Is it disrespectful to wear revealing clothing in sacred spaces?
That’s the debate Kim Kardashian sparked after she visited the Vatican in a white lace cutout dress that many people insist wasn’t exactly appropriate attire for such a sacrosanct place.
While photos of the media mogul’s Vatican visit accrued some 3 million ‘likes’ (and counting!) on Instagram, many of the thousands of comments were from disappointed fans.
"The most inappropriate dress worn to go to church let alone to visit the Vatican," stated one commenter. Another replied: "I love you Kim but this is so inappropriate. I know your brand is wearing the least amount of fabric but for us Catholics this is a sacred place.”
While Kardashian insists that she “fully covered up while inside St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel,” the photos are inspiring a larger debate on modesty in sacred spaces.
Some Very Strict Church Clothes
The Vatican is notorious for turning away visitors who don't follow its strict dress code, which is listed on its website as follows:
"Sleeveless and / or low-cut garments, shorts above the knee, miniskirts and hats are not permitted. The requirement of decorum extends also to any visible personal objects as well as similarly visible distinctive personal signs (such as, for example, tattoos) that may offend Catholic morality, the Catholic religion and common decency."

Adding to the outrage, black is traditionally worn, and generally only Catholic queens wear white to the Vatican, a custom heads of state, world leaders, and celebrities typically follow when visiting the holy site. Although the formal ban on non-black attire’s no longer in effect, many found this to be yet another reason the decision to wear a lacy white dress was in poor taste.
This isn't the first time revealing clothes and strict dress codes have recently caused an uproar. Late last year, we posted about Egyptian model Salma El-Shimy, who wore a tightly-fitting pharaoh costume for a photoshoot in front of the pyramids in Giza, Egypt. Both El-Shimy and her photographer were later arrested as media outlets across the conservative country branded her photoshoot “provocative and offensive,” and one government official even said about her that "anyone who shows negligence when it comes to antiquities or our unique Egyptian civilization will be punished." El-Shimy, however, received praise from many Egyptians on social media for the photos, saying that if the country wants to grow its international reputation and appeal to tourists, it needs to let women dress how they want. Arresting people for dressing the "wrong" way will inevitably deter visitors, they say.
Making a Statement
Maybe there’s more to it, though. While Kardashian’s well-known for wearing revealing clothing, perhaps she chose this particular garment to send a message. As fashion magazine Vogue pointed out, Kardashian’s dress, designed by Mexican fashion designer Victor Barragán, is based on the Mexican Inquisition, where the Catholic Church persecuted alleged witchcraft practitioners, specifically women. As he told Vogue, “the collection is about sexuality as power and protection from widespread patriarchal domination… There’s a sense of female empowerment throughout the collection.” Was Kardashian using her clothing to subtly comment on patriarchy and Catholicism? It's not out of the realm of possibility for a woman who's very tuned-in to the world of fashion.
Whatever Kardashian’s reason for wearing the revealing dress, it’s clear that many weren’t happy with her choice of apparel.
What do you think? Should she have worn a more modest outfit when visiting the Vatican? Was the dress truly disrespectful and inappropriate, or is the outrage being overblown?
Very little idea who this person is, and why I should care.
I agree with you. If someone is very worried about this, then he is one step from sin.
She's not worth caring about...
I have no idea why this talentless family is famous. If the Vatican let her in with that outfit on it is their business.
There is nothing wrong with the way she looks women should not have to dress like we live in the 1800 people or even back in the days were men were in control it is not a man's world anymore get over it people women should be allowed to dress the way they want to
That person is only trying to get attention and stay relevant. She feeds on attention. I'll bet YOU would'nt disrespect a church or mosque by dressing as a person with no class. Don't get me wrong, love to see the eye candy on display, but there is a time and place for everything.
Amen John, but she is a Kardashian, which speaks for itself! Narcissism is an addiction, as former president D J Trump can attest. When in public they have to be the center of attention!
Amen jerrell. I feel the same way you do about it
She can look sexy everywhere and anywhere but in the vatican it reeks of provocation!
It’s not about gender, you silly girl (I assume from the ignorance of your comment that you are, oh I don’t know, 12) it’s about respect for a Sacred space. The Vatican, or any other Sacred space, is NOT a place to go just for publicity.
Then women shouldn't whine when they get unwanted attention. That's just common sense.
Amen Cindy!!!
So by that rationale , women should wear bathing suits to church… hey ! It’s their right… except there’s a little thing called respect for the surroundings that you are a guest in. Dress like a whore at home , but a woman who commands respect outside the home.
While I feel rules/people/cultures need to lighten up about what women wear (it is the 21st Century after all), I think Kim’s “statement” dress, regardless of what she may have been trying to say, was way out of line. I don’t care if she is a celebrity or not. That dress has serious sexual undertones, and that, in and of itself, makes it completely inappropriate and disrespectful as attire to visit the Vatican. Clothing rules aside, does she really have so little respect for herself? There are times when wearing certain things is just out of place. I mean, would she wear that kind of outfit to a funeral?! Come on, Kim K. Grow up.
That's the problem, She's grown older, but has not been forced to grow up when it comes to behaving appropriately. Because her family has had money all her life, she's been able to pay cash for her gaffs, rather than being punished by her parents. Like many of her generation that grew up with money, she has no real concept of punishment. People DO need to lighten up, about a great many things, when it comes to sexuality, but the concept of dressing appropriately for the situation is also important. She doesn't need to be wearing a burkha, but, like you said, "would she go to a funeral in that" would be a good way to judge if it was appropriate to wear in a theocracy that is so conservative that it can't admit that it has made many mistakes in the past.
It shouldn't mean women have to ware clothes to cover themselves up to go to church I am a pagan ordained minister and I ware what I want
Pastor, the LOVELY Kim Kardashian did the vile Vatican a favor by visiting that hypocritical Sexist, Racist place!!!
Nothing can offend idol-worshipping Catholic morality, because the Godless Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican are immoral. The white god idol-worshipping Catholic religion is offensive to Father God and My VICTORIOUS Twin Brother Christ due to its historic and present persecution and killing of innocent men, women and CHILDREN!!! Plus the vile and vicious Vatican does not have the common decency to obey God’s First and Second Commandments in Exodus 20:3-5 which declares to the Vatican and to the world, but especially the vile Vatican:
- You shalt have no other gods before Me.
- You shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of ANY THING that is in Heaven above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth:
- You shalt not Bow Down thyself to them, nor Serve them: for I the LORD your God am a JEALOUS GOD, visiting the iniquity [SIN] of the fathers [and the mothers] upon the CHILDREN unto the third and fourth generation of them that HATE ME!!!
The idol-worshipping parents are the ones destroying their CHILDREN even beyond the third and fourth generation with idolatrous teachings!!! Therefore the guilty Vatican and the guilty parents teach the INNOCENT CHILDREN TO HATE GOD!!! As the American corrupt Just-Ice system says: Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Leave the LOVELY Kim Kardashian alone. She did the pathetic pope a favor by visiting that Grand SINFUL PLACE!!!
Sincerely, your Friend Nimrod, The Spiritual Revolutionary.
I find it interesting that your perspective of that dress is that it has sexual undertones. I see a beautiful white dress that draws attention to, (i.e., Celebrates) the womb. How much more "holy" (pun intended) can you get?
There's a time and place for everything.If she's attending a gala event or going clubbing great.It's not an appropiate for the Vatican.It's only common sense,enough said.
The LOVELY Kim Kardashian did the vile Vatican a favor by visiting that hypocritical Sexist, Racist place!!!
Nothing can offend idol-worshipping Catholic morality, because the Godless Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican are immoral. The white god idol-worshipping Catholic religion is offensive to Father God and My VICTORIOUS Twin Brother Christ due to its historic and present persecution and killing of innocent men, women and CHILDREN!!! Plus the vile and vicious Vatican does not have the common decency to obey God’s First and Second Commandments in Exodus 20:3-5 which declares to the Vatican and to the world, but especially the vile Vatican:
- You shalt have no other gods before Me.
- You shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of ANY THING that is in Heaven above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth:
- You shalt not Bow Down thyself to them, nor Serve them: for I the LORD your God am a JEALOUS GOD, visiting the iniquity [SIN] of the fathers [and the mothers] upon the CHILDREN unto the third and fourth generation of them that HATE ME!!!
The idol-worshipping parents are the ones destroying their CHILDREN even beyond the third and fourth generation with idolatrous teachings!!! Therefore the guilty Vatican and the guilty parents teach the INNOCENT CHILDREN TO HATE GOD!!! As the American corrupt Just-Ice system says: Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Leave the LOVELY Kim Kardashian alone. She did the pathetic pope a favor by visiting that Grand SINFUL PLACE!!!
Sincerely, your Friend Nimrod, The Spiritual Revolutionary.
So what? The Druids did their religious gatherings in the Nude. So do Satanists and so did some of the Greeks. So whats the fuss, at least she is dressed and while not what I would have chosen for her; she is visiting just like the catholic Church wants people to do.
In Wicca it's called sky clad, and we sometimes do our rituals that way, too.
I fall under the catagory as Pagan as well, though skyclad is not partof my beliefs. But, I got a question for you, just curious and answer honestly please, what would you sdo if everyone was naked but one member refused to undress and wore,,,like an amish dress that covered everything...would you question them? would you accept them with open arms? Or would you feel disrespected and drilling them about why they are there if they were not willing to conform to the coven's belief system? just curious...
Sorry, I can't help you with that one Angel. I'm not a coven practitioner, but a natural eclectic solitairy. I engage only in rituals alone. However, there are numerous other Pagans and Wiccans who are sometimes active on this blog,who are coven members, and would probably answer that question.
What in fact constitutes a sacred place? Perhaps a recently found burial place of children killed by Catholics? Certainly not anything owned by Catholics.
The whole family attracts attention wherever they are On a personal note No she should not be wearing revealing clothes in a place of worship .Save it for private use.Im not a prude my wife would never dream of going out in public.Its meant for the indoors It's the way I was brought up
Don't forget the old, English song Nicholas, Break On Through To The Other Side. It may take a lot of work to get over the way we were raised, but the benefits we'll reap; the freedom to call our souls our own, are well worth it. So, as another old song goes, "Take a trip on the wild side", and dare to be different than your Mum and Dad thought you should be. And now that I know you're married, we must take your wife with us to that gay Pride parade we're going to next June.
All I see is a very beautiful woman, what does everyone else see?
.... attractive yes, if all the add-ons are preferred. Imagine if there were humans like this!
Lionheart, We see exactly what you see, a very Beautiful Woman.
Sincerely, your Friend Nimrod, The Spiritual Revolutionary.
Ahhh! I see you assume the sexual identity of this creature....in the immortal words of Crocodile Dundee, when he grabs what he thinks is a 'Sheilia's " crotch...'you aint a Sheilia...your're a bloke'!!...LOL!!! Welcome to the dark side....after all, their "dad" did the old switch-a-roo" eh?
Darn it! You could indeed be right. What we tend to see as people with female genitalia, could in fact be the opposite gender. Life sure has got very complicated just lately!
lol, trust me, you don't want to know..
Kim K beautiful? Wow, no. Lipstick on a pig.
I’m reading a little bit of hate or is it jealousy.
God bless. Rev Robert Wilson
The Catholic church is only upset, because she's an adult dressed like this, If she were say 8 years old and dressed like this, their pedo-priesthood wouldn't complain.
You are either very sick, or very sad. Go to a doctor, or get a life.
Actually, I think you mean if he were dressed like this.
I always thought that the idea was to bring God to as many as possible. Now, people are complaining about what she is wearing. Shouldn’t people be happy that another person is drawn to God, even if it is a Kardashian. Would this be an uproar if it was some nobody? No, because no one would have noticed.
Are there rules before entering the Vatican about what is permissible wear? Every mosque I have been to has someone at the door to confirm that we are wearing the appropriate wear for the mosque.
I think that people just have very boring lives if this is a big deal. Get over it!
Oh my Goddess, how dare she bare her skin, how dare she wear white. Who decreed these dress codes? My guess is the men in control of the patriarchal money making "religious" establishment of Catholicism.
When I was a child in Catholic School I was told that Jesus welcomes everyone equally. There was no mention of a dress code. We are born naked.
Let's stop criticizing women for their "lack" of clothing and start celebrating the beauty of womanhood in all shapes and sizes
The way this women makes a living is with controversy and getting clicks. I would very much like to see what happens to her if she drives a car in Saudi Arabia? Might be the last we here from her.
I don't see a problem. If someone is annoyed by the sight of a slightly dressed woman, this is his problem. And the problem of his psychologist, probably ;)
Sergiy We agree with you.
Sincerely your Friend Nimrod, The Spiritual Revolutionary.
And you are missing the point entirely.
The LOVELY Kim Kardashian did the vile Vatican a favor by visiting that hypocritical Sexist, Racist place!!!
Nothing can offend idol-worshipping Catholic morality, because the Godless Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican are immoral. The white god idol-worshipping Catholic religion is offensive to Father God and My VICTORIOUS Twin Brother Christ due to its historic and present persecution and killing of innocent men, women and CHILDREN!!! Plus the vile and vicious Vatican does not have the common decency to obey God’s First and Second Commandments in Exodus 20:3-5 which declares to the Vatican and to the world, but especially the vile Vatican:
- You shalt have no other gods before Me.
- You shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of ANY THING that is in Heaven above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth:
- You shalt not Bow Down thyself to them, nor Serve them: for I the LORD your God am a JEALOUS GOD, visiting the iniquity [SIN] of the fathers [and the mothers] upon the CHILDREN unto the third and fourth generation of them that HATE ME!!!
The idol-worshipping parents are the ones destroying their CHILDREN even beyond the third and fourth generation with idolatrous teachings!!! Therefore the guilty Vatican and the guilty parents teach the INNOCENT CHILDREN TO HATE GOD!!! As the American corrupt Just-Ice system says: Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Leave the LOVELY Kim Kardashian alone. She did the pathetic pope a favor by visiting that Grand SINFUL PLACE!!!
Sincerely, your Friend Nimrod, The Spiritual Revolutionary.
IDK, I've been reading alot of comments on how women should be allowed to dress however they want, and claiming it is natural benude or walk around in revealing clothes. I'd like to put this in perspective. Taking a dump is just as natural yet nobody wants to sit there and look at a terd falling out of someone's bunghole. It's no different. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. If you want people to respect your beliefs, you must also respect theirs. Just saying....
God made em and they built her a billion dollar net worth. What's not to like?
God made you a moron.
And she made you JUDGEMENTAL
Is it that she's not white, Patricia, or is it that you don't like your idols being used in the old usual way that the Church uses you? Anyway I forgive you, on behalf of Christ, whom you never knew.
I feel like this is something of a non-story. The Vatican has a dress-code which is enforced by Vatican staff on entry to buildings. Assuming she didn't break in or change outfits after entry (which would both seem bigger stories), then we can presume that the Vatican staff permitted her entry - ergo, her outfit was deemed to be acceptable to the staff on duty.
If anyone has an issue with her choice of attire in such a place, it should therefore be taken up with the Vatican, not Kim herself.
I wonder why she's posing with Sixtus.
I don't think he'd like that too much!
Sixtus extended the penalty of excommunication relating to the Roman Catholic Church's teaching on contraception and abortion.
While the Church taught that abortion and contraception were gravely sinful actions ("mortal sins"), it did not apply to all mortal sins the additional penalty of excommunication.
Although homicide had always required this penalty, contraception had not.
Patristic and Medieval theologians and physicians had long speculated and debated over the exact moment the fertilised egg became a human being.
While there was broad agreement among them that life was present at conception and that it could only become a human being, the thinking was that this did not necessarily mean God had infused the rational, immortal soul into the body at conception.
Following Aristotle, many in the West had theorized that the matter had to be prepared to a certain point before this could happen and, prior to then, there was only a vegetative or sensitive soul, but not a human soul.
This meant that killing an organism before the human soul is infused would still be a grave sin of abortion (or at least contraception), but that it was not properly a homicide and, thus, did not require excommunication
Some theologians argued that only after proof of the "quickening" (when the mother can feel the fetus's movement in her womb, usually about 20 weeks into gestation) that there was incontrovertible evidence that ensoulment had already occurred.
Until Sixtus V, canon lawyers had applied the code from Gratian whereby excommunications were only given to abortions after the quickening.
In 1588 the pope issued a papal bull, Effraenatam or Effrenatam ("Without Restraint"), which declared that the canonical penalty of excommunication would be levied for any form of contraception and for abortions at any stage in fetal development.
The reasoning on the latter would be that the soul of the unborn child would be denied Heaven.
Sixtus also attempted in 1586 to introduce into the secular law in Rome the Old Testament penalty for adultery, which is death.
The measure ultimately failed.
Sixtus V died on 27 August 1590 from malarial fever. He was the last pope to date to use the name Sixtus. The pope became ill with a fever on 24 August; it intensified the following day.
As Sixtus V lay on his deathbed, he was loathed by his political subjects, but history has recognized him as one of the most important popes.
On the negative side, he could be impulsive, obstinate, severe, and autocratic.
On the positive side, he was open to large ideas and threw himself into his undertakings with energy and determination; this often led to success.
His pontificate saw great enterprises and great achievements.
The changes wrought by Sixtus on the street plan of Rome were documented in a film,
Rome: Impact of an Idea, featuring Edmund N. Bacon and based on sections of his book Design of Cities.
Narcissist indeed. She is a billionaire intent on making her second billion, nothing more. Personally I liked her better before the lip enhancing surgery.
Vatican staff feel threatened by bare female shoulders. This gives a nice business to the people outside selling long scarves that cover shoulders. How important.
Women should not have to cover up
I agree with Cindy wholeheartedly, but only want to see the pretty ones naked, anyplace they choose to strip.
The marbel statues all through the Vatican have more human characteristics than this silicone monstrosity. Love to see her visit Al Haram Mosque dressed like that, as they still have public beheadings, but of course that would never happen because the muslims consider that site to be holy, and would not even let her off the plane.
John, the LOVELY Kim Kardashian did the vile Vatican a favor by visiting that hypocritical Sexist, Racist place!!!
Nothing can offend idol-worshipping Catholic morality, because the Godless Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican are immoral. The white god idol-worshipping Catholic religion is offensive to Father God and My VICTORIOUS Twin Brother Christ due to its historic and present persecution and killing of innocent men, women and CHILDREN!!! Plus the vile and vicious Vatican does not have the common decency to obey God’s First and Second Commandments in Exodus 20:3-5 which declares to the Vatican and to the world, but especially the vile Vatican:
- You shalt have no other gods before Me.
- You shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of ANY THING that is in Heaven above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth:
- You shalt not Bow Down thyself to them, nor Serve them: for I the LORD your God am a JEALOUS GOD, visiting the iniquity [SIN] of the fathers [and the mothers] upon the CHILDREN unto the third and fourth generation of them that HATE ME!!!
The idol-worshipping parents are the ones destroying their CHILDREN even beyond the third and fourth generation with idolatrous teachings!!! Therefore the guilty Vatican and the guilty parents teach the INNOCENT CHILDREN TO HATE GOD!!! As the American corrupt Just-Ice system says: Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Leave the LOVELY Kim Kardashian alone. She did the pathetic pope a favor by visiting that Grand SINFUL PLACE!!!
Sincerely, your Friend Nimrod, The Spiritual Revolutionary.
You really expect me to reply to a 'copy/paste?
The saying "When in Rome, do what the Romans do" This person's complete lack of respect for another culture's sense of decorum is revolting. I'd love to see her visit the Dome of the Rock, AKA: Arabic Qubbat al-Sakhrah, the first major Muslim monument for the public.Her silly ass would'nt even be allowed near Mecca, just because she (I assume) is female.Funny how all these "political statements" never challenge modern day religions that still, to this day, will shed blood at the slighest precieved provocation or disrespect.
Out of all the people in the world who actually want to visit him, why would he pick someone who only cares about the camera's? Perhaps the Pope has a few skeletonsin his own closets that we should know about.
People do things for different reasons, Angel, and not all are seeking respect.
Who are they kidding, those people running the Vatican wouldn't even notice.
Why surprised? You're talking about a chic who made and released a sex tape to get in the public eye. This is all done to remain relevant. If everyone said "Ho Hum... don't care" she'd find another way to get attention.
I don't think it's great that she wore a dress with cut-outs to the Vatican, but I also don't know why people are shocked or surprised that a woman who built her brand on the back of...well, being ON her back...well, it's just not surprising behavior.
I think that bodily autonomy is a basic human right, and that she ultimately can wear whatever she wants, but the lack of respect for others, and the need for constant attention and validation is coming through strongly with that choice.
It was the wrong way to dress to visit a Sacred space - unless she is a witch, dancing naked in a sacred grove. When you visit a Sacred space, or anywhere else, you respect the dress code of that place. If you want to dress as you please, do so in your own home. That’s bodily autonomy- not doing as you like, regardless of anyone else’s feelings.
The Rule of White only applies to personal meetings with the Holy Father. According to that rule, there is only one queen (whose name escapes me - I think Spanish) who does not need to wear black in the Pope's presence.
I would expect nothing different from the ever vapid Kim. A little bit of modesty is for sure appropriate. No one is saying cover up like it's the 1800s, but sexually explicit/revealing is not neutral. s
I understand the feelings of the Devout and Staunch Christians and agree with the thought of having respect in Holy Surroundings. I also remember the teachings of the Bible that God is the one judge and we are not to judge or Brothers and Sisters. We are to love them regardless and turn the proverbial cheek when wronged by them, and to forgive our trespassers and our trespasses. What would Jesus do? I think he'd start handing out rocks and say "He who is without Sin, may cast the first stone!". Now isn't wagging tongues a Sin? God would say, "Go and Sin no more!".
Kardashian's dress was very disrespectful. I am not Catholic but certainly respect sacred places. No matter what faith if you can't show respect to a place that some hold sacred or holy then you should not be there. Kardashian was wrong.
Who are we mere mortals to judge Kim K if perhaps visiting a synagogue some day dressed in a black Miami Beach thong ? Would Elohim manifest and cast she out as the modern day Lilith Narcissis or graciously offer a humble Kittel as a gift of humility? Obviously, our culture of “money changers” bestows a gratuitous amount of adulation upon the fine Miss Kim, wasting our precious time on this tiresome, as well as, boorish narrative dedicated to her dubious motives and immature character flaws. So what will the image brokers create next for entertainment and more importantly profit? Hmmm .. next adventure, the lovely Kim twerking in a Mosque wearing a open side cleavage revealing Hajib with Smokey aviator sunglasses as a tangential protest of the sexual mutilation of Muslim women… designed of course by a Madison Avenue fashion house? This action potentially could create a maelstrom of social controversy inadvertently creating the “New” Age Holy Wars and a marketing bonanza for the empire Hedonism. So as I stand in line at the grocery store, daydreaming of endless laundry chores and the weekly dinner time menus, I’ll try to ignore the latest rabble of show biz rags sporting entertainment “eye” candy and salacious pop-culture gossip. At that time take a moment, ask for serenity and Pray that individuals will seek a power greater than themselves to begin the actions of service to others void of recompense as your ultimate gift in life because this truly is where Power and Peace dwell void of worldly bling. Blessings Friends !!
Who cares????
Narcissism more often than not shows disrespect in a variety of ways.
Let's tear down the Vatican, and tar and feather the pope!!!