police cruiser flashing lights
The controversial decal, via local news station KWCH12.

Earlier this month, the city council in Haven, Kansas politely asked their local police department to remove ‘In God We Trust’ decals from their police vehicles.

The request came courtesy of city council member Sandra Williams, who said a concerned citizen brought the decals to her attention. She also insisted that the department stop posting scripture on their social media channels.

Police Chief Stephen Schaffer honored the request, and removed the decals from the vehicles as asked.

But then, the community revolted. And in a bizarre turn, the city’s now re-applying the removed ‘In God We Trust’ decals to police vehicles – so long as those of other faiths (or no faith) can get their own decal on police vehicles, too.

As you might imagine, everyone from atheist activists to Satanists are chomping at the bit to get in on the action.

Could ‘In Atheism We Trust’ be coming to Kansas cop cars?

To Protect and Serve... Who?

The controversy centers around whether religious messages should be displayed on government vehicles – particularly public servants with as much community interaction as police have.

Police cars are not “the forum to be talking about God,” argued Councilwoman Williams in a May 2nd meeting, kicking off a unanimous vote to remove the decals that would turn out to be a very controversial move.

But the local community revolted, and a city council meeting just weeks later was packed with angry citizens.

Mayor Adam Wright almost immediately backtracked the decision, telling a local paper that “there should have been probably a little more discussion.” He said he personally agrees with the decals, and that police “have to put their trust in something else besides human aspects.”

According to a local reporter, the fallout from removing the ‘In God We Trust’ decals was so massive that community members even expected some council members to resign.

After what was undoubtedly a lively debate, the council voted 3-2 to reinstate the Christian decals. But the three ‘yea’ votes were conditional on one term: any faith (and groups with no faith at all) can apply to get their own decals put on police cars. 

With those three votes, the floodgates are potentially open.

In ______ We Trust

Activists say the original decals could be construed to mean that the local police department is there to protect and serve only Christians – and they've got an idea for how to change that. 

  • The group American Atheists has already said it intends to send the city pro-atheism decals.
  • Similarly, the Freedom From Religion Foundation will also be sending atheist decals to Haven.
  • A Satanist group said they’re currently deciding on which eye-catching ‘Hail Satan’ decal they’d like to see emblazoned on this rural Kansas town’s police cars.

But that is potentially only the beginning. As the story takes off, other religious groups around the country might just decide to get in on the action.

Will Haven police cars soon be looking like Nascar vehicles, but with religious symbols instead of company brands? It’s possible.

On one hand, it seems only fair that if the government promotes one faith on public property, it should be prepared to promote all faiths and no faith at all too – even if the local community is overwhelmingly Christian.

On the other hand, ‘In God We Trust’ is the official motto of the United States, and is emblazoned on our currency. Is there an argument to be made that that particular phrase is baked into the fabric of American life itself, and thus enjoys greater privileges than other religious sentiments?

What do you think?


  1. David Bartlett's Avatar David Bartlett

    Believe in whatever or whoever you want and that goes for trust as well. But government entities should not have religious slogans on their vehicles or buildings or money. Complete separation of church and state should be fully implemented. Add it to your personal vehicle. Put up a giant sign in front of your house. Wear a six inch button that says that when you are out of uniform and not on duty. But government entities and agencies need to remain impartial and that includes with regards to religion.

  1. Michael Gerard Newton's Avatar Michael Gerard Newton

    Police vehicles paid for with public money, (taxes), should not be used to push a Christian agenda, or any other particular agenda. The idea that officers need a greater power than humans just reinforces the concept that the police need to be better trained. And In God We Trust was added to currency I believe in 1957 during the Eisenhower administration, so not historically significant.

    1. Earl Wayne Bell's Avatar Earl Wayne Bell

      It is the power of the human that causes War, crime, corruption and pollution. I have a hard time in trusting my fellow man, "In Man we Trust?" I think not (even though they're well trained).

  1. Earl Wayne Bell's Avatar Earl Wayne Bell

    Wow! This discussion never changes. Regardless of what opinion is made, a group of people will feel opposite, So much of the conversation can be disregarded as contrary opinions are obvious.

    Rather than waste time and disagree, how about examining the role of individual freedom and that of the majority? When I last looked, majority rule dictated quite a lot in our Society.

    If I wrote Murders go Free on a Police Car, some of the population (the murders) would likely support that. The majority wouldn't, so it wouldn't be placed on the car in the first-place.

    According to Wikipedia, Christians make up between 65 and 75% of the U.S. population. It's not too much of a stretch for me to see why "In God we Trust" is displayed on a public vehicle. If this offends you. Their are plenty of other Countries which you can relocate to. I expect that in a Muslim Country, that the Society will reflect Muslim teachings. If I choose to live there, I;m not going to highlight my personal freedoms and complain how Muslim practice offends me. People are free to have whatever religion they like. The majority rules in a Society. That's just a fact of Life. Get over it.

  1. Richard Lee Cornell's Avatar Richard Lee Cornell

    Allah is for that words Leave it be or suffer the wrath of Allah.

  1. Lance Stephen Smolinski's Avatar Lance Stephen Smolinski

    Sounds like the cops are trying to be religious NASCAR drivers, with sponsor decals. Hahahaha

    To be serious the phrase " In God We Trust", shouldn't be on police vehicles same with the blue flag. Those vehicles are the people's vehicle. As the people have so many opinions and views it would certainly just lead to more unnecessary trauma. Perhaps in an attempt to bring about peace with the people, who they are supposed to not only protect and serve, but be made up of our father's, mother's, sister's, brothers, and neighbor's. I suggest " In The People We Trust ". Maybe that is a thought that can help mend a small part of this world.

  1. Kelvin Ashley Nikolic's Avatar Kelvin Ashley Nikolic


  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    I don't see anything wrong with displaying our beliefs, whatever they happen to be. They can only kill us once. Next month will be Juneteenth, and Gay Pride month. I'm all about equality and standing up for the rights of others. Wiccans and other Pagans like me don't concern ourselves with how long this incarnation will last. By the middle of June I'll be through putting together and totally decking out my new Kulana beach cruiser bicycle ( purple, blue, and black with 25" high ape hangers). Between those handlebars I'll hang a Juneteenth banner, and someplace on that bike I'll be flying a Gay Pride flag, as well as an American flag. And evryd I ride it in June, primarily here on the Galveston Island seawall I'll be wearing my African Dashiki shawl, and my ULC Ministers cap. So this old white boy will stick out like a sore thumb, and they can shoot me all they want. If I survive, y'all will hear from me in July.

    1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      We should just outlaw bumper stickers!

  1. Charles Jude Platt's Avatar Charles Jude Platt

    Correction please forgive me.

    " There is proof that there is no proof, but there is no proof that there is proof."

    1. Rev Wayne Steven's Avatar Rev Wayne Steven

      Now you got it, I think!

  1. Richard Lee Cornell's Avatar Richard Lee Cornell

    Once it was improper to wear the American Flag patch on your shoulder. That was until the Readers Digest started selling them. Soon the police and fire departments started to wear them. Funny how that works.

    1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      Now the liberals call you racist if you display the flag which is even sadder!

  1. Kathleen Anne OBrien's Avatar Kathleen Anne OBrien

    Putting the phrase on the back of government vehicles is a violation of Church and State. IT IS RELIGIOUS TERRORISM. Forcing your pet phrases down another's throat is certainly not Christian. If this is allowed then ALL religions should be able to do so including Satanism, Islam and ANY other religion. You can not really be a Christian and force your religion on another person. Like the Catholic church to the Natives of the Southwest. Convert in 15 minutes or we will kill you! (no matter that you have no idea what we just said.)

  1. Michael G Woram's Avatar Michael G Woram

    Just change it to the more truthful "In Gold We Trust".

    1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      It is not backed by Gold anymore sadly.

  1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

    This should be fought more strenuously.

    It wasn’t until 1956 that it was added to the Pledge (which I stopped even silently and half-heartedly mouthing around junior high) and made the official US ‘club motto’ for all currency presumingly to band all the club members against communism. But the thing with money began around the time of the Civil War.

    The religiously delusional have never really accepted the separation of church and State. Many erroneously believe the US was founded as a ‘christian nation’ but only show their ignorance of how some the founding fathers found Christianity blatantly silly (see Jefferson).

    1. Randy C Hamilton's Avatar Randy C Hamilton

      Thank you Dr Z!!! If we had secular judges it would be ruled unconstitutional. Thousands of judges and almost all of the Supreme Court are Catholics. Very sad and very hard on the Constitution.

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        Sorry but the SCOTUS has already ruled this constitutional so you just have to deal with it

      2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        The Constitution allows you to be Catholic.

        1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

          The Constitution allows me to be Pagan, nor do I recognize your god or his rules , all my right to do

          1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            That's the American spirit!

  1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

    Well it least it doesn't' say "Abortions R Us."

    Or "Pompeo For President."

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      And atleast they haven't replaced Washington's picture with Trump's...yet. [Knock on wood. I bet it's coming.]

      1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        We really miss the Don!!!

        1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

          trump was a false god king want a be, who tried stepping on rights and protections. trumpies are banned from my shop and church, as well as my private property

          1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            I don't want to judge but your kind sounds like a typical atheist church.

            1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

              We worship the old Pagan Gods and spirits of nature , and trumpis are directly against our freedom to do so , we also have no issues with gays

              1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                Why bring up gays? You must have issues or you wouldn't deflect !

  1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

    I was wondering if I can get an "Eat At Joe's" decal for my diner.

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Eat at Joe's money would probably have a picture of easy cheese on Communion wafers.

  1. William Stoddard's Avatar William Stoddard

    In God we find truth, a way to self-reflect our narrow mindedness and focus on acts of faith instead of self-loathing. A child often lashes out when one doesn't get there way. God has given us mortals clear instructions as to live a moral, ethical, and humane life, through his instruction of course, but also by our inner personal process of how our faith is extroverted onto others, especially those who choose to live in sin. You know, going to the bar, drinking, recreationally using drugs to party, several sex partners, crime, etc. We watch movies rated R, it is a sin to image those unfavorable scenes, of death, sex, crime, etc., But it is what our society has become, one moral conflict after another. We look to God, because he gave his only son as a sacrifice to show humankind his love. He wants us to see our kind from his point of view, and act as such to live in peace with love in our hearts, to give, to understand, to feel the needs of others and being capable of filling them. God gives the barbarian a path, gives a noble a principle, it gives a King authority. "omnes enim servi sumus Deo." Those in darkness, spreading hate, are the damn. It is our calling to save as many lost in darkness and help them to the light. Some of us live in darkness, but sometimes this is where God wants us to be.

    There is always hope,

    God Bless!

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      First of all there is still no demonstrable evidence any god exists. Second, the mythical God of the Old Testament has no morals whatsoever. His genocide, killing of the first born, and condoning slavery, is testament to his poor morals that ranks way worse than Hitler.


      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Lionheart, there will never be any demonstrable evidence of the existence of any god or goddess. And for most of us there doesn't have to be. Atleast us Pagans don't care what anyone else believes. Those who don't can survive without the benefits such beliefs bestows on believers.

      2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        The Jewish people were enslaved and murdered by the Egyptians.

        1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

          and christians burned people alive, oh and baptized babies then bashed them on walls so they couldn't un convert

          1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            those were atheists , not Christian.

    2. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      Yeah, hope it's not a plan.

  1. Fernand Luc Bergeron's Avatar Fernand Luc Bergeron

    When a police officer is sworn in, doesn't he place his hand on the bible ? Doesn't the President of the United States of America do the same thing ?

    1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

      No, the oath with a book is a photo op, you can be sworn in on a law book or any book the person wants. Non christians can't be forced to swear to something they don't believe in

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        No its fact, thats why Obama had to do it twice as he didnt do it on any form of Bible, muslum or christian or any other religion

        1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

          Personally I never have sworn on a bible and I would go to jail rather than swear on a book that directly says to put me to death.

          No religious tests to hold office

      2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        I'm not a christian, but swear on the bible when I go to court. I'd just as soon swear on anything else I don't believe in, for not being true to it couldn't possibly hurt me at all.

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          You dont have to swear on the Bible, just raise your right hand and swear to tell the truth. If you cant do that then you have no business being in a court

    2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      “So help me God” can be replaced with “I do so affirm” for those with secular beliefs.


    3. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      And some presidents use the military to gas the public out of the way so he can hold a bible upside down...and if holding a bible upside down isn't a distinctly Satanic gesture, I don't know what is.

      1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        Biden is using guns and the military to kill thousands as we speak!

        1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

          and trump forced out the priest of the church for days

  1. Bishop William Dusenberry, DD's Avatar Bishop William Dusenberry, DD

    Because we "Secular Humanist Pantheists" are the only group able to prove the existence of God (because God and nature are the same thing) we SHP'ers trust in nature -- after all, what other choice do we have.

    However, until those who believe in unprovable Gods (all the rest, who's God is not synonymous with nature) claiming that police believe in an unprovable God -- is a sin against the Holy Ghost.

    1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      Bingo, William!

    2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      No, actually God created nature.

  1. Rev Frankie PG's Avatar Rev Frankie PG

    Sponsored emergency vehicles? In my opinion, that would be awesome, ESPECIALLY since people are so dead set to defund the police. Now granted I'm a little biased since I was in law enforcement for 20 years and 7 with FEMA, but I digress. Separation of Church and State has been a topic of debate for eons. It is already legal precedent that acknowledging God is not endorsing a certain religion but rather a higher being. There are actually many gods (ie- Zeus and Athena) to name more popular ones and Satan can be titled the god of evil. That's where, in this instance, we have to look at another fact, 'a government that is for the people and by the people.' If a town overwhelming votes to have In God We Trust to be emblazoned on emergency vehicles, then so be done and there shouldn't be a 'In _____ We Trust' just to make ensure that the few feel inclusive as well. This woke culture needs to get over inclusivity and realize that they are only part of a bigger picture, a community, a country, a world, a solar system. WE are what makes the United States and WE are a great country, if you don't like it, leave!!

  1. Rev Wayne Steven's Avatar Rev Wayne Steven

    You know I think it's time that we all get a life so to speak there are plenty of other more important things to concern yourself with why don't we do that?

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Wayne, we just talk about the topics they give us. We don't have a choice in the matter. Somehow they think this is turning us into better ministers.

      1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        Or they are just keeping us ministers dumbed down!

    2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards


  1. Mark Stricklett's Avatar Mark Stricklett

    OMG - Public Service Traveling Billboards? What's next....

  1. Joe Stutler's Avatar Joe Stutler

    It's simple. Return to "E Pluribus Unum" and problem solved.

    1. Rev. B's Avatar Rev. B

      That is actually a very elegant solution, Joe.

    2. Randy C Hamilton's Avatar Randy C Hamilton

      Thank you!!!!!

  1. James Grainger's Avatar James Grainger

    This is what you get when you mix politics and religion. if you want to know how bad that can be, just look to some of the mid-eastern countries.

  1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

    Why didn’t the police put in science we trust? Do you want you want Police to use science to solve crimes and not divine intervention?

  1. Rev Nolan's Avatar Rev Nolan

    Why do atheists have to be violated by their local police?

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Maybe we could put our own bumper stickers on the back bumpers of police cars, without them noticing for a while.

      1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        Would "all lives matter" bumper stickers be appropriate replacements?

  1. Charles Jude Platt's Avatar Charles Jude Platt

    Unbelievable, that American excessive "egotism & beligerism" (once again) these folks consistently advertise that "God does not exist." Each day, America's 'insanity" rules.

    1. Randy C Hamilton's Avatar Randy C Hamilton

      What FREL proof do you have that ANY of the thousands of gods exist????

      1. Randy C Hamilton's Avatar Randy C Hamilton

        oops. REAL, not FREL. No proof in thousands and thousands of years. I'm waiting.

      2. Charles Jude Platt's Avatar Charles Jude Platt

        "There is proof that there is proof" but there is "no proof that there is proof."

      3. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

        Just the proof in the one the naturalists have, those who worship the natural universe. That is one God who can be proved to exist, all others require some kind of faith without proof.

        1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          Some would argue that the natural universe is a mere illusion!

  1. Reverend Kurt's Avatar Reverend Kurt

    The world wide news network has consistently reported the American police service to be public executioners. Mainly racist but not always, unarmed white women in their nightwear reporting incidents are also prime targets. Their "Christian" god advocates violence, rape, murder incest and fear/terrorism. Proving that the American police service serves not the people but their god in which they trust.

  1. Jason LaBarre's Avatar Jason LaBarre

    We have in God we trust on our money. And that is produced by the government. The pledge of aligance has God in it. Another government conspiracy. The boy's and girls scout's. Have God in there teaching. And that's supported by the government.

    1. Rev Nolan's Avatar Rev Nolan

      Although I’m aware of these facts, it certainly does NOT make it right.

      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Nolan, nothing has to be right, but in favor of the majority.

    2. Donald J Rothschild Jr's Avatar Donald J Rothschild Jr

      The pledge of allegiance did not have “under god” until the 1954. Congress added “Under God” to the Pledge in 1954 – during the Cold War. Many members of Congress reportedly wanted to emphasize the distinctions between the United States and the officially atheistic Soviet Union.

    3. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

      @Jason LaBarre That’s all rapidly changing.

    4. Joe Stutler's Avatar Joe Stutler

      Yes, and? IGWT wasn't originally on our money...that's a relatively new thing. It's produced by our government, true, but so are the military gravestone markers, many of which don't recognize the primary deity of the Abrahamic mythos (https://www.cem.va.gov/hmm/emblems.asp). The PoA was written by a Socialist Baptist minister, and included zero reference to any gods. That nonsense was added more than three-score years after the PoA was first published and more than a score of years after the death of the author. Here's the original: "I pledge Allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all." Boy & Girl Scouts recognize various faith traditions, many of which have no connection to the deities of the Abrahamic mythos. So, again, I say: Yes, and?

  1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

    Sorry, but this has already been ruled Constitutional by federal courts

    2014, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, based in New York City, said that the use of the phrase “In God We Trust” on American currency was constitutionally permissible in the case of Newdow v. United States.And this was upheld by no less then the US Supreme Court as legal and constitutional. The decisions stated that it was ruled constitutional for our coinage and paper money, its clearly listed in the Supreme Courts hearing room along with the 10 Commandments. There is no reason to think or suggest this is not constitutional.

    In Newdow v. Lefevre, 10-893 The US Supreme Court not only ruled against the FFRF and Michael Newdow, but actually did something that is very rare for the Court to do, they threw this out with prejudice meaning NO ONE in the US can file a case like this ever again.

    Even the much overturned 9th US District court ruled against such as this http://openjurist.org/432/f2d/242/aronow-v-united-states And they upheld this decision yet again in the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals wrote in Aronow v. United States when they ruled that this does not specifically mention any God and is just a saying in general.

    SO what this means is that the US Supreme Court and numerous other US District Courts have ruled that the use of this phrase is perfectly legal and constitutional. So for all of you getting your diapers in a knot about this, deal with it as you cant change it.

    1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

      It's against my religion to recognize the phrase

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        And you have that right, but what you DONT have is the right to demand that everyone think like you do. Remember your 'feelings' have no sway or authority on another persons rights.

        1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

          Likewise remember your 'feelings' have no sway or authority over my religious rights as clergy or that of my legally established church , we are free to do as we see fit ,worshiping our chosen Gods and doing actions in their names, inviting and protecting the lgbtqa community, holding gay weddings, feeding the homeless and other such actions.

          1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

            exactly my point. So why are you complaining when other are doing exactly what you claim you want to do?

          2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            It sounds as though all lives matter to you except for Christians. Is your"church" really inclusive???

            1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

              Why would Christian's come to a openly Pagan church?

              1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                Because Christ loves you!

              2. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

                We worship the old Gods, not the biblical one or his son

              3. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                I worship the oldest and only God!

              4. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

                No thanks, Our Gods do respond to us so we are not interested in yours.

              5. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                We didn't ask for your interest in our God.

              6. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

                Likewise, I will continue worshiping mine

              7. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                I will pray for you!!!!

              8. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

                and I will pray to my Gods for you

        2. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

          Comment removed by user.

          1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

            so what are you whining about? NOBODY is saying you cant believe what you claimed even though SCOTUS said numerous times that "in God We Trust" was ruled legal and constitutional, they just didnt say WHICH God. You just cant demand that everyone follow what you believe in, and I guess thats what has you so bent out of shape.

            1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

              I don't want to force my way on anyone and likewise I don't want christians forcing their religious laws on me

              1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                How are they forcing anything on you. It does not specifically name any God so how you came to that rational is beyond common sense. They could have been talking about Odin or Buddah for crying out loud.

              2. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

                There are those who are saying the god is the biblical one and are pushing for christian only prayer and such

              3. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                then thats THEIR opinion, and its not based on fact or reality.

              4. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Nope they never said that and there is nothing you can show that shows this was their intention. If you want to gripe, then please do, but if you want to make up myths like you just did then clearly state that its you OPINION and not based on anything factual

    2. Shango MasterExorcist, D.D.'s Avatar Shango MasterExorcist, D.D.

      You are correct, "In Gd we trust" does not specify which Gd. These clowns wanting to put their decals of their particular gods on police cars are breaking the constitution and being very impolite, asking their particular Gd to be enforced upon others.

      In South Germany and Austria, the way they say "hello" is "Grüss Gott" or "Greetings God" and I never understood them as meaning any Gd other than ME. And when I say "Grüß Gott" I do not mean any other god than the person I am speaking to. Very polite, and nothing to do with any religion.

      In São Paulo, Brazil, I had a license plate on my car "EXU", who is one of my favorite 16 gods. Nobody complained which god was on my car, and I never complained which god was on their car.

      For me in particular, is would be a blasphemy to refer to "god" as masculine singular. So I don't do that. You can say it however you want.

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        there is only one problem with your post, this does not break any portion of the constitution. The Constitution was ratified in 1787, the very first mention of this myth was in 1802 in a letter from Jefferson to the Danburry Mass Baptists. Now unless all constitutions have been printed incorrectly in the last 240 years, it clearly states that to alter or change the constitution you would need a Constitutional Amendment. No such amendment has ever been attempted according to the records in the US Congressional Library. And whats worse for people who believe this, is that in article 3 (power of the judiciary) it does not and never has given the SCOTUS or any other court the right to "interpret" any portion of the Constitution (and I think it is highly amusing that the people doing the most whining about this issue are the very same ones who didnt have a problem with it when the SCOTUS "interprets" something the way they want, but then go batcrap crazy when the SCOTUS "interprets" something in a way they dont like) and the 10th Amendment clearly states that unless the Constitution SPECIFICALLY grants a branch of the US Government an authority or power, like the ability to interpret; then they dont have it and never have had it. Other then that you are pretty much dead on accurate.

        1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

          If there is no separation then my Pagan church can praise Baal and others openly at government meetings, on the national day of prayer and other public places. And likewise government/conservatives can't stop me from my free practice of religion

          1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

            Go right on ahead. But before you do you had better check with the local council to see if they allow that. My local city council starts every meeting with a prayer lead by a local pastor from a different church each time so no one religion is left out. They even had a person who called themselves an Atheist Pastor (sort of an oxymoron if you ask me) and all he did was have 2 minutes of silence.

            1. Randy C Hamilton's Avatar Randy C Hamilton

              DG, Your council is breaking the law. Let FFRF know and they will get it stopped.

              1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                They are not breaking any law, the FFRF already tried to stop them and they were sent a notice of the newdow decisions and we have not heard one word or peep from Mikey since then as he knows we will bankrupt him if he tries.

              2. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

                Here it's not just Christian only prayers before gov meetings, it's only from one Christian denomination each time , namely fundi Baptists, small Arkansas town here where each Christian church fights/condemns the others. A few years back even the cops would force baptize people in jail

              3. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Then you have the right to go to the council and require they also allow you to pray to whatever god or gods you believe in and they have to do it. And sorry I dont believe you for a second when you say they force baptize anyone. You have to be a willing participant for this to happen and if you are allowing it then its not forced. Stop making up myths.

              4. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

                Nope the cop was taking people hand cuffed to his church and having them baptized, he was later fired for misconduct over another issue, but it happened here.

              5. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Really? then this should have been reported in the newspaper, so hows about a link proving this. I wont hold my breath waiting as to do this is to commit kidnapping and as such this cop would be facing a major 12 to 25 years in a federal prison. So apologies if I and others dont believe a word of what you claimed.

              6. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                I will pray for you!!!!

              7. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                That sounds like a good deal though! Break the law ad receive Jesus and eternal life! That does sound like fake news...

              8. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                You can pray all you want, but dont make up lies like you did in your earlier posts. You WILL be called out on it. Oh and BTW, I did a Nexis search and not surprisingly I found exactly BUMPKIS for your claim. Now if you still want to claim people were handcuffed and baptized, then do yourself a major favor and provide the link, otherwise its just a lie from you trying to cover something up. and failing to do that.

              9. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                it is fake news as this never happened.I have asked numerous times for a link and even did a Nexis search and cant find one shred of evidence to back up Hunt's claim and he is refusing to provide it.

              10. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

                Anyway, It's my opinion christianity is evil, and I refuse to live under it or it's laws. Good day to you both

              11. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                Only humans are evil. Please don't choose to be!

              12. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

                Humans are not naturally evil

              13. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                really? Provide evidence please!

              14. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                And your opinion amounts to a fart in a high wind, which means not anything at all

              15. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

                one example of a cop stepping on rights and forcing religion https://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/09/us/indiana-state-trooper-is-fired-for-proselytizing-during-traffic-stops.html

              16. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                yea right, and there is no proof of this except the person who got the ticket's claim. so its a he said she said thing. And I expected you to give a better source then the NY Times. I mean if it wasnt for the Billionaire from Brazil who is influxing them with money they would be bankrupt and their doors would be closed. And wasnt this the same paper that is being sued for over 350 MILLION DOLLARS by a kid named Sandmann because they slandered (lied) him and tried to destroy him. The Same thing that CNN and WaPo and the Rolling Stones Mag did and each and every one of them also lost a 350 million dollar lawsuit. Thanks to idiots like this he will be the youngest Billionaire in US History. So try again and this time come up with a more reputable source.

              17. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

                At that I am drawing this line to a close, like a fox news viewer or trump cultist, you will reject any facts or evidence I show, I am not changing my mind nor are you. I will add stay off my private property, out of my shop and church and we will be fine.

              18. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                And as usual when you cant refute a thing I have said you then run away with your tail between your legs. So go ahead, just proved everything I said is factual and what you said....not so much as you have to try and use the lefts insults of fox news (I have better things to do then to have a talking head tell me what to think) or to try and claim I am a cultist (never did say who I voted for in the last two elections and it could have been mickey mouse for as far as you know) But then again your childish insults (attempted) just show that you dont know what you are talking about

        2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          You are spot on Minister Daniel!!!

      2. Joe Stutler's Avatar Joe Stutler

        Regarding "Grüss Gott", you're close. From the Wikipedia article: "Grüß Gott is however the shortened form of both (es) grüße dich Gott and its plural (es) grüße euch Gott (literally in modern German 'may God greet you'). In addition, in Middle High German, the verb grüßen (grüezen) used to mean not only 'to greet' but also 'to bless', so the greeting in fact preserves the original meaning 'God bless you',[1] though even speakers in Southern Germany and Austria are only very rarely aware of this and think it means 'may God greet you'." Having lived there for some time, I'm rather personally familiar with the term. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gr%C3%BC%C3%9F_Gott

    3. Randy C Hamilton's Avatar Randy C Hamilton

      Ruled because the courts are full of Catholic judges. Very sad for the constitution.

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        wrong. at best you only have FOUR members who grew up in a catholic church and two of them dont attend as they go to Episcopal churches. So that leaves 2 out of 9. hardly the filled with Catholics as you claim it to be. Oh and you DO know its illegal to try and use a persons religion against them for a nomination to a federal job...right? Or did you seemingly forget the butt stomping that Feinstein got when she tried that on barrett?

  1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

    Oh look, more early signs of theocratic fascism

  1. Shango MasterExorcist, D.D.'s Avatar Shango MasterExorcist, D.D.

    If Athiests and Satanists want to put their decals on Police cars, lets be fair, and encourage Police to put "In Gd we Trust" on Athiest cars. Most Police are too busy working to bother themselves about what is on their own cars, or yours.

    1. Pink Clover's Avatar Pink Clover

      "Most Police are too busy working"

      You think so?!

      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Maybe the police aren't the ones who put those stickers on their cars. It could be anyone walking past a parked patrol car.

        1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          That would fall under God's will !

      2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Pink, let's hope they're busy working.

  1. Stewart's Avatar Stewart

    I did a quick count and saw 30 folks in the audience 2 of which are looking like teens another looks to be dressed as a priest . Not a packed house saw empty chairs more than the standing crowd could fill ...

    As far as it being on the money was a new thing in the 50's to beat the commies .

    government has no business in religion . yours mine or the other person's .

  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

    I guess it could be worse, it could have said “In Fairies we trust”, an equally mythical statement 🤷🏼.


    1. CB Cuff's Avatar CB Cuff

      Having In god we trust on an emergency vehicle would leave me with little 'faith' in the police.

    2. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      It's what we put on our money...or did, do we still do that?

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        It's only been there since the mid 50's. I suspect it won't be there much longer....and quite rightly so.


      2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        Not much longer with the woke in charge.

      3. Randy C Hamilton's Avatar Randy C Hamilton

        Only since Ike: the moron who said god moved the clouds one day in WW2 for him. It is unconstitutional!!!!

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          Nope SCOTUS ruled in a 9-0 decision that it WAS constitutional which means neither you nor lionheart are going to see it changed as it would take 2/3rds of BOTH Houses of Congress to overturn a Supreme Court decision and the court itself has so far only overturned themselves 10 times in 240 years. Try again.

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Time fore number 11 then Daniel 🤪


      4. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Don't you have any money Mark? Look at it, then let us know. I don't have a dollar in my wallet, and won't before the third of next month.

    3. Rev Wayne Steven's Avatar Rev Wayne Steven

      Hey Lionheart I see you got things under control here so I'll just blow out 😉🙄

  1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

    "In God we violate, in God we harm, screw and kill, in God we usurp God to do our evil."

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    Keep religions off of Emergency Vehicles.That way no one gets offended.I don't broadcast to all here in the UK.And our Emergency vehicles don't have religious symbols on all they have are Fire, Police or Ambulance decals.Nothing else.

    1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      Offense is exactly what is intended by putting those Christian sayings on police and sheriff vehicles. They're making a distinct point of intimidation and reminding who controls the violence and power.

      1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        However, Christ was a man of peace and healing which is EXACTLY what is needed in this broken and sick society!

        1. JaZe's Avatar JaZe

          That sign doesnt bother me. Just dont try and 'talk God, Bible, etc.' wherever and whenever. Religion is not proof of love, charity, fairness. I lived many years in a Catholic ruled country and no, thank you, not again! Hypocrisy, coersion blaming and back street abortions. 😑

          1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            That sounds like theUS!

        2. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

          First off it says in God we trust not in Christ we trust. Second that really means putting your trust in man, and see what evil so many police do in the U.S.

          1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            True that! This world is FULL of many evil people.

        3. Randy C Hamilton's Avatar Randy C Hamilton

          Your jc was anti family Luke 14:26 and wanted to kill non believers Mark 9:42 John 15:6 and Luke 19: 27. Maybe you should actually read your book!!! No love there!!!

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