Just when it seemed like the nationwide debate over former NFL player Colin Kaepernick was dying down, Nike poured some high-intensity fuel on the fire by featuring the controversial figure in a new ad campaign. Americans, still unable to agree whether Kaepernick is a socially-conscious patriot or an anthem-kneeling traitor, once again entered the fray to argue their side. Those who support Kaepernick voiced admiration across social media, with many vowing to buy more Nike products.
But critics took the opposite approach: they started burning whatever Nike gear they could find in their closets. Videos were soon pouring onto Twitter and Facebook featuring Nike owners enthusiastically burning their shoes, cutting logos off their socks, and engaging in other acts of protest against the company:
First the @NFL forces me to choose between my favorite sport and my country. I chose country. Then @Nike forces me to choose between my favorite shoes and my country. Since when did the American Flag and the National Anthem become offensive? pic.twitter.com/4CVQdTHUH4
Sean Clancy (@sclancy79) September 3, 2018
**What Would Jesus Do?
Although the Kaepernick haters appeared to get much satisfaction out of these acts of revenge, many charitable groups viewed the videos differently. Soon after the burnings when viral, churches began pleading with people to donate their gear instead of destroying it.
J.D. Sumner, a member of the First Presbyterian Church in South Georgia, issued a heartfelt message asking for donations: "If you feel so moved in some kind of way that you want to get rid of your stuff rather than burn it, which is not going to benefit anybody, I got with some of our church people here and I was like, 'why not do something positive?'"
At the Claremore Restoration Church in Oklahoma, Jessica Joslin had a similar idea. She posted on the church Facebook group to rally people to the cause:
"When I saw that people were throwing things away, burning, destroying all the Nike products over the political issue, I just posted and asked people to give it to us because we can give them to people who really are in need. We are trying to turn a bad, negative atmosphere into something positive and giving and [asking] kind of, 'What would Jesus do?' If you are going to burn anything for any reason, just donate it instead. It's not just Nike, we will take anything because people are just in need."
Just Donate It
But it's not only churches that are seeking to combat the Nike burnings. A police department in North Carolina has been hyping the #DonateBeforeDestruction hashtag, urging people to give their unwanted items to those in need. "There is a national trend of destroying perfectly good Nike shoes. If your plan is to destroy them contact theHillsborough Police Department and we will get them to someone who could use them," the department wrote on Facebook. "This not a political post, just a sensible one."
The movement even reached Puerto Rico, where orphanage manager Jeremy Schuech offered to take donations too:
If you plan on boycotting Nike and destroying the clothes you've already purchased, please let me know. I have an orphanage full of children in Puerto Rico who would love to have them.
Jeremy Scheuch (@jeremyscheuch) September 4, 2018 No matter how you feel about the Kaepernick anthem controversy, it's hard to refute the fact that donating perfectly good clothing and shoes to people in need is a better use of resources than burning them in the yard. If those opposed to kneeling during the national anthem continue to shun Nike en masse, at the very least we can hope to get a boost in charitable donations out of this debacle.
Is It Un-American to Protest?
Thanks to renewed attention from Nike and the start of a new NFL season in which notable players continue to protest, this controversy won't be going away anytime soon. Critics maintain that anyone protesting during the national anthem is being inherently un-American by showing disrespect to the flag. They seem especially indignant that players making millions of dollars playing the country's favorite sport would have the gall to call attention to America's faults during the pregame ceremony.
But supporters of the protests insist this is a silly and simplistic view. If protesting was actually un-American, they argue, then we'd still be a British colony. In their view, if we truly wish to solve ongoing problems with racial injustice, then sweeping the issue under the rug won't help. Better to bring out in the open and keep it there in hopes of spurring people to action. If that means kneeling during the anthem, so be it.
Where do you stand?
People have the right to protest but NOT to force their opinions on others. A football game is about football. If I wanted to know someone's opinion about police, I would ask them. I would be fine with just removing the national anthem to stop people from using it as a means to their own ends, but I know that that would not go over well.
Susan - the ONLY one seeming to "force their opinions on others" is the current POTUS by making false claims about what is being protested. It is NOT a protest against the National Anthem, the US Flag, nor is it about disrespecting the US military, but against police brutality.
This has NOTHING AT ALL to do with the POTUS! I can choose to turn the channel when the POTUS is talking, and most of the time, I do. I don't care what he thinks but, if I wanted to know anyone's opinion about police brutality, or any other of the many ills of society, I would ask. If I go to a football game, it is to watch FOOTBALL! There is a time and place for expressing your opinions, about police brutality or anything else, and it is NOT at a football game. Where do you draw the line? Next, they will be protesting abortion, taxes, etc. This is NOT a political forum. There are hundreds of different football players, each with their own different opinions about EVERYTHING!
Why don't the protesters not only do their on thing on their own time, but also on their own DIME. They make enough money to pay for a venue to air their views. And the spineless NFL won't address it. To me its simple: let those who will respect the national anthem come on the field and let those who won't just stay in the tunnel. When the anthem is over, they can come out. This will do two things, 1. no disruption and 2. by coming on the field after the anthem they show their protest
That IS the point, exactly. Celebrities do not have the right to force their opinions on others, just because they are a celebrity. If I go to a movie, or a concert, or a sports event, for which I AM PAYING FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT, I do not want to get into a political debate. I am paying my hard earned money to get away from it all and relax.
If you want to have a discussion about political issues, great. Go for it! NOT ON MY DIME! I will take my money and go home. If this were happening at a movie theater, I would stop going to movies and just start watching my movies at home instead. I have a right to ignore your protest. It is very sad to me that sports events are going to become a political arena for protests and many of us are going to stop going to them.
If I go shopping at a local grocery store, and the cashier starts telling me her protests of whatever she doesn't like about society, I am going to shop somewhere else. I am paying money to buy groceries, not listen to her opinions on everything under the sun.
Originally, Kaepernick said his kneeling was his way of protesting the anthem and flag because they are symbols of the oppression of people of color. So, technically, it WAS a protest against the US flag and National Anthem, so, by stating this, the POTUS was NOT making a "false claim". However, once he said this, all of a sudden, the "protest" changed to "police brutality.
Anderson: What a crock! 'Police brutality'. You don't know what you're talking about. The crims, suspects, trouble-makers bring MOST ALL the trouble upon themselves! I've been a cop and know what I'm talking about.
Almost ALL confrontations with police start from the disobedience of a lawful order. The 'suspect' is asked to: get out of the car; to get on the ground; to 'STOP'; to open the door; to stop the car; to put your hands up. . . . the list is endless..
MANY times the 'suspect' refuses to do what he's told. HE is inviting trouble! HE is inviting the cops to get physical, to enforce their lawful order ('police brutality').
But, no . . . . the resisting miscreants cry 'brutality' when it's largely their fault in the beginning.
Well its called no respect and when the NFL players don't stand is setting that disrespect in stone.
Spot on!
Ahh.. I didnt protest when the came for the guilty, I didnt protest when the came for the different..Now they have come for me...
That is really just ridiculous. You can protest all you like, but NOT ON MY DIME! If you are at work, and some employee kept coming around and telling you about how much she is against abortion, you would tell her to leave you alone and go do her job. You would complain to the employer to get her to leave you alone to do your job. This is no different. The players there are being paid to do their job, which is to play football.
You don't have the right to kill someone who disobeys a command from a police officer. Today, there are many more police officers being convicted of murder, manslaughter and fired from their jobs because of their unnecessarily violent response to circumstances. This is the direct result of the public's awareness being raised regarding such police actions.
bob: what a crock! You're all 'bass-ackwards' when it come to 'police brutality' (I've been a cop, so I know what I'm talking about.)
Almost ALL times when a cop draws his firearm is when the 'suspect' fails to obey a lawful order! 'Show me your hands', Stay in your car', Drop your gun", 'Stop", 'On the ground'. The 'perp' is disobeying authority, and can expect the consequences.
In some instances, cops may legally fire their weapon when the situation warrants. In almost ALL instances these situations involve the 'suspect' NOT obeying a lawful order given them. They are inviting trouble! They're asking for it!
Let's quit coddling these self-centered miscreants and support the authority figures in society; starting with parents, teachers, bosses, police, government leaders, . . . . .God.
b0blf, you seem to be missing the point. The issue are those circumstances in which police officers use excessive force unjustifiably. A police officer in the Dallas area was convicted of murder because he shot into a car of black youths who refused his order to stop. You don't get to take someone's life for refusing such a command. There's another officer on trial currently for manslaughter for shooting a suspect in the back as he ran away. These are the circumstances being rightfully protested and, yes, things are changing for the better. You would not have seen such trials years ago and before body cams (the body cam in the murder case showed that the officer was lying when he initially stated that the car was backing quickly toward him and he feared for his life - it was driving away from him). Don't throw the bad cops in with the good. The bad cops need to be weeded out.l
Well now, that actually depends on exactly what that command is, doesn't it? If you want to provide the actual stats to back up your statement, they would not be as black and white as you would like them to be. This is a very complicated issue and I have seen the stats going back and forth. I am all for accountability on this issue. You can debate this issue all day long if you really want to hear both sides, but you cannot hear both sides at a football game, because people are there to PLAY FOOTBALL. The public awareness on this issue has been raised and is being addressed, according to you, so you do not need to pitch your bitch at a freaking sports event. Move on.
I myself, took the oath to protect my country and also responded to the twin towers on 9/11 and I love football! , however the kneeling was bad but the pig socks were flat out disrespectful, making their whole argument disrespectful!! These millionaires have the time and means to call attention to their grievances on their own dime. If I tried a stunt like that and work I surely would get my walking papers. He made his bed let him sleep in it. If he needs the police we will still run not walk to serve him, but I have no problem with him reaping what he sows!
Yes, Nicholas!
If you want to prostate do it a differnt way anthem dosent have anything to do with whats going on and now people are spitting on the American flag and buring it when is going to stop get out of america if you can't support AMERICA
Wesley - Nobody is spitting on the American flag, as you are claiming. The silent and non-disruptive protesters are making a statement against racial bigotry and hatred against a particular minority group.
It is a FOOTBALL GAME! I do NOT care what some football player thinks about racial bigotry or anything else. Every player there has something that they don't like about something. I DO NOT CARE about the hundreds of different opinions of football players about everything that is wrong with society. There are countless members of society that have valid gripes about everything under the sun. I do NOT want to hear about it a a football game! Make your statements on your own damned time. Play football or go home.
Exactly, Susan! No one else would ever be allowed to protest anything in their place of work while wearing the uniform of their organization.
Susan: No one has said it better! Good! I'd even go a bit further . . . like Trump suggested. 'respect the flag/anthem or get fired!
Susan, that is exactly the problem. Too many people don't care about (or fail to recognize) the brutality with which some in the black community are treated by the police. The black community is trying to shake the white community out of their sense of complacency - you need to take notice and care. As awareness has increased, things are getting better and progress is being made. More police officers are being held accountable for their actions (including criminal charges); the dramatic increase in the use of body cams is to collect first hand information on police behavior. You want to sit comfortably and watch the game; the protesting players want to get you out of your comfort zone to raise awareness to a life and death issue. They have at least succeeded in making it a national debate.
Lots of people care about police brutality. I will happy to listen to what they have to say, but they do NOT have the right to force people to listen. These are PAID players and they are being paid by MY MONEY, and the money of others that are there to WATCH FOOTBALL. They will NOT force me to listen when I choose not to. I will simply not go there anymore and take my money elsewhere.
They have not succeeded in making it a national debate by protesting at football games. In fact, they are doing exactly the opposite. Many people are now becoming hostile to the cause because it is being forced on them. If you choose to protest in a public forum, on the streets or on talk shows, people have the choice of disagreeing with you and having a debate. Both sides are presented and discussions inform. Just sitting there offending people is NOT going to help their cause at all.
I am paying good money to be able to stay in my comfort zone, at least for the duration of a football game. Try to force me out of my comfort zone against my will and I will simply take my money and go home. And now that I'm ticked off about it, you can just forget about getting me to listen to your cause now. Creating a hostile environment does not help anything.
Susan, No one is forcing you to "listen". Most tv coverage doesn't show any protesting. If you're at the game - look at the flag; there are so few protestors, you don't have to take notice.
They have certainly succeeded in making it a national debate (are you saying there is no national interest in their kneeling during the national anthem; the POTUS regularly comments on it).
I'm not sure how you can say they have created a hostile environment. They are protesting peacefully and quietly. They aren't responsible for how you choose to react or how angry you might get.
If you want to stop supporting the NFL - go right ahead, no one is stopping you.
Also, there have been people regularly kneeling during the National Anthem long before these protests and no one said a word (I still hear nothing about them) - take a look at the tv camera crews and photographers. (google "Lady GaGa Super Bowl National Anthem photos").
Wesley: Please keep your “prostate” to yourself. Nobody wants to see that.
Why would churches get involved with political issues, anyway? I do not understand why any church would hold a stand on this, especially since the protest by NFL players is NOT against any country, but about injustice and hatred toward one racial group by another racial group.
To Dan ....2words.....under God.
Two words: Which one?
In the case of this ULC blog subject- apperently "the money" god.
They’re not taking a stand on the politics - only the fact that good clothing and shoes are being destroyed when they could be donated to organizations that would distribute them to the needy. Please read the article before you comment.
Destroying anything for any reason rarely accomplishes anything. Donate it if you want to be rid of it. If you want to protest Nike, don't buy anything else from them.
Thank you.
Wonder what Gandhi would say?
The idea of burning it is to keep it from being used and displayed. How stupid do you have to be to not know that!!
Nobody’s stupid except the people destroying what could be used. And I don’t think anyone missed the point, but they also didn’t miss the selfishness of people who destroy what is needed by others.
The "others" wouldn't have gotten them anyways. If they weren't burning them in protest, they would have worn them until they were worn out.
I guess you're rating me as pretty stupid, Joe.
I am a US Army veteran of 28+ years. Kaepernick and his beliefs aren't worth the time to argue about. Burn your gear or donate it, just don't kneel when they play the National Anthem when I'm around (I'll go to jail and you'll go to the hospital).
Good, Clay! As a 100% disabled Viet Nam vet, I echo your sentiments.
Stop on!!
So, you folks would beat someone someone up for protesting in front of you?
lol, no you wouldn't!
Yes..because violence against a peaceful protest is always the answer..oh and since you are just an old man who is overstating your abilities to look tough..I guess you have good hospital insurance..and a good lawyer.. you'll need both "big man".
I just want to know what happened to freedom of speach and freedom of self expression?. Everyone quick to judge. Wait I do remember a line in a book stating "Judge ye not lest ye be judged". Its what they want to divide the masses and conquer. Maybe some people took that anyone can grow up and be president. In America.
Thank you.
I am all for freedom of speech and expression, but NOT IN THE WORKPLACE! You are being paid to do your job. Not everyone in your workplace gives a crap about what you think about everything and they are not interested in your many opinions about everything that is wrong with society.
Susan: Why don't these numbskulls understand what you're so eloquently saying?
I own many pair of "Chucks". I will NOT be destroying them, but I will not be wearing them as often as I did and I will not be buying more.
As for this "protest"....What started out as a protest of the US flag and National Anthem because they are "symbols of oppression", quickly became a "protest of police brutality" the second the POTUS called it what it was: a protest against the flag and anthem.
That being said, Nike has chosen the worst possible "hero" for their ad campaign. I watched the video they put out and it featured many athletes of all races and nationalities, all of whom are more worthy of being featured by Nike. They chose a coward. Kaepernick was becoming irrelevant. He lost whatever talent he had at one point. So, this privileged kid, making millions started to protest "oppression". Then other "oppressed" millionaires decided to follow him. Now, let me point out that while at work, ESPECIALLY if wearing a uniform of the organization you work for, NO ONE is allowed to protest any cause. I don't understand why the NFL allows THEIR employees to do this. It's pretty much ruined the game for a lot of people.
These protests have done nothing to bring people together. They only caused more of a divide. Sorry, Dolphins! I'm done watching football. I'll stick to baseball where the players have class.
Well said, Alicia!
If a few minutes of kneeling “ruins the game” it’s not the protests - it’s their inability to let it go. Pull up your big girl pants and ignore the thing that happens before the game, completely separate from the game.
Well said Alicia!
Thanks for that hsw. I agree.
The anthem is in respect to out country. A lot of people died over the freedoms that they have today. Pushing a view point is wrong..It has nothing to do with their protest. Their protest is taking others freedoms away. There are bountries and and a place for protest.
Its called respect for others and we have lost it when we push our view point on others. Is nothing more than intimidation.
He could of done this in a much more productive way since he has the money. But it would take up to much of his time.
She said while pushing her view point, and trying to take other people's freedom away.....
This, in fact, IS the place for discussions and expressing viewpoints. When you are being paid to do a job, you do not have the right to force people to listen to your opinions about anything. If I am paying MY MONEY to see a football game, I expect them to play football, not insult the fans. If people stop buying those tickets then the players will be out of a job. Go figure. They have the right to disagree with Colin's free expression by expressing their own opinions, in the form of a loss of revenue to the NFL. That didn't work out very well.
Susan, you explain your perspective quite well, however, you are wrong about their right to express their opinion in the workplace. Their employer (the NFL) has no workplace rule prohibiting such behavior. The NFL could enact such a rule like most employers do, but thus far, they have not and the players have every right to do it.
If you don't want to "see the protest" look somewhere else while you sing the national anthem.
No..they are in my face.
Well said!
I did not realize they were in your face. I thought they were down by the sidelines, or somewhere on the field when they did this. I thought you were supposed to face the flag when singing the national anthem?
What kind of tickets can you afford where they players are directly in your face? That's has to be a steep penny.
I will be happy to do so. And I am taking the cost of my ticket with me when I don't go to the games anymore. I hope the players don't get upset about my protest when they don't have a job anymore.
Kaepernick has brought attention to police brutality and/or the national Anthem which continues to honor slavery of a people. And sometimes Americans have and will act out or take non-traditional steps to bring attention and seek help with a situation they can not resolve alone. Folk have fussed, cussed, judged, burned shoes and shirts. Now, when will the non-racists and true patriots for ALL Americans in this country step up to the plate and address the real issues-police brutality and racists remarks in the National Anthem? Not only are so-called Black people and so-called White people subjected to police brutality, but so are VETERANS. Disabled veterans. Do you not recall the young traumatized unarmed veteran who was found running outside naked? Do you not recall that a police officer shot and killed him? UNARMED. PTSD. Kaepernick didn’t disrespect that veteran. He took a knee for him. Step up, help stop police brutality. Advocate for an update of the National Anthem to preclude references of the enslavement of Americans (past or present). That will get Kaepernick and others off their knees seeking attention and help around those issues. We are ALL on the same boat. Where we go, we go as one. For country, for freedom, for the pursuit of happiness, and for the right to life.
Best post yet.
Good post. But also the police are so disrespected and been killed just because they are the police. I understand a wrongful death...No one knows for sure it that person is armed?? Should there have been a better way in dealing with issues of mental illness..Yes...Trianing ..yes..But also how officers are treated everyday with such disregard...no respect..and combative people..Sometimes it hard to tell. I personally feel he could of done something better than this..Working on the relationship between the young and officers would would of done more then this protest. We are all ready were???
And that is exactly the point. This is a very complex issue and there are a lot of variables involved. It is NOT going to be resolved on a football field, which has absolutely nothing at all to do with the police.
As a military retiree, I agree with you! I strongly support the actions of Colin Kaepernick and Nike!
?✨AMEN!!! That was extremely well said. May God continue to bless you with your keen insight. I'm praying for that day when the only reason we have to get on our knees, will only be for God✨?
How many times have you watched or gone to a sporting event, and people were talking, on their phones, picking their noses, or chugging a beer while the anthem played?
I am not judging the folks who take a knee, or do any or all of the acts described above. I am not judging the ones who go to the games and pay a lot of money to see super rich spoiled guys play football, or the ones who burn their expensive clothing and shoes in protest.
Kneeling, and burning......both protests.
It not about a lack of "patriotism".
It's a football game. How about they just play football?
----The BEST letter ever!! ----
EXECUTIVE OFFICERS MICHAEL M CHALE President Florida Police Benevolent Association JOHN A. FLYNN Vice President Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association of New York City TODD HARRISON Recording Secretary Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas SCOTT HOVSEPIAN Treasurer Massachusetts Coalition of Police MARC KOVAR Sergeant-at-Arms New Jersey State Policemen’s Benevolent Association CRAIG D. LALLY Executive Secretary Los Angeles Police Protective League MARK YOUNG Vice President, Associate Members Detroit Police Lieutenants & Sergeants Association JAMES PALMER Parliamentarian Wisconsin Professional Police Association WILLIAM J. JOHNSON, CAE Executive Director and General Counsel September 4, 2018 Mr. Mark Parker Chairman, President and CEO Nike World Headquarters One Bowerman Drive Beaverton, Oregon 97005 Re: Colin Kaepernick and Nike’s “Just Do It” Campaign Dear Chairman Parker, On behalf of the more than 241,000 law enforcement officers represented by our Association across the country, I write to you to condemn in the strongest possible terms your selection of Colin Kaepernick for Nike’s “Just Do It” ad campaign. Mr. Kaepernick is known, not as a successful athlete, but as a shallow dilettante seeking to gain notoriety by disrespecting the flag for which so many Americans have fought and died. The inclusion of Mr. Kaepernick in Nike’s “Just Do It” ad campaign also perpetuates the falsehood that police are racist and aiming to use force against African Americans and persons of color. In reality, officers across the nation risk their lives not only protecting the athletes featured in Nike’s various campaigns, but also serve aspiring athletes across the country who use the Nike brand, through the thousands of Police Athletic Leagues, Boys and Girls Clubs and Big Brother/Big Sister programs where our officers donate their time and energy. They deserve to have the respect and full support of corporate citizens like Nike. Adding to the insult is the image of Mr. Kaepernick from the campaign featuring the quote “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.” The fact that Mr. Kaepernick is no longer a starting NFL player does not equate to him being someone who has “sacrificed everything”. To truly understand what it means to “believe in something” and “sacrifice everything”, you should look to Arlington National Cemetery, or to the National Law Enforcement Officers’ Memorial in Washington, D.C., or to the trauma unit of a military hospital. The brave men and women of every race and color buried there, memorialized there, healing there, believed in this nation and our flag and exemplify the true meaning of “sacrifice”. In featuring Mr. Kaepernick in the “Just Do It” campaign, Nike grossly insults the men and women who really do make sacrifices for the sake of our nation. We are calling on all our member officers, their families and friends to join in boycotting all Nike products. Sincerely, Michael McHale President NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF POLICE ORGANIZATIONS, INC. Representing America’s Finest 317 South Patrick Street. ~ Alexandria, Virginia ~ 22314-3501 (703) 549-0775 ~ (800) 322-NAPO ~ Fax: (703) 684-0515 www.napo.org ~ Email: info@napo.org
Anytime I see a comment about the stadium not being a place for protest but for entertainment, I like to imagine all the people living in Boston Massachusetts in 1773 yelling "this harbor is for me to swim and fish in, How DARE PEOPLE DUMP TEA into my entertainment venue" But you know in old English dialect with an accent and a pipe.
I recently learned that the 3rd verse, and the author of the national anthem, are blatantly racist.
OK. Tell us exactly what is racist about the lyrics.
Terrence: Yes, tell us. What are the lyrics that you've commented on?
The sole issue of this was to protest the unjustified killings of African Americans. Twisted people prostitutes it.
Where is all of this anger when protesters burn the American flag? No criticism, no suggestions for finding alternate things to do with the flags. Basically, nothing but apathy.
But, let people who disagree with the politics show Nike what they think of their choice of representative and watch the liberals freak out. Like it or not, burning the shoes is a legitimate form of protest and, an effective one at that!
Where's all the concern for apparel depicting the Confederate flag being destroyed? Some needy person could be wearing that too. If you want to defend Keapernick, then do it. Just don't insult my intelligence feiging concern for the poor.
As a 63-year-old white male, I stand with Kaepernick and those who kneel for justice. Dissent IS patriotic!!!
Right on!
lifewalkblog: Dissent is NOT patriotic. Use the dictionary, instead of your biased, liberal,soppy 'hat rack'!
Patriotism involves 'nationalism'. This is support of the country, it's values, it's tradition, its honor.
Dissent reeks with disunity, anarchy, rebellion, strife.
'Kapondick' isn't kneeling for justice. He's weak, with no backbone, unwilling/unable to articulate the facts, the real issues of society's concerns.
It does you no credit to admit association with this rebel, this ingrate, this over-paid, under-achieved crybaby!
You need compassion training, minister bOblf and minister Susan. The "real issues" of my concerns are why you and Susan, et al, are so afraid of a man exercising his right to protest what he believes is unjust? He interrupted your peaceful enjoyment of watching men (70% black) try to disable each other by hitting them so hard as to knock them out? I expect you will begin to see more examples like Vontae Davis who retired at half time from the Bills. At some point, the outrage from black American millionaires will creep into your Sunday games so far, you may have to switch to soccer.
We are suppose to be advocates of helping people in their time of need and teach love over hate. I happened on this blog looking for ideas on how to script a Celebration of Life for a friend's funeral. So I'll move along and let you all go back to ranting like a bunch of Don Sterling types. Enjoy your thread.
?✨Hi, I'm Reverend Raymond L Johnson Jr, and yes I support his kneeling. First and foremost he has the right to protest and voice his opinion anyway he chooses. Its not about the country, and He is not playing football for our amusement. He's doing what he loves, its not about us or country, he's voices his opinion, again its not about us or country. I'm a African American and a Pastor and I'm still looked at like I don't belong, I'm judged like a criminal, and certain remarks, which I won't say, are still thrown my way. He chose to kneel, I choose to pray. So before you judge him, start investigating the situation yourself, prejudice is still prevalent in our society. One day soon GOD WILL LET ALL SEE THE ERRORS IN THEIR WAYS✨???
No, he does NOT have the right to voice his opinion in ANY way that he chooses. When you are in the workplace, doing the job that you are being paid to do, you are not allowed to go around forcing your opinions on your co-workers. He IS playing football for our amusement as that is exactly what he is getting paid to do. If I am paying my money to see a football game, I am not going to pay to have it become a political arena. When enough fans stop going to those games and the loss of that ticket money damages the game, no one wins. If I don't do my job exactly the way that the employer wants me to do it, I will get fired. That is how jobs work.
If you choose to burn ALL your Nike owned products then go for it. If you knew the reason behind the kneeling perhaps as a Christian you would be more receptive. The players who choose to kneel are being respectful. They are not being loud, turning their backs etc. They are using their constitutional right to bring attention to a very dangerous issue of police brutality and racial unjust. Until we realize and accept what is happening things are never going to change. Jesus would support the players and join them.
When the fans refuse to buy tickets anymore then there will be no more football games. Will that make you happy? It's a football game and has NOTHING to do with police brutality. If the other players start protesting abortion, and taxes, and the price of gas, will you be supporting all of them too? Where will it end? It's a football game. Play the game or go home.
Where will it end? This is the United States. It's not supposed to end. We are obliged to try to have our country evolve in a positive way. Ignoring problems isn't helpful even if it interferes with a minute of your world.
So now going to a football game means that I have to be subjected to every single player there complaining about the many ills of society? No thank you. If I am paying my money to watch a football game then I want to enjoy the entertainment of the game, not have a debate about everything under the sun. There is a time and place for protests and when you are on my dime, I am not going to listen to political issues.
People enjoy entertainment to get away from the usual problems and relax and have a good time. I will just stay home and keep my money. I am not ignoring the problem. I am just taking a break from the many problems of life. If you want to make a football game about the right to protest, and freedom of religion and taxes and abortion and on and on and on, no thank you. I will spend my time and money elsewhere. In the end, they are turning me off from a cause that I may very well support because they are using their celebrity to force it on me.
Susan: Excellent! We pay money in one form or another to watch a football game with the expected commentaries and ads. But NOT included in the 'package' of entertainment should be a cry-baby ingrates airing their imagined grievances by offending the majority with their abuse of the national anthem.
You make an excellent point there. Sometimes its all in the presentation.
I have yet to see is Muslim convert in Chicago to stop black on black violence. He's a washed up football player with a HUGE mansion. He has zero intention of ever having a real job. He needs a way to keep the lifestyle he has. He's a con artist. Nothing more. I support our law enforcement. Not all of them are bad.
*see this Muslim convert..........
Deevers: Excellent description of this fuzzy-headed cry-baby ingrate.
Your racism is disgusting.
Anytime I see a comment about the stadium not being a place for protest but for entertainment, I like to imagine all the people living in Boston, Massachusetts in 1773 yelling "This harbor is for me to swim and fish in, HOW DARE PROTESTERS DUMP TEA, into my entertainment venue".
And if people wanted to spend their hard earned money to watch the Boston Tea Party then that is their choice. It is not my choice to pay my money to watch celebrities push a position that they may not even be educated enough to discuss. He is a football player. I am paying my money for a specific purpose, to watch him PLAY FOOTBALL. If I go to a grocery store and every time I go there, the owner starts carrying on about some political issue, I am going to go to another grocery store. Even if it turns out that maybe the grocery store has a better product or is closer to my home, I am NOT going to pay my money to listen to someone's political opinions. He is being paid to do a job. I do NOT care about his personal beliefs about anything.
Set all of 'issues' aside, it is really disappointing that we have lost 'respect' for Flag and Country... The United States of America is in no way perfect, but even with her imperfections, it has offered so much to her people, from when it was found til now.. yes there were a lot of growing pains / mistakes along the way ... How can you 'not' show love and respect towards the country that people have given their lives to defend - that includes 'you', so 'you' can have the freedoms that you have now ... not saying don't protest ... that is the freedom that you have being an American --- so why don't you show respect first to the Flag & Country that gave that right to you ....
I wonder how many of these weekend patriots stand at home and sing the National Anthem at the beginning of a game; that would mean putting down their Bud Light and getting up off their butts, so probably very few. We were given free speech by our forefathers and free will by a higher power. Those who burn their garments are fools and as I learned a long time ago “You can’t fix stupid”.
If I am watching the game at home I didn't pay a lot of MY money to be there at the game. I can change the channel,walk out of the room, etc. When I go to a game, I am PAYING them to play football. I don't even care particularly about the national anthem. They could just stop playing it as far as I am concerned, but I am not interested in my entertainment time being turned into a political event. I am going to stay home and they are not going to get my money.
If you're gonna burn your Nikes, take them off first. Under "Trumpcare" the burns could be viewed as a pre-existing condition.
The ad is interesting. I haven't burned my shoes. If you have nothing to lose then give it all up and go for it. The football player had nothing to lose but millions of dollars of deals, and he gave it up to protest. Cool.
I stand for the Anthem in protest of mass media misrepresentation of social injustice to make it always appear that white people are perpetrating crimes and injustices against blacks.
This despicable behavior among these propagandists is not a result of their want to bring attention to any injustice real or imagined but solely for the purpose of ratings increases by inciting anger in those too weak of mind to realize what is really happening.
This massive abuse of power that mass media exploits 24/7 is one of Donald Trump's main arguments and his criticism of said abuse is why he has the amount of support he has now. In fact, the continuation of these abuses will get Trump re-elected because enough people see that he is right.
Excellent observation.
This is more consumer choice. If you are Pro-Slavery and support child labor camps, then feel free to buy whatever. But if sweat shops that pay next to nothing to children working 12 hours a day does not matvh your consumer tastes, then Vote with your money.
You are free to buy legally and morally MADE IN USA products.
MADE IN (Your Country Name Here) is a consumer choice, not a religion.
Jesus and other religions teach to love our neighbors.
Buying from your home country, being honest with your business, paying people a Living Wage, being supportive of your community, promoting freedom and liberty, and offering fair prices and high quality products are all a part of 'Love Thy Neighbor".
If you have the financial means to avoid buying communist products and avoid buying child sweatshop products, then do so - buy better products to make a better world.
Buy Made in USA , or wherever your country is:
Think Global Love and SHOP LOCAL.
Your local purchases help your neighbor. This is an act of Love.
Christian: Another lop-sided comment! 'Shop Local', Love Thy Neighbor', and 'Made in USA' sound good, but ring hollow!
I have an obligation to my family's well-being to shop wisely with our finances. There are many examples where foreign-made products are better made and last longer, Toyota ranks higher than many US-made vehicles in the 'frequency of repair' category. Watches and electronics are among many products that are of better quality than the 'local'.
I have a higher commitment to my family's financial health, than I do to buyoing higher priced U.S. goods.
Spending how much for shoes only to burn them in protest. The person who out of protest took a picture of burning shoes did more for the company then not. It made Nike a real household name world wide. What was a protest last year means nothing today. I'm too poor to buy running shoes. So any protest no matter what the cause does not effect me.
Burning shoes is a waste of shoes, even if the shoes are naughty. Shoe less people need shoes. We are free to purchase whatever brand of shoe we want. We are free to not purchase naughty shoes ever again. Give the naughty to the needy.
He has the right to protest but we also have the right to walk out and not pay him any attention no matter who he spokesperson for
Knight: He may have rights, but 'his rights end where my nose begins', is the old saying I paid to watch this program, (cable, dish, etc) I have a right to view a sports event, free from distractions out of the ordinary.
Whether a streaker dashes across the field; someone parachutes onto the field; or cry-baby Capondick does his disreputable act, I have been offended. My rights have been violated.Their 'rights' have 'contacted my nose'. They are offenders.
I, surely along with thousands of others, was very dismayed by the kneeling and lack of respect for the symbol of the USA. Until I learned what this was all about, Lives matter, be they white, black, yellow, or whatever!!! And sometimes it takes a lot of courage to stand alone for something you believe in!. Don't agree, then donate all your Nike stuff, do not destroy it, please.
And when they start kneeling to protest abortion, taxes, gay rights, the price of tea in China, what will you do then? Where does it end? There is a time and place for protest. Do you want to be subjected to every single football player protesting whatever they don't like about society? People go to football games for entertainment. It is a time to relax and have fun, NOT protest. If you want to protest, do it on your own time. They are being payed to play the GAME. Stand up for your beliefs on your own time. Sports tickets are not cheap. I go to enjoy the game, NOT get involved in political protests.
Perhaps a better approach would be for people who feel as you do to stay away from the TV until the anthem is done. They’re not protesting during the game, so your “entertainment” isn’t disrupted. If you’re at the game, no different. Ignore the protests and enjoy the game.
Perhaps the players are the ones that should stay away until the anthem is done. I believe that this was a choice offered to them.
That's the best idea..Hit them in the wake.
So shut up, hide away and don't try and make a difference...Yeah, that always works..
Why should some rebellious ingrate making an ass out of himself, interfere with my football watching? Why do I have to make my TV viewing allowances for this jerk's offensive conduct?
HE'S the 'offender', HE'S the 'odd man out'. HE'S the fly in the ointment. HE'S brain addled show-off who's disrespecting the flag/anthem.
WE should not have to witness HIS blatant, childish behavior, when the flag/anthem ceremony is a much appreciated part of our sports viewing.
LOL..brilliant trolling.. I admire your sense of irony..
Are you a minister of ULC?
Why not remove the anthem from football games? It was added in for a fee, paid by the military.
That is exactly what I would do. Although I know that many veterans would have a problem with this, the national anthem doesn't have anything at all to do with football, or any other sport. Remove the national anthem so that the rest of us don't have to be hijacked into a political protest every time we go to a sports game.
And who are the people who determine where and when we should protest? Is it the conservatives? Is it the Liberals? Is it the pope? This is ridiculous. Our first amendment allows us to protest. End of story. Nobody has to like the how and the wear. Why is it so difficult for some people to realize that the first amendment allows every American to choose the manner in which they protest and nobody has to like how anyone else exercises there constitutional rights. Your statement is ridiculous I'm moving on.
There are laws regarding peaceful protests. Sometimes you even have to get a permit. There is a time and place for protest, like everything else. I wouldn't walk into a church and protest their religion because I have a different opinion. They have a right to believe in and worship any god they like, if that's what they want to do.
I have a right to protest. Outside, on public property maybe. When you are PAYING to watch a football game, you have paid your own money to watch a football game. I do not care about the private opinions of each and every football player on every single thing that is wrong with society. In most workplaces, you are not allowed to go around preaching your religion to your co-workers there. Why not? You have a right to freedom of religion, but on your OWN time. You are at work to do your job, not force your unwanted opinions on others that are not interested in your beliefs.
You can move on or do whatever else you like but the fact of the matter is that when people stop buying tickets for football games because of this, everyone will be out of a job.
Minister James Grainger I am a retired Soldier; 44 years ago I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. I believe that a whole lot of people have forgotten this document and should re-read it, especially the 1st amendment. While I do not agree with the venue in which these players choose to protest. We must defend their right to do so. If we do not, the document will mean nothing
Super post! I am surprised it didn't get an follow up comments.
Well said. I seem to remember hearing about a certain lunch counter that was the center of some righteous indignation. I'm not a Kapernick fan. However, this country is supposed to be about bringing change where it's needed. People need to get a grip. I watch football. I stand for the anthem, and I support the players trying to make a difference.
Reason in a sea of dirge...Along the lines of... I may not agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend your right to say it with all my being.. Minister Grainger..keep the faith and spread the word ;-)
They’re protesting what exactly? Too amorphous and vague.
They insult as they do it.
They put no skin in the game. If protesting, do it for the entire game. Do it in season and off. They lack commitment, they lack voice, they lack an objective.
I do not respect those who disrespect me.
Nike uses sweat shops, employs enforced labor, exploiting the poor for corporate greed... and these social warriors SUPPORT THEM??? TWO-Faced!!
Burn the garbage in our own protest. Buy new and give to the poor!
Do not support these Janus’
Donate sounds better than destroy any day