You may have heard about the online subscription service OnlyFans declaring a few weeks ago that they intended to ban all “sexually explicit” material from their website. Considering that ‘OnlyFans’ is basically synonymous with pornography, banning sex workers from the very platform they helped build was puzzled over – and criticized heavily by users.
When asked why they made such a seemingly self-destructive business move, OnlyFans CEO Tim Stokely said “the short answer is banks.” Banks and lenders would “cite reputational risk and refuse our business,” he stated. “We had no choice.”
Just days later, OnlyFans reversed its pornography ban after some of its banking partners changed their tunes. That said, it's worth examining why those banks were feeling pressured to drop OnlyFans to begin with.
Experts say part of the answer is a longtime campaign by some evangelical Christians to shut down the pornography industry altogether.
Does God Hate Porn?
For the internet’s largest purveyors of titillating material, the writing may have been on the wall as early as last year. That’s when MasterCard and Visa severed ties with Pornhub, after several evangelical organizations petitioned them to do so, arguing that ‘unverified’ videos on their platform might depict children or victims of sex trafficking without the platform even knowing.
Pornhub tightened its policies and scrubbed thousands of unverified videos, ultimately restoring its status with their payment processors, leaving anti-porn activists frustrated.
Going after banks and payment processors is part of the latest coordinated anti-porn campaign by Christian activist groups like Exodus Cry and National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE). From strip clubs to pornographic websites, they want to ban sex work entirely, and are targeting payment processors to make their porn-free vision of the world come to life.
NCOSE touted its own role in OnlyFans' brief ban on sex workers, saying "the announcement made by OnlyFans that it will prohibit creators from posting material with sexually explicit conduct on its website comes after much advocacy from NCOSE, survivors and allies."
Of Strippers and Scripture
Not all people of faith view pornography as morally wrong, however. For example, prominent OnlyFans creator Nita Marie identifies as a Christian. Her belief is that “Jesus would have loved sex workers.”
"Many men and women in the adult industry have turned away from the church and Christianity because of the shame and judgment they have received from Christians,” she says. "I believe that this is not at all what Jesus would have wanted.”
For Nita Marie, her sexuality is intertwined with her faith – an empowering gift from God above. "I asked God if I should continue stripping off,” she stated, “and the answer was always yes."
She’s not the only OnlyFans performer who prays at night. We previously wrote about a devout Catholic woman who reportedly makes over 6 figures a month on OnlyFans – she insists God doesn’t judge her for her work and that He “will love you no matter what” your profession is
The War on Porn
For anti-porn activists, pornographic content online is nothing less than an outrage. But as the internet became more ubiquitous and pornography easier to access, even for children, frustrated anti-porn evangelicals have felt they slowly losing the war. And with American attitudes on sex and nudity becoming more laissez-faire, the anti-porn war seemed almost entirely lost.
That is, until a tactical pivot. Activists are now reframing the argument against online pornography to be about quelling sex abuse and human trafficking, rather than general moral decay. By centering the anti-porn argument around something inarguably evil, activists hope to make better progress.
These organizations point to numerous reports from alleged victims as proof that websites like PornHub and OnlyFans only feed into child sexual exploitation, including a BBC report that found several underage girls selling sexually explicit material on OnlyFans, having successfully bypassed OnlyFans' own age verification system.
With OnlyFans' recent reversal back to a pornography-based platform, the NCOSE vowed "[increased] criminal scrutiny over reports of filmed child sexual abuse, sex trafficking and other non-consensually recorded sex acts being sold on its website."
What do you think? Where do you see this "war on porn" going from here?
I really don't think God cares about porn one way or the other. This is the evangelicals fight, not Gods. It's probably a few of them that became jealous when they saw online what they couldn't do themselves.
what you do in your own home is your business. But if you want to watch porn in your own home that is between you and your God.
If we still have to ask ourselves if God hates porn, and you are still confused to what God thinks about it, then you need to go back to the basics and read your Scriptures again. Of course he does not want use to have this in our lives, porn leads to thoughts and acts of perversion and habits that are against the Ten Commandments, Pornography is a cancer in our society that has become a huge problem for just about everyone, It breaks up Families, which is Satan's number one priority. when you break up the Family unit you destroy Spirituality. Divorce is on the rise all over the world and the top reason is due to Pornography and Financial, both are tied together, it effects the Poor and the Rich alike. Does God hate pornography? Absolutely YES. and so should YOU!!!!
Everyone's path to The Devine is as unique as the individual walking it. Christianity may have started with good intentions but it has been hi-jacked by those wishing to control others to get what they want.
There are words in most, if not all, religions' holy works that tell us not to judge others, and not to harm others, but that we should treat others as we should want to be treated. So long as one is doing it willingly, with their eyes open, and not doing harm to themself, I believe the sex worker is not lesser than any of us. Let these people do what they will to earn a living.
Everyone wants to bend the rules for what is covenient for them. Porn is wrong.and we continue to pray to rid evil from the world. We will not judge nor think we who do not judge are free from sin.
We need to pray for the teenagers already addicted to porn to stop. At that young age their brains will become stagnant and never be able to mature and have normal relationships.
Does God hate porn remember Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden totally nude until they had fig leaves.Porn is a money making machine has been for years.But I believe it should be private for individuals not the public
God loves porn, it says so right in the Bible. Ezekiel 23:20. There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. So do evangelical Christians. More porn is consumed in the Bible belt of the US than anywhere else.
Put that verse in context, Douglas, reading the entire chapter. God is denouncing the spiritual harlotry of Samaria and Jerusalem. Notice the consequences of them in verses 36 & 37. The God of the bible does not change and will not promote harlotry of any kind. You cannot argue ones' belief in God for it is of faith alone. Mine is in the God of the bible because the prophecy it contains has been 100% and the God it reveals is Love. Still, by faith alone.
Are you kidding? Misinformation! Read the chapter which completely contradicts your statement. This is what is going on in this country now. Take a lie and say it is true then publish it until people believe it, i.e. Fox News, etc..
This is why the younger generation isn't interested in becoming evangelical Christians. Watching porn is far more engaging than listening to an evangelical Christian preacher.
True! When your heart lusts after the flesh. For those wanting to abandon serving the "lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life", God offers a heart change that will free us from that servitude. Then those gospel sermons become quite engaging. We can only serve one master. But the choice is still ours to make.
On atleast a few occasions while visiting God during out of body experiences he was watching porn flicks, while wolfing down popcorn and chug-a-lugging beer. It looked like he was having a really good time, but I dared not interrupt him, to ask him what he thought about it. I stayed and watched it with him for a while, and I must say it was the best porn I'd ever seen! The actors we're all angels! And you'd never believe what they were doing with their wings! Ask a stupid question...
The porn industry has been around a lot longer than most realize. After the invention of the film projector came early forms of pornography. Same when the late Hugh Hefner and Larry Flint started their magazines men flocked to see this new thing same for women buying playgirl magazines. Porn films were the rage of 70s and 80s where was the protests and uproar by religious groups back then.? Yes there should be laws stating that these women/men are 18 with proven state IDs with Birth certificates across all sites. Part of our human nature is curiosity . What's wrong with looking ? It's what you do after the fact that gets alot of people in financial and marital problems. Both men and women are in the porn industry. The problem here is the internet is filled with pornography. Young kids pre teens can easily say they are of age and view all sorts things. If religious groups want to put there energy into something make it harder for young boys and girls to view porn on the internet. Adults know right from wrong and can make their own choices . Young boys and girls are growing up faster in these times . They don't need to grow up that fast by watching porn experiment with sex and getting pregnant.
Humans ARE sexual creatures, and, let's face it, sex sells products. I find it strange that the US is so concerned about what consenting adults do with each other, but doesn't care about protecting their children after they are born. I can only hypothesize that the Puritan ideals of the Mayflower colony (the ONLY government that banned Christmas) infected every governing body.
If you are a Christian you should know Jesus does not hate anything and if he is God than obviously not. Besides Most all Animals are sexual creatures and humans are proven to be animals so they cannot help but fall into such addictions and according to the bible he died for all things and there should be not hate but forgiveness unless your a hypocrite
Proverbs 6:16-19 These six things the LORD hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren. Oh, and divorce (Malachi 2:16), spiritual harlotry (Deut 12:31, 16:32) and the opposite of all 10 commandments. Jesus elevated that standard by not just committing adultry and murder but lusting and hating in your mind. Just sayin.
I am quite sure that sex predates all forms of religion. Knowing that most animals prefer copulating with partners that will produce better children I would think flaunting of power or desirability has been happening since before religion, also. Evangelicals need to get over it and look for something important to work on.
If religion wasn't started by the first generation of humans Mark, sex had to pre-date it. I hope you don't think that sex, nudity, and pornography means the same thing, like the functioning illiterate ministers on this blog. Those words aren't even synonymous.
Ehrman, I'm always on good terms with the pretty ones, and avoid the other ones. Is that good enough?
Are you kidding? Misinformation! Read the chapter which completely contradicts your statement. This is what is going on in this country now. Take a lie and say it is true then publish it until people believe it, i.e. Fox News, etc..
The strongest instinct enabled in all bisexual species, those with a female and male individuals, is to have sex, a lot and all the time. This is what ensures the survival of the species. To deny that most basic and most important instinct is to deny our own creation.
Minister Timothy
We as God’s children seem to always find a way to pass judgment on what we disagree with. Everyone says they want to be like Jesus, but Jesus is Love and compassion. He displayed that so if we’re trying to be like him that why aren’t we. Glory to the Lamb 🐑 of God
Minister Timothy
We as God’s children seem to always find a way to pass judgment on what we disagree with. Everyone says they want to be like Jesus, but Jesus is Love and compassion. He displayed that so if we’re trying to be like him than why aren’t we. Glory to the Lamb 🐑 of God
'timolls': You'd do well to present a true picture of Jesus, instead of a lop-sided distortion.! He, rebuked, hates what His Father hates, angered, is returning as an iron-fisted judge. Your marshmallow, fuzzy Santa Claus doesn't cut it!
As I read these posts and posts on other topics there is always a constant finger pointing. In this case of pornography there are lines in the sand that are never to be crossed meaning children. When you are an adult you make choices sometimes they are good sometimes not but that’s part of life. I have traveled all over the world seeing the different cultures and religions and they all pretty well go down the same theme different leaders but basically how you should treat your fellow man. I would much rather have someone looking at porn than having them acting out their frustration on the streets. I am a Christian but there seems to be an attitude where it’s our way or the highway. You wonder why people are turning away from the church just look at yourselves there probably isn’t a clearer picture of hypocrites than in church it’s disgraceful and don’t think for a moment that your children don’t see it. How about cleaning up our own act first before pointing fingers at the unfortunate members of society. How about reaching a hand out to help rather than one to slap. It’s not our place to judge or force warped views when someone is watching only to do the opposite when they aren’t. In revolutions it says quite clearly that the people who claim that they are Jews but are not won’t be entered into the gates of heaven. Humm I wonder who that is talking about
Dear friends, brothers and sister, fellow beings of Earth, and of equal and equally greater intelligence, have we not yet learned to allow those who wish to be stirred be stirred and those who are moved to be moved? Although some may not be familiar with the bible as their faith leads them on their own path, I only mention it to speak on a passage that I can recall which addresses this very topic, and one that has for a long-time left an impression that influenced my thoughts of the world and towards others so dramatically, I would hope to pass on its benefits to you all.
I am referring to the story of Mary Magdalene, specifically when they were about to stone her to death for being an adulterous. As a foreword, I am neither suggesting or insisting that anyone or everyone need to believe the events of this parable per se, but my hope is that some will take from it the lesson that it has to offer which is more important than it's need to be a factual retelling of history.
For those unfamiliar, and from what I can vaguely call from memory, Mary Magdalene was known for being a promiscuous woman and the people in the town, for reasons that escape me now, were going to punish her by stoning her, which is to throw heavy rocks or large stones at her until she fell to her death. Before they could begin, (I will just say "a man," for those who have different beliefs), a man came along and more or less stopped them to ask what they were about to do.
They told this man that she had done these bad things and they were going to stone her. And what the man says in reply are words I'll never forget when I witness the mistakes of others, (please forgive my paraphrasing), but otherwise he looks around at all of them and asks them if they are all so free from sin themselves that they feel righteous to take it upon themselves to judge this woman for her sins. Then, again he looked at the crowd and said, "Let he(she) who has not yet sinned a day in his(her) life throw the first stone." Still upset, the crowd murmured but no one dared throw the first stone. I think it's safe to say they realized something that stopped them from continuing.
Now, I don't know if that really did anything for any of you, but this parable reminds me every day that we all at one time or another, have done that which can be considered evil, morally wrong, or an act against our fellow man and/or woman.
What we also sometimes forget and let happen is that when an even greater evil exists, that may overshadow what then makes our own faults seem minute in comparison to others, then we make that very mistake of allowing ourselves to compare each other to one another's as if somehow forgiving ourselves for having at least avoided their greater wrongdoing. The brevity of ones sins should and do not forgive another of their transgressions simply because it may be considered lesser in comparison; for that is simply justification that we accept evil to exist in a lesser form be it a choice over its greater form.
To rise above is to accept neither, be an example of neither, as you cannot hope to fill the darkness with light by allowing your candle to be dimmed by the darkness of others. May we all go in peace, and not be dwindled by feeling any better than those we mistakenly judge as doing worse than us and continue looking for reasons to appreciate one another rather than find reasons to criticize each other.
The One Omnipresent Almighty One does not discriminate. We humans are given the knowledge of righteousness and compassion and forgiveness and not to point fingers at others we dean wrong. If we are engage in prayer we will not worry out minds with others so call evil actions The problems is we chose to be involved with trashing others and forgetting our duty peace be with all.
Dr. Sharia’s Christian God (assuredly) might be “Omnipresent” and “Almighty” however there’s no empirical evidence that any such Christian God actually exists.
But, because my God, can be proven to exist, y provable God should trump anyone else’s God, none of which can be proven either.
Because my God, and nature, are both different ways of expressing the same thing (in this case, the pros and cons of pornography) this “Secular Humanist Pantheist” (SHP) God (aka, nature) is completely neutral in this regard.
As with all laws, each and every one of them is based on reason and logic — and, hopefully, follow the Hindu-based “Golden Rule.”
Every law, Commandment, and any other attempt at human regulation, usually evolves, because those in power create it, in order to keep their power.
All religions are social control mechanism, according to SHP’ism.
So even "Secular Humanist Pantheists" feel compelled to trash-talk others' beliefs to justify their own. Way to set an example, William.
He said nature and that has nothing to do with humanism or whatever I am far from a human anything and I follow not the maker of humanity crazy religions but only nature and she is far from a human belief system. Jesus is not a hater of anything but sadly you and too many other Christians are and that is far from he died for...
YO! Do NOT accuse me of being a Christian. I am quoting William's exact words. And whatever label you put on yourself, you are spreading hate.
I’m hoping your PhD is not one involving medicine, because it would concern me that one that is well educated in science would suggest talking to something where there is no scientific evidence that the “something” is real. Asking people to talk to a wall, floor, or ceiling, is not a very impressive thing to suggest. Unless of course you have some wonderful scientific knowledge that no one else has that proves the existence of a deity and that it is really listening.