Note: This piece is a guest submission from ULC Minister Gary Hutchinson
It's October, the time of the year where people go to painstaking effort to decorate their porches with cobwebs, scarecrows, spiders, and other ghoulish items all in the hopes of spooking some young trick-or-treaters come Halloween. It's a fun, family friendly activity and the decorations come down after the holiday has passed.
But for some houses, the spooky activity doesn't stop when Halloween ends. Some houses are just plain haunted. Years of experience have helped me to create a detailed list of "warning signs" to watch for. Could your home be at risk?
10 Signs of a Haunted House:
1. Persistent unexplained noises These might come in the form of footsteps, knocks at the door or windows, scratching noises, or a vague banging. The sounds might be loud and impossible to ignore, or subtle and only detectable at certain times.
2. Electronics acting strangely Are your home electronics are always "misbehaving?" Maybe your TV suddenly flickers on without any buttons being pressed. Or maybe your lights always act up you remember so clearly turning your basement light off before leaving the house, but when you return, it has mysteriously turned back on.
3. Eerie shadows Seeing strange shapes or shadows is a common occurrence in houses that are "occupied." The shadows can sometimes take human or animal-like forms, but they rarely appear directly in your field of vision, making them difficult to identify.
4. Cold spots Do areas of your house become incredibly cold for no reason? This is a classic sign indicating the presence of a supernatural being. (Pro tip: invest in a small space heater and place it in the center of the cold spot. If the area fails to warm up, you'll have serious reason to suspect that your house is haunted).
5. Household items disappear and reappear at random Commonly known as the Disappearing Object Phenomenon, we've probably all experienced this at one time or another. You set an item down, get distracted by something, and when you turn back around, it's gone. You look everywhere, but to no avail. Hours later, long after you've given up your search, the item reappears in the exact place you left it.
6. Doors opening or closing Few people actually see it happen, but doors and cabinets acting erratically is a frequent complaint from residents whose houses turn out to be haunted. They might hear the familiar sound of a door swinging on its hinges, only to round the corner and find it completely secure upon further inspection. Or perhaps they enter a room and discover a door that they knew was closed to be wide open or vice versa.
7. Peculiar pet behavior Similar to their acute sense for natural disasters, most animals will begin acting strange if they sense a supernatural presence. Cats might stand in doorways and focus intently on seemingly-empty rooms. Dogs might bark for no reason, or become scared and retreat to "safer" areas of the house.
8. The "someone is watching me" feeling - This is hardly unusual, as some people report getting a sense that they're being watched while out in public fairly frequently. However, if the feeling intensifies while in your house (a very private place), it could be attributed to an act of the paranormal.
Warning: the last two items on this list are SERIOUS indicators of paranormal activity. If you've experienced either of these phenomena, do not take the experience lightly.
9. Mysterious voices Especially if they come in the form of whispering or crying. Unless the noises can be clearly identified, this is a glaring sign of paranormal activity in your home. If the voices persist, ask a friend or family member to come investigate with you. If you can both hear the noises, it might be time to contact an expert or even explore new living arrangements.
10. Feeling of being touched This one is the biggest red flag. It could be an innocuous touch, like something lightly brushing against you. In more severe cases, people report feeling a hand clamp down on their leg or shoulder. Apparently, not all ghosts are friendly
Well, there you have it. If you believe your house to be haunted, consider contacting a paranormal investigator to assess the situation. They can help you find an explanation for the paranormal activity and offer guidance as to what steps should be taken next.
Note from ULC: With Samhain fast approaching, our popular Pagan Blessing Bundle is in high demand. Get yours today before they're gone!
Its just the angels come to pay a visit! Shalom, my good people and have a grateful day!
Thank you, Rabbi Jim. I was going to comment on how this article was blatantly spooking people. There are all kinds of ghosts and spirits wandering around, and the vast majority of them in our homes are our ancestors, friends or former residents of the house. They may be in a memory loop, repeating behaviors they commonly performed in this life. They may not know they are dead and are trying to carry on as they did in this life and can be frustrated. They can have unfinished business and are waiting and trying to get it finished. Trying to banish them is cruel. Contact some ghost friendly witches if you need help in moving them on. We tend to leave ours be, acknowledge their presence and go on. If they are doing something annoying, say so and ask them to stop. Just as if they still had a physical body.
Angels, fairies and other beings may also be visiting or even living on what you consider your land. Still no need to call in ghost busters, in fact, that may just tick them off. Greet them kindly. Ask that missing things be put back. Fairies can be particularly tricky about moving or hiding things. Getting angry or scared doesn't help at all. Contact local witches familiar with angels and fairies, and learn to deal with them in a positive fashion.
Truly frightening things like voices or being touched are still rarely dangerous. They can be, but it's so rare I've only encountered one instance in my entire life. No one else in the family was experiencing the being touched, and when the young woman moved to a different house (not because of the visitor), all activity stopped. See the first paragraph of this missive for possible reasons.
Poltergeist - things being thrown or moved rather violently, are most often telekinesis out of control and are commonly associated with adolescent girls and young women, though it can happen with other people. It most often has nothing to do with a spirit presence, it's a human condition that can be controlled once recognized.
The entertainment industry and some religions promote the idea that all these visitors and happenings are somehow evil, scary and harmful. Wrong. Promoting the idea that these happenings occur because a home is built on an old "indian" or "slave" burial ground is simply racist. Though an encounter can be startling, so can your spouse walking up behind you when you are focused on something else. It's better to just say 'you startled me' and go on.
Samhain is coming, the veil is very thin these last few years and yes, you may be visited. Calm down, breathe and say hello. Whoever comes to mind first is probably your visitor. It's a blessing to be visited. It's an honor to have one stick around.
A really thoughtful and informative post, thanks.
Thank you. I have no probs with my fairies and other friends on the other side. They touch and talk and do things to get attention because they are communicating and friendly. And yes they have a sense of humour and play tricks. I love them. Lots of fun and they help me a lot. Treat them good, give them a place at the table, leave yummy food and drinks and gifts for them. And talk to them and learn to listen, just like all relationships what you put into them is what you get back. And yeah don't stand for any crap if they are hassling you, tell them off or ask someone like archangel Michael or another guardian to deal with them if needed. Not scary at all.
amen mother tuleesa
I know my house is haunted, but they're family. I live in the house my mother was born in. My grandfather was laid out in this house when he died. I never knew my maternal grandfather, who was killed by a train in 1932. When he wants to visit me, he always knocks.
Other family members, or maybe fairies, hide things from me from time to time. When I ask for the items back, they return them.
We've only lived in one house that hasn't been haunted. My husband, our first 3 children and I lived in a 258 year old plantation house that started as a 2 room log cabin. We loved our ghosts. We did have to throw away a toy that one of our young visitors would play with all night keeping our 3 year old awake. Imagine our surprise when it turned up back in the house, working, even though it had no batteries! That child is now 21 and in college and just recently decided to tell us why he stopped sleeping in his room and wanted to share with his brother. One night while he was trying to go to sleep he heard a whispering voice that didn't belong to any of us. It said to him "I know your name, Matthew.". It then said "Are you afraid?" He said he didn't answer. It then said " You should be.". Then he said it growled. Apparently a similar incident occurred with his older brother who was afraid to tell us. Even now he is very reluctant to discuss it. For the most part we miss our ghosts terribly.
Minister Dave No ghosts!!! Mortgage too high ?
I'm in lower New York, so you cant throw a rock without hitting something haunted. We are 25 minutes North of the city in an area steeped in early American history, including Revolutionary War battles that basically happened in our yards. I live a block away from the Thomas Paine cottage, and a block away is my Aunts house which served as a Revolutionary war hospital. Growing up around her house, I have most certainly experienced things, but never in a fearful or negative way....more of just presence.
Whereas, other spots in the Hudson Valley area have quite the opposite experience, such as locations in and around Sleepy Hollow NY (headless horseman, etc.), as well as many other spots around the region.
My thinking as a Gnostic Christian is that the simple presence experienced has to do with those just lost between experiences due to very abrupt deaths. Whereas the malevolent hauntings in my area are the remnant of what we would refer to as evil people, as there were many in the area since early colonization.
The irony in Sleepy Hollow for instance, is the hauntings of those that were supposed to be upright Christian men in power, are seemingly the negative hauntings, while some of the women killed for "witchcraft" (Gnostics) are very playful in their activities.
Chuck...interesting and well-written...last year i was in Danvers, Massachusetts, which was re-named from Salem...while i do not practice or believe in religions, i feel the pantheistic aspects of Gnostics, Wiccans and similar groups come close to the non-symbolisms of what is our universe...the problems most religions have is they put a hierarchy to God in place, and they attribute malevolence to their "God(s)"...have a great day...Tom
Thanks Tom..... what Ive learned studying Gnosticism is that there is much history involving the Church (originally the Catholic Church) hunting down people that were more aware of a simpler connection to nature and our creator....and heavily more so if they happened to be women. I chalk this up to the notion that the "Church" (original church anyway), truly has taken the simple word of those like Christ and hid it in their own ritual complexities.... to include going after Gnostic groups (Gnostic Christians, etc.) when they arose to kill the message before it spread.
Thats not to say there arent evil people practicing things such as "witchcraft", but overall Ive come to know that Gnosis truly is just knowledge, and can be used for good or evil, much the same way knowledge of science can be used for good or evil.
Some of the graves of those killed as "witches" in Sleepy Hollow for instance have insulting terms etched on them, such as witch, simpleton, etc. And going after women in particular lends itself to the male centered patriarchy of the "Church"....which in reality is just a continuation of old Babylon, and has nothing to do with Christ other than to hide/bend his messsage.
Chuck...nicely expressed...Tom
To ULC...tell me why my comment is "awaiting moderation"/censorship...thank you...Tom
They do that with every comment. Weeds out the trolls.
And that is censorship, Cyn...Tom
Not necessarily. It prevents those who wish to cause harm from causing it. Every blog has a set of standards to be met, or should.
That is simply setting up an authority on censorship...
I could write a very long article on this subject . Blessed Be! I haven't been blessed or cursed with seeing as many ghosts as Melinda Gordon ( Jennifer Love Hewitt ),but I have had numerous experiences with various forms of discarnate entities in different places, under different circumstances. Although I use my mundane name with ULC my other name is Raven Apollo ( the Greek God of healing ). Although I identify with numerous religious\spiritual paths my overall ( umbrella ) religion, way of life is called Wicca. Early in my religious training (my first year and a day ), my Wiccan mentor Herbert (Gypsy) Woods (Uz) told me that I was a natural witch. That's why such experiences (and others) are commonplace to me. I am from Galveston,Texas (the Island),which is also another very haunted location. I've even seen a book called The Ghosts Of Galveston.[ Those of you who are interested in real ghost stories should Google it.] There is also a business here that gives ghost tours in our historic downtown area. However, none of the aforementioned ghosts are any of the ones I have come in contact with here, and I have heard of many more . I never seek to experience such things anymore, and when I don't I rarely ever do. But now that it's on my mind and I'm writing about it I'll most likely experience something. I've long since gotten over the thrill and excitement of such things. I'm glad I know they exist,just like I'm glad to know when I have mice in my home so I can put poison out for them. There are ways to get rid of unwelcome spirits too. Thank God and Goddess I'm finally not living in a haunted house. It's just that I prefer to pick my roommates, before they move in. Of course,it's best to bless a new home and perform a banishing ritual before moving in . If that doesn't work you might have to perform an exorcism. An d if you are'nt trained or experienced in doing that stuff please don't do it yourself, but find someone who is. It's not as simple as reading directions and following them. That could make the haunting a lot worse. And please don't seek me to assist you in that. I don't care to be bothered with such things, and all you'll get are my prayers. Prayers are definitely helpful and should be included, but you'll need a lot more than that. Good luck, and Blessed Be!
there are more humane ways to kill a mice. I never understood people who claim to be spiritual but disregard animal life unless its their own pets. being poisoned is an extremely painful way to die. google other less painful ways to rid of mice-they're out there. or simply trap and release them further away. we're all God's creatures!
Hi Carl, I'm from Galveston, too. You can barely walk without bumping into some spirit there. 2 of the 3 houses I lived in had ghosts, and all my relatives houses, too.
I don't like killing mice or anything else. I even pray for the souls of roaches when I kill them. However, I am far from perfect and this will surely not be my last incarnation. And I'll only turn the other cheek so many times before I start putting out rat poison again. Better them than me. I also never said I was very spiritual, but I do think I'm getting better. And don't worry, the pain is only temporary. I've long since given up torture.
Ghosts indeed! Hauntings occur in our minds, not in our houses.
There you go Chad! You are spot on! Check out my post regarding this issue if they ever "approve it". :)
You sound like a true schizophrenic. Don't forget to take your medication today, Chad.
Funny you rock ! Right on
Gee, I would quicker to blame the person who believes in ghosts to be the Schizophrenic LONG before one who do doesn't. After all- it IS a clinical Mental Illness. YES....clinical!!
Sorry for the typo's. My keyboard must be haunted, hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Yes, my house is haunted. The activity changes with the season. Now that it's closer to Samhain things have been amping up a bit. Sunday morning I woke from a dream where a strange man was just roaming around my house to find the front door standing open in a way that it wouldn't do naturally with the door knob in the locked position. Par for the course but still disconcerting.
I have to mention that the ghosties don't scare me. I am hoping it was a ghost rather than a person breaking into my house. I fear the living more than the dead.
Hauntings and haunted houses -- it's all anecdotal. Mostly the ghosts, boogeymen, and spectres are found in the head and not in closets nor under the bed. BOO!!!
Amen Rev Ray!
Great list of haunting symptoms!
A few random thoughts... Why get an assessment when you can get a full clearing and learn what is attached or unattached but negatively affecting the occupants?
Keeping ghosts/entities as "pets" is not a good idea. It profoundly affects your brain and nervous system, especially the amygdala/limbic system where your survival brain is tracking the energetics around you. This is non-resourceful to your brain as it is checking roughly every 10 seconds to learn if you are surviving being in the place you are in.
I work with highly sensitive people and clear people, homes, land and objects in my ministry. I do deep soul healings for ghosts, which get stuck on a variety of dimensions but it is always about unresolved conflicts.
It is very true that ancestors and original home/land owners are the typical answers of "who is attached" there often are dark force entities and animal spirits affecting people, too. Always use respect with entities. Respectfully ask that they not bother you when in your home or work space to set boundaries until you can have your place properly cleared.
A cleared space --even of discordant energies is a beautiful thing to experience. It's a nice gift to give yourself. Just make sure that the person who clears your space is getting everything all at once. If they don't know how, keep looking. Your place ought to be clear of soul parts of others, human soul ghosts, entities attached and unattached of all types and kinds, negative and discordant energies and it should take into account the neighborhood and include all contents for the address. This can all be done remotely, in one session. Find someone else if they need more than one session or have to be there in person.
BTW...Never use burning sage or palo santo or other objects to clear the property --it can be construed as going to war with the entities.
Just my $0.02
Happy Diwali brothers and sisters. I live in a house that was built on the site of another earlier building according to the 1847 tithe maps. Plus there are two streams shown on the map, one of which we found the culvert for under our new extension. We also have 3 cats. I am mildly sensitive but my wife is clairaudient. We have experienced all of the above phenomenon plus one that was not noted but can be explained by my forgetfulness if you are a sceptic. My belief is that the Universe and Mother nature and Quantum physics make an afterlife a virtual certainty, as a direct result of Evolution and nothing new, except that now our society rarely acknowledges it. My point is that many who 'pass on' have not realised it due to that lack in our culture to accomodate or recognise it. They stick around; basically they have no conciousness of their demise. And because they are by nature from the past, most of them are or were children. And as youngsters do, they like to play. Sometimes to our annoyance and rarely to our peril. I reinforce wholeheartedly what Annie Kolatkar has said above. What these 'entities ' need is not our fear or emnity but an understanding. That they are not all alone in this Universe and that they can safely pass on to their next stage and meet up old friends and relatives in the next world.
I see stuff move. I hear cabinets slamming shut.
My friends...I have spent 30 plus years as a professional Magician. I have written books on the paranormal, and have worked along-side MANY self-proclaimed psychics and "spiritualists". I have studied the paranormal for years and participated in MANY "ghost hunts" at alleged "haunted houses". I can ASSURE you with every once of my being- THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS GHOSTS OR HAUNTED HOUSES!
I can also state with equal certainty, there is NO SUCH THING AS PSYCHIC PHENOMENA! I can very easily duplicate ANY "paranormal" or "psychic" feat performed by ANY ""psychic" using very "natural methods". ANY competent Magician can! These things exist only to the extent one WANTS to believe in them. I love a good ghost story or scary movie as much as the next person, but trust me. Show me ANY paranormal phenomena, ghost or haunting and I will BUST it within minutes!
After years of study I will reveal to you these SOLID conclusions: People who profess to have these abilities do so ONLY for three possible reasons:
1). Profit (scam artists).
2). Notoriety (those who seek attention due to very low self-esteem).
3). The mentally Ill. (YES, it is indeed a clinical psychosis). They actually BELIEVE they can talk to the dead for example.
Those who BELIEVE in these things do so because they really, really WANT to believe. They will take things with the simplest explanation and turn them it wild exaggerations and "paranormal" anomalies. Sad but true. I have witnessed it first-hand hundreds of times. No amount of evidence- no matter HOW CONCLUSIVE, can convince these poor souls.
Let me conclude with one more piece of evidence. For DECADES a professional Magician and Paranormal Researcher by the name of The Amazing Randi offered ONE MILLION DOLLARS to ANYONE who under test conditions could show ANY proof of Ghosts, Haunting's, Psychic Phenomena, etc. The reward was NEVER claimed. BUSTED!
Minister John
John...with all due respect, you have apparently never investigated Gettysburg...Tom
Hi Tom.
Funny you should mention that. I used to perform at a restored village (Genesee Country Village & Museum) in Mumford New York. I was their "resident Conjurer" for many years performing a 19th Century reproduction Magic Show. One of the biggest events every year was The Civil War Reenactment. I became very good friends with all of the members of the Virginia 22nd. Battalion. We discussed many events ("haunting's") that were some of the most popular urban legends in Gettysburg, and they told me about some of their own "encounters". This prompted me to look into it.
I've seen the interviews, heard the stories and even saw some intriguing videos. EVERY ONE was easily debunked. And you can even find the debunking (investigative videos) on Youtube. Sorry Tom. It is all pure nonsense. True believers have already set themselves up to see/hear/experience all sorts of imaginary things. That's why I find it discouraging that 99.9% of all "ghost hunters" are BELIEVERS! To get the accurate picture, the investigator MUST BE a skeptic going into the investigation.
Let me know which story, video or encounter in Gettysburg you find the most intriguing. I will be happy to send you links to their debunking if it is available.
PS: Remember what I stated in my post. ANYONE who brought the "proof" to Dr. James Randi would have become an INSTANT MILLIONAIRE. Why do you suppose no one ever did?
John...thank you for writing...the 2 instances to which i refer are the tour of the field with the Russian contingency, and the basement hospital...it is not interesting to me to study Randi or Silva, for that matter...how do you understand the entropy of "life"?...Tom
I'm not sure you read my post correctly. Following in the footsteps of Harry Houdini, (who years ago exposed all paranormal events, psychics and spiritualists as FRAUDS), James Randi was a non-believer and paranormal DEBUNKER! Silvia on the other hand was a self-proclaimed "psychic" and a BAD one at that! The two couldn't be further apart! They have nothing in common.
I will check sources for the two events you mentioned and include links here. But if we are talking about events that are "witness based" only, it is moot. There is no validity to those who "claim" to have experienced something. That type of "evidence" is NOT credible. Hearsay is not even admissible in court!
I have no idea where you are going with your "entropy" comment. Perhaps you can elaborate? Are you speaking in pure scientific or conjectural terms? If it's science you want, what if I were to tell you that the researchers at CERN have claimed that if ghosts existed. they would have found them by now? SCIENTIFICALLY! It's a fascinating read. Here is the link:
I will get back to you with anything I can find regarding your query.
John...it would be a shame for a person who is as bright as you to rely solely on science...it is a mistake to assume that because something has not been scientifically verified, up to this point, that it is not true...this would lead to a belief that we are alone in the universe, for example...entropy: perhaps a better expression would be that energy/matter can not be destroyed...so the energy/matter that we call "life", which includes everyone who ever lived and will live, can not be destroyed...therefore, spirits are simply one expression of that energy/matter...we are infinite...Tom
Hi Tom! YES, that is exactly why I included the link to the CERN and the Hadron Collider research. It address EXACTLY what you stated about matter/energy and why in THIS instance the presents of "ghosts" is not possible. From the article:
"While particle physicists are battling with discrepancies in the incomplete theory, Cox says there is no way ghosts are another one of these mysteries, because they defy the laws of thermodynamics.
His explanation for this is simple: if ghosts existed, they would be made purely of energy, because they contain no matter – allowing them to pass through walls and do other "spooky" things. The second law of thermodynamics says the overall entropy, or disorder, in a system always increases with time and this means energy is always lost to heat.
The only way a ghost could continue to haunt Earth is if they had a constant incoming source of energy – otherwise they would not last very long at all."
So there you have it...as of now...Ghosts CANNOT exist according to any and all laws of physics. While I understand "ghosts" live in the realm of the Paranormal and metaphysical, I can ONLY rely on what I have seen, researched and learned over my 30+ years.
Don't misunderstand me...I would LOVE to one day see or experience ANYTHING that isn't explainable by natural laws or by trickery. Up to this point, I'm afraid I have ruined my "sense of wonder" by educating myself on the topic and by my knowledge of Magic and "Mentalism" (what magicians call psychic phenomena).
If ANYONE living ever had the ability to return from the dead, I would say that person would have had to have been Eric Weiss, aka "Harry Houdini". Houdini was a crusader who debunked hundreds of the worlds best-known spiritualists, psychics and mediums. He was the target of lawsuits and even death threats due to his debunking. He went on to perform public demonstrations exposing every method and described logical explanations for what the uneducated called "paranormal experiences". All of this began because Houdini was DESPERATE to contact his deceased mother to alleviate the guilt he suffered from not being with her at the time of her death. So you see, he WANTED it to be true. It was ANGER and frustration that caused him to go on his crusade to expose the frauds. His conclusion after years: ALL were frauds. But, he didn't stop there.
He arranged SECRET "keywords" with his wife Bess before his death. If it was he who was speaking from the grave Bess would hear the words that only the two of them knew. Their goal was to prove or disprove ghosts could communicate with the living. For over 50 years after his death, Bess and some of the most celebrated "Mediums" performed seances on the anniversary's of his death. Oddly enough Houdini died Halloween! October 31st 1926. Sadly, those words never came and Bess finally concluded the seances.
Sorry for being so long-winded, but as you might imagine, Magic, Magicians Ghosts, Psychic Phenomena, and the Paranormal have always been a fascination to me. But alas, as of today- Friday, October 20th, 2017, they remain little more than adult fairy tales not to be taken seriously but for "entertainment purposes only".
Hi Tom! YES, that is exactly why I included the link to the CERN and the Hadron Collider research. It address EXACTLY what you stated about matter/energy and why in THIS instance the presents of “ghosts” is not possible. From the article:
“While particle physicists are battling with discrepancies in the incomplete theory, Cox says there is no way ghosts are another one of these mysteries, because they defy the laws of thermodynamics.
His explanation for this is simple: if ghosts existed, they would be made purely of energy, because they contain no matter – allowing them to pass through walls and do other “spooky” things. The second law of thermodynamics says the overall entropy, or disorder, in a system always increases with time and this means energy is always lost to heat.
The only way a ghost could continue to haunt Earth is if they had a constant incoming source of energy – otherwise they would not last very long at all.”
So there you have it…as of now…Ghosts CANNOT exist according to any and all laws of physics. While I understand “ghosts” live in the realm of the Paranormal and metaphysical, I can ONLY rely on what I have seen, researched and learned over my 30+ years.
Don’t misunderstand me…I would LOVE to one day see or experience ANYTHING that isn’t explainable by natural laws or by trickery. Up to this point, I’m afraid I have ruined my “sense of wonder” by educating myself on the topic and by my knowledge of Magic and “Mentalism” (what magicians call psychic phenomena).
If ANYONE living ever had the ability to return from the dead, I would say that person would have had to have been Eric Weiss, aka “Harry Houdini”. Houdini was a crusader who debunked hundreds of the worlds best-known spiritualists, psychics and mediums. He was the target of lawsuits and even death threats due to his debunking. He went on to perform public demonstrations exposing every method and described logical explanations for what the uneducated called “paranormal experiences”. All of this began because Houdini was DESPERATE to contact his deceased mother to alleviate the guilt he suffered from not being with her at the time of her death. So you see, he WANTED it to be true. It was ANGER and frustration that caused him to go on his crusade to expose the frauds. His conclusion after years: ALL were frauds. But, he didn’t stop there.
He arranged SECRET “keywords” with his wife Bess before his death. If it was he who was speaking from the grave Bess would hear the words that only the two of them knew. Their goal was to prove or disprove ghosts could communicate with the living. For over 50 years after his death, Bess and some of the most celebrated “Mediums” performed seances on the anniversary’s of his death. Oddly enough Houdini died Halloween! October 31st 1926. Sadly, those words never came and Bess finally concluded the seances.
Sorry for being so long-winded, but as you might imagine, Magic, Magicians Ghosts, Psychic Phenomena, and the Paranormal have always been a fascination to me. But alas, as of today- Friday, October 20th, 2017, they remain little more than adult fairy tales not to be taken seriously but for “entertainment purposes only”.
John...while i respect your right to choose what to believe, you are "cherry-picking" physics at a particular time...i too studied up to atomic physics...since i was in college, physics has discovered smaller and smaller particles; black holes; the bending of space; the theory that teleportation is possible; there is no such thing as centrifugal force; the "big bang"; the likelihood there are millions of planets like ours; psychic surgery; etc...my point is that our existence is not predicated on physics, or any other science...it is ego that makes us try to rely on what we consider reality, and ego is a drag on our existence...have you studied Stephen Hawking?...he is probably the individual who has come the closest to merging physics and spirituality...have you tried meditation?...have a good night...Tom
With all due respect, how insulting to not just question, but mock the beliefs and experiences of the spiritualists of a different path here. You don't to believe. It's not necessary. But to speak to us like this? May your mother visit you on Samhain and remind you to respect others.
Really? Willful ignorance is not an excuse to mock, NOT the beliefs, but the TRUTH behind something I know FAR MORE about than you. Believe what you will. I offered you the facts....your beliefs and ignorance do NOT equal reality! Please refrain from speaking to me again or I will consider it harassment and report you to the moderator!
Oh, there's a way to get a last word. Relax, you are far too upset for civil discussion. I will stop now.
John, without any respect ( which you certainly don't deserve), I think you're totally full of shit ( or maybe it's ectoplasm)!
Minister John, I harassing and don't care who your retarded ass re ports me too. Wait until after the spells have been cast on you before you tell us how you feel, Asshole!
WOW...spells! "name calling"....you are a drooling moron and Waaaaaay out of your league you idiot! You are a chimp who just revealed what true ignorance looks like... Warning: I could DESTROY you verbally. I made a living exposing the mentally deficient. YOU can't hold a candle to some of the more educated rivals I have encountered. Say what you will, but I won't be wasting any more time on sophomoric, IGNORANT, UNEDUCATED neanderthals. OH NOOOOO...a spell! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT A SAD WASTE OF FLESH YOU ARE.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Booooooooooooooooooo.
Wait, wait, wait...are you actually "name calling" and threatening me with SPELLS??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Does your Mommy know you are on her computer? LOL
WOW…spells! “name calling”….you are a drooling moron and Waaaaaay out of your league you idiot! You are a chimp who just revealed what true ignorance looks like… Warning: I could DESTROY you verbally. I made a living exposing the mentally deficient. YOU can’t hold a candle to some of the more educated rivals I have encountered. Say what you will, but I won’t be wasting any more time on sophomoric, IGNORANT, UNEDUCATED neanderthals. OH NOOOOO…a spell! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT A SAD WASTE OF FLESH YOU ARE…..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Booooooooooooooooooo.
I have lived in two haunted houses. The first was a small house in Ventura, built in the 20s. I saw people where there were none, shadow figures, had items moved around, had my blankets pulled toward the wall - and kept perfectly neat and tidy - when my bed was in a particular corner. There were many other things, some with witnesses, some only me. i usually did not feel scared, only once when the vision of an old man coming toward me happened in the daytime. Much of it was in the daytime.
The last place I lived was not as bad, but I felt in danger at times. Worst was when a voice called me by name from outside the bathroom door. Witness were there and heard nothing. Shadow figures, cats & dog afraid of nothing. Dog refused to come indoors at times.
Haunted houses are real, but not all ghost stories are.
Hmmmm, my daughter Lauren, passes away 6 years ago, she committed sucide. I keep the door to her room closed. Many times when I leaving for work in the early morning I look down the hall a see that her door is open. Since I'm the only one living here, I find it comforting that she returns to visit, and there are times when I'm downstairs I hear sounds coming from her room upstairs. Not sure if I believe in ghosts but like many who have lost a child to suicide we all would like to have that last conversation WHY?
Who could have foreseen that a discussion about ghosts, goblins, and boogymen, would turn into one of the most active threads ever on this site? It must be the season of the witch, yeah... sure is strange. Booga... Booga!!!
It's time for me to smoke a joint and move on to another article. I don't like losing my cool by lowering myself to the level of fools.
What the ...? The comments in this thread are as humorous as they are disturbing. Psychotropic stabilization comes to mind. I'm outta' here. Peace!
A very interesting monthly narrative of various subjects. Minister D. Carroll
A very insightful monthly narrative. I've enjoyed and am consumed with all the subject matter and events.
I have an interesting side note regarding "Strange pet behavior"
As mentioned in my above post, My area of New York is quite known for hauntings. My mother's last apartment was a 3 floor wooden walk up building that was built in the mid 1800's, and is the oldest structure in town other than the houses. Its what they used to call "railroad flats". Since day 1 in that place we all have had some story about a female presence in the apartment. It was never threatening, but would nudge doors, tap walls, and occasionally call out a name.
So, my mother's cat was extremely aware of this, and very obviously would interact with what the rest of us could not see.....particularly in a corner of the living room.
When my nephew was born, he spent a lot of time at my mother's. The crib wound up being put near this corner of the living room. And much like the cat, my baby nephew seemed very much aware of this presence, to even include looking at the corner of the room, standing in his crib, having full on conversations (in baby talk) with what the rest of us could not see.
Then interestingly, around the age of 3, he seemed to stop interacting with this presence.
It made me think that at some point we humans lose what other life forms seem more connected to. And it reminded me of the Biblical story of the "fall of man", where animals all of a sudden ran away from people, and wanted nothing to do with them. Making me wonder if we once were able to interact with the non-physical, or that which can be experienced with the 5 senses.
Any thoughts?
Chuck...what you said about your nephew makes sense...what i understand is that when a soul is reincarnated, it remembers its past life until between the ages of 2 and 3, but is unable to express itself to most people...anyone can try looking into the eyes of an infant...it will keep the gaze, and communicate a feeling to you...basically, children lose their connections as they are indoctrinated by parents, the world etc...but there are exceptions...Tom
Can a ghost make you believe you heard something other then whats said .Like voice sounds like mine .
This is a respectful question of Minister John. I'm just wondering exactly what belief system you follow that suggested a Ministerial title would be a logical course of action? Perhaps I got the wrong idea but by your posts you appear very anti everything except logic & science. Perhaps it's none of my business but as I am new to the ULC, I am trying to understand what the different beliefs are & to me, yours don't seem to follow any logical Ministerial construct within a belief system I am aware of. Would you mind enlightening me?
I thoroughly enjoyed the dialog exchange in this blog from last Oct 2017, especially the exchange between Tom and Min. John. It was informative as to the investigation and debunking of paranormal activity and trying to keep an open mind. Being a Pagan I have found that most non-pagans think we are all a bit touched in our metaphysical quest, much of which is true. I have never encountered a ghost, but I can't honestly say there aren't things of that nature out there. I do believe there is a Source/Force that is at work in the universe, though I can't elaborate on what that is. I hope science is able to zero in on it one of these days. I do agree that humans tend to create there own sense of what is real, whether it's real or not. We like or find some psychological need for ghosts, demon, the devil, fairies and what not. I do acknowledge the existence of psychic energy, as I have had a few random experiences in that area, but I don't buy into the "I can teach you to be a psychic" thing. Nor do I buy into the ego's and charlatans that are trying to impress or convince others they are powerful human beings. But...there are plenty of suckers out there that eat up just about anything. There are those that receive BS and there are those that send it out, and there are those who come from a neutral point of existence and try to keep an open mind. Blessed be.
These signs could also mean you’re being ‘gangstalked’ A hideous sinister crime that rose up to include the least likelies during the last administration. A crime perpetrated by the least likelies including children. They have the most fun with it while the adults do it for money or rewards
If one is receptive to the idea of "spirits" then how to distinguish between "ghosts" and "demons"? How does one distinguish between "good" and "evil" spirits. If one is happy and thriving, then the spirits would be assumed to be "good". If one is miserable and their life is deteriorating, then the spirits can be assumed to be "evil".
I have all ten of those signs in my house and my three cats are behind them all. When it comes to the electronics the cats like walk across the power boards and they sometimes turn the switches off when they step on them. The whiskers in the earhole in the middle of the night are the are the most alarming of the ten signs.
It is all real...
Obviously you have no sense of humor. I thought it was appropriate and apropos to the subject matter. Was it more because of the bitches or the wives reference?
I do indeed have a sense of humor - when discussing something humorous. I thought this was a rather serious topic. The people going through these things feel it's serious, I'm sure. Plus, I just don't like seeing anybody called a b*tch. There's enough hate in the world, especially on the internet. I'd just like to be able to come to at least one site without someone delve into the gutters. I thought at least this site could come close. Granted, it's not that bad. In another setting, I admit, it would actually be quite clever. But, like I said, I simply think it was inappropriate for this particular article. That's all. Nothing less, nothing more.
It got past moderation
That's not difficult to do. It's mostly a computer script that moderates and, if necessary, forwards to a human.
thank you for your inciteful article....however I believe that i could have gleaned these suggestions from any of a number of horror movies that we can see every year. it may be creating a forum for unstable individuals to vent and is certainly not in the Christian spirit.
Or they could have been gleaned from misinformation distributed about certain faiths. And while I agree certain individuals have not acted in a christ-like fashion, christians do not have a corner on the goodness market, some even reacting violently to beliefs outside their own. That does not mean our beliefs should never be discussed, but it would have been nice to be consulted. I was under the assumption that Universal Life Church and Monastery were open to all faith systems. The disregard for those, even to the point of unmoderated trolling now makes me question their acceptance.
Priestess Cynthia
Princess Cynthia...everyone is free to follow any religion whatsoever, and all should respect the right of everyone else to do so...as i have said before, i feel that although there is no need for religions, the ones that could be called pantheistic are the closest to reality (in this world)...peace...Tom
It's Priestess.
I'm just glad that other religions do not "...react violently to beliefs outside their own..."
While they don't have the corner on forced religion, the abrahamics do have a long tradition of it.
I AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY Pastor Peter. I posted all the debunking of this nonsense in my responses below. One particularly enlightening reply which covered much more clear-thinking for adults was never approved. Strange as it was neither offensive nor insulting to anyone- merely factual debunking from very credible sources. It had some fascinating historical facts as well. I guess it hit too close to home. People who WANT to believe have a genuine psychosis or some sort of personality disorder. Any credible Dr. of Psychology will affirm this. It IS clinical. The ONLY thing "frightening" about this article and it's replies is knowing that NO amount of evidence to the contrary can sway these poor misguided souls.
Minister John
Minister John...i respectfully suggest you ask your higher Self why it is so important to you to be right/judgmental...Tom
WHY? Because I always AM. Call it a gift. If EVER I enter into a debate, it is ONLY because I am armed with enough knowledge of human psychology and FACTS regarding the ISSUE. Otherwise I will say nothing or simply say "I Don't Know". Simply put, NO ONE has ever lost a bet who regarded my information as anything but FACT!
Minister John...what we are talking about is beyond human "psychology and facts", which are illusory and temporal...this is not an issue of right and wrong, because those are constructs...it is of no real benefit to you to be what you call "right"...i wish you peace...Tom
I JUST discovered your issue with owning up to "TRUTH" Tom. Truth is NEITHER "illusory and temporal" as you claim. Truth is REALITY. And there is ONLY ONE TRUTH regardless of the issue. Everything else is "opinion" and has no place in a substantive discussion. I refuse to offer "opinion" when asked unless it is regarding something as trivial as "Do you prefer McDonald's or Burger King Fries?" Opinions reside ONLY in the "grey areas" and are of no significance, nor offer any genuine advancement of a topic. One can NEVER realize ABSOLUTE TRUTH or enlightenment by relying on useless opinion. TRUTH is not subjective nor subject to debate. It has no agenda other than revelation and enlightenment. EVERYTHING ELSE IS "illusory and temporal". THAT my friend is your problem and something you must come to terms with if you ever hope to obtain true "understanding".
John...i wish you peace also...i agree that real truth is not illusory and temporal...but anything based on physics and observation is not real truth...real truth cannot be realized through intellectual reasoning...real truth can only be achieved in the absence of intellect, body and emotions...real truth is ultimate peace, and is eternal...the laws of thermodynamics have no application to real truth (which is sometimes called enlightenment)... i accept the fact that we are all equal in the universe/god/infinity; we simply go through many lifetimes of illusions of egos, bodies, minds, emotions, to balance our karma...when we surrender the need for these, we realize the real truth: peace...Tom
The more I release myself from judgementalism, opinions, perspective and "truth," the more I realize that there is more grey matter than black-and-white. It leads me to understand the connectedness and totality of our world. Everything is possible.
I have lived in my house for 15 yrs now. there is someone walking up and down my frog stairs late at night, it has been heard by many other people. i have heard someone talking in the kitchen, when i go and check i am alone. i had a photo knocked off the wall while standing near to it, with witnesses. and things disappear and reappear right where they were put down on numerous occasions. i am so used to it by now, I would start missing it if it stopped. i also know for a fact that the people who lived in the house before me, had their mother pass away in the frog, just before i bought the house.
Thank you Walt for your response. I have paranormal events in my house as well. They are not violent, in fact I am comforted knowing I live amongst those I can no longer see.