Newsletters / ULC Newsletter - November, 2011

The Universal Life Church Monastery VisionaryNovember 2011

Hello ULC Ministers, and welcome to the ULC Monastery's Newsletter for the month of November.

We've been receiving amazing feedback and support from our ministers over the past week regarding our newest celebrity minister, Conan O'Brien!  Let us hear your support for Conan's recently officiated Same-Sex Wedding ceremony,  as well as your own marriage ceremonies, by joining us on our blog, Twitter, and our Facebook page.

Conan O'Brien officiates Gay Wedding On- Air

Conan officiates

Though Conan O'Brien is best known as the host of his Late Night variety show, this month, the ULC Monastery's newest celebrity minister has proved to be a true supporter of social equality. On November 3rd, 2011, O'Brien took advantage of New York State's Marriage Equality Act to officiate a same-sex wedding in New York. The ULC Monastery couldn't be happier with O'Brien's clear public support for marriage equality.

To read more about the ceremony and see the wedding for yourself, visit: ULC Monastery Blog

Like Online Churches, Steampunk Re-Invents Religion

Steampunk bible

A curious story covered in this Sunday's edition of the CBS Morning Show, caught the eye of everyone here at the ULC Monastery. It spoke of an emerging art and literary movement referred to as "steampunk". The movement might be described a re-imagining of Victorian Britain which includes Victorian ideas of futuristic technology–usually powered by steam and other key tools of the Industrial Revolution.  It is essentially Victorian-style science-fiction.

To read further about how Steampunk is changing religion today visit: ULC Monastery Blog

Is Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" Dangerous?

Lady Gaga sends message

Lady Gaga's dance hit "Born This Way" instantly became an instant dance hit and brazen vindication of homosexuality's biological basis. The LGBTQ community revelled in the message that homosexuality was immutable and therefore deserved society's approval. The problem, though, is that the song's message is founded on the principles of biological determinism, a philosophy which reinforces the social inequities that the LGBTQ community and other minorities are struggling to eliminate. In other words, the song's message relies on a socially damaging cop-out about human nature.

To read this discussion on Lady Gaga and sexual orientation, visit us at: ULC Monastery Blog

Jedi Knight Certificate

Jedi Knight Certificate

This month's featured item is a favorite of our newest celebrity Minister. Conan O'Brien himself!  As everyone knows, becoming a Jedi requires a profound commitment and astute mind. The life of a Jedi is one of personal sacrifice. To train they live a life of simplicity and adhere to the Jedi Code which forbids material possession and emotional attachments. A Jedi is expected to obey this strict Code that includes concepts such as rational thought, patience, and benevolence. Training is done by a respected Jedi until the individual is proficient enough to start their own journey as a Jedi. This beautiful certificate brings you all the rights, privileges, and benefits the Rank of Jedi receives. This certificate bestows upon you the Rank of JEDI KNIGHT!

You can view this product at The Universal Life Church Monastery Catalog