The Box Turtle Bulletin, a blog covering news associated with anti-gay rhetoric, has taken notice of our same-sex marriage defense campaign. You can read our press release here.

For the most part, the ULC has been non-political, entering into the fray only when the rights of their ministers or ministry have been challenged. But now the ULC has a cause that they believe is worth fighting for: you.

That's right, we want you to be able to freely practice your religious beliefs. We have long held that as it harms none, do as though wilt. To officiate a same-sex marriage in accordance with your religious beliefs is your right. The first amendment guarantees your religious rights with the free exercise clause, and the non-establishment clause bars any government entity from abridging your rights.

We can't tackle this issue on our own, but with the support of individuals like you, we can stop unjust and illegal government discrimination against same-sex marriage.

So I've been waiting for the day when a denomination would announce that they were going to court to sue for religious freedom. I just was kinda was hoping that it would be the United Methodists or the UCC rather than the church of mail-order ministers.

Sorry we're not your first choice BTB, but we're here for the long haul and ready for a fight!

-Box Turtle Bulletin


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