gender binary
Some experts say that the leaked messages are the words of people who believe they are fighting a righteous faith crusade. 

Leaked emails between South Dakota officials and anti-trans lobbyists are sparking widespread concern among LGBTQ+ rights groups – both for their stark opposition to transgender rights and their heavy use of Christian nationalist language.

Some activists argue that the emails are like something out of The Handmaid’s Tale, portraying an extremist religious faction that wants to wage a holy war against trans people on a national scale. 

So what exactly did these emails say? And what does this movement mean for transgender rights in the U.S.?

Emails Reveal Heavily-Religious Phrases

The leaked emails are filled with religious language and prayers, with sign-offs like “God bless you” and “Under His wings.” 

In one email thread, participants used phrases like “the Devil never sleeps” and “I pray for the 2nd coming more and more” in reference to the trans rights movement. 

The emails also include revelations about some of the ways that anti-trans lobbyists and elected lawmakers utilize religious phrases that reference “wars,” “fights,” and “battles.”

“Praise God! Five smooth stones, and an abiding faith in His justice! Good work you guys!” a lobby group member wrote following the passage of Idaho bill H500, which banned transgender athletes from competing in public school events that do not align with their birth gender. (“Five smooth stones” is a biblical reference to the story of David and Goliath, often used to refer to a situation where an underdog defeats a stronger adversary).

In another instance, South Dakota Rep. Frank Deustch wrote to a group of supporters saying: “Today, we do battle on the SD House Floor. Thank you for all your work, and your prayers.”

He received a response from Vernadette Broyles, president of the legal group Children and Parental Rights Campaign:

“Know that many have prayed and are praying for you this day. Do not back down, nor should you be afraid. Know that the Lord is with you. The children of South Dakota belong to him. He is jealous over them. Let his jealousies be spoken forth in the House of Representatives of South Dakota today so that his children would be made safe. Know you are HIS representative today. Do not be afraid. Stand firm in what is right.”

In a different email, Broyles wrote:

“Praise God!! And we cancel every assignment of backlash against you and those who stood with you. May you sleep the deep sleep of one who has warred well for what is right.”

Signs of Christian Nationalism?

Some experts argue that these messages are the words of people who think they are fighting a righteous faith crusade. 

“It is the language of Christian nationalism,” says Grand View University history professor Thomas Lecaque. “It is the language of people who very much believe they are doing God’s will, and it is the language of people who very much believe that they are engaged in a holy war.” 

In another example being cited, Elisa Rae Shupe, a transgender woman who for a short period de-transitioned and allied with anti-trans activists wrote to them in an email: “I prayed for you and the others supporting the bill today. Asked the Lord to put all of you in the Armor of God for this fight.” 

Interestingly, Shupe has since re-transitioned and renounced her ties to those groups and to Christianity. Describing the experience in an interview with VICE News, she said:

“I fell prey to the belief that if I did what they suggested that I would be cured of my gender dysphoria… I was encouraged to confess my sins, ask for forgiveness by Jesus, and turn my plight over to the Lord Jesus Christ. I was also asked to accept that my transgender status was a sexually motivated sin and to cure myself by attending a religious 12-step program, which I did for approximately a year.”

LGBTQ+ groups are sounding the alarm following these leaks, calling it a concerning example of Christian nationalism that threatens to infringe on their rights – or worse.

What Does Christianity Teach About Gender Identity?

Stories like this make it clear that some faith groups wholly oppose transgender identities, even going so far as to fashion themselves as fighting a holy war of sorts against the transgender rights movement. 

But is that a widespread view, or simply the beliefs of a small group of extremists?

The issue of transgender rights is a complex one, and there is not a single Christian perspective on it. To be sure, some denominations have strict beliefs about gender identity. 

Interestingly, one of the most cited critiques of gender theory comes from Pope Francis in a 2016 writing titled "Amoris Laetitia." In it, the pope appears to indicate that to change one's gender is to go against the wishes of the Creator:

"It needs to be emphasized that ‘biological sex and the socio-cultural role of sex (gender) can be distinguished but not separated.’ […] It is one thing to be understanding of human weakness and the complexities of life, and another to accept ideologies that attempt to sunder what are inseparable aspects of reality. Let us not fall into the sin of trying to replace the Creator. We are creatures, and not omnipotent. Creation is prior to us and must be received as a gift. At the same time, we are called to protect our humanity, and this means, in the first place, accepting it and respecting it as it was created."

With that said, many Christians do support transgender rights. Their beliefs are often rooted in basic biblical principles such as love, compassion, and equality.

These supporters sometimes point to the fact that the Bible does not explicitly address transgender identity, and therefore, it is not appropriate to make dogmatic statements about it. They argue that Christians should prioritize love and compassion over rigid interpretations of scripture.

Others say scripture actually offers evidence that transgender identities aren't so radical after all. 

That's the position of Shannon TL Kearns, the first openly transgender man ordained in the Old Catholic Church, a smaller denomination of Catholicism that split from the Church during the 19th century.

"The world of gender in the Bible is much more complex than I was taught growing up as an evangelical," Kearns points out, citing examples of figures in the Bible upending gender norms. "We have women who are judges. We have men who spend their time in the kitchen. There are eunuchs, which were considered this kind of other third gender," he says.

Interestingly, this debate over gender norms and identities is not a strictly modern – nor strictly Christian – one. In fact, scholars say some ancient faiths rejected the idea of a gender binary and instead recognized a wide variety of genders.

Where do you stand?


  1. Daniel-David's Avatar Daniel-David

    Current surveys? Happiness never comes when anyone gets everything they want. Trans people want….? ( How do you know what they want?) Parents of the majority?

    The placate everyone…?

    Consider themselves special? I have someone very close to me who would trade her life, in a second, to feel, look and behave like a normal human being.

    Look up and listen to what Pete Buttigieg said about himself. He spoke from the heart, and spoke the truth.

    We are called to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. We are committed to the orphan, the widow, the least of these….” To seek justice, love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.

  1. Robert Gagnon's Avatar Robert Gagnon

    Seems like the best way to make everyone happy about the trans issue is to give everybody what they want. Trans people want their kids to dress other than the way someone of their birth sex would traditionally dress. They want their children to be addressed as they/them and/or something other than their birth name.This is distracting to the majority of students, and agitating to the parents of the majority.  To placate everybody, a separate classroom should be used to educate the trans, non-binary, and other gender challenged. They can enjoy the company of others like them, have their own restroom, possibly a trans teacher. Since they consider themselves special, they can be referred to as Special ED. Be escorted to and from their own section at the cafeteria and have their own area for P.E.

    Current surveys prove that trans students have a 5X higher probability of autism, ADHD and schizophrenia, they can get the one on one assistance they need from someone they are comfortable with.

  1. Carrie Hatfield's Avatar Carrie Hatfield

    A human being's personhood and who they intrinsically are cannot be confined and/or defined by a collection of body parts they either have or don't have.

    It is an insult to who we truly are as individuals. The self is not dictated by the meat suit we pilot. Were my spirit and self to be placed into a different body, that wouldn't change who I am, fundamentally. I would simply then be housed in a different body.

    To reduce how someone relates to the world to genitals and procreation reduces the human condition to the most superficial and animal of standards and is a disservice to all that we have learned and achieved as a society.

  1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

    So praying should be outlawed. Good policy.

  1. Sean Nettles's Avatar Sean Nettles

    Palm 91 :2 kJV I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God In Him I will put my Trust in the U.S Constitution on the letterhead it clearly is written in God We Trust do your Research And Read the Bible Also The KJV Was in existence long before America

  1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

    I've read all the comments thus far. The 'hate' so many speak of seems to be strictly directed towards Christians from anti-Christians, at least on this blog. Much can be learned from that on both sides of this debate. Line nearly all laws of all nations, the concept of "Age of Concent" can also be found the the Holy Bible and has been demonstrated to be effective in curtailing rash decisions often made by the youth as well as curtailing evil decisions against the youth made my elders.
    Regardless of ones belief in God the Creator, tremendous wisdom and truth can be found in the Bible regarding all aspects of life, culture and civilization. Indeed, all nations employ His laws in one form or another even to this day whether they know it or not and whether they like it or not.

    Consider this: When planting a Vinyard one must wait until the plant is established before any pruning is done lest you damage or destroy the vine. So this is true with our children.

  1. Carrie Harrington's Avatar Carrie Harrington

    @Warren Calvin Hall, gee that kind of "enforce your personal life views" is exactly what Christian nationalists are doing! They want everyone to act, live, and believe the way they do! If they want to believe that way, fine but they do NOT have the right to shove their hateful, excluding, desire for the genocide of an entire group of people into laws for the rest of us. No one is forcing them to be gay, or forcing them to be trans, or forcing them to have abortions.

    If they don't want their kids to hear about their fellow classmates' gay or trans family then they need to send their kids to religious schools. Too expensive? Well then why don't the churches that are harping on these issues offer free education for the believers' children?

  1. Warren Calvin Wall's Avatar Warren Calvin Wall

    For the most part, people really don't care who you sleep with or marry. Most people don't care how you identify. Most people don't care what you deem your pronoun, adjective, or which ever descriptor that you call yourself. They simply don't care. That is until you intrude on the personal lives and the rights of others. You will never be able to force others to accept your personal ideology. Never. Especially when those others are the majority. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect until they prove themselves to be disrespectable. You have the right to live your life as you choose within the law. You do NOT have the right to expect others to participate. People have accepted and recognized homosexuality for centuries. Depending on the culture it is legally accepted or legally forbidden. The simple fact is that you cannot force people to accept your life choices when they go against the majority's culture and morals. You can get laws passed to prevent discrimination of your class but you can never legislate acceptance. When you attempt to enforce your personal life views by infringing on the rights of others you will simply grow hate. I believe that many of you are experiencing this hate today. Good luck.

  1. Warren Calvin Wall's Avatar Warren Calvin Wall

    For the most part, people really don't care who you sleep with or marry. Most people don't care how you identify. Most people don't care what you deem your pronoun, adjective, or which ever descriptor that you call yourself. They simply don't care. That is until you intrude on the personal lives and the rights of others. You will never be able to force others to accept your personal ideology. Never. Especially when those others are the majority. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect until they prove themselves to be disrespectable. You have the right to live your life as you choose within the law. You do NOT have the right to expect others to participate. People have accepted and recognized homosexuality for centuries. Depending on the culture it is legally accepted or legally forbidden. The simple fact is that you cannot force people to accept your life choices when they go against the majority's culture and morals. You can get laws passed to prevent discrimination of your class but you can never legislate acceptance. When you attempt to enforce your personal life views by infringing on the rights of others you will simply grow hate. I believe that many of you are experiencing this hate today. Good luck.

  1. Joe R Day's Avatar Joe R Day

    Having read the article and (most of the comments) I feel compelled to offer my thoughts and opinions. First, is there a combined and religion-focused effort to exclude and denigrate all trans folk? Yes, it would appear so. There are numerous historical recordings involving 'trans people'. From ancient Asian records to Native Americans who accepted them as part of their tribes, trans-folk are a very real part of history. The biggest 'problem' I have with this historical part of our societies? Transitions of underage humans. It is my opinion that waiting until the Age of Consent is vital to the person involved. There was a time in my past (around 12) that I was SURE I should have been female. I am glad that trans surgery was NOT an option back then. -sigh- This is a sticky and multi-layered issue that there is no 'easy answer' to. Thanks for reading my opinion and thanks to the Monastery for allowing comments.

  1. Michael James Bethuy's Avatar Michael James Bethuy

    Simple, girl bits”Girl”, boy bits”Boy”, everything else is a sexual choice or preference. Treat good people with kindness and treat bad people poorly if you must interact.

    1. Rev. B's Avatar Rev. B

      What about those with both bits? Or neither?

    2. Beth's Avatar Beth

      So, what if somebody is born with "bits" that are ambiguous as to whether they are "boy" bits or "girl" bits, or is born with no "bits" at all? Or, is that person just a mistake?

      In reality, that person will be assigned a gender at birth or shortly after. Parental preference might figure into it. It might or might not be the sex or gender the person feels they are while they are growing up or as adults.

    3. Cyril R. VanKeirsbelk's Avatar Cyril R. VanKeirsbelk

      Anyone that thinks people choose their orientation is probably one of the people they are condemning. The only reason you could consider it a choice is if you made a choice because you were so inclined.

      Actual straight people know they couldn't choose to be anything else because they have no attraction to the same gender.

    4. Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson's Avatar Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson

      Read and learn.

      1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

        I read your article. Indeed, I learned much.

        Science says pigs and humans share 98% of their DNA, could be true I guess. Life forms that have commonalities does not equate to those life forms behaving commonly. While I've seen plenty of humans acting like pigs, I've never seen a pig act like a human. Only humans become that which they gaze upon. Only humans become what they believe they are. We are unique on the planet and in the cosmos.

  1. Sean Nettles's Avatar Sean Nettles

    The American Constitution itself was founded upon biblical standards that sets forth spiritual laws and Records God's enduring promises I believe entirely in the Bible and its truthful integrity I cannot say the same for most pastors who teach from the Biblical scriptures it's very sad to watch people manipulate the principles and fundamentals of the Holy Bible it's also very wrong to listen to what other people's interpretation of what they think there Biblical interpretation of the Holy Bible most of the time the Bible is completely and wrongfully misinterpreted God is love God is peace God is truth in the name of Jesus Christ

    1. Beth's Avatar Beth

      False. There is no mention at all of any divinity in the US Constitution, except that there is to be a separation between church and state per the first amendment.

      The Treaty of Tripoli, signed by several of the framers of the US Constitution said straight-out that the US is in no way a "Christian Nation".

      1. Sean Nettles's Avatar Sean Nettles

        It clearly states on the letter head if u.s Constitution In God We Trust same references in the King James Bible

        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          No where in the U.S. Constitution does it say "In God We Trust." "In God We Trust" was adopted by the U.S. Congress in 1956, replacing E pluribus unum, which had been the de facto motto since the initial design of the Great Seal of the United States.

      2. David Richard Procter's Avatar David Richard Procter

        The founders of the nation and Framers of the Constitution were certainly influenced by Christianity and the Bible.

        Many founders also saw in the Bible political and legal models–such as republicanism, separation of powers, federalism, and due process of law–they believed enjoyed divine favor and were worthy of emulation in their polities.

  1. Bridget Kielas-Fecyk's Avatar Bridget Kielas-Fecyk

    For those claiming there are only TWO genders that, and I quote here "God created", sorry, but no, that is not true. And your religion has nothing to do with your genetic makeup.

    Genetically speaking, there are over 50 human gender variants, though outwardly, a person's gender can be born to show one of four physical appearances.

    1) Born appearing to be male.

    2) Born appearing to be female.

    3) Born hermaphroditic, i.e. showing both gender traits.

    4) Born genderless, showing no gender traits.

    Now, that being said, it's not unusual for the PARENTS to choose their children's gender if they are born hermaphrodite or genderless. However, what the parents choose may NOT be what the gender of the child actually is. Nor does their outward appearance always show their true gender as well.

    Allow me to explain.

    You see, genetically speaking, as I stated earlier, there are multiple human genders, and there are many, many MORE gender variants. You can appear to be female by birth, and yet, genetically, be male. Internally, at the genetic level, your DNA shows that you are actually "wired" to be male, as it were.

    You can appear to be male, by birth, and yet, genetically, be female. Internally, at the genetic level, your DNA shows you are actually "wired" to be female.

    So, despite what some individuals may espouse and claim, there are FAR more than two human genders. Hell, even by birth, you can physically be one of four outward appearances. And it is, I assure you, all completely natural. There is no "god" factor with this, or a "devil" factor, or anything supernatural involved. For those who believe in such a thing.

    It all comes down to how your DNA came together before you were ever born. So for those saying individuals who are LGBTQ+ are "unnatural", and those disparaging Trans individuals as "refusing their birth-right", you're wrong. It's completely natural. And, in fact, an individual transitioning to the other gender may, in fact, be simply gaining the physical appearance they were meant to have all along.

    1. Rev. B's Avatar Rev. B

      Thank you, Bridget for the clear, concise, and factual explanation. If only it could reduce the hatred people feel for that which they do not understand.

    2. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

      Thank you for such a great explanation.

    3. Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson's Avatar Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson

      Another resource:

    4. Patricia M Bowyer's Avatar Patricia M Bowyer

      Thank you for that great explanation

    5. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      Regardless of any genetic data and the desired meaning of the data, children are children. We don't dare expose a child to permanent physical alterations. Using your own explanation of gender, I suppose you could be killing off a new gender by forcing a gender upon a child via surgery and medication. In essence, you are doing what you think the religious right is doing. In this way, you are locking the child in to what you think and believe and therefore remove any future possibilities from them.

      1. Tom's Avatar Tom

        How would you be forcing a gender upon a child if the child is the one who has stated that they are transgender and have been seeing a therapist to verify these feelings? It's not like parents are the ones telling their children to be transgender, parents are just listening to what their kids are saying and acting for their benefit.

  1. Ronald David Viles's Avatar Ronald David Viles

    all I have to say is Leviticus 18-22

    1. Jaxson's Avatar Jaxson

      That means nothing to me because that comes from a fictional book. Not facts.

  1. Nicholas Peter Christopher's Avatar Nicholas Peter Christopher

    With liberty and justice for all!!! No one has the right to reassign a child, When a child becomes an adult only then should they be able to choose a gender and live how they want to. If the Trans community wants acceptance they must abandon the indoctrination of children!! Sexuality has no place in schools PERIOD!!

    1. Gary Leu's Avatar Gary Leu
      1. Children aren’t “reassigned.” No surgical or irreversible procedure is performed on minors according to any professional standard or guidelines.
      2. Seeking acceptance for oneself is not an “agenda.” Again, there are thoughtful well researched professional guidelines used to treat individuals. The existence of those procedures is not a conspiracy or agenda.
      3. “Sexuality has no place in schools”?!! That’s laughable! Did you attend Mom’s High School? Boyfriends, girlfriends, dating, broken hearts, falling in love, first kisses, a lot of firsts (including sexual) are all part of normal development for teens, despite the attitudes of prudish adults.
    2. Jaxson's Avatar Jaxson

      The average trans person knows they were trans at age 6. The average child knows the difference between sexes at age 4. Teach children the differences of the world because they exist. STOP INDOCTRINATING STRAIGHT NORMS ON TO CHILDREN. Let them express what they want at any age.

    3. Beth's Avatar Beth

      So, what do you think of assigning a sex - either male or female - to a child at birth who has ambiguous or missing genitalia?

  1. Jaxson's Avatar Jaxson

    I don’t believe in God. The whole idea is a cult. People are followers, not leaders.. yawn. Boring if you ask me.

    Human beings have been engaging is same sex and sex transitions for many years, if not thousands. None of this is news. The majority of the world just likes to sweep this under the rug.

    Let people be happy. If two women or two men want to marry each other, or if a trans man and a cis woman want to marry, let them! How the hell does this affect anyone else? It doesn’t. That’s the point. Love is love. Your body, your choice. My wife and I support the LGBTQ+ 100%!

  1. Steven Ferrell's Avatar Steven Ferrell

    God made two sexed, male and female. They are made for two different purposes. A born male is not female and a born female is not male.
    Are some males more feminine acting? Yes. Are some females more male acting? Yes . But the are still the gender they were at birth.
    Men cannot carry and deliver a baby.
    This push to try and indoctrinate children into being so called trans is of satan.
    That is just my personal feeling.

    We still show Gods love and respect to everyone however.

    1. Jaxson's Avatar Jaxson

      You are a dumb*** lol that is just my personal feeling.

  1. Steven Ferrell's Avatar Steven Ferrell

    God made two sexed, male and female. They are made for two different purposes. A born male is not female and a born female is not male.
    Are some males more feminine acting? Yes. Are some females more male acting? Yes . But the are still the gender they were at birth.
    Men cannot carry and deliver a baby.
    This push to try and indoctrinate children into being so called trans is of satan.
    That is just my personal feeling.

    We still show Gods love and respect to everyone however.

    1. Jaxson's Avatar Jaxson


    2. Cyril R. VanKeirsbelk's Avatar Cyril R. VanKeirsbelk

      So by your reasoning an infertile female is actually a male?

    3. Gary Leu's Avatar Gary Leu

      “We still show Gods love and respect to everyone however.“

      Ah… the “love the sinner but has the sin” stance.

      Such a lovely platitude, but I don’t think it’s ever reality. The test would be if the “sinner” actually feels like they are loved and being loved.

  1. Samuel Tamayo's Avatar Samuel Tamayo

    GOOD ! GOOD ! my brothers and sisters that is the basis of our beliefs more so and especially the only one almighty God. This is actually what keeps the power of wisdom unlimited and alive .Question it yes Always .. Always using the book of law as a guide ..its worked for since it was written... set aside the BS of ; Well Society is changing we have to roll with the ball , BS ! Live it don't forget it ..john 1:1-3 in the beginning was the word , and the word was with God. He was in the beginning with God. all things were made through him. and without him was not anything made ."that was made these are the verses we must focus on today always and forever .. Society is working backwards , stand out GOD'S universe and its wisdom has stood the test of time and it is written the power it reveals is Unlimited for With God all things are possible. Its worked before let us go back and do it again. keep questioning it . it keeps us all alive as we do God's work / WILL . Faith is awesome but praise the best weapon to make it happen. Peace be with you all 🙏🏻🕯📖🕯🙏🏻

  1. Samuel Tamayo's Avatar Samuel Tamayo

    GOOD ! GOOD ! my brothers and sisters that is the basis of our beliefs more so and especially of the only one almighty God. This is actually what keeps the power of wisdom unlimited and alive .Question it yes Always .. Always using the book of law as a guide ..its worked for since it was written... set aside the BS of ; Well Society is changing we have to roll with the ball , BS! Live it don't forget it ..john 1:1-3 in the beginning was the word , and the word was with God. He was in the beginning with God. all things were made through him. and without him was not anything made ."that was made these are the verses we must focus on today always and forever .. Society is working backwards , stand out GOD'S universe and its wisdom has stood the test of time and it is written the power it reveals is Unlimited for With God all things are possible. Its worked before let us go back and do it again. keep questioning it . it keeps us all alive as we do God's work / WILL . Faith is awesome but praise the best weapon to make it happen. Peace be with you all 🙏🏻🕯📖🕯🙏🏻

  1. Robert Gagnon's Avatar Robert Gagnon

    This was a response to a comment that there never were any connections to gay pedophiles clubs. Nambla is the official name of the man boy love association. They were the reason that the international lesbian gay association lost their recognition at the UN. This is a fact, not false as you claim, there was a connection that the good people in LGB separated themselves from. Current DSM5 is not factual backed. They only recommend encouraging the symptoms rather than treat the issue, which is dysphoria. Once again we are dealing with unhealthy minds that are being pushed towards unsound treatment. Nothing can change sexual attraction, even personal restraint will only result in mental infatuation that will carry on throughout a persons life time. A dry drunk is a good example, they may not drink but they spend every waking moment, and dreams of longing for it. The show Euphoria shows trans juveniles seeking out sex with guys in their 40's. These are the heroes of the current trans youth. 90% of trans have bio mental issues. These can be treated with therapy. Telling these lonely, weak, unguided minds that they will be loved by others like them, they only have to embrace their dysphoria and mutilate themselves. An Adult has a developed mind, they should do what ever makes them feel good. Children should be guided and sheltered from bad influences. Not loving yourself or your body is an illness, it should be treated and not encouraged!

    1. Jaxson's Avatar Jaxson

      Ignorant fool

    2. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

      Tripling down on the ignorance doesn’t make you right. These old garbage stereotypes have been debunked, if only you’d update your data. The only unhealthy mind here is yours, with this psychotic obsession you have with Trans people. Almost like you’re the pedophile trying to throw people off your trail by projecting your nasty habits onto others.

  1. Kcoyle's Avatar Kcoyle

    Typos corrected:

    Any discussion of LGBTQ+ needs to begin with definitions. Many don't understand the difference between sex (biology), sexual orientation (attraction), and gender (identity).

    It's FALSE that LGBTQ+ people have any connection to pedophilia. It's FALSE that LGBTQ+ people are simply "experimenting" or "choosing a lifestyle." It's FALSE that homosexuality is "contagious" or can be "taught" to others. Unfortunately, many people believe these myths, and use them to--at best--express their fear of people they don't understand, and--at worst--revile them and restrict their human rights.

    It can be frightening, difficult, and painful to come out as homosexual or gender queer. It takes a lot of courage to come out and be who you are in a culture of pervasive fear, hate, and condemnation. Why would anyone put themselves through that unless they have an urgent, compelling reason? Trans people, for example, don't invent their dysphoria, which can lead to suicide; gender dysphoria is a real issue in the DSM 5 (current psychiatry and psychology reference used to aid diagnosis).

    Instead of condemning what you don't understand, please try to educate yourselves from reliable, vetted, scientific sources before you even offer an opinion. Better yet, get to know some LGBTQ+ people, so you can discover that first and foremost, they are people. Whatever faith you hold or don't hold, treating others with kindness and compassion is the right thing to do.

    1. Robert Gagnon's Avatar Robert Gagnon

      Nambla is the official name of the man boy love association. They were the reason that the international lesbian gay association lost their recognition at the UN. This is a fact, not false as you claim, there was a connection that the good people in LGB separated themselves from. Current DSM5 is not factual backed. They only recommend encouraging the symptoms rather than treat the issue, which is dysphoria. Once again we are dealing with unhealthy minds that are being pushed towards unsound treatment. Nothing can change sexual attraction, even personal restraint will only result in mental infatuation that will carry on throughout a persons life time. A dry drunk is a good example, they may not drink but they spend every waking moment, and dreams of longing for it. The show Euphoria shows trans juveniles seeking out sex with guys in their 40's. These are the heroes of the current trans youth. 90% of trans have bio mental issues. These can be treated with therapy. Telling these lonely, weak, unguided minds that they will be loved by others like them, they only have to embrace their dysphoria and mutilate themselves. An Adult has a developed mind, they should do what ever makes them feel good. Children should be guided and sheltered from bad influences. Not loving yourself or your body is an illness, it should be treated and not encouraged!

      1. Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson's Avatar Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson

        Do you and how you are define the entire universe?

  1. Bryan Bauman's Avatar Bryan Bauman

    God's word is true. It doesn't make any difference if the sinners say they have rights to commit sin and abominations they will be punished by God's standard regardless of their perverted desires. The saved will be judged by God as well in how we lived our lives. The lost sinners spread Satan's or evil propaganda. Christians are to witness, educate and encourage righteous living and standards under Jesus the King. Under the Constitution the lettuce salad doesn't have more or even special rights over Christians. The word salad hates the Constitution because it already limits their rights to be equal with everyone else. Since when did mental illness become okay with the Left? When it destroys a country. This is where they lose because God's wrath is poured out on the whole nation for their sins. This is where Christianity and God wins out and overrules their depravity.

    1. Johnnie Roberte Lambert's Avatar Johnnie Roberte Lambert

      To which god are you referring?

      1. Rev. B's Avatar Rev. B

        I think he's talking about Zeus.

  1. David Richard Procter's Avatar David Richard Procter

    "The important thing is not what you believe, but how you believe it. If you think that your belief is based upon reason, you will support it by argument, rather than by persecution, and will abandon it if the argument goes against you. But if your belief is based on faith, you will realize that argument is useless, and will therefore resort to force either in the form of persecution or by stunting and distorting the minds of the young in what is called “education". This last is peculiarly dastardly, since it takes advantage of the defenselessness of immature minds. Unfortunately it is practiced in a greater or less degree in the schools of every civilized country."

    — Bertrand Russell, Human Society In Ethics And Politics (1954), Part. II: The Conflict of Passions, Ch. VII, Will Religious Faith Cure Our Troubles?, p. 220

  1. David Cox's Avatar David Cox

    The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

    21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

    24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

    26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

    28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

    1. David Richard Procter's Avatar David Richard Procter

      Paul was a very clever man and an excellent problem solver.

      1. Jaxson's Avatar Jaxson

        Fictional book. Yawn.. next.

        1. David Richard Procter's Avatar David Richard Procter

          Consider L. Ron Hubbard, how many years later?

    2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Still no evidence thatvyour particular god is real?


  1. David Cox's Avatar David Cox

    The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

    21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

    24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

    26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

    28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

  1. Bishop William Dusenberry, DD's Avatar Bishop William Dusenberry, DD

    The bottom line - Ernest Haeckel’s “The Riddle of the Universe” — there is absolutely nothing that’s supernatural that the human mind can comprehend.”

    If any of my fellow ULC’ers are able provide any evidence that Dr. Haeckel is wrong in this regard, please post the source so that we all can critique it together.

    Supernatural-based religions are nothing more (or, less) attempts to personify nature.

  1. NLilly's Avatar NLilly

    Where Do I Stand In This Matter? 03.25.2023 ♥

    1): I'm not here for 'brownie points'. So that alone, should tell everyone interested in me, where I stand in this matter. There's certainly No Need for me to keep explaining myself, over and over in such matters / conversations.


    For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with GOD. For it is written, HE taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

    And again, The LORD Knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are VAIN!

    Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

    Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

    Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink:

    Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!

    Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of Hosts, and despised the Word of the Holy One of ISRAEL. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    Therefore, Every Kingdom In This World Will FALL / COLLAPSE! AND, The Only Kingdom Remaining Will Be That Of My/Our LORD & SAVIOR CHRIST JESUS! And You Can "TAKE THAT TO THE BANK"! ♥ XOXO ♥ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    Praying And Repenting For America Always! As an American Citizen Trusting Only In The LORD JESUS CHRIST! HIS WORDS & TRUTH! ♥ And for the Rest of the World, because JESUS CHRIST did NOT die in Vain! Selah! AMEN! LORD JESUS! HALLELUYAH! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥

    1. Johnnie Roberte Lambert's Avatar Johnnie Roberte Lambert

      So you're reading from your book of Fairy Tales and feeling that it's the only way to think. Good for you. We need to separate Church from State, which is the reason this country was founded. Enough of the Christian Nationalism. When I think Nationalism in any form I think NAZI. I believe that all people seeking to wipe out a portion of our population are Nazis.

      1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

        Fairy tale is a bit of a stretch. The vast majority of the events in the old testament have been revealed by archeologist, both christian and athiest alike as actual events that occurred. One can debate the existence of God but they can't debate the events of the Bible such as the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

    2. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

      All that and boldface type, too.

  1. John P Maher's Avatar John P Maher


  1. Colleen McAllister's Avatar Colleen McAllister

    Whether they are sinners or not all people should be treated the same and allowed the freedom to live as they feel comfortable. It is not our place to decide who is male or female. Even the animals have no clear cut boundaries in regards to sex. Do not let a small group if loud people decide for the rest of us.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      For human beings, Colleen, there are only two sexes. Offspring bearing, and non-offspring bearing, more commonly known as male and female.

      As for gender identity, that’s a whole different scenario, which is what you might be referring to.


    2. Robert Gagnon's Avatar Robert Gagnon

      Everyone should be able to live any way they want as long as it does not threaten or impose on anyone else. Exposing children to drag, kids in the wrong bathrooms, religious children subjected to sexual abnormalities to appease a minute minority, this is wrong. Also unfair to the majority. Average parents have lost their right to expect their children to have some expectation of moral protection at school. Since when does the majority of good hard working people bow down in total appeasement to people unhappy about the body they are born into? Also, aren't we a step above animal behavior. Fortunately nature chose our gender for us.

      1. Jaxson's Avatar Jaxson

        Ignorant fool

      2. Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson's Avatar Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson

        Implicit in your comment is the idea that you are the epitome of humanity, and all other people should be judged against what you are and what you declare is acceptable.

        Think about that.

  1. Matthew Mastrogiovanni's Avatar Matthew Mastrogiovanni




    1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

      Although I understand your sentiment, support it fully and would like to see it happen, I think it’s going to require another 100 years or so before any real progress is seen.

      1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

        The trouble is, as civilizations approach the destination you desire, as ours is, they get utterly destroyed, fully and totally. There are zero exceptions to this phenomenon.

    2. John P Maher's Avatar John P Maher

      GOT THAT RIGHT 100 %


      1. Steven Ferrell's Avatar Steven Ferrell

        Who defines what is hateful? The 1st Amendment says Freedom of Speech. It does not say unless it hurts someone’s feelings.
        Once we stop freedom of speech, even if we don’t agree with the message personally, we are no longer a free country.

        1. Joe Stutler's Avatar Joe Stutler

          Just remember that the 1A isn't unidirectional.

      2. Steven Ferrell's Avatar Steven Ferrell

        Who defines what is hateful? The 1st Amendment says Freedom of Speech. It does not say unless it hurts someone’s feelings.
        Once we stop freedom of speech, even if we don’t agree with the message personally, we are no longer a free country.

        1. Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson's Avatar Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson

          Tolerating hate doesn't make a society tolerant, it makes it hateful.

          This is what Germany learned over 70 years ago. Let's not forget it.

        2. Daniel-David's Avatar Daniel-David

          The Supreme Court has structured the First Amendment by including TIME, PLACE and MANNER, as guiding principles. The often quoted: ‘You can’t yell FIRE in a crowded theater’ has a narrowing effect.

          The rub comes in when what is said, is not what the listener hears. Unfortunately, we live in a time where the 10 second sound-bite has replaced thoughtful responses.

          When you overlay religions, especially religions that hold to the view: GOD SAID IT, I BELIEVE IT, AND THAT SETTLES IT begin to exclude thoughts and practices to the contrary.

          When Jesus looked up that Sycamore tree and told Zacchaeus to climb down because salvation had come to his house, Jesus, with his word’s transformed the tax collectors life.

          That’s what our words and actions must include. We must speak language of the heart, language of peace and reconciliation.

  1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

    Those examples may be a wee bit stronger than usual, and perhaps a few more have joined in but it’s just the new focus of the religiously delusional whackjobs. Whether it’s gays, or interracial relationships, evolution(sciencej being taught in school or some other delusional group extolling their particular version of Mr. Magic’s commands, they are always going off on something or another.

    1. Jaxson's Avatar Jaxson

      Science is fact, religion is fictional.

      1. Gary Leu's Avatar Gary Leu

        …unless religion aligns with science.

        It very well could be that to understand science is to understand the mind of God.

      2. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

        Science once taught microbes don't exist, the earth is flat, matter is indestructible, the earth is 200K years old, mercury injections cure disease, smoking tobacco is good for you, human flight is impossible and the atomic bomb is a good invention. Of course there is a limit of how many things I'm willing to put down, I'm sure you get the idea. Science is wrong more often than it is right. It's really quite remarkable just how often were wrong.

  1. David Arthur Lewis's Avatar David Arthur Lewis

    Who Would Jesus Hate? I mean, besides lawyers, bankers, and tax collectors...

  1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

    Not only is there a trans war attack on Christianity and Mormons in social media. There's a full on attack against Christians and Mormons in social media by just about everyone including ex-church members. The stories they are telling especially by the women of how they and their friends were sexually abused by their pastor, bishop or church elder is horrifying. Not to mention how church money was given to help those in need was "stolen" and used for other purposes. The LDS Church has $200 Billion dollars in stocks, bonds and real estate that was collected to help those in need. The church only spent $500 Thousand of the $200 Billion to provide aid to those in need.

    Young people on social media are just exposing Christians for the twisted lies they tell. I encourage you to take a look on social media, YouTube, TikTok, Reddit and Facebook at how Christians and Christian religion is being exposed as nothing but lies and false truths.

  1. David Richard Procter's Avatar David Richard Procter

    Male dominance throughout the ages infused with sexual power and authority over females. For instance, why and how did "nakedness" become unacceptable? Considering the fact that "God" is a figment of our imaginations, humanity made the rules and set the standards that have been with us for thousands of years, and those rules and standards are very slow to change due to their widespread acceptance. There will always be those who disagree and who will display their rancor in varying degrees of opposition depending on the depth of the controversy.

    "Well, there can’t be a practical reason for believing what isn’t true. That’s quite, at least, I rule it out as impossible. Either the thing is true, or it isn’t. If it is true, you should believe it, and if it isn’t, you shouldn’t. And if you can’t find out whether it’s true or whether it isn’t, you should suspend judgment. But you can’t. It seems to me a fundamental dishonesty and a fundamental treachery to intellectual integrity to hold a belief because you think it’s useful, and not because you think it’s true."

    — Bertrand Russell, On The Existence of God & The Afterlife (1959) Interview CBC TV

    1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

      Ahh, Mr. Russell. He’s a favorite of mine. Have you read his essay ‘Why I am not a Christian.’?

      1. David Richard Procter's Avatar David Richard Procter

        I read Russell all the time.

        I had a teacher in Lancashire, England, when I was a young boy, who marched with him in his "Ban the Bomb" demonstrations in London. She could have known him; she was very bright and, also, a good family friend.

  1. Robert Gagnon's Avatar Robert Gagnon

    It took decades for the LGB community to finally find acceptance in American society. The religious right didn't like it but they could right it off as sinners that had given to their more base instincts. Same sex marriage and other rights were recognized in most states. Even some churches were to some degree beginning to accept these concepts within their ranks. Then Q gets added. This is described as encompassing all irregular forms of sexual attraction with no definitive description. That caused an issue since pedophilia, s&m and all manor of perverse possibilities are now added to a hard earned recognition of rights won. Pedophiles are born that way, they can't help themselves, they need it to be happy. Do we allow this to happen to the detriment of our children, so they can feel good? Hell no! Dysphoria was treated in the early seventies with only therapy resulting in a cure rate above 85%. When did we give up on treatment and amplify the symptoms? Every unhappy autistic kid is told they are in the wrong body, but they don't have to be alone. They can join a club and be important. But they have to demand everyone else go along with this lie. Use the wrong bathroom, cheat in sports, cry victim when their real name is used. You brought this fanatical wrath onto yourselves. LGB should separate themselves from this monstrosity before they are dragged down with them. The minority seldom wins.

    1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

      Shut the hell up Gag-on. It’s LGBTQ+ or nothing. The fact that you’re encouraging the LGB to throw the TQ+ portion under the bus is disgusting. Especially over poorly defined queer rhetoric. The P stands for Pansexual, not pedophilia. The community does not accept pedophilia. We didn’t bring it onto ourselves, you religious lunatics have been pushing for our eradication, since the beginning. It’s you fools who cry victim when you don’t get your way, who’ve been choosing violence against us. Seriously. Get help.

      1. Robert Gagnon's Avatar Robert Gagnon

        Name calling, really? Better to live in reality and be squealed at by a fairy. You did not address Q did you. There is no real definition for the Q. So you admit I am right. And what about the Man Boy Association? Hey some kids are born dominant, they should demand to be called Master Billy. They can Force their will on Slave Cindy and Passive Paul at school where they wear the leather outfits they picked out online. Pansexual is just another name for a bisexual, grow up and stop making up these bogus labels. Keep shoving it in normal peoples faces or reap your demise. Most of the world gets by without forcing their sexual preference on others. We don't care, just keep it to yourself. Who made you spokes person for the whole of the LGB community?

      2. Val Jester's Avatar Val Jester

        Nothing like showing us your emotions sans intellect. I agree, the QT is destroying the LGB.

        1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

          A clown talking of intellect is rich. The LGB like lady’s sports is a straw man argument because you lot don’t generally care about either, and will gladly use the hot button topic to destroy the other. The LGBTQIA+ have always been a loose community because there have always been self destructive hetero normative elements there that seek to appease the larger straight world around us. An the only thing “queer” about them is their partner choice. Opportunists like yourself crow happily at the thought of all the community being outlawed and crushed once more. Don’t deny it. It’s a sin to tell a lie.

          1. Lisa Miller's Avatar Lisa Miller

            It's a sad day when trans envelopes the gay community. Trans is not a realistic thing. It is something that every kid now sees as the "in" thing to do. Your anger is doing nothing to help your argument in fact you are harming the trannies by being angry. What about Knoxville? What if that woman had therapy instead of hormones? Doctors are not regulating it. Anyone with massive amounts of testosterone is angry and violent. It is because these hormones are checked every few months with a blood test... If they are ever checked at all. Doctor's are handing out these pills and surgeries without therapy without (as they did in the 80's) having that person live as the opposite sex for a few years. That way there is no "de-transitioning". It's an epidemic and it's disgusting the way they push this on children now. Children do not know what they want. And don't lie to me and say they do. I wanted to be a cat when I was a kid. I wanted to be a boy in HS. I was a lesbian and college. And now I'm just happily bi. No surgeries needed. You don't need this garbage.

            It's all about... Come join us... We have candy. Kids, peer pressure, big pharma, ACLU, and the government. Join us... We can make all your dreams come true.

            Satan and Jesus in the desert, buddy.

            1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

              You sound miserable no matter what stage in life you are ma’am. You’re the type of person who thinks that sexuality a personality quirk and if you change it, it’ll make you happy. That’s not how that works. I’ve known lots of people like that. The so called ex gays and ex trans, who people please their way through life. Being Trans is as equally complicated as it’s not. Children aren’t given hormone therapy, and ultimately hormones blockers aren’t given till the onset of puberty and with parental consent. Hormones like testosterone or estrogen aren’t allowed till one is 18. An to be trans one doesn’t need surgery. Like at all. Your BS projections about the Trans community say more about you than you would ever admit. You’re using the same arguments that were used against the Gay and Lesbian community, whilst also pushing a man hating lesbian agenda. Good grief you’re a hot mess.

      3. Robert Gagnon's Avatar Robert Gagnon

        Thanks for the visual of what you'd do to my python. You don't call the shots for LGB, not even a representative. Pansex is Bi, stop making up stupid labels with redundant meanings. Man Boy association was part of your crowd but the good LGB refused to be associated with them. As they should dump the Q+. 90 percent of trans have mental issues, Autism, ADD, Schizophrenia. So you are arguing for the mass castration either chemical or surgical of the mentally challenged in America. I think that is a wonderful you have. Lets cull the heard and stop wasting resources on what are obviously bad breeders. Too bad it's too late for Mr and Ms Ruhnk to participate.

        1. Jaxson's Avatar Jaxson

          BAHA ignorant much

        2. Gary Leu's Avatar Gary Leu

          Gagnon, the tonnage of ignorant, faulty reasoning, and just plain lies you’re spewing forth could stop a team of oxen in their tracks.

          Not all opinions are created equal. Yours are a waste of effort.

        3. Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson's Avatar Kenneth Lafe Eric Sanderson

          Read and learn.

    2. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

      “ LGB should separate themselves from this monstrosity before they are dragged down with them. The minority seldom wins.”

      The LGB seems to be an organization with the purpose of obtaining/having the right to do what one wants with their little fleshy bits. I don’t fully get the trans movement but it does seem to be about sex, so whatever.

      But, again, I don’t get it. It just seems to be a fad. A way to say ‘Look at me, I’m different.’ Cool, knock yourself out. But I have two issues.

      • Unless an individual has fully transitioned, meaning surgery to get the bits right, some guy who didn’t make the varsity basketball team can’t put on some makeup, slip on a thong, claim to be trans and join the girls team. Fleshy bits ain’t right, nope.

      • I’ll make an effort to get the pronouns right but if I slip up and make a mistake any corrections made/offered better be polite, made with kid gloves and an understanding smile on your face.

    3. Jaxson's Avatar Jaxson


    4. Kevin Joseph Kervick's Avatar Kevin Joseph Kervick

      Correct. It is sexual anarchy and designed to be such by corporate, elite transhumanists. Read this:

    5. Jaxson's Avatar Jaxson

      Comment removed by user.

    6. Daniel-David's Avatar Daniel-David

      Wow, there’s a lot to unpack. In the Greek and Hebrew the definition for SIN includes:

      Hebrew: bad, wickedness, guilt, iniquity, err, to rebel,

      And here’s my favorite: TO WONDER AWAY- Isaiah 28.7

      Greek: bad, evil, unrighteous, to go astray, to fall away, and hypocrite.

      So, apply those terms as it pleases you.

      Everything God breathed life into is scared, holy and complete. Think about the most intimate thing you do in your life. God breathed into your nostrils the gift of life. Visualize that. It was life-giving and life-saving. All God’s creatures and blessed.

  1. Marcella J Schieffelin's Avatar Marcella J Schieffelin

    With all due respect, Pope Francis needs to be educated on gender as a social construct. I’m guessing that Pope Francis does not have the knowledge about genetics and biology that would explain that sometimes there is no clear gender at birth, yet due to a societal construct of gender, one is assigned one of two genders at birth that is a sometimes very arbitrary decision that has a major impact on a person’s life. Let’s also look to other cultures that operate without a binary gender system. If we are all created in the image of G-d (B’Tzelem Elohim), who are we to judge a person for being “different.?” Our job is to love each other and support each other as humans who who deserve respect, dignity, and understanding. Dare I point out that the “understanding of human weakness and the complexities of life” can point to the absolute thinking of gender as binary and perhaps the interpretation of the Pope’s Bible and understanding is erroneous as he is a human too, not omnipotent.

    Interestingly, one of the most cited critiques of gender theory comes from Pope Francis in a 2016 writing titled "Amoris Laetitia." In it, the pope appears to indicate that to change one's gender is to go against the wishes of the Creator:

    "It needs to be emphasized that ‘biological sex and the socio-cultural role of sex (gender) can be distinguished but not separated.’ […] It is one thing to be understanding of human weakness and the complexities of life, and another to accept ideologies that attempt to sunder what are inseparable aspects of reality. Let us not fall into the sin of trying to replace the Creator. We are creatures, and not omnipotent. Creation is prior to us and must be received as a gift. At the same time, we are called to protect our humanity, and this means, in the first place, accepting it and respecting it as it was created."

    1. Johnnie Roberte Lambert's Avatar Johnnie Roberte Lambert

      Pope Francis is a Jesuit with degrees in Philosophy. He taught Psychology in Argentina and received his doctorate in Germany. He's no idiot!

  1. Alexander Arends's Avatar Alexander Arends

    Regardless of how you interpret the Bible, you can't just keep on separating society based on race, politics, creed, sexual orientation or whatever else may divide us. Never the less, a denomination has a right to set its own set of rules to abide by. So choose your religion and try to live by it. At the same time, be tolerant of people who don't share your point of view.

  1. Alexander Arends's Avatar Alexander Arends

    Regardless of how you interpret the Bible, you can't just keep on separating society based on race, politics, creed, sexual orientation or whatever else may divide us. Never the less, a denomination has a right to set its own set of rules to abide by. So choose your religion and try to live by it. At the same time, be tolerant of people who don't share your point of view.

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