If you live in any major city, you’ve likely seen advertisements for Shen Yun Performing Arts, a New York-based theatrical group which has performed intricately choreographed Chinese dances to millions. Perhaps you’ve even been, and enjoyed the show.
What you may not have known is that Shen Yun has deep ties with a highly controversial religious group known as Falun Gong, an arm of a conservative Chinese faith known for its opposition to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and for teachings that clash with traditional western values.
This is a look behind the curtain of one of the most enigmatic faith movements of the 21st century, and the dance troupe secretly sharing their message worldwide.
What is Shen Yun?
First, a primer on this more-than-meets-the-eye dance group:
Shen Yun was founded in 2006 in New York, with the goal, its founders say, of reviving ancient Chinese customs they feared were on the verge of extinction thanks to the Chinese Communist Revolution. “After decades of communist rule,” reads their website, “much of this divinely inspired culture has been destroyed or forgotten.”
Shen Yun describes itself on its official website as “a celebration of China’s rich cultural heritage." Through the combination of dance and orchestral movement, each Shen Yun performance tells the story, as they put it, “of a time when divine beings walked upon the earth, leaving behind a culture that inspired generations.”
Yet while Shen Yun rakes in millions in ticket sales each year, critics say there’s something more sinister going on than a simple celebration of Chinese heritage.
Connection to Falun Gong
Critics argue that Shen Yun largely serves as the moneymaking machine for Falun Gong, a religious movement founded in 1990s China by its charismatic head, Li Hongzhi.
Li Hongzhi and his followers were persecuted by the Chinese government for the ‘new religious’ beliefs of their faith and their criticism of the CCP. Li fled the country and permanently settled in New York in 1998.
In the United States, Falun Gong has attracted significant criticism for its outlandish teachings and cult-like activities – often drawing comparisons to the "Moonies," a Korean branch of Christianity founded by Sun Myung Moon that has had its own share of controversies.
What Does Falun Gong Believe?
Falun Gong is rooted in Buddhist teachings and claims to promote mental, physical, and spiritual health through meditation, promising followers that through enough meditation they can achieve mystical superpowers and healing capabilities.
Li Hongzhi's followers view him as a sort of quasi-deity from a higher plane of existence. In fact, Li claims he has all sorts of powers, including that he can turn invisible, levitate, and cure illnesses. “You can think of me as a human being,” Li cryptically replied when asked if he was human.
He teaches that aliens are actively intervening in the affairs of humans, and says that most modern technology was given to us by alien lifeforms to sever our spiritual connections to the past and prop up immoral modern thinking.
Disturbingly, Li preaches homosexuals are “unworthy of being human” and possess a "filthy, deviant state of mind." As if it couldn't get any worse, Falun Gong also insists that each ethnicity has their own heaven, so interracial marriages are discouraged because mixed race individuals may be punished cosmically post-death, leaving them nowhere to go in the segregated afterlife.
Faith or Front?
Shen Yun isn't officially operated by the Falun Gong religious organization. However, recent investigations – including by the New York Times – shed light on just how intertwined Shen Yun and Falun Gong truly are. Through interviews with former members and investigations into the dance troupe's financial statements, the Times uncovered some troubling details.
Tax records show Shen Yun holds some $250 million dollars in the bank, a shocking increase for a nonprofit which had reported assets of $60 million just ten years ago. While they’ve accrued some of that through global sales of Shen Yun’s hundreds of yearly performances, there may be more to this revenue than they're letting on.
For example, Shen Yun has been accused of exploiting the beliefs of Falun Gong followers and convincing them to give to the organization – through volunteer hours, donations, and more. Followers are promised salvation in return.
“They all think — including me before — we all think it is an important part of the path to godhood,” said Simone Gao, a former Falun Gong member. “If you devote time, energy and money to this cause, the reward is incomparable to what you get in this world.”
Further allegations include abusing pandemic-era relief funds, soliciting the life savings of even their most penniless followers, and using performers as mules to illegally ferry cash into the United States.
They also market a variety of products to followers, many of them with eyebrow-raising price tags. One official Falun Gong necklace runs nearly $4,000; a pair of earrings are close to $1,000. Followers are encouraged to subscribe to their $199.99/year streaming service to help spread the movement.
Critics argue it’s all used to prop up Li and bankroll his opulent lifestyle at the 400-acre Falun Gong headquarters, called Dragon Springs, located in Deerpark, NY.
However, Falun Gong disputes these allegations, and a representative called such accusations “shocking and deeply offensive.”
“For over 25 years, Falun Gong practitioners have struggled to peacefully resist persecution from the largest totalitarian regime on earth, and Shen Yun is a key part of that effort,” a Shen Yun spokeswoman told the New York Times.
What do you make of Shen Yun, Falun Gong, and Li Hongzhi?
Also let’s not forget The Epoch Times, a propaganda paper found in the homes of many in the far right, is Falun Gong’s publication.
Najah Tamargo-USA
Really???? I have seen a performance. It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. They denounce Communism.....cool! Religious beliefs? Not familiar enough to make an informed opinion.....but I believe all "organized religions" are, in fact....CULTS. However, I do love art, and what I saw in that performance is ART!! I don't have to be a believer of anything to simply enjoy good art.
They believe that mixed race children have no souls. I don't care how beautifully they dance.
Based on reviewing an official Falun website, I do not share reality with you - https://faluninfo.net/misconceptions-intolerant/
It's a terrible day when we can't decipher whether comments like this—especially given how much you've been posting in favor of Falun—are coming from a bot, a true believer of this organization, or a genuinely confused person. For the sake of compassion I am going to treat you as the latter and assume that your comments are sincere. -- The problem with strictly using a religion's website as a source is that many religions (there are exceptions, of course) actively do not put their more disturbing content right up front and center. They will often opt for more loving or enlightened messages. BUT if you read their literature and attend their religious organization meetings you will learn and realize the more evangelical messages they are secretly harboring and conveying to their followers. Now I admit I personally don't know much about this religion but I do have a friend who used to be a follower (they call themselves "reformed" now that they're "liberated" from it; again, their words, not mine). My friend has often spoken of the cruel messages that were passed on to them via this organization regarding the soulless and unworthiness of mixed race children and people in the LGBTQ. Messages that were only acquired via the readings and verbal lessons/teachings. I don't recall all the details—I will have to reach out to them again and ask. But that part really stuck in my mind.
The art is beautiful, however the abuse of the performers is questionable.
It's all a matter of $$$.
As a Witch, I am particularly sensitive to the discrimination aimed at minority religions. I was really upset when I heard about the discrimination against Shen Yun/Falun Gong. So I decided to find out a bit about their beliefs. When I read that, according to them, mixed race children had no souls, I decided that the Chinese were absolutely correct their disdain for these awful people. I do note that the part of this article addressing their aversion to mixed marriages is watered way down. But the bottom line is that they believe mixed race children have no souls.
Yeah, I consider this more discrimination against a scummy jerk and his adherents rather than a religion. Cultists that promote condemnation of the way someone is born don't deserve respect.
Where did you read that? Are you sure you are not reading Chinese propaganda designed to discredit Falun dafa?
Maybe they should merge with Scientology?
I've seen it and I'm not a fan. It's pretty and artful, but what turned me off was the constant litany about how it's all about a banned religion. We were told repeatedly to, remember, this is a banned religion. Yes, yes, again, it's pretty, it is what it is. It's theater, and art form, etc. I believe once is enough for the cost of it. It's really expensive.
Anyone who gives money to this con man are stupid people and anyone who says that he has supreme powers like making himself invisible need to book themselves into a local mental health hospital.I have never heard of this dance group.
Count your blessings that you've never heard of them. They are rampant in Washington, DC.
Why can't it just be enjoyed for what it is? It's a beautiful art form.
Because it's supporting a horrible cause and message. I'm sure that Nazi orchestras played beautiful music, also.
Excellent point. I kind of relate it to Michael Jackson's pop music. Does pop art erase pedophilia?
Sounds to me that they are a dangerous money orientated cult, leading people away from God, condemning them to hell. There is one heaven for all, we are all God's people
After years of seeing the advertisements for their show, thinking it was going to be a wonderful display of Chinese dance, acrobatics, etc., I was disappointed when finally I went to see the show and it was just mediocre ballet, with religious cult and political messaging. If I had known beforehand I would have saved the money I spent on the expensive ticket and stayed at home. It is hyped up marketing and advertising, but more of a damp squib in reality. If you want to see Chinese dance and real talent, go on YouTube and watch some of the New Year performance displays from Shanghai, etc.
Ew. Bigot religion. We don't need any more of those, we have quite enough thanks.
Apparently, cults are on the rise worldwide…
Just look at Trumpism!
Indeed, also examine how a mindless pale shell of a human was praised by all of Hollywood, the media, all Democrats and the lemmings who repeated the nonsense. Biden is as sharp as a tack! Say it with me..."Biden is as sharp as a tack". Can a lemming change its course? No.
Cults are definitely everywhere.
I know tRUMP leads a bunch of mindless cultists called magats. Easy to prove.
I agree Timothy. About half the nation thinks trump is the way and about half the nation though Biden was the way 5 seconds before he couldn't form a sentence on global television, then they felt space cadet Harris was the way once they were told who to vote for.
I've noticed there are very few of us that see all three as they really are.
A lot of people who despise Trump (I am one) didn't actually like Biden. Some people liken Trump to Nehemiah Scudder, some think he is a foolish tool of Musk. History will tell us which is true.
capitalism at it's finest
I'm surprised the Chinese government allows this to exist. I wonder why they don't just have one of their usa based police units go shut it all down. Lest not ask why our elected officials allow these USA based Chinese police outfits to exist though, that might be uncomfortable.
For what it's worth, I'm sure a basic DNA test will tag every single follower a hybridized infidel bound for limbo.
I wish I could have a deviant brain to fleece followers into believing I'm god-incarnate and rake in billions of dollars. Unfortunately, my better angel tells me no. So, I have to go with that answer. But what I could do with a billion dollars...
When you start demonizing select groups of people for who they love has become common place around the world. This should be a red flag!
A quarter billion is not a lot to start a counter-revolution.
Why to do attach hate speech to what we don't understand or feel is not in line with what we want.
I am disturbed how people still to this day way all that is going on in this world still allow themselves to pulled in cults. Our focus need to be focused one following our lord and savior. To say interracial people will have no place with our lord is just plain ignorant. This cult needs to be shut down and people that choose to follow; should wake up.
I would question the accuracy of many statements made in this article. And I would challenge the author of this article to link to official Falun dafa resources regarding homosexuality and mixed-race children. I reviewed information from an officlal website and do not share reality with a number of things mentioned in this article.
Official Falun Gong websites can say whatever they want people to believe but it doesn't make it true. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-07-21/inside-falun-gong-master-li-hongzhi-the-mountain-dragon-springs/12442518 https://www.jstor.org/stable/27212327
It's a cult and I won't support them.
Li Hongzhi and a hundred other religious "prophets" and evangelicals just want our money to support a lavish lifestyle. Nothing new in that old con.
Yes, my first thought was 'Moonies' and then 'Prosperity Gospel'. Intolerant bigoted hate mongering, give me your money so you can go to Heaven. Fits right in with fundalalist christian bs.
I would encourage you to question the things said in this article. This article written by the ULC is not an authoritative source about Falun Dafa.
Official Falun websites do not concur with many things said in this article about falun - https://faluninfo.net/misconceptions-intolerant/
Well of course not. Which cults official website publishes "we indoctrinate, we control, we punish, we take all your possessions, we separate you from your family, we discriminate," etc. Not good marketing, Terrence.