Newsletters / ULC Newsletter - September, 2023

The Visionary
School is back in session, but should faith be on the syllabus? This week, The Visionary looks at how religion is expanding its footprint in public schools – from guidance counselors being replaced with chaplains, to a school board leader openly recruiting Christians to important positions. Plus, a different kind of freshman: a political newcomer whose first assignment is convincing people it’s okay to vote for a Hindu president. Time to open this up for discussion!
Parent-Preacher Meeting

Parent-Preacher Meeting

A California school board president made waves after calling for “Christ-centered” parents to join key advisory positions. Now she’s refusing to back down or apologize.

What This Means for Schools
Karma in the Oval Office?

Karma in the Oval Office?

Is it possible that we will see a Hindu in the White House? One presidential hopeful thinks so, but many voters are split on his Hindu faith. Could America vote for a non-Christian president?

Hindu or Hindon’t?
Premium Degree Holder

Premium Degree Holder

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The Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita

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Meet Your New School Guidance... Chaplain?

Meet Your New School Guidance... Chaplain?

A controversial new Texas law allows public school districts to replace school counselors with unlicensed religious chaplains – and parents and activists alike are deeply concerned about the consequences. Interestingly, there’s another group that says chaplains are woefully unqualified: the chaplains themselves.

Do Chaplains Belong in Public Schools?
Ceremonial Handfasting Cord

Ceremonial Handfasting Cord

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Premium Wedding Package

Premium Wedding Package

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In case you missed it: we have amazing news to share! After four long, painful years of litigation in Tennessee, we have successfully defended and secured the rights of our ministers to perform weddings in the Volunteer State. Read our full post on Facebook for more info!

How to Set Your Rate

How to Set Your Rate

How much should a wedding officiant charge? It’s one of the most common questions we get, so we’ve created a guide to charging for your services.

Learn More Here
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Support Us

The ULC needs your support! Can you help us make a difference? Your donations allow us to continue our important work all around the world.

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Keep Your Cool This Fall

Keep Your Cool This Fall

The kids may be headed back to school, but that doesn’t mean all the year’s warm weather is behind us. This short-sleeved polo shirt features breathable fabric that will keep you operating in comfort as you go about your ministry work. Plus, each polo is embroidered with an official ULC logo, ensuring you’ll be recognized as a minister when performing your duties in the field.

See the Color Options