mormon couple in bed looking shocked
'Soaking' is the latest loophole young Mormons use to have intercourse without angering God.

Since the dawn of humanity, people have been having lots and lots of sex. And at some point, religious teachings came in and said "don’t do that unless you’re married."

That left faithful young, unwed people stuck between a rock and a hard place, torn between honoring their god(s) and giving in to their raging hormones.

Until now.

Young Mormons have devised the ultimate loophole, a way to have sex without technically having sex; They’ve dubbed it ‘soaking’, and couples are even enlisting their friends to assist in their totally-not-sex.

Deities hate this one simple trick!

Soak It Up

So what is soaking, exactly? As one Mormon described it, soaking “is when a male places his penis in a woman’s vagina and that is it. No moving. No thrusting. No orgasms.”

The phenomenon is taking the Mormon world by storm, if the internet is anything to judge by. The ‘soaking’ hashtag has garnered some 25 million views on TikTik and news of its popularity got picked up on Twitter as well:

In an extra strange twist, apparently sometimes a friend will be asked to jump up and down next to the couple. If certain body parts happen to thrust together in all the commotion, well, that’s not intentional.

While some Mormons say that soaking is just an urban legend, many claim it’s real.

“It’s kind of like a hush-hush thing. Everyone knows it goes on, but you wouldn’t come out and say, ‘Oh, yeah I soaked with my girlfriend’ or whatever,” one former Mormon told the New York Post. “It is definitely a real thing in the community, among teens and single Mormon college students.”

A Controversial Loophole

Parents of Mormon teens are frustrated at the hashtag’s explosion in popularity, fearing that it could lead to their children trying it – and getting unwanted pregnancies and STIs in the process.

For their part, the church has yet to officially address soaking, but insiders say church elders are angry at the tag’s popularity online. Many expect them to address the act of "soaking" in the coming weeks.

Some view the whole ordeal as an inevitable symptom of the abstinence-based sex education common in Mormon communities.

“It’s a common and negative side effect of sexually oppressing large groups of people, many of which are raised in homes with parents who believe they shouldn’t even discuss sex with their children because it will inevitably lead to the child becoming sexually active,” explains ex-Mormon V.G. Anderson.

Like other ‘sex loopholes’, the idea is ripe for controversy. And yet, hormonal Mormon teens feel compelled to try – or at least investigate – these workarounds. 

What do you think – is it reasonable for a religion to decree that its followers abstain from sex until marriage? Are loopholes like soaking truly acts of sin, or just the natural consequence of suppressing human behavior?


  1. Matthew Leon Reed's Avatar Matthew Leon Reed

    This is so very rare, it is not worthy of an article on the subject. Very very few LDS men or women actually think this is OK. It just isn't a thing. AND... once you progress to the point of penetration... please, can you seriously tell me that they aren't going to continue the act to the end? Once you get that far, there is no stopping. OH, and also can you seriously tell me they are going to have a friend standing next to them to jump and down? "Hey, Bill, we are going to have not-really-sex, so can you jump up and down on the bed for us cause we can't move up/down back/forth to do this."

    Pulease...this just isn't a thing...

  1. Donald J. Winfield's Avatar Donald J. Winfield

    It's sexual congress/intercourse, period. A rose by any other name is still a very pretty flower. Rev. Don

  1. Alysia Ecker's Avatar Alysia Ecker

    I grew up in the Mormon cult! I left at 19! They excommunicated me for giving up my virginity for the man I had dated for 4 years. I got pregnant w that one time! He was not even talked too by their tribunal of idiots but they said they stripped me of God Jesus and the Holy Spirit for having sex and having a baby! I stood up to this stupid Tribunal of men that think they are all prophets holier than God himself and I Ann innocent young girl shamed them before my God who loves me and has never left me! How dare they hurt people or try too! I had my beautiful daughter from this encounter and found a wonderful husband who accepted her as his! As for this splurging sploshing idiots you don’t have to do anything once the penis is inside because no matter what excitement there is and there always will be SPERM WILL FIND THEIR WAY w or w/o Ejaculation! I don’t live in this stupid mental state anymore but I have a daughter and grandchildren that do. The last idiotic thing I heard was the teenagers in middle school were having Anal sex in the bathrooms cause the girls couldn’t get pregnant and that wasn’t considered Sex! It’s always something!! And Poligamy is still all over the place in Utah and the surrounding states! It’s a really messed up place to grow up and live. I do miss my silly family that still live there but I do miss the MOUNTAINS they’re magnificent but that’s all! They are not active in the church either! I’m now a Christian Pastor and very PROUD of that!! God Bless our children! And please talk to your kids and keep them safe and give them some extra information about their bodies and don’t let anyone use you!!

  1. Lawrence Albert Taylor II's Avatar Lawrence Albert Taylor II

    I'm sorry that's like saying he went down on her or she went down on him but never had sex. It's still an act of sex. Let's get real as adults we all have some urges. With that being said we are responsible for our actions and consequences. Who are we to judge in this . The individuals involved in " soaking" have their own people to answer to and the ramifications afterwards not us members.

  1. Michael Gilson's Avatar Michael Gilson

    I like Garfunkel and Oats loophole better.

  1. Rev. SolomonSaint's Avatar Rev. SolomonSaint


  1. Candice Beairs'Hodge's Avatar Candice Beairs'Hodge

    It's still sex if his pecker is anywhere near you vagina it sucks but he's moving a big deal if you're getting stimulated by your having sex

  1. Ruth E Barbour's Avatar Ruth E Barbour

    We are all answering these questions, right? What do you think – is it reasonable for a religion to decree that its followers abstain from sex until marriage? If it was reasonable to slaughter countless people in the name of god and the holy roman empire, basically anything is reasonable. Are loopholes like soaking truly acts of sin, or just the natural consequence of suppressing human behavior? Religious loopholes are everywhere. Catholic priests raped little boys for decades. The church decides what is "sin", and there are way too many sins if "the consequences of sin is death." And the unasked question: Why this kerfuffle over sex, but not over obesity? Ah.

  1. Lucia Kay Karakitsios's Avatar Lucia Kay Karakitsios

    They discovered Tantric yoga, which has been practiced for thousands of years. There is no movement in Tantric sex. It is an energetic exchange. It can promote vitality in men, because orgasm is not the goal.

    Education, is still key, to impart to our youth. Loop holes will continue be found as long as sexuality is shunned, hidden, considered evil, as long as women still dont have sovereign over their own bodies (still looked at as objects, or disrespected or still viewed as whores - what about the boys involed? - they are not called whores)

  1. Angel's Avatar Angel

    This is the most stupidest thing I have ever heard. It's still sex... They should have just allowed masterbation....

  1. Marius Gabriel Burja's Avatar Marius Gabriel Burja

    Stupid question deserves a wise answer. Do pigs have wings?

  1. Donald Zanghi's Avatar Donald Zanghi

    Rev. Don

    Tell me ow you enter and withdraw without MOVEMENT !

  1. Rev. Dr. James Jacob Showers Jr's Avatar Rev. Dr. James Jacob Showers Jr

    In the 80-90's, you used to hear this type of clatter, in relation to anal intercourse. Are they also using the 'who told you, you were naked, from the Almighty Boos?'

  1. Rev. Kev's Avatar Rev. Kev

    I think if you know something is wrong that you have to invent a workaround, then you also know the workaround is still doing the wrong thing. That being said, humans have a natural sex drive. And the more its repressed, the more it will find a way to express itself. Even in socially or physically unhealthy ways.

    The Bible-based prohibitions against sex before marriage are less about the act of sex and more about conditions in early Palestine. The people in the Bible lived in an agrarian society with no formal wills and estate laws. The entire estate was passed on to the eldest son. Families needed to make sure there were no possible claimants to an estate so sons needed to make sure their wives were virgins. The blood line needed to be "pure" (i.e. free of any other person who may have had sex with the woman and have a child through her). It had nothing to do with virginity being some exalted, special. clean state. Just that no one could lay claim to a family's land and way to make a living.

    Bear in mind these rules also took place in a time when the average lifespan was about 30 to 40 years and people got married and started families soon after puberty. So it was a whole lot easier to maintain chastity when a person was married off at the same time the sex drive was really kicking in. Nowadays people don't get married until their late 20s or 30s. If they get married at all. Kinda difficult to be chaste decades after puberty set in. So I think the entire "no sex before marriage" thing needs to be re-examined and not be a Rule for churches.

  1. Paul C Moore's Avatar Paul C Moore

    I was sexually abused as a toddler and that left me with a voracious appetite for sex. Sex was great before I became a Christian, but the condemnation and guilt I felt for having premarital sex was overwhelming. One day I did a short research on fornication and what it really meant. As it turned out, fornication and premarital sex are two very different behaviors.

    In Israel, during the time of Roman occupation, there were many pagan temples that had temple prostitutes. Fornication occurred when a man had sex with a temple prostitute thus joining himself to the pagan demon the temple represented through intercourse with the prostitute.

    If you choose to believe in the writings of Apostle Paul, he said, "Why be joined to a prostitute?" My girlfriend was not a prostitute, she was someone I loved dearly. I broke off with her because of the pressure my pastor was putting on me and my erroneous belief that I was taking my girlfriend to hell, another erroneous belief.

    So, let the Mormons soak. I think a lot of that will lead to more activity which isn't wrong, God made sex good for everyone. It's crazy to think I could put a lid on my sexual passions. My ex girlfriend and I never had children.

  1. Carla Jakola Smith's Avatar Carla Jakola Smith

    What?? I mean I was told by well meaning Christians growing up that I was raising my sons the wrong way. My oldest will be 36 in November and he waited until 30 to have a daughter and get married! 1 wife. 2 daughters. No accidents. My youngest son is 32. No accidents. So I think education and enlightenment about the whole idea, IMHO leads it to be less a “sin” and more a natural biological & physiological need/want. How is that sinful between consenting ADULTS?? I mean the newest division of Moonies worship with AR15s. Sex seems less dangerous if approached responsibly!!😳

  1. Sarah Raulerson's Avatar Sarah Raulerson

    I think the subject of sex in church needs to reframed. In Biblical times there were no cures for syphilis. It would just drive you crazy and then you would die. Unwed mothers and unwanted children ended up as sex slaves or worse..

    So of course sex outside of marriage was a sin...and a pretty bad one. Now sex is different and I think the church should try to evolve with the times and instead of presenting sex as a horrible sin, pose the question...are your sexual relations centered on love and God's plan for a healthy family?

    Because as long as we present a person's desire for sex as a taboo people will continue to abandon their faith to get their sexual needs met instead of using wisdom and discernment to decide when they are ready to explore sex as an expression of love within a healthy relationship guided by God's word.

  1. Gwendolyn Siobhan Patton's Avatar Gwendolyn Siobhan Patton

    Reminds me of another comic...

  1. Gary Clark's Avatar Gary Clark

    This might be a thing but it's still sin. Loopholes really. Trying to trick God. Don't be stupid.

  1. Tim Yorty's Avatar Tim Yorty

    Question: Is it a sexual act? - Yes Question: Are the people married? - No (probably not) Question: Is there penetration - Yes Question: Do they think God is stupid or is it just them?
    Sin is sin, no matter what you call it.
    Even the US Military knows the correct definition: from the UCMJ: Definitions. In this section: (1 ) S e x u a l a c t. The term "sexual act" means— (A ) Contact between the penis and the vulva or anus or mouth, and for purposes of this subparagraph contact involving the penis occurs upon penetration, however slight; or (B) the penetration, however slight, of the vulva or anus or mouth of another by any part of the body or by any object with an intent to abuse, humiliate, harass, or degrade any person or to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person. (2) Sexual contact. The term ‘sexual contact’ means— (A) touching, or causing another person to touch, either directly or through the clothing, the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of any person, with an intent to abuse, humiliate, or degrade any person; or (B) any touching, or causing another person to touch, either directly or through the clothing, any body part of any person, if done with an intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person. Touching may be accomplished by any part of the body.

    KNOW THIS: God is NOT mocked.

  1. Pastor Barton's Avatar Pastor Barton

    This website doesn't seem to be inclusive of organized religions. It seems more so for pushing the Democrats Agenda, and making fun anyone with actual Faith.

    It's totally possible kids came up with a loophole, just like with Catholics and anal.

    Kids these days grew up eating tide pods.

    Kids are kids, and that's why we teach them to not do foolish things.

    1. Reid Louis Barker's Avatar Reid Louis Barker

      Not exactly sure how the different myths and ideas get promulgated and exaggerated about a particular religion. I wish many people would stop guessing or making up stories. I can attest, from my direct involvement with thousands of Mormons (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) that virginity is NOT a requirement of marriage inside their temples or churches for men or women. Abstinence from sex before marriage is encouraged because of the level of respect and honor they are hoping to establish toward forming a lasting relationship that is not just about screwing each other (soaking is not any kind of teaching inside their religion). They still believe in forgiveness through the redeeming love of Jesus and his sacrifice for God's children. Kids will still experiment and do all manner of things that they do while trying to handle and rationalize the raging sexual feelings they are pained with. The problem with most organized religion is the ways they have chosen to demonize sex and try to make it sound dirty and sinful in order to convince the youth to hold on for marriage. Yet, it is still strange that the general teaching is that if a couple were to engage in sexual activity the night before their wedding, it would be evil in the sight of God. However, after signing a marriage certificate, they are now free to engage in any act they can possibly think of. Again, more concentration needs to be on the proper teaching of sexual health, and promoting how sex is only one of the pillars of a healthy, working relations

  1. John T Stark's Avatar John T Stark

    This is just too funny.

  1. Minister Raydeen's Avatar Minister Raydeen

    Is this where you can have two or three wives??? I rest my case

  1. Kevin D White's Avatar Kevin D White

    In the Bible, sensuality is usually listed with other evils that include sexual promiscuity and perversion. Also known as “lewdness” or “debauchery,” sensuality can be defined as “devotion to gratifying bodily appetites; free indulgence in carnal pleasures.” The word sensuality comes from the root word sense, which pertains to our five senses. The Greek word most often translated as “sensuality” means “outrageous conduct, shocking to public decency; wanton violence.” Sensuality is a total devotion to the gratification of the senses, to the exclusion of soul and spirit.

    Sensuality is an abuse of our God-given gifts. Those caught up in sensuality abuse the gift of sight by feasting the eyes on forbidden images such as pornography. They may feast the ears on ungodly conversation, jokes, or music (Ephesians 5:4). Those given to sensuality will indulge in “wild parties” (1 Peter 4:3), drug and alcohol abuse (Proverbs 20:1), sexual immorality (Hosea 4:10–11), and foolishness (Mark 7:21–22). The sensual follow the sinful desires of the flesh without boundaries or restraint. Ephesians 4:19 says of the ungodly that, “having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed.”

    Sensuality is often listed as one characteristic of those who “will not inherit the kingdom of God” (Galatians 5:19–21). When the Bible speaks of sensuality, it implies a loss of control over one’s passions and evil desires. Depraved sexuality is usually a part of it, as well. Romans 1:21–32 gives a detailed digression of those enslaved by sensuality, which leads to sexual perversions and eventually a reprobate mind. Sensuality is in direct opposition to God’s desire for us to live “by the Spirit” (Galatians 5:19, 25). Galatians 5:16 says, “Walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” If we are walking by the Spirit, we will not indulge in sensuality.

    Sensuality has no place in the life of a child of God (1 Peter 4:3). Romans 8:4 says that Christians “do not walk according to flesh but according to Spirit.” First John 2:15–16 warns us against loving “the things of this world,” which include the “lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.” Those things summarize the heart of sensuality. Jesus said, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23). That “cross” symbolizes death to our old sin nature. No one carried a cross who expected to come back alive. Jesus was saying that, in order to follow Him, we must allow Him to kill that old sin nature, which includes sensuality. We cannot please both Jesus and our flesh (Romans 8:8). Jesus is going in the opposite direction of our flesh. So before we can truly follow Christ, we must be willing to die to our old nature, which includes sensuality (1 Peter 2:24; Romans 6:2, 11).

    1. Pastor M. Booher's Avatar Pastor M. Booher

      Thank you Mr. White for taking the time to post substance instead of cheap attempts to get a laugh (childish humor). I am proud that there are others who take this calling seriously. All the best, M. Booher Keystone Ministries Southern California Ordained Minister in good standing ULC (Universal Life Church)

  1. Gregory SG's Avatar Gregory SG

    I think it’s ridiculous for all kinds of reasons. The biggest is that both with have to be a roused somehow. So there will have to be some master bating involved. There you have broken the agreement with intent. You don’t put a toothbrush in your mouth to clean your ears. These things need to be taught in a different light. It’s not evil or wrong it’s just not easy to raise a child but is easy to create one. These are my quips on the matter it’s much more involved then a quick statement.

  1. Andrew John Crowbridge's Avatar Andrew John Crowbridge

    Why don’t we all just admit, religion is just fashionable in the US. Similar to saying you’re a member of the Lions Club or or the PTO of a school.

  1. Jay Dwayne Groom's Avatar Jay Dwayne Groom

    After so many years of marriage I tried this with my wife, but I only found a dry hole. No soaking, only scraping. Ouch.

    1. Kenneth Roberts's Avatar Kenneth Roberts

      That would be your fault, not hers

  1. Richard Lee Cornell's Avatar Richard Lee Cornell

    That is one way to increase the number of births. He might not be having sex, tell it to the girl who just got pregnant. Sorry nature does not act that way just because someone puts it online. It is like those females of the Catholic faith that have sex without getting pregnant by many means other than the proper way of getting pregnant only to find her lover has gone away after she is knock up.

  1. Judith Louise Jackson's Avatar Judith Louise Jackson

    I can't even. Seriously, those children know what they are doing. The excuse is to fool the parents into thinking they didn't have relations. If this works for either parents or leaders who are preaching celibacy then maybe there needs to be a review of leadership and or parenting skills. It's my opinion that you can't tell a teenager not to do something because it's bad. You have to turn it around and make it their choice to do the right thing. Maybe that's just me.

    1. Jack Gerber's Avatar Jack Gerber

      "you can't tell a teenager not to do something because it's bad. You have to turn it around and make it their choice to do the right thing"

      That is VERY well put. The best advice I have ever seen for parenting.

  1. Gwendolyn Lord's Avatar Gwendolyn Lord

    Sex, the most natural and primal of all acts, prohibited and shameful. Shame, the Great Controller. Weird ways to get around prohibitions, guaranteed to inculcate sexual dysfunction down the line. No real pleasure allowed!

    Well, my God/dess says different. Sex is sacred, a sacrament, a holy act between two souls.... when you feel free within yourself, with your partner, and your spiritual practice knows the sacred aspects, and feels comfortable exploring and expressing this, without discomfort, rigidity, shame. Healthy sex. Equal partners in pleasure.

    "Soaking" is pure hypocrisy. A sure fire way to be brutally inhibited.

    "The earth is my church, and my body is the altar." A bumpersticker I had on one of my old cars, years ago.

    1. Carla Jakola Smith's Avatar Carla Jakola Smith


  1. James's Avatar James

    Religion has always been about control. Ask any woman, if they could put a Chasity device on their males, if they would. Religion saw the control properties of keeping men chaste.

    Remember in early tribes, religion ruled, so make it a sin to have sex , why? A chaste is more controlled and more productive.

    The whole sex thing is religion based, not god based, God said " Go forth and multiply"

    Told Abraham, his descendants would be great and many.

    No where in quoted text, has God or Jesus came out negatively toward sex.

    I think the practice is ridiculous, soaking, and it really must be frustrating to the kids.

    Kudo's to the kids for finding a way around a stupid rule.


    1. Paul C Moore's Avatar Paul C Moore


    2. Olivier Ammour-Mayeur's Avatar Olivier Ammour-Mayeur

      "The whole sex thing is religion based, not god based, God said " Go forth and multiply" "

      The issue with that sentence is that churches tend to equal "Multiply" with "No sex without making babies intended"!!

      So, they consider that, if you have sex without the intend to have babies (hence the NO condom policy!!), then it is a sin...

  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

    I'm very curious, if there is no moving in and out, how does it get "in" there when they do it, and how do they get it "out" without moving it? Isn't that an in and out movement?

    However, it's not as bad another religious ritual, that of removing a little boys foreskin as a baby.

    Religious dogma is so weird, and we only have ourselves to blame for it by believing such rubbish. I'm glad I'm out of it!


    1. Mark Fredrick Farner's Avatar Mark Fredrick Farner


    2. Jack Gerber's Avatar Jack Gerber

      Very well said Lionheart.

  1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

    And just how can this be a loophole? According to the Mormon Church in Utah, a Mormon Bride must be pure and chaste and above all, a virgin. Now if she has already allowed someone to do this, then she isnt a virgin now is she? And yes the Boy must also be a virgin as well.

  1. David Arthur Lewis's Avatar David Arthur Lewis

    Makes as much sense as the Magic Underpants.

  1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

    Mormons are fun because they create new gods and new religion as they go, to serve the needs of the one who creates the latest dream that becomes dogma. Talk about a convenient deal and a profitable one too.

    1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

      Christians do the same thing. In 2,000 years since the creation of the one true Christian religion there are now 50,000. Now that's evolution.

  1. Rev Nolan's Avatar Rev Nolan

    I absolutely agree with complete abstinence until marriage; however, I strongly advocate marriage when the hormones begin doing their thing AND parents dealing with THAT instead of religious transgressions, unacceptable teenage pregnancies, and having to confess to their bishops that they engaged in acts worthy of callings in the Church

    Society needs to learn to live with the facts of life regardless of their religious persuasions or perspectives. People begin masturbating before puberty in the discovery process of their body parts. Nature sets the time clock for exploration with sexual identity, sexual aspirations, and newfound thinking process. Regardless of religious beliefs, these are just facts of life. This means that we have to adapt our belief systems to reality, not the other way around. This means pubescent marriage and responsibilities, youthful grandparenting, and responsible sexual behavior supported by the social network that these young people require to truly be psychologically stable and socially acceptable.

    1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

      Rev Nolan why do you want to force kids into marriage when the hormones begin doing their thing? Why can't kids have fun with sex without getting married? It's pretty common in Europe that high school girls and boys have sleepovers starting at age 14. Maybe it's time to rethink the way you are thinking.... It's pretty much outdated.

      1. Rev Nolan's Avatar Rev Nolan

        With every action comes responsibility. Unless the human race has become wild animals having babies willynilly, I don’t understand your point about marriage being out of date.

    2. Tom's Avatar Tom

      Are you really advocating for child marriage here? I highly doubt allowing a 12 year old going through to get married will solve the problem when what we really need is better sex education and an end to the stigma surrounding premarital sex. The fact that a child has hit puberty does not mean they are ready to be married, nor does it mean they are ready for sexual intercourse. Their body may be going through changes that allow them to reproduce but psychologically they will still lack the maturity needed for healthy sexual relationships which can only come with time.

      1. Rev Nolan's Avatar Rev Nolan

        Yes, I support child marriage, but along with that marriage I support parental responsibility for the minor married couples. With every action, humans need to accept responsibility.

  1. tuppennyblue's Avatar tuppennyblue

    And they can do this with their magic underpants still in place?

    1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

      The Mormon girls I knew did not wear them.

  1. Bishop William Dusenberry, DD's Avatar Bishop William Dusenberry, DD

    As a ULC Bishop, with a DD, and several other doctorates (as well as being a FFRR Celebrant who can preform marriages, either ULC administered, or by the FFRF) I advise all Mormons (LDS’ers) to follow the biblical models of what constitutes what some call a marriage.

    Firstly, Adam and Eve, never married, nor did Abraham , Moses or the Virgin Mary.

    And the Mormons — regardless of what any of them tell you, have a different God than the otherwise Christian God.

    How can all of us know this?

    Because the Christian God has a son, who after he was tortured to death, by his Christian God father — claimed that he, as Jesus, would “come again” (to our planet Earth) but as of today, there is no record that he’s ever returned.

    The Mormon God too, had a son named Jesus, who like the Christian God said he’d come again — who, unlike the Christian God’s son, has already come again - to what is now Missouri some 1000 years ago.

    We ULC’ers can either pick a God whose son has already returned to this Earth — as has the Mormon God; or, if they are so inclined, pick a Jesus who has a Christian father, who won’t allow him to return to Earth — as long as the GOP threatens USA Christians with supporting Trump for President again.

    And, don’t forget — the only provable God, is the SHP proven God — who never had a son (nor a daughter— as far as we know).

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      I can't think of any gods or goddesses who don't have sons, Dusendingleberry. They are called demi-gods. You sound like you think the two gods you speak of are the only ones there are. That may be true in Christian and Mormon mythology, but there are many other myths you can choose from, if you aren't satisfied with the two petty gods you speak of, and their only sons. A God who can't produce more than one son is bound to be dysfunctional. What's wrong with him? Can't he get it up? Or is he just too damn ugly to find a goddess to mate with?

      1. Rev Nolan's Avatar Rev Nolan

        I like the point you make about a god, even the Christian God, not being able to reproduce more than one child. I never thought in terms of how dysfunctional such a god/goddess or the Christian God must be. Great point made.

        1. Amy Varela's Avatar Amy Varela

          The Dagda in Celtic religion had several children. Aengus, Brigit, Bodb Derg, Cermait, Aed, and Midir. There should be another called Ogma. (Brigid is the goddess that the people of Ireland refused to stop worshipping, so the slaughterers - I mean the "Christians/Catholics" - made her a saint.) Their mother is the Morrighan, the goddess who accompanies fallen soldiers to the Otherworld.

          The Dagda is better than all the rest of those one-shot-wonder gods!

          Still doesn't make him real. There is no proof of an actual, all-powerful creator who GAF what we do.

    2. Gerardo Salazar's Avatar Gerardo Salazar

      God created Eve and took her to Adam. I would say this is marriage. Abraham’s wife was Sarah and Moses’ Zipporah and as for Virgin Mary she was married to Joseph. Where did you get the info about they not being married?

    3. Gerardo Salazar's Avatar Gerardo Salazar

      God created Eve and took her to Adam. I would say this is marriage. Abraham’s wife was Sarah and Moses’ Zipporah and as for Virgin Mary she was married to Joseph. Where did you get the info about they not being married?

  1. Bishop William Dusenberry, DD's Avatar Bishop William Dusenberry, DD

    As a ULC Bishop, with a DD, and several other doctorates (as well as being a FFRR Celebrant who can preform marriages, either ULC administered, or by the FFRF) I advise all Mormons (LDS’ers) to follow the biblical models of what constitutes what some call a marriage.

    Firstly, Adam and Eve, never married, nor did Abraham , Moses or the Virgin Mary.

    And the Mormons — regardless of what any of them tell you, have a different God than the otherwise Christian God.

    How can all of us know this?

    Because the Christian God has a son, who after he was tortured to death, by his Christian God father — claimed that he, as Jesus, would “come again” (to our planet Earth) but as of today, there is no record that he’s ever returned.

    The Mormon God too, had a son named Jesus, who like the Christian God said he’d come again — who, unlike the Christian God’s son, has already come again - to what is now Missouri some 1000 years ago.

    We ULC’ers can either pick a God whose son has already returned to this Earth — as has the Mormon God; or, if they are so inclined, pick a Jesus who has a Christian father, who won’t allow him to return to Earth — as long as the GOP threatens USA Christians with supporting Trump for President again.

    And, don’t forget — the only provable God, is the SHP proven God — who never had a son (nor a daughter— as far as we know).

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Ooooo that’s exciting that you say there’s a provable God. Tell me more, which one is it? Adding the demonstrable evidence would be a bonus 🤗


      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        I thought honorary Dusendingleberry, with all his honorary titles would have been quick to respond to you Lionheart, with proof of the existence of a god. I wonder what could have happened to that honorary bishop doctor. Maybe he has to read a pamphlet to make him some other kind of honorary doçtor of divinity first. That could take a very long time for a genius like him who recently graduated from the first grade. But ofcourse however, a bishop of the ULC need not have more formal education than that, as long as his mommy and daddy are present to help him with the big words. I get a kick out of the way some of these ministers, the ones who set themselves apart from the rest of us, through their schizophrenic delusions of grandeur, stick their foot in their mouths every time, and never respond to someone who challenges them. Then when they do speak again it's on a totally different subject, never again mentioning their other unsubstantiated delusions, and off they go again, with some more unsubstantiated rubbish, from their exalted place on high.

    2. JaZe's Avatar JaZe

      pardon ?

    3. Reverend GRH's Avatar Reverend GRH

      Comment removed by user.

  1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

    More than 90 percent of men and women have reported engaging in premarital sex. I have found Mormon women are always the one who are most eager to have sex. Once they are married that's it. Where as guys, if they are Fundamentalist Mormons can have many wives.

    I you ever talk to a Mormon wife who is in a plural marriage they will tell you about all of the advantages. They disadvantage according to them are the Christians ridicule them for being in a plural marriage.

    Mormons are the nicest people. I have to ask, would you like to live next door to a fundamentalist Christian or a fundamentalist Mormon? I would choose a fundamentalist Mormon every time.

    1. Angel's Avatar Angel

      I live in a Mormom community (non-plural) and they are the meanest or worst people in the Christian sector I have met. They hook each other up, trying to climb the latter to get close to the lead Minister and his family, they makerude comments to people who aren't Mormom, they have shunned other children out of sport teams, comunity events, ect. The lead pastor's kid got away with everything including a DUI because the cop was a member of the church. He stole from his job, sold drugs to the store manager, would steal money out of the register's and make the employess thing their draw was short and have them pay money out of their own pocket's to pay it back, stole medications from people, and even made a deal with the regional manager to hook up his family at the church if he promoted him to store manager. Let's just say one phone call to the home office stopped that right away :) I was told by a Mormom cashier while purchasing a scratcher ticket to "not use satan's power's to win when he saw my necklace. And I had a friend who was part of the Mormon church who volunteered in the childcare and told me abuses towards the children. She wouldn't even take her own daughter there for that reason. They come to your house every month to deand their 10%, and make you volunteer your time otherwise they shun you. The more generations that are there, the more privalages you get. It's a religious country club without the perks unless your the main pastor or his family. It's sick. All Christian churches are horrible, but I have found this to be one of the worst.

    2. pjm's Avatar pjm

      Comment removed by user.

    3. Angel's Avatar Angel

      I haven't met any plural families, but I did watch a show (not sister -wives, I think Cody is doing it right) but they were out in the middle of Utah. The guy had 3 wives. The first and second wives had jobs so they would dump all the kids on the third wife every day. 15 kids!! this woman had to watch and she was pregnant. Left to homeschool, to feed, to care for, and she looked miserable! It's to much and could potential lead to abuse. On the outside, sure, people whould live as they chose, but the energy of the show was way different then Sister Wives. The wives didn't seem happy. a lot of suppression and depression, the kids didn't look very cared for. How could they get their needs met by one wife? I think it just depends on how it's handled. I like Sister Wives and Seeking Sister Wives because they have their own lives and each wife is in charge of their own family. They lack connection as a whole, but I don't see the suppression on the more "raw" shows. They literally can come and go as they please and not strapped down with 15 or children kids for one wife. I do see what they feed these kids, not very nutritious when they "feed the herd" . People can live as they chose, but there is also a line when neglect, supression and abuse becomes involved.

  1. Martin Daniels's Avatar Martin Daniels

    Sex is sex, from the moment two consenting people decide to have an intimate physical relationship with one another it is sex. Putting the penis in the vagina is an act of sex even though they don’t move. Because at least the boy’s penis has to be erect. So in my humble opinion they have sex.

    1. Michael M Goldman's Avatar Michael M Goldman

      My wife must be a closet Mormon. She never moves.

      1. Chuck Kaye's Avatar Chuck Kaye

        Michael and Harvey, you both got scolded. Hahaha.

        Autistic spectrum people do not recognize humor especially humorous innuendo or indirect humor. It's not their fault be patient and forgiving.

      2. HARVEY Bailey's Avatar HARVEY Bailey

        What is her phone number, and I will ask her for you ?

        1. Pastor M. Booher's Avatar Pastor M. Booher

          Are you kidding me with this juvenile attempt at humor. The fact you 2 ( Michael and Harvey)are here acting this way sickens me. I hope you learn how to at least act like men so that when your final days arrive you are not filled with lament with regards to your wasted life. You should know better than this by now, keep trying to work on yourselves. You will eventually get to a place of intellect and peace. Good luck and remember, you are examples to those who need spiritual strength. Act like it .

          1. EC's Avatar EC

            Pastor M. Booher is right!

            Humor, like sex, is an affront to GOD. We were not created in HIS image to sally forth in lascivious hilarity.

            Now sit down, put on your drabbest grays and ponder the many ways in which your suffering pleases the Almighty Creator! If you're not suffering enough, proceed to inflict pain on your worthless, sinful body.

            Oh, and don't laugh. GOD knows we don't need anymore laughing!

    2. Ernest Pearson's Avatar Ernest Pearson

      Yes correct.

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    Scientific proof Only one sperm can make a woman pregnant plus the risk of STIs

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