The 117th Congress opened their first session with a prayer from Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, who finished his message with the phrase “Amen… and a-woman.” You can watch the video here:
Many interpretted the addition as an inclusive gesture, a clever way to modify a congressional custom to highlight the gender equality movement – a hot topic of conversation in Congress as of late.
However, critics were not amused.
"A-Woman" Backlash
The internet exploded in anger after the video was posted, with many people calling it a nonsensical addition that serves to mock and undermine a sacred part of prayer – the conclusion signaled with "amen".
So, what does "Amen" mean, exactly? As it turns out, the phrase has nothing to do with gender. According to historians, the word's origins trace back thousands of years and it translates roughly to "so be it" in Hebrew. Conservative critics were quick to point out this fact on social media:
Rep. Cleaver, a United Methodist minister, has defended the prayer. He said that the pun was simply meant as an acknowledgement of the record number of women recently sworn into Congress, and he's disappointed that the prayer is being “misconstrued by some to fit a narrative that stokes resentment and greater division among portions of our population.”
Pun Gone Wrong?
Then there are some who disagreed with the prayer, but for a different reason: that it wasn't inclusive enough. By only referring to men and women, these folks point out, the prayer only served to reinforce a gender binary that is harmful to those who don't identify as male or female.
What do you make of this whole controversy? Was it a bad idea to add "A-Woman" on to the end of the prayer?
The world is going down the crapper fast. I believe in AMEN only.
Why am I concerned with "aman ...a-woman" even as a pun? Our leaders in government have publicly degraded the concept of praying to God. God has given us three institutions: The Family, Civil Authority, and The Church. These three organizations provide the balance needed for our spiritual health and our secular health. In them we learn how to treat each other. We learn how to get along with each other. And we learn how to be pleasing to God. All three are necessary to produce a well rounded spiritually balanced individual. Neglect one part and the whole process tumbles out of control. Our nation, our governing leaders, our teachers (spiritual and secular) and our parents need to be right with God so that we ourselves are right with God. But in this society, being right with God is nothing more than a punch line. And a poor one at that. As a nation, as a people, as a body, we have reduced God to a bad joke. Half a million people have been taken because of a virus. I myself do not believe in coincidences. I believe in God. I believe what it says about Him in the written Word. He is a fierce and frightening God who is jealous for His name. He is jealous for His people. He is jealous for His servants. He disciplines those He loves ... He is a just and fair Father who deeply loves us. Perhaps that is what has saved us so far? His Son wept for His people. I just cannot see Him laughing right now. His words ring down through the ages: "FATHER, FORGIVE THEM, THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO!" Why are we so eager to keep proving that very thing? We are so arrogant! We even believe that the Bible was always written in today's english and that we completely understand everything that happened almost 2000 years ago from today's point of view. A-Man? A-Woman?
Thank you for telling us what you believe, which of course is no different to any other person on Earth that believes in their god. Your ipse dixit is no different to many others of different faiths, and that’s ok.
As for stating that your particular deity is just and fair, you might try telling that to little children dying of all manner of cancers. He might be fierce and frightening to you, but to me he’s a pathetic mythical jealous deity with major anger management issues that would rather kill little children than figure out a better way of dealing with Pharaoh. If I ever come across him I’ll stamp on his sandaled feet and punch him on his nose. He deserves much worse of course.
Anyway, keep worshiping it if you must. There are much worse ones, and hopefully there are much better ones, but I seriously doubt it.
Your blog makes no effort to defend God's word, and no where do I read anything of God's teachings, word, or him. All you do is post hot 'religious' aericles and what others say about it. What is your churches doctrine. It appears extremely hypocritical in every way possible. Callibg anyone ordained with minutes. Half the people point out that they love the extra money they get from officiating weddungs- that is not what the intention is supposed to be. If you go to anyegjt Pastor who graduated from semenary that's not what they would say. This is the reason that the secular community is unfortunately taking over. You claim that God doesn't judge this snd that... Well I'm wondering if he judges your lack of teachings and false teachings. This is evil
Hell has no fury as a woman scorned. This is a behavioral issue. The word game of the hunting party of bullying. Amin would have sufficed as one accord would be ALL IN. As in I AM ALL In agreement with God Jesus Christ and the holy spirit. But Nooooo this had to be about sexes. God is Dominant not man or woman. Jesus Christ told you so. Only in him and with him will you be children of God. The rest belong to the beast. Well here is the beastly behavior. Arguments. Find peace and love and joy. Stop playing with my life.
What were the politics of Jesus? Let's take a look:
On defense: Jesus said "Love your enemies" and "Blessed are the peacemakers." "If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." (Matthew 5:44; 5:9; 5:39.)
On social programs: "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven." (Matthew 19:21.)
On rugged individualism and the pursuit of self-interest: "Love your neighbor as yourself." "So in everything, do to others as you would have them do to you." (Matthew 22:39; 7:12.)
On financial success: "Truly, I say unto you, it will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." "You cannot serve both God and Money." (Matthew 19:23; 6:24.)
On the philosophy that "greed is good": "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." (Luke 12:15.)
On paying taxes: "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." (Matthew 22:22.)
On tolerance, crime and punishment: "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." (John 8:7; Matthew 7:1,2.)
On climbing the social ladder: "The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Behold, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!'" (Matthew 11:19.)
On money-hungry televangelists: "In the temple courts [Jesus] found men selling cattle, sheep and doves, and other sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple area, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables." (John 2:14,15.)
On the free lunch: "Taking the five loaves and two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves… The number of those who ate was about five thousand men…" (Matthew 14:19,21.)
On the perks and privileges of power: "After that, [Jesus] poured water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him." (John 13:5.)
On moral absolutes: "If any of you has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold of it and lift it out?" "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath." (Matthew 12:11; Mark 2:27.)
On family: "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters - yes, even his own life - he cannot be my disciple." Also: "'Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?' Pointing to his disciples, he said, 'Here are my mother and my brothers.'" (Luke 14:26; Matthew 12:48,49.)
On race relations: In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus praised the morality of a hated foreigner over his own countrymen. (Luke 10:30-37.)
On letting others pull themselves up by their own bootstraps:"But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous." (Luke 14:13,14.)
Jesus was clearly not only a left winger but a radical left winger.
That "pun" meant to acknowledge the women appointed to the new cabinet did more to acknowledge that the minister is an idiot. The author of the article at the top of this page is also infuriating when he says, "Conservative critics were quick to point out...," referring to the astute observation that "Amen" is an ancient word meaning, "So be it." "Conservative critics were quick to point out...," seems to be an indictment of anyone who would dare contradict the use of the term "A-woman." This is a really stupid issue.
We have seen the Devil at work , from the use of voting machines (that were created by a Madman, Hugo Chavez-Venzuelan (mass murderer), The Dominion servers were put in place by Secretary's of States, who, illegally went around the constitution of the United States of America (The State's Legislator's ) these Duly Elected Officials who are the only ones allowed to make this decision on behalf of WE THE PEOPLE of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! We are seeing for The First Time the use of Propaganda and Oppression and Oppression against The One Nation Under GOD! The likes of which have not been seen since the Nazi's Seized power over a once Mighty Nation (Germany)! The Christian's are at war with this enemy right Now, right here, if you do not believe that this nation is the Land of Milk and Honey, and that it was not promised to us by our GOD and through our Faith in Him and our Lord Jesus Chris, then, you may find yourself with a mark on your head, which could be color, and one of many, who, are attacking the very principle our nation was founded under! FREEDOM and CHRISTIANITY! Satan you have already been defeated and Now I AM TELLING YOUR IDOL's you have already been defeated and the Idiot leading you, was Terminated by Jesus Christ and his Leading General of GODS ARMY, Michael The Arch Angel! Amen! Reverend John C Hill Affiliation: Pentecostal/Deliverance Military Veteran of Foreign War
The silliest part is that prayer is still in government! Separate church and state already!
I don't anything wrong with a-women. But then I'm not a fanatical holier than thou one true wayer.
I don't anything wrong with a-women. But then I'm not a fanatical holier than thou one true wayer.
The actual meaning of amen is "so be it". There is nothing relating to gender in the word except a coincidence in modern English. Whoever brought the subject to the fire was just to lazy to look it up or think about it.
Ben has it 100% correct. All this man did and said shows his uneducated brain. This is why they should only serve one term and get out and go home.
Before someone criticises something know what you are talking about.
Amen means..So be it. This says that what he said was more normal than the polosi story. They as women go, weren't allowed into the holy of holies and the inter Temple. They also had more common sense about where to put themselves back then. It's women's fault when it comes to equal rights they've always had rights. Most of it is due to the ones just provoking to stir the pot for no good reason. As they have found. It's not a very tasty recipe.
This ludicrous topic is the result of the dumbing down of the American education system. I have had similar arguments with people who insisted on banning the word's "history" and "surname" mistakenly thinking both referred to gender. Middle school English classes no longer teach homonymic concepts.
Let them have freedom of speech and religion , A-man, A-woman or even A-Cat. It is not for us to judge. Let the one true God judge them. For it is a personal matter between them and their maker.
It could have been amusing for the right audience. But the first mistake was amen/awoman. It should have been amen/awomen. This was a high profile delivery and political to boot. He goofed. But get over it People.
I think too many people just need to get over themselves and their own inflated sense of importance. The man was making a pun on a turn of word
Amen , but AH Women as my Mother would say. once it might have been important, but since it is said so often it becomes just conman language. Amen that has been a long and dull sermon. Spoken by those who had to set listening to a dull sermon.
Is nothing sacred! We have individuals trying to change "Let it be so" Amen to be gender inclusive. Leave it alone! On the other hand it is so refreshing to hear prayer on such occasions, let’s give him a pass and be grateful. GOD forgives, let’s do the same.
Brother Bill
Minister Mike...you got the grammar correct unlike Rep. Cleaver. Cleaver failed to notice that "men" is plural and "woman" is singular. He should have at least said "Awomen" as you did in your closing. But, we all can appreciate the spirituality of the whole prayer in some form or another. The politics associated with it is a mute point when the blessings are made. Those spiritual leaders really should just keep it out. Amen...So mote it be...As God wills it, etc. Michael
Just plain dumb. Trying to be cute and with no understanding of the original Hebrew meaning of the word. Let it go.
Our country was a much better place before every word spoken in Wash. DC is now captured on film and played endlessly to entertain Americans, most of who are totally bored and have nothing better to do. I care not what this man said, whether it was planned or spur of the moment. Who cares? Likely his audience was out in the halls of congress sipping coffee and munching donuts. In all seriousness, I have a full day just trying to do my work, take care of family and all the other chores that fills my life. I have no time for sitting in front of the Boob Tube. A total waste of a person's life. We all need to do our job and forget about the traps trying to snare you into criticizing others. Share what you believe is important, but do not attach others. Love is best.
What part of "amen" doesn't refer to gender of any kind don't you get? Is it that hard to comprehend something so simple? It's not a gender word! Ingnorance is bliss, I guess. Afool and Amoron.
It means solemn ratification to agree that the prayer is over to agree with everybody listening that the prayer is at a close and its agreed upon.
Yes. Ben Shapiro was right to point out that "amen" is an Anglicized spelling and pronunciation of a Hebrew word that, I believe, was pronounced originally as "o-MAIN" or "a-MAIN" - not a reference to a gender, but an expression of desire that the prayer be granted. "Let it be so" or something similar.
His closing comment was, IMHO, inappropriate and uncharitable - uncharacteristic of Jewish, Christian, or many other faiths.
Also, I find the cattiness about "left wing ministers" is likewise uncharitable and inappropriate. I should think all of us are trying to promote at least some semblance of the same message. I should also think that those ministers of the Christian faith should remember that Jesus the Christ told us to not just LOVE one another, but to SHOW our love FOR one another. Angrily calling names is NOT what Our Lord and Savior asked of us, not loving one another. Besides, the Christ described by the 4 evangelists in the Gospels was not of a conservative, but a center-leftist - observing traditions, yet helping others selflessly.
Think these left wing pastors should go back to theology classes
What were the politics of Jesus? Let's take a look:
On defense: Jesus said "Love your enemies" and "Blessed are the peacemakers." "If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." (Matthew 5:44; 5:9; 5:39.)
On social programs: "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven." (Matthew 19:21.)
On rugged individualism and the pursuit of self-interest: "Love your neighbor as yourself." "So in everything, do to others as you would have them do to you." (Matthew 22:39; 7:12.)
On financial success: "Truly, I say unto you, it will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." "You cannot serve both God and Money." (Matthew 19:23; 6:24.)
On the philosophy that "greed is good": "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." (Luke 12:15.)
On paying taxes: "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." (Matthew 22:22.)
On tolerance, crime and punishment: "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." (John 8:7; Matthew 7:1,2.)
On climbing the social ladder: "The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Behold, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!'" (Matthew 11:19.)
On money-hungry televangelists: "In the temple courts [Jesus] found men selling cattle, sheep and doves, and other sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple area, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables." (John 2:14,15.)
On the free lunch: "Taking the five loaves and two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves… The number of those who ate was about five thousand men…" (Matthew 14:19,21.)
On the perks and privileges of power: "After that, [Jesus] poured water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him." (John 13:5.)
On moral absolutes: "If any of you has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold of it and lift it out?" "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath." (Matthew 12:11; Mark 2:27.)
On family: "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters - yes, even his own life - he cannot be my disciple." Also: "'Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?' Pointing to his disciples, he said, 'Here are my mother and my brothers.'" (Luke 14:26; Matthew 12:48,49.)
On race relations: In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus praised the morality of a hated foreigner over his own countrymen. (Luke 10:30-37.)
On letting others pull themselves up by their own bootstraps:"But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous." (Luke 14:13,14.)
Jesus was clearly not only a left winger but a radical left winger.
"A-amen, a-men, a-amen, amen, amen. All together. A-amen, a-amen, a-amen, amen, amen."
Let it be. Let it be. Let it be. Let it be. There will be an answer. Let it be.
Thank you, Paul McCartney.
These people are going so far RADICAL, GOD himself is shaking his head, as to think he created them and they are NOT using their brains. They are ALL acting as idiots. Ben Sharpiro is right, AMEN does NOT refer to A man. MIKE is WRONG when he states we are misinterpreting Cleaver prayer. WE ARE NOT ! HE is! This crap is getting worse by the day. We NEED GOD more than ever. Those of us who are NOT willing to comply with these radical leftist, and there will be many, They are going to harm us. they are TELLING us now. Be warned. GOD be with us all..................
May I ask which God you are referring to Robert, man has created so many throughout time? Presumably you are referencing the Christian one, as most often do on here?
It’s the world going crazy. We’ll soon have womenopause, and womenstruation. It’s laughable but watch!
Maybe these left wing pastors should stop making up stuff to put into prayers and just do the prayers as they are and have been for over 1000 years.
Why? When everything every so called christian you 9included do today violates the actual ancient tenants of the faith from the 0-300 AD era. For starters ever speaking a single word to stir conflict or in challenge of another.
who says? You? You have already had your rear whipped in another thread and proved ignorant and telling myths, so why should anyone believe the myths you are telling now?
Oh DG you have never once in the entire history of your posting on this forum under this and your other socks been anything but one to hurl insults and spew lies
You only ever post links to far right or extremely zealous christian sites, and seem to be unable to grasp you would have to seek sources from what you would call the liberal and progressive media to ever be offering anything close to valid( one has to keep in mind what we call the moderate left in the U.S. is actually the center, and what we call the center is the moderate right, with the so called moderate right and father being extreme right wing.)
And yes biblical scholars far and wide understand that the earliest form of the christian faith was 100% a peaceful non violent faith sect that would not even speak out in protest to violence done against them and in fact would pray to god for mercy and forgiveness for the souls of those who harmed and killed them.
But DG we get it, you think Drumpf a god king, you think groups like the Nazi, KKK< Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer, The boogaloo boys etc are all good and noble and its the evil Idea of ANTIFA that must be stamped out.
whines the person that has been ripped apart in almost every thread he has posted in because he has nothing of fact or value to say, he just posts to see himself on the net.
So much for being a religious site first thing that happens is this moron Interjects politics and an unabashed hatred for Trump Or anything to the right of what they believe in You are one sad little minded person Perhaps you should rethink your remarks
Actually biblical scholars say so. Many behaviors and beliefs have changed over the years. Many misunderstandings have been had regardless of what way a person leans politically.
Name me the claimed experts....I wont hold my breath waiting
Why so angry? Didn't Jesus the Christ admonish us that, if someone slaps our cheek, we should offer them the other one?
And when they have slapped you on both cheeks are you supposed to just let them keep doing it? No, then you defend. Which is what I am doing now.
Dude, relax, it was pretty obviously a joke. Why do you people like you take every little thing so seriously. Learn to lighten up a little and stop getting so triggered.
Sure it was....and if it was it was a PRETTY SAD one
Maybe people should stop using words about which they don’t understand the etymology. I think they should use the English phrase “and it is so.” I don’t agree with Mr Shapiro that using a bastardized Hebrew word is worth more than three sentences in commentary.
I get the social comment, but thank you, Ben Shapiro. This is exactly what I was thinking. -- Historical context is still important, if for no other reason than to avoid repeating the same societal mistakes ad nauseum.
I'm a transplanted Ohio Buckeye that grew into a real life Missouri Mule my own self, and I like this guy. With so many morons angry at him for what he said to god, he HAS to be right.
If we elect enough like Representative Cleaver, we just might get a real government of the people, for the people, and by the people.
Amen and awomen!
Agree! Men have ran the government for to long where is equality for women...women do so much more!
A-Idiot. Enough said.
Comment removed by user.
Rev. Cleaver's quote "amen and awomen" is an attempt to create consciousness, harmony and equality. I know the Hebrew meaning. That is not the point. It is an attempt to acknowledge the widespread woman- hating in this world. We once thought black people were inferior beings (mud people) and we thought Australian aborginals were "flora and fauna", and Native Americans (savages, bla bla, bla), etc. etc. etc. What Rev. Cleaver did was only what I would expect a person of the cloth would do. Early in the American Women's Liberation Movement (WLM), language came under scrutiny. It was called it "manglish"-- i.e. for men, about men, and by men. (and brain-washed women). All the sexist, racist, ageist words were dissected and transformed into a language that respects and includes EVERYONE. EVERYONE, PEOPLE! ALL OF US, GET IT?! I APPLAUD the good reverend, for what should have been a banal act (in a better world)--for his courage to say this in the United States People's House--Congress. Open your hearts people! Now let's exhale. Hallelujah! Now everyone who reads, this, go out and say this, too. Amen and awomen. Rev. B. Wright