nostradamus in front of clock turning to 2025

The following guest sermon was submitted by ULC minister Cassidy Trevors. All ULC Ministers are invited to contribute their own sermons for consideration/publication. To submit a sermon, please email it to

So long, 2024! Or good riddance, if you prefer. 

From actual wars abroad to culture wars here at home, 2024 was one of the most volatile years in recent memory. As we move into the new year, most of us are hoping to leave the drama in the past… but will that actually happen?

Well, we may have a way to find out. There’s one man millions have looked to for centuries to predict the future – and that’s because sometimes his predictions for what the future holds are eerily accurate.

What does Nostradamus say will happen in 2025?

Who Was Nostradamus?

Before we get into his predictions for 2025, I'll quickly examine who Nostradamus was, and why millions take heed of his yearly predictions, anyway. Born 1503 as Michel de Nostredame, Nostradamus was a French astrologer, physician, and reputed seer with a strong interest in the occult. In his day, Nostradamus was a well-known soothsayer who provided horoscopes and divined the future for European aristocracy.

In 1555, Nostradmus published Les Prophéties, a book containing thousands of prophecies for the coming centuries. Each century is divided into 100 quatrains, or four rhyming verses, containing predictions for the years within.

Though his writings are at times vague, Nostradamus has become an enduring figure because Les Prophéties regularly predicted global yearly events with shocking accuracy, including everything from the creation of the atomic bomb to the Napoleonic Wars to 9/11.

Well… let’s hope nothing that exciting is in store for 2025. What does Nostradamus say?

Natural Disasters

We’re off to a great start, aren’t we? According to Nostradamus, "in the country known as the world's garden, mountains will spew fire, and people will be forced to drink sulfurous water.” Many believe that “the world’s garden” refers to the Amazon rainforest, though others say this refers to earth itself – which could indicate devastating effects from climate change in 2025. 

The War in Ukraine Ends?

Will Russia and Ukraine finally end their war? According to Nostradamus, one or both sides will finally be depleted of resources to pay their army, potentially leading to an end of the conflict. 

“Through long war all the army exhausted, so that they do not find money for the soldiers,” predicted Nostradamus. “Instead of gold or silver, they will come to coin leather, Gallic brass, and the crescent sign of the Moon.”

As for that last part, many believe that they reference the French or Turkish armies – who may have a future role to play in bringing peace to Ukraine.

Upheaval in England

"In England, cruel wars will rage,” wrote Nostradamus. “The ancient plague will be worse than the enemy.” Some speculate that the war in England may not be a literal war, but a war for the throne between Princes William and Harry in the event of King Charles III’s passing. And as for the ancient plague? Well, that could be anything… but let’s just hope he didn’t mean the Black Plague.

An Asteroid Hits Earth

Does any of this even matter? We may be wiped out in 2025 anyway. 

“From the cosmos, a fireball will rise, A harbinger of fate, the world pleads,” wrote Nostradamus. “Science and fate in a cosmic dance, The fate of the Earth, a second chance.”

Many believe this ‘harbinger of fate’ is an asteroid on a collision course with Earth, which could obviously have cataclysmic effects. But others say the harbinger isn’t even an asteroid, but an atomic bomb, the ultimate intertwining of “science and fate.”

Atlantis Rising?

If you thought that was off the wall, wait until you hear this one.

“From the depths, a ruler will rise, In the midst of floods reaching to the skies,” wrote Nostradamus. “Empires will fall, and new waves will reign, The Aquatic Empire, from the realm of the ocean.”

Waterworld, here we come! Your guess is as good as ours on that one. Climate change causing oceans to rise? A new global flood from God? Are we about to be ruled by Aquaman? 

Was Nostradamus Psychic?

Nostradamus is said to have predicted nearly every major global event since his death in the 16th century. And yet as we’ve just seen, his writings are often vague, leaving wiggle room to read whatever you please into his prophecies. This is the same strategy modern TV ‘psychics’ use when predicting the future or communing with the dead.

However, Nostradamus has a better record than most. At this point he’s predicted centuries worth of events, and though some have been characteristically vague, others were alarmingly accurate. Perhaps he really did possess a supernatural power to predict the future?

Sure, he could have just told us directly what, precisely, was going to happen. But what fun would that be?


  1. Patricia Schuster's Avatar Patricia Schuster

    This is an old old person. My dad hated churches and always used Nostrdamus as an alternative. Perhaps, but I am just not sold on him. Have you read any of the predictions the Catholic church is making about the end times....and Jerusalem with the birth of the red heifer? As a former Catholic (who tried following God by considering the convention once) there are all kinds of letters floating from priests and nuns about what is to happen soon in our country. I suppose some could say The AntiChrist is alive and well in Donald J. Trump. Today is the anniversary of our country's Insurrection. We must just all wait and see and pray.

    1. Rev Big Al's Avatar Rev Big Al

      Really Donald Trump is the antichrist?? Have you pay attention to the last 4 years. We have a President, who cannot talk, walk or think on his own. No other world leaders respected him. And what happened under his leadership: 1 Afghanistan pull was a complete frailer. 13 Military men and woman killed and billions of military equipment left behind. 2. Russia invades Ukraine, why because Biden is a idiot and cannot lead. 3. Israel is attacked by Hamas 4. He has done a horrible job with our economy.

      The two wars above are still going on and costing the US Billions of dollars, and Trump is the antichrist??

      1. Michael M Goldman's Avatar Michael M Goldman

        I think your MAGA hat may be a few sizes too small and is cutting the blood flow to your brain. Try turning off FOX news and read some actual facts.

      2. Jimmy Victor Reimer's Avatar Jimmy Victor Reimer

        Patricia, you have my support. Although I would try not to get political, I will put my faith in God and not in Donald.

  1. Magistar Mormaer MacLean's Avatar Magistar Mormaer MacLean

    Pretty certain Nostradmus didn’t predict anything concerning 2025.

    1. Rev. Russ Macomber's Avatar Rev. Russ Macomber

      “Pretty certain” leaves a vague interpretation. Not unlike what Nostradamus is said to have worded his predictions like. Congratulations you also can predict the future.

    2. Rev. Russ Macomber's Avatar Rev. Russ Macomber

      Comment removed by user.

  1. Colleen McAllister's Avatar Colleen McAllister

    Yeah no real predictions here. All those "correct predictions" made by Nostradamus were found after the fact when facts could be explained by interpretating his vague quartrains..

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    No one can predict the future if you look at astrologists every one has a different prediction and none cones true.So how can a guy in the 15th century predict hundreds of years into the future.Its all rubbish.

  1. Merlin's Avatar Merlin

    It’s all about what you look for. If you look for disasters, you will find disasters. You are the only one who gives the power to his predictions.

  1. Theresa C. Marquess's Avatar Theresa C. Marquess

    Quite honestly, I'm going to put my feet up, relax, and enjoy what I can of this coming year without worrying about what may come. Join me, if you will...

  1. Shirley Jean Davis's Avatar Shirley Jean Davis

    This guy lived long ago and was nothing but a charleton. I'm worried about how the world is behaving too but I'm not panicking. God will have his way.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Yes, just like many Priests do. 🤭


    2. Warren Calvin Wall's Avatar Warren Calvin Wall

      Yet, he had the ears and trust of European monarchs and leaders. He was regularly called upon as a physician, counselor, scientist, engineer, and forecaster. Like it or not, he was a man of influence and high standing to the rulers of the 16th century. Few major decisions were made without him being consulted.

  1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

    Nostradamus predicted lots of (incorrect) things but never by year. Elsewise, it would have been 470 years of predictions from 1555 'til today!

  1. Karsten S. A. Johansson's Avatar Karsten S. A. Johansson

    I don't get why these are supposedly about 2025. Every year it seems someone will cherry pick a couple quatrains and force-fit them into their story.

    Each quatrain has already foretold so many things that just didn't happen. Oh, it wasn't about Hitler? Then it was about the British empire. No? Okay, then it's about Trump! One day we'll get it right!

    If Nostradamus thought himself a seer of the future, he'd surely see himself a failure by now.

  1. MIKE's Avatar MIKE

    Nostradamus's predictions are considered cryptic because they are written in vague, symbolic language, often using metaphors and obscure references, which allows for multiple interpretations and makes it difficult to definitively link them to specific future events; essentially, people can easily "fit" his writings to events after they happen, making them seem prophetic even if they weren't intended that way.

  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

    I predict that once again, no God will prove its existence in 2025. I also predict that this will be yet another year that Jesus doesn’t show himself. 🤷

    I also predict that this time next year, if I’m still alive, I’ll be saying the exact same thing.


    1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

      If you can watch the devastating fiery destruction in California and still believe in a loving, caring God, I'd like to sell you some stock in LaserDisc.

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Yep, exactly.


  1. Sara Lizabeth Rawlins's Avatar Sara Lizabeth Rawlins

    Well, Scurvy has made a comeback in the world, and California is on fire again, especially around Los Angeles. So far Nostradamus is batting 2 for 2 and it's just January.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Let’s hope that Nostradamus predicted the downfall of Governor Newsom due to fires going out of control and not being contained in California due to his ridiculous policies of diverting water from Northern California to cities and farmers in the south to protect a species of fish from close extinction. Clearly his concern is more for fish, that didn’t vote him in office, than California residents who need the water to put out inevitable annual fires. 🔥


      1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

        Climate change and the long standing drought on the West Coast is more to blame than Newsom. No amount of water sent to So. Cal. would have stopped a fire from spreading during 80 MPH winds. I'm not surprised you're spreading disinformation but it's pretty sad to see a natural disaster be politicized by the right to attack Democrats.

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          Don’t be fooled by the slippery silver tongue of Newsom. He’s been warned before to take care of the forest floor to create fire breaks, and manage water supplies for years, and nothing was done about it, even when he knew climate change was causing California to become dryer, and dryer, each year. It doesn’t take many brain cells to know that the dry state of California is always living on a tinder keg waiting to ignite at any time. He has ignored forest management for years, even when he was warned about it. No reservoir should ever be allowed to run dry. It has been reported for weeks that there were dry fire hydrants well before any fires. Nothing was done! Hopefully there will be a recall for his office, and also for the incompetent Mayor. We need someone in those positions that has a genuine understanding of what is needed to protect human life in the arid dry state of California, even if that person is a Democrat. Anything has to be better than these two incompetent fools. Even Hollywood seems to have woken up at last. Thank goodness!


  1. Victoria Templeton's Avatar Victoria Templeton

    The first one has already happened - "in the country known as the world's garden, mountains will spew fire, and people will be forced to drink sulfurous water.” Wildfires in Los Angeles 1/8/2025. Yikes...

  1. Rev Samantha Counihan's Avatar Rev Samantha Counihan

    prophecy prediction is a psychic power, so he was actually a Pagan, everything said about him here is what us Pagans do

  1. Rev. Russ Macomber's Avatar Rev. Russ Macomber

    Comment removed by user.

  1. David Webber's Avatar David Webber

    Lovely. But not all soothsayers, psychics, oracles and seers are 100% accurate. It's impossible/improbable.

    Is he really talking about 2025? No clue. He could be talking about 3025.

    But with some prophecies, one must take them with a grain of salt or otherwise you'll go nuts

  1. Rebecca L Tice's Avatar Rebecca L Tice

    Let me just ask you this one question....

    Didn't Elijah and Elisha predict the future?

    They were known as Prophet of the One True Living God.

    Yet they predicted the future.

    While no one knows when the Messiah will return, there are some people in the Old Testament who were extremely accurate.

    Just saying.... say your prayers and watch what God is doing.

    Look for signs so you don't miss it!


  1. Paul Johnson's Avatar Paul Johnson

    Comment removed by user.

  1. Paul Johnson's Avatar Paul Johnson

    It seems there are always a number of people that act as if they were there with the man. Then there are many who want beleive anything even it is almost knocking them down. Sometimes I believe that we might error on the right side if we just quit trying to judge others and instead try loving them. It's tough to find out that if you don't love your neighbor then you don't love God. Don't get angry at me I didn't say it Jesus Christ said it in Mt 18:21-35. Take it up with Him. the hardest thing to do in this day and time is to read the Word of God and try to disprove it. The Truth most can not handle the TRUTH!!

    1. Charles Beck's Avatar Charles Beck

      Jack Nicholson "A Few Good Men."

  1. Patricia Schuster's Avatar Patricia Schuster

    This is an old old person. My dad hated churches and always used Nostrdamus as an alternative. Perhaps, but I am just not sold on him. Have you read any of the predictions the Catholic church is making about the end times....and Jerusalem with the birth of the red heifer? As a former Catholic (who tried following God by considering the convention once) there are all kinds of letters floating from priests and nuns about what is to happen soon in our country. I suppose some could say The AntiChrist is alive and well in Donald J. Trump. Today is the anniversary of our country's Insurrection. We must just all wait and see and pray.

  1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

    Just skimmed the article but dire consequences for acts of total freaking ignorance?Seems like Nostradamus might be close to the mark.

    But skimming I did see any mention of the color orange or attempts to ‘buy Greenland’.

  1. JaZe's Avatar JaZe

    Mind is outside of time.

  1. Charles Beck's Avatar Charles Beck

    It seems to me if he were alive today, we would view him in the same way we do our elected officials. Lots of cryptic narratives that never seem to come to fruition.

  1. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

    I don't put stock in Nostradamus's predictions myself as I could also find ways to interpret shapes my cats pee into their litterbox and be just as accurate after the fact. I'm more interested in short-term prophecies, like what the weather is going to do tomorrow or my work schedule for next week. There are more concrete, fact-based signs of terrible things happening in 2025 anyway.

  1. Patti Anne Lisenbee's Avatar Patti Anne Lisenbee

    Did Nostradamus have a year number tacked onto his writings? Every damn year someone says "he predicted this for our year" when in reality he didn't. There will always be bad things happening around the globe. Always wars, always illnesses, always people committing atrocities on each other. How about we just let his "prophecies" be in the past where they belong and work to address each happening as it occurs now? Let the past be in the past. We need to focus on our now, to make it the best NOW we can achieve.

  1. Harvey Zeller's Avatar Harvey Zeller

    It's a beautiful world if you can bear its disappointments... Usually of your own doing.

  1. Harvey Zeller's Avatar Harvey Zeller

    The most important thing to remember about life is not too overthink it.

  1. ronald's Avatar ronald

    it is not a good time to predict mush of anything, lets just pray that Donald Trump can make our lives better and end the wars. New wars will come and hard times will also come again so lets just pray for a better future and let the lord and people work on the issues.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Many people don’t want President Trump to do well, and if he does, they will try as best they can to find a reason to divert any successes to his predecessor. It’s the way some human brains work. Let’s see if he uses a teleprompter and conducts real interviews.

      Lets see if he tells anyone that today is today, and today will be today, tomorrow. 🤷


  1. Melinda June Brown Vanfossen's Avatar Melinda June Brown Vanfossen

    Comment removed by user.

  1. Melinda June Brown Vanfossen's Avatar Melinda June Brown Vanfossen

    What is to be will be, we'll have to wait to see.

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