Two female rappers released a controversial new music video that had the internet abuzz, and sparked an intense debate over female sexuality, double standards, and how explicit is “too explicit.”
Rappers Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion made the raunchy video for their new song entitled “WAP.” Many fans gave the release rave reviews, saying it was refreshing to see women feeling empowered about their sexuality – and not being shy to share it.
However, critics were not charmed by the overtly sexual lyrics or the explicit messaging and visuals featured in the video.
Here’s what all the controversy is over.
(Warning: Graphic Content)
“Raised Without God”
The song provoked particularly strong outrage from faith leaders and conservative figures who view it as an affront to modesty and respect. Some even went as far as to argue the behavior is sacrilegious.
"This is what happens when children are raised without God" proclaimed U.S. House candidate James P. Bradley.
What the Bible Says
Where do these moral objections stem from? Does the Bible come down firmly against expressions of female sexuality?
Religious scholars point out that even a cursory read of Biblical passages portrays a difference between the sexes – wherein men are the superior, and women the inferior. Experts point to references of this throughout the Bible, citing verses such as (1 Corinthians 11:7) “Man is the image and glory of God but woman is the glory of man," and (Colossians 3:18) "Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord."
These lessons have carried through into practice in many Christian denominations, where only men are allowed to become ordained and hold leadership positions in the church.
It stands to reason that if a strict interpretation of the Bible doesn’t support women being leaders in the community, it almost certainly wouldn’t be in favor of them singing about their genitalia. Perhaps that explains the visceral reaction on the part of some critics.
Empowering or Objectifying?
But such faith considerations are hardly the only aspect of this story worth exploring.
Male-dominated music genres, such as hip-hop, have always been full of explicit lyrics and sexual content. Boasting about sexual conquests is a particularly common topic in rap songs. Fans of Cardi B have pointed out that when male rappers do this, nobody bats an eye. So why are people freaking out when female artists do the same thing?
If we truly want to promote equality there should be no double standards, they argue. We should be encouraging women to feel empowered about their sexuality – if that means making explicit music, then more power to them.
But critics clearly aren’t sold. Which begs the question: why does it make people uncomfortable when women get vocal about their sexuality?
Is there more to this story than religious objections? What is your reaction?
It’s just garbage. Ignore it and it will fade away.
It took me a while to listen to the entire song when it came on the radio. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This is what you do for MONEY! A minister needs to sprinkle them with holy oil and pray God will put a new spirit in them. Hallelujah! It's like they don't care who's watching. I can't stand for Big Brother to watch me let alone, millions of viewers.
Minister Denna.
Wow, this video has prompted a lot of discussion. Just putting my two cents in. I do agree with the statement that this video has set women back 100 years. And as a Christian, I personally found this totally disgusting. But, all that being said, Brother, or Sister, as Christians, can't you simply not listen to this type of entertainment? I mean, I don't like all of the swearing in rap music, nor all of the sexual connotation given it by male rappers, and I guess women, too, now. But I don't even "accidentally" hear any of it. If some should come on my radio, or my television, I'd simply change the channel. And if I should hear it in public, I wouldn't make a scene. I'd simply walk away from it, realizing that our government has given our citizen's the right to listen to whatever they want. If it were playing in a situation where children were playing nearby, I definitely would speak up. Children should not be exposed to this kind of stuff. Nor your Grandma for that matter. So, I may just speak up if the elderly were present as well. Oh, wait, I am an elderly! But, nope, I generally would keep my fat mouth shut. You see, as a Christian, all of you who will cry whoa is me one day, the Bible says we are to be tolerant, show peace, and love. Jesus saw many things that were wrong in His life, yet only once did He allow His temper to flare, and that was over money changers in the Temple. He did not yell about the lute player who played a rowdy tune with great sexual innuendo. He just kept on walking until He came to a place where He could not hear it. He did not beat on His chest or scream at the sinners. Instead He sat down to eat with them! (Remember Him eating with the Sadducees and the Pharisees?) How about we Christians start living the way Christ taught us? And ladies, a little more clothing, and some refrained singing would sell more, oh so much more! Men like having a little left to the imagination, so put some more clothes on. And ya'all have beautiful voices. Sing something a little more appropriate. I'd buy your albums then! I really believe your audience would more than triple. Again, this is just my 2-cents worth. No comment is necessary. (I won't be reading it anyway.)
How many songs were online last year. Who will remember these songs or words. Think of the parents and what they have to put up with of the comments from friends.
I really don't understand what all the fuss is about. I find it very much empowering for not just women but for people. A lot of women in the world actually enjoy having sex. For centuries the religious oppression has made people ashamed to like sex. That is what's wrong with the so called morality, making people feel guilty about having pleasure. Sex is so much more than making babies, its a way to connect with our significant other or to feel the human connection with another person. If you don't like it...DON'T WATCH IT!!!
I’m sure that if one looks at the lyrics I wonder how they would compare to the dirty bits in the Bible that are also open for children to read that refers to incest, seed spilling on the ground, and let’s not forget Ezekial 23:20 “She lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."
First of all, I’m a bit unconventional. Women should never be shamed for their sexuality. We were ALL created to be sexual beings for the purpose of child birth, and that is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. If GOD did not want us to be sexual then we would not have certain feelings, nor would our bodies respond to sexual stimulation. We were just hard wired this way: man, woman and any other reproducing species under the sun.
I personally believe GOD is our judge, not man; as Richard so eloquently quoted John 8:7. We do not have to like them or their music, however we are never to pass judgment on them as individuals. GOD even used a prostitute to benefit his people, making her a member of Christ’s blood line. From my understanding these women are simply broadcasting their style of sexual expression. I cannot say it’s “good” or “bad”...as that in itself would be passing judgment.
What I do know, and have always condemned, is the fact that young children hear these sexual messages. I have heard far more explicit content coming from men and women in the music industry as well as on TV. Of course it is 1st the Parent’s responsibility to safeguard their child. Growing up, there were songs I could not listen to nor movies nor TV shows due to Parental restrictions. However, as an adult...no matter religious preference...as an ethics driven morally conscious adult...I would be selective about what content I release into the world. Again, the children are listening. When we are blessed with a platform, their is a high probability of admiration. There will likely be a following of tiny impressionable minds who want to act, talk and dress like you. It all boils down to if you’re willing to compromise moral responsibility in exchange for pay. Let’s face it...many have & will continue to.
They should have asked her if she was into S&M. She might have really enjoyed it.
“When they kept questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “The one of you who is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.””
- Yochanan (Jhn) 8:7 CJB https://www.bible.com/1275/jhn.8.7.cjb
Jesus did not condemn woman, and neither should humanity.
I loved that song, it had a powerful beautiful beats. We need more songs like that.
But they have so much more fun in Hustler magazine. I only look at the cartoons. And that ain't no shit!
Sorry I have a better taste of music. Someone once said that sex sells and it will sell anything. Guess to make a name for your self a little skin is require. In this case it would be nice if the subjects could be more of a Playboy model instead of a Hustler model. Not saying I have read either one of these puristic publications.
Look ... not everyone is Christian. So, Christians need to STOP FORCING THEIR BELIEFS on others. We have freedom of religion in this country and that means ALL religions. We also have freedom of expression. If you don't want to listen, change the channel. Don't want your kids watching, then stop them, but you have no right to stop anyone else from listening/watching WAP or anything like it.
What's with Christian folk and the idea of women enjoying sex and talking/singing about it? Men do it all the time. End this double standard.
We have endless graphic violence in media, movies, etc, but sing about pleasure or show a boob and Great Goddess the outrage.
I totally agree!
Yep. Totally agree about the first amendment rights. I would also say that I think it is, as the article addressed, totally hypocritical that men can perform like this without criticism and women can't.
Yes, men and women are different. Vive La Différence! But that does not mean that women should be treated to different standards, or treated as subservient to men, even their husbands. This is the twenty-first century and science (based on the nature and reasoning that God gave us) should have a role to play in determining the relevance of cultural norms found in the Bible that were common in that day and are no longer. The moral point here isn't holding to the ancient cultural norm of Biblical times, but whether we will be true to people according to current understandings of humanity and human nature.
John Wesley certainly made scripture preeminent, but not exclusive for determining the truth. He held scripture, reason, experience and tradition as norms for seeking the truth. This is a case where we need to use reason and experience. The video may be in poor taste to many, no doubt. (I write this without yet having watched it. This isn't a new issue.) But I believe that women should not be held to a different standard than we hold men. There is a reason the modern world has given women the right to vote and own property. The standards that forbade those are outdated.
Daniel James Hockenberry when and were did you hear these folks ask you for an apology for slaver? I'd like to view what they said and possibly the reason why. What is your source? I take it that you are not black and don't care but I have lived in this black skin 70 years and have seen racism and white supremacy at its best and haven't ask for an apology for slavery from anyone. I acknowledge it's systemic an the results continue still exist. Certainly I'm not asking for an apology for the assignation of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcom X, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Michael Brown, Terence Carter, Eric Garner, Oscar Grant, Fredie Gray. Botham Jean, Atatiana Jefferson, Bettie Jones and the list goes on. Those who died at that hands of white police officers with a slave mentality. Let ask you my brother. How manywhites were killed by black law enforcement officers. The purpose is to control and inflict fear. I don't believe that's part of God's plan (or at leas the God I pray to).
Well not being raised with Godin the home may or may not be the reason for what may be abnormal and aberrant behavior. Some folk are raised with God but are subject to incest, rape and molestation as children and as they grow up their self worth, trust and and identity have been destroyed. I'm not saying that this is the case for the video but what I am saying is God is the judge not me. In the cases of the Catholic Church, how many young lives were destroyed as a result of being molested by those with whom the parents entrust their the care of their child or children. To make matters worse the church knew about this and hid the truth for years. In many cases the priest were moved to another location. Both the church (any church for that matter), priest, Cardinal and Pope were as responsible for destroying the innocence of young boys as well as any psychological/ emotional damage to the victims and yet the perpetrators and took vows to God and the church that they all violated.
My point is I'm not here to condemn the church, but to say people behave the way the do is because they weren't raised with God in the house isn't true and short sided. Interesting if you go looking for this kind of stuff you can find it. I see a lot of things posted on Facebook posted by so called friends or people in general. I don't bother viewing or reading if it.
Well not being raised with Godin the home may or may not be the reason for what may be abnormal and aberrant behavior. Some folk are raised with God but are subject to incest, rape and molestation as children and as they grow up their self worth, trust and and identity have been destroyed. I'm not saying that this is the case for the video but what I am saying is God is the judge not me. In the cases of the Catholic Church, how many young lives were destroyed as a result of being molested by those with whom the parents entrust their the care of their child or children. To make matters worse the church knew about this and hid the truth for years. In many cases the priest were moved to another location. Both the church (any church for that matter), priest, Cardinal and Pope were as responsible for destroying the innocence of young boys as well as any psychological/ emotional damage to the victims and yet the perpetrators and took vows to God and the church that they all violated.
My point is I'm not here to condemn the church, but to say people behave the way the do is because they weren't raised with God in the house isn't true and short sided. Interesting if you go looking for this kind of stuff you can find it. I see a lot of things posted on Facebook posted by so called friends or people in general. I don't bother viewing or reading if it.
There are more important aspects of life to be discussed and improved by intelligent humans . This does not deserve the notoriety that it has been given to promote its continuance . Watch not watch this too should and shall pass . Intimacy between two humans is a personal, private communication and as such should remain so .
The morality of this video is not the problem. It's just a bad video. Uninspired music and lyrics, ugly sets, lighting, costumes and make-up, childish choreography and somnambulistic performances. It's only getting airtime because it is supposedly offensive and that's the God's honest truth. It lacks any artistic merit..
This video is "powerful" in a pornographic kind of way. I guess some women think it is empowering to shake your butt around, use suggestive language and make allusions to bestiality. It is a very seductive video, as the people and the set design are entertaining and colorful to watch. I don't think I'd be comfortable having my grandchildren watch it though. And I do not find that it empowers women.
Over 50 years ago, Elvis the pelvis gyrated his hips and behind and women round the world went nuts with excitement. But a woman can shake it like Elvis? Holly sexism Batman, what double standards you have. It's not meant for your grandkids, don't let them watch it. It's meant for people, say 11+. It's empowring for a woman to say, I wanna enjoy sex as much as my man does.
And Jim Morrison once went far beyond Elvis, in showing us something on stage!
I'm not all that offended by the visuals. It's just a bunch of fat skanks doing what fat skanks do. Skanking around fatly. What offends me the most is people referring to this garbage as music. It is not. It is semi rhythmic gibberish by people without enough talent to do any better. But this is my opinion. My opinion cannot be made law. And it should not be. Freedom to choose our art forms and religious convictions are more important than some fat skanks flapping and flopping around mumbling about their naughty bits.
You win! I agree 100%
Hey John, Matthew 7:1 “Judge not lest ye be judged”
Life without making judgments is simply...retarded!
Trying to make porn & beastiality mainstream. This is talent...?
I already posted on this but I wanted to add that they are sooooo religious but after Sunday they act like this, how much sin is God supposed to forgive how do you go to church every week sing gospel, praise God, ask forgiveness Then go out stuff your face talk like trash sin all week and do the same thing the next week end week after week all your life?
Don't talk to me about sin after Sunday, when we still have hoards of pedophile priests in the church, who haven't been brought to justice.
Well this is mostly the same people who insist they we keep apologizing for slavery and insist that they are racially discriminated but they treat each other like they say we treat them would you call a woman a bitch who you love, or would you sing about what you want to do to your man or woman’s private parts no because it’s a lewd and vulgar behavior and it’s not just the black race it’s many whites and other races as well, and while I feel any couple can do what they want in the privacy of their own bedroom and talk how they want to each other there consenting with one another that’s were those consented acts and language should be kept. Now as for lyrics that use the N word they call each other that, and they sing lyrics like So I pull up and I busted a cap in the N what is that they cry about black lives matter but their young listen to these rappers that are hero’s to them because they became rich and famous but they don’t understand that what the song teaches them is wrong you don’t murder, you don’t sing about your sex life on stage using vulgar and lewd words or behavior. I support freedom of speech but if you don’t want to be treated like scum then chose what you want to freely say or do carefully because people are judgmental and you will be judged in this life and beyond amen!
Men sing about similar things, and have done so for decades. Yes, and that includes white men too, So get off your racist high horse and change the channel if you don't like the song.
The tango can be described as a lewd and sexy dance.
If you are referring to Mary Magdalene, NO WHERE is she described as a whore. That is the male interpretation of the Bible for the last 2000 years that immediately calls a female sinner a whore.
Since she actually is listed with a surname, it's now actually believed that she was wealthy and funded Jesus's proselytizing journey.
Meh, don't like it? Don't watch it. I personally don't care for rap but to each their own.
I really don't care what anyone sings about. By choosing a shocking topic, Cardi B & Megan Thee Stallion show social power. And likely economic power.
There is something to be said for women owning their sexuality and using it as they see fit- in this case for artic and economic benefit. Mostly, though, I think, "Meh."
However, I was surprised the author didn't reference Song of Songs and all the innuendo and STRONG female sexuality boldly displayed there. If anything, I think Christian scripture is strongly in favor of female sexual empowerment celebrated within right relationship.
Just disappointed that you chose to link to the video. Presumably Warner Bros and the "artists" get paid for every view, and in facilitating people watching it, you're giving them exactly what they want.
Sing your JOY to the LORD ! Christ is Risen ! Salvation is here for us All - Praise the Creator ! Whatever is GOOD - set your heart and mind on these, and all forms of good shall come to you...
I bet you are a real hit and the life and soul at parties. Just sayin”
One man's good is another man's evil, Chris. I'll go to heaven for the climate, and Hell for the company. Haven't you heard that it's better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven.
People love anything that is taboo or forbidden the more taboo or forbidden something is the more people will be drawn to it.
Like sex on the beach. Those were the days, yes those were the days! Another one of my favorite songs.
If there money in it and it sells then they will keep on doing it, if there no money and it doesn't sell it will die out on it's own.
What I find sad and disturbing is the ease This is so easily obtainable by the very young and the very impressionable l. I do believe in the freedom of speech but we have also made it far too easy for this to fall through parental review. As a society, we have lost our belief in maintaining childhood as a time for innocence and instruction In a moral way of life. There are no taboos even in what children might be exposed. I am old enough to remember the idea of the family hour, but now as a parent we must be ever vigilant.
I have 5 kids who each have at least 2 internet connected devices. All of my children have parental controls on their devices. I have zero concern they will accidently come across this content. But let's say they do- what shall I do? Well, we'd be having discussions about 1. Female sexual response. 2. The Song of Solomon and healthy sexual relationships. 3. What is art? 4. The economic value of being 'naughty'. What I wouldn't do is worry for one second that Cardi B's explicit song would damage my little Angels. Parenting is about explaining the world to our kids and preparing them to live wisely in it.
Everything is so easy to obtain in today's world.
Isn't it wonderful, Chris? I'm tickled pink to be having an incarnation during this day and age, especially because of the internet, Android phones, and Amazon!!!
If you are a Christian who is offended by theses words, then you understand how offenses the words of Christinas can be when they say “creationism is scientific theory”. We need to be accepting of each other even when the words offensive to us.
Christians just need to feel guilty. The more they have to feel bad about the better they feel.
It’s the same with other similar cults Carl, not just Christianity, that enjoy self-flagilation for being thoroughly naughty boys in the eyes of their religion.
It's vulgar yes, but most Hip Hop and Rock Music is as well. That's the society we live in and if offended use your discretion and don't partake.
Personally, I'm a music lover, and have atleast 200 CDs of various genres, as well as numerous concert DVDs. The only kind of music I've heard that I don't like at all is called House. As far as rap is concerned, at Junior high school dances in the mid-seventies they were playing disco, but at Ball High School dances in 1977 they started introducing us to rap. However, I didn't start liking any of it for many years until Eminem came out with Slim Shady. I now have their CD Recovery, as well as a homemade cassette of them. One of my all-time favorite movies was Eight Mile, and I've watched it numerous times. Another favorite movie of mine is called Leprechaun In The Hood. I'm very moody when it comes to music, and don't listen to rap often, but it does have its place. For example, I might start listening to Eric Clapton or Led Zeppelin in the morning, by midday I might be listening to Bach's violin concerto, Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, or Heatwave's Grooveline, followed by Dean Marin's Away, followed by Ghost Riders In The Sky, The Yellow Bandana, and top it off with Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. I've got all that music, and a whole lot more. Talk about an extremist. I've got the Andrews sister's Greatest Hits, and Judas Priest's Screaming For Vengeance, not to mention five Time-Life music collections, such as Country Romance, Disco Fever, Malt Shop Memories, pop Hits of the sixties, and rock and roll Hits of the sixties! And then there's my jazz collection,from the Jazz Heritage Society, including Scott Joplin's rag time music. Have I made my point? I love music!!! And there's nothing evil about it. It's beautiful, even when performed naked on stage, by pretty people.
It would be the extremists that call music evil I wouldn’t call any music evil unless it Speaks out against God or praises the devil but there are something’s that shouldn’t be sung in public while you shake your naked butt on stage kids don’t need to see stuff like this, they don’t need to be taught that this kind of behavior is ok, say you have a daughter she’s watches all music videos because it’s beautiful One night you come home she’s running around the yard nude singing the song, also public nudity is illegal but it’s ok for these singers to step out into public in a dress with full breasts exposed because all that’s covering them is a totally see through mesh that’s doing nothing to cover them you see everything, you let your normal woman do that in public and she’s going to jail and if children are around she’ll be marked down as a sex offender for life. I love most music and the music I don’t like is because it’s just plain bad in sound and I like rap music but just the music not the singers lyrics not because it offends me rap singing just sux. Some of the older rappers had some sweet lyrics like gin and juice,
I'm new to the page, having never participated before, simply read the newsletter. I accidentally voted for this, so I feel I should leave a comment. I agree, there should not be double standards. Either celebrities need to conform to them when in public or it simply needs to be legal for anyone to go bare chested in public. Communities can decide standards and everyone should be held to them. If they want to protest and push the envelope, then they deal with the consequences, pay the fine or continue to challenge.
Music videos are a little different because one must make the choice to watch it. I agree with Minister Mike when he said, then why are "Good Christians" watching this if they find it offensive.
Absolutely. When I was in my late teens, back in the early 1970s, a friend and I organized a Christian concert in a local park's amphitheater. We had numerous Christian rock musicians. There were, of course, many who didn't think that Christians should be making rock music. The rallying cry was, "Why should the devil have all the good music?" I don't know that Wesley ever said that, but the Wesley brothers used common tunes from their day for hymns. Tavern songs.
Just to say that Christians listen to a wide range of music. Even if the lyrics don't seem edifying, the music might be enjoyable. It is certainly an education as to what some artists are expressing. And I would hold that any art is sacred. I may not like it. I may turn it off. It may not be my style. But it is their right (1st Amendment) to express it.
I found it tasteless, but no worse than the music and videos I've heard/seen from male performers. I'm not forced to watch or listen, nor are you. To say that a woman glorifying womanhood and her sexuality is "sacrilegious" is nothing but sanctimony and male misogyny, IMO. That the 'holy writings' demean and dismiss women is undeniable. Those were written long ago, by men for men who've felt threatened by strong, independent women.
Read Ruth and Ester! Also Jesus did not condone sexism. He openly had women involved in his ministry, and the first eye-witness accounts of the resurrection were from women.
What we have is how the secular societies from the beginning of time were sexist, partakers in the evils of slavery, greed, robbing, plundering, pillaging, raping, and murdering. The secular cultures and societies launched all the atrocities the nonbelieving element cries a river about and blames Christians. Well you haughty, arrogant, nonbelieving, abomination supporting depraved classless society wake up! Read about your ancient secular societies. See how great they were, and how fair their standards of law were.
Watch Monty Python's The Holy Grail where the King Arthur talks to the peasants who use a democratic system of government, or the scene where townspeople dress a woman up as a witch. For all the calamities and carnage you can muster up against Christianity, I can look in the 20th century and see how secular unbelieving, Godless societies on earth raped, killed, tortured, children, pregnant women and men all across the globe U731 in Manchuria, Nazi nonbelieving secular Germany, Khymer Rogue, MK Ultra and the other black book projects that committed crimes against humanity, the injustices that occur everyday and go unanswered. These are a few of the favorite things in a secular society. Society becomes degraded not better. Society acts out on hate against whoever and whatever they want whenever they want. There are no clear moral and ethical standards. Everything is jumbled up into meaningless relativism. Well, my friends relativism says I am right to feel this way. So, who are any of you to say I am wrong? It looks like the relativism and if it feels good do it cannot support your worldview. If the nonbelieving secular worldview is all there is, then it is a lie. There are only two options folks. There is either theism or nihilism. Secular Humanism or atheism/humanism is none existent. Ponder that, if you please. Imagine theism or nihilism and why that would be so before you bash and blast other worldviews for their beliefs and faiths. Perhaps, most would benefit from a few philosophy courses where you are taught about other worldviews and to appreciate/be tolerant to them.
Children's ears aren't ready for this explicit language.Is it labeled adults only?Children will gain access to this music.
Well ... it's your job as a parent to control what your kids see on line. When my kids were young, there was only one computer and it was in the living room, so that we could see what they were viewing at all times.
When I was twelve years old we played pong, on our TV,vin the living room.
So, why are these "good" christians watching something they find offensive? 🤣 (Hint: when they say they heard it "accidentally they could/should have turned it off at the first "offensive" term they heard, so that doesn't wash at all).
Why aren't they decrying all music that elevates violence and murder? (Hint: they love it)
It is like the people who complained about the neighbors having nude parties around their swimming pool.
In court answering the complaint they told the judge that they had built a really tall privacy fence so they would not offend their neighbors.
The complainants said, "Well, yes, but if we go up to the attic and lean way out we can still see them!"
The reason some religious leaders are upset has to do with male dominance and the dominance of males in the Bible. She is on of God's children. And as Jesus teaches us we should have tolerance and be accepting of her even if we do not agree with the way she is making money and marketing herself.
"doug's spin": Show me the Scriptures where Jesus promoted 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' of her type of lifestyle! Numerous times Jesus used the terms 'vipers', 'faithless', 'sepulchers', 'children of Satan', 'perverse', etc. to describe those living in an unGodly, uncouth manner. 'Tolerance'? 'Accepting'? NO!
but then he di accept a whore into his inner circle didn't he my friend
Typical of your ilk. You did not DIRECTLY respond to my comment! AND, you failed to define 'inner circle'! AND, I referred to 'lifestyle', not the person. So, your response was hollow, ambiguous and inane.
Flugo- those reprimands were given to religious leaders who pretended to be holy while persecuting and disdaining the poor. Jesus never- EVER- used those kinds of rebukes for a regular person behaving poorly. To those people, He said, "Follow me."
'angelick': I find it amusing when people use 'extreme' word like always, ever, never,all, everybody, etc. Invariably their message - like yours - is blatantly false.
You said Jesus reserved His reprimands and rebukes ONLY for the hypocritical religious leaders. WRONG!
In glancing through just Matthew's gospel, I find the multitudes and/or general populations were addressed as follows: 7:5 hypocrites; 7:26 fool; 8:26 little faith; 11:21-23 woe, for their non-repentance; and 17:17 perverse, faithless.
I failed to find your cute little 'follow me' in these verses.
To quote a famous song (that I bet T Kosse knows) "We're not gonna take it! No, we're not gonna take it! We're not gonna take it anymore!" And I'm rolling something that I'm going to smoke with the pages of that worthless Christian Bible that rebukes my claims.
Satan loves us. It sounds like you haven't read the 1st Book Of Carl in the Elfstrom Bible. Shame on you, flugo!
Dont like it then dont watch it. While I dont like it I will fight to the death for their 1st Amendment right to make themselves look this foolish and like prostitutes. Same would go for other singers who call women btches and h's and think they are being clever. People need to understand their feelings do not trump or overturn your constitutional 1st Amendment rights no matter if its this or some idiot trying to violate your religious beliefs.
I agree 100%
Wow! I actually voted for Daniel Gray's comment.
just shows you still have a little sense
You've got one coming to you, Danny boy.
Carl, thou art forgiven of thy sin. Go forth and sin no more and thou shalt be totally forgiven. (The book of Lionheart: chapter 2, verse 9).
We all do silly things when we are high 🤪
I'll take another toke to that, Lionheart!
Awww whats wrong? mad because you actually admitted that I was correct, or is your statement of I have one coming to me, a threat?
people have been banned from here for far less then this.
I don't know if I have any children (yet), so I'm not going to say what I think they should or shouldn't be doing. I don't even like to think about children; people under forty. However, when I was a child the closest thing I got to watch was Elvira, Mistress Of The Night, and I always loved to imagine her shaking it in my face, even when I was knee high to a grasshopper!
In his current delusion Daniel is an attorney. He started practicing law while was washing dishes at IHOP.
No I stated fact, whats wrong Carl? Ticked because if you had read the TOS when you signed up here it said no threats, implied or otherwise. You are just mad because your mouth wrote a check you couldnt cover. Learn from it and move on
Hey, 'mattassed':, Luke 17:13 'rebuke'; John 7:24 'judge'; I Corinthians 2:14,15 'judge'. Any 'normal' person using discernment, appraisal, discrimination, and evaluation . . judges! Wake up!