In a surprising move, last week the Vatican approved a document opening ordination to gay men in Italy, overturning longstanding precedent denying priesthood to anyone who identifies as homosexual.
It's a momentous decision that indicates a change of heart for the Catholic Church, which has historically barred gay men from becoming clergy.
There are some catches though. For one, the document only approves a three-year trial run of the program. All clergy candidates are also required to remain celibate. So, while a gay priest may no longer be turned away, acting on those feelings would still be disqualifying.
Gay Priests Allowed (With Strings Attached)
Gay men have long been exempt from clergy eligibility solely on the basis of their sexuality. With these new changes, which are rolling out in Italy only on a three-year trial basis, they may be considered for the priesthood – and their sexuality will be considered but not explicitly exclusionary when it comes to possible ordination.
The document in question, "The Formation of Presbyters in Italian Churches. Guidelines and Rules for Seminaries," formally opens the door for gay priests in the Catholic Church for the first time, allowing gay Italian men to join the priesthood in Italy if they are otherwise a suitable candidate.
“My reading of this,” says Reverend James Martin, a popular advocate for LGBTQ+ outreach in the Catholic Church, “is that if a gay man is able to lead an emotionally healthy chaste and celibate life, he may be considered for admission to the seminary.”
From No Way to Yes Gay
Many were surprised at the about-face, considering the Catholic Church’s historically contentious relationship with the LGBTQ+ community.
The Church does not support nor recognize same-sex marriage, and once called it “gravely evil” and “intrinsically disordered.”
"There are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God's plan for marriage and family,” reads an official Church communication on the subject from 2003. “Marriage is holy, while homosexual acts go against the natural moral law."
In 2005, the Catholic Church reaffirmed its longstanding commitment to excluding “those who practice homosexuality, have deeply rooted homosexual tendencies or support the so-called gay culture” from seminary.
Why Now?
From abomination to open door. What changed?
Some see the move as part of a broad youth-friendly rebranding of the Catholic Church. It also comes at a time when the number of priesthood candidates is at an all-time low.
Plus, the current pope is a different man than his predecessors. Pope Francis is widely viewed as LGBTQ+ friendly… at least by Catholic standards. He frequently meets with LGBTQ+ leaders and advocates, and often makes inclusive overtures, like allowing priests to bless same-sex couples. Is this another progressive pivot from the pontiff?
Possibly, although Francis clearly isn't that gay-friendly – last year, he sparked a controversy when it was revealed he used an anti-gay slur several times in private conversations. Specifically, he said there was "too much frociaggine in seminaries," which is an offensive Italian term for gay men. The pope later apologized for the comments.
Catholic Reactions
Unsurprisingly, some people of faith were not thrilled about the news.
However, others questioned the decision on slightly different grounds. In a video getting shared widely on X, one person asks: if the Church can just change the rules when it sees fit, what's the point of organized religion in the first place?
Future of the Church
Meanwhile, the Catholic Church is trying to consciously rebrand in a more youth-friendly direction. Late last year, it debuted a new anime-inspired mascot called Luce, which they say will help them embrace a younger generation who have a more skeptical view of organized religion.
Some have posited: because Generation Z is the most gay-friendly generation in history, could embracing gay priests be a marketing move to win the youth back?
Finally, the Catholic Church is having historic difficulties recruiting and keeping qualified candidates for priesthood. Within the United States, the number of active priests has declined year over year for decades. Globally, it has remained largely stagnant since the 1970s, even as the Catholic population itself has doubled during that time period.
What are your thoughts? Should gay men be allowed in the priesthood? And why is the Catholic Church making this change now?
This is funny. There have been Gay priests since the beginning of the Catholic Church. They have just never admitted it to anyone. All priests are supposed to be celibate so what does it matter if they are straight or gay? None of them are supposed to be giving in to their desires.
If they want to make public statements and new policies, tell us what they’re doing to prevent future child molestation from these celibate priests. Tell us how they are reimbursing those victims for all the years of therapy they had to go through.
This is why I am no longer a practicing Catholic. They think way too much of themselves. Just like many of the organized religions in the world, they spend too much time patting themselves on the back and saying, “Look how good we are.”, while telling other people how evil they are.
Wait a priest takes a vow of celibacy which eliminates sex from one’s life so the person is no longer sexually interested therefore whether straight or gay no sex is or should not be an issue. Therefore the question about orientation is irrelevant. A man who is considering the priesthood should be aware that they feel a call and know that sex isn’t apart of their lives.
They can "feel the call" but when the hormones are on overdrive, it's hard to say no when a nymphomaniac tells the priest in the confession booth that she wants him to schedule a private counseling session and she slips him her phone number.
Sure, Lawrence. Happens all the time ...
Historically, celibacy was also a way to ensure that church property and wealth were not passed down to the priest’s heirs, thus preventing the accumulation of familial dynasties within the clergy. By not having families or heirs, priests were thought to be more focused on their Church duties rather than on managing family affairs or wealth.
This is the truth behind priestly celibacy. Priest's wives and kids cost the church too much cash.
Well that's really nothing new , just hide your sons
Diddy priest
You may want to hide your daughters too... child sexual abuse is not correlated with an individual's sexuality, gender or gender identity; it is however, correlated with past trauma (neglect, abandonment, abuse: emotional, psychological, physical, sexual, certain very severe MH issues; or all of the above) and in my practice, we see it run in families, which is why families who have generational contact with child welfare agencies, are often monitored long term even if there are no interventions... back in the day they were designated "red flag" families because the problems persisted generation after generation despite interventions. Not always predictive, and not always fair... but there often that one who is triggered.
Re: the issue at hand, If a person, man, women, trans xyzpdq+/- whatever, can serve, and meet the fundamental requirements of the job as laid out by their particular organization, the person's service is not precluded and whatever education and personal gifts they bring should be welcomed and acknowledged... in this case for a "trial period."
Which is stupid to start with... just "dipping the toe" in the waters of public sentiment before committing to a real agenda for change.
Like there have never been priests other than straight white and uptight.
On another note, an interesting book from way back in the 80's... Ms . Ginny Appuzzo's "Lesbian Nuns breaking Silence" is a good read. Same issue, but on the flip.
You might want to hide your sons from them too. Please.
Last and only comment on the issue.
Peace Out...
The Vatican and the Pope are changing the rules how ever they want to please people.Lets not forget the children who have been abused by priests or whatever title they hold and it's always being covered up .Is that what the Vatican wants.Because this has been happening for many years.
I was raised Roman Catholic. The whole priesthood/sisterhood idea was to be celibate. That was what the church wanted, and those were the rules. It seems to me that requiring celibacy on an already celibate order is sort of redundant.
The only way a priest is guaranteed to be celibate is to cut off his sausage and nuts. Just taking a vow means nothing when the sausage is hard.
Very tasteful of you.
ROFLMFAO!!! Did that stop the Eunuchs in the Celestial Palace and other cultures from doing anything "sexual"? Nope. So making them Eunuchs will do NOTHING.
Well .. the Vatican is okay with pedophile priests, so why not gay priests?
The evidence shows the pedo priests were also gay priests who targeted boys, so this is nothing new.
See Mark 14.50-52 "Now a certain young man (teenager) followed Him, having a linen cloth thrown around his naked body. And the young men laid hold of him, and he left the linen cloth and fled from them naked."
Pedophilia has nothing to do with the sex of the child. It's the child itself that's the target of their unholy yearnings. The issue of sexual abuse by clergy members, particularly Catholic priests, has been widely reported and studied, especially in the context of the Catholic Church's handling of such allegations. The statistics on pedophile priests and their victims are complex and have been the subject of numerous investigations, reports, and lawsuits over several decades.
Here are some key statistics based on multiple sources, including reports from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the Vatican, independent investigations, and other studies: Number of Priests Involved:
United States (1980s–Present): According to a 2004 study by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, between 1950 and 2002, approximately 4,392 priests were accused of sexual abuse in the United States. The study found that these priests represented about 4% of the total number of priests in the U.S. during that period. In the years that followed, more cases came to light globally, and the numbers continue to evolve as new accusations emerge.
Global Statistics: The global number of priests accused of abuse is difficult to track accurately, but numerous countries have reported significant cases. For example, in Australia, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (2013–2017) found that around 7% of Catholic priests were accused of abusing minors between 1950 and 2010.
Number of Victims:
United States: The John Jay College study (2004) estimated that over 10,000 minors were victims of sexual abuse by clergy members between 1950 and 2002 in the United States. Other reports, such as those from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), suggest that there were likely many more victims, as many cases were not reported or came to light only years later.
Global Statistics: Global figures are harder to pinpoint due to the varying levels of reporting and investigation, but reports have indicated that tens of thousands of victims exist worldwide.
Age and Gender of Victims:
Age: The vast majority of victims were minors, with a significant number under the age of 16, and many under the age of 13. The John Jay College study found that about 40% of the victims were prepubescent boys or girls. The victims’ ages typically ranged from 7 to 17 years old, with a tendency for abuse to occur during the pre-adolescent and adolescent years.
Gender: In the U.S., the majority of victims have been male, especially in the case of prepubescent victims. The John Jay study found that about 80% of the victims were male. In other parts of the world, the gender distribution has varied, but male victims have consistently been a large proportion of those abused by priests.
Funny I was taught that a sin in the mind is a sin the flesh. Guess the rules of guilt have changed. It is a an oxy moron, like a a celibate stud or a virgin slut?
There was and maybe still is a thing that many Christian high school and college girls do while claiming they are still virgins. They believe as long as the male doesn't penetrate the vagina, they remain a virgin. So every other form of sex is legit.
"I did not have sex with Monica Lewinsky." - President Bill "Willie" Clinton
And Bill wasn’t lying.
Then maybe God shouldn't have created homosexuals. Unless he's a sadist.
The fact that Catholic Priests are supposed to be celibate surely renders sexuality a moot point.
The science shows that testosterone and sexual desire is at its highest when males are ages 16 to 30. Those are the prime ages for them to marry.
The Brahman priests of the Hindus recognized the natural desires of young men and so they recommended they get married and have children. After they had raised their children, the men could focus their priestly lives on scriptures, meditation, ceremonies and blessings. I wonder how many more centuries it will take for the Vatican Popes to learn how to go with the flow of Nature instead of fighting Nature?
This is simply another attack on Gods Children. But it did not go unnoticed. God the Father struck the Statue of St Peter in Buenos Aires; Argentina on December 18, 2023. This was on the Popes Birthday and in the place from which he is from. The lightening removed the Halo, the Keys to the Gates of Heaven, and the Right Hand of the Statue. Blessings are bestowed through the Right hand. God the Father has identified the current pope as unholy (removal of the halo) and removed the Popes authority to bless anything by the removal of the Right hand...on his birthday...in his home...the day before he announced that HE approves of the blessing of Homosexual Unions and Priests. Love is Love....but homosexual sex is sin.
But the statue was of St. Peter, not the Pope. If it would have been the statue of The Pope or at the Vatican, I would say possibly. It most likely was a coincidence.
Question to your self, Do you believe in God or not. Read your Bible,say your prayers and be ready to pay for your choices. Amen
Which God? I believe in many. Though, none of my Gods/esses are against homosexuality.
Thank you for injecting some humor into this conversation, Sir William.
The Word of God is a fruitfulness and multiplication of the species such as a tree that produces nuts. These nuts will produce after the tree that it is produced by the same species of tree. If we encourage the tree say we graft the tree into a different species that it may or may not produce a nut that will produce more fruit. This could cause certain death for say a species of organisms that depend on this nut for its survival. Obviously we are not interested in the survival and health of our human species by supporting this type of thinking. It’s definitely not supported by nature behaviors of the species.
Very interesting topic. If a gay person is called to the priesthood by God, then who are we to judge her/his calling.. I would think there have been, still are, and always will be priests who are homosexual in their nature. I also believe that they know they are not always welcomed by others, and tend to enjoy a greater understanding that acceptance of others, no matter their background, is part of God's grace. Using this personal knowledge allows these pastors to communicate this to their parishoners from a personal level others may not have. I applaud the Church for moving forward on this issue and look for great success.
If he can stick strictly to his vow of celibacy, then yes, absolutely.
I personally feel this is a mistake and wrong for the church and will hurt them in the long run.
I feel the biggest reason they cannot get priests is because they do not allow them to marry women. If they would revisit that instead and open that door, they would find they could get more priests.-
What is the Biblical reference that prohibits marriage for anyone?
So then it is completely rational to permit women to be priests as well. I see no reason for keeping females from becoming priests as well.
if they are supposed to be celibate, what difference does it make if they are gay? If celibate, how are they identified as being gay? Very confusing and contradictory - like most RC teachings.
There were over 1,000 years of Church development without celibacy. Then, celibacy ruled for over 900 years. When talking "natural moral law" as he does, has the Church ever considered that different types of sexuality were always in God's plan? We cannot know the mind of God, yet - - we keep interpreting God's creation as if we can.
Differences in sexual identity as being normal is the issue - so is the overturning of "natural moral law" - It's not good for man to be alone. My suspicion is that pastors with families in other religions have much better ideas about family life than those who sequester themselves within a reality seclusion/exclusion bubble of their own. making.
We're all children of the Universe. Laud what progress is made, despite archaic attitudes toward all this still existing.
Celibacy was first proposed for those who serve God when Paul wrote his letter to the Corinthians around 53 AD, and was pushed in the third century by Tertulian and Cyprian, and then later by Gregory of Nyssa when he said that grief is always present in a marriage. The idea of these early theologians was that a servant of God cannot focus on God if he is married, because pleasing his wife requires that he focus more on the world than on God. Canon 33 of the Council of Elvira, written in 304 AD, stated that all “bishops, presbyters, and deacons and all other clerics” were to “abstain completely from their wives and not to have children.”
Gay men can be priests but still women cannot? Messed up.
i also had some people in my family that was cathlic but later turned baptist. i'm all for Pope Frances but I also thinnk that he is doing somethings that no other Pope has ever done before like this and making Pope John the 2nd a Saint. but i also think he need to aloow preists to get married of thats the case and i believe that will stop the money problems as well
I wonder how the Pope was able to reconcile Bibles opposition to homosexualism. The Catholic Church is even opposed to masturbation let alone being homosexual.
Sounds and looks like the Catholic Church is abandoning it's founding document.
If I were Catholic I wouldn't be.
The God of Abraham created everything, right? So, that means he created homosexuals and the entire gambit of the LBGTQ community. You have to admit that God is a sadist if he created LBGTQ people and made it a sin to be one. In my opinion, the devils greatest trick was convincing Abrahamics that God exists.
Science says if you don't use it, you lose it. If you don't use one arm, it will atrophy and weaken. If men don't use their prostate gland to let nature flow through it, they will develop prostate cancer.
So the question is, "How many Catholic priests, bishops and popes have suffered from prostate cancer?" The answer is between few and none, which tells us more than they are telling us.
Lawrence, science says: "There’s no proof that ejaculating more actually causes lower chances of prostate cancer. For now, doctors just know they’re connected. It may be that men who do it more tend to have other healthy habits that are lowering their odds." From WebMD.
Caligula had no problem with sexuality. Paul did not like sons having sex with their mothers. Other things were forgivable within the church In the fourth century times and sensitivities had undergone a profound change and imperial legislation - it is hard to know whether or not this was due to Christian influence - began to intervene heavily in the area of homosexuality.The Theodosian Code. The new compilation condemned to burning all passive homosexuals without distinction. With the Emperor Justinian the legislation was broadened; every kind of homosexuality was repeatedly condemned with the death penalty. Theodosius gave as his reason the desire to rid Rome, "the mother of all virtues", from all contamination. Justinian also added religious reasons. The Theodosian laws, followed by those of Justinian in the Corpus Iuris, represent the heritage which late Roman law was to leave to posterity. Do you get Church law from Spanish Inquisition?
The document, titled “The Formation of Presbyters in Italian Churches. Guidelines and Rules for Seminaries,” was approved by the Italian bishops who met for their general assembly Nov. 13-16 in Assisi. The episcopacy in Italy, where vocations are at an all-time low, has been pushing the envelope in terms of making the Catholic Church more palatable to modern concerns by suggesting a greater role for women in the formation of priests, a commitment to combating sexual abuse and the acceptance of gay men to the priesthood. On January 6, Pope Francis shattered one of the Vatican’s long-standing “stained-glass ceilings” by appointing Italian Sr Simona Brambilla, MC, as the first woman to serve as the prefect of a Vatican dicastery. Sr Brambilla, a member of the Consolata Missionaries religious order, has made history as the first woman to be appointed prefect of a Vatican dicastery. She now leads the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, the Vatican office responsible for overseeing religious orders — such as the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) — and other similar “institutes” in the Church. This appointment marks a significant milestone, as no woman has ever held the role of prefect in any Vatican office before. Previously, the highest position a woman had attained in a dicastery was that of secretary, the second-highest role. Only two women have held this position: Alessandra Smerilli, FMA, named secretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development in 2021, and Sr Brambilla herself, who became secretary of her current dicastery in 2023. Life for women is especially challenging as they had to negotiate a deeply conservative and patriarchal society to get educated and work. Female genital mutilation FGM has been compared to other procedures that modify the human genitalia. Conservatives in the United States during the late 2010s and early 2020s have argued that FGM is similar to gender-affirming surgery for transgender individuals, which has led to bills being drafted in Republican states equating the two. Criticism of these ideas include the fact that the gender-affirming surgeries are approved by American medical authorities, are rare for minors, and are done after reviews by multiple medical professionals.[275][276] Formerly, FGM was widely referred to as "female circumcision" in the academic literature, but this "was rejected by international medical practitioners because it suggests a fallacious analogy to male circumcision."[6] It has been argued that the genital alteration of intersex infants and children, who are born with anomalies that physicians choose to "fix", is analogous to FGM.[277] Human progress is equal to rights and opportunity of women and the end of Female genital mutilation
What’s new about this?
The Catholic church (well, and all other churches as well) does not own God, and usually does not speak for God. The sin is not homosexuality. The sin is institutional religion. When we look at the sermon on the mount, the Beatitudes and the teachings in Mathew 25 we see that Jesus was focused on how to live, here and now, and how to treat others. His teachings were all about how to "be," and not how to believe. By the time the Nicene Creed was written, it said nothing about how to be, and was only about what to believe. Much/most of Jesus' mission was to correct false beliefs about God. He's quote the Old Testament and then essentially say "You and your bible got God wrong!" The so-called "Church" is finally and thankfully becoming less and less trusted, and less and less relevant. To that I say, "Thank God!"
I firmly believe that the issue is the celibacy. The human body is not made to be celibate. This is the root of all the scandles within the church. Allow these men to marry, have children like normal humans instead of suppressing a natural urge that leads them to do things that are an actual sin because it is all they have at their disposal. Maybe then they will leave the children alone.
Doesn't every other branch of Christianity allow, if not require marriage.
Allowing priests to get married would have been a great step forward!!
"Straight" priest don't stick to the vow of celibacy, why would gay ones? What's the difference - sin is sin.
The church has struggled…LDS churches have “discovered” that people of color are suitable for membership…Southern Baptists are allowing folks to “carry” during services. The list goes on and on. As the message becomes cloudier, the messengers have to figure out a way to pay their salaries.
I am not Catholic, but have been attending church services off and on for over 60 years, including some Masses. I got to know quite a few pastors, and a handful of priests, in that time, and the one thing that was common to every one of them that I knew was that they did not decide as children to be clergy. Every priest and pastor I knew had a different career earlier in their lives, ranging from professional sports athletes to used car salesmen. Some time later in their lives, they got a Call from God, answered it, and devoted their lives to His service. A couple of the priests had even been married before, and had children and grandchildren. It may be that there are fewer in the clergy today because God is not Calling as many as He did before. This may be directly tied to the drop in overall church attendance and membership, but we won't know that without looking into it. If there are fewer to be saved, God may not need as many church leaders. To date, I have yet to hear that a "shortage of clergy" is causing any major social problems.
I have been raised Catholic; however, I have not once known of a Catholic Female Bishop. Why is that? They will allow "Men to include Gay Men" to tell us how to live however a Straight Woman and now of course Gay Woman are not allowed to be Bishop or for that matter Popes. I am not happy because that is still stagnating my growth within the church and disrupting my Christianity because the church is always telling the REAL Woman that they are lesser than a man whom dresses up like a women to have a relationship with a man. How shameful to the REAL WOMAN is that? Very DISRESPECTFUL AND SHAMEFUL. THAT IS TRULY A DISAPPOINTMENT AND DISAPPOINTMENTS ARE SINS TOO. SO PLEASE STOP SINNING AGAINST THE REAL WOMAN OF NATURAL BIRTH FEMALES.
Your judgement is sound. Sin that has been allowed to take hold in the church intends to kill, steal and destroy...as all sin intends to do. You are a fearfully and wonderfully made child of God. You have been known from the foundation of the world. I am so profoundly sorrowful that mankind has failed you... and all of us ...in such a manner. Know that Our King does not approve.
God's word teaches us that we are not to allow ourselves to be deceived by ANY means. It may be time to travel with the Holy Spirit alone for a time. Let it lead you to the place that it wants you sister.
I completely understand however I along with alot of Real Woman want to bring light to the darkness to create a New World to help improve life and living to a better standard than what is offered. However that 1st Kings 8:57,59,60&61; Saint John 1:1 to 16; Psalms Chapter 101, Philippians 4:13,19&22 Revelations 22:20&21. I pray you read and understand what the darkness did not comprehend; I do comprehend and know. Amen and Awoman to remind a Man.
I totally agree with you. Women are allowed to be priest but not Bishops is a huge travesty in the religious community. We say we believe in equality for men and women buy yet we still treat women as if they aren't equal or qualified. Me as a Minister I believe it's time for Pope Francis to correct this wrong first before he allows Gay men to become priest. We need to support and show our women of faith. Who wake up everyday, show up for church service and lead us in our faith deserve more. The Pope wants to to make a difference let's start by correcting this injustice first.
This is not of Christ.
They have always been GAY
Most people do not understand Catholic history. The sad part is that almost all religions pattern their protestant beliefs on the Catholic - Pagan practices-- Lent, Christmas, Easter, Sunday as Sabbath Good Friday, three days and three nights in the tomb before the Resurrection.From "Good Friday evening until Sunday morning ????? one and half day?? This was our Savior's only promise that He was THE SAVIOR. Please begin to study 2 Timothy 2:15!!!
I tried posting a response to another comment but didn't quite work. The comment was about why the church don't allow women Bishops. I agree with that comment 100%. Women are allowed to be priest but not Bishops is a huge travesty in the religious community. We say we believe in equality for men and women buy yet we still treat women as if they aren't equal or qualified. Me as a Minister I believe it's time for Pope Francis to correct this wrong first. We need to support and show our women of faith that we got their back and should be able to achieve a higher religious standing in our communities. Our women priest wake up everyday, show up for church service, lead us in our faith and bring us closer to God deserve more. The Pope wants to to make a difference let's start by correcting this injustice first.
Looks like practical reasons to me, if they are having trouble keeping younger parishioners with the old bigoted policies. And there's literally no difference between a homosexual celibate priest trying not to sin in his heart and a heterosexual celibate priest trying not to sin in his heart. A vow is a vow no matter who makes it.
Churches have to balance on the line between not changing important policies that define their religion's core and changing trivial or man-made dogma clung to out of fear of change, in order to survive generational cultural changes. For a church whose primary tenet is love, this one is a no-brainer.
I am Sorry but the scripture is clear you cant manipulate it to fit your sin And the Pope is doing this there for he can not have Gods ear
Is it more difficult for gay men to remain celibate, than straight men? Is grooming children more likely for one sexual preference than the other? Is one less human than the other? Less capable of serving than the other? I suggest the answer to all these questions is no.
It's actually easier for Catholic priests to get free sex from the women in his church. The conduit can be found inside the confessional booth when a female of almost any age "confesses" to the priest that she "dreams about making love" to him and "when would be a good time for a private counseling session?"
I know this because I worked as a counselor for an independent church and I was propositioned several times for "private counseling sessions" by single and married females of all ages. It was hard!
Now that is legit temptation. Wow
Lawrence, who still goes to confession? Nymphomaniacs?