The Texas Education Agency (TEA) recently opened up comments on their newly proposed public school curriculum… and the overwhelming majority were not in favor of the direction Texas hopes to take public education.
That direction? A decidedly Christian one.
So what is in Texas’ new faith-filled schoolwork, and why were there thousands of critical public comments?
The Lone God State
The proposed plan for public education includes infusions of Christianity that opponents say are unnecessary.
The new language arts lessons for K-5 kids include a whole host of Bible-based material, from the story of Queen Esther to depictions of the last supper. Texas officials say that the new coursework was created to give students better context of religious allusions so frequently seen in American literature, which will deepen their understanding and appreciation of the text.
But will it? Critics pointed out that many of the lessons available online had tenuous links to their source text at best, and many of the lessons could have easily been replaced with a non-Christian lesson to similar ends.
Founding Father Samuel Adams’ insistence that delegates pray together at the Continental Congress despite religious differences, for example, is heavily referenced in a first-grade lesson on compromise. And an art lesson on Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” directs kids to crack open their Bibles.
“The Bible explains that Jesus knew that after this meal, he would be arrested, put on trial, and killed,” says the lesson. “Let’s read the story in the book of Matthew to see for ourselves what unfolded during the supper.”
Critics accused the proposed assignments of everything from religious indoctrination and Christian nationalism, and so far it’s not proving to be a hit with Texans.
The TEA recently opened up public comments on the new curriculum, and one activist group heard that there were some 2,000 public comments filed, and only 200 were positive.
Politicians In Favor
“If you’re reading classic works of American literature, there are often religious allusions in that literature,” explained state education Commissioner Mike Morath. “Any changes being made are to reinforce the kind of background knowledge on these seminal works of the American cultural experience.”
Many state politicians back that idea up, including Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, who said the new curriculum will “get us back to teaching, not necessarily the Bible per se, but the stories from the Bible.”
But not everyone is on board - in fact, given the overwhelmingly negative reception in the public comments, it appears few are.
RELATED: Texas Pastors Demand 676 "Filthy and Evil" Books Be Pulled From Schools
Do Schools Need Jesus?
“It is reasonable to devote some attention to [the Bible], and state education standards across the nation often require such attention,” explains Southern Methodist University religious studies professor Mark Chancey. “The problem, of course, is that sometimes the legitimate reason of cultural literacy is used as a smokescreen to hide religious and ideological agendas.”
“This curriculum heavily favors Christianity and presents religious claims in a very literalistic fashion to the youngest of our children, which turns public schools into Sunday schools,” he argues.
Commenters seemingly agree. “Texans do not want Christian lessons pushed through public schools,” one wrote plainly. “It is inappropriate to inject favoritism to Christian teachings via public school curriculum.”
The next step comes later this month, when the State Board of Education will hear in-person comments – which is almost guaranteed to be a lively affair.
What do you make of the proposed changes to K-5 education****? Are state politicians right that a background in the Bible is necessary for kids to learn in school? Or is an education in the Bible the sort of homework that should only be taught at home?
If someone wants a religious education send your child to a religious school, not the public schools.
Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, who said the new curriculum will “get us back to teaching, not necessarily the Bible per se, but the stories from the Bible.” A distinction without any difference.
People are worried about the affect Drag Queen Reading Hours will have on children. Or discussions about gender, or gay dads. But apparently, in teyhas, some things are perfectly fine to teach and discuss with children in K - 5:
“The Bible explains that Jesus knew that after this meal, he would be arrested, put on trial, and killed,” says the lesson. “Let’s read the story in the book of Matthew to see for ourselves what unfolded during the supper.” Y
For starters, how do you explain who this jesús dude is to 1st graders that are jews, hindus or muslims. And of course, first graders being first graders, the follow up questions; what is killed? how did they kill him? who killed him? why?
little johnny - ooh ooh, my daddy killed someone teacher - okay johnny, let's save that for show and tell
The polite way to describe someone who is clearly lying, is to say they are being disingenuous. In this case, they all are flat ass lying. Their aim is to open the door to teaching kkristinsanity to children, to babies. Regardless of what, if any religion they may at home, and without the permission of the parents!!! Imagine that, they want to push these rancid, gross stories on to kindergartners without parental permission!! Just gonna go ahead and do it
The good thing is that there appears to be a lot of push back from people; 2000 comments, only 200 in favor...hard to argue when 90% of the people responding to your proposal are against it.
But there will be a couple of people here willing to defend the teyhas bored of head, arguing that indeed 1st graders need to understand the story of a fictional guy, beaten horribly (see the blog on the shroud of turin) and then nailed him (seriously, boys and girls, they put big spike nails through his hands and feet and nailed him) to a tree and let him die (you know, like daddy does when he kills a coyote and nails it to a fence post). Drag Queen Story Hour bad. Nail man to tree to die, good.
Querido México, por favor ven y recupera a texas.
Interesting these religious zealots think children this age are too young to know their own feelings but are able to grasp religious concepts.
I have no problem with religious concepts being taught, provided it's a multitude of religions and only as a cultural studies situation. I would definitely not want my pagan child, atheist child. Muslim child, or Jewish child to be force-fed the propaganda from the evangelicals. They have special schools to teach their special book. Keep it out of public schools.
Time is limited and Comparative Religions should be left to the Universities. Intelligent Design is 21st Century Science and our best Explanation is the God of our Forefathers that penned our Constitution is the Designer.
Yes, Comparative Religions should be left to Universities. I completely agree. This is why we don't need to be teaching any religion in grade school. Intelligent Design is not science, it's a 20th century version of passing off the Creation myth as fact.
Now, since you're bringing up the Forefathers and the Constitution, I will point out that the very first amendment to the Constitution is Freedom of Religion. This very clearly says that there will not be an official religion. Texas and other states are enacting the very thing the Founding Fathers wanted to avoid: Forced Religion.
Your god is not mentioned at all in the Constitution. The closest it gets is to say that all men are created equal. And yes, we are creations of our parents' design and doing. However, religion is mentioned in the Constitution in the context that it should not be a determining factor in any office, nor should it be forced upon anyone.
So please, keep your religion away from my children. They're not at school to be groomed by your church.
Get religion out of public schools.
What do you expect from Texas? The governor is a religious bigot so you should expect that the state government would put religious fiction into the schools. Zealots are getting desperate so they must indoctrinate children because adults are no longer buying their bs.
What is your Religion if I may ask
You may ask, my religion involves science, fact, provable concepts. It doesn't include indoctrinating children with a mythical god thing that uses fear and intimidation to force compliance with whatever power hungry zealot is in charge. Now, beliefs and faith based teachings are for the PARENTS to teach at home, right from wrong, good from bad. That is a parental right and responsibility. Public schools have the responsibility to teach reading, math, sciences, and yes even a few social skills. Does that spell it out for you? On a personal note to you, waving the flag in my face is not a threat to me. I served my country, did you? Or do you just enjoy the rights that service personnel sacrifice to protect? Interesting, it seems that I can serve my country without bending knee to your mythical god thing. Peace ✌️
I love good science Brien and hate bad science. Some scientists have proven by consensus that white humans are superior against non white humans. They taught as much in schools. If I'm not mistaken, planned parenthood was founded in such science and today they've done quite a number on black Americans and their babies.
Although I'm not a geneticist, all of the non white people I've had the pleasure of working with and associating with have proven to me at least, that particular science is bogus even if evolution demands it to be true.
Absolutely, faith based knowledge should stay away from public schools, in this I agree.
there is NO valid science that says white humans are superior to non-white humans. that is a idea promulgated by white-supremacists.
as for it being taught in schools, please show where, when and cite your sources other than 'you say so'
planned parenthood was founded to teach children (and stupid adults) how to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
please also stop spreading lies and disingenuously claiming them false. you say these things because it's what you believe but are won't say them outright.
as for black americans and their babies, it's been an uphill struggle for black americans because of people who insist that blacks are inferior and claim, coyly or otherwise that they are less fit than white humans. and it's people like you who spread that nonsense
Thank you , Dr. JJ, for stating that which should be obvious. SoJ seems a little slow on the uptake.
You are quite welcome, Sister Paula. I do my best.
Thank you JJ and Paula for understanding my point of bad science being taught as good science. You mistakingly believed I took the stance of defending bad science but that's ok if it helps see my point. Try reading my post again, you won't find anywhere that I believe what you said I said but didn't actually say. I don't think you actually read my post. You're desperately trying to make me the Christian you want me to be.
Please research Margret Sanger and her eugenics philosophy. She was the founder of planned Parenthood. It'll be sad news but you'll find im right about planned Parenthood. Since 1973 the US has aborted almost 20 million black babies. Margaret Sanger's eugenics peogram has fruited.
Because science is fluid, there will always be bad science taught as good science every single day just like Margaret Sanger's and Hitlers science.
talk about cherry picking; yes she believed in eugenics and she allowed the racist society of her times to dictate what she could do. but then you stopped reading...unsurprising, actually.
he point was valid and it took some decades to get it to where it became what it is now, a source of education on sex and birth control.
you seem anxious, almost joyous to talk about the black babies that were aborted, or averted. maybe take a look at your reasons for bringing her up and your zeal in reporting it
Come now JJ, we know I'm opposed to abortion across the board regardless of race.
We know I'm bringing something that's horrible to people's attention to raise awareness.
It's interesting that you refer to me as kkk yet Im fretting over the loss of 20 million black Americans.
My opposition doesn't seem to mind the loss for some reason.
We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equally and are endowed by Almighty God with life liberty and a pursuit of Happiness. Welcome to America our Nation under God God Bless America God luck finding a place to dominate with your religion whatever it is. Impossible in America
That's right Edward, creationists see all humans as equal. We've even pointed it out in our founding documents. Any Christian that says otherwise hasn't read the Bible very well.
Your post prints up a great question. How can schools teach the Declaration of Independence without discussing a creator?
Interesting interpretation, Edward. I would be interested to know where you got it from. You should also inform them that they are wrong. The text doesn't say "Almighty God...It says "Creator".
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.".
Lets also look at the fact that, The Declaration of Independence was a letter, telling the King of England that we will no longer be subject to their laws. It IS NOT, in any way, connected to the U.S. Constitution, which was a guidance of laws for the Country. Both documents were written at separate times, and, although some were the same, had different signatures. Also, regardless of what is contained in the Constitution, there are "Amendments". which are changes, implemented by the introduction of Laws. ANY modification can be made by an act of Congress....so lots not get too attached to the parts that tell us that anything is "Right". The preamble...the primary core. is the only part that is nearly impossible to change...although the far right are trying.
I am a born-again, Bible-believing, Jesus following, evangelical Christian. I attend a Baptist Church. Bible based education does not belong in Public Schools. Religious education belongs in your own home or church, synagogue; temple, mosque, or other meeting place. I would not want my child to be taught a Catholic view of the Bible. Nor would a Catholic parent want their child being taught a Baptist view. The same for any religion. Religions not only differ from each other but there is variation of beliefs within each faith. A publicly funded school should not be choosing which viewpoint gets taught.
I have said before religion should not be forced upon anyone
Nicholas, I agree. Most people who have religion thrust open them usually turn against the concept. These school board must have kept this in mind when choosing to teach religion to K-5 students only because they are so impressionable. If they decided to wait until they were teenagers and were more fully able to comprehend the concepts they were being taught, chances are students would rebel against them because that is what a lot of teens do at that age.
Religion should start at home and follow through in church, not school. It's up to parents to instill values and morality. It's up to the schools to provide knowledge of fundamentals like reading, writing, and arithmetic... Comparative Religions is available in college, should a student have an interest in taking the course. Personally, I'd recommend it...on a college level.
I would rather go back to the pioneer days when the parents taught their children the three R's. Not the one we have now where the government indoctrinates us to their belief systems. That is why we chose to homeschool our children.
I hear you; who wants their children learning about science, math, facts, world views and understandings?
Instead we need to keep them home, teach them about invisible, mythical cloud goDs, intelligent design, worldwide floods, dinosaurs on a man-made ark and a zombie goD who promotes cannibalism.
They did learn all of that. The other option we had was to send them to school and get indoctrinated into all those beliefs that you seem to have.
you mean science, evolution, round earth, history (real history not the made-up kind that you folk like to pass off (yes, slavery was a real thing, yes the holocaust was a real thing, yes racial discrimination is systemic in the US, etc)
home schooling is never any better than the parent that teaches it and I have to believe the reason people home school is like what you said, you don't want them to get an open education.
as for indoctrination, any and all facts taught are easily provable where as the indoctrination you perform on your children are not provable. if you teach 6000 year old earth, 'intelligent' design, all the silly bibbel nonsense, none of that is provable and THAT is what indoctrination is about.
I'm not trying to be demeaning here but reading what you have written here is like watching ten minutes of the debate last night. You must have had a very bad experience with someone who claimed to be a Christian. I never said I didn't believe in slavery, holocaust or discrimination. Yes, you ae correct homeschooling is neither better nor worse than public education. The statistics repeatedly show that if done correctly they are just as smart or smarter than their public-school counterparts. It takes more faith to believe in evolution than creationism. There are less and less evolutionary scientist as the years go by. They just find it difficult to come out in public and lose their tenure in the jobs. Yes, someone is indoctrinated that is what the plan was when the Jesuits started the school system. To teach people not to think for themselves but to think how the man wants them to think. 85% to be slaves and 15% to be rulers over those slaves. Not sure about your round earth comment.
please stop with the "more faith to believe in evolution..." nonsense. it's about the science and how it can be built upon and in many cases, torn down. see, science is based on facts so what you're suggesting is it takes faith to believe in facts and none to believe in religion!?!?!?
I disagree about your premise that there are less and less evolutionary scientists, unless you mean people going into that area of study, in which it has nothing to do with beliefs and more probably with a paying career.
if on the other hand you're trying to claim that scientists are believing less and less in evolution you could not be more wrong. clearly that's your hope but I hate to pop your bubble. SCIENCE is real, repeatable, provable an when found to be inaccurate or wrong, it is challenged and changed according to the new evidence or studies. does your or any religion do that? of course not.
home schooling can be successful if it is applied in the proper way and that means according to your state's department of education rules and provisions for home schooling. the children have to be taught according to the curriculum and be tested on it.
if instead your idea of science is teaching 'in the beginning' then sadly your children won't stand a chance in the competitive real world. they may be able to read and write and do math capably but won't have a clue about the real world around them that isn't wrapped up in silly religious nonsense.
it's funny that you think I had a bad experience with someone who claimed to be a kkris chin. how charmingly absurd that you think a person who has no belief in or use for religion had to have had a bad experience. NO, that was not the case. I was able to come to the conclusion of how bad and useless religion can be. and it came from sanctimonious kkkris chins who felt so superior to everyone else that they simply had to try and save them, convert them. people who would, and will, do anything and say anything to get their noxious ideas into public schools. so yeah, maybe you're right, but for the wrong reason. it wasn't ONE person, it was the lot of you. and it is evidenced in your response to me, not wrong, not sorry, more condescending to me. you've made the list ;-)
Your free to believe those that promote your ideals. Science says otherwise. Your science keeps making this earth older and older because a short timespan can't allow for their beliefs. Look at their failure when the Lunar Lander landed on the moon. They made big saucers on the landing pods because they KNEW how much lunar dust fell every year and they NEW how old the moon was, and they didn't want the ship to sink. Well, what happen it landed, and all that dust wasn't their but 6000-year worth. You probably have a house, and you probably need to edge your sidewalks from the grass that is growing from the runoff of dirt during rain. Well, your scientist KNOWS how much land erodes away every year. but if they measure that silt that ends up in the ocean, Quess what only enough to support 6000 years not millions. Your scientist says the sun is cooling a bit every year. If you go back and add a little heat every year for millions of years, the earth would have been too HOT for anything to form. There are pictures of trees growing through what your science says are millions of years layers of dirt. If we evolved, we would still be evolving, where are all the missing links or if we came from apes and that part of evolution is finished why do we still see apes? They are able to calculate the population of the earth, along with the periods where people die off and it comes to the earth being 6000 years old. Then there are the polonium halos that are in Granite rocks all over the planet that prove it is only 6000 old. Then there is the bombardier beetle that would have blown himself up if he evolved, then there were the scientists that said Mount Saint Helens would take 100"s of year to recover but a year later they were proven wrong. The list could go on and on. Finally, they teach that only the strongest survive, then tell me why the world is sicker every day. If the input (state's curriculum has you call it is corrupt) then the output too will be corrupt. I have no complaints on how my children turned out, other than I should have played subliminal tapes to them while growing up to give 10% to God and 10% to mom and dad. I think my statement is still correct, you admit that people who think or called themselves Christian molded your life. Hopefully some day you will meet real ones. Jesus Never preached superiority, sports were taboo, He never forced His beliefs on anyone. His was a life of service and by His witness people were drawn to Him. I know of no one that is a non-believer that has taken Christ out of someone else's life, but I know of plenty that call themselves Christian that have. I run into them almost every day.
Mr. Davis, did your children attend Harvard or Princeton after high school? Just curious about their level in reading, math and science, history and language arts…
They gave my daughter some kind of test when she was in first grade. Her reading and math levels were somewhere between 6th grade and higher. If I was at home, I could give you the exact level. People commented to us how proud we should be at the results of the test. Both her mom and I said she was just a normal kid, and it was just the lack of education the others were receiving. We did enroll one of our daughters in high school in freshman year and they basically put her in her sophomore year since the curriculum for the freshman year she had already completed.
These states pushing Christianity into schools may actually be an interesting experiment.
If schools become filled with loving, caring and self-sacrificing students then it might show positive influence of a Higher Power.
If schools continue to have mass-shooters, drug addiction, sexual activity and bullying then there is no proof of influence of a Higher Power or that there may even be one.
During which of the past mass shootings has this mythical god stepped in and stopped the shooter?
He did not step in for Adam eating the fruit, Cain killing able, Eli's sons, ten of the twelve apostles, etc. etc. He has given us free will. To take that away we would all be robots. Who would want to be married to a spouse that all they said was "Yes Dear" children that did all that we asked?
Please, just because kkkristofascism is your belief structure does NOT mean it's for everyone else. Would you want your children exposed without YOUR approval to a religion you DO NOT approve of/believe in? I thought not
Schools "...filled with loving, caring....students..." is the responsibility of the PARENTS. Seriously, why are you willing to excuse the parent for not doing their duty and instead claim it the responsibility of the SCHOOL?
Mass shootings are the result of a lack of parental oversight, care, concern and FIREARMS IN THE HOME.
Sexual activity is a result of kkkristofascists who believe sex and sex education are bad and sinful and so kids find out for themselves because parents and churches are prudish and antiquated.
Stop praying for/blaming a higher power, there is NONE. It's up to the parents, NOT the school to raise their child up right. Don't blame teachers or schools. A child that fails in schools does so because he/she was failed at home.
Place the blame where it belongs, on parents, not on silly religions or their sillier beliefs. Eeeessshh
"Do Schools Need Jesus?" Better to ask does Jesus need schools.
I personally would prefer my chosen place of worship teach my children about religious subjects. No idea the qualifications of those teaching and what exactly they are teaching.
You make a good point. While I agree that we need an open minded education system that doesn’t shut out religious beliefs. I’m not sure what that should look like when it comes down to actually teaching it. I never want to see again what happened to my daughter when while she was saying a brief prayer with a friend in the hall way of her high school berated by a teacher, being told she had no right to pray in school. What?
That's all good for institutions of higher learning where adults are making the decision for their course of study. It is not the case for K-5. Religious study has no place in public primary schools. If a parent wants such instruction, there are plenty of private religious schools and, of course, churches. We have students graduating high school that are unable to read and comprehend above a 6th grade level. Adding biblical studies is not going to correct this problem.
Christo-Fascist Texicans! (Texican is Rooster Cogburn’s word, which I think is fun to use.)
If it's not by the spirit power of God it will just be religion: (the law of the flesh).
I see someone’s deep indoctrination is showing, and that’s okay. We love everyone 🤭
It looks like someone drank the koolaid… I’m so sorry…
Never be sorry - its a sign of weakness Never let your guard down I’m always waiting They don’t deserve, divorce him
im always watching 👀
That's my argument against it in schools Stacy. If the teacher doesn't believe you'll be left with insults lobbed at believing students like a monkey throwing poo.
It's interesting though, as soon as they stopped teaching kids they were created and started teaching them they were animals, they started acting like animals.
If the atheists came from monkeys, why is it offensive to call them a monkey or an animal? Even the world health organization has renamed monkey pox to mpox because it's an offensive racist term to those who were or are animals, which presumably are the animals who run the World Health Organization.
atheists didn't come from monkeys, that's just a slur and an attack on people that do not believe in your silly clown goD
clearly you are ignorant (without knowledge) about evolution and how it works, otherwise you wouldn't have claimed that atheists come from monkeys and that children act like animals because they're taught about evolution.
you are just looking to insult people and THAT is against the rules here at ULC and I hope the MODERATORS take notice of your aggressive and insulting behavior. it's evident that you do not accept people of other faiths and beliefs (or disbelief) and you are here to make that point.
Shame on you
What animal did you evolve from if not the primates then JJ?
A girl in Russia, Oxana Malaya was raised by dogs. When discovered, she even barked like the dogs and ate without the used of her hands like dogs. She believed she was a dog and therefore behaved like one. Telling and convincing people they're a certain thing has an effect on them. Children are extraordinarily susceptible by that reality.
My provocative statements are based in research and reality in this case. I'm not intentionally trying to offend though I know I often do.
If you tell a child they can identify as a chair, some will.
I went to catholic and Islamic school K-12 and really helped me understand the world more clearly so I like Texas is doing with their state.
Both these religions have a bad habit of reducing or removing what’s in this world to fit a very small narrative which has only been around a short time compared to the rest of human history. This evil has no place in schools. Children need room to be human, not autonomous religious drones.
I was at a busy 4 way stop waiting for my turn to pass through the intersection. It was in the city so there's not a great deal of patience drivers are willing to offer. Two cars went at the same time, both going straight through, one west and one south. They both slammed on the brakes then resumed at the same time when each driver realized the other stopped. Anger grew. Again they slammed on the brakes then resumed.
Three times they did this then collided. It was a slow motion car crash.
It no longer matters when the right says no to the left and when the left says no to the right.
Both are going to proceed to their destination and both are in each other's way.
When the crash happens, nobody gets through the intersection.
you understand that the post is about teyhas pushing the kkkristofascist agenda by trying to indoctrinate K - 5 in kkkristinsanity...right?
did you mis-post a comment meant for a bad drivers forum?
JJ, please read ChatGPT's analysis of my parable concerning the education of our children.
ChatGPT said: "In your story, you're illustrating a situation where two drivers at a busy four-way stop become entangled in a cycle of mutual frustration and misunderstanding. Their repeated attempts to assert their right to go first ultimately lead to a collision, causing both vehicles to be obstructed. The broader message seems to be about how stubbornness and failure to yield or communicate effectively can result in gridlock, preventing progress for everyone involved. It underscores how conflicts and insistence on being right can obstruct mutual progress and lead to an outcome where no one benefits."
Mr. Davis, did your children attend Harvard or Princeton after high school? Just curious about their level in reading, math and science, history and language arts…
Gentleman you live in Nation dedicated to the God of Abraham and Jesus. We have every State Constitution that acknowledges this God with gratefulness. We pledge our Flag and our money One Nation under God. Educating our Citizens in truth of God as Creator is necessary to become productive citizens. We allow freedom of religion and are given accommodations. The same accommodation that has been the Christians for 60 years now. We are turning tables like Jesus instructed us to. You can home school your children or Open a Religeous School whatever that Religion or Way of life or worldviews. No one should stand in the way of a people seek8ng the Blessing from their God.
No religion in PUBLIC schools!
Gentleman you live in Nation dedicated to the God of Abraham and Jesus. We have every State Constitution that acknowledges this God with gratefulness. We pledge our Flag and our money One Nation under God. Educating our Citizens in truth of God as Creator is necessary to become productive citizens. We allow freedom of religion and are given accommodations. The same accommodation that has been the Christians for 60 years now. We are turning tables like Jesus instructed us to. You can home school your children or Open a Religeous School whatever that Religion or Way of life or worldviews. No one should stand in the way of a people seek8ng the Blessing from their God.
our forefathers were escaping from state sanctioned religion and wanted to create a country without a national religion
our forefathers were escaping from state sanctioned religion and wanted to create a country without a national religion
Gentleman you live in Nation dedicated to the God of Abraham and Jesus. We have every State Constitution that acknowledges this God with gratefulness. We pledge our Flag and our money One Nation under God. Educating our Citizens in truth of God as Creator is necessary to become productive citizens. We allow freedom of religion and are given accommodations. The same accommodation that has been the Christians for 60 years now. We are turning tables like Jesus instructed us to. You can home school your children or Open a Religeous School whatever that Religion or Way of life or worldviews. No one should stand in the way of a people seek8ng the Blessing from their God.
Can you delete two of these? And all here are not gentlemen - we have women, too.
Thank you!
Religion doesn't belong anywhere. Worshipping the Lord God, through Our Lord Jesus Christ belongs everywhere. Actually gonna be what Heaven is already like. Imagine that. As for how American society and the World goes...Have you read the Script? And the Script can be Yours. Just receive Jesus Christ for the High Price He paid for you to be a Subscriber by Faith to The Word of God that lasts for all Eternity. You can cancel at anytime. The Holy Spirit is waiting on you to order now while the Script can still be Yours. Don't wait too long, there will come a time where it will be too late. Order now! The angels are waiting in Heaven to rejoice in your decision to subscribe! This too is found in the Script that can be Yours. Once you have received through Christ, remember this..... If you read everything in the Red, you will have read everything you need to Read concerning Salvation in Jesus Christ. It's a Truth that could save someone's Life..maybe even your own. As for this "life"... already condemned. Pick up your new, again, through the Script that can be Yours in Jesus Name. Love you all so much! And God loves you all so much! Learned it from the Script that can be Yours. I've already made them mine. And the edition has added Multiple Addition to my Life. We will always truly be going somewhere here! Hope you get there, here too!..... As for those who will never get this.... KEEP POKING THE BEAR. HES BOUND TO WAKE UP SOMETIME. THE END
All roads lead to death. If you want to believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven, that’s fine! You may not, however, tell others that they must believe the way you do.
so despite the ULC's maxim that 'we are all children of the universe' and that ALL beliefs are welcome, you come here to spout that only your belief is true and everyone should believe as you do.
how about if instead, you believe like I do, or rather, NOT believe like I do. repeat after me:
There is NO god
Religion if False
non c'è niente dopo la morte
I see religion as formalized mythology. Both of which have informative, educational and useful tales. Many of which promote the Golden Rule. Which we all here hopefully follow. But which religion is right or wrong is not the point. Or which religion should be forced upon all, is an imposition and not acceptable. Belief in a Spirit in the Sky, a heavenly afterlife or the horrific punishment of hell, or reincarnation, is a matter of personal faith, not demonstrable fact.
Religion can be a very complicated subject. I feel that an elective course in the world’s religions would be an excellent class for high schoolers. All other types of forced practices centered around one specific religion should be avoided.
As a middle and high school teacher (I never thought I'd say those words), this has no place in school. If you want your kid to be taught from a religious perspective, I get that, but send your child to a private (NOT state-backed) school. Separation of church and state, y'all!
I am so glad I moved away from Texas before I started teaching.
It seems to me that if over 90 percent of the comments were against doing this and the politicians are "all for it," then the politicians are not listening to their constituents. This is the main reason why it is so important to vote. No matter your belief system, skewing the message taught in schools, especially elementary school, where children are develoentally more apt to take everything literally, these types of lessons are inappropriate. Not all Christians take The Bible literally, so many Christians may not like the message being taught. These are lessons better learned in Sunday School. Religious art appreciation and "the Bible as Literature" classes should be reserved as elective courses and only taught in high school.
Everyone can have their own opinions about this subject. But the truth is we were created by God for his purpose and his plan and that all leads back to serving him and not our own agendas. We were called to be Disciples for the Kingdom of God. We wonder why we're having so many problems in so many places because every place where God and his Spirit was We took him out of ; schools, courts, hospitals, and every other place he was. The answer is simple either your for Christ or against him, you cannot serve two masters.
Religion has no place in schools. Religion belongs in the home and at the place of worship. Schools are educational centers designed to educate our children in subjects such as Reading, Writing, Mathematics, History, Language Arts, etc... We are a nation without a national religion, as designed by our forefathers, and upheld by the Constitution. Our First Amendment secures our Freedom of Religion. Therefore, no one has a right to force any religious teachings upon our children. To force children to listen and learn about a religion they don't practice or understand is clearly a violation of the Constitution. Parents are afforded the rights, responsibility and the duty to choose the religious teachings of their children. The government has no rights to change, usurp, or take away those rights, duties and privileges unless ordered by a court of law to do so. The Constitution guarantees the freedom to choose the religious teachings. To be forced to learn about a religion and a god that isn't part of the family's religious thing is absurd. This subject goes deeper than just teaching religion. It cuts into the very fabric of our Constitution. It strips parents of their rights. It confuses the children. How confusing it must be to be told that the religious teachings of your family are incorrect and your religious teachings are lies. Each child has a right to be educated. Each family has a right to choose the family's religious teachings and beliefs. Families shouldn't be forced to choose between education and religion. Many have brought up the points of One Nation Under God in the allegiance of the flag. Under God was added to the Allegiance in the 50's. It was not part of the original Allegiance. In God we trust wasn't added to currency until the 1900's. It was added to coins in 1908 and paper currency in 1955. It hasn't always been there. Not something our forefathers chose. This shouldn't be a conversation or debate as it is in direct conflict with the Constitution and it interferes with the rights of family.
Of the eight schools making up the Ivy League:
Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, and Yale University . .
ALL but one (Cornell) were established as specifically Christian institutions. They were ALL founded to turn out highly educated Christian clergy. Cornell was established as a religious institution catering to all faiths.
Without the Ivy League's foundational contributions, American and Western education would potentially still be in the stone age, metaphorically speaking.
To prefer ignorance to enlightenment seems a disservice to those generations that follow us. But this is the defining characteristic of the ignorant; they they wish not only to remain ignorant, but to enforce ignorance on most everyone around them. We all know the absence of value contained in that perspective and opinion, and yet, we treat both as if they were on equal footing with other, obviously valuable perspectives and opinions. So what does that make those that do so? Everyone knows that answer; but many just ignore it, coming full circle.
understanding how those institutions came about is as important as understanding how this country came about, realizing that slavery, to one degree or another was instrumental in building both the church as well as building this country.
and yes, church members were essentially slaves to the church; the church governed everyone's life from birth to death and in exchange demanded obeisance, servitude and tithing. in exchange for a fantasy of eternal life in the clouds or fear of eternal damnation in hell.
some people want to play down the part slavery played in the US as well as that of the cathoholic church (among others). both institutions are in denial about their cause and effect
Rev. Dr. Father JJ,
The argument in your above response to my post is bent so far over in an effort to service the slave* construct as to be unrecognizable as a logical and relevant argument.
*The root word "slav" originally described the Slavic states, which the Vikings used as 'farm teams' (baseball reference) for a far-flung slave trade that ran for the best part of 700 years. Regarding Western slavery, Africans raided their neighboring villages, selling their neighbors to slave traders to ship overseas from Elmina Castle (now Ghana), Goree Island (now Senegal), and Bunce Island (now Sierra Leone), without which the European and American slave trades could not have existed. Further, slavery continues to be ensconced in the Muslim religion as evidenced in the Hadith, and the continuation of that practice today by Muslims in Sudan. It seems to be a matter of observing the speck in your neighbor's eye, while ignoring the beam in one's own eye.
my point was that religion paid for higher education to benefit themselves and it was all built on the back of the poor, stupid, ignorant masses who were convinced the fairy tales were true. as how this country was built on the backs of slaves who were enslaved by the people educated by the churches and taught to submit to their lot in life.
not sure what your history lesson is all about but I suppose you feel all the better for it
also, quoting nonsense from the bibble doesn't win you arguments...ever
Your assumption appears to be wholly in error by virtue of looking at only one specific facet of the culture of the time to the exclusion of not just all the other many facets, but the gross and subtle interactions between many if not most of them.
That your perspective appears intractable, repetitive rehashes of the same faulty theme is telling in this regard.
There doesn't appear to be any genuine value to discussing this with you as a result, as I'm sure is also true in the reverse from your perspective. Be well.
I find it fascinating that the people who are so against any any form of Christian teaching whether in schools, or anywhere is a danger. Now I've never had religious teaching in my school. It was always in a church setting. But I believe that any subject that may be used to indoctrinate a child and try to conform their mind to their moral thinking is wrong. That includes materials dealing with sexuality, whether it's homosexuality, or transgender or anything else. These moral issues are the responsibility of the child's parents. No institution has the right to override the home, by teaching such things are normal, acceptable. School is for the teaching of reading,writing and math, history etc. As they get older they delve into more mature subjects like mythology, sociology, religions of the world etc. School is not to take it upon themselves to teach children what may or may not go against what their parents may be teaching them in regards to faith and morals. And the schools should also respect the parents stance on such matters. As a Christian minister, I respect all people, I love all of humanity. I do not agree with a lot of things, and when and only when, I am asked my opinion or believe I give it, but give it with respect of the person asking. There is never the right of anyone to be hateful to anyone, but still have the right to Share their beliefs with the love and compassion that God has called us to.
I literally read the Book of Esther last night and fail to see what value this reading would have on students in K-5. The only reason that Esther became queen was because Queen Vashti refused to make a command performance to entertain a bunch of men who had been drinking for an entire week. King Ahasuerus, who was embarrassed by his wife's refusal to obey his orders, immediately dethrones her. His servants then starts trafficking young maidens who they groom for at least a year in order to provide the king a pool of young women to choose from as a replacement wife.
Are we teaching children at a young age that women are not allowed to set boundaries in order to protect themselves from violence? Are we normalizing the concept of sex trafficking and grooming? None of these lessons should be taught in schools, much less to impressionable K-5 students.
Rev. Michelle, you, unlike many others, see the faulty logic these people are using as a means of indoctrinating children in K - 5 into kkkristinsanity.
They'll claim you're cherry picking while their intent was to just expose the children to the 'good' fairy tales. However the story of queen vashti does blend nicely with what the kkkrs chin nationalists want, which is (and JD Vance is a proponent of this) that a woman's place is at home, barefoot and pregnant. Women have no place in the business world, that's reserved for men. Of course he's pretty hard on the child-less cat women out there so maybe he might find those women suitable for the jobs that queen vashti refused.
Rev. Dr. Father JJ,
Sad thing is there is no such thing as a "good" fairy tale. Cinderella was a tale of a woman who was made a slave by her own family. Sleeping Beauty was a story of a woman who was sexually assaulted in her sleep. Beauty and the Beast was about a woman that was falsely imprisoned by a man with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Mulan was about a woman that crossed-dressed as a man because she wanted to avoid sexual harassment while serving her country. I could go on and on but I'm sure you get the point.
by 'good fairy tales' I meant they would be referring to other verses in their bibble. not the brothers grimm kind of FT. but I get your point
I figured as much. However, it seems as if school administrators want to cut out the proverbial middle-man when it comes to these stories as many fairy tales and nursery rhymes are biblical in origin. Case in point, Humpty Dumpty was a rhyme that spoke about Satan's fall from Heaven.
Religion as a theory is a good educational topic. It can be offered as an elective in higher education. Our US Constitution provides for the separation of church and state. Let's keep the forcing of one's faith beliefs out of public schools. We'd be much better off if public education stuck to the three R's. I would advocate however that public schools do a better job at teaching citizenship and bring back a better Civic's and American history curriculum. Kid's today have no clue who our Founders were, the structure of our Republic or how our government even works. Maybe they should teach tolerance of everyone, kindness for all and charity towards each other as values of good citizenship. Just a thought.
Taking advantage of one's position in charge of public schooling to force your own religion on other people's children is immoral and un-American. Full stop. Of course there's backlash--nobody wants that. Even using a different version of the Christian Bible can cause discord between Christian denominations. The backlash will continue, or even escalate, because this is absolutely wrong.
I think they should offer a class that parents can send or not send their children to. At my high school a Mormon seminary was offered as a elective and not a part of school just on school grounds and available
The goal is to get every child to believe in God, in his son and to get them Born Again. If you who do not believe want to experience a second death that's your wish, just don't take our children with you !
Mrknowitall, Every religion has their own path to finding God. Schools should not be allowed to dictate which path children should take. And as religion should be seen as a choice and not a requirement, administrators should allow students to reach the age of consent before allowing them to choose this class as an elective and not a core requirement for graduation.
good luck with that fantasy. let us now how it turns out for you (hint:dead, in the ground and nothing)
After reading the comments and the text of the article, I believe that these 'efforts' to indoctrinate our children is misguided and should be stopped... I attended public school in TX (1960-1972) and there was no 'religious doctrine' in my lessons, just reading/math/social studies and science. I believe a return to factual teaching about these subjects is warranted. The study of the KJV bible should be taught in the home and place of worship... Not public schools.
They claim the parents need to have a say in what their children learn, but even with the clear majority of parents don’t want this they proceed anyway. Studying the “The Last Supper” by Leonardo da Vinci does not segway into Mathew. What do we need to look in the bible to learn that? Simply teach the painting is based on a story from the bible when Jesus, the Christian savior, blah blah blah. Then tell them to go ask their parents about it and write a paper.
School teachers are not qualified to teach the bible. It should not be used as factual reference material since there are those who question it’s validity. This is nothing more than an effort to convert children into Christianity.
I have no issue with religion. But there is a time and place. And there is a right and wrong. If we are to teach religion, we need to teach all historical facts about religion. Not what one faith believes over another. And that those facts line up with what the Bible actually is saying and not false interpretations of others opinions. This is how slavery way interpreted to slaves to keep them in line. And if it is being taught in our schools we as a people should be able to fully know and able to refuse these teachings if they do not line up with true facts.
Christo-Fascist Texicans! (Texican is Rooster Cogburn’s word, which I think is fun to use.)
Seems Christian Churches in Texas are having problems. Reda this: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/03/us/churches-dallas-fort-worth-sexual-abuse.html
Religion has no place in education!
Actually, there’s nothing wrong with teaching children about what the world’s religions are as long as no one insists that one of them is more true than all the others.
They can take a comparative religions class in college. Religion doesn’t belong in public education!
Some of the side function of most Judeo- Christian religions is a socializing function, an instillation of a moral and ethical code. As such, especially in this ever more dangerously overpopulated world, with it's disconnect between haves and not-haves, any attempt at instilling morality is to be applauded.
as usual you are wrong. In fact the SCOTUS has ruled that you CAN have religion in schools as long as its not taught by a teacher or school official.
Do try and keep your wrong opinions out of the conversation
Lionheart. Once again I tend to agree with you (and not accordingly disagreeing with Paula). I've many books on the worlds religions and find them very interesting and educational. It's similar to learning about various cultural differences, including customs, mythology, music and even food. The more you know about our entire world, the better off you are. The problem is when school religious teachings are geared to inculcate them in children as the only, correct one. Which god you worship, or choose not to, is a personal choice. No one elses.
John, the Sudan is void of greedy mega corporations yet they're chopping each other up just the same. I agree mega corps bring tragedy and slavery but they're not required.
Willing men are the problem.
CONSCIENCE ? Good luck with that
Atheism is a Religion no God of Creation and Secular Humanism is a Religion no need for God in our Society. Christianity is a way of life and a worldview that the majority believes in and in our Republic by which we stand we the people can choose and we have Creationism by the Holy Bible.
atheism is the OPPOSITE of religion
google: the tyranny of the majority
creationism is false science
Not sure JJ. It's just as easy to find a crusty christian, fanatical Muslim and antagonistic atheist willing to berate, behead or crucify someone who doesn't believe what they believe.
Institutions teach each of the three beliefs as if it's the correct one.
Each of the three have tough time admitting they can't prove and therefore don't know their origin, that their way is merely a ridiculous belief.
Former Christians, Muslims and Atheists plug in perfectly into a different belief systems once they abandon the one they had. Atheist welcome former Christians and Muslims with the same enthusiasm former atheists are welcome by creationists.
They all seem the same.
atheism is NOT a religion.
it's an absence of religion
it doesn't believe it anything
atheism = no belief
distill that as you like but atheism is not religion although I get that some of you have to insist it is in order to get through your days
Rev. Dr. Father JJ,
While you seem to be adament that atheism is not a religion, it has been loosely organized in some areas, and as such, it is the religion of there being no God. Atheism is NOT equal no belief, it is the belief that there is NO God, and therefore it is the belief in nothing.
according to you. to mean it simply means there is no god, no nothing, it ends at death. it's not a matter of faith, just acceptance. life begins at birth and ends with death.
to think that humans live on in some silly, cloud world at the smelly feet of some clown god is so egotistical as to be hysterical.
to believe in that nonsense does indeed take faith...blind, stupid faith, that no one can ever prove yet use it to control people and countries.
some people insist atheism is a form of religion so that they can claim some...superiority? or equality? with rational non-believers.