teaching critical race theory in class
Proponents of CRT argue that it’s beneficial to teach children how systemic racism exists and persists. 

Lately there’s been a lot of debate over “Critical Race Theory” as parents, pundits, and politicians all weigh in on whether the subject should be taught in schools.

The theory, developed in the 1970s, is complex, but essentially asks students to examine how the complicated connections between laws and institutions could have slowed progress toward racial equality.

Aspects of this theory are now being included in school curriculums – prompting a growing controversy.

Proponents of Critical Race Theory (CRT for short) argue that it’s beneficial to teach children how systemic racism exists and persists in society. Meanwhile, opponents say that all it does is sow seeds of division and contribute to "victimhood culture."

Eight states have already banned or limited teaching it in public schools, and similar bills are flying through the senates of several others at a meteoric pace. 

Biblical Opposition

Interestingly, evangelical Christians have been among the loudest voices to oppose CRT, arguing that it conflicts with a biblical worldview. Among those to weigh in was televangelist Pat Robertson, who called the theory a “monstrous evil,”

Robertson also gave an eyebrow-raising definition of CRT:

“That the people of color have been oppressed by the white people, and that white people begin to be racist by the time they’re 2 or 3 months old, and that therefore the people of color have to rise up and overtake their oppressors. And then, having gotten the whip handle — if I can use the term — then to instruct their white neighbors how to behave. Now, that’s critical race theory.”

Robertson proceeded to say that CRT turns children into communists, causes third-graders to have white guilt, and that critical race theory demands that people of color “cleanse” white people of that guilt by taking over America.

While many evangelical leaders might not go that far in their critique, many do believe it stands in direct opposition to Christian principles. In an op-ed for Christian Post, Liberty University's Ryan Helfenbein argued that CRT is downright unbiblical, writing:

“CRT is permanently cynical in that it assumes the worst of white people and holds them responsible for every sin throughout history. In opposition to this stands 1 Corinthians 13:5-7 which teaches that love does not seek its own nor keep a record of wrongs. A philosophy that destroys the concept of individual responsibility, truth, and forgiveness can never be compatible with the Bible."

A Big Misunderstanding?

Proponents of critical race theory say that it’s been wildly misunderstood and inaccurately portrayed by critics. The subject is not black and white, they insist.

“Critical race theory is the theory that our systems in this country are bound up in race,” says University of North Texas lecturer Kerry Goldmann. 

She says it’s a framework researchers might use to examine how systemic inequality has been built into America’s various social systems. As an example, Goldmann points out that CRT urges someone examining housing inequity in the present to first look at discriminatory housing laws in Jim Crow South, then trace the evolution of housing laws and policies that negatively affected African-Americans through to the present.

“The people talking about [CRT] haven’t really read into it, so it’s become this kind of bogeyman,” Goldmann says.

What do you think? Are the teachings of the Bible at odds with those of Critical Race Theory, or are opponents overreacting?


  1. John A Alves's Avatar John A Alves

    I feel that crt shuld not be taught to Our kids it is so bad I can't say the word I feel it is wrong historicaly and Socially And morally

  1. John A Alves's Avatar John A Alves

    I feel that crt shuld not be taught to Our kids it is so bad I can't say the word I feel it is wrong historicaly and Socially And morally

  1. John A Alves's Avatar John A Alves

    I feel that crt shuld not be taught to Our kids it is so bad I can't say the word I feel it is wrong historicaly and Socially And morally

  1. arawngraalrd's Avatar arawngraalrd

    A species is defined by the ability to breed viably with another specimen, such that a Horse is not an Ass, because Mules don't breed at all. Hence, at some point, in Human Evolution, the choices of Mate were limited to close relatives. How do we distinguish from Sibling Rivalry: Racialism; Nationalism; Classism; Sexism; or Speciesism?

    1. John Norris Campbell's Avatar John Norris Campbell

      I wonder why, in our supposed advanced evolution, that a large percentage of the male species of humans decides to breed with an ass? Plenty of women of the same species available and yet 'they are consumed with lust, one for another'...does this make animals more advanced than humans? If your defination of a species is defined by the ability to breed VIABLY with another from the same species is true as it seems, we, as the species being spoken about are quite the a conundrum!

  1. Sandra Rae Ecke's Avatar Sandra Rae Ecke

    GOOD LORD! Save us from those opportunistic religious nuts! Organized religion has done so much damage to one group over another for eons and eons. You would think that the great thinkers of every epoch would slowly be able to make them see the hypocrisy of their ways, but it doesn't seem so. "LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU". "DO UNTO OTHERS...." It's right there in black and white (pun intended), yet they do not see. Makes me sad and ashamed to be called part of the human race.

  1. Robert Edward Szekely's Avatar Robert Edward Szekely

    A "biblical worldview" is irrelevant when it comes to the teachings presented in public schools in a secular republic. That belongs in private, parochial schools, only.

    1. John Norris Campbell's Avatar John Norris Campbell

      Absolutely right! All that 'Do not murder'...'Do not lie"...'Do not steal' 'treat others as you would have them treat you' It's all for the birds! Portland, New York, Chicago, Minniapolis, are all awesome leaders in secular teaching..

  1. Angel's Avatar Angel

    He's still alive???

  1. Christian's Avatar Christian

    CRT is delusional thinking. White people Do Not Exist. Black people Do Not Exist. Race does not exist. At our core, we are only this : "Awareness", Spirit, our Conciousness, our Soul. The meat Avatar you have is a great container for the Real You. Awareness has no color or shape. A Soul is your eternal Life Path created by your Living Spirit.

    The Real You is Awareness. From this, comes creativity, music, cognition, imagination, discovery, invention, exploration, and intellectual property. The whole new digital economy is based off ideas and software, writing & music - all the products of the True Self, Awareness.

    CRT is delusional, this is why enlightened and educated people reject its cult like practice of materialistic godless world view, which is similar to Johnestown "revolutionary suicide" programming, and helter skelter race war propaganda.

    CRT is re-branded Marxism, a Hate Based system of weaponized race-class warefare. The Way of Love is a Love Based System that accepts all Awareness in the one family of the Creator, our father in Heaven, maker of all the Cosmos.

    CRT is Criminal Hate Theory, designed to increase Teen Suicides and juvenile offenders, as it ignores the Truth of the Awareness, of the True Self, and gets all focused on 6 genes in human DNA that alters hair, eye, and skin color. What DNA container you are born into is not your choice... How you live your life and apply Awareness in the Now. This is the true you.

    Take good care of your eternal spirit, your divine Soul. Life is a Gift. Enjoy the experience of existing on playground Earth ! :-)

  1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

    I'm finished with this deadend discussion. You folks enjoy the senseless debate .

  1. Tabitha's Avatar Tabitha

    The cryptkeeper spouting dust, again

  1. Minister Linus Spiller Snapp-Craft's Avatar Minister Linus Spiller Snapp-Craft

    This type of imagery tends to have a way of speaking to you. It's not a pretty picture but goes to the heart of what is behind Critical Race Theory (CRT) analysis, especially when you look like me.

    Why and HOW did we get here??? Especially after lessons that SHOULD been learned in this country but apparently weren't. Why are we moving backwards and not forwards?

    As others have stated on this post, which I know because I've been in higher education, CRT analysis is academic based at the post-secondary level so all of this crap about CRT being taught in the primary and secondary levels as a form of indoctrination is simply not true.

    Personally, I wish it was introduced at those levels to spark critical thinking in American students of all races/ethnicities so perhaps the end result could be what was experienced in Germany related to the Jewish holocaust. They learned those lessons and not likely to repeat them.


    1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      Thanks Linus because my own parents were Holocaust survivors. Not that I think you mean it, but the whole point has been creating "other," not a specially entitled race of your own which I think is what you are really meaning. When you can finally get out of your Self, so that there will be someone left to speak out for you when they come for Jews first. Pay it forward, my well meaning race-obsessed friend, and maybe then you will then have also earned the "minister" title you merely paid for with a few dollars here.

    2. John Norris Campbell's Avatar John Norris Campbell

      50 years before the end of slavery, the American Colonization Society moved 12,000 people from America to west Africa. Many men in power opposed salvery but were not sure what to do with them after they freed them.Future presidents and slave owners like James Monroe and Andrew Jackson sought to create a colony for this purpose.This became the country of Liberia in 1847. In 1854 future President Abraham Lincoln stated this: "If all earthly power were given to me, I should not know what to do, as to the existing institution. My first impulse would be to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia,-to their own native land. but a moment's reflection would convince me, that whatever of high hope,(as I think there is) there may be in the long run, its sudden execution is immpossible. If they were all landed there in a day, they would all perish in the next ten days; and there are not surplus shipping and surplus money enough in the world to carry them there in many times in 10 days." This thing called slavery, which every race, creed and nation is guilty of has only been dealt a death blow by the U.S.A. Teaching a theory to elementry students like this 'CRT' will accomplish nothing but division, as it is geared for those in higher education. Have you ever heard of the above mentioned history? Why not? Today? Liberia is under a U.S. travel advisory due to high violent crime and diease. Guess the 'freed slaves' haven't done much better than the current mayor of Chicago who also has a 'high violent crime rate' Are the folks in Liberia somehow 'oppressed' by the evil white man too?

      1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

        John. You are being very disingenuous. You have responded to posts above explaining that CRT is NOT taught to elementary students. The article at the top also explains this, but you continue to repeat that lie.

        Also, yes, the folks in Liberia, like everyone else on the African continent, experienced hundreds of years of oppression by the evil white man. Learn some history, John!

  1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

    Let him who is without sin cast the first-stone means that Only those who are faultless have the right to pass judgment upon others (implying that no one is faultless and that, therefore, no one has such a right to pass judgment).

    1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      Well said, Dennis.

  1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

    You know the point is not what is or is not in crt, or what it represents, or what it implies. The important thing is how it is used... And in that unfortunately means it like everything else is simply used as fodder and twisted to the purposes of whoever is using it which means it provides no solution at all and it serves no real function at all except as everything else serves.. those who use it as a weapon will use it as a weapon, those who subject it to disinformation and distortion will do so for known purposes already. So really it's just another flash in the pan because everything is just another flash in the pan subjected to whatever functions the particular people wielding it choose to use it for. And that's the story of just about everything today, on might as well talk about Santa Claus myths and origins, the function of this or that, what is a religion, what is this religion or that religion, politics, anything, whatever at all.

  1. Roland M Pedersen's Avatar Roland M Pedersen

    I too grew up in the 60s and remember the White only and Black only bathrooms and drinking fountains. You know what I did as a young white boy. I went onto the black bathrooms and drank from the black drinking fountains. I tried not to see color.. But I remember being told by blacks that I didn't belong in the black only facilities. They even picked fights with me because of it and raped me. When I finally left the bathroom I went out totally naked and bruised from head to toe. You know what. I still was convinced to bring the black and white together. There was always fights back behind my house and it was mostly always the blacks that started the fights or egged them on. I saw it every night as a young boy. So I was determined to make friends with blacks and I did. Two of my best friends were black. They were called the N word and many other names for being my friend by the blacks.I had a best friend whose bowled on a bowling league. Great guy. Long story short. The blacks were very racial towards me as a white person just as blacks can relate whites being racial. We cannot blame all whites because of a few at Charlots-evil neither can we blame all blackest as racist because of Antifa. Look at the person as a person not black/white Jew/ Gentile but as an individual and put away racicatttitudes

  1. William Francis Foley's Avatar William Francis Foley

    I fear that opponents of Critical race Theory are leading up to another Nazi-type propaganda trick, leading up to another concentration camp type deal For those who claim to believe the Bible as being the Word Of God, they are forgetting that all mankind was created by God. There is no racial difference in what God has created. I often ask people what is the word of God? They answer that it is the Bible. They have not answred my question. I ask for the word, being just one word. They seem to be blinded as to what I am asking. I am asking for one word, not two or more. In my understanding, based on personal/spiritual experience and relationship, that one word is LOVE!!

    1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      I'd agree with you and did upvote you, but actually that is the word of Jesus.

    2. Sandra Rae Ecke's Avatar Sandra Rae Ecke


  1. Minister Linus Spiller Snapp-Craft's Avatar Minister Linus Spiller Snapp-Craft

    Ok. I have read all of the comments. As a Black American with seven grandchildren, one great grandchild and another one on the way, my resolve is even STRONGER to teach them how to exist and function in this country long after I'm gone with the children of some of you based on your views.

    It is appalling and the fact the dialogue is occurring on the website of a religious order is even more disturbing. This isn't even about Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives, moderates, our two party system, etc. It is about persistent and embedded racism, plain and simple. I'm a Republican (not one of the crazy ones!) and I mean every word I am typing.

    When I was growing up in the 60s and was witnessing what I thought was the dismantling of systemic racism, I was certain it was behind us as a country. But on Friday, August 12, 2017 when I watched my television in horror as scores of YOUNG white men descended on Charlottesville, Virginia with Tiki torches, I knew in an instant nothing had changed because people had indoctrinated their young with hate while we were teaching our children about tolerance and acceptance of others despite what had happened to us.

    So reading these comments forces me to continue to EDUCATE my babies and this generation of young people so they can be safe when interacting with your children. There is something seriously wrong with you and trying to wrap your "opinions" up in religiousity won't change that fact.

    1. Angel's Avatar Angel

      Devil's advocate- Racism goes both ways..There are groups of white people who are racist, but I also see many black people hide there racism against white people in justification. I was raised to treat everyone according to their character, which I have done, yet I can't tell you how many people make assumptions about me for the solefact that I am white.I'm not knocking slavery, but teaching your children to be scared or that white people hate you is also racism. I know there are some places in the US where racism is alive and well. I'm from the west coast but when my dad got transferred to Louisiana for a year..man they should issue a passport to go down there. They literally had the blacksie of town and the white sideof town. Apparently I wasn't suppossed to be in a public school because this school was for blacks, I was suppossed to be in private school where all the white kids went. I made two friends. Renee and Tabitha, both black and we were unseperatble. And that's when I learned about racism because my teacher started treating me really bad. I wanted to have them over for a sleepover. Renee'smother allowed her over for dinner but then had to go home.Tabitha couldn't come at all. After that evening, the neighbors were practically burning crosses on our front lawn. Didn'tchange anything, they remained by best friends until we moved, but that was my first experieince with racism. Not all white people teach their kids to hate, and not all black people teach their kids to hate, but I do get tired when black's tell me I don't know it's like to be discriminated against because I never got passed over for a promtion because of my race (sorry, not true), how I don't know what it feel's like to have a gun stuck in my face by a cop (again, not true). Your head would probebly spin if I listed all the types of discrimnation I have had. Do I blame races of people? No, I accept that I will never make everyone happy. I will continue to fight for injustice, but I also won't be condemn a cop for shooting a black man simply because he is black, because then that would make me a racist. I call it as I see it noboy who does what. Switching the pendulum in the opposite direction doesn't change anything. People chosing to segregate and choosing to seperate themselves from everyone else doesn't work either. The assumption that I am privilaged because I'm white can't be further then the truth, yet these schools made my children feel ashamed for being white. IF you want the truth? That is what is happening, nothing more then swinging the pendulum in the opposite direction. And if we continue to encourage this mentality, nothing will ever change. When this nation decides to finally stop seperating and become one society THEN we can become "WE THE PEOPLE".

      1. Ilmenheru Terikson's Avatar Ilmenheru Terikson

        Sorry Angel but your post doesnt sound very honest or genuine to be blunt. It also seems to suggest a crucial desire to be ignorant of the difference between systemic oppression, and random abuse. What is meant by white privilege is quite literally as simple as not ever havinga person choose to walk on the other side of the street because they see you walking in their direction and your mere skin color makes them feel afraid, feel like they would be in the right to draw a weapon and kill you due to that fear, and justify it as stand your ground.

        Its that just by being white, the white nationalistis wont kill you on sight if given a chance. Its being able to stop for gas in some southern town and not grasp as you step inside that you are in real enemy territory and your life and those of loved ones with you are in real jepordy.

        What you suffered as a kid by being friends to those black girls was not half as bad as it was being those black girls.

        Until you can really wrap you head around what it is like to wake up and go to bed knowing that there are people who would do terrible harm to you just for the way you look, and know a huge number of people in the country you call your homeland feel that way, you are just trying to say you think your suffering is so great and feel it is being discounted by those who should treat it as greater.

        I have had violence directed at me, but it was never due to the color of my skin, and I can walk in areas PoC would be very foolish to do so due to the threat to them simply because my skin color lets me appear at first glance as one of the white nationalists. If any knew the nature of my character they would turn on me as I see them as less then human for their bigotry.

        I might be a tiger that feels bad for the house cats, but I still know I am a tiger not a house cat. I know I am part of the faction in power and while that is terrible and certainly should not be a thing, I wont pretend I do not have advantages and protections in a nation with 70 million white supremacists by being white. That is 70 million enemies on sight for every PoC, 70 million people who would do them harm or turn a blind eye to harm being done to them.

        Its those 70 million that are making Everyone from Germany, to even those of Russia and China look at the U.S. and say "Well we are all fucked if that is the next nation to go full Nazi." as 70 million is one terrifying number of bodies to throw into a new war of genocide.

      2. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

        AS you said, Angel, and as Linus clearly demonstrates, "Devil's advocate- Racism goes both ways..There are groups of white people who are racist, but I also see many black people hide there racism against white people in justification."

    2. John Norris Campbell's Avatar John Norris Campbell

      So "you saw it on TV"?? so it must be true...LOL! Play the victim card much? Before you say another word...after my parents died in 1968...I was sent to live with an uncle on the southside of Chicago...me a fresh orphaned white irish kid...on southside...needless to say I grew up strong and hard BUT NOT racist...Because ya know what? Being poor in a poor hood creates bonds that trancends skin color...by the summer of '69? my uncle and I moved to Detroit...Ever hear of the Watts riots? Yep....right up our street...made modern day Portland look like a garden party....long story short: Do not buy into the MSM Narative...shit gets 'staged' and scripted.... and their intent is to divide the masses to avoid those same ppl going against their classes...KNOW YOUR ENEMY!

      1. Minister Linus Spiller Snapp-Craft's Avatar Minister Linus Spiller Snapp-Craft

        John, orphaned or not (my condolences), but you will never be black so you have no legitimate input on what it is like to be a Black/African American in the United States of America. Not one iota so you really need to have several seats...

        1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

          Linus, your open racism and gaslighting makes me quite sad. I was raised with two black step siblings and for 10 years by a black mother. Really you are the kind of person who likes to use "racism" as a weapon to bludgeon others. I certainly hope you learn something, such as "how will you call the speck in my eye until you see the beam in your own." You are about as racist a sinner and politician that I've met here. Contemplate that in your sinful pride of self.

        2. John Norris Campbell's Avatar John Norris Campbell

          Well Linus, I've never been a rapist pedophile Saudi Arabian either, and since I have no way to "understand" what it is like to be born one, I guess I have'nt any imput to voice my opinion. Or perhaps an over worked female minority R.N. from an inner city hospital, who enjoyed venting her frustrations on her time off by kicking a bag full of kittens to death. (this actually happened)...Now what possible legitimate input would I be able to voice my opinion on? OH YEA! I'm human and my voice matters. Do you know what it's like to grow up white in an inner city, predominately 'black' hood? Or why an Irish kid can totally smash a plate full of Ham hocks and red beans, collard greens and fried okra? That's what my best friend's mama used to make on Sundays...The rest of the week we lived on school lunches..BTW...as an adult, why do I get pulled over in the hood ...just for being white? PoPo's figure I'm looking to score dope and shake me down..So much for my 'white privlage card'

      2. Ilmenheru Terikson's Avatar Ilmenheru Terikson

        As always JNC your posts are filled with personal antecdotes, feelings, and obvious attempts to inflate yourself up as some kind of tough guy archtype which is rather laughable.

        It is as if you genuinely do not know how to engage in social or civil behavior with humans. Are you one of these A. I trying to learn to be human they are always talking about in sci fi? Because if you are a real human of flesh and blood than you have failed at the basics of humanity quite badly.

        1. John Norris Campbell's Avatar John Norris Campbell

          Thanks for your opinion dude...It actually makes little sense though. Why would you assume that I identify as a 'tough guy archtype'? Because of where I grew up? That's kind of a rascist remark eh? My buddy Linus and I were having a discussion about being able to relate to others reguardless of color. He seems to believe I need more melanin in my DNA to be able to relate to others with more than I have. I believe that is a rascist remark based solely on skin color...and not "personal antecdotes" and "feelings". My 'feelings' on this matter may be much different than yours and that is O.K. with me. The rest of your reply is truly beneath me and therefore requires no response.

    3. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      I wonder, Linus, if you think that black people are somehow not learning of all this anyway? And I would like to know whether this same structural racism you posit as fact has affected other racial and ethnic minorities in the same way, such as Asians and Jews. Then next is something in the way of repaying some debt or arrears indicated? What would it be, and to whom would it be owed and payable?

      1. Minister Linus Spiller Snapp-Craft's Avatar Minister Linus Spiller Snapp-Craft

        Mark, you revealed who you are based on your comments and that's why I will continue to educate mine. Racism, systemic racism, structural racism, whatever you want to call it has been with this country since its founding and if you even think you can dispute that when it has been well documented, you are deluding yourself and wasting my time.

        One, I discussed political parties and how people like yourself use them to disguise who you really are, along with religion as we're witnessing on this post.

        Two, I discussed what I "thought" was the disappearance of said racism, systemic racism, structural racism UNTIL I saw televised images of what happened in Charlottesville with the rest of the world ("no John Norris Campbell, it wasn't a figment of ANY of our imagination") and realized that racism was very much ALIVE and present in this country.

        Three, I never mentioned any other ethnicity present in the UNITED STATES (emphasis intended) because if you can demonstrate to me with facts and data how either of the two you mentioned OR any other race/ethnicity has endured what Black/African Americans have endured in this country, that is the day I will call you a LIAR because I know you can't produce any evidence of that nature.

        It doesn't mean other races/ethnicities haven't experienced some things but its definitely not on the scale of what blacks have experienced (i.e., slavery, family separations, rape, lynchings, Jim Crow legislation, legalized segregation, redlining, non-access to the voting, mass incarceration due to unequal application of the law, and I can go ON).

        Four, you brought up what is known as reparations and I did not speak of it in my comments. So my question is why did you bring it up? Feeling "guilty" about a debt that needs to be repaid? Concerned about the "cost" since you brought up what would it possibly be and to whom it would be owed and payable?

        I have no additional comments for you and will not respond to anything else you have to say. What you believe is crystal clear so there is no need for dialogue with you or your kind. You are who you are and will remain like that until they day you breathe your last breath "Reverend". And as the old folks, white and black, used to say: "a hit dog WILL holler!" And your howls are echoing across the globe and heavens for all to hear...

        1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

          No, I think Linus that it is you who were looking to send a "pay me" message, which is why you labelled me with a racist intent and which I would like to complain about. I think you wanted to do a "pay me" message without having to be responsible for it. As to the rest, no, you are very wrong about who I am, but definitely you have announced who you are, and your intent seems to me to be suspect since you seem so eager to hide it and to pivot. I think you are just really lurking here.

  1. Jack A Mabry's Avatar Jack A Mabry

    All countries, including African countries suffer from this. It is a failing of all mankind. Will we ever get past this? Only time will tell.

  1. Dawn Lorraine Pisturino's Avatar Dawn Lorraine Pisturino

    Critical Race Theory, as I understand it, is just reverse racism that blames whites for everything and teaches whites to hate themselves. Teaching this is psychologically damaging to all parties involved. As a registered nurse, I have gone through years and years of cultural competency training. Cultural competency teaches respect for ALL PEOPLE and their cultural traditions. It does not teach self-loathing, hatred for people of a certain color and culture, or a distorted look at history. The Democratic Party is wrong in what they are doing, and they will ultimately pay the price. The liberals who buy into this hateful nonsense will ultimately pay the price.

    1. Tom's Avatar Tom

      CRT does not blame any race or teach anyone to hate themselves. It teaches people to consider historical context and how past laws and treatment of minority groups continues to impact society today and how it has caused inequities along racial lines.

    2. Krystina S.'s Avatar Krystina S.

      Well Dawn, white people ARE responsible for the racist policies and actions that began BEFORE our country was created, when they began the genocide of indigenous peoples and enslaved African peoples. And made laws, policies, and acted in ways that prevented non-white people from having equal rights or opportunities. I'm not even talking about extra-legal travesties. We MUST learn about how we got it wrong so that we can implement systemic changes that make our country more FAIR. Even Germany has made great effort to educate about its past wrongs.

  1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

     "WOKE" is a term often used as a catch-all term to describe left-wing ideologies centred on "critical race theory" and an identification with "social justice" causes, such as BLM and ANTIFA, both which are more racist than those they accuse of being racist.

    1. Robert Edward Szekely's Avatar Robert Edward Szekely

      "ANTIFA" is short for ANTI-FASCIST. These are the people who have in past fought against Hitler's SA and the Hitler Youth, and now fight against Neo-Nazis and other forms of fascism. This makes ANTIFA allies of freedom.

      1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

        Finally somebody gets it about antifa.

      2. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

        You comment about ANTIFA would be funny it ir was so tragic. They are the Fascists.

        1. Krystina S.'s Avatar Krystina S.

          Dennis, um, no. Just throwing around words doesn't make it so. I didn't want to include politics, but Fascism is sweeping the world today. It is a right-wing, nationalist, authoritarian form of government. They favor "privitization." (Mussolini: "fascism is corporatism") Trump and the current GOP were and are fascist in ideology. My own grandmother was an anti-fascist (Allied) spy in WW II against Mussolini and Hitler, then the subsequent Greek Civil War. She was tortured for supporting Freedom. If one cannot tell the difference between those AGAINST fascism and those FOR fascism, we truly need MORE education in history/civics from elementary school on.

    2. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

      Actually, "woke" first appeared in print in 1972, right around the time critical race theory was developing in academia CRT had not entered popular culture, so it is quite clear that CRT was not part of the meaning of "woke." If not for the current political debate, it is doubtful most people would have even heard the phrase. So, "woke" never referred to CRT, though I suppose it does now; again, because the word has been politicized by right-wingers.

      It is fascinating that you feel the need to put a phrase like "social justice" in quotes, Dennis. This gadfly thinks that says a lot.

      1. Dawn Lorraine Pisturino's Avatar Dawn Lorraine Pisturino

        The term "woke" was used a short time ago to refer to people who woke up and left the Democratic Party. Not long after, the Democratic Party started using the phrase to refer to Democrats who had had some sort of big epiphany that led them to confess to their innate racism, homophobia, etc. They had "woken up," so to speak. It's all complete nonsense and a clear revelation of the insanity that exists within the Democratic Party. For example, Joe Biden gets away with being racist and a womanizer by labeling himself as "woke." It wasn't the Republicans who made this up, it was the Democrats.

      2. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

        With all due respect, you got that tidbit of information wrong! WOKE has been politicized by the left. Joe Biden and his cohorts pump it up every chance they get!

  1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

    There is a difference in being "WOKE" and being "AWAKE"!

  1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

    It is truly a bad thing when people fill the need to put one ethic group down in order to make another ethic group look better when WE are ALL equal! Critical Race Theory does exactly that! Teach UNITY! Enjoy Diversity!

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    I wonder what happened to flugo? It only took one comment to get him to disappear again. That's unlike that old fool. He must be losing it. I wonder if Sybil is with him. I hope they hurry back. I have a lot more to teach them.

  1. arawngraalrd's Avatar arawngraalrd

    Let us teach Children, that their country is cursed, that we may have our way with it, and with their neighbors.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    When I'm on a roll, I'm really on a roll! Cheers! It's time to get back to my book by Linda Howe, on the Akashic Records. But don't fret, for there's a lot more to come.

  1. Erech Melchizedek Christ Nimrod's Avatar Erech Melchizedek Christ Nimrod

    We were wondering what is Critical Race Theory??? I AM appreciative of ULC bringing up the subject for Us (Father God, Christ and I –John 14:20) to research. The article said “The theory, developed in the 1970s, is complex, but essentially asks students to examine how the complicated connections between laws and institutions could have slowed progress toward racial equality.”

    Critical Race Theory (CRT) would be a very interesting subject for students of all ages, but in today’s extremely divided antagonistic religious/political environment it will be weaponized. And because of this division CRT is obviously causing fear and hate and not LOVE and Togetherness. A divided Nation cannot long endure (Matthew chapter 24)

    Televangelist Pat Robertson and all preachers and popes are preaching a systemic racist fake religion called Christianity. Since the devious Emperor Constantine (306-337AD) introduced white idols of a god (emperor worship) into Christianity, thus defeating the Teachings of Father God to the masses, racism and idolatry has been solidified in the Christian world. I AM saying that because Father God says in Exodus 33:20 “And He said, [To Moses] you cannot not see My Face: for there shall no man see Me and live.” Thus no man alive can say that the Face of the Invisible God is white. Right???? Right.

    But Catholicism, Judaism, Christianity, Mormons, etc. all say that Father God is white. No True LOVE has come from that preaching. James 3:8 declares “But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.”

    And American Politics is systemically racist. A notable example is the “White House.” In 1901, President Theodore Roosevelt gave the President’s Mansion that name. But for True American Patriotism, and to combat the ever-present scourge of slavery the name should have been “The People’s House.” Imagine hearing that name “The People’s House” referring to America in the Capitals of every nation on Earth!!!

    Wow!!! A public relation Gold Mine if lived up to.

    Even the English Dictionaries reinforce systemic racism with its definitions of “Black” as evil, and “White” as good and pure. We can remember being “legally” racially attacked in school by a devious “word-smart” school teacher and was completely helpless to complain. Same thing happened in some Bible home study groups in some white people’s homes. What is shocking is that so-called Black/African-Americans themselves accept and use those racist definitions about themselves and the Beautiful color of their skin.

    All those above errors can be corrected by Empathy, Compassion and Tough LOVE. But consciously and subconsciously those errors enhance the fake self-esteem of many white people and white supremacists across this planet, and those errors are also fodder for the religious Pimps and Civil Rights leaders to get Rich and make lots of Sweet Money from their so-called “black” Victimhood Culture!!!

    Fake Racist/Sexist religion is satanic and I AM draining the swamp of religion.

    By the way that demonic white supremacist cop, Derek Chauvin, the murderer Mr. George Floyd, his reasoning for his satanic act can be found in Joshua 10:22-26. That idol-worshipping evil infidel cop thought of himself as a non-idol worshipping Israelite who was murdering an enemy of God with his knee when he murdered Mr. George Floyd. Chauvin is Crazy!!! But that religious white supremacy thinking is rampant. That’s why nothing will change.

    By the way, in Joshua 10:26 is the origin of the satanic idolatrous KKK’s hanging of so-called Black/African-Americans from trees!!!

    Father God is LOVE says 1 John 4:8, 16. We add Tough-LOVE. No weakness.

    Thank you for your time. I AM your Friend Nimrod, The Spiritual Revolutionary “LIFE” Coach KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS (Revelation 19:11-21). Peace. Amen.

    1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      "But Catholicism, Judaism, Christianity, Mormons, etc. all say that Father God is white. "

      Not true of Jews, who are Semitic Arabs themselves. Just pointing out your own racist-swath error.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    That's one of the things you got right in the Desiderata, Ehrman. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune, but considering your other babblings I seriously doubt that you knew anything about doing so.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Avoid overly passive sissies without a backbone who think they're being spiritual, Ehrman. They are the real vexations to the spirit.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    You'd be best off getting in touch with your inner child Ehrman, cherishing the things of your youth!

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    We, are the champions, of the world, Ehrman, not those who practice silence amid the noise and haste!!! And may we go out in a blaze of glory, Everytime!!!

  1. Walter Eugene Curtis's Avatar Walter Eugene Curtis

    I don't see the difference between societies stepping back and taking a look at how equally they treat all people, and individuals stepping back and taking a look at how well they are doing at loving all of their neighbors (everyone, according to the Parable of the Good Samaritan) as themselves.

  1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

    I really dont care if none of your family were in this country before the 1880's. My family was on the beach waving at yours while they were still on the boats at anchor. But a little history for you? The Native Canadians (first peoples) came from the Native Americans in Alaska, who then moved south and became the Native Americans, who again moved south and became the Aztecs and the Mayans and so on and so forth until they hit the bottom of South America and couldnt go any farther. And the ONLY reason spanish is spoken mostly south of the border is the people from Spain thought they owned this country and moved people in and made slaves of the Natives who lived there first. Thats why the Apache and Commanche had a deep and unbroken hatred of the People from mexico as they tried to commit genocide on these two nations. So if you go out to the south west I would keep it quiet that you have family from Mexico....keep it VERY quiet.

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Daniel, I could have swore I heard that the native Americans originally walked over from China. My great-grandfather, Sir Ernest Grave of Manchester, England was a civil engineer and a mathematician, who arrived in Mexico shortly before their revolution, and worked as one of the head bosses in the British silver mines, in and around Mina's Nueves. He later worked in Mexico as an engineer with the Eagle Oil Company. He was quite a nobleman and gentleman from what I've been told, and never did any harm to anyone. He was called Sir because he was a member of a British order of Knights. I have nothing to fear from anyone who knew of my family who got here through Mexico. They were all the highest quality of people, who sought only to help, and never hinder. You speak of the southwestern United States. Where do you think I'm writing from? I'm a fourth generation Galvestonian. Galveston Island is in southeast Texas, fifty miles south of Houston. And I've had numerous native American friends, and too many friends to count of all races, various ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and whatever else there is. Galveston is a port city, and we've got people here of every description, from all over the world. And I am very well known in the southwest. Thankyou for your concern.

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        That’s very impressive Carl, and a very nice piece of family history. Thank you for sharing it. Having been born and raised in England I am very aware of the British order of Knights. A noble branch indeed Sir Carl.

        Sir Lionheart 🤪 🦁❤️

      2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        Nice try to spin carla, wont work.

    2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      None of my family was in Mexico nearly as long ago as your talking about, Daniel. And none of them had slaves. One of my grandmother's cousins was a Monsignor in that damn Catholic church in Mexico City. None of my relatives were in a worse profession than that. And I don't care what you don't want to hear, Daniel. You're doing a damn good job of paying attention, regardless.

      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Daniel, you're doing such a good job of paying attention to me that I might even put a gold star on your next report card. And I don't do that often, so that's something you can be truly proud of.

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          Awwww, whats wrong carla? mad because I am right and you have to admit it?

  1. Woodrow's Avatar Woodrow

    It's been going on since the beginning of mankind. Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, etc. Racism was there in the beginning.

    1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

      Assuming you can prove that any of those people actually existed...

      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        And Woodrow, assuming you can prove that in the beginning, all those millions of years ago, there were human beings, in our current form.

      2. Woodrow's Avatar Woodrow

        Do you believe in science?

        1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

          What an odd question, Woodrow!

          Science is not a belief. It is a methodology for finding the truth.

          In this context, your question suggests that you believe that "science" somehow support your belief in Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, etc.

          It does not.

  1. Brien's Avatar Brien

    Racism is defined as follows: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. It seems that color is used to refer to someone. I refuse nor will I acknowledge any discussion that refers to anyone as a thing. Human beings look for ways to separate themselves and color seems to be the most preferred method of choice. Organized religions are another popular way to separate people. When we grow beyond the need to refer to ourselves and others as things and start to refer to all as human beings, humanity will take a huge step forward. Until then, worthless ideals such as those presented here will hold humanity down. Peace ☮️

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Thankyou, Brien. You're a good human, and I think highly of you.

      1. Brien's Avatar Brien

        Thank you Carl...it seems that we feel the same way about racism. It simply does not excist in my house. Peace 😂

  1. Ealdormon Piparskeggr Robinson's Avatar Ealdormon Piparskeggr Robinson

    I was not aware that Herr Robertson was still extant.

    1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      You could make the argument that he is not.

  1. William Waugh's Avatar William Waugh

    I have just vested time to read these long winded answers about what CRT is. Lets cut to the chase bullshiitteerrss. The bottem line is this country's history is entirely racist. If you are a minority, you know it. As a white, you deny it. Learn from history. Hello!!! Get more woke! And if you are a successful minority individual, you are an oreo cookie.

    1. Erech Melchizedek Christ Nimrod's Avatar Erech Melchizedek Christ Nimrod

      Hi William:

      We were wondering what is Critical Race Theory??? I AM appreciative of ULC bringing up the subject for Us (Father God, Christ and I –John 14:20) to research. The article said “The theory, developed in the 1970s, is complex, but essentially asks students to examine how the complicated connections between laws and institutions could have slowed progress toward racial equality.”

      Critical Race Theory (CRT) would be a very interesting subject for students of all ages, but in today’s extremely divided antagonistic religious/political environment it will be weaponized. And because of this division CRT is obviously causing fear and hate and not LOVE and Togetherness. A divided Nation cannot long endure (Matthew chapter 24)

      Televangelist Pat Robertson and all preachers and popes are preaching a systemic racist fake religion called Christianity. Since the devious Emperor Constantine (306-337AD) introduced white idols of a god (emperor worship) into Christianity, thus defeating the Teachings of Father God to the masses, racism and idolatry has been solidified in the Christian world. I AM saying that because Father God says in Exodus 33:20 “And He said, [To Moses] you cannot not see My Face: for there shall no man see Me and live.” Thus no man alive can say that the Face of the Invisible God is white. Right???? Right.

      But Catholicism, Judaism, Christianity, Mormons, etc. all say that Father God is white. No True LOVE has come from that preaching. James 3:8 declares “But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.”

      And American Politics is systemically racist. A notable example is the “White House.” In 1901, President Theodore Roosevelt gave the President’s Mansion that name. But for True American Patriotism, and to combat the ever-present scourge of slavery the name should have been “The People’s House.” Imagine hearing that name “The People’s House” referring to America in the Capitals of every nation on Earth!!!

      Wow!!! A public relation Gold Mine if lived up to.

      Even the English Dictionaries reinforce systemic racism with its definitions of “Black” as evil, and “White” as good and pure. We can remember being “legally” racially attacked in school by a devious “word-smart” school teacher and was completely helpless to complain. Same thing happened in some Bible home study groups in some white people’s homes. What is shocking is that so-called Black/African-Americans themselves accept and use those racist definitions about themselves and the Beautiful color of their skin.

      All those above errors can be corrected by Empathy, Compassion and Tough LOVE. But consciously and subconsciously those errors enhance the fake self-esteem of many white people and white supremacists across this planet, and those errors are also fodder for the religious Pimps and Civil Rights leaders to get Rich and make lots of Sweet Money from their so-called “black” Victimhood Culture!!!

      Fake Racist/Sexist religion is satanic and I AM draining the swamp of religion.

      By the way that demonic white supremacist cop, Derek Chauvin, the murderer Mr. George Floyd, his reasoning for his satanic act can be found in Joshua 10:22-26. That idol-worshipping evil infidel cop thought of himself as a non-idol worshipping Israelite who was murdering an enemy of God with his knee when he murdered Mr. George Floyd. Chauvin is Crazy!!! But that religious white supremacy thinking is rampant. That’s why nothing will change.

      By the way, in Joshua 10:26 is the origin of the satanic idolatrous KKK’s hanging of so-called Black/African-Americans from trees!!!

      Father God is LOVE says 1 John 4:8, 16. We add Tough-LOVE. No weakness.

      Thank you for your time. I AM your Friend Nimrod, The Spiritual Revolutionary “LIFE” Coach KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS (Revelation 19:11-21). Peace. Amen.

  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

    Everybody's skeleton, for the most part, looks the same. I have excavated a few in my time, and it was always impossible to tell what color skin they might have had. Just thought I'd add my two cents here.


  1. John P Maher's Avatar John P Maher


    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      John Maher, I hope you realize that satin is a fabric,used for making clothes.

      1. John Norris Campbell's Avatar John Norris Campbell

        "satin"...LOL! ya made me spill my beer!

    2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      The movie I saw was called Inglorious Bastards. I'm not fàmiliar with unglorious bastards, Mr. Maher.

    3. Roland M Pedersen's Avatar Roland M Pedersen


  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    I'll never forget how happy a black friend of mines father was when he showed up with his son, at our house, for my seventh birthday party. I was very surprised by him telling my parents that was the first time white people ever invited a member of their family into their home. That was in 1970. I couldn't understand it. They seemed like good people to me.

    1. Erech Melchizedek Christ Nimrod's Avatar Erech Melchizedek Christ Nimrod

      We were wondering what is Critical Race Theory??? I AM appreciative of ULC bringing up the subject for Us (Father God, Christ and I –John 14:20) to research. The article said “The theory, developed in the 1970s, is complex, but essentially asks students to examine how the complicated connections between laws and institutions could have slowed progress toward racial equality.”

      Critical Race Theory (CRT) would be a very interesting subject for students of all ages, but in today’s extremely divided antagonistic religious/political environment it will be weaponized. And because of this division CRT is obviously causing fear and hate and not LOVE and Togetherness. A divided Nation cannot long endure (Matthew chapter 24)

      Televangelist Pat Robertson and all preachers and popes are preaching a systemic racist fake religion called Christianity. Since the devious Emperor Constantine (306-337AD) introduced white idols of a god (emperor worship) into Christianity, thus defeating the Teachings of Father God to the masses, racism and idolatry has been solidified in the Christian world. I AM saying that because Father God says in Exodus 33:20 “And He said, [To Moses] you cannot not see My Face: for there shall no man see Me and live.” Thus no man alive can say that the Face of the Invisible God is white. Right???? Right.

      But Catholicism, Judaism, Christianity, Mormons, etc. all say that Father God is white. No True LOVE has come from that preaching. James 3:8 declares “But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.”

      And American Politics is systemically racist. A notable example is the “White House.” In 1901, President Theodore Roosevelt gave the President’s Mansion that name. But for True American Patriotism, and to combat the ever-present scourge of slavery the name should have been “The People’s House.” Imagine hearing that name “The People’s House” referring to America in the Capitals of every nation on Earth!!!

      Wow!!! A public relation Gold Mine if lived up to.

      Even the English Dictionaries reinforce systemic racism with its definitions of “Black” as evil, and “White” as good and pure. We can remember being “legally” racially attacked in school by a devious “word-smart” school teacher and was completely helpless to complain. Same thing happened in some Bible home study groups in some white people’s homes. What is shocking is that so-called Black/African-Americans themselves accept and use those racist definitions about themselves and the Beautiful color of their skin.

      All those above errors can be corrected by Empathy, Compassion and Tough LOVE. But consciously and subconsciously those errors enhance the fake self-esteem of many white people and white supremacists across this planet, and those errors are also fodder for the religious Pimps and Civil Rights leaders to get Rich and make lots of Sweet Money from their so-called “black” Victimhood Culture!!!

      Fake Racist/Sexist religion is satanic and I AM draining the swamp of religion.

      By the way that demonic white supremacist cop, Derek Chauvin, the murderer Mr. George Floyd, his reasoning for his satanic act can be found in Joshua 10:22-26. That idol-worshipping evil infidel cop thought of himself as a non-idol worshipping Israelite who was murdering an enemy of God with his knee when he murdered Mr. George Floyd. Chauvin is Crazy!!! But that religious white supremacy thinking is rampant. That’s why nothing will change.

      By the way Carl, in Joshua 10:26 is the origin of the satanic idolatrous KKK’s hanging of so-called Black/African-Americans from trees!!!

      Father God is LOVE says 1 John 4:8, 16. We add Tough-LOVE. No weakness.

      Thank you for your time. I AM your Friend Nimrod, The Spiritual Revolutionary “LIFE” Coach KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS (Revelation 19:11-21). Peace. Amen.

      1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

        If you were really a "friend," you wouldn't be spamming us with the same post, over and over. You obviously are NOT "wondering what is Critical Race Theory." If you were, you would read the responses, and modify your own post accordingly.

  1. Gary's Avatar Gary

    "That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn." - Hillel (Talmud, Shabbat 31a)

    “For if a man mints many coins from one mould, they are all alike, but the Holy One, blessed be He, fashioned all men in the mould of the first man, and not one resembles the other…” (Talmud, Sanhedrin 38a)

    Our Rabbis taught: Man was created alone. And why so? — That the Sadducees might not say: There are many ruling powers in Heaven. Another answer is: For the sake of the righteous and the wicked; that the righteous might not say: 'Ours is a righteous heredity.' and that the wicked might not say: 'Ours is an evil heredity.' Another answer is: For the sake of [the different] families, that they might not quarrel with each other. Now, if at present, though but one was [originally] created, they quarrel. how much more if two had been created! Another answer is: Because of robbers and plunderers: I.e., If at present, though but one was originally created, people rob and plunder, how much more had two been created. (Talmud, Sanhedrin 38a)

  1. Debra L. Derrick's Avatar Debra L. Derrick

    Pat Robertson is now a senile imbecile. He has never been anything but a TV grifter and a money grubber. What would Jesus say indeed.

    1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

      Well said. Pat Robertson worships the all mighty dollar, not God.

      1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

        Judge thou not lest ye be judged.

        1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          Keith, that sounded like one of those stupid biblical quotes.

        2. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

          Isn't saying that a form of judgement, Keith?

        3. Ilmenheru Terikson's Avatar Ilmenheru Terikson

          Actually the original passage was let he who is without sin cast the first stone. This tells those who truly live free of sin as in those who never rape may judge rapists, those who never kill may judge killers, those who have never abused may judge abusers.

          The issue comes when people think all others are inherently guilty of the same things they do wrong, and thus can not imagine others are capable of being better then them.

          To quote a line from a song " Every man can complete any task that is asked, for our standards are more than high." This line references the idea that when you hold every man to the highest of standards you will create a society that will never falter nor fail when crisis comes.

          Shai Dorsai!

          1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

            Actually the original passage was "let he who is without sin cast the first stone." It means you cannot judge anyone for anything unless you yourself are totally sinless. Your interpretation is totally self serving.

          2. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

            Let-him-who-is-without-sin-cast-the-first-stone meaning. Only those who are faultless have the right to pass judgment upon others (implying that no one is faultless and that, therefore, no one has such a right to pass judgment).

        4. Karsten S. A. Johansson's Avatar Karsten S. A. Johansson

          It might come as a surprise, but that does not mean ye will not be judged. Quite the contrary. Ye certainly will be.

          Besides, warning people away from evil is not the same judgement this famous quote is about. It should not be used as a cop out.

  1. John Norris Campbell's Avatar John Norris Campbell

    I guess this whole "systemic racism" in the U.S. overlooks the poc that have excelled in thier chosen feilds of study. Doctors, Lawyers, Supream Court Justices, NASA astronauts, teachers, former President of the U.S., former Secretary of State, billionare media owners, mega millionare ball players and other entertainers, Governers, mayors, police captains,...the first african american to run for presidency, Frederick Douglass over a hundred years ago...Yea stuff was messed up way back then...but guess what? The U.S. has more millionare and billionare black people than anywhere else on earth, including Africa...Focus on the good and encourage one another to love without skin color always being an issue. My grandson is a beautiful mix of black and white because I've always practiced what I preached to my own kids. BTW..my daughter's husband has two medical degrees, was raised by his single black mother who taught her son to value hard work, stay away from the drugs and gangbangers ect...Pat Robertson is about as Christian as the POPE...they both serve their father of lies.

    1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

      If you knew anything about systematic racism, John Norris Campbell, you would understand that the exceptions you cite do not disprove the basic theory.

      You mentioned Doctors, Lawyers, Supream (Sic) Court Justices, NASA astronauts, teachers, and former President of the U.S., among others. Let's start with presidents of the US, of which we have had 46, only one of whom has been black. That is 2 percent, whereas blacks make up 15% of the population. Clearly, the fact we have had only one black president means blacks have been underrepresented in that position by about 13%.

      Now lets look at Supreme Court justices, of whom there have been 115 since the start of the court in 1789. The great majority have been white, male and protestant. In fact, only two black men, Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas, have ever been seated as Supreme Court Justices; for those keeping score at home, that is even less than 2%, and far less than the 15% of the population who identify as black.

      How about medical doctors? Only 5% of medical doctors in the US are black or African-American; again, that is far less than the 15% we would expect if all things were equal. https://www.zippia.com/medical-doctor-jobs/demographics/

      I could go on, but what would be the point? I can guarantee you that this pattern repeats for every exception you cited. I am also certain that none of this will matter to you.

      1. Roland M Pedersen's Avatar Roland M Pedersen

        Sounds like the you are racists yourself since you only mention Blacks. Why not other races? Why not Germans, Russian, Asians, Arabs, Jews, Japanese. Chinese. Many others. We have come a long way and there are more of all kinds of Nationalities in Government.

        1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

          Roland - I mentioned only black people because I was responding to a post that mentioned black people. Pretty simple.

      2. John Norris Campbell's Avatar John Norris Campbell

        Golly John, why would you think this discussion would'nt matter to me? Did'nt you remark earlier that this whole "CRT" thing was just an exercise for law students? At the collage level? This country is a work IN PROGRESS. My point however, was to point out that IF there were some kind of systemic racism, the ppl running the show should get their 'white privlage cards" taken from them. Black ppl, who make up 13% of our population, STILL EXCELL. Lets look at the rest of this great nation's demographic...Asians? Yep...Mexicans...yep Indians (The red dot kind) Yep...all hold positions of power in this country. Even the 'native' kind like Elizebeth Warren have excelled...Shall we just go on skin color or actual academic excellence? Personally I'm kind of done with "affirmative action" and lean more to the side that if you, personally have the brains to get the job done ....then GO FO IT! This "racist country" with a white majority, voted into office, the HIGHEST POSITION IN THE LAND, a man that reguardless of his skin color and based totally on his smooth talking propaganda was voted into office TWICE....Yea John...we are still growing as a country...BUT!! there is a reason why every other country wants to live here!

        1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

          ...and nothing you have said disproves the idea that systematic racism continues to exist in this country, John.

          1. John Norris Campbell's Avatar John Norris Campbell

            "systemic racism" by definition "Institutional racism" is a form of law that is embedded through laws and regulations within society. It is now ILLEGAL to use race, creed, gender and sexual preference to deny housing, employment, health care, political power, or criminal justice based on the afore mentioned criteria in the United States. Now do the humans involved in any of these "positions of power" always abide by these laws? No. Which makes this more of a human problem and not a 'systemic' one. The CRT scholastic teaching agenda, being pushed through teacher's unions, is like picking a scab of an almost healed wound...just to watch it bleed. No other nation on earth has addressed these issues more than the U.S. I was born in the early 60's, witnessed the Watts riots of Detroit,the "red line" policies of the banks in Chicago, and many other growing pains that have given us the country we have today.These changes have caused the deaths of many ppl of every color. My challenge: Name just ONE law on the books that discriminates against ANYONE. If you find one I'll stand with you to protest it.

            1. Tom's Avatar Tom

              You do realize how many states have passed restrictive voting laws that ends things like Sunday voting, which will mean the end of programs like Souls to the Polls that was started to encourage and assist in getting Black Americans to voting locations so that they can participate in our democracy, and restricting the hours that polls are open, which disproportionately affects those in low-income jobs who often have work schedules that conflict with the new open hours and would make it difficult to go and vote.

              1. John Norris Campbell's Avatar John Norris Campbell

                You must be referring to Joe Biden's explanation about black people not having the intelligence to figure out how to 'get on line' or the idea that they can't find their local DMV to get an I.D. When EVERYTHING we do in this era requires an I.D. Wanna go to a club? I.D. wanna buy a pak of Kools? I.D. Wanna buy beer? I.D. Food stamps? Have utilities? an apartment? buy a car? a gun? Get on a plane? I.D. People only have a 4 year 'heads up' about the next election cycle...Don't think people who want to vote could maybe PLAN for it? The very idea that 'Black Americans' are somehow to be treated like some kind of retard is RACIST. The election cycles are on everyones calender, and this country is not surprising anyone with something new. I was able to vote this year by using one of those new fangled things called a 'city bus' during my lunch hour. It was amazing...did'nt even have any horses pulling it.

            2. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

              There you go again, John. You start off with a false premise, first attempting to redefine "systemic racism" as "Institutional racism," and then claiming that it "is a form of law."

              No, John, neither systematic racism nor institutional racism is necessarily enshrined in law, though each has happened many times in our history; including in the US Constitution.

              "Systematic" means only "Characterized by, based on, or constituting a system; Working or done in a step-by-step manner; methodical; Of or pertaining to system; consisting in system; methodical; formed with regular connection and adaptation or subordination of parts to one another and to the design of the whole: as, a systematic arrangement of plants or animals; a systematic course of study." Note that the word "law" does not appear a single time in that definition.

              1. John Norris Campbell's Avatar John Norris Campbell

                Your response actually makes no sense...your comprehension seems lacking good sir. Stating that both subjects are a "form" of law does not make it actually a law. Society has different norms (laws) for different eras. 150 years ago it was perfectly fine to marry, (what today is concidered a child) to a man well into his 40's and 50's...once he has attained sufficient lands and cattle to start a family. My premise, is that both systemic and institutional rascism are ,in fact, the same thing. Witness the mostly peace loving Germans, milking their cows, raising their families, going to church, being incited by a maniac high on meth to commit genocide on another people based soley on the fact that "they are not like us"...Today in the U.S. it is 100% ILLEGAL to put forth this type of idealogy based solely on skin color, sexual preference, creed, ect....there is not one actual LAW on the books that say "blacks to the back of the bus" or "white only drinking fountain" Not in systemic or instituational mandates...which, if you ask me is the same as asking "is a granny smith apple the same as a ruby red apple?

              2. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

                Comment removed by user.

        2. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

          John Norris Campbell, you apparently have reading comprehension problems. I did not say the discussion wouldn't matter to you. Given the number of posts you have made here, the topic is clearly of interest to you. What I said, in the context of a comment in which I cited data refuting your argument, was that "I am also certain that none of this (the data) will matter to you."

          1. John Norris Campbell's Avatar John Norris Campbell

            The "data" you mentioned is, as I already stated, a work in progress. One cannot cite ancient data as relevent as long as the data continually shows advancement. Now we have 'a person of color' as a vice president, whom, I believe will be replacing China Joe due to cognitive decline as President...First woman of color in the highest office of the land! Oh! The horror! LOL!! Have you looked at Congress lately? Black, white, latino, asian,...there goes that demographic...WORK IN PROGRESS.

            1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

              John - nothing about US history qualifies as "ancient."

              I agree that solving the problems of systematic racism is a "work in progress." But denying the problem is actually a big part OF the problem.

    2. James Michael Barker's Avatar James Michael Barker

      Well said I have biracial grandchildren amen brother

      1. Brien's Avatar Brien

        James, you have grandchildren. I am certain they are beautiful human beings. Do not allow yourself to be trapped by societies current descriptive terms. If we were to ever meet, and your grandchildren were with you, all that I would see is a beautiful family. ☮️

    3. John P Maher's Avatar John P Maher


    4. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

      Comment removed by user.

    5. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

      How dare you attack the Pope. I took a vow to defend him with my life and sacred honor. Show some respect. What are doing in here if you throw accusations and insults?

      1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

        Uh-oh, looks like somebody let in the thought police.

      2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Come down to Galveston, Texas and look me up, Wash. I'll let you defend that worthless pope, you damn fool!!!

        1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          In my above comment the Android poltergeist changed Eash to Wash.

      3. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        I'll never show any respect for Roman Catholicism! I hope you don't think this is a Christian blog Keith E Eash. This isn't about showing respect to religious leaders iether. We say what's on our mind with regard to the articles they give us to discuss. If you're going to last around here you better develop a tough skin, and quit being a crybaby, slinging snot about that worthless pope you foolishly swore to protect.

      4. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        You sound like you might be a member of the Catholic Knights Of Columbus, Eash. Do you think your going to defend that worthless pope with your ceremonial sword? By the waybEash, your psychiatrist called, and said it's time for a medication change.

      5. John Norris Campbell's Avatar John Norris Campbell

        You have every right to blindly follow your religion, indoctrination from birth is a very powerful influence. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, aka as pope Francis is the very first jesuit trained man to claim the title pope. This order was founded by Ignatius Loyola back in 1534 as the military branch of the RCC. They were/are sworn to inflitrate governments, plant spys and kill those that disent to whatever is popular with the current pope. If you've really sworn to protect this guy with your very life...well good luck with all that. The RCC is known as the Whore of Babyalon, the APOSTATE church warned about in prophecy...He forced out pope Benedict from that seat in a coup that stunned the world. The Jesuits have been expelled from many different countries for their sedition and black ops work. Look up the jesuits pledge....that will give you a wake up call.

      6. Erech Melchizedek Christ Nimrod's Avatar Erech Melchizedek Christ Nimrod

        Hi Keith.

        We were wondering what is Critical Race Theory??? I AM appreciative of ULC bringing up the subject for Us (Father God, Christ and I –John 14:20) to research. The article said “The theory, developed in the 1970s, is complex, but essentially asks students to examine how the complicated connections between laws and institutions could have slowed progress toward racial equality.”

        Critical Race Theory (CRT) would be a very interesting subject for students of all ages, but in today’s extremely divided antagonistic religious/political environment it will be weaponized. And because of this division CRT is obviously causing fear and hate and not LOVE and Togetherness. A divided Nation cannot long endure (Matthew chapter 24)

        Televangelist Pat Robertson and all preachers and popes are preaching a systemic racist fake religion called Christianity. Since the devious Emperor Constantine (306-337AD) introduced white idols of a god (emperor worship) into Christianity, thus defeating the Teachings of Father God to the masses, racism and idolatry has been solidified in the Christian world. I AM saying that because Father God says in Exodus 33:20 “And He said, [To Moses] you cannot not see My Face: for there shall no man see Me and live.” Thus no man alive can say that the Face of the Invisible God is white. Right???? Right.

        But Catholicism, Judaism, Christianity, Mormons, etc. all say that Father God is white. No True LOVE has come from that preaching. James 3:8 declares “But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.”

        And American Politics is systemically racist. A notable example is the “White House.” In 1901, President Theodore Roosevelt gave the President’s Mansion that name. But for True American Patriotism, and to combat the ever-present scourge of slavery the name should have been “The People’s House.” Imagine hearing that name “The People’s House” referring to America in the Capitals of every nation on Earth!!!

        Wow!!! A public relation Gold Mine if lived up to.

        Even the English Dictionaries reinforce systemic racism with its definitions of “Black” as evil, and “White” as good and pure. We can remember being “legally” racially attacked in school by a devious “word-smart” school teacher and was completely helpless to complain. Same thing happened in some Bible home study groups in some white people’s homes. What is shocking is that so-called Black/African-Americans themselves accept and use those racist definitions about themselves and the Beautiful color of their skin.

        All those above errors can be corrected by Empathy, Compassion and Tough LOVE. But consciously and subconsciously those errors enhance the fake self-esteem of many white people and white supremacists across this planet, and those errors are also fodder for the religious Pimps and Civil Rights leaders to get Rich and make lots of Sweet Money from their so-called “black” Victimhood Culture!!!

        Fake Racist/Sexist religion is satanic and I AM draining the swamp of religion.

        By the way that demonic white supremacist cop, Derek Chauvin, the murderer Mr. George Floyd, his reasoning for his satanic act can be found in Joshua 10:22-26. That idol-worshipping evil infidel cop thought of himself as a non-idol worshipping Israelite who was murdering an enemy of God with his knee when he murdered Mr. George Floyd. Chauvin is Crazy!!! But that religious white supremacy thinking is rampant. That’s why nothing will change.

        By the way, in Joshua 10:26 is the origin of the satanic idolatrous KKK’s hanging of so-called Black/African-Americans from trees!!!

        Father God is LOVE says 1 John 4:8, 16. We add Tough-LOVE. No weakness.

        Thank you for your time. I AM your Friend Nimrod, The Spiritual Revolutionary “LIFE” Coach KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS (Revelation 19:11-21). Peace. Amen.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Yes John, reality has always conflicted with a biblical worldview, as well as anything related to the Bible, and other fictional stories (especially the ones that can't provide a single date for when anything they allege,to have ever happened).

  1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

    First, it is stunning that anyone would quote anything Pat Roberston says.

    Second, I was disappointed by the definition of critical race theory in the second paragraph of this article. It is correct that "The theory, developed in the 1970s, is complex, but essentially asks students to examine how the complicated connections between laws and institutions could have slowed progress toward racial equality." It is, however, extremely misleading to refer to "students" without explaining that the theory was developed for law school and graduate school "students." The context of this article implies that the "students" referenced are enrolled in elementary, middle and high schools. That is incorrect. Dr. Goldmann is correct when she states that CRT is "a framework researchers might use to examine how systemic inequality has been built into America’s various social systems." It's amazing how important a single word, like "researchers," can make a huge difference!

    Finally, I do, though, have to agree that telling the truth about history, or much of anything else, "conflicts with a biblical worldview."

    1. Debra L. Derrick's Avatar Debra L. Derrick

      Thank you John Condron for the articulate reply. You are a voice of reason in this shite storm, caused by the GOP & by trump to stir up the uninformed and perpetuate the hate..

      1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

        the family.. more libtard crap trap attacking Trump and anyone associated with the GOP. You don't know a darn thing about history Debra. The GOP has always stood on the Constitution and the Founding Fathers. The Democratic Party has always stood for the enslavement of others and now it has accepted CRT, a blatant Marxist Theory that has no place in a free market Democratic Republic. Study the Founding Fathers and Thomas Paine.

        1. Ilmenheru Terikson's Avatar Ilmenheru Terikson

          I doubt you have ever read a single word actually written by one of the founding fathers. If you did you would not be this bloody ignorant. Thomas Jefferson is the man who started this very movement by getting white privileged males to admit blacks were 3/5ths of a person in a time most saw them as nothing more than an animal. He even forsaw the very plight a republican like Lincoln would later bring upon them by sudden mass emancipation with no social safety net in place to help them. But he knew it was a drop in the well of the injustice that was slavery and the eternal shame and blight on history it would become was something he had no doubt about.

          Just face it Keith, you are truly lost to the side of the Ancient Enemy and have no value left to society or civilization.

          1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

            Ilmenheru: Right on.

            Ever notice how when conservatives and so-called Christians want to defend their horrible historical and current violation of other humans, they quote the Bible and defense? This leads to people believing the Bible is actually like they are, when it's really just these people. For instance, if one reads the bible, Jesus talks like a socialist. Most consistently. For another, critical race theory sounds like just a recent variation on the long-standing practice of blaming Jews for killing Christ and for 2,000 years of killing Jews using that as an excuse.. has nothing to do with the Bible, has to do with these so called Christians who actually twist and pervert the Bible to their own profane and criminal use. No wonder they fear crt, when held against the criminality and distortions practiced by people wielding Christianity and the Bible to commit human atrocities on a multi-generational scale, they are worried that people will start to think that CRT illuminates the door to thinking about reparations which is what they're really afraid of, and 2,000 years of reparations could accumulate to quite a bit, where in really the idea of slavery and racism in the United States is simply just a junior version of the much larger and longer standing atrocity of mother churches and other forms of creating "other" to satisfy our innate natural hatreds. I think that's why honest Christians refer to themselves, correctly I think, as "sinners." Underneath, where they don't want to look, they know very well who and what they are. They have reason to be scared, they're guilty.

            1. Anthony Freakes's Avatar Anthony Freakes

              First of all, let’s be a bit more accurate. The color of my skin is hard to define. It is sort of transparent, so the result is that the surface of my body appears pinkish. Other people have a different appearance varying light pink to dark brown. There is no Black and White! Next let’s be nice. People are different. The color of their eyes varies. The color of their hair varies. We can remark about it: “Oh doesn’t he have nice blue eyes.” “Isn’t her hair a lovely blonde”, and we can say in the same light: “Wow look at his radiant dark brown skin”. I have not noticed, in my 85 years of living, seeing and working with people, that the color of their eyes, hair or skin has anything to do with their abilities, personality, character or kindness. The color of skin should never be a subject of discussion except to mention it as an identifying feature, like eyes and hair. The past must be forgotten. My ancestors were probably slaves of the Romans, but this is well forgotten. Rome and Italy is honored as a wonderful city and country with hoards of fantastic examples of human art. History can of course be taught, but in a way that it is just interesting. Not in a way that emphasizes blame.

              The Rev Anthony

            2. John Clark Bongaardt's Avatar John Clark Bongaardt

              Where is this so called systemic racism in today’s world. Stop reliving history and look at the present. I fail to see how attacking Christians or any other religion promotes your theory. You are generalizing about everything. Look at the individual and judge him by his character and not your stereotypes.

          2. arawngraalrd's Avatar arawngraalrd

            3/5 was The Connecticut Compromise.

            1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

              3/5 was the price it took to get the Southern States into the original confederation and then to except the Constitution, the reason being it allowed Southern States leverage in voting because those three fifths were assigned to the slaveholders to wield, giving them outside proportion nut representation in voting and in the national House of Representatives. Without it Maryland Carolinas Georgia Virginia would not have joined the union and would not have fought in the Revolution.

    2. Erech Melchizedek Christ Nimrod's Avatar Erech Melchizedek Christ Nimrod

      Hi John. We were wondering what is Critical Race Theory??? I AM appreciative of ULC bringing up the subject for Us (Father God, Christ and I –John 14:20) to research. The article said “The theory, developed in the 1970s, is complex, but essentially asks students to examine how the complicated connections between laws and institutions could have slowed progress toward racial equality.”

      Critical Race Theory (CRT) would be a very interesting subject for students of all ages, but in today’s extremely divided antagonistic religious/political environment it will be weaponized. And because of this division CRT is obviously causing fear and hate and not LOVE and Togetherness. A divided Nation cannot long endure (Matthew chapter 24)

      Televangelist Pat Robertson and all preachers and popes are preaching a systemic racist fake religion called Christianity. Since the devious Emperor Constantine (306-337AD) introduced white idols of a god (emperor worship) into Christianity, thus defeating the Teachings of Father God to the masses, racism and idolatry has been solidified in the Christian world. I AM saying that because Father God says in Exodus 33:20 “And He said, [To Moses] you cannot not see My Face: for there shall no man see Me and live.” Thus no man alive can say that the Face of the Invisible God is white. Right???? Right.

      But Catholicism, Judaism, Christianity, Mormons, etc. all say that Father God is white. No True LOVE has come from that preaching. James 3:8 declares “But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.”

      And American Politics is systemically racist. A notable example is the “White House.” In 1901, President Theodore Roosevelt gave the President’s Mansion that name. But for True American Patriotism, and to combat the ever-present scourge of slavery the name should have been “The People’s House.” Imagine hearing that name “The People’s House” referring to America in the Capitals of every nation on Earth!!!

      Wow!!! A public relation Gold Mine if lived up to.

      Even the English Dictionaries reinforce systemic racism with its definitions of “Black” as evil, and “White” as good and pure. We can remember being “legally” racially attacked in school by a devious “word-smart” school teacher and was completely helpless to complain. Same thing happened in some Bible home study groups in some white people’s homes. What is shocking is that so-called Black/African-Americans themselves accept and use those racist definitions about themselves and the Beautiful color of their skin.

      All those above errors can be corrected by Empathy, Compassion and Tough LOVE. But consciously and subconsciously those errors enhance the fake self-esteem of many white people and white supremacists across this planet, and those errors are also fodder for the religious Pimps and Civil Rights leaders to get Rich and make lots of Sweet Money from their so-called “black” Victimhood Culture!!!

      Fake Racist/Sexist religion is satanic and I AM draining the swamp of religion.

      By the way that demonic white supremacist cop, Derek Chauvin, the murderer Mr. George Floyd, his reasoning for his satanic act can be found in Joshua 10:22-26. That idol-worshipping evil infidel cop thought of himself as a non-idol worshipping Israelite who was murdering an enemy of God with his knee when he murdered Mr. George Floyd. Chauvin is Crazy!!! But that religious white supremacy thinking is rampant. That’s why nothing will change.

      By the way, in Joshua 10:26 is the origin of the satanic idolatrous KKK’s hanging of so-called Black/African-Americans from trees!!!

      Father God is LOVE says 1 John 4:8, 16. We add Tough-LOVE. No weakness.

      Thank you for your time. I AM your Friend Nimrod, The Spiritual Revolutionary “LIFE” Coach KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS (Revelation 19:11-21). Peace. Amen.

      1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

        You apparently missed the point of my previous post, Nimrod. NO, Critical Race Theory (CRT) would NOT be a very interesting subject for students of all ages. It is far too advanced a subject for children. It was developed as a tool for RESEARCHERS, on a college level, and more specifically a graduate level. I did include an excellent definition of CRT - actually taken from the original article - in my post. To repeat, I said that CRT is "a framework researchers might use to examine how systemic inequality has been built into America’s various social systems."

        Interestingly, you quote Matthew as writing that "A divided Nation cannot long endure." Well, Nimrod, we have ALWAYS been a "divided nation," and we are just starting to see that such cannot endure. CRT is not the problem; it might be the start of a solution.

        1. Ilmenheru Terikson's Avatar Ilmenheru Terikson

          And expect the division to get worse. As sadly with the decoding of the human genome, rather than help unite us, it is giving even more fuel to those spouting "white genocide" as now it seems that pale skin and light hair is a trait from neanderthal genes, and that those of true african ancestry have no neanderthal DNA, while white people have between 1-3% on average with some rare cases of as much 6% of the DNA being from our now extinct rival. There are also other species some groups of people still carry within them. For example there is a isolated mountain community around Nepal or Tibet that I recall, they say has some meaningful DNA of a early humanoid that was well adapted to high altitude, and these unique humans today can get oxygen reliably at an elevation that would kill most humans.

          As such that white genocide the bigots are always fear mongering about already happened, thousands upon thousands of years ago, when Human became the last species standing in the game of survival.

          It brings to mind some of the works of Lovecraft, and how much loathing he felt when he learned he had some welsh ancestry and was not of pure english descent as he had been told by his mother and grandmother all his childhood. Imagine if we could really get all these racists to grasp that the skin tone they take such pride in, is a trait from a species our human ancestors consumed and raped into oblivion.

      2. Roland M Pedersen's Avatar Roland M Pedersen

        Remember Jesus was Jewish not white. He as from the tribe of Judah taught Jewish laws so to be fulfilled completely and perfectly. Jesus brought Saul...Paul into the picture to bring Christians to serve Jesus. To be like Him in a new and better way. Love one Another and Love the Lord your God. There is no Jew nor Greek .....as Greek involved any and all ethnicities..... For those in Christ Jesus. Let's just love one another and not look at the colour of one's skin or culture. But remember if you are not in Jesus and He in you then or pare those of reprobate mind.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    It seems to me that if people would quit talking about racism, like anything else, it wouldn't be thought about as much, even by racists,and wouldn't be as prevalent.

    1. Ilmenheru Terikson's Avatar Ilmenheru Terikson

      Thats not how it works Carl and you should really know better. Indocrination of bigotry begins in the home at a very young age. How its talked about in the media has very little impact against such forces.

      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        It wasn't talked about in our home Ilmenheru, and I always seek to avoid those who do, so no sir I'm not too savvy on the subject,

      2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        It didn't happen in our home Ilmenheru, and I've never been interested in knowing about what goes on in the homes of others. As a matter of fact, I really don't want to know. If that makes me ignorant of the subject that's fine with me.

        1. Ilmenheru Terikson's Avatar Ilmenheru Terikson

          Ive mentioned it before, and made no secret i am one who thinks as a futurists, I do not limit myself to how things have worked or currently work, but how they can be made to work better. And when in comes to humankind, we really need to stop with the archaic family structure, as it shows time and time and time again as our oversight of our species grows with technology, that far far far too many who have children go on to abuse them in quite literally the most horrific ways a human can be made to suffer.

          And time and time again society turns a blind eye to it for years and years, because just as you say, people do not want anyone looking into their own lives too closely out of fear of what? What is it people are so paranoid about society being able to better watch over and offer support to children who are otherwise entirely at the mercy of the adults in their homes.

          Have you bothered to look into the varios articles written by those who have just gone througha year and half locked inside with chronic abusers? People who have not experienced or at least tried to open their minds eye to such, lack enough material to grasp onto with substance.

          Let me use one infamous case that tends to linger on in the minds of most, that of little Jon Benet Ramsey. Was she better off in a society in which people like you do not have to know what they do not want to know? Or would she have been better served in a society in which we hold everyone up to the highest possible standards when it comes to being deemed fit to raise a child, and that such people should have to spend the years raising that child under the heavy scrutiny of society. This scruitny would also come with support, in the form of free day care, education, mental health visits and regular therapy.

          But to be especially frank i do not even think we as a society need family units at all any more. I consider them archaic and a hinderance to the human species moving forward into an ever more effective and optimal society, that will hopefully get off this rock before we grind it up to dust beneath our feet.

  1. Tom Thackrey's Avatar Tom Thackrey

    CRT says that many of our systems are designed to subjugate some racial group. A rational person would use this to examine our systems of health care, housing, employment, justice, etc. to determine what could be done to remove race from that system. Even today, it's reported, that COVID relief funds are disproportionately granted to whites and denied to people of color.

    The problem with Pat is he needs to stir the pot to anger his donors into giving him money. The more they feel threatened, the more they give. His Christianity is more than suspect.

    1. Debra L. Derrick's Avatar Debra L. Derrick

      Amen to this Mr. Thackrey.

    2. pjm's Avatar pjm

      I totally agree with half of what you said and vehemently disagree with the other half. Yes, Pat Robertson (along with all the other televangelists and megachurch pastors) knows that stirring hatred and division brings more money into their coffers.

      But OTOH, it's baloney that "COVID relief funds are disproportionately granted to whites and denied to people of color." Perhaps you can cite examples of that statement along with with proof? Which, of course, you cannot because it's fiction. Not one single American was denied a COVID check because of their color. It's ridiculous. COVID relief checks were sent to every American. There was no racial criteria or any other. It's absolute nonsense. Just as surely as Bro. Pat and the others on the far right try to stir the pot with lies and exaggerations, so do the extremists on the far left, and they do it in the same way: With false premises that have emotional appeal to get people riled up .

      1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

        Tom Thackery did not make any claim regarding COVID relief checks, pjm. He said only that "COVID relief funds are disproportionately granted to whites and denied to people of color." That statement is factually accurate. He should not have apologized. I recall numerous reports to the effect that "white business owners got more (COVID relief) than minority owners did in similar circumstances." Minority-owned businesses were less likely to have established relationships with banks; as a result, they were far, far less likely to be approved for COVID relief loan programs. Having banks administer those funds is actually an example of the institutional racism CRT examines.

        1. Ilmenheru Terikson's Avatar Ilmenheru Terikson

          Exactly Mr. Condron. Its part and parcel with the well established habits of those in the medical profession treating those of color as people there to complain and take advantage of the system rather than need help.

          Anyone can just look at the over all history of systemic racism to see how it becomes magnified during times of crisis.

          Just as we all know, if not for that video, Chauvin would have never faced so much as a word of reprimand for killing Floyd.

        2. Roland M Pedersen's Avatar Roland M Pedersen

          Look who the President and Vice President are and how they and the demo-crates are always pushing racist ideas and false and fake. Remember this is a Theory but they try to push it as fact.

      2. Tom Thackrey's Avatar Tom Thackrey

        I apologize, I remembered hearing a report that white business owners got more than minority owners did in similar circumstances. I have not been able to find that report so I will withdraw the comment.

        However, it's untrue that there was no racial criteria involved. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/voices/2021/06/03/covid-relief-farmers-debt-relief-race-racism-disadvantage/7495846002/

        1. Roland M Pedersen's Avatar Roland M Pedersen

          Remember it's the Biden administration that is distributing the vaccine...so if there in inequality in passing it out its on them and the Demo-crates

          1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

            Roland - you are responding to a post alleging (correctly) that COVID relief funds were (and still are) distributed unfairly. Tom Thackrey said nothing about distribution of the vaccine. So... WTH are you talking about?

      3. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

        pjm: Absolutely correct on all points.

  1. Linda weeks's Avatar Linda weeks

    Start teaching and practicing kindness, equality and citizenship from the beginning. Children who believe that everybody is entitled to kindness and equity will be humans who insist on equity to all.

    1. Roland M Pedersen's Avatar Roland M Pedersen


  1. Minister Mike's Avatar Minister Mike

    Pat Robertson is a monstrous evil, sent by Satan to create hate and discontent among true believers.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      I don't particularly like the guy, but if you wish to validate your point you have to first demonstrably prove that Satan is/was real. If you can't, your statement saying he was sent by someone that possibly doesn't exist doesn't really make any sense. Thanks for your comment though Mike.


    2. Minister Mike's Avatar Minister Mike

      Lionheart, I did not say he was sent by someone who possibly doesn't exist. I said he was sent by something that possibly does exist. And, no, I do not have to validate or prove anything. Much like a mathematical axiom, the statement's truth is evident to any/all believers and needs no proof; a philosophical hypothesis, if you like.

      Carl, yes, I did write that while under the influence of a nice Pinot Noir and snacking on some Chex Mix. However, it was just the first glass so, regretfully, there was no buzz.

      What's the matter with you two? I thought you understood satire. Keep in mind, though, that satire does not have to be false.

      1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

        Satire is a major gift of whatever God does exist. It is to be appreciated.

    3. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      I thought Pat Robertson was sent by Ben Kenschlow (or however he spelled his name), Mike. But I'm not racist, so I'm not going to say who or what sent Ben, or which planet he beamed over from.

      1. arawngraalrd's Avatar arawngraalrd

        Pat Robertson was sent by Hollowed Howard, like it says in The Lord's Prayer. Our Father, Howard in Heaven, Hollowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be dun, unearthed, as it is, in Heaven, give us this day, our daily bread, low carb, if you please, and forgive us our debts, 'cause I owe more to Northeastern university than anyone's borrowed from me...

    4. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      You must have a good buzz, Mike. You usually seem much more rational than that.

    5. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      You certainly speak truth about Pat robertson, Carl. Is a recent example of the famous Elmer Gantry, like so many of his televangelist ilk. And the motto of his ilk is:

      "If God did not want them sheared, he would not have made them sheep."

  1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

    It is. CRT is racist and bigoted. Not one of the children being taught this garbage had family members who owned slaves. I am half Cherokee and half German and my family never once owned slaves. We had to make do on less then 100. a week, so I dare ANYONE to try and tell me that I am a product of White Privilege. We asked no one for anything and everything we have we worked our butts off to get. When I was in college I was going to class and working three jobs to pay for it. So sorry, this bigoted and racist crap has to stop. There have been teachers and professors who have been terminated for teaching this bull. And a school board was recalled in New jersey for trying to teach this stupidity.

    1. Tom's Avatar Tom

      You seem to be misunderstanding CRT still. To quote this blog: "She says it’s a framework researchers might use to examine how systemic inequality has been built into America’s various social systems. As an example, Goldmann points out that CRT urges someone examining housing inequity in the present to first look at discriminatory housing laws in Jim Crow South, then trace the evolution of housing laws and policies that negatively affected African-Americans through to the present."

      I'm not sure how it's racist or bigoted to analyze how laws have historically been written or implemented in ways that would discriminate against certain groups. You also don't have to be a descendant of slave owners to have benefited from discriminatory practices such as segregation or long standing stereotypes that elevate the perception of certain groups or races over others.

      1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

        Critical Race Theory is totally BS created by WOKE cultural to continue dividing the "races". Note: there is only ONE Race tye HUMAN race. "Critical Race Theory" is BS and has nothing to do with the law! It should not be taught in any educational institution at any level! Left wing propaganda developed to undo all that has been accomplished toward "racial " unity!!

        1. Ilmenheru Terikson's Avatar Ilmenheru Terikson

          DMP, as a professional in the field of mental health, I should tell you people who use the word Woke as some kind of insult or attack on others, much like the term social justice warrior, is on the list of words we can red flag individuals like you with local law enforcement, so you may want to keep that amerikkka traitor talk to yourself.

          1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

            Ilmenheru Terikson, FYI, I've not made any attacks or insults to anyone in my posts. I've said and used the same terminology as everyone else. Furthermore, I'm not a traitor, but you seem to be. As a so called mental health professional, you should know better than making threats yourself and name calling. You have no idea who I am or what I am. God bless

          2. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

            Ilmenheru Terikson Please show me exactly where I have insulted or attacked anyone in my posts! You are the one who has done what you accuse me of doing. So maybe you should be reported to the local law enforcement. I've only expressed my thoughts and opinions. As far as your accusations regarding the Amerikkka you are out of your mind. Seek help.

        2. Minister Linus Spiller Snapp-Craft's Avatar Minister Linus Spiller Snapp-Craft

          Dennis Michael Parker, can I pose a question? Based on the rhetoric I've read on this post, I'm assuming you're white. If not, my apology. But here's the question:

          "Dennis Michael Parker is walking home one evening by himself after a late dinner. Dennis is confronted by three (3) men who are clearly Black/African-American. Dennis emerges from the encounter shaken up but alive and ok. Someone witnessed the attack while it was occurring and called the police. When the police arrive, they begin an official report. They ask Dennis to describe his assailants. Male? Female? Height? What did they have on? Race?"

          How...pray tell, does Dennis respond to that last...one?

          DENNIS: "there is only ONE Race tye HUMAN race."

          LINUS: Dennis is on that **** again!

          1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

            This doesn't even deserve an answer! FYI, I'm of mixed ethnicity. ETHNICITY, not Race. Learn the difference!!!

          2. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

            I would give a description and point out that the perp was a human being of a particular "ethnicity", not RACE.

      2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        No I totally understand CRT. And its bigoted. We have had a black president. We have had a black 4 Star general who is CHIEF OF STAFF of the US Air Force (meaning he commands it) We have black Gov and Congress members and Black Space Shuttle Pilots and so on. So are you now trying to say they didnt get their offices because of CRT? do you listen to yourself before you post or do you just post nonsense and stupidity on a regular basis?

        1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

          No, Daniel. You clearly do NOT "totally understand CRT." Saying it does not make it so.

          1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

            I see that you are the complete and total authority on CRT. Good for you! You are being a gadfly if nothing more!

            1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

              Actually, Dennis, I never claimed to be an authority on CRT, though I am quite certain that I know far more about it than do you.

              Also, thank you for recognizing the role I am trying to play here, as "a person who stimulates or annoys other people especially by persistent criticism." My goal is to stimulate discussion, but if it also annoys folks like you, that is just a bonus!

              1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

                Actually you DID allude to voter ID when you wrote and I quote "How about the laws recently passed by Republican state legislatures aimed at making it more difficult for people of color to vote?" Good try on your part to make my comment a "strawman argument "!

              2. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

                Thank you, Dennis, for acknowledging that you see voter ID laws as "aimed at making it more difficult for people of color to vote."

              3. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

                No sir, I do not agree that voter ID makes it harder for people of color to vote. Every CITIZEN is required to have some form of photo ID to perform a number of tasks. Voter ID makes it harder for Democrats to cheat and non citizens to vote. Thank you for demonstrating your talent at twisting words. You must be a lawyer. LOL

              4. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

                Dennis. Go back and read what you have written. You said "Actually you DID allude to voter ID when you wrote and I quote "How about the laws recently passed by Republican state legislatures aimed at making it more difficult for people of color to vote?"

                Let me break it down for you. I asked "How about the laws recently passed by Republican state legislatures aimed at making it more difficult for people of color to vote?"

                Then you said that I had "alluded" to voter ID when you wrote that. I said nothing about voter ID in that statement, but YOU CONCLUDED THAT laws passed to make it more difficult for people of color to vote included voter ID laws.

                This is not "twisting your words," John. This is quoting you word-for-word to point out the poverty of your thought processes.

              5. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

                FYI, I not annoyed gumby you opinion. I'm amused by your pompous attitude.

              6. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                especially considering that 5000 teachers are going to be fired if they try and teach this, over 200 Boards of education have been recalled and replaced. over 20 states have already banned this and another 12 more have bills to ban CRT in their state assemblies. Now how can this not be racist and bigoted when it blames one race for all the wrongs in the world?

        2. Tom's Avatar Tom

          You clearly don't if you think that the existence of successful black people disproves or has anything to do with the idea of analyzing laws as they have historically been written to ensure they do not discriminate or promote discrimination. You should read about CRT to make sure you understand what you're talking about. https://www.britannica.com/topic/critical-race-theory

          1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

            And you clearly dont think. As CRT is claiming that these people should not have been successful because the "whites" would not allow them to be successful. Just how are we supposed to get rid of racism with this racist teachings trying to be taught to our young?

    2. pjm's Avatar pjm

      Wow, there is so much misunderstanding and hysteria surrounding CRT. It is not being taught to children. It is a theory in academia. CRT is being offered as an elective course in colleges and graduate programs just like any other curriculum choices. I'd be as fired up as anybody if it were being forced on school children, but it is not. I wish people on both sides would do more research and get the facts about hot button issues before getting upset about them.

    3. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      None of my relatives were in this country before the 1880s, Daniel, and I'm Swedish, English Welch, Spanish, French, and half Italian (Sicilian). So slavery isn't on my conscience iether. And my English, Spanish, and French ancestors came to this country from Mexico. Ole!

      1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

        Carl, slavery isn't on my conscience either; I've never owned a slave, and I have never met one. What happened 150+ years ago, I had NOTHING to do with!

        1. Minister Linus Spiller Snapp-Craft's Avatar Minister Linus Spiller Snapp-Craft

          But you benefit from it.

          1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

            So even if what you say is true, Linus, and that is not proved, then Dennis owes you something? What, exactly?

      2. Krystina S.'s Avatar Krystina S.

        My mother came to the US from Greece after WW II, as a refugee. My father's parents came to the US from Hungary after WW I. So I am white, but my family has never owned slaves, and has always been involved in human and civil rights. Factoid: When my mother, who did not speak English, came to the southern US, she did not understand why people shoved her and yelled at her. It was because white people thought she was mulatto, as she is dark. They wouldn't let her sit at the front of the bus or use "Whites Only" facilities. So SHE experienced Jim Crow though she is WHITE. The idea that white people should understand what WHITE people did/do unfairly to indigenous, black, asian, and hispanic people was/is WRONG should be a no-brainer. As a white person, I am outraged, I feel that this was/is wrong, and I want to make our country a better and more fair place for ALL. I am disgusted that white people should not even ACKNOWLEDGE the systemic and government-created racial injustices in our country's SHORT history. That we should not KNOW it was wrong, and it is STILL wrong. And that we should not want to make things right. How many 'Muricans are ignorant of our history, our racist past, our racist laws, and how these have created racial problems that persist TODAY? Shame on white people who use the "I have a mixed race family member" or "There have been prominent/successful black people" tropes, as if that is what we are talking about vis-a-vis systematic injustices leading to further societal problems along racial lines? We need to learn, acknowledge, and move forward with empathy to a better and more equal/inclusive society.

    4. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      As we can tell, Cherokee and German blood doesn't mix well together.

    5. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      So, please tell me Danny boy, do you meditate in the lotus position, wearing a Nazi uniform, in your teepee, at the Cherokee reservation, until inspiration strikes, and you share it with us?

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        Nobody needs to know what you do in your own time Carla And when you are not doing this I suppose you dance around in pink tights and wear a tutu as well.

        1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          This is little Danny's way of having a temper tantrum. He gets so mad when we shame him, for being such a cry baby. But the child must be disciplined, or she's never going to grow up, into a mature burdache ( that's an Indian word, for girls like her).

        2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          I've never claimed to be gay, Daniel. For the record, I'm straight, but I'm not at all prejudiced, and you're welcome to keep fantasizing about me any way you want. You can even imagine yourself being my berdache, and the queen of our teepee, my squaw.

          1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

            never said you were Carla

  1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

    More government manipulation to divide us and create racial tension!

    1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

      How, exactly, is a field of academic study, developed in law schools and graduate schools, "government manipulation?"

      1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

        A field of acacemic study is not necessarily a field of scientific study, and therein lies the problem. CRT has had zero demonstration, on its own, of empirical backing. It remains a "theory" in the art use of the word "theory," which lacks any sort of accumulated amount or proportion of demonstrated fact or empirical research to support it, and remains an area of rank speculation, similar to the use of "theory" in the legal argument sense, something not proved or having yet to be proved...as opposed to the more traditional use in science, in which "theory" refers to a subject possessing some degree of empirical support as well as some degree of empiric refutation, but enough of the former over the latter to allow for some use as a system of organization for use in constructing future scientific testing and validation, which CRT has never had or done, as of yet.

        1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

          Yet another strawman argument, Mark. I did not use the word "theory," so your repeated use of that word in quotes suggests you must be responding to some other comment. Perhaps one that exists only in your own imagination?

      2. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

        Critical Race Theory is totally BS created by WOKE cultural to continue dividing the "races". Note: there is only ONE Race tye HUMAN race. "Critical Race Theory" is BS and has nothing to do with the law! It should not be taught in any educational institution at any level! Left wing propaganda developed to undo all that has been accomplished toward "racial " unity!!

        1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

          Thanks for your well-informed comment, Dennis Michael Parker... and especially thank you for the care you took in constructing grammatically correct, coherent sentences.

          First, while it is true that by one of the many definitions of the word "race," "there is only ONE Race tye (sic) HUMAN race." But that is only one definition, and not the one that is pertinent to the current discussion.

          Second, what is your problem with the idea of being "woke?" According to our friends at Webster-Merriam, it is slang, meaning "aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)." How could being "woke" be a bad thing, Dennis?

          Third, the races were divided long before the 1970s, when both the word "woke" and the concept of Critical Race Theory, were created. This country has been divided along racial lines since the beginning, Dennis. Remember slavery? Jim Crow? How about the laws recently passed by Republican state legislatures aimed at making it more difficult for people of color to vote?

          Finally, race has been written into our laws since the beginning, as well, making it ridiculous to say that "Critical Race theory... has nothing to do with the law." The concept was actually invented in law schools, Dennis!

          1. Ilmenheru Terikson's Avatar Ilmenheru Terikson

            Divided forever from the beginning, how can any of us with even a single distant relative who lived in our life times who for example in the case of my great great grandmother was a girl taken forcibly from her family on a reservation and put in a so called indian school to have her culture beat out of her, eventually suffering rape, and being kicked out with no way to get back to her family, and suffering years of terribly social abuse as she made her way back to a home she could only barely remember.

            Or those who are old enough that the grand parents of their child hood had been actual slaves in their own youth. Anyone who thinks these things are so far in our past that those who live today in wealtha nd prosperity because of the atrocities of their ancestors upon ours should be left to rule over us because of that wealth, are deluding themselves into thinking a new time of terrors will not come, and once again the wealthy will be torn from their castles and dragged before a falling blade.

          2. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

            Comment removed by user.

          3. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

            If you are referring to requiring an ID to vote, you are totally off base in saying that it was aimed at making it difficult for "people of color " to vote. One must have an ID to draw Social Security benefits, to drive a car, to get welfare benefits, foodstamps, unemployment, to buy cigarettes, alcohol, to get a job...must I say more. Voter registration is not racist. Are you not aware that slavery still exists in middle eastern countries. However, you cannot put today's morals on a dead system that existed legally over 150 years ago.. So why do individuals such as yourself think requring voter ID is 8intended to make it difficult for " people of color " to vote? That's pure BS. The primary thing voter ID will prevent, is stopping illegal voting. My family members who happen to be "people of color" do Not have a problem getting an ID. I have friends " of color " who are registered voters with personal State ID. Saying that it is difficult for a "person of color " to get an ID is in itself a racist statement and insulting to "people of color "! But we can agree to disagree.

            1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

              Actually, Dennis, I never even mentioned voter ID requirements, making your entire "response" a straw-man argument. Nice try!

              On the other hand, statements made by prominent Republicans make it clear that a range of laws, including those related to voter ID, voter eligibility, vote by mail, same-day registration, automatic registration, etc., are, in fact, meant to reduce access to the polls by minority, and more importantly, low income, citizens. Of course, the entire debate is also meant to energize racists to get out to the polls. It's kind of a perfect issue!

              1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

                Comment removed by user.

              2. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

                My mistake, not Voter registration but voter ID.

              3. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

                You most certainly did allude to voter ID in the following quotes.

                "How about the laws recently passed by Republican state legislatures aimed at making it more difficult for people of color to vote?"

              4. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

                Ahhh... so you agree that voter ID requirements are " laws recently passed by Republican state legislatures aimed at making it more difficult for people of color to vote?" Good to know, Dennis.

              5. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Help me understand why voter ID makes it more difficult for people of colour to vote?


              6. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

                "Lioneheart," you have jumped in at the end of a thread that, at least in part, was a response to my statement that "a range of laws, including those related to voter ID, voter eligibility, vote by mail, same-day registration, automatic registration, etc., are, in fact, meant to reduce access to the polls by minority, and more importantly, low income, citizens."

                Note that my comment was not limited to "voter ID," and alleged that these laws were designed to "reduce access to the polls by minority, AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, LOW INCOME, CITIZENS." Respondents deliberately cherry-picked the parts to which they wanted to respond to create yet another straw-man argument.

                It is a fact that it costs money to obtain IDs in this country. One must, for example, have a certified copy of their official birth certificate. Every state in the nation charges for that particular document. So, while voter ID laws MAY not limit access by minority citizens, they ABSOLUTELY limit access by poor people.

              7. John Norris Campbell's Avatar John Norris Campbell

                That is probably the most rascist remark I've heard today...outside what Kameltoes harris said about 'rural folks' not knowing how to fill out paper work. FUN FACT! All those exact same states want an I.D. to get foodstamps, housing, help with utilities, buy beer, check out a book at a library, buy a car, drive a car, get on a plane, go to a medicare/medicade office for free health care...go to a hospital for an emergency....Damn John! I thought you actually knew what you were talking about...for about a second and a half...now you reveal yourself to be nothing but an MSM talking Parrot....BUT BUT BUT ,,,I saw it on CNN....You are out of touch dude!

              8. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

                John, I don't know why I am wasting my time "debating" you. What I actually said was that voter ID laws are more of a burden for POOR PEOPLE. It is you who keep bringing voter ID laws into this discussion.

                I do not watch CNN at all, John, but I do work every day with people who rely on the services to which you refer. And yes, ID requirements do make it much more difficult for them. Not because they are black or brown, but because they are POOR.

                BTW: I cannot take seriously anyone ignorant enough to refer to the Vice-President of the Unites States as "Kameltoes." I will not be wasting my time on you any further.

          4. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

            Sarcasm noted!!!

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