Newsletters / ULC Newsletter - July, 2015

The Visionary
As we usher in July, we also usher in a new era – welcome to the age of equality!
This month, The Visionary celebrates the marriage equality victory, laments the lives lost in South Carolina, and tries to make sense of Spokane’s Rachel Dolezal.
Heritage of hate

A Heritage of Hate

We've been saying for years that the Confederate flag was a symbol of racism and hate. Our hearts are with those who lost their lives last month in a war we'd already won.
Sound Off Here
Minister car kit

ULC Minister's Car Kit

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Black or White?

Black or White?

Rachel Dolezal dominated headlines when questions about her race and identity were raised. The story may have fizzled out, but we still have a question…
Is she Black or White?

Marriage Cert 10 Pack

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Supreme court rules on gay marriage

Victory in the U.S. - Marriage is legal for all - Love Wins!

In a landmark ruling, the Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage bans in states across the country were illegal, and that throughout the US same-sex couples must be treated equally at the altar. After decades of injustice, a victory for equality.
Share your Pride!
Funeral memorials

Funerals and Memorials

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Forgiveness in Charleston SC

Forgiving a Killer

One of the most challenging aspects of Christianity is the call to forgive those who commit wrong. Dylann Roof murdered 9 people in their church, and they forgave him.
Could you do the same?
Guilty until proven innocent Kalief Browder

We Killed Kalief Browder

Kalief Browder, 22, died without trial after 1000 days in prison on false charges. He hanged himself, but his death wasn't suicide, it was murder. We killed him.
Read Kalief’s Story
Minister T-shirt

Minister T Shirt - Black

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Classic wedding package

Featured Product: Classic Wedding Package

What better way to celebrate that everyone in the U.S. can now get married than with a wedding? Our most popular wedding package includes everything you'll need to get them down the aisle.
Get Yours Here!
Climate change Pope

Catholics and Climate Crisis

In a recent letter Pope Francis loudly declared not only that climate change is a very real threat, but that it was most definitely the result of human behavior.

What do you think?
ULC Facebook
Our Facebook friends loved reading about this combination retirement community and preschool last month. It's beautiful to see what happens when the very old and very young come together.
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