Hello ULC Ministers! Welcome to the new year, and a new edition of the ULC Monastery Visionary. This month we were honored to be included in a very touching New York Times article about officiating weddings. We also wanted to share with you our new line of ministerial supplies and garments, available in our store, and a few recent articles from The Monastery Blog:
In the January 9th, 2011 edition of the New York Times, Noah Rosenberg describes his experience becoming ordained themonastery.org, registering with the New York City Clerk as an officiant, and performing his first wedding. After marrying one pair of friends, Rosenberg's reputation as a wedding minister made it on to Facebook, and it wasn't long until another close friend asked him to officiate his wedding, too.
Read More at the New York Times
We're very pleased to announce new ministerial accessories and apparel, including chasubles, stoles, communion cups and collared shirts, available in our store.
Visit our store to view products
In the biblical apocrypha, a set of early Christian books not typically published in the Bible, descriptions of Jesus' child portray him a little differently from the New Testament. Rather than being infinitely patient and benevolent, the apocrypha paints a picture of a vindictive, short-tempered child who will literally kill anyone who happens to get on his nerves.
Read More at the ULC Monastery Blog
According to a new study published in the Archives of General Psychology, married men show fewer anti-social behaviors than their single counterparts. Some recent research even links marital status with intelligence! Do you think marriage makes men softer and more compassionate, or that only the men who were nice to begin with get married? Let us know!
Read More at the ULC Monastery Blog
Wedding Laws
Ministerial Supplies
Wedding Training
Minister Training
The Monastery FAQ
Wedding Supply
Minister License
ULC Wallet Card
Ordination Package
Letter of Good Standing
"We Are All Children of the Same Universe" Bumper Sticker:
Help us make a change in the world. Declare your support for religious freedom.
Receive a Religious Title:
Proclaim your ministry with your true spiritual title. This document also makes a great gift.
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