Should teachers be allowed to display their faith in the classroom?

A teacher in Connecticut is threatening to sue her school district after being placed on leave for refusing to remove a crucifix from her classroom.

Marisol Arroyo-Castro has worked as an educator at DiLoreto Elementary & Middle School in New Britain, Connecticut for more than two decades. For ten years she hung a crucifix next to her desk, which she displayed without issue for the last ten years.

But now, her future employment is in jeopardy after the district unexpectedly instructed her to remove the religious symbol, which she refuses to do. And after numerous meetings and a stint of unpaid leave, it seems neither side is willing to budge.

crucifix hanging in classroom
The crucifix in question. Via FOX 61 on YouTube

A Controversial Crucifix

Last December, a “concern” was raised about the classroom crucifix, And Arroyo-Castro was called into an administrative office and told she needed to remove the crucifix, or else face charges of insubordination. 

She initially compromised with the district, and agreed to place the crucifix in a “private space” like a desk drawer or under the desk, but had a change of heart and restored the crucifix to her classroom wall.

As promised, the school suspended her for two days without pay, and told she would be suspended an additional five days if she did not remove the crucifix when she returned.

After again declining to remove the crucifix, Arroyo-Castro was placed on administrative leave, and school administrators are currently considering her future with the district. Her lawyers claim she has been "pressured to resign or retire early and sign an agreement not to sue the district."

The District Responds

Arroyo-Castro has a right to her own personal beliefs. But does she have a right to openly display her faith to her students?

The school district says no, arguing that the display is a clear violation of the First Amendment. "That the symbol posted was on the front wall of the classroom is important,” the school district wrote in a statement. “It was part of the classroom environment for all students to see, infringing on the religious freedom of our students."

Arroyo-Castro does not dispute that she has, at times, discussed her faith with students before, in conversations initiated by that very crucifix. When asked about it, she said she “would tell them about it and then ask them to go to their parents and let them ask them questions or to Google it."

Does Faith Belong in School?

Arroyo-Castro's lawyers argue that asking her to remove the cross violates her own right to religious freedom.

"The Supreme Court has made it clear that the days of intimidating teachers from even the most benign expressions of faith are over,” says Keisha Russell of First Liberty Institute, Arroyo-Castro’s legal representation. “Asking a teacher to purge their workspace of anything religious is an affront to the First Amendment and violates both state and federal law. The school district needs to back down now.”

Related: Supreme Court Rules High School Football Coach Can Pray on the Field

Who is in the right here? On the one hand, the crucifix was small, innocuous, and was previously displayed for ten years without issue. Arroyo-Castro was not openly evangelizing in the classroom.

On the other hand, critics of faith-based displays in classrooms argue that such symbols, no matter how small, can be viewed as coercive towards students. They say that students might reasonably feel that they’re not being treated fairly if they don’t share their instructor’s faith, and that it is simply inappropriate for a figure with such influence and authority over children to display something so personal.

One thing is for sure: Across the country, Christianity is coming back to school. Whether that’s putting the Bible in classrooms, reinstating mandatory school prayer, or featuring Jesus in textbooks, the worlds of faith and public education are re-entwining in ways not seen in decades. Will we soon add “religious displays on classroom walls” to that list?

What is your response? Should the teacher have to remove the crucifix? And where is the line when it comes to faith-based displays by public school teachers?


  1. Thunder's Avatar Thunder

    It's worth pointing out that "separation of church and state" in USA was instigated by the Baptists Association in Danbury Connecticut, who requested that Thomas Jefferson act accordingly in order to protect their religious freedoms from state legislation, as well as adherents of other religions likewise. The letter in question along with Jefferson's response are below.

    Moreover some of the rationale for this can be found in Jefferson's notes on Locke and Shaftesbury.

    It seems to me that when there are tax payer funds being provided to an educational institution, that open displays and promotion of a particular religion should be prohibited for the above reasons. There is nothing prohibiting the teacher from holding her own personal opinion, nor displaying her crucifix in a private context, a fact made explicit by the school board. So it's clear that this teacher's rational is not for her own private religious adherence, but is implicitly intended to proselytize her religious convictions to the captive audience of students in her classroom. Consequently I feel the school board is completely justified in revoking her ability to do so at their school, especially while funded by taxpayers.

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      The fact that she openly displayed the cross for ten years without any interference from the school tells me she has a legal case.

      For some Catholics, a cross is a protective symbol against evil, just like some people consider a five pointed star pentagram to be a protective symbol against evil. We have five pointed star pentagrams on all US flags and USAF planes, while native Americans and Catholics have four pointed crosses as their symbols. If you ban one, you must ban them all.

      Why not live and let live as long as nobody is being physically harmed?

      1. Thunder's Avatar Thunder

        > Why not live and let live as long as nobody is being physically harmed?

        In an ideally world that would be the best. However Abrahamic religions such as Christianity have a 2,000 year track record of harming people explicitly on the basis of their religious doctrines, both within and without of their faith groups. The fact that a subset of it's adherents cherry pick from the literature and deflect from it's trackrecord with saccharine platitudes, does not negate the reliable fact of it's doctrines in application. Even the Catholic Pope, routinely talks of tolerance out once side of his mouth, then actively incites intolerance and hatred towards other religions such as Pagans out the other. Half or more of the posts on this ministry's blog attest to these facts, which are ongoing. Ultimately the consistent actions of this belief system speak far louder than the hollow words ensuing from it's apologists. It is terroristic in nature and it's ideology ought not be allowed to spread, much less at taxpayer expense. $0.02

      2. Tecla Caryl Loup's Avatar Tecla Caryl Loup

        This was not a cross; it was a crucifix.

      3. Robert Louis Rada's Avatar Robert Louis Rada

        I was raised & baptized Mormon, later baptized Catholic, and now an ordained minister with Universal Life Church. I had a cross in my public California classroom for 35 years. My rational was it was historic. I taught social science. My Catholic Priest told me, "the cross is victory over sin."

      4. Michelle Kitz's Avatar Michelle Kitz

        If it's a symbol of protection, she could choose to wear a pendant on a necklace. If I were a teacher, would I be allowed to hang a pentacle on the wall? Probably not.

    2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      I guess its worthless for you then to understand that there is no separation of church and state and never was. This myth never came into being until 15 YEARS AFTER the constitution was ratified, meaning that you would have needed a constitutional amendment to have this in the constitution, not a letter from Jefferson to his Danbury Conn detractors. Now if you insist that this is valid, then please go to the Library of Congress or the Constitutional archives and give us the exact day and date this Constitutional Amendment was started and ratified as is REQUIRED by federal law. I wont hold my breath waiting

  1. Larry Michael Damato's Avatar Larry Michael Damato


    1. Paul Johnson's Avatar Paul Johnson

      Please please the crucifix isn't religion. It's a reminder of what occured a few years ago. if you can't see that then get a grip. It only becomes religion if you want to make it religion. otherwise it is just a symbol as a reminder. Why are we so afraid of a piece of wood.

      1. Matthew Mastrogiovanni's Avatar Matthew Mastrogiovanni

        Paul, the is THE symbol for Christianity. It doesn't belong in public schools.

        1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

          The symbol for Wicca covens is the five pointed star, so why is it on our national flag in our classrooms. Yet nobody is demanding the "50 Wiccan stars" be removed from the US flag or public schools.

          Why not live and let live as long as nobody is being harmed? The more you protest, the more attention and converts you attract to their side.

          1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

            That's because the stars on the flag are not "Wiccan stars", they're just normal stars. Wiccans use a pentagram, which is in the shape of a star but is specifically the single continuous line creating the symbol that makes it a pentagram.

        2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          And you are full of it. The Supreme Court has said that it CAN be displayed as long as the teacher is not leading a religious class in her school room. Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

          1. Richard Joseph Markiewicz's Avatar Richard Joseph Markiewicz

            Please explain where the Supreme Court said that, thanks.

      2. Rev. Klaire ThD, MA's Avatar Rev. Klaire ThD, MA

        Paul, I suppose we're "afraid of a piece of wood" for the same reason that you're 'afraid' of me telling elementary and high school kids that it is empirically demonstrable that there is NO evidence to support the divinity of any spiritual or living being and therefore, religions like christianity are akin to fiction. So, if you want a poster reiterating that information, keep telling us there's no problem with a crucifix.

        1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

          Depending on the definition of DIVINITY, a strong case could be made that ALL of us are divine beings who are able to CREATE whatever we wish from the materials available to us on this planet.

          Most people would define God as the divine "Creator" who made all things.

          As Albert Einstein said, "There are two ways we can look at this world. We can see it as a place where there are no miracles or we can see it as a place filled with the miracles of life."

          "You are gods and all of you are children of the Most High God." - Psalm 82.6 and John 10.34

          1. Tecla Caryl Loup's Avatar Tecla Caryl Loup

            Not everyone sees things that way. In fact, most people don't or only in some vague way. As far as I am concerned, I have no business shoving my personal beliefs about our existence on this planet, and how it came to be, down the throats of others.

          2. Steve Schafir's Avatar Steve Schafir

            If you are going to quote something, don't misquote it. Einstein did not say anything about life. The quote is as follows: The two ways to look at the world are "as though nothing is a miracle" and "as though everything is a miracle," essentially meaning one can either see the ordinary in everything or find wonder and amazement in everyday life

      3. Tecla Caryl Loup's Avatar Tecla Caryl Loup

        Who says they are wood? Mine is pearlescent plastic, an artifact of graduation from parochial school, now more than 60 years old. Plus, mine is a crucifix, as it has an affixed replica of the body of Jesus.

        In any event, I would not think of dis[playing it anywhere but indoors in a private room in my home. It's too personal for general consumption.

      4. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

        Paul, not a few years ago, but a few 1000 years ago. The cross is in the shape of the letter T representing the pagan god Tammuz. Reason why romans were so happy to crucify people on the symbol of their god. In archeology you will see the symbol on many of the buildings prior to the crucifixion of God.

  1. Axcella Maria Zed's Avatar Axcella Maria Zed

    I’m worried about the freedom to choose not to believe in gods is under attack in the United States right now I am amazed by how many of those who are apart of those in agreement with what Trump is doing let alone what the Church is supporting Remember that as those who are here to know that hate is hate even if it is religious As one who is here to observe if love exists in in this monastery or not So far the Atheists show more compassion than you do

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      You cannot define the word "atheist" without including the word "theist" meaning "a believer in God."

      As far as atheists, I've been to a few of their conventions and the only things they displayed were open alcoholic bars for "all you can drink" followed by drunken worship of "the atheist speaker of the day" at their religious pulpit on stage!

      It seems to me that everyone worships a "god" in the form of a leader, a celebrity or money.

      1. Tecla Caryl Loup's Avatar Tecla Caryl Loup

        Sure, we all have beliefs/behaviors that we prize. So let people be. And get off this 5-pointed star vs. pentagram jag. It sounds foolish.

      2. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

        Lawrence, who's yours?

  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

    I’m just grateful that the method of execution by the Romans back in those days was crucifixion and not stoning people to death. If that had been the case, people would be hanging rocks on their walls and around their necks today, and instead of crossing themselves when they walked into a church, they would possibly have the action of throwing a stone.

    I wonder what people would’ve done if the mode of execution had been hanging back in those day. Would people be wearing a noose around their neck nowadays. 🤷

    Yes, I know it’s a silly comment, but many of these are….right?🤭


    1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

      Lionheart, I always had the same thought about stoning! Rocks on neck chains, tattoos, a massive boulder behind the alter. What if the method of execution was burning? Drowning? Buried alive?

      (The silliest comments here are the one's not meant to be.)

    2. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

      That made my day. Lol. Thanks, Lionheart.

    3. Mark Stephen Edwards's Avatar Mark Stephen Edwards

      The Jews intended to stone Jesus, but he slipped away. Back then, Jews stoned people.

  1. Robert Gagnon's Avatar Robert Gagnon

    Desk drawer is not a big ask. Removing it from the wall after a decade is a bit ridiculous. But, as long as their are never any rainbow flags, star of Davids, crescent moons in any of the classrooms, it's the same standard for everyone there. Personally never thought students would seek favor by playing the religion card, never occurred to me in school.

    1. Paul's Avatar Paul

      Rainbow flags is the odd one out there. It's not religious but symbolic of tolerance of LGBTQ+ people including students. I'm not personally that way inclined (my father in law was but had to hide it all his life) but I think it's fine in high schools - times have changed significantly (at least where I live) and the rainbow flag generally isn't viewed as controversial or a threat these days.

    2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      EEK! There are Wiccan/ Pagan five star pentagrams being displayed in our public classrooms! They are even flying over all government offices and military installations! Ban them now! /s

      You can see them for yourself, hiding in plain sight... fifty "Wiccan/ Pagan" pentagram stars on every American flag!

      We have too many pearl clutching drama queens offended by everything! LOL

      1. Tecla Caryl Loup's Avatar Tecla Caryl Loup

        Somehow I fail to see how displaying crosses and crucifixes is going to solve the pearl clutchers' drama issues.

  1. Merlin's Avatar Merlin

    Religious icons can be used as a historic teaching tools in public schools but not as an external personal image of faith in the classroom. Violation of the 1st Amendment,”Congress shall make NO law respecting an established religion”. The teacher should work for a religious based and nonpublic funded school.

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Don't look now but your religious pentagrams are being displayed in every public school today... on the US flag!

      Why not live and let live, because the more attention you draw to their crucifix, the more money and converts they get.

      1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

        Oh Lawrence. Your first point is silly, your second untrue. Converts are down, attendance in churches is down. Money is way down; it's why churches are closing and merging.

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    My Question is why? What is wrong with religion as long as it's not forced onto people

    1. Paul's Avatar Paul

      That would depend on how you think of "force". Young minds are very malleable which is why churches like to recruit them early. Deliberately planting seeds is coercive indoctrination and has no place in public education funded by taxpayers of all faiths and none.

    2. Matthew Mastrogiovanni's Avatar Matthew Mastrogiovanni

      Is a Baphomet statue ok then?

      1. Tecla Caryl Loup's Avatar Tecla Caryl Loup

        No. Let parents instruct their children in religion. This is not the job of public education.

      2. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

        Of course, not… because it’s not Christian and that’s really all they approve of. They aren’t really about ALL religious freedoms.

      3. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        Sure, as long as they don't try to lead a religious discussion.

      4. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

        Matthew, you should have no problem with the cross then. The cross is in the shape of the letter T representing the pagan god Tammuz. Reason why romans were so happy to crucify people on the symbol of their god. In archeology you will see the symbol on many of the buildings prior to the crucifixion of God.

    3. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

      Simple. The teacher is in a position of power. As such, she has a greater influence on the children than one of their classmates. My opinion: If she were to move it to a private space, she might have some leverage, but she chose to place it in space that is used for instruction. The school has the right to control what is placed in instruction space (and I am assuming this is a state-run public school). Her putting her religion on display in the space used for instruction implies that the school is a religious entity, and some kids would take it that way. Imagine a Muslim 1st or 2nd grader going home and wanting to put a cross on his bedroom wall, just like is on his teacher's wall in the classroom. The compromise solution she backed out of seems to have been the best of both worlds. It would have been accessable to her if she needed a spritual uplift, but not directly affecting what was going on in the classroom. For better or worse, what the teachers display about their private lives has an impact on the children they teach.

  1. Ellen B. Wentzel's Avatar Ellen B. Wentzel

    As president of a business college, my father always told me to do anything your boss tells you unless it is illegal or immoral. So, yes, remove it.

    1. Mark Stephen Edwards's Avatar Mark Stephen Edwards

      Good advice Ellen. Same thing in the military--do what 'rank' tells you to do.

  1. Michael Howard Schrader's Avatar Michael Howard Schrader

    She was requested to remove it, so she should remove it. She can always wear crucifix jewelry.

    1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

      It seems to be that filing a lawsuit is the Christian way of settling any argument against them. However, they would be outraged to see an upside-down pentagram hanging in a classroom because it sends the wrong message. It’s kind of hypocritical of them.

    2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      Supreme Court has already ruled that she does not have to remove it (remember the one with the football coach that cost that school close to 2 million dollars, or the flagpole decision or the main decision where they were almost destroyed for refusing to grant a religious school the same rights as a regular school?), the school is in deep trouble as the tax payers can refuse to pay the bill for this idiotic claim and then that means that anyone who had a hand in this would have to fund the lawsuit out of their own pocket

    3. John T Cox III's Avatar John T Cox III

      I agree. Maybe she should apply to a Catholic school.

  1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

    As many others have said, my question is why now? What changed? If there was a complaint, then I could understand. Otherwise, I don’t see the problem, but would Christians be okay with a pentagram hanging in the classroom? I bet they would through a fit. It’s either equal for all or none.

    1. Mark Stephen Edwards's Avatar Mark Stephen Edwards

      There is no known time limit on these deals. Even USSC rulings are reverved after 50 -225 years.

  1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

    I'm reading elementary/middle school "classroom", but "the next to her desk" photo (actual?) looks like her office. Her classroom and office are two entirely different places. I have no problem with the latter.

  1. John P Maher's Avatar John P Maher

    ITs ALL " B S "

  1. Colleen McAllister's Avatar Colleen McAllister

    Since the crucifix was on that wall for 10 years with no problem then I see no reason why it should be removed now. It probably gives her comfort to see it there. If a child can be swayed by seeing the crucifix hang there then the parents have other problems to deal with.

    By the way the rainbow is not a religion as LGBTQ× is a lifestyle, not a religion.

    1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

      Yes, but they think a rainbow will sway students to be LGBTQ. I agree that it’s been there for 10 years, but I wonder if there was a complaint or something. She says she answers any questions she gets regarding the cross. That would seem she is promoting Christianity. I don’t know.

      1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

        James, why would a rainbow sway students to be LGBTQ, long before it was used for that it was used as God's promise that He would never destroy the Earth again by a flood. So since so many reject a cross (which is a pagan symbol to begin with) they too should reject the use of a Christian symbol, a rainbow as their belief system.

  1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

    I’m in a bit of a quandary; I do not believe that ANY religious symbol should be displayed in the classroom, but I think that after 10 years, it has had tacit approval from the school. I think it’s ridiculous to tell the teacher that a fixture in her classroom has to be removed.

    1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

      I too am in a bit of a quandary - with your atypical response. You're usually less tolerant of a particular religion's promotion to children, or anyone. Unless, of course all religious symbols are equally displayed? Wouldn't you prefer The Monastery's "We are all Children of the Same Universe" logo in every classroom?

      10 years, 20 years, 50 years makes no imposition right.

  1. Kaci McCall's Avatar Kaci McCall

    This is a very interesting and multi layered debate that may only end in philisophical loops and paradoxes in my mind. I STRONGLY believe that we are sovereign beings, and I value FREEDOM above all things, something we as soulful beings should be seeking to balance with LOVE. I believe in free will, in free speech, and freedom to self expression and creation...I believe we have a right to our own beleif systems, and certainly a right to our sacred rites. I beleive as corrupt as our government has become, and may have always had elements of....there are also values encoded into the foundations of what the United States was 'intended' or at the least, presented, to be. Lady Liberty with a raised torch and crown of enlightenment. HOWEVER I also understand we are energetically susceptable beings. Especially children. I DO believe in the Separation of Church and State as a precaution against those who seek to take advantage of impressionable minds. SYMBOLS DO SPEAK to our subconscious. And yet I think intent matters, as well as location. The images show it obviously being at low level, for her own vision mainly by her computer and amongst other personal items like a little 'office' area as nearly every teacher has! I expect to see tokens of a teacher's own life, and interests and character. I wouldn't be offended by this. If it were larger than a foot, and up on display FOR the class, on a main wall centered or something, I may be slightly more raising an eyebrow, as sadly there is documented history of people taking sacred symbols that should represent love and using them as a weapon or a subtle threat. This seems like it is NOT a case of that, and I would hate if humanity chooses to continue these harmful lines in the sand. I am here with Universal Life Church BECAUSE of that ideal, we should be free to beleive as we see fit, and also be able to excercise those beleifs freely, alongside each other even when our beliefs differ. I am here to create that world. <3

  1. Gerard Anthony Ritchie's Avatar Gerard Anthony Ritchie

    It seems to me that the best way to fix this problem is to have a wall display in the school with a couple of paragraphs each explaining the main beliefs of each of the major world religions, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism etc. And of course a couple of paragraphs to explain that there are people that don't believe in any god or religious belief. The display could also show the main symbols for each religion and what they mean. Also, in the school library, there could be English translations of the main texts that these religions follow for any students that want to delve deeper into any particular religion and understand it more. That way, the children get a better understanding of the many religious beliefs that exist and can then take a more informed view of the pros and cons of each. It would also be useful if there were school trips to visit places of worship for each religion that is in reasonable travelling distance; mosques, synagogues, temples and churches etc. So, understanding religious beliefs becomes a balanced learning exercise not an exercise in indoctrination. It might even help the children develop a better sense of tolerance, inclusivity and community spirit than their elders!

  1. Ronaldo's Avatar Ronaldo

    When I was working, I was a 'closet Christian' at the office. I did not hide the fact that I was Christian, but I did not proclaim His glory at every chance, I did not have any religious items at my desk, and prayed silently before lunch. We had several 'Bible thumpers' at work who showed everyone in no uncertain terms that they were Christian and thought everyone else should be as well. In the 15 years at my last job, several people came to me to discuss Christ, claiming that they felt that my religion was more real than that of the thumpers, because I lived it, rather than just preaching it. They were all more comfortable with me than they were with the 'in your face Christians'.

    1. Todd Leslie Miller's Avatar Todd Leslie Miller

      Most of these ‘bible thumpers’ are usually hypocrites who are using Christianity to hide their sins and transgressions.

  1. Michelle Kitz's Avatar Michelle Kitz

    I'm going to go with, yes the school an ask her to remove it. I no longer work in an office but when I did, we were told what we could and could not decorate our cubicles with. At one time, we were even told to remove specific Halloween decorations. It is a workplace. Not her personal space.

  1. Mark A. Bartholomew Sr.'s Avatar Mark A. Bartholomew Sr.

    For those of us that believe, we are called to witness and not be ashamed of our faith and to share God's message. Am I incorrect, or does the 1st Ammendment not also protect freedom of expression? I am not ashamed of my faith.

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Since there are 50 "pagan" pentagrams on every American flag in all public schools and government buildings, I see no reason why you cannot wear or display one four pointed cross in public.

      Go for it tiger!

  1. Deborah Lynn Strafuss's Avatar Deborah Lynn Strafuss

    Well, as long as the schools are okay with displaying sacred geometric mandalas, statues of buddha, the star and crescent of Islam, crystal grids or any other mystical symbol any teacher may want to have near them for comfort or protection and visible to students who may then ask about it and start a conversation around it, then a cross/crucifix is fine. I do not think that is the case and I think we get into very murky ground when we start displaying religious or spiritual energetic belief related symbols in a classroom as we don't teach those in a classroom and a classroom is all about teaching - everything in it. The argument about stars on a flag is out of context. The entire flag represents our country, stars and stripes together. And pagan stands for one from the countryside - someone who appreciates and loves nature.

    I don't understand why she just can't be happy wearing a crucifix - I do not believe there is any restriction on jewelry and you can always tuck that down into your top as well. I also feel they blooped letting her display it for 10 years - and I have no problem with a crucifix if that is your spiritual comfort, I just think we need to be careful of the teaching environment. If you are a teacher and cannot keep the symbols of your religion out of classroom view then maybe you should be teaching that instead? Isn't true religion living in accordance with the tenants of your faith, not needing to display or promote talk about it? So kindness, love and patience are great attributes for a teacher. No need to cross it up. I think she should put the cross away in her drawer and keep focused on teaching. If she wants to fight a religious battle over it, then maybe school is not the place for her.

    Everything displayed in a classroom is a teaching tool. I am not even really for displaying the flag in the classroom and making everyone pledge to it everyday - okay to teach about it historically and its significance to us as a country but not necessary to require allegence and display it in the classroom at all times. No problem with flying it outside as a public notification of our national identity. Crosses symbolize one religious belief system. Unless you are prepared to teach on all of them they need to be a private choice. The classroom is not private.

    1. Steve Schafir's Avatar Steve Schafir

      I agree. This is well said.

    2. Mark Stephen Edwards's Avatar Mark Stephen Edwards

      Your last paragraph, "Everything in a classroom..." is sincerely pedantic.

  1. Steven Ferrell's Avatar Steven Ferrell

    If they can have rainbow stuff in a classroom and actively push that towards children, then the crucifix should be allowed to just hang there by the desk.

  1. Roy S. Thorpe's Avatar Roy S. Thorpe

    In today's ungodly world there exists those people who want a large separation between church and state. The funny thing is when I went to public grade school, we pledged allegiance to the flag and during music class sang a lot of religious hymns mixed with old standards! Nobody saw anything wrong! We weren't over analyzed to death about our childhood choices or worried about what our pronouns should be! Just a bunch of kids having fun while leaning about life and the three Rs!

  1. Mark P. Bender's Avatar Mark P. Bender

    I wonder what Jesus would teach us about this act?

  1. John Casillo's Avatar John Casillo

    Everyone sing...."i wear my sunglases" so i can't see all the idiocy around me.....protect your students......pass them out teachers!

  1. Farajallah Michael Yazbek's Avatar Farajallah Michael Yazbek

    The School District is in violation of the Executive Order issued by President Bill Clinton in 1996, which allows personal religious materials to be PROPERLY displayed in the workplace, government included, as long as the employee does NOT proseletize or evangelize the people that might or might not see it. And judging from the location of the crucifix, it is NOT prominently displayed, but rather in the teacher's personal workspace. The district is clearly in violation of the First Amendment, as well, which has repeatedly been enforced by the US Supreme Court. They have everything to lose and nothing to win by forcing her out. Even a C Student in a law school can win this one for the teacher. She's protected under the First Amendment to the US Constitution. William Wayne Justice violated the US Constitution when he ruled in favor of Madellaine Murray O'Hare in 1962. He violated everyone else's protected freedom OF religion. The First Amendment does not say "from." It specifically says "OF."

  1. Brian Patrick Molloy's Avatar Brian Patrick Molloy

    We are all children of the same universe . Repent the end is near . God bless you , keep you safe , and give you peace . ✝️

  1. Walter J. Holbrook's Avatar Walter J. Holbrook

    The ACLU feels its an infringement on the rights of non-believers.

  1. Patricia Sydney Solis's Avatar Patricia Sydney Solis

    In Salamanca, Spain there's a great exhibit on Franco's fascism, and it's replete with Franco's face and a big cross in every school classroom. Franco came to power with a coup, and The Catholic Church was lock stock in step with Franco's fascism and encouraged censorship. Read Erich Fromm's The Dogma of Christ and learn that fascism is a wholly psychological problem: the overthrow of the father, the church that would keep one infantized and dependent, rather than truly free and individualized, mature.

  1. Todd Leslie Miller's Avatar Todd Leslie Miller

    As a Salvationist I must say that NO, her crucifix does not belong in that classroom on public display. So she needs to keep her faith close to her? Okay. She can keep a rosary in her pocket and say a decade or two when the kids aren’t there.

  1. Gene GreccoStoliesSimilé's Avatar Gene GreccoStoliesSimilé

    Separation of Church and State is absolutely one of the important legal considerations of a constitutional democracy entertaining the notion of, "Freedom of Religion.

    I once took upon myself to review Pakistan's constitution, and found there was no language for separating Church and State. I was surprised because our Constitution had been the model for theirs and I had assumed that the intent for a separation would have been included in some legal language in their Master governing document and there is not.

    I checked some number of other constitutions, not all, and found a mix of intents either in instituting a State religion or various protection against.

    I asked Google how many countries have a Constitition and of that number, how many have language for separation of religion from state. This distinction is so important a legal consideration, that I encourage folk do do as I did for some interesting read. I learned there is a spectrum of answers to my Google question.

    Thank you for bringing the controversy to light.

  1. Leslie A. Hulberg Née Tomasura's Avatar Leslie A. Hulberg Née Tomasura

    I believe that if the teacher wants to practice her faith in a school that she should work at a faith based school. If she wants to work at a public school or institution, she should refrain from displaying a religious symbol in her classroom. Not everyone shares her faith and by displaying her faith in a classroom, it is an indoctrination tactic used by certain religious groups and it or she needs to go. She can wear a cross on her necklace or a ring or slip it into her underwear if she so desires. But she does not have the right to subject children (or anyone else for that matter) to her faith on a daily basis or at all. Keep politics out of the pulpit and keep the government out of religion. Once you start doing that, you no longer have a democracy or a constitutional republic. It’s disrespectful to anyone not sharing her faith.

  1. Leslie A. Hulberg Née Tomasura's Avatar Leslie A. Hulberg Née Tomasura

    I believe that if the teacher wants to practice her faith in a school that she should work at a faith based school. If she wants to work at a public school or institution, she should refrain from displaying a religious symbol in her classroom. Not everyone shares her faith and by displaying her faith in a classroom, it is an indoctrination tactic used by certain religious groups and it or she needs to go. She can wear a cross on her necklace or a ring or slip it into her underwear if she so desires. But she does not have the right to subject children (or anyone else for that matter) to her faith on a daily basis or at all. Keep politics out of the pulpit and keep the government out of religion. Once you start doing that, you no longer have a democracy or a constitutional republic. It’s disrespectful to anyone not sharing her faith.

  1. Cheryl Pettijohn's Avatar Cheryl Pettijohn

    Displaying a small cross on her desk is the same as my displaying a pride flag on my desk. It is my personal space and should be allowed. Displaying it on the wall seems to be the issue.
    We are not allowed (any more) to display any symbols of belief on our walls without risk of disciplinary action. It is especially egregious in the front of the room. It would not matter if it was a religious symbol, pride flag, or something equivalent. Anything that pushes a belief system is not allowed.
    My constitutional rights are upheld by being allowed to have it on my desk (where I have both a cross and a pride flag).

  1. Milton Lawrence Patton's Avatar Milton Lawrence Patton

    When is a religious symbol an idolatry?

  1. (Father) Dave's Avatar (Father) Dave

    So long as other teachers with differing theocratic leanings are also allowed to do the same without fear of recrimination or punishment...then why the hell not?

  1. Mark Stephen Edwards's Avatar Mark Stephen Edwards

    I doubt other symbols of faith and philosophy are forbidden. The students can passive-aggress and make capital Ts look like crosses, t. Will the different Eastern Orthodox and Celtic crosses be banned?

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