Cracked eggs depiction of pain
God works in mysterious ways. But this is really, really mysterious.

It was just another sleepy day in small town Kansas – until God apparently started speaking to substitute teacher and Kansas State Rep. Mark Samsel.

Samsel, 36, was substitute teaching at the local high school that day, and video taken from students shows him proselytizing in the classroom and ranting and raving about everything from masturbation to homosexuality. 

At some point, he lost his temper. Samsel ended up being charged with three misdemeanor counts of battery for allegedly attacking some of the children, including grabbing one child and kicking another in the groin.

His defense? God made him do it.

God Told Me to Kick That Child

Video obtained by the Kansas City Star shows a truly bizarre and inappropriate classroom experience. Samsel is shown asking a student if he masturbates, and when the student refuses to answer, he warns that “God knows.”

Later, he talks about a sophomore at the school, who, Samsel posits, attempted suicide because they have “two parents, and they’re both females.” There are also numerous clips of Samsel openly proselytizing about God and the Bible in the classroom.

Buckle in, we’re not even at the weirdest part yet.

According to court documents filed by one of the students, Samsel warns that “you’re about to anger me and get the wrath of God,” before pushing one of the students up against a wall and kicking another in the testicles.

The affidavit of the incident is alarming, describing a four-inch scratch on the teen’s back, a golf ball sized “road rash” mark on his shoulder, as well as some 15 minutes of crippling testicle pain following the alleged kick to the groin.

Perhaps the most baffling part of it all is Samsel’s legal defense. When sheriff’s deputies asked him if God made him kick the boy in the crotch, Samsel said “twice.”

“God works in mysterious ways,” he quipped. 

While perhaps true in a general sense, how kicking a student in the testicles fits into God's plan really is a mystery to many – including the police. 

A Very Unorthodox Lesson

Samsel pleaded not guilty to the various misdemeanor charges, and so far has not been expelled from the Kansas State House of Representatives, where he serves. He has, however, been banned from the school for at least a year. 

In a statement, Samsel admits the day’s lesson was “unorthodox” but that he never intended to “hurt a soul or act for a single moment out of rage, animosity, or any other element of battery.”

Unorthodox is one way to describe it. In addition to the alleged assault, many pointed out that the comments about homosexuality and masturbation (not to mention the open proselytizing) were highly inappropriate for a public school classroom. 

What is your reaction?


  1. Rev Ned's Avatar Rev Ned

    This guy sounds schizophrenic to me.

  1. Julie Armstrong's Avatar Julie Armstrong

    I think each child harmed because of his actions should press separate charges against him. He should never be allowed in Politics, nor in or around any school what so ever.

    1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      What makes you think this is different from politics?

  1. Gwendolyn Lord's Avatar Gwendolyn Lord

    Nice. Too bad it wasn't an Inner City high-school. The kids would have fought back. Crazy *** religious nut.

  1. Patricia Maria O'Connor's Avatar Patricia Maria O'Connor

    It seems to me that America is experiencing its own 'end of days'...

  1. Angel's Avatar Angel

    He doesn't need to be teaching children, he needs to be committed into a psychic ward because he is obviously having hallutiionations.

    1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

      Do we have special wards for psychics now?

      Is there a treatment for clairvoyance?

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Yes, it’s called Church. You will find many there going through the motions of talking to walls, ceilings, or floors, all proclaiming to be talking to something that in reality isn’t there. It’s really sad, but I’ve found the best thing to do is to just humor them, and love them, as best you can.


        1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

          Response from what or who you are talking to is the determinative factor of whether or not there is someone listening to you. You might as well conclude that people who are ignoring you and never respond to you at all "don't actually exist", but if people ask for something in prayer, such as recovery from a medical condition or disease that the doctors have given up on or liberation of their country from invaders when the invaders show no signs or interest in leaving or deliverance from spirits who also show no signs or interest in leaving, and receive what they ask for, that is certainly exactly the opposite of "that in reality doesn't exist" and proof that God does exist. A totally unreasonable and different standard is applied to answers to prayers than is applied to any other response to a request, and those who receive what they ordered online from Amazon or sent off for through the mail don't say that "it is only coincidence" and "there is nobody there to receive their requests" when they get their packages. Some people who said that after getting what they ordered would need to be humored and condescended to and loved, the best that we could, the same as people who say that answers to other people's prayers "are just coincidence" and "nobody heard those prayers because they don't exist". That is pushing "coincidence" and "nobody is listening and they don't exist" to utterly ridiculous and unrealistic extremes!! When prayers aren't immediately answered, in the way that we think that they should be, it is only logical to assume that the power that answered other prayers immediately must have a reason not to do so in those cases, such as it wouldn't be good for the people asking to get what they want right now or there is a bigger picture that they can't see which prohibits doing so. The same as loving parents don't give their children everything that they ask for or give it to them immediately.

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            🤣 Try not to be too gullible John. It would be nice if those that you truly believe were answered by a god could also visit children’s hospitals and empty the wards where doctors are struggling, or have failed. We both know that’s not going to happen don’t we? If it did, it would be on the news world-wide. I can see the headlines now. “Faith Healers Empty Childrens Hospitals”. Let me know if it happens John. Try asking your imaginary omnipotent god to do it. He should be able to do it…..right John? Message me back when it happens and is world news.


            1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

              You try not to be so unrealistic and gullible yourself, falling for the atheist line and stupidity that any answered prayers at all "still prove that nobody answered them and they are just a coincidence", when you and other atheists wouldn't, consistently, say that items sent off for through the mail or online and received "weren't sent by anyone, since there is nobody to send them, and it is just a coincidence that they arrived"!! When someone asks for something in prayer or online or through the mail and receives what they asked for, that is, quite obviously (to everyone, except you), proof that the sender isn't imaginary and it isn't coincidence that they got it!! I have already explained to you several times and you keep not getting it or just refusing to get it that the reason that all prayers aren't immediately or even ever answered, in the way that some people expect them to be answered, is because it wouldn't be good for them to receive what they are asking for, at that time and in that way, and there is a much bigger picture that they can't see or understand that prevents them from receiving the answer that they want. Why aren't you able to understand and accept that basic logic and common sense about this and what is the problem that keeps you from understanding and seeing and agreeing with it?!! Do you even get everything that you ask for from other people or do they, sometimes or often, have reasons why they can't give you what you want? You know that it is the latter! Do you give small children or other adults everything that they ask for yourself or do you often have to tell them "No" for their own good or because you just can't do so, at that time or ever? If you are honest, you know that it is the latter, then, too? So, when you refuse people's requests or other people refuse your requests, do you all become "imaginary" and "non-existent" at that point or does all of your refusing have nothing to do with your being real or existing?! Why do you have a different standard for God than you even have for yourself and other people, and say that His not giving some people what they ask for in prayer "proves that He doesn't exist", since that is wildly hypocritical and contradictory on your part?!! How could it be different for God than it is even for people and He would just give everyone in the world everything that they ask for, even if it would be bad for them, if He loves them and wants what is best for them (as His answering any prayers at all proves!!)? Your and other people's saying that, because you didn't get what you asked for in prayer, "God doesn't exist" is like a little kid who, if he doesn't get what he wants from his father, turns against and away from him and denies his existence! Ideally, all children in hospitals and everyone else should be healed or kept from dying, but, sometimes, there is suffering and death in our lives that is necessary to teach us to rise above these things and not be brought down by them and keep our eyes on God or, in your and other cases, put your eyes on Him and open your hearts to Him in the first place, which people, such as yourself, who only focus on the smaller picture of your immediate situation and desires can't see. Suffering can bring the best out of people, if they allow it to do so, with God's help, and can humble them and bring them to God, which it couldn't do and it wouldn't happen, if all suffering and death were instantly removed from the world. That is why, I believe, God doesn't heal all children in hospitals or anywhere else. God brought good even out of the horrible and monstrous evil of the Holocaust by the creation of the State of Israel, which would have taken longer without it, and what He can do in that much bigger situation, He can do in smaller situations, too, if people will turn to Him and trust Him. This probably sounds incomprehensible to you because you don't have the eyes, ears, mind, and heart of faith, and so it's like talking about colors to a blind man, but your eyes, ears, mind, and heart can be opened and only then will you understand, if you will let God in and allow Him to do that for you, as He has done for Lee Strobel and other atheists and did for Saul of Tarsus, who was murdering Christians until his eyes were opened!!

              1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

                Atheism is a faith and a more unrealistic and unreasonable faith than any other, since it tells its followers that the mindless universe and matter came up with intelligent laws for its operation and intricately interconnected them so as to make them work with and assist and dovetail with each other and gave birth to itself or "has just always been here", which still doesn't explain its laws. That is your desperation just to avoid admitting that any mind is behind the universe and its operation, that even an "explanation" such as that "makes sense to you" (or so you pretend to yourselves and each other!)!! That is more faith than I could ever have about it!! You aren't really against faith, but only against any other faith than your own! Comparatively, our positions are reversed and we are the actual advocates of and believers in science that says that intelligent laws can't come out of unintelligence, while you atheists are blindly following your faith that a mindless universe is coming up with the laws for its operation. When even an Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Nikola Tesla or any other genius that you or I could name or all of them put together couldn't come up with all of these laws, much less intricately interconnect them, so as to make them work together and compliment and assist each other, you can forget all about a mindless universe doing any of that!! That is just common sense and scientific thinking and deduction about the matter, instead of your blind faith that the mindless universe is doing all of that!! A dog is smarter than an asteroid, since an asteroid is just a lump of rock hurtling through space, but it doesn't know that it's doing that or where it is or what is happening around it or anything at all, because it doesn't have a mind. Compared to an asteroid, a dog is a genius, but we wouldn't, on that account, make a dog the CEO of a major corporation because it couldn't even begin to know how to do it!! Infinitely less than a dog could be the CEO of a major corporation could a mindless universe be running itself or coming up with its own laws and interconnection of them. Only an Intelligence behind the universe could possibly or scientifically be doing that and that's all that there is to it, but go on in your blind faith that the mindless universe is doing that all by itself, if that makes you happy and we will leave you to your irrational and unrealistic faith!

      2. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

        Can I correct your spelling please, you meant psychotics. (I know that's what you really meant because I am psychic.)

    2. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      You're right, his is more in line with Republican members of Congress (two recent convicted felons, two more whose indictments are soon to occur), and over a dozen who've said there were no Holocaust or ParkView school shootings.

  1. Peter M.'s Avatar Peter M.

    I cannot sufficiently express my gratitude for the fact that I do not live in the "United States of America", (an ironic name for a country if ever there was one), and the fact that this "Christian" feels empowered to behave in this way is a good example of why. Surely even there, in that squirming nest of religious corruption, this behaviour cannot be acceptable to anyone?

    1. Angel's Avatar Angel

      Actually, hearing voices from "God" are very common for schitzophrenics. He doesn't need a teaching degree, just a large dose of antipsychotics.

    2. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      Yes...Eric Cartman. And don't call me Shirley.

  1. Robert Duff's Avatar Robert Duff

    It was probably Ahriman that told him to do it. God would have told him to dash him against rocks per Psalm 137.

  1. John P Maher's Avatar John P Maher


  1. Rev. Dr. G. Waldron's Avatar Rev. Dr. G. Waldron

    Reading this and other blog posts, I think ULC needs to do a little editing. Facebook and others do this. ULC please do something about these hateful attacks against each other on this blog. It really needs to be cleaned up. Censorship, so be it.

  1. Linda Salavarria's Avatar Linda Salavarria

    In response to another article this week...

    THIS is the reason why americans are turning away from established and traditional religions. Millennials and the generations following may have their own eccentricities but they are also more empathetic and inclusive than generations before. They have no time for exclusionary tenets based on some interpretation of how god defines "sin".

    I've said it before...I give it 10-15 years before evangelical style religions, and a portion of the more traditional religions as well, go the way of the dinosaur. Maybe not totally gone but mostly forgotten.

  1. Shalanda Racinette Taplin's Avatar Shalanda Racinette Taplin

    That teacher in no way heard (God ) tell him to physically assault or possibly cause some internal damage to his male reproductive organ's. That teacher need's too NEVER hold a license to teach any district with children of any age period! 🙏✌🏼❤🐘


    1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron all fairness, the "holy bible" does describe numerous incidences in which the god of the bible instructed men to do truly awful things, like killing their son, murdering tribes with which the Israelites had entered into treaties, etc. It's really not all that hard to imagine that particular god telling someone to kick a teenager in the nuts. (For those unable to tell, this is sarcasm. I realize there are people here who won't realize that unless I make it explicit.)

      1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

        I fail to see the need for sarcasm, the bible did actually say these things after all, so why shouldn't God back it up with a personal communication? Seems entirely reasonable and completely in context, except that this particular directive seems rather mild in comparison, don't you think?

  1. Christian's Avatar Christian

    Children & Adults the world over have their health harmed and fertility damaged by Vapes, Pens, Pods, Smokes, cigarettes, and other toxic products.
    Live Well, do no harm, help others, and proclaim thaks and joy to our Father in Heaven. Love one Another.

  1. George Thomas Duvall Burroughs's Avatar George Thomas Duvall Burroughs

    It seems that mental illness and exposure of the same is epidemic. The reaccuring excuse of mental illness is association with "a higher authority ". And the proof of the theory is tell and repeat decepetions unitl accepted . Truth only seems to exist for the moment today, tomorrow the truth is gone with the wind. Deceptions make way for the acquisition of perceived power and control, thus monentary greed, are the new values held some personages.

  1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

    He's also an attorney.

    Sounds like bipolar to me.

  1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

    If we can blame God for anything we decide to do, then I guess anything that happens to us is similarly God's Will. Or, in other words, no need for a deity centered religion.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Yes, but “Acts of God” still tend to happen, and insurance companies still use that term even though no one calls up God on the phone to see if he/she really did it. 🤷🏽


  1. George Thomas Duvall Burroughs's Avatar George Thomas Duvall Burroughs

    It seems that mental illness and exposure of the same is epidemic. The reaccuring excuse of mental illness is association with "a higher authority ". And the proof of the theory is tell and repeat decepetions unitl accepted . Truth only seems to exist for the moment today, tomorrow the truth is gone with the wind. Deceptions make way for the acquisition of perceived power and control, thus monentary greed, are the new values held some personages.

  1. Erika Suzannah Avery's Avatar Erika Suzannah Avery

    I don't think that was God talking to him. Perhaps an entity residing more South........

    1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      Yes...Eric Cartman.

  1. Stewart's Avatar Stewart

    It boils down to sexual assault He inappropriately touched a child's genitals . He needs a sex offender classification , ...

    1. Patricia Maria O'Connor's Avatar Patricia Maria O'Connor

      Got to agree with you. I think he also needs to go to confession..

  1. John P Maher's Avatar John P Maher


  1. John P Maher's Avatar John P Maher


    1. Peter M.'s Avatar Peter M.

      I may not approve of your "shouting", your spelling or your grammar but I loudly applaud your intentions Mr Maher.

  1. Michael Hall's Avatar Michael Hall

    I'm sure the parents will gladly file charges, at least I hope so. To his point, no one thinks he acts unwisely, but we are judged by our actions, not our intentions.

  1. Reverend Buzz's Avatar Reverend Buzz

    And yet all of the many rules that Moses passed on were supposedly spoken to him by god and go unquestioned. I surmise that Moses did not actually hear from god any more than this teacher. Why is one more authentic than the other?

    1. Dave J's Avatar Dave J

      They are not more authentic to everyone. Maybe some of them are good rules, but the first four are just narcissistic rules to make you worship some pathetic deity. My parents were the definition of child abusers. Why would I honor that? (My father was a deacon in the First Baptist Church in Eugene, where they actually preached how it was good to beat your children, as it put the fear of god into them.) I can get behind not murdering, that seems like a good one. Don't commit adultery. OK, what about people in an open relationship? Or those who like the idea of sharing their husband? Don't steal. Yeah, that's corporate America's job, and they hate the competition. But still a good concept. Don't lie. Well, then that lets out about half of the electorate. But still a good concept. Don't covet. Hmm. The thought police have arrived. Coveting is fine, if it makes you go out and work for what it was you were coveting. Otherwise you are breaking the don't steal commandment. So this is not only thought policing, it's redundant. Yeah, not a real good set of commandments. Not a christian, but do think one of those tenets is better. Treat others as you would like to be treated is for the most part not bad. Unless I"m a masochist or want to be fed to the crocodile god. So, no. You can't kick a kid in the groin because "god" told you to. And you can't force the ten commandments on anyone because "god" talked to Moses during the bronze age. Do your best to live in loving kindness. If everyone did, and dropped the religious bull, this would be a nicer place.

      1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

        Dave J, there are sound and logical answers to all of your questions about the Commandments, which I hope that I can give you here or, if not, that you can get from other sources. Honoring your parents assumes that they are actually behaving like parents, since people who are merely biologically your parents or your parents through adoption or foster care, but don't live up to their responsibilities and calling as parents, aren't actually parents and so aren't entitled to the respect that is reserved for true parents. What about extra-marital or pre-marital sex (adultery or fornication) for people in an "open relationship" or who like the idea of sharing their husband or wife? Adultery doesn't stop being adultery just because you call it and pretend that it is something else because, then, even though we all, hopefully, believe that pederasty and pedophilia are wrong, what about for those who like having such sick sex and don't see anything wrong with it, what about stealing and lying and cheating and killing and whatever else anyone wants to do, even if it violates general rules of morality, so long as they like doing it and making up their own rules about all these things?!! That is the door that we are opening and slippery slope that we are going down when we say that people can make up their own rules for actions and do what is "right" in their own eyes. Does anybody appreciate muggers and rapists doing what is right in their own eyes, so long as they like doing it, and imposing their preferences on other people?! Stealing's being corporate America's job doesn't make it alright for everyone else, too, and make them an example worthy of following, instead of an example of wrong behavior. Not lying to other people is only practicing the Golden Rule of telling the truth to other people, as we want them to tell us the truth, instead of the cynical philosophy of other people's lying making it "alright" for us to lie, too. Coveting isn't fine because desiring other people's wives or husbands, as adulterers do before actually committing adultery, or desiring other people's countries or other possessions, as Hitler and Stalin and thieves, generally, do before stealing them, is and was coveting, which we shouldn't do to anyone if we don't want them doing that to us It doesn't matter that the Ten Commandments came out in the Bronze Age because we don't reject other ideas in philosophy and mathematics and other areas that also came out in the Bronze Age and the ancient world, just because they did, and so it is just picking and choosing to single out the Ten Commandments to reject for that reason. As for the first four Commandments' being "narcissistic" because they say to honor God, they are what authorize and validate the rest of the rules, since why should we pay more than usual attention to those rules, except for Who they come from? Don't curfews issued by law enforcement officers or Papal or other religious authority pronouncements deserve more respect and following than just something made up by somebody with no authority at all? Why not follow suit with laws from God even more? And the Ten Commandments aren't the only godly and loving rules in the Bible. If even actual parents should be honored, why shouldn't God also be honored? Coveting is different than stealing because coveting is the desire leading to stealing and stealing is the actual deed. Loving your neighbor as yourself and loving God with all your heart, mind, and soul aren't religious bull, but the two pegs on which hang all the law and the prophets. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you is what everyone who isn't insane actually believes because he or she doesn't want rapists, muggers, home invaders, serial killers or anyone else doing to him or her what they wouldn't want others to do to them. To the extent that people follow the Golden Rule, society works, and to the extent that they don't, it stops working.

  1. John's Avatar John

    Jail. Never allowed to teach nor to come within 100 yards of a public school. Additionally, he should be removed from public office. After serving his time in jail he should be tied up to a crucifix and the child he assaulted is allowed to return the favor. "An eye for an eye", or if you prefer a testicle for a testicle.

  1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

    People do crazy things when they hear God's voice in there heads. I wonder how they know it's God's voice and just not crazy.

    1. Dave J's Avatar Dave J

      There's a difference?

      1. CB Cuff's Avatar CB Cuff

        As Lilly Tomlin famously quipped, "When we say we talked to god, it's called prayer. When we say god talked to us, it's called schizophrenia".

  1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

    This is what you get when teachers are paid such low wages.

    1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

      Yeah. This clown committed multiple felonies because of "low wages."


    2. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      Low wages? My wife pulls down $95,000. 16 years incremental union rises, compounded, plus a two step jump for getting a master's along the way. Plus she gets summers off.

  1. Anisahoni's Avatar Anisahoni

    Send him to jail, then sue him for the pain and suffering of the kids he has caused. Force him to pay for their therapy. This disgusting, abusive Christian is a dangerous man. Christians becoming are sicker by the day, blaming their bearded white guy in the sky, while committing crimes, hating others, abusing others, while proclaiming their god is on their side. The world has not benefitted one iota from any religion. It is an ugly, destructive force made up of crazed hypocrites who harm others. No wonder younger people are not interested in membership in these cults.

    1. Erika Suzannah Avery's Avatar Erika Suzannah Avery

      Not all Christians (and other religions) are hypocrites. Some of us actually abide by the commandments/philosophies of our faith. I believe harming others and being filled with hate is the true sin. I also say don't judge, HELP others.

  1. John Norris Campbell's Avatar John Norris Campbell

    "god" is actually a generic term for any super natural manifestation not known to the individual--YET!... Baa'l...Lucifer (Latin), Apollo...ect....PPL are IDIOTS

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Lucifer is the ancient Greek god of light, Apollo is the Greek and Roman god of healing. Apollo is also the father of Esclepios, among many other things. Have you not heard of Esclepian and Hygian physicians? It was early Christianity that demonized Pagan gods and goddesses, seeking to turn people into christians through deceptive means.

  1. Dave J's Avatar Dave J

    If the republicans do not tell him to resign his post, then that says a lot about them. We don't need to say much about this person, as clearly he is a deluded misanthrope.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Yes, I could totally understand it if God told him to kick Biden, Pelosi, Harris, AOC et al, but a child? Crazy!

      It's almost as bad as god telling that person in the Bible to stone a guy for picking up sticks on the Sabbath, or to cut off baby boys foreskins. What sort of weird god tells people to do that s***? And yet people worship it and genuinely think it's a god of some sort telling them to do it. Weird huh?


      1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

        I have to admit that foreskin thing always struck me as a pretty weird. As a religious sign of membership that is.

      2. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

        So, CHL, by your own standard, if anyone says that you told them to do something, in order to shift the focus and blame off their self and put it on you, even when you didn't say it, we should all just believe that person and blame you for their actions?! God no more told anyone to stone other people for picking up sticks on the Sabbath or cut off foreskins from penises or anything else that has merely been attributed to Him than you have told anyone to go out and commit any crime and then blame you for telling them to do it. So, again, by your own standard of not wanting to be scapegoated for other people's actions, it is wrong to scapegoat God for what some people decided to do and blame God for it. If "the Devil made me do it" doesn't fly, neither does "God made me do it". Flesh and blood human celebrities are lied about constantly in the tabloids, and those lies are often believed, even though those people can and do refute those lies. So, how could God, who isn't going to go around to everyone and correct lies being told about Him, since He has better things to do, not also going to be lied about? You don't try to correct everyone's misunderstandings and lies about you and so why would you think that God cares more about that than you do, since He, the same as you, is what He is, no matter what anyone says about Him? Your saying that you could understand if God told someone to kick Biden, Pelosi, Harris, et al, but not a child, is your supporting what you just denounced (stoning or hurting of adults) and what the unholy Inquisitors did, and so is hypocritical on your part! Besides, being conservative bias and propaganda against Democrats and liberals. God no more doesn't exist because He won't jump through your or anyone else's hoops and do tricks for you than anyone else doesn't exist who won't do so, either!

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          So, do I assume that you only believe the nice bits in your Bible, and how are you determining what is true in that book, and what isn’t? Are only the nice bits true, and the stories of his genocide with the flood, and killing the first born children not true?


          1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

            Are you only believing the worst stories in the Bible (the drowning of people in the flood, slaughter of men, women, children, and animals, and other such things) as being truly ordered by God, and not just stories made up about God to make Him "approve of" whatever those writers wanted Him to "approve of" to "justify" themselves? Do you dismiss all the talk of love in the Bible because it contradicts what you want to believe about God that "He has ordered genocide, baby killing, etc." and so would be inconvenient and threatening to your prejudice against Him?! If we have to decide what is truly from God and what was just attributed to God as coming from Him in the Bible, isn't it far more logical and reasonable (even if not to you) to say that love in the Bible is actually from God and the hate, revenge, genocide, baby killing, and bigotry in the Bible that people already want to do even without God and just drag God along with them to "justify" and "sanctify" themselves is actually from these people, not from God?!! Again I ask, if we should only believe the worst stories about God, by your own standard, why should everyone here and in the rest of the world not also believe the worst stories about you and anyone else that they want to make up about you, no matter what you say about yourselves, and give you back the same treatment that you give to God and, no doubt, other people?!! Believing the best about God from His own statements about Himself, and not what others want to say about Him, is just doing to Him as you would like other people to do to you. What is good for the goose is good for the gander and what goes around comes around!

          2. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

            Yes, we should take God's actual words of what He is about and told anyone to do, consistent with His actual character of love, not what some people in the Bible put into His mouth or accused Him of doing or telling them to do, in order to scapegoat Him and "justify" and "sanctify" themselves, the same as you don't want people putting words into your mouth or accusing you of doing or telling them to do things that you didn't do. It's called Doing unto others (even God) as you would want others to do unto you!! It's called fair play and decency!

            1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

              Let me know John when you have some peer reviewed evidence that everyone on earth agrees with which can be demonstrated to be true that your god is real. It’s not going to happen is it? That’s why it’s called faith, because that’s all you have John. No amount of faith makes anything fact, but you know that….right?


              1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

                You can't get everyone to agree on anything else in the world and so how could you get everyone else in the world to agree on "some peer reviewed evidence"?!! That is just a ridiculous and impossible demand, made expressly by you for the purpose and with the rationale of "keeping God from being accepted as truth" because they will also not agree on that and "whatever they don't all agree on can't be true". What isn't unreasonably demanded of anything else for it to be true (that is, all people's agreeing about it) can't be demanded of the existence of God for that to be true, either, since many people, such as yourself, don't accept the truth not because there are no proofs of it, which are in abundance, but because it interferes with how you want to live and think and what you want to do and your sovereignty and independence in your world!! You only have an unrealistic and unreasonable lack of faith and hang everything on that, and it doesn't work, quite obviously!! No amount of lack of faith makes anything fact, but actual facts only support faith, as everyone who looks at the matter clearly and objectively sees and understands. But, then, you really know that already, don't you?

              2. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

                When you are able to prove that a mindless universe and mindless matter were able to give birth to themselves and come up with laws for their own functioning and maintenance for billions of years up to now and into the future, and get your peer reviewed evidence of that for us all to see and to win that Nobel Prize that you are always talking about, we will all be very happy to see it!! Good luck getting everyone to agree with that, too!! You have more faith to believe that the universe came out of mindlessness and gave birth to itself than you accuse me of having for believing that there must have been a mind behind the laws and interconnection of them for operation of the universe!! So, why are you talking against anyone else's faith when you have the most and most unlikely faith of all?!! No amount of your faith makes anything fact, but you really know that already, don't you? Why doesn't God answer all prayers, if He is real? Why don't you give everyone everything that they ask you for, if you are real? Why don't all other people give you and other people everything that all of you are asking for, if they are all real? It's because it wouldn't be good for you or anyone to get everything that you ask for or because you all just can't do so? You all don't become imaginary or non-existent when you don't give people what they ask for. So, why do you have a different standard for God than you have for yourselves and say that "He is imaginary and non-existent" because He won't give everyone everything that they ask for? He answers many prayers, but not all of them, because that wouldn't be good for people. Also, suffering can make people rise above it and look at the higher level, which they might not and probably wouldn't if there weren't any suffering or death at all. Good was even brought out of the monstrous evil of the Holocaust with the creation of the State of Israel, which would have taken longer without it. Suffering can humble people and make them turn to God, even if that isn't important to you now, and so helps them. This will seem incomprehensible to you because you don't have the eyes, ears, mind, and heart of faith, and so it's like talking about colors to a blind man, but God can open your eyes, ears, mind, and heart, if you will allow Him to do so, as He did to Lee Strobel and other atheists and to Saul of Tarsus, who was murdering Christians, until God opened his eyes and mind and heart!!

    2. John Norris Campbell's Avatar John Norris Campbell

      Politics? REALLY??? Have we seen the Pope excommunicate Biden Or Polise for their support of killing human babies yet?

  1. CB Cuff's Avatar CB Cuff

    If this did happen, and I'm guessing the video is evidence, then certainly assault for starters. Revoke/suspend his teaching license for at least two years, and be removed from the House for behaviour unbecoming of a government representative. Obviously he needs some mental health intervention, but that might be hard for the courts to enforce. Oh and a public apology to not only the students dramatized by his behaviour but also 'for the record', to ensure any other community he applies to are aware of his history.

  1. Stephanie A Willey's Avatar Stephanie A Willey

    Another day ... yet another politician exposed as so totally unqualified for any level of public service.

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    If a politician kicked my child You would be looking for a new politician The aggressor would have me to deal with and I don't believe in violence or hatred.There's a lot of sick evil people out thereAs Alan Joseph Neubert says this site gets worse every time he looks at it Please Brothers and Sister's Don't take offence but how about some good news for a change. God Bless you all Minister Nicholas John Page UK.

  1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

    Sounds more like something Satan would do, not God!

    1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

      Actually, the god of the bible has committed far more evil than Satan, if the bible is to be believed.

      This actually sounds exactly like the god or Abraham.

    2. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

      Why does it have (delete comment)?

  1. Minister Mike's Avatar Minister Mike

    God told me to rip his heart out, but I don't think anyone has seen me do it. At a minimum, the dude should be horsewhipped in the same room he performed his perverted act.

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    What? God would never tell a politician or anybody to kick a child or adult especially in a ultra sensitive area like the groin God abhors violence why we have to have it .I don't know.Coming from a Christian family I was never taught by my parents that God has a good side and a bad side.If you hear voices check out your mental health Schizophrenia's hear voices.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Clearly, God does not abhor violence, if he did he wouldn't have committed his own acts of violence and genocide on humanity, and NO, violence is NOT acceptable by any supposed deity. Our morals should be much better than Gods.


      1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

        Why do you and other atheists accept that "God committed acts of violence and genocide on humanity", based solely on what some Bible writers have ascribed to Him and words that they have put into His mouth, which is inadmissible in any other human court as hearsay evidence, except that it "confirms" your prejudices against God and "justifies" your rejection of Him, and so you don't care about the truth or want to hear it?! Why don't you accept God's own words about Himself, which are different than the words that are put into His mouth and actions that are ascribed to Him and how we tell the difference and what is really from God and what isn't, that God is love and wants us all to love one another?! Even in human courts, people are allowed to testify for themselves against charges and not convicted solely on the basis of other people's words against them or put into their mouths, but God, according to you, is "guilty" based only on what others say against Him and put into His mouth. Where is the "fairness and justice" in that?! It isn't there!! You don't make any sense and aren't consistent because you say, on the one hand, that "all the stories and teachings in the Bible are lies and wrong", but then turn right around and say "oh, but God actually did all these rotten things that He is accused of in the Bible and those stories, at least, are true"!! Make up your mind because you can't have it both ways! For the ten thousandth time, God isn't responsible for how people write Him or what they ascribe to Him or words that they put into His mouth and isn't going to stop people from saying or writing wrong things about Him, in the Bible or outside of it, anymore than He is going to stop them from doing any other wrong things because that would be His deciding that for them, instead of their deciding that for themselves. Are you proven wrong because of what other people say against you or words that they put into your mouth? If not, give God the same consideration and stop considering Him "guilty" or "wrong" because of what others say against Him or words that they put into His mouth!! The proof of God's existence, again, is this universe that didn't give birth to itself, which is impossible, and didn't and doesn't mindlessly come up with its own laws and interconnection of them, which is also impossible!!

    2. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

      Have you never read the bible, Nicholas? The god described therein is one evil, violent SOB!

  1. Alan Joseph N E U B E R T's Avatar Alan Joseph N E U B E R T

    This site gets worse every time I look at it.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Don't look at it then. We have enough things renting stupid space in our heads, like Biden (if you can understand him), Pelosi, AOC, Harris et al that's enough to drive anyone crazy.


      1. Danny D Patterson's Avatar Danny D Patterson

        Lionheart … Are you on drugs?

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          I must admit Danny that I sometimes do think I am hallucinating when I see and listen to Biden, Pelosi, Harris, and AOC et al, if that's what you mean. Sadly, when I realize I am not on drugs, and realize they are real, I begin to wish I was. 🤪

          Thank you for asking though.


      2. David Whitehurst Watson's Avatar David Whitehurst Watson

        Has Fox News brainwashed you? Many would say No, the answer is Yes.

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          David, David, David, I bet you think Republicans are racist....right? Many do, that watch CNN. Their ratings are dropping like a lead balloon. Anderson Cooper? What a joke! You wouldn't happen to have been brainwashed by religion as well would you? If not, there is hope.

          Killed Lincoln: A Democrat

          Killed JFK: A Democrat

          Killed MLK: A Democrat

          Lynched Blacks: Democrats

          Owned Slaves: Democrats

          Created Jim Crow: Democrats

          Segregation: Democrats

          Created the KKK: Democrats

          Internment camps: Democrats

          The Confederacy: Democrats

          Ever wondered why there are no Democrats on Mount Rushmore?

          The good thing about this blog David is that we all get to get along with one another as best we can. Peace ✌🏻


          1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

            Wow, "Lionheart!" It's hard to believe anyone has that limited an understanding of history, but I guess seeing is believing.

            1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

              I know what you mean John. I know it’s a very limited list, there must be lots more that Democrats are responsible for that many either don’t know, or have their head in the sand about.


          2. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

            yet its republicans that want to force their religion into law , and re ban gay marriage and constantly attacking those of us that have other beliefs or no belief

          3. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

            It is only some, not all, Democrats, who have done all the things that you list, just as it is some, not all, Republicans, who were involved in Watergate and other government corruption and other scandals. Just as you don't want all Republicans or conservatives blamed for the actions of some of them, don't blame all Democrats for the actions of some of them. The other point to consider is: what have Republicans generally done for people lately or done against people lately, instead of resting on their laurels from the past and saying that's good enough forever!! Because today Democrats and Republicans, generally, have switched roles and now it's the Republicans who are against black people and civil and voting rights for them, and are racist, and misogynistic, and xenophobic. Mount Rushmore has been kept to Republicans, not because there haven't been any good Democrats, but only because Republicans have kept it exclusively for themselves as a Republicans only club and discriminatory against others. Also, the carving of heads on Mount Rushmore and Republicans' claiming of it has been and still is an affront to Native Americans and violation of their nation and rights. You forgot to mention that in your one-sided list!!

  1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

    take a ballbat to his and see how he likes it.

    1. Linda Salavarria's Avatar Linda Salavarria

      ...And don't forget to say god told you to do it. That's apparently a big thing in america - especially kansas!

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        I would in a heartbeat and then tell the police and attorneys, if you didnt prosecute him then you cant touch me when I give him a place in the Vienna Boys choir.

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