Newsletters / ULC Newsletter - February, 2011

The Universal Life Church Monastery Visionary

Hello ULC Ministers, and welcome to another edition of the Universal Life Church Monastery Visionary Newsletter.

This month, we'd like to call on all of our ministers to extend their thoughts and prayers to the victims of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Eastern Japan. If you are interested in donating to relief efforts, you can find some resources here.

We'd also like to remind you to please keep the people of Libya in your thoughts and prayers during this period of strife. We hope for their safety, and wish the best for the future of their nation.

We have recently updated two items in our store, and are delighted to share them with you. We also invite you to visit our blog or our Facebook page and join the discussions!

Wedding Ministers Business Kit now includes Complimentary Sacramental Wine


We are pleased to announce that our Wedding Minister's Business Kit now comes with an optional bottle of our Monastery’s Sacramental Wine. Our wines are hand-blessed and perfect for all your sacramental needs. You must be ordained if you wish to order our complimentary sacramental wine. Also, note that UPS requires an adult signature in order to receive our sacramental wines. Universal Life Church Ministry Products

Wiccan Rites Package


By popular request, we now offer a Wiccan Rites Package in our online store. This package includes your ordination credential, certificates for Handfasting and Wiccaning Ceremonies, a Wiccan Clergy Badge, a Wiccan bumper sticker, an Handfasting and Wedding Rituals by Raven Kaldera and Tannin Schwartzstein. View this package at Universal Life Church Ministry Products

Monkees Guitarist Mike Nesmith Gets Ordained

Mike Nesmith

We'd like to welcome Monkees guitarist and Grammy Award winner Mike Nesmith to the ranks of our ULC Ministers! Mr. Nesmith was ordained earlier this month to perform a wedding for his friends Carolyn Wonderland and A. Whitney Brown in Austin. You can read more about the couple's touching ceremony in the New York Times. Congratulations to Mr. Nesmith, and the happy couple! Read more at

Judge Rules Against Marijuana Sacrament

Marijuana or Hemp Leaf

A Toronto judge has ruled that a church may not use marijuana as a religious sacrament. The church, which refers to marijuana as "God's Tree of Life", states that they use marijuana not just for smoking, but for “wearing”, “growing”, “writing on”. Many churches worldwide use wine and other alcohol as a holy sacrament. Does marijuana necessarilly hurt anyone, including the using, more than alcohol? Read more at

Study Says Religion Spreads with “Believer Gene”


A new study suggests that a gene may predispose people to being religious, and that because religious people are likely to have more children than non-religious children, the population of people with the "believer" gene will continue to grow, while those without it will diminish. Read More at the ULC Monastery Blog