Pope Francis' comments came in response to the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.

America is still reeling from the horrible tragedy at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas, where a gunman murdered two teachers and 19 students.

It was the deadliest school shooting in a decade, and one of many mass shootings in recent months, including a supermarket shooting in New York that claimed the lives of 10.

As Americans debate how to stop the cycle of violence and mass shootings, powerful figures are chiming in. Pope Francis in a speech on Wednesday offered a call to action: instituting gun control measures and limiting the sale of arms.

And he’s not the only faith leader urging legislative action in the wake of the Uvalde shooting. Others are joining the chorus, arguing that the right to bear arms simply cannot supersede the lives of children any longer.

But will anything change?

Tragedy in Texas

"My heart is broken over the mass shooting at the elementary school in Texas. I am praying for the children and adults who were killed, and for their families. It is time to say enough to the indiscriminate trafficking of arms," declared Pope Francis during a weekly general audience at the Vatican. “Let us all commit to ensuring such tragedies can no longer take place.”

Other Catholic leaders are backing Pope Francis in his call for gun control. The archbishop of Chicago, Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, echoed the high pontiff’s sentiments. Describing America as “awash in guns,” he cited research showing that assault weapon bans drastically reduce mass shootings, then asked Americans to consider whether they love “instruments of death” or our nation’s children more.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops also issued a forceful statement, “[imploring] our elected officials to help us take action” to end “this epidemic of evil and violence.” 

Thoughts and Prayers

In the wake of the news (and as with every previous mass shooting), thoughts and prayers came pouring in. 

But political leaders in Texas were hesitant to go much further, urging caution on instituting gun control and arguing that it wouldn’t have prevented the tragedy anyway. “I’d much rather have law-abiding citizens armed and trained so that they can respond when something like this happens because it’s not going to be the last time,” said Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.

And Senator Ted Cruz said that “[trying] to restrict the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens… doesn’t work, it’s not effective, it doesn’t prevent crime.” He instead said that he and his wife Heidi are “lifting up in prayer the entire Uvalde community during this devastating time.”

Houston-based celebrity pastor Joel Osteen issued a statement titled "Praying for Uvalde" on his Facebook page. 

Meanwhile, many people across the country – and indeed around the world – are asking the same questions in response.

Are thoughts and prayers enough? At what point must more substantial action be taken? How many more children need to die?

Among those speaking out is the survivor of a different school shooting that occurred in Virginia nine years ago. In the mind of Taylor Schumann, a victim-turned-gun-control-activist: “prayer should be where we start, not where we finish.”

What is your reaction?


  1. David Bartlett's Avatar David Bartlett

    It all boils down to keeping guns out of the hands of bad people without taking them away from good people. The trick is knowing the difference. Banning guns won't keep them out of a criminal's hands. But last year when the police stopped answering 911 calls for three weeks in my city due to staff shortages and crime increased by 2000% in that period we were forced to fend for ourselves. When things get ugly and there are no police around are we going to defend ourselves with sticks and stones? In most of these cases it has been found that there was at some point a red flag that went ignored. We need to stop ignoring red flags. We also need to make some laws that ban ignoring red flags. The incident in Chicago this week is a good example. This nut job made multiple death threats and had his knife collection confiscated but that is all they did. Perhaps it was because the law didn't give them the ability to do more. We need to outlaw death threats and make it possible to actually take real action. We claim that such things are commonplace and said in the heat of the moment yet time and again that is proven not to be the case. So how about make it a felony to make a death threat. Then confiscate all fire arms that person has since felons can have them anyways then put an ankle bracelet on them for a minimum of five years then only let them take it off after that if they pass a thorough psychiatric exam. But as with all felons ban them from owning fire arms for life. End all fire arm ownership for anyone under 21. If we can have 21 as the drinking age why not as the gun owning age? That father made it possible for his son to legally by a gun but he could not have made it possible for his son to drink a beer. That makes no sense. Make thorough background checks universally mandatory for the purchase of all guns or ammo even private sales. Also, and this is really the only true controversial suggestion I would make, require all public school students to undergo a full psychiatric exam every 24 months until the graduate from high school and if any red flags come up then ban firearms from the household where they live. Your the parent of a crazy kid? No problem, store your guns elsewhere and don't bring them within 300 feet of your crazy kid. I'm sure a gun store would be happy to rent you a locker to keep them in. Or just get a storage unit and keep the key from your kid. A senior citizen like myself should not be rendered defenseless just because legislators are lazy.

  1. Dr. Bob Thomas's Avatar Dr. Bob Thomas

    Gun control? That has been tried and it failed. This is not a gun problem. This is a violence problem. The children that perpetrate this mass killings have become numb to the act of killing. When you examine American Entertainment, whether it be in the Cinema, on television, on books and magazines, violence is always present. In the Cinema, we see multiple versions of the most gruesome story lines: Jason, Freddie, Jaws, to name only a few. Then each new iteration must be even more violent than the last. Children grow up seeing that murder is socially acceptable by law enforcement if it has its bases in rage, or revenge, or even if it is in the National Interest. Killing is not just okay, it is mandatory for a happy ending. Now it is near impossible to find a t.v. show that does not tresspass over some value that was considered wrong only a few years ago. Removing guns from the picture does not solve the problem. It only changes to instrument used to carry out the planned action.
    In Europe, where guns are not as common as the U.S., they still have mass killings. They use explosives, or chemicals, or even drive a car or truck through a crowded venue. And if you think that getting a car or a truck is more difficult than a gun ... you are just blinded by the media.
    And since when have all of us forgotten that the media is a for profit industry. "If it bleeds, it leeds." That's how they stay in business. I don't see any of them writing for the "public good." No! They want the big house and new car just like the rest of us. We all agree that the integrity of all news networks has been seriously eroded over the past few decades. To change hearts and minds you have to control the narrative (Green Beret Training - Viet Nam).

    It's not just the 2nd amendment that must be resigned in, the first amendment also has to take a hit too.

    Violence in the media and literature has to be cut way back or even stopped. Then the availability of this type of weapon must also be controlled or even stopped.

    I submit to you that if society no longer praises violent entertainment, then the desire for these types of weapons will likewise disappear.

    Then if you have an uncontrollable desire to shoot these kinds of guns, join the military.

    Finally, we have to stop ignoring the violence in our inner cities. Too many people are shot every weekend. EVERY WEEKEND!!! Yet the media focuses on the occasional school shooting? You must agree that schools do not get shot up every week. Yet between 10 and 20 people are in the inner cities. EVERY WEEKEND.

    Perhaps that is not discussed because a.) The people who have the $$$ to buy newspapers, magazines, go to movies, don't care about what happens in the inner city. b.) The politicians who run for office answer to the people with the most $$$ (in this case those who sell the drugs). c.) Everyone knows that in order to solve this problem, everything has to change. Better schools with more experienced teachers; opportunities to learn high paying skills and the jobs that go with them; improved social services staffed with truly concerned individuals themselves making good wages; law enforcement whose primary purpose is to truly aid the people on their neighborhood; open lines of communication between those suffering with those who can actually make changes; Good paying jobs where a single parent can actually support their children without having to get three part times jobs to not even come close to doing the same; churches that support their community who support them; copa that are happy to live where they patrol because everyone is respectful; ... there's more I'm sure ... d.) All the above.

    This is not a gun problem. This is a problem with the aggrandizement of violence. And it will not stop by just controlling guns. We must control the violence.

  1. Rev Sir Nathan's Avatar Rev Sir Nathan

    Couldn't care less about what the Pope wants.

  1. Dr. Bob Thomas's Avatar Dr. Bob Thomas

    I am heartbroken over the deaths caused by this individual, and the tools that he used to achieve his goals.

    But, I have to ask: If this man had driven an Ice Cream truck through the playground and killed 19 4th graders and 2 teachers, would there be a call to eliminate all Ice Cream Trucks?

    Getting rid of the instrument does not stop the crime. It is true that there are literally millions of these "Modern Shooting Rifles" in public hands in the United States. Just as there are millions of Trucks. And furthermore there is no question that there are more traffic fatalities per year in the U.S. than the total number of people killed by guns (including the incredible death rate in the inner cities like Chicago, New York, L.A., Atlanta, Miami, Dallas, Milwaukee, Seattle, Kansas City, Tulsa, Detroit, Washington D.C., just to mention a few.

    Furthermore, all of these cities have gun control laws that are much more dramatic than what are being proposed today! Yet still these deaths are taking place and their numbers are not included in any discussion anywhere. I again have to ask why?

    If the strict gun control laws of just Chicago and New York are not enough to stop the killings that take place every weekend in those very cities, then how is it going to work anywhere else?

    I hear the critics scream that it is the guns in the states next to these cities that come across our boarders that are responsible! As neighboring states have already instituted matching gun laws, the borders have just moved on to somewhere else.

    And therein lies the rub.

    There will always be another boarder to smuggle guns, drugs, slaves, children, and anything else made illegal that depraved minds crave, across.

    And there lies the answer. It is the minds of these depraved souls that must be turned away from violence and towards the love and compassion for our fellow man. Only then will all this senseless killing end.

    Well, that is as long as no foreign despot decides that it is in his best interest to invade his peaceful neighboring nation in order to maintain his iron fisted control over scarce but valuable resources (like oil, natural gas, food, clean air, and water). Even if that nation was at one time part of his own nations history (Kuwait, Poland, Ukraine, India, and yes, even those pesky 13 colonies of the United States of America!) Then we will seek out our own violent young men and train them in the use of all these weapons of war and be glad of it. We will throw parades for those who return unbroken from it. And we will assuage our wounded conscience by "thanking them for their service!" When truth be told, if you knew what atrocities I committed using my weapon of war for you, you would cross over to the other side of the street when I walk by. You would seek to lock me and my brothers away from God loving and God fearing people like yourself. That is until the next time you need us to maintain your way of life unopposed and unmolested.

  1. Dr. Bob Thomas's Avatar Dr. Bob Thomas

    I am heart broken over the deaths caused by this individual, and the tools that he used to achieve his goals.

    But, I have to ask: If this man had driven an Ice Cream truck through the playground and killed 19 4th graders and 2 teachers, would there be a call to eliminate all Ice Cream Trucks?

    Getting rid of the instrument does not stop the crime. It is true that there are literally millions of these "Modern Shooting Rifles" in public hands in the United States. Just as there are millions of Trucks. And furthermore there is no question that there are more traffic fatalities per year in the U.S. than the total number of people killed by guns (including the incredible death rate in the inner cities like Chicago, New York, L.A., Atlanta, Miami, Dallas, Milwaukee, Seattle, Kansas City, Tulsa, Detroit, Washington D.C., just to mention a few.

    Furthermore, all of these cities have gun control laws that are much more dramatic than what are being proposed today! Yet still these deaths are taking place and their numbers are not included in any discussion anywhere. I again, have to ask why?

    If the strict gun control laws of just Chicago and New York are not enough to stop the killings that take place every weekend in those very cities, then how is it going to work anywhere else?

    I hear the critics scream that it is the guns in the states next to these cities that come across our boarders that are responsible! As neighboring states have already instituted matching gun laws, the boarders have just moved on to somewhere else.

    And there in lies the rub.

    There will always be another boarder to smuggle guns, drugs, slaves, children, and anything else made illegal that depraved minds crave, across.

    And there lies the answer. It is the minds of these depraved souls that must be turned away from violence and towards the love and compassion for our fellow man. Only then will all this senseless killing end.

    Well, that is as long as no foreign despot decides that it is in his best interest to invade his peaceful neighboring nation in order to maintain his iron fisted control over scare but valuable resources (like oil, natural gas, food, clean air, and water). Even if that nation was at one time part of his own nations history (Kuwait, Poland, Ukraine, India, and yes, even those pesky 13 colonies of those United States of America!) Then we will seek out our own violent young men and train them in the use of all these weapons of war and be glad of it. We will throw parades for those who return unbroken from it. And we will assuage our wounded conscience by "thanking them for their service!" When truth be told, if you knew what atrocities I committed using my weapon of war for you, you would cross over the side of the street when I walk by. You would seek to lock me and my brothers away from God loving and fearing people like yourself. That is until the next time you need us to maintain your way of life unopposed and unmolested.

  1. Bryan Bauman's Avatar Bryan Bauman

    First question is who does the Pope really serve? It seems he has been backing Satan more than Christ. Just watch the movies. The Catholic church has sent more people to hell than any other organization other than Satan's.

    1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke


  1. Richard Lee Cornell's Avatar Richard Lee Cornell

    Where as the head of a foreign country tells the American citizens that they must disarm. Bull on him. He is not my ruler and far as I'm concede most Catholics would rather be armed then let another religion tell them what to do. The average Texan likes two things their Bible and their God given right to have a gun. The Pope is full of or better over full.

  1. Gerard Babin Usmc-Dav's Avatar Gerard Babin Usmc-Dav

    Respectfully the "Holy Father" is not a US Resident and the Roman Catholic Church has no right being involved in US politics. Considering first the fact that they are a corporate investor (one of the largest on the planet) in weapons of submission/war. Second the majority of the first colonists were protestant and did not hold with the values of the RCC when this country was founded. No Clergy has the right or authority to speak on protecting children considering also the RCC is the scurge of children world wide.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Gerard Babin Usmc-Dav, the Holy See is a country, and as head of state the pope has a right to advise on politics.

  1. Sandra Lynn Young's Avatar Sandra Lynn Young

    The Pope nor any church or religion should be taking a political stance on “ANY SUBJECT”!! PERIOD!!!! They need to stay out of politics & keep their political out of their “preaching”! I am trying to find a church with a pastor, minister or any person of faith that is not preaching political bias & nonsense. I want a church that is “Bible” teaching. Gospel. I get enough political BS from BS TV. It really angers me how the Pope is right in with “The Cabal”! Definately not “Jesus” thinking or teachings!!!!

  1. Richard Vincent Price's Avatar Richard Vincent Price

    1st and 2nd Amendments, these two amendments work together hand in hand, if ever one of these two amendments were ever to be repealed the other amendment which is left will be squashed by political tyranny, people must understand these two amendments mean everything to our nation.

    The world is a very dangerous place right now and we need our Constitution to work for us for our freedoms are being challenged by many different extreme radical far-left and extreme radical far-right political groups both foreign and domestic who would like nothing more than to destroy our Constitution and strip us of our 1st and 2nd Amendments.

    Our 2nd Amendment is being challenged socially and politically because of the godless evil doers infringing on our rights and freedoms requiring political and judicial justice to stop our children from murdering our children.

    Parents have become a Godless society of not being able to control or punish their children because of society's laws and rules. "Spare the rod and spoil the child" Who Said That? We have let society and social media take our children's minds and twist and warp and destroy good to practice pure evil, parents are not nurturing their children, parents are not teaching responsibility, respect, dignity, morals, manners, right from wrong or discipline or consequences. 95% of our children ages 12 to 25 and some even younger are murdering our children in schools on the streets and in our homes.

    We have a Godless society with no end in sight. We seem to intervein either far too late or not at all, and then blame the GUN for what evil godless people do. People and society are to blame not a gun, magazine, ammo, gun maker, ammo maker, or gun store owner. It takes a human to put all of this together to prepare a gun to be fired, it takes an evil, warped, distrait brainwashed mind to murder innocent children who have done nothing to deserve such heinous evil torture and murder.

    The gun is a tool to defend our family, protect our family, protect our property, protect our states and nation from invasion of intruders and enemies foreign and domestic, to provide food, meat, "game' for our table and to provide recreation, sport target shooting and hunting.

    Society has lost it's compos and its morals. We let young children rule an adult world, we give them elaborate expensive phones, computers and evil killing games to play at very young age of 3, a full ride of the internet and the World Wide Web paying hundreds and thousands of dollars for these devices for our children to discover the evil ways of the world all to brainwash their innocent minds with evil and filth with no remorse. Where are the Parents?

    We remove God and religion from their lives and from the schools, we provide audio and video and cult teachings of gender unsurety, sex changing, gender mutilation to our children as young as 4 and 5.

    These are scary evil times we are in, we need our 2nd Amendment even more today than in the past 100 years. And yes there are some people "OUT THERE" that should never ever have a firearm within arms reach of one and never ever be able to poses a firearm.

    Gun laws should be more strict on who can buy and own a firearm, a waiting period of at least 4 to 6 months, along with training classes of 20 hours of safe handling and use of firearms, firing range training and practice. Better background checks that require fingerprints and mug shots all at the buyers expense, also notarized 8 personal witnesses affidavit of applicants demeanor, attitude, mind and body, 4 must be close family members and 2 close friends and 2 close co workers, 1 family close member, 1 close friend and 1 close coworker must be present and identifiable upon purchase of firearm over gun store counter. A 12 day waiting period on Ammo for the caliber after possession of firearm, 2 of the witnesses must be present to purchase ammo. Age to poses any firearm and any ammo will be 21. Hunting ages of 12 to 21 must be accompanied by 3 adults over the age of 30. Here is a really good start for gun control. Education education education, needs to start at a young age with the safe handling of firearms, children are curious of everything and need educated about firearms the history the dangers and the need for firearms in our lives.

    Our children are lost because of the lack of or no parenting and being left alone without God in their lives for far to long. God must be allowed to come back into our families, homes, schools, events, and churches the world has been without God for over 50 years. We must see our faults and we all must adjust our direction back into Gods Arms and the word of God.

    1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

      Hahahahahahahahaha. I’m laughing because this is a bunch of far right Christian fundamentalist talk and you don’t even see it. Lol.

      “We remove God and religion from their lives and from the schools, we provide audio and video and cult teachings of gender unsurety, sex changing, gender mutilation to our children as young as 4 and 5.” This is what gave you away. Teaching young people to accept themselves for who they are, especially young LGBTQ+ people, saves their lives. Students can pray, students can lead their own prayer groups in school. It just can’t be faculty led. You’re the one pushing cult practices, not public school. This country has been held hostage by mobs of lead lovers and god botherers for too long. Y’all use the first amendment like a cudgel, and use the second amendment to enforce YOUR sick views. You make threats to the rest of us who don’t follow your cult way of thinking. We don’t need religion or god to become better people. That’s going on and it bothers you. What you’re talking about is control and authority, and who should have both. White, straight, armed men, and nothing more. I’m just glad we live in an age where people see through it.

      1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        NOBODY is threatening you unless you consider love a threat!

        1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

          No hate like Christian love, being damned to an eternal hell hell just being human, no thanks. The right wing Christian idea of love is absolutely toxic and is how so many people get scarred and hurt and never heal. Go to therapy more and church less. You’ll thank me later.

          1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            Therapy without God's love is pointless!

    2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards


  1. Daniel Joseph Morse's Avatar Daniel Joseph Morse

    Church and religion are both BS, organized to control the populace. "If you don't do what I say, sky-daddy won't like you." And by the way, vengeance and punishment extends beyond death, so don't entertain thoughts of freedom after death.

    There is not a shred of proof for this proposition. If you can believe that, you really have reached a new low of human spirit and would buy a house that's underwater.

    The problem ISN'T with GUNS, anymore than with the other things people use for weapons. The problem is with people. They don't raise their kids responsibly. They don't raise kids to know that actions have consequences. The parents are lazy, ignorant persons and incapable of creating anything better than they are. An English teacher cannot teach French - they don't know it and cannot lead the way.

    People fear the unknown so they give up their spirit in pursuit of "security". This is a BS way to live. "Be kind" is ever the plea of the weak against the strong. Let the weak exercise themselves and be strong. Their laziness and ignorance are the flags they wave to claim that which is not theirs.

    Lazy, ignorant, weak persons want us to be like them so they may be more secure in their sloth.

    Do you follow a stupid person, capable only of theft from their betters, too lazy to find their own food and drink? Surely you will be worthy of the wages given you. Strong persons do not follow weak leaders.

    Parents of these useless kids should share the fate of the kid, surely as a bad farmer raises no crops. Raise a bad kid, the penalty goes to the parent.

  1. Ursula C Hart's Avatar Ursula C Hart

    Guns don’t kill people anymore than cars kill people, or knives cut people, or fists hurt people. It’s people who hurt, kill or maim others. It’s really quite simple. What we don’t hear about are the hundreds who thwart of attackers everyday. When I was jumped in NY in 2010 by a gang of females, I couldn’t get the police department to press charges nor the press/media to print about it. Why? This would damage tourism. I was taught follow the money trail if you wonder why something is relevant or not. ‘Gun control’ is just another ‘tool’ to get politicians including the ‘Pope’; Hollywood etc air time.

  1. Richard Vincent Price's Avatar Richard Vincent Price

    1st and 2nd Amendments, these two amendments work together hand in hand, if ever one of these two amendments were ever to be repealed the other amendment which is left will be squashed by political tyranny, people must understand these two amendments mean everything to our nation.

    The world is a very dangerous place right now and we need our Constitution to work for us for our freedoms are being challenged by many different extreme radical far-left and extreme radical far-right political groups both foreign and domestic who would like nothing more than to destroy our Constitution and strip us of our 1st and 2nd Amendments.

    Our 2nd Amendment is being challenged socially and politically because of the godless evil doers infringing on our rights and freedoms requiring political and judicial justice to stop our children from murdering our children.

    Parents have become a Godless society of not being able to control or punish their children because of society's laws and rules. "Spare the rod and spoil the child" Who Said That? We have let society and social media take our children's minds and twist and warp and destroy good to practice pure evil, parents are not nurturing their children, parents are not teaching responsibility, respect, dignity, morals, manners, right from wrong or discipline or consequences. 95% of our children ages 12 to 25 and some even younger are murdering our children in schools on the streets and in our homes.

    We have a Godless society with no end in sight. We seem to intervein either far too late or not at all, and then blame the GUN for what evil godless people do. People and society are to blame not a gun, magazine, ammo, gun maker, ammo maker, or gun store owner. It takes a human to put all of this together to prepare a gun to be fired, it takes an evil, warped, distrait brainwashed mind to murder innocent children who have done nothing to deserve such heinous evil torture and murder.

    The gun is a tool to defend our family, protect our family, protect our property, protect our states and nation from invasion of intruders and enemies foreign and domestic, to provide food, meat, "game' for our table and to provide recreation, sport target shooting and hunting.

    Society has lost it's compos and its morals. We let young children rule an adult world, we give them elaborate expensive phones, computers and evil killing games to play at very young age of 3, a full ride of the internet and the World Wide Web paying hundreds and thousands of dollars for these devices for our children to discover the evil ways of the world all to brainwash their innocent minds with evil and filth with no remorse. Where are the Parents?

    We remove God and religion from their lives and from the schools, we provide audio and video and cult teachings of gender unsurety, sex changing, gender mutilation to our children as young as 4 and 5.

    These are scary evil times we are in, we need our 2nd Amendment even more today than in the past 100 years. And yes there are some people "OUT THERE" that should never ever have a firearm within arms reach of one and never ever be able to poses a firearm.

    Gun laws should be more strict on who can buy and own a firearm, a waiting period of at least 4 to 6 months, along with training classes of 20 hours of safe handling and use of firearms, firing range training and practice. Better background checks that require fingerprints and mug shots all at the buyers expense, also notarized 8 personal witnesses affidavit of applicants demeanor, attitude, mind and body, 4 must be close family members and 2 close friends and 2 close co workers, 1 family close member, 1 close friend and 1 close coworker must be present and identifiable upon purchase of firearm over gun store counter. A 12 day waiting period on Ammo for the caliber after possession of firearm, 2 of the witnesses must be present to purchase ammo. Age to poses any firearm and any ammo will be 21. Hunting ages of 12 to 21 must be accompanied by 3 adults over the age of 30. Here is a really good start for gun control. Education education education, needs to start at a young age with the safe handling of firearms, children are curious of everything and need educated about firearms the history the dangers and the need for firearms in our lives.

    Our children are lost because of the lack of or no parenting and being left alone without God in their lives for far to long. God must be allowed to come back into our families, homes, schools, events, and churches the world has been without God for over 50 years. We must see our faults and we all must adjust our direction back into Gods Arms and the word of God.

  1. Leona Weisenbach's Avatar Leona Weisenbach

    Because of the religious right is why we have the second amendment....

    It's not the gun it's the person. We have a society that have no manors....We have a society that are bullies ...We create mental illness in how we treat each other. Our society does not teach us how to handle pain...We blame and pray. Just my thoughts to all the comments.

  1. Leona Weisenbach's Avatar Leona Weisenbach

    We need guns because of the Christian church....

  1. Ivan Thomson's Avatar Ivan Thomson

    How many people did the US, British, Australian and French governments kill in Iraq? I say take the guns away from those government and let their people be armed. It appears the people are safe enough but the governments are extremely dangerous.

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    I agree with the Pope too many guns too many people being killed or injured.I don't think people should carry guns or store them It's like the President says and previous presidents about banning guns Nothing ever gets done.Because you don't have the balls to do anything and the recent shooting.The BBC Were told it was ages before the police moved in.Why not use SWAT They go in and get the job done

  1. Thomas Robert Joseph Vanko's Avatar Thomas Robert Joseph Vanko

    The problem is not the weapon, the fault is in ourselves. In a society the that has so many families with no father, prosecutors that won't support the law and the legal MURDER of unborn children, what did you all expect. There is no respect for LIFE nor respect for one another. What did you expect. You have brought this on yourselves, pray for forgiveness and hold fast to Gods laws, we're going to need it. Evil is loose on the Earth again and we need to decide what side we choose to be on. PRAY to GOD for guidence.

  1. Thomas Robert Joseph Vanko's Avatar Thomas Robert Joseph Vanko

    The problem is more endemic than we want to admit. We have always had weapons to harm one another, but now live in a country that has lost its way. The moral standard that has guided us these many years has been degraded. Families without fathers, laws without support of prosecutors and not the least the legal MURDER of unborn children have led to the inevitable decline of the soul of this country. It should not be difficult to look back and see where we went off track and took the wrong road. We are all in an apocalyptic fight for the soul of our country. We need to pray to GOD for guidance. This is not a fight for compromise. We need to stand up for what we believe. Evil is loose in the world again, and we need to identify it for what it is and pray to GOD.

    All rivers flow to the same sea.

  1. Gail A. Miller's Avatar Gail A. Miller

    I'm a non-practicing Catholic. I do not particularly care for this pope. He has fallen away from the doctrine and tenets of the Catholic Church.

    Yes, he is right as far as we need to do something to curb gun violence. But the gun violence issue goes deeper than accessibility to weapons. It speaks to the moral fiber of society. We have shunned God, we have allowed a permissive culture to dictate to our impressionable youth what is valuable and what isn't. We tell them men can be women and can give birth. We tell them homosexuality is fine. We have an entire generation being raised by TV, Hollywood, electronic devices and online social media "influencers."

    While the pope may advocate for gun control, he needs to focus more on his silence regarding abortion. That is THE number one killer of babies. He has allowed abortion to continue within the Catholic community because he won't call out those like Biden and Pelosi, who publicly claim to be good Catholics and then demand they receive Holy Communion while supporting and encouraging abortion. Shame on them, and shame on the pope.

  1. Ivan Thomson's Avatar Ivan Thomson

    This will be a case that government and politicians will all have the guns, but you will not. How many people will you save? Maybe a few hundred a year, perhaps even a few thousand a year. At what cost? Will the politicians not use their armed services? Will wars stop? Will government not use weapons against people anymore?

    Seems to me the people with guns are really a tiny small problem, while governments around the world are killing millions and millions.

    If you want gun control then take the guns away from the real killers; governments. The people aren't that big of a problem it would seem.

  1. Ivan Thomson's Avatar Ivan Thomson

    The largest tragedies on earth are at the hands of governments around the world killing millions and millions of people using far more dangerous and deadly weapons. Why must we do something about people owning weapons, whilst allowing governments to kill millions without a word? Especially, when it is so easy for government to kill people where they have no weapons to defend themselves.

    The correct answer to this problem would be to ban government from owning weapons and allow the people to own weapons and allow people to defend themselves. Governments of the world have do the lion share of mass killing events by far and they love disarming people and even going so far as to make self defense illegal. Government hates competition when it comes to defense and killing.

  1. Marius Gabriel Burja's Avatar Marius Gabriel Burja

    Pope has no business in American politics. Him wanting to influence should make him an enemy of the USA.

  1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

    Evidently many people are blind to the fact that most of these mass shootings occur close to elections and in gun free zones. The Pope needs to concern himself with spiritual matters and not earthly politics. But the sun has been darkened, the moon turned blood red and the stars are falling from the sky.

  1. David Price's Avatar David Price

    I thought that the school's had gun control; none of the school's staff had guns. Those killing the unarmed ignored the law; because the shooter was lawless. What stopped this incident of lawlessness in Texas? A lawful man with a gun stopped it. Unfortunately, this brave individual had to travel to the school, as there was no one else on-site that would do what had to be done. If the law strips you of your ability for self-protection, then those that removed self-protection, have a moral responsibility of providing you with protection from the lawless.
    The protection that would be provided has to be equivalent or superior to the protection they’ve mandated to be taken from you. This would require someone to be armed and on-site for a timely response. Waiting around for 5 minutes for the police (who may or may engage) is not effective or equivalent to being armed and trained yourself. Because you may not want to be armed and trained in firearms, should not mandate that those of us that are, to be stripped of our ability to do so. This is short sighted and ignores the reality of lawless individuals in our midst; doing so endangers lives.

  1. Richard James Venerable's Avatar Richard James Venerable

    Hence the reason for separation of church and state. While government needs to exempt themselves from the workings of religion. The church should concentrate on saving souls and spreading Gods love. Not become an advocate for politicians.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Richard James Venerable, we are the Church! In fact, we are Universal Life Church. It starts with you!

  1. Lorelei Reed's Avatar Lorelei Reed

    Guns don't kill, it is evil people who do. They do not obey anyones laws... Not man's or God's law, you can't stop evil people by controlling the good people's ability to protect themselves.

  1. Lady Celynia's Avatar Lady Celynia

    This is not about the guns. If it was not guns, it would be pipe bombs, or knives or some other weapon. This is a mental health issue that people refuse to address. Bullying in schools does not have to be a "normal" part of childhood. Bullying is should not be a normal part of anyone's life, either being the bully or being bullied. Mental health help is not for the weak. These things go one of two ways, either the victim is bullied so badly he/she commits suicide or he/she kills. Generally, it is the girls with the suicide and the boys with the killing. It can be prevented but gun control is not how to prevent these tragedies.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Lady Celynia, you are generalizing.

  1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

    Pope Francis is a communist!

  1. HARVEY Bailey's Avatar HARVEY Bailey

    If you trust the Government, turn in your guns ! If you believe the Government, turn in your gun! If you must be 21years old to get a rifle(long gun). ! Then you must be 21 years old to be in the service of the USA !

  1. Daniel Joseph Morse's Avatar Daniel Joseph Morse

    I call for wealth control in the catholic church. A $2M 18K gold box was stolen. What is the church, working to help the poor, doing with a gold box? Why does the church need to buy real estate as an investment. Because they have no intent of helping the poor. The catholic are liars like all other christ-mongers. Copeland wants money for ANOTHER jet. Being near people disturbs him.

    I call for the church to quit covering up pedophiles. I call for the church to give up their pedophiles to civil authority.

    I call for the church to quit lying like thieves caught in the night.

  1. John Richard Cassell's Avatar John Richard Cassell

    There are plenty of gun laws on the books now, we don't need more. What we need is enforce the laws that are written. We can start with Hunter Biden, who was on a drug bender when he applied for a gun and lied saying he wasn't taking drugs. That is a federal crime, felony I believe, but they let that slip away. The laws don't apply to the elite I guess.

  1. Michael Barton's Avatar Michael Barton

    He's just hurting his church. It's not the guns, it's the nut jobs.

  1. Ronaldo's Avatar Ronaldo

    Unless there was a manufacturing fault, no firearm ever hurt anyone on its own. An overwhelming majority of legally-owned firearms in the United States have never been used in the commission of a crime. Statistics show that 85% of firearms used in crimes are not legally owned. Statistics also show that 60% of gun deaths in the US are suicides, but only 22% of suicides involved a firearm. The problem is not the guns, but the fact that Americans are no longer a People, but a diverse collection of groups that have trouble getting along. Most of these violence problems come from two generations, the Millennials and Generation Z, and we need to figure out why that is.

    1. John Richard Cassell's Avatar John Richard Cassell

      Very well said.

    2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Ronaldo, could it be lack of family stability and father figure?

  1. Scott Singley's Avatar Scott Singley

    If they can guarantee complete protection from tyranny and the safety of EVERYONE then okay but.... ;) Men are too corruptible and that would only last for so long. Our forefathers SAW THIS. The right to bare arms is for every individual to have the right to protect their own individual rights for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    LET'S BE HONEST... If teachers, principals, and schools had legal rights to keep arms for protection in school.... THIS WOULD STOP HAPPENING ;)

    Jesus let his disciples BARE ARMS until it was his time ⏲️...


    Luke 22:35-38 KJV And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing. [36] Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. [37] For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end. [38] And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough.

  1. William A Taylor's Avatar William A Taylor

    Cane killed Able with a rock!!! Let ban Rocks. Evil is Evil and the world has been full of evil from Abam and Eve . Humans are evil and there is nothing other Humans can do about it. It's all in the All Mighty Power not Human Power. And For Pope trying to be the All Mighty Power his just a Human also! Not the High and Mighty Power. The world will crumble one day and We all will be Judged by the High and Mighty Power. Live your day as if it was your Last day because it could be.

  1. Kevin M. Erem's Avatar Kevin M. Erem

    Simple answer, no he is not right.

  1. Alfred F Tyszkiewicz's Avatar Alfred F Tyszkiewicz

    Before I left my house this morning I had a stern talk with my guns. I think they got the point.

  1. Rev. Tim's Avatar Rev. Tim

    Gun control won't happen in the US in the next decade unless Putin calls for it.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Timothy Ramsey, what does Putin have to do with this?

  1. Shango MasterExorcist, D.D.'s Avatar Shango MasterExorcist, D.D.

    If the parents had borrowed the police anti-riot gear and guns, they could have reduced the disaster. The police could follow that example and do their job in the future, instead of waiting for the gunman to run out of bullets.

    There has been an extreme amount of public brainwashing about being "safe" and the police waited till it was "safe" for them. They will have nightmares about their lack of courage for the rest of their lives.

    Woke Francis thinks the gun did it. He needs an exorcism.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Shango MasterExorcist, D.D., he's an exorcist in his own right. Not sure you noticed when he performed one on St Peter's Square.

      1. Shango MasterExorcist, D.D.'s Avatar Shango MasterExorcist, D.D.

        I noticed the Pope attempted an exorcism in St Peter's square. The demon replied "Ha Ha you are the head of the church and cannot get rid of me!" I have met priests, nuns, Jews, and Atheists who were reasonable Exorcists. The Pope is administrator of a huge business, with no idea about the spiritual side of things.

  1. Krystina S.'s Avatar Krystina S.

    These comments make me ashamed to be an American. Gun control measures are not against the damned 2nd Amendment.

    1. Larry DeWayne Phelps's Avatar Larry DeWayne Phelps

      Shall not be infringed?

      1. Richard A Ward's Avatar Richard A Ward

        Courts have determined that all weapons are not in the umbrella of ownership. You can’t own bazookas, nuclear weapons, and many many military only weapons intended for large scale destruction or large scale killing. So it most certainly can be and is limited and not inclusive of all weapons. Hence, perhaps looking at weapons that might not be in the public’s domain of hunting or general self defense is absolutely legal.

  1. Marius Gabriel Burja's Avatar Marius Gabriel Burja

    As far as the Pope and the Russian Orthodox Kiril , I think they have joined hands and jumped in to the lake of fire.🖖🏻💖🇺🇸🤓💨

  1. Marius Gabriel Burja's Avatar Marius Gabriel Burja

    I think the Pope and Kiril should join hands and jump in a lake.

  1. Reverend Kurt's Avatar Reverend Kurt

    Maybe a good place to start is to charge every politician or industry leader as an accessory to murder if they have accepted money or valuables from the Gun lobby/ industry? This may not be the answer but it does get past the talking and into action zone. Also a boon for the legal industry.

  1. Reverend Kurt's Avatar Reverend Kurt

    What is it about the American psyche that drives them to murder young kids? America you need to take a long hard look at yourselves. Obviously there is something rotten in Eden. The rest of the world has guns too but the wholesale murder on your shores is unique to you. the rest of the world has the same stressors , like pollution, violent video games, religious conflicts, energy crisis, health and economic difficulties yet murder (kids especially)on your scale and is rare elsewhere. America says that God is on it's side and in God you trust. What is this god that allows the slaughter of kids? Does it deserve your trust? The Dalai Lama once said "if you think you cannot make a difference , try sleeping with a mosquito in you bedroom" America you are not powerless look at the problem and fix it. Every single American person is responsible . Be the mosquito

  1. Bishop William Dusenberry, DD's Avatar Bishop William Dusenberry, DD

    The Pope, by continuing in his perceived role as the Christian God’s Representative on Earth, is responsible for most of the human misery on this Earth, due to overpopulation

    The Pope should ask (tell) his Christian God, to change its mind — and make Planned Parenthood mandatory, for anyone wanting to be a parent.

    Bishop Bill, Broken Arrow, OK.

  1. John P Maher's Avatar John P Maher


  1. Dr. Ronald J. Tuman's Avatar Dr. Ronald J. Tuman

    Stay in your lane, mental health is the real issue!

    1. Lady Celynia's Avatar Lady Celynia

      Ah, someone else gets it! Thank you.

    2. Richard Vincent Price's Avatar Richard Vincent Price

      Yes, mental health is a real issue that we as a society thrive and flourish to keep blaming the person with mental health issues for our problems with violence and murdering our children, when deep deep down we know we have all dropped the ball in this big game of life. We taught these young minds to do these evil crimes by not parenting enough or not at all, we gave them all the evil brainwashing brain twisting evil sadistic material through social media via the internet WWW. with parents' approval as a babysitter.

      We create what happens around us both good and bad, we will rush to take credit and responsibility for the good, but nobody will never stand and take responsibility for the bad we create, we will point fingers in all directions to lay blame on a gun, knife, or anything that will kill and disfigure in the hands of any human being, we blame a tool that has no way of knowing what a person will wrongly us it for, How is that even cognitive responsible thinking, It makes no sense what so ever, to ban a gun for no other reason than to say, "We have solved a problem" but only by creating many other problems that will arise seconds after in the process.

      We, society, has dumbed ourselves down to the point we actually believe this is a gun problem, and not a people and society problem and a number of other problems stacked on top of one another that we, society created out of want and need to control something, some object or tool because we are so stupid as to believe guns kill people, NO, People Kill People! any gun by itself alone, or standing with thousands of other guns kills no one! It's impossible! Only Until humans enter the equation a gun will then be able to fire only after for certain steps are taken. Why can't people see this? We really are stupid and dangerous when our thought process lets us believe what is impossible.

      1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards


      2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Richard Vincent Price, I agree with you entirely. The issue is mental health, not guns.

  1. Rev. John Bolen's Avatar Rev. John Bolen

    More gun laws isn't the answer . Criminals and others who wish to do evil things will not follow any new laws , just like they don't follow the ones we have now . Evil does not exist within a gun , it exists in the hearts and minds of people who pull the trigger for evil reasons . I think mental health is a big issue and our mental health system is not effective . In almost every shooting that has occurred in recent times , there were signs given early on , by the shooter , that should have been picked up on by the parents or friends . We all need to pay more attention

  1. Susan Claire Schloeder's Avatar Susan Claire Schloeder

    This world has gone batshit crazy. PEOPLE kill. They use bombs, cars, fire, as well as guns. If lawful citizens can't protect themselves, we will become victims. The bad guys dont abide by laws anyway. It's not hard to get a gun on the street. As for the Pope, I don't think I trust him. First time I've felt that way about a Pope. Way more political than holy. I just don't feel the love 🥰. Have a glorious day 🌞

    1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      These liberals trying to take our guns are the same ones sending heavy guns and military equipment that has killed thousands of people. Crazy doesn't begin to describe these people...

      1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

        Liberals are not trying to take guns, but we on our property can limit who can and can't carry

  1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

    US already has gun control laws.

    1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      They just want to take the remaining law abiding citizen's guns now.

  1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

    With all of the shooting in schools we need to do something. The NRA wants to give all of the teachers guns as well as all of the students.

  1. Bishop William Dusenberry, DD's Avatar Bishop William Dusenberry, DD

    The Pope, as the leading opponent of the use of birth control, is responsible for doing far more to undermine “peace on Earth” than any ridiculous GOP “guns for every nut” firearms policies.

    When every new birth is restricted to those capable of adequately caring for a child, then there will be little need for the GOP to continue its gun-nuttiness.

    Hopefully the Pope will get a directive from his Christian God, telling him to announce on June 11th, that using birth control is no longer a mortal sin.

  1. Timothy Newell's Avatar Timothy Newell

    It's a shame that incidents like this only perpetuate partisan politics and religious differences while innocent blood is spilt. If gun laws won't happen and the rights of gun-bearers matter more than protecting children and good teacher, than let's get this country back to exploring what a huge difference there would be implementing Jesus back into our schools, implementing the Word of God on police cars and on state building walls and plagues. I don't care what stereotype you want to choose for me. We need to start walking with the Lord.

  1. CB's Avatar CB

    The Second Amendment did not come from Sinai; however, it is what protects the First Amendment.

  1. kathleen kelley's Avatar kathleen kelley


    1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

      Then why do so many Christians kill people?

      1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        They aren't Christians.

    2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards


      1. Stacey Owens's Avatar Stacey Owens

        It is also written, "Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbour."

    3. Dr. Bob Thomas's Avatar Dr. Bob Thomas

      Thou shall not MURDER! Yes, there is a difference.

  1. Reverend Kurt's Avatar Reverend Kurt

    I find it utterly amazing that only America, alone in the whole world, has so much gun related murders. Why is that so? Are all or most American teenagers psychopaths? It appears to be so to us on the rest of the globe. What possible causes are there that singles out America to be the most murderous gun nation ? let's speculate. Could it be only gun control? Why do you need guns at all? Game is getting scarce worldwide, culling needs to be done scientifically by trained professional operators or special professional hunting farms that regulate usage. What about racial hostilities? Other countries have multi racial populations, and as a whole, they get along as one community/nation. Is it religion that divides the population between us and them?? All the major religions practice this dogma, so I would put it in the contender basket. But again why only is America the gun psychopathic capital? Is it the violent video games where the players are resurrected or the game is played back to before the character dies and another possibility is taken. Is it the American reliance on pharmaceutical drugs both legal and illegal? Asia has some of the slackest drug laws in regard to prescription drugs, yet they do not have a problem with guns. Is it politics?? A very definite contender. The old but true adage of "ye who pays the piper call the tune." I personally would charge any person who takes bribe money from the gun manufactures as accessories to murder. No matter of party or location. (take the bribe, pay the fine) Is it the chemicals in your environment? Chemtrails, GM foods, chemicals in foods and food production, chemicals in the water, including roundup in the artesian water table? Is it the healthcare system as a whole? Forced vaccinations (see virology 101). Who is the present healthcare system geared to serve?? Is it the culture that has muzzled true news services? News has degraded to propaganda from government and industry. Reporters are no longer out in the field seeing and asking questions.

    Australia has had gun control since the Port Arthur massacre. Mr Bryant, the gunman now enjoys a cell with TV video and other modern conveniences, his victims are gone forever, We still have drug gang gun violence among themselves, but our kids are safe. We still go out hunting and indulge in gun activities within strict laws on obtaining, storage, transport and usage of guns. Indeed guns are an integral part of agriculture and agricultural pest management. Go figger is it the demise of

  1. Thomas Edwin Peterson's Avatar Thomas Edwin Peterson

    There are laws on the books to punish evil doers. Removing firearms from law abiding people will only create victims. Pope Francis is wrong in his belief more laws will help.

    1. CB's Avatar CB

      You are correct.

  1. Johnny Mac 's Avatar Johnny Mac

    What we need is to change HIPPA law to make it possible for Psychologists and Psychiatric’s, Guidance Councilors and Priest to be able to notify local police when someone they are treating says they are going to harm people!

    They are the first line of defense, after all.

    There I fixed it!

    Praise GOD!, Amen

    1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

      We all ready have laws which requires the reporting when someone says they are going to harm someone. And as we have seen, it’s not working. Too many innocent kids now have a criminal record.

    2. CB's Avatar CB

      You have a point, but there is a problem. Many will not notify police because they are scared their patients will not trust them and will not continue to seek treatment. This has been found to be the case with sex offenders.

      1. Reverend Kurt's Avatar Reverend Kurt

        Reporting to police can be a fatal act. One woman found out when she approached a police car in her nightie at night to report a disturbance. Police shot her. By the way she was Caucasian.

    3. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      That and Facebook notify and respond to posted threats!

      1. Susan Claire Schloeder's Avatar Susan Claire Schloeder

        I guess threats to kill people doesn't violate FB community guidelines. The world has gon bat shit crazy. If law abiding citizens can't legally own guns, then only the bad guys will have guns. I think we should open~carry. 😉

        1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          Meanwhile Biden sends more guns to our enemies as he disarms Americans.

    4. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Is there any particular God you are praising? Just asking for a Krishna friend of mine.


    5. flugo's Avatar flugo

      'jomac': In addition, pass laws forming 'mandatory reporters', like they do for reporting child abuse suspicions. Teachers, bus drivers, counselors, etc. are required by law (under the penalty of law) to report ! Make EVERYbody 'mandatory reporters' when it come to suspicions about any person's behavior toward assault, violence, gun miuse, etc.

  1. Rev Wayne Steven's Avatar Rev Wayne Steven

    Gun control, gun control is a great thing that's very much needed. There's only one problem but I think all of you will agree with is gun control only works if your law abiding if everybody would be law abiding you would not need gun control so my point is if you're not law abiding you're not going to go by rules and regulations if you want a gun you're going to get a gun to use. Now it might offense I don't know a gun I don't plan to own a gun so I'm not advocating guns no way no how but I'm just telling you as it really is if your lower body and you don't need gun control if you're a criminal it don't matter but if you want to shoot somebody who need a gun or want a gun you're going to get one that's just a fact of life. I'll go into my usual apologies and hope I don't offend anyone cuz that is not my need or wish I'm just pointing out facts of Life in this country. I think what we need all to look at are the ten commandments especially thou shalt not kill

    1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      Amen! We already have all the laws we need already, the 10 commandments!

  1. Jason LaBarre's Avatar Jason LaBarre

    America has the right to bear arms. The guns are instruments, the people behind the trigger are the killers.
    The hardest job is finding the person who will not use a gun properly. And then take it away from that person. This has been going on since Cane killed Able. What's to stop it now?!

    1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

      There were 40 cops with guns and none of them did a damn thing to stop it, till it was convenient to do so. There are a 100 million more guns than there are people. It’s time to get more guns off streets, address the underlying issues of America’s obsession with guns, domestic terrorism perpetrated by white supremacists, and ultimately the police’s over all piss poor handling of these shootings. We are a nation of Rambo wannabes. More guns won’t solve the problem, more people with guns won’t solve the problem. Guns are designed to kill, end of story. An it’s time Americans, especially paranoid right wingers, need to understand that if the government really wants them dead, their beloved ARs and Desert Eagles won’t goddamn stop them.

      1. Douglas W Challenger's Avatar Douglas W Challenger

        I suspect the citizens of Ukraine would beg to differ on your last sentence. The 2nd Amendment was put in the Constitution as an intentional check on the Federal government. It's purpose is to ensure the peoples ability to reign in or remove a tyrannical government. Understanding that said government would have the military under its control, our ability to protect ourselves and our Democratic Republic is at the core of this right. The real problem is with how individuals choose act when confronted with circumstances they don't like or approve of. If someone decides to embrace a destructive path, the issue isn't with the tools they use, a gun, a knife, a car, Anthrax, it's with that individual's choice to act in that manner. Evil will do evil, regardless of the tools available. Cain used a rock. On a French train a knife was used. In Oklahoma City it was a bomb made from fertilizer.

      2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        So why are we sending billions of dollars of guns to Ukraine then? Send Bibles instead,

        1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Richard Darwin Richards, it is not politically correct to say that, nor to say that the Ukrainian Nazis were killing Russian nationals before pissing Putin off. With this IN NO WAY am I condoning Putin's decision to war against Ukraine, but things are not exactly fairly portrayed. Nor is this issue with guns... until we TRULY recover our freedom of speech, free of political correctness!

          1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

            Oh BS, Mr. Day. Your lot love to censor people’s speech, you just call it proper culture. Lol you would only recover the conqueror’s one sided way of speaking. Which is anything you say has no consequences to it, but if other offend you some how, they get sent to jail or worse. Theocratic right wing fascists like yourself love political correctness. If you were allowed complete control of the 1st amendment, holding fools like you account would be non existent. For a short while anyway. RDR, stop letting right wing media do your thinking for you. The so called 80 billion in equipment is all scuttled near useless scrap piles. The UK an other Allie’s are supplying or have been supplying Ukraine with equipment to fight off Putin’s ridiculous attempts to annex a country that’s been trying to get into NATO the last couple years because they want nothing to do with Mad Putin and his sad grabs for power. An Mr. while there were some Ukrainian Nationalists fighting off Russian Guerrillas, they were a small part of the defense forces. They’re now nearly killed off. You too should stop using right wing sources. They’re terribly unreliable

  1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

    Change because the pope asked for it is about as likely as change because the pope ask for priests in church officials to stop sexually abusing children.

    1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

      And have the pope’s words been followed over the past 30 years? Nope, priests rapping of children continues. Why is it people are only outraged when children are murdered and not rapped? Far more children have been repeatedly raped by priests ten have been murdered in mass shootings.

  1. Shirley Jean Davis's Avatar Shirley Jean Davis

    Prayer won't stop a person with an assault weapon. Unfortunately, as soon as the press loses interest the nation will also move on. I only hope that our Congress and Senate can stop selling their souls and enact some reforms.

    1. Richard David Atwood's Avatar Richard David Atwood

      No "assault weapon" was used here. An assault weapon is defined ( look it up ), as a firearm that can fire more than one round with only one pull of the trigger. Or "FULL AUTO". Both the rifles found are "civilian rifles". Neither are full auto. If your going to try to deny people of their God given right to life, and to defend their lives, at least call it by it's correct name. Stop pushing the "know nothing news" propaganda.

      1. joe's Avatar joe

        Biden slipped up in his speech. He wants anything that shoots to be defined as an assault weapon

    2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      Prayer moves mountains!!!

      1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

        "Prayer moves mountains" it has yet to stop a mass shooting ........

        1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          Prayer hasn't stopped the killing of millions of babies by abortion but we should never stop praying!

          1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

            What about all the unwanted kids in foster care? or those abused by christian clergy?

            1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

              Much love and counseling is needed.

      2. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

        Care to name a mountain that has been moved by prayer? The power of prayer has yet to move a grain of sand.

      3. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        What mountain was ever moved by faith or anything else?

        1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          The mountains moved by faith are no longer there so we can't show them anymore.

        2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Carl Bernard Elfstrom: Fatima, 13 October 1917. The dance of the sun was seen by millions.

      4. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Do you have any demonstrable evidence of your claim, Richard? That would be fascinating to watch.


        1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          Great question! I am merely a person of faith with no good answer to that one! Humanity has always and will always struggle with failure and some victories from time to time.

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Faith, is of course all anyone has that are involved with the religion. If they had any evidence whatsoever of fact they would be all over it, pushing the hard evidence of facts as much as they could. Have you ever felt as though you are being scammed, because I know I did, and that’s what caused me to start looking at logic and reason.


            1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

              Not scammed but I do believe there is more when we pass on but this will be a place where no man has yet returned so no facts are there to offer, just mere faith

              1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                It's a nice thought Richard, but sadly, that's all it is. In many ways though I hope you are right. 🤗

                I like to believe there is something after this, with a pub 🍺 on every street corner, and no churches at all. If there is, and if I ever see you in there, I'll buy you a pint.


              2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                Sounds awesome and I would love that!

              3. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

                I do not drink. I am in recovery. Will you get me a coffee?

              4. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Of course, George.

                How do you like it, black? With cream? Sugar?


            2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

              Lionheart, this is a church, and you are searching for God. That is all good stuff, enough to save you :-)

              1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                I’m actually searching for the evidence of truth in all things, George, using logic, reason, and critical thought.

                Having freedom of thought is what truly sets us free. I question everything, whereas religionists try doing that until it comes to questioning their own belief structure. They are so indoctrinated that few break away to question what they have been taught.

                Yes I have been saved, George. I’ve been saved from believing religious dogma that has no demonstrable evidence to support it.

                No, the monastery.org isn’t a church. Notice how this organization also caters to Wiccans, and other Pagans, and also those who are secular humanists, like myself.

                Thanks for your thoughts though, George.


  1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

    Illinois, New York and California have the strictest gun laws in the US and also the highest gun related crimes! So, all you socialist, what gives there? Most of you who spout this gun control BS don't have a clue what you are talking about. You want to live under socialist government, move to a socialist country. America needs to stay armed to protect One Nation Under God!

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    Why do Americans carry guns the Right To bear Arms. What about those poor children and two teachers who died. Don't they have a Right to live safely and happily. There's too many but jobs out there Nothing ever gets done we will learn that's just it.No body ever does

    1. CB's Avatar CB

      The Second Amendment protects your First Amendment, and all your other rights.

      1. Reverend Kurt's Avatar Reverend Kurt

        Now I understand, according to your bill of rights, murdering your people is safeguarded in your constitution and the Amendments. Murders have more rights that their victims. What about the right to life of the victims? Are not all Americans equal in the eyes of your law and constitution?? Perhaps those bought and paid for by the gun lobby have more rights than the rest of the population?? Hmmm?

    2. Reverend Kurt's Avatar Reverend Kurt

      The pope speaking, as a human representative, is horrified by the slaughter of children, as is most of the world. What is driving this nation to destroy it's very future? Is it their God, who is on their side, is really an evil demon?

    3. Susan Claire Schloeder's Avatar Susan Claire Schloeder

      That's why everyone should pen carry. Sitter could have been stopped immediately

      1. Susan Claire Schloeder's Avatar Susan Claire Schloeder

        *open carry

        1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

          It hasn't helped in most cases, and this shooting like the last one there was an armed guard , who tucked tail and ran rather than stop the shooter

  1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

    Pope Francis is a communist!!

    1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

      He’s a Jesuit, not a communist. Good lord that’s a comment lacking in depth.

  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

    Awe….that’s very nice isn’t it? He’s concerned about the safety of human life. Any comments from him recently about the safety, and sanctity of life of little children? Just asking for my little boy.


    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Lionheart, how old is he?

  1. Fernand Luc Bergeron's Avatar Fernand Luc Bergeron

    Here's an idea, metal detectors and dogs at all schools across America. Same as airports before these kids get the idea of bombing a school or two. They might even find the drug dealers at school ! Check ANYBODY that goes on to the school grounds !!!

  1. Alexander Arends's Avatar Alexander Arends

    You can eliminate access to weapons but you cannot eliminate evil or, as some put it politely, mental instability. Nor can you institutionalize all those in society that are viewed as a threat. Who own weapons besides collectors? Hunting enthusiasts and those wishing to protect themselves against crime. Some I believe fear occupation by foreign forces, and many more fear our own government. Yes this is a political issue, so let your voices be heard and hold those in power accountable. Be careful who you vote for.

  1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

    Facebook should be banned! Every horrendous crime starts with a facebook post!

    1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

      Will never happen…. The Facebook Good is making way too much money.

  1. Gerardo Salazar's Avatar Gerardo Salazar

    The Right to Bear Arms is consecrated in the US Constitution and I won’t argue about it. But as much as the right exists there’s nothing that prohibits regulations as to what kind of weapons can be owned by civilians and if somebody really dreams about shooting big guns then he/she can join the Armed Forces. Is there anything that would limit the type and capacity? A handgun with no more than 7 rounds or a revolver with 6 will suffice to protect you and for hunting a 3-shot rifle is more than enough.

    1. Robert Frizzell's Avatar Robert Frizzell

      What part of "shall not be infringed" are you having trouble understanding?

      1. P. Keith Benefiel's Avatar P. Keith Benefiel

        What part of "A well regulated militia are you having trouble understanding?

  1. Stephanie A Willey's Avatar Stephanie A Willey

    Any kind or amount of gun control ain't gonna happen for as long as the NRA owns all of the Republican Party and a good 20% of the Democratic Party. No amount of petitions, words, statements, statistics, thoughts or prayers will ever result in any level of gun control until the NRA is put down and prevented from owning any politician.

    1. CB's Avatar CB

      The NRA does not own politicians.

      1. Donald Richard Starns's Avatar Donald Richard Starns

        The NRA just rents politicians. Besides, it’s the American god’s will that little children be sent to the American heaven before they can be forced to learn anything about American history.

  1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

    It can't change because if you took every gun away then the crazed murderer just chooses to use an instrument of another kind. Common sense. Bring God back into society and do something about the individual when you see someone who shows signs of doing violence.

  1. Richard David Atwood's Avatar Richard David Atwood

    The Pope is not an "elected by the people" gov official. He doesn't make laws for any country He should stay involved with religion and deal with those priests who abuse children, instead of just re-assigning them to a different church. Politics is not his job. All the news is about the Texas shooting. Why is it that NO ONE is talking about the Virginia shooting, 5/25/22. A man opened fire on an apartment building where a graduation/birthday party was happening. Lots of young people there. A woman, who was at the party, killed him with her legally concealed weapon. The " shooter" was the only one injured. Wonder why no one is talking about those children? Or the person who stopped a killer with a gun. Wonder what would have happened if one of the 2 teachers in that classroom had had a gun? Wonder what would have happened if the police had not waited for an hour before going into the school? Wonder what would happen if the government would stop attacking law abiding people and started prosecuting known criminals instead? Especially those known criminals in the governments. Why is it that the city's with the strictest gun laws have the highest number of shootings? Over 260 people, under 16, have been shot by gangs, thieves and other criminals in Chicago Illinois since Jan 1, 2022. Why is no one talking about those children? Why is no one crying for the thousands of children who will never take a breath because of planned parenthood? Funny how the people who tell you they have a right to kill an unborn baby, are the same people who are crying you have no right to protect yourself or your family from a criminal, because somebody committed a crime against children. The very people who want to kill unborn baby's, are the same people who are crying about baby's getting killed. Isn't that ironic?

    1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      What would have happened if facebook would have responded to the threat that was posted on facebook before the slaughter? Facebook should be in big trouble!

    2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      It is a sad stain on our society !

    3. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Richard David Atwood, do not forget that the pope is also pontiff (monarch) and as such, head of state at the Holy See. He can address politics as head of state.

  1. taycomama's Avatar taycomama

    I've seen this dozens of times - a mass shooting, school or elsewhere, lots of outrage, lots of thoughts and prayers, blaming laws, politics, parents, anyone, suggestions for restrictions on guns, call for background checks, etc. etc. ad infinitum, ad nauseum. But nothing ever gets done and we just move on to the next big story. I wish this would change. I hope it will change. But if I had to bet money on it, I would just bet on more of the same. I hope this time I'm proved wrong.

    1. Daniel Joseph Morse's Avatar Daniel Joseph Morse

      The pope is full of crap like a democrat politician. I was in VietNam as Infantry. Thought and prayers are BS. It's like drinking beer, feels good, accomplishes nothing.

      To accomplish something needs definitive action. Don't go for a gun ban -- get the crazy nuts off the street. Hold grownups responsible for the actions of their children. The parents are the responsible party failing to teach the kid correct values.

      The pope is not American and has no say in US politics. Where is the pope's statement telling Hunter Biden to get off drugs and raise his kid right, not just pay support? Where is the pope's statement telling joe biden to stay home and take care of his own?

      biden wanted money to build back right, then he saw a chance to have a war and grabbed that instead. Next he wants to war over Taiwan. biden owes his politics to the military-industrial-complex. A whore does a genuine service, biden just makes noises.

      The divvil took out a building permit to make a new level just for biden and his buddies.

      1. Donald Richard Starns's Avatar Donald Richard Starns

        Liability insurance mandatory for every firearm, plus passing a test similar to a driving test would do the trick.

        1. Robert Frizzell's Avatar Robert Frizzell

          That would be unconstitutional. Ever notice there seems to be a mass shooting of some sort right before the socialists want to push some new "common sense" gun legislation? Wonder what folks in Australia and Canada think about "common sense" gun legislation now? Although being psuedo-subjects of the British crown I doubt they ever had the right to keep and bear arms.

    2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      Especially since Biden is supplying guns to war zones that are killing thousands of people as we speak.

      1. Shadow J VanDusen's Avatar Shadow J VanDusen

        Right? I wish Biden would stop supplying Russia with guns to wage their illegal war against Ukraine already!

        1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

          Shadow J, the US is supplying the Ukrainians with weapons. Not the Russians.

          1. Rev. Tim's Avatar Rev. Tim


          2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            I still think he should not. He should let the Ukrainians fight their own war.

            1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

              I see someone is a Putin simp. Go figure.

        2. CB's Avatar CB

          Biden is not supplying guns to Russia. Russia is destroying biolabs in Ukraine.

          1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            I wish the Pope and Biden would speak out against the biolabs!

        3. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          Was Biden already taking illegal money from Ukraine before we sent more weapons to kill?

      2. CB's Avatar CB

        Biden is not supplying guns to anyone.

        1. joe's Avatar joe

          Just 80 Billion dollars worth of arms left in Afghanistan and now in the hands of the Telaban.

        2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          LOl!!! Those surely aren't Bibles Biden is supplying Ukraine and the rest of the world with.

    3. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

      The NRA won’t allow it. No matter how many mass shootings their are and no mater how many innocent children are murdered the NRA will still oppose any and all measures for gun control.

      1. Larry DeWayne Phelps's Avatar Larry DeWayne Phelps

        The NRA is toothless and has been for quite sometime. The actual “gun lobby” are the millions of legal and safe gun owners of America.

        1. Gary D Hanson's Avatar Gary D Hanson

          Then why do conservative candidates go after NRA endorsements?

          This safe and legal gun owner approves of universal background checks, ban on high capacity magazines and a minimum age of twenty one for most gun purchases.

          1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

            Gun sales are a billion a dollar a year business.
            So is the business of teaching police, teachers and school age children what to do when there's an active shooter in their school.

            There's a lot of money to be made making sure politicians do not inact any gun control restriction laws. You had better believe the NRA is funding politicians who oppose gun control laws.

      2. JaZe's Avatar JaZe

        Do they see children as fmcg? The ones shot today are replaced many times over by those born tomorrow? What will take for them to feel compassion and change their minds?

        1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

          The NRA sure does. Gun sales in the United States are well over a billion dollar a year business. Add to that the billions that police departments and school spend to teach children what to do when there is an active shooter in their school.

          Any restrictions on gun would greatly affect those profits and the money the NRA receives. It's in the best interest of the NRA if mass shooting continue as gun sales and NRA revenue is up.

        2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


    4. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

      It will only change when people like you stop talking about it and take action and do something to change it. We know prayers and praying to God only results in more shootings…. So that doesn’t work.

      1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        Let's start gun control by stopping our supply of weaponry to the world.

        1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

          We have had gun control laws sine 1934… Gues what you are saying is gun control laws don’t work.

          1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            Exactly! As long as we have enemies we need guns.

            1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

              And the enemies are people who have different religious beliefs that your own. How many people have Christians killed because their God?

              1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                How many millions have Hitler and atheists killed?

              2. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

                Considerably less than the number Christians have murdered.

              3. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                you must not be following the mass shootings.

              4. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                RDR, Christians have been murdering in the name of their god for one reason or another the last 2000 years. That’s considerably millions more than Hitler and atheists combined. A rough estimate was 700 million killed Christianity. Orthodox vs. Gnostics, Christians vs. Pagan, Catholics vs. non Catholics, Catholics vs. Protestants, Christians vs. indigenous, the crusades, all the times Christians forced mass conversions on people who didn’t wanna be Christian, the slave trans Atlantic slave trade was influenced by Christianity. The mass shootings have been influenced by right aligned terrorists who share their beds with Christian fundamentalists. Hitler himself tried shaping Christianity to meet his whims. It didn’t quite workout, but in the end, the Catholic Church still helped many Nazis escape to North and South America. Christianity has actively set back humanity roughly 1500 years. Their persecution of people consisted witches is known. Their whole sale condemning of science and medicine is known. So in reality, nah, open up a history book and realize Christianity has been a human woe, and not a human blessing. 🤷🏻‍♂️

              5. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                humans are the problem . Repent and sin no more lest you continue your evil ways.

              6. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                RDR. Humans aren’t the problem. What humans are taught is the problem. When they’re encouraged to be mindless cultists who don’t understand true accountability, it’s the lesson that’s problematic. I’ve seen many “repent” be baptized and still be vile.

              7. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                sad thing is there are more that haven't repented and are equally vile.

              8. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                They don’t need to repent for being human, zealot.

              9. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

                How sad that from a discussion on mass shooting we still need to fall so low on anti-Christianity. It says more about the posters than history as mentioned.

              10. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                It’s Christian Nationalists doing a majority of the mass shootings, Mr. Day. If you’d pull off your right wing bias blinders off, you’d see the whole story. They’re the reason people are calling for the curtailing of gun sales. Your view of history has been shown to be skewed and in need of widening, sir.

              11. Leona Weisenbach's Avatar Leona Weisenbach

                Spot on

    5. Rev, Rene L.'s Avatar Rev, Rene L.

      I fully agree that as long as the decision makers are making money guns will get sold no matter the outcome. My next commentary is to the people who dump their dislike of Biden into every discussion, this is not about that! And I seriously think that separation of church and state should disallow the Pope's comments from being any more important than the commentary of any other human being, He is entitled to his opinion, but that is all!!!

      1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        He seems to think it is ok to supply weapons to murder others yet takes Americans guns away. That is why he is mentioned, he is the biggest guns dealer.

  1. Richard David Atwood's Avatar Richard David Atwood

    The Pope is not an "elected by the people" Gov. official. He don't make laws for America or any other country. All the news is about the Texas shooting. Funny how NO ONE is talking about the Virginia shooting last night, 5/25/22. A man opened fire on an apartment building where a graduation/birthday party was happening. A woman, who was at the party, shot the man and killed him. The "shooter" was the only one injured. Wonder what would have happened if one of the 2 teachers in that classroom had had a gun? Wonder what would have happened if the police had not waited outside for an hour before going into the school? Wonder what would happen if the government would stop punishing law abiding people and started prosecuting known criminals? Especially those known criminals in the Governments?

  1. Eric James Hudnall's Avatar Eric James Hudnall

    I'm tired of people asking where God was after these tragedies. I would think God is asking where we were. We're a lot closer to the situation and a whole lot less busier than He is.

  1. Eric James Hudnall's Avatar Eric James Hudnall

    The gun is just a tool. The kid could have just as easily walked into the school with a can of gasoline and set it on fire, or swung an ax around. The real question is what is it about our society that is leading people down this path. "Why" would anyone want to do anything like that.... answer that and we'll start answering many of these types of questions.

    1. JaZe's Avatar JaZe

      Not just kids, most shootings are done by adults, sometimes in gangs. Often is anger that drives someone to shoot to kill, anger at life, at people, at circumstances, anger at being at the bottom of society, neglected or bullied, so they want to make a statement that they too matter. Put it together with easy access to guns and tragedy follows. There's no need for millions of guns in a civilized society.

    2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      We have a sick society that has kicked God out.

      1. Eric James Hudnall's Avatar Eric James Hudnall

        But again, why? We know the what, but why?

        1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          The human condition is a sickness that needs healing and love. Our society is incapable of doing that and these people don't have enough self love to not act like deranged animals.

          1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

            The human condition isn’t a sickness. The human condition also includes love and caring. It’s not perfect but it’s not evil. Only Christians it seem believe that humans are automatically evil, when they’re not. These school shootings happened because young people are falling in with bad crowds on the internet that condition them to hate. They most likely aren’t being bullied, but are being stood up to for their gross views.

            1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

              humans are sick and need healing. I do agree that there are a lot of bad people that one should avoid being around.

            2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

              Robert James Ruhnke, the phrase 'human condition' refers to the factual fallen nature of humanity. We were created good, but Adam decided to rebel. Hence, we have now inherited a condition that needs rescuing. Jesus is the Rescuer.

              1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                Mr. Day, again you prattle on about Christian superstition. Humans are born neither good nor bad, but grow into to both as they age. Some more than others. Superstition is not facts. The minute our genetic ancestors discovered that when we care for one another instead of leaving some behind, the sick, the weak, the in need, we are stronger for it. The human condition is a 200’000 year old story that predates your abysmally boring recycled fairy tale. Yeshua of Galilee was just a messenger that the Romans had adopted to add power to their politics. I don’t need to study biased Christian superstitious works to connect dots that huge and red and lots of overlap already. Though I’m sure you’ll respond some little detail that’s just inane but you find world breaking. When in reality it’s less than a speck of dust. The nature of humanity never fell, when it was never risen in the first place. You manipulative Abrahamic (Jews, Christians, Muslims) have been singing the same damn song for 5000 years now. An y’all are super surprised when people with their own views and own ways of being are surprised when we want nothing to do with your nonsense and turn violent. Gods help you all.

              2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                Amen! Jesus is the Way!!!!!

          2. Eric James Hudnall's Avatar Eric James Hudnall

            Yes, got it, that's the what. We need the why. It's not sufficient to just say society sucks. WHY does it suck. Once this is answered we can then move to the HOW we unsuck it. I need a metric, I need data, something I can show people on a piece of paper... not "We've turned our back on God." There's nothing I can do with that. Half the world doesn't believe in God anyway and you're not going to make them.

            1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

              Eric James Hudnall, you raise an exceptionally good point.

      2. Daniel Joseph Morse's Avatar Daniel Joseph Morse

        gawd hasn't been kicked far enough. Get rid of superstition and sky-daddy. Abraham & Isaac -- talk about "child-endangerment". Abraham doing what the "voices in his head tell him to do". Crazy SOB, unfit parent -- that's a beginning. The bible is a book of lies, mostly plagiarized from previous belief systems. Whenever humans don't understand, they create a gawd, always with lesser morals than their own.

      3. Daniel Joseph Morse's Avatar Daniel Joseph Morse

        gawd hasn't been kicked far enough. Get rid of superstition and sky-daddy. Abraham & Isaac -- talk about "child-endangerment". Abraham doing what the "voices in his head tell him to do". Crazy SOB, unfit parent -- that's a beginning. The bible is a book of lies, mostly plagiarized from previous belief systems. Whenever humans don't understand, they create a gawd, always with lesser morals than their own.

        1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

          Daniel Joseph Morse, how about we start respecting each other for our belief systems here? This is what ULC is about in the first place.

    3. Lady Celynia's Avatar Lady Celynia

      It is a mental health issue that starts with bullying being a so-called normal part of childhood. Every one of these shooters has been horrendously bullied. In general if it doesn't end up with a mass killing, the victims of the bullying commit suicide.

  1. Rev. Dr. G. Waldron's Avatar Rev. Dr. G. Waldron

    Good, Holy Father!

    1. Gerard Babin Usmc-Dav's Avatar Gerard Babin Usmc-Dav

      What most Catholics forget is that the RCC is the only living breathing remnant of the Roman Empire. The Catholic Church like Government's is the largest weapons investor on the planet. this is documented fact.

    2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Please get well!


  1. Donald Richard Starns's Avatar Donald Richard Starns

    One muzzle loader was good enough for the holy Founding Fathers. That was their (also holy) Original Intent. Ya hear me, ghost-Scalia, and disciples on the Supreme Court?

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