mustard. It takes a special breed of cat.

          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Carl Bernard Elfstrom, this is the official 'monastery.' That very term shows that here is where we connect as a church community. That is why I believe we should be more supportive of our individual paths rather than critical. We can also subscribe to the Visionary, our church newsletter. The threads come up there as well.

        4. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          God bless you Terry! You are so much better than these hateful people.

  1. Pastor~HP~Sister Beth's Avatar Pastor~HP~Sister Beth

    Personally, I think black is too dark for a child’s birthday party - especially for a one-year old. I would have used bright colors. But then, that’s just me. She does look cute with the frosting all over her face though - the typical 1-year old birthday photo - but beyond that standard photo, let’s be real… a one-year olds birthday party is truly more for the parents than the child. 🎀🖤🌸🖤🛍 How many small toddler’s do you know that even remember the party? And if that little girl isn’t happy with her first birthday later on in life, she’ll probably let her mom & dad know. But the truth is, the home’s interior probably already reflects all this, so it’s probably nothing out of the norm for this little girl. And truth be told, does this baby look at all upset about her party?

    As for the parents faith, they are allowed to celebrate anything they want, in any way they want. When are people in this Country going to get it ➡️ Religious Freedom stated in the Constitution means ANY RELIGION. Seriously, people. 🤦🏻‍♀️😒

    1. Ashley Thompson Brown's Avatar Ashley Thompson Brown

      I think she's adorable...AND Coco Chanel would disagree with you about her first little black dress...!

    2. Warren Calvin Wall's Avatar Warren Calvin Wall

      They believe that religious freedom only applies to the various denominations of Christianity. They do not believe that it applies to religions other than theirs.

  1. Shango MasterExorcist, D.D.'s Avatar Shango MasterExorcist, D.D.

    That is the sweetest birthday Baphomet I ever saw! Those that are so uneducated to confuse that with Satan are simply involved with a popular hobby, getting in the news by displaying their ignorance.

    As for black balloons, they are as evil as licorice.

  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

    Sooo cute. At least she won’t have to go through the physical trauma of a Greek style baptism dunking up and down into a font terrifying the life out of her. And fortunately it’s not a boy having to go through genital mutilation. Though some girls in some countries do have to suffer through FGM because of religion. 🤷🏼


    1. David Cox's Avatar David Cox

      Wow so full of hate

      1. John Edwin Tudor's Avatar John Edwin Tudor

        as are your posts

      2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Do I take it you approve the ritualistic trauma that some children go through in the name of religion?

        Do you see it as hateful of me for wanting children to not be traumatized, or hurt in any way?


        1. Rev. B's Avatar Rev. B

          You are misunderstanding his use of the word. In this case he simply means you disagree with his belief system. That is why you are "full of hate". One can only assume that if you agree with traumatizing children and inflicting genital mutilation you would be full of love...

    2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      FGM has nothing to do with Islam. It's purely cultural ignorance.

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        I agree with you George, and the same goes for MGM of male circumcision, employed by those Abrahamic faiths. Cultural ignorance can be a real problem. I'm so glad that religion didn't insist on the need to circumcise other primates, such as Monkeys, Gorillas, Apes etc., aren't you?

        Thank you for your comment


        1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Lionheart, my good friend :-) I'm still waiting to see you connect with my church! I sent you the link a while back. I sense a strong search for God in you!

          As previously mentioned, the Old Testament has a record of accomplishment of reducing damage. This is increased to the point of disappearance in the New Testament. An example was: one eye for an eye, one tooth for a tooth. The cultural context was over revenge on wrongs received. Jesus tells us to show the other cheek, meaning a stop on the practice of revenge. I do not know about the context surrounding Pagan cultures on circumcision, but I have reason to believe it follows the same pattern. Looking at FGM, I can reasonably believe that male circumcision already in practice was far more damaging than what we see in Judaism. This also disappears in the New Testament (Acts 15). It is now only practiced for medical reasons. I had a condition that caused me pain in sexual relations, so I had to be circumcised. I had no choice. Science also has proven that circumcision reduces to 100% the risk of penile cancer. However, the downside of circumcision is that there is no longer natural lubrication and the sensitivity on the head of your penis is remarkably reduced.

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            My apologies, George, I think I’ve misplaced your link. Please can you let me have it again?

            Yes, I’m aware of the occasional need for medical surgery.

            I’m not aware, and don’t have access, to data to support your statement of penile cancer. In fact, I’ve never heard of anyone that has ever had that illness. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, so if you can provide a link to that data I’d appreciate it.


  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    Lilith is too young to under stand and should not be classed as any religion.

  1. Bishop William Dusenberry, DD's Avatar Bishop William Dusenberry, DD

    Religionists brainwash (they call it Sunday School) their little kiddies to believe in all sorts of “make believe things” (I.e; Santa Clauses, angles, Holy Ghosts, and devils — Satan) — and they do so, because they are being raised to believe in everything that their parent’s tribe (church) does.

    Satan - like Santa, all Gods (including the Christian God) are all man made (except the Pantheist God — which is the same as nature)

    The use of the make believe— to explain natural phenomenon (or nature) gradually began to slow down — as more and more of mankind concluded that all supernatural Gods were (are) ineffable, non-sensible, and only still believed because science is neglected in such tribes.

    To get little babies, who’ve been brainwashed to believe in something nonsensical such as Satan — introduce them to reality ASAP — beginning with Santa — who Christians use to make their kids more willing to accept ineffable Gods — which include all the other Gods — except the Pantheist God.

    Parents who religiously -brainwash their little kiddies — are child abusers.

    1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

      I’ll second all of this.

    2. David Cox's Avatar David Cox

      Yall are all deceived in believing a lie...Satan comes to steal kill and are a victim and don't even know it.

      1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

        So mr. cox it would appear that you have decided that Satan is evil while your god is not. Your belief goes against everything the the ULC stands for. One would think that maybe you are here just to push your beliefs and to condemn those of others. Hardly seems worth your time to be a member here, I would think that there are far more 'appropriate' fora for you to make your claims and arguments. I have copied/pasted the following from the ULC website for your edification:

        "Our Mission

        The Universal Life Church was founded on the basic belief that we are all children of the same universe and, derived from that basic belief, has established two core tenets by which it expects its ministers to conduct themselves:

        1. Do only that which is right.
        2. Every individual is free to practice their religion in the manner of their choosing, as mandated by the First Amendment, so long as that expression does not impinge upon the rights or freedoms of others and is in accordance with the government’s laws."
        1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS
          1. Under the precepts of the ULC WHO decides WHAT is right?

          2. Allowing that somebody is indeed free to practice whatever religion as they see fit, does that somehow preclude others from trying to convince them that that practice is wrong and to change to another?

        2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          With all due respect, as Rev Michael points out, I do not believe David Cox is in breach of our two core tenets. You may just need to improve your debate skills. Free speech/ free thinking/free opinion.

          1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

            "With all due respect...[y]ou may just need to improve your debate skills" I would be hard pressed to believe that comment was in fact present with all due respect unless the amount you feel due is null, in which case I should feel...disrespected?

            Are you a mod/admin or just an 'ordained minister'? If the former I will be happy to respond to your - somewhat agonistic - comment, perhaps on a back channel so as not to disrupt this lively discussion here. If however you are the latter then

      2. Amy Varela's Avatar Amy Varela

        Evidence, David. Bring some evidence!

        Perhaps you are a victim of the bible!

    3. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      You might be surprised that Santa Claus is actually a real character. He used to be a bishop who used to give gifts to poor children, and is now venerated by the Orthodox Christians as St Nikolaus. So you see, you might be the one to have been brainwashed :-)

      1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

        Santa may have been based upon a real person but this most certainly not the Santa that ‘exists’ today. Ask any kid that has been brainwashed/tricked in believing in Santa and there will be no mention of a priest long ago.

        1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Dr. Zerpersande, many Orthodox Christians are deeply devoted to him as a saint in heaven. That makes it real... but I know already how you are going to argue back. Do not bother. You will not change a thing either in my mind or the mind of the Orthodox Christians!

    4. Rev. Rory's Avatar Rev. Rory

      My only problem with this party is that the parents posted pictures of a child publicly on the internet.

  1. William Waugh's Avatar William Waugh

    Come on christains. How is this any more harmful that sponsoring an in church celebration of Halloween. I know, I know. I get it. In your version it's an opportunity to "feel out" the congregation for real life potential witches. And, an opportunity to demonstrate the historical superiority of christian beliefs. With the birthday party, you are powerless against the faiths of a whole family.

    But remember, Witches and others. On the way out of slavery into the.promised land, the bible thumpers ( or whatever they thumped in that period) allowed 40 generations to live and die off in the desert as punishment for indulging in other beliefs before leading the faithful to the promised land. Let that sink in. This stuff is still taught in church today. The slaves that bounced died in the desert. The folks that made it only had memories of desert life. And the "approved" history of toil to reach the promised land. Again, let that sink in. ....still happening.

    1. Rev. B's Avatar Rev. B

      A little off topic, but I recently read something that posed that the 40-year trek was because that was how long it took for everyone who remembered being a slave to die off, while still creating new generations on the move. Thia is nothing "official", just the thoughts of a writer.

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Correct. A generation was 40 years. This is consistent with the negative thinking associated with remembering being a slave. Only Joshua and Caleb made it to the Promised Land. Everyone else had issues of trust in God. TRUST = FAITH = EXPERIENCE =/= Evidence

  1. Ms C Sunshine's Avatar Ms C Sunshine

    I personally don't see a problem with this, as Satanism is a religion. And it's no difference than any other religious celebration with a cake. We have to get past the idea of " this is bad because I don't agree with it". She ADORABLE and I love the decorations. Wishing her and her family tons more b-day celebrations.

  1. Ms C Sunshine's Avatar Ms C Sunshine

    I personally don't see a problem with this, as Satanism is a religion. And it's no difference than any other religious celebration with a cake. We have to get past the idea of " this is bad because I don't agree with it". She ADORABLE and I love the decorations. Wishing her and her family tons more b-day celebrations.

    1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

      I have the same problem with it simply because, as you said, it is a religion. Young children shouldn’t be indoctrinated into organized delusional thinking.

      However the mother said this was not intended as a Satanic ‘thing’ sonit really doesn’t matter.

      1. Alton P. Lippe's Avatar Alton P. Lippe

        You teach children how to function socially within the environments and cultural circumstances they are being raised in. Basically, let's start by not eating boogers. Then you ease into acceptable/not acceptable. Perhaps graduate into some level or moral behavior...then you teach them how to THINK, if you can be successful giving your children well rounded critical thinking skills, a nice set of rounded life experiences and varied exposure to the world...then they can arrive at a faith that is right for them or a belief system that they choose, no indoctrination, no mind washing or pressure to adhere to any predetermined religious or spiritual dogma.

      2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        With all due respect, this rationalization is non-sense. Whatever side one takes, with all Satanic symbols exposed to the child, it's like say: "I'm taking my child to the march, but I'm not trying to get her to like football." Rubbish! Sorry...

  1. Magistar Mormaer MacLean's Avatar Magistar Mormaer MacLean

    Well it looks like she is enjoying her cake; I used to have a Baby Baphomet in the toilet, thereafter renamed the Baphroom.

    1. Joy's Avatar Joy

      I LOVE THAT!!!! "I have to go to the Baphroom" LOL!! I want to come over now!!

      1. Magistar Mormaer MacLean's Avatar Magistar Mormaer MacLean

        You would be welcomed with Gaelic Hospitality and three ply XD

    2. Ashley Thompson Brown's Avatar Ashley Thompson Brown

      Loooooll...I can't believe you went there...NICE One....!!

  1. Billie Jo Gomez's Avatar Billie Jo Gomez

    You know.... it really is upsetting to see that some people are still so closed minded. It is 2022! it's a whole new world. A world where people are allowed to be themselves and will be no matter what. just like me! I definitely know people who believe in that too, and it is so not what everyone thinks it is. But isn't that what every religion is? isn't that why Universal is so amazing? the belief that we are all children of this and every universe no matter their orientation, race and religion. I know thats why i chose to be ordained here, because i believe in something else. Pagan and here, its ok. i can buy things that say hey! I'm pagan and Im pretty cool. i don't have to hide anymore. I'm not scared. and it's a whole new world it is scary but oh man it IS beautiful!

    1. David Cox's Avatar David Cox

      You will be on the day of Judgement....Jesus died and gave you freedom from hell...but if you don't trust him the you will pay for your own sins....Jesus loves you that much and you don't even accept it just through that kind of salvation away. Satan loves throwing all these things in people's faces and people believe. Study the Bible for yourself read what Jesus did for all of mankind.. for those who believe in him and receives him and follow him.

      1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

        David Cox No Thanks, we Pagan's serve other Gods. As is our protected right to religious freedom

      2. Amy Varela's Avatar Amy Varela

        David, provide evidence for your claim, please. Prove your god exists. Prove there will be a judgement. Prove it with actual evidence that will convince everyone everywhere.

        Otherwise, you're making an unsubstantiated claim that nobody should take seriously. For one thing, the bible is a collections of myths based on earlier myths; also, it is filled with errors and none of the claims about the earth in relation to the cosmos is correct.

        So, by all means, believe that fairy tale if you want to, but until you come bearing actual, real world evidence of your claims, don't threaten other people's eternity.

        1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          first prove your way of believing to us.

          1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

            I believe in things that can be proven. I believe in chemistry. And physics. And biology. I believe in things that can be shown to be true.

            Are used to go camping almost every weekend during college. This usually included some bouldering or rockclimbing. After one climb a friend and I were down climbing. I had used this particular down climb before but I took a wrong turn and ended up on the wrong path. I realized this after a while when there were a couple of difficult moves that I didn’t remember. But it was very late in the day and getting dark and if we turned around and went back to the top we would end up down climbing in the dark. We were close to the bottom when suddenly we just came to an end of the show called trail. We were on a ledge. Somewhere at about the height of the tree tops on the path below. On an overhang. So we couldn’t see the ground. so I used my “faith“ in physics. It’s possible to determine the height of something by measuring how long it takes falling object released from the top to strike the ground. So I started dropping rocks, each time approximating the time to impact. Also because of my faith in physics, I knew that ignoring the amount of time that it took for the sound to come back to me could be ignored simply because that would

            But I fail to see why I should serve to reteach these things to you simply bc you lack the ability to prove the claims you make.

            1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

              You are merely observing the wonders of God's creation. You will never stop wondering because we are merely human and not God.By the way, I look at rocks and am in awe at their mysteries as well! We are still debating their existence!

          2. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

            I had a rather lengthy response typed out but in trying to edit it managed to delete it. So, short version.

            I believe in science. This involves all the science behind the technology behind your ability to tell the world that you adhere to the belief system of Bronze Age, nomadic, desert goat herders that couldn’t explain where the sun went at night but claimed to know how the universe came to be.

            I am also open to believing in your god if you could supply evidence. Which you can’t, thus my lack of belief in your claims.

            1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

              Our faith is based on experience. All true Christians (followers of Yeshua) are so because something happened to them that brought them a profound sense of peace, meaning and direction in life. If you try to grasp it with your minds, you will never experience it. I would consider myself a universalist because I believe that the Jesus I met can manifest himself 'incognito' to anyone, so no one actually needs to become a Christian. This may surprise you, but I believe that if you reach the same peace and sense of direction in life that I have, then most likely you are on the Road to Emmaus!

              PS: Emmaus was the road two disciples in the Gospel walked with Jesus and got saved, but they didn't know it was him.

              1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                Sadly people are murdering Jesus and wouldn't recognize him this very day!It truly is a lost and dark world n which we live!

              2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

                Richard Darwin Richards, not all hope is lost. Jesus told us to keep trusting in him to the end.

            2. James T Wade's Avatar James T Wade

              de colores!

              Keep Caring & Sharing 🙂

          3. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

            Who cares about what anyone believes in Richard? I damn sure don't. I believe what I believe just because I believe it, and it has been proven enough to me, but I can't prove it to you, and wouldn't want to waste my breath trying. I only hope you believe you're going to breathe until you die. That's all we know for a fact, or atleast seem to think we do. Our beliefs only have to do with what makes us comfortable. If you aren't comfortable with your beliefs find something else to believe in. But I won't let you believe what I believe. It's a secret!

            1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

              like it or not, other people have swayed what you profess to believe in.That is just the way of the world!

      3. Rev. B's Avatar Rev. B

        I'm ok with taking the bet on your judgement day being just another biblical fairy tale. That way I can live my life without being morally obligated to single out others, hate them and treat them with disrespect. Frankly, I just can't do that.

      4. Maria Zajczenko-Varela's Avatar Maria Zajczenko-Varela

        Comment removed by user.

      5. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Amen! :-)

  1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

    Two things here:

    Thing 1 - You can say what you want as to how benign the parents SAY their belief system is, but look; They purposefully name the girl Lilith based on their religious belief system.

    And nowhere in religious belief systems that involves Lilith is she considered a positive person/entity.

    Thing 2 - In the article it says that, "The girl has a pagan witchy name obviously they're celebrating her and their beliefs."

    Well, no.

    The girl is 1 year old. She doesn't have any beliefs.

    Also, it's a little naive or ignorant or a denial of reality to go public with your counter culture beliefs and not expect the dominant culture to react to that. Particularly when those beliefs are in direct opposition to that culture.

    And no, not all religions are equal....

    In a free society, such as ours in America, you have the right to practice but you believe (but even then only after a point in certain circumstances), but many of those belief systems have teachings that are in opposition to each other. So in that regard they are not equal to one another.

    1. Amy Minckler's Avatar Amy Minckler

      Thing 1. In some belief systems she is considered to represent the duality of both light and dark female energies. Like many women who refused to be subservient to men in the bible she is vilified. Females went from being made with the same clay to being made from Adams rib so the second time around she would "belong" to Adam. Then we are told even this "docile" woman sinned first and that as decedents of Eve all women born carry her sin. Any woman who does not cast down her eyes and follow the orders of her owner (be it father or husband) is sinful and evil.

      Thing 2. Yet Christians throw water at or submerge babies starting the indoctrination of the parents belief system despite the fact that these children also don't have the any concept of what that means.

      Paganism (Definition of paganism spiritual beliefs and practices other than those of Judaism, Islam, or especially Christianity) has been a religion since before Christianity. For example Hinduism

      Christianity is rooted in Judaism and diverged in the first centuries of the Christian Era. Christianity was the subculture then.(Side note: The civil rights movement was considered a counter culture). There is nothing the proves Christianity is the "right way" only that is your way. It was spread and adopted through violence and fear. Through the subjection of non-believers. Which happened as recently as the Native Americans. In many pagan religions, for example Wicca, the main edict is For the good of all and with no harm done. So mote it be. A bit of a difference there.

      There are a couple of verses in the bible, which never seem to matter to those the follow it. Do unto others as you would want done unto you and Love they neighbor as you love yourself. From what I have seen these two edicts are not commonly embraced but are in fact reversed by many.

      1. David Cox's Avatar David Cox

        Obviously you don't know the Bible or history

        1. Joy's Avatar Joy

          Then, please, David. Enlighten us with your wisdom of the Bible and history.

          1. Kelly Manning's Avatar Kelly Manning

            It doesn't seem that this group wants to learn the Bible. Filled with hate and attack people. You'll never change God's word regardless of how many people try because they want to get likes and do evil to feel good about themselves. People take the verses out of context and mold them to mean what you want. You have to read the whole book and know what it's pertaining too. You have to pray for wisdom to understand.

      2. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

        The verses you mentioned, as well as many others ("Judge not..." etc) that people use for whatever situation, in no way mean that Christians are supposed to saps who ignore evil and sin and just go along with either.

        That is just an a statement on those verses and people that use them like that, It's not making any grand pronouncement about the subject matter of the article.

        1. Martin L Stigleman's Avatar Martin L Stigleman

          Yea, Amy...How dare you expect Christians to follow things like "Judge not, Lest Ye too be judged", and "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"?. I mean, seriously, why would they follow passages like,

          (Mark 9:33-36) They came to Capernaum; and when He was in the house, He began to question them, “What were you discussing on the way?” But they kept silent, for on the way they had discussed with one another which of them was the greatest. Sitting down, He called the twelve and *said to them, “If anyone wants to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.”.

          "Unless you are a Christian, you can't really understand what The Bible tells us to do.". Yes...This is an exact quote from someone who I was discussing religion with. In essence, it means that, unless you believe the same Hate I do, then you can't speak out against my translation of my guidebook.

          This was A PARENT...having a BIRTHDAY PARTY...for THEIR a way that followed THEIR RELIGION. If Christians want to condemn the parent for doing that, they need to stop defending the ones who insist they not have to serve members of the LGBTQ+ group because "it violates their religious freedom"!

          1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

            Those passages are not stand alone teachings. And they absolutely do not mean that Christians are not to have any discernment over what is sin in evil and call it out.

            What they are is a caution against hypocritical and overzealous judgment, especially when not setting the same standards for oneself.

    2. Amy Varela's Avatar Amy Varela

      "And no, not all religions are equal...." might be the only correct statement you made there.

      With no evidence at all, christians and muslims say that if you don't do what their books say, you will burn in hell forever. Their books, riddled with egregious errors and inconsistencies, cause many of them to kill people they don't like. They say their god is the judge, yet they revel in judging others and go apoplectic if you say anything against their beliefs.* The christian church has been by far the most violent, forcing people to convert or die.

      Do you even know what the tenets of the Satanic Temple are? Do you know that they do not believe in Satan, even though they invoke the name?

      Are you aware that most pagan religions/paths revolve around honoring and protecting the earth and advocate for peace? The thing pagans live by, generally speaking, is "the earth is our mother and we need to respect her". The thing christians live by is "my way is the only way and you'll die if you live another way".

      So no, not all religions are equal. The Abrahamic religions are more violent.

      *not all christians and muslims are like this.

      1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

        Your vision or version of the people who were/are pagans might be that of benign peoples worshiping tree spirits as they ride around on rainbow farting unicorns, but that is in direct opposition to the factual history of whole societies composed of pagan worshiping individuals. The Romans and the Vikings just to name two.

        That does not excuse or negate the misdeeds people have done in the name of Christianity. But to suggest that people that were or are paganas are simply innocent corks floating along in a sea of inhumanity is ridiculous.

      2. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

        I don't know why you're talking about evidence when we're talking about faiths here.

        There is a reason why we ask someone what FAITH they are, not what REALITY or FACT they are.

        And, from a Christian or Muslim perspective, it does not matter what their mode of worship is or how benign it is. From their perspective anything outside of those faith is wrong.

        And one cannot be a Christian or Muslim and believe otherwise. To do so is not to be true to the faith that they say they represent, if it is one of those.

        Is any of that MY personal opinion? Not necessarily. But it is an accurate representation of those faiths

    3. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Well said! I couldn't have explained it better! Also, I think ULC endorses all beliefs as a personal choice, but does not endorse attacks on any one religious belief system. So why are we attacking each other? Can we not just debate peacefully our reasons without hate speech?

      1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        atheists are bullies and don't accept questioning their beliefs , whatever beliefs they allegedly have...

        1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Richard Darwin Richards, yet this is a place where we should find unity in diversity. How come?

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