Newsletters / ULC Newsletter - February, 2019

The Visionary
This week, stories of people making bold choices and holding their ground...
Sometimes with dire consequences. The Visionary deep-dives into these tales to figure out what emboldens people to overstep, and to witness how quickly things fall apart once those boundaries have been breached.
Christian missionary arrested in Brazil

Here We Go Again...

Stop us if you've heard this one before: a missionary walks onto a small island to make contact with a remote indigenous tribe... Now he could be charged with genocide.
Why It's (Still) So Serious
Ministers tax financial guide

2018-19 Minister Tax Guide

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Make Israel Great Again?

Make Israel Great Again?

Amid the firestorm of controversy surrounding the Covington Catholic incident, the role of a controversial niche faith group in sparking the conflict was largely overlooked.
Black Israelites Explained

ULC Alpha Omega Minister's Stole

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Christian pastor fired posting Bruce Jenner

For the Signs They Are A-Changin'

A small-town california pastor became the center of fierce debate recently when he posted a controversial message on the notice board in front of his church that referred to Caitlyn Jenner as "a man" and denounced homosexuality
See the Shocking Thing His Parish Did Next!
Clergy business cards

Minister Business Cards

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Tip of the iceberg clergy abuse

Too Little? Too Late?

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's support of a bill that expands abortion access sparked an outcry from religious activists and led to calls for his excommunication from the Catholic Church.
See What the Bill Allows
Karen Pence

Common Pence

Second Lady Karen Pence, wife of Vice President Mike Pence, faced backlash after announcing that she plans to teach art classes at a Christian school that has strong anti-LGBT policies.
Why Some Say It's OK
Wedding melodies album

Wedding Melodies

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Premium wedding package

Featured Product: Premium Wedding Package

One of our most popular packages, this set includes just about everything a minister could need when officiating a wedding -- plus some extra goodies to show off your ordination status. Complete with a premium credential, commemorative marriage certificates, and an all-inclusive wedding handbook, you'll be well equipped to handle whatever the 2019 wedding season throws your way!
Get Yours Here!

The ULC has relaunched the Minister Network and given it a fresh new look. Come join the most active online chapel on the internet.

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Ministers network
ULC Facebook
Our friends on Facebook reacted to the news that a prominent "conversion therapy" expert came out as gay and apologized for his previous work – a revelation that shocked many people in conservative religious circles who once considered him a valuable ally.
Click the buttons below to join your brothers and sisters in ministry in our active and ongoing online conversations!