controversial jesus christ looney tunes painting
The art gallery was inundated with death threats for displaying the controversial art piece. (Image courtesy of artist Philjames)

Artwork depicting Jesus Christ overlaid with a Looney Tunes character has been removed from an Australian art gallery following violent threats from Christians who say the painting mocks their faith.

The piece was on display for nearly two months, but following a social media campaign by a Catholic group – which prompted dozens of violent threats against the artist and the gallery – the piece was pulled just two days shy of the end of the exhibition's eight-week run.

A Goofy Painting

"Jesus Speaks to the Daughters of Jerusalem" is the work of Sydney-based artist Philjames. The 2023 oil-on-lithograph piece depicts Jesus Christ carrying the cross, his face overlaid with a Looney Tunes character.

Philjames describes the piece as “playful” and says that “there wasn’t really any meaning behind the piece. It’s just an image – choose your own adventure.”

The painting remained on display for weeks without issue. That is, until the gallery was inundated with threats when the conservative Catholic group Christian Lives Matter posted about the painting on social media.

“Here we go again another cheap and low attempt at mocking Christianity here in Sydney,” the post reads. “Why is it always Christianity and our scared figures/symbols that are the target of such low quality artists. Any other communities , would never face such open mockery yet Christians are suppose to just wear it.”

Jesus depicted as a Looney Tunes character
The painting was criticized in a Christian Facebook group and accused of "mocking" Christianity.

The gallery’s phone line and social media were subsequently flooded with hostile messages, many of them reportedly threatening violence. One message reportedly told the gallery they “better get some extra security.”

Censorship at Work?

The social media outrage caught the attention of Liverpool mayor Ned Mannoun, who publicly decried the artwork and called for it to be removed, noting the “many complaints from numerous residents.”

“The Christian Messiah and the Muslim Messiah Jesus has no connection to the cartoon character Goofy,” he said in a statement. 

“I do like stirring a bit of a reaction with my work, but the novelty very quickly wore off on Friday. The level of vitriol and the sheer volume of it was actually frightening,” said Philjames. “The poor staff who work there don’t need this. It’s not worth it.” 

The artist says he also personally received hundreds of "vile" messages on social media. He worries that this move sets an alarming precedent of artistic censorship.

“The mayor requested it to be taken down, putting politicking before freedom of expression. Where does it end?” he pondered.

Artists Under Fire

This isn't the only controversial artistic depiction of Jesus to be met with vehement protest and violent threats recently.

Earlier this year, an Italian artist faced widespread criticism over his painting that appeared to depict Jesus receiving oral sex from a Roman soldier. 

This incident didn't stop at threats, however; when a vandal attempted to deface the piece, the artist was stabbed in the neck while trying to defend it. 

Artists naturally seek to push boundaries, especially when it comes to depictions of holy figures. One could also understand why a deeply devout person would find some of these works offensive.

But is that worthy of protest? Of death threats? Of actual violence?

What is your reaction?


  1. Robin Anne Hannon's Avatar Robin Anne Hannon

    My reaction? I don't believe in violence. I think the painting itself is questionable. It seems to be poking fun at Christianity and Jesus, that faith is somehow a farce or cartoonish. We can't as Christians be running around using violence to solve issues. We can be vocal, we can protest, we can do many things, but violence is not in line what Jesus himself taught.

  1. Clay Serenbetz's Avatar Clay Serenbetz

    These zealots are as nuts as the Muslims who despise Salmon Rushdie. It's scary how quickly people, who supposedly hold Jesus so dear, violate the basic tenants of their Bible and Jesus himself. They're all hypocrites!

    1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

      Cry me a river. Your comment sounds like the playground bully who runs to his mommy when the little kid actually fought back and gave him a black eye. Love doesn't mean one stands aside while evil men and women destroy their faith, family, and country. Loving these wonderful gifts from God requires that we fight and destroy such enemies. It's not hypocrisy. It's sanity.

      1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

        Believing in an omnipotent being that controls the universe with zero evidence to support the belief is the opposite of sanity, Kester. This is a completely benign piece of cheap art and the reaction from Christians is to threaten the safety of the museum and the artist. This is more like the bully getting mad at another kid for making a silly drawing of him and then threatening to kill the kid.

        Hell, no one would care about this piece of art if it wasn't for the conservative Christian outrage creating the Streisand effect!

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          And you have no evidence that this isnt the truth

          1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

            Nice again, Greh, the burden of proof is on the person making the claim. I’m simply stating that your proof is lacking. Actually non- existent. Not saying that your lying, just that you’re delusional and I don’t believe you.

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              No the burden of proof is on the same person that disputes it. YOU have to prove that its not real. Thats how it works.

              1. Michael Davis's Avatar Michael Davis

                Logicians and philosophers of logic reject the notion that it is intrinsically impossible to prove negative claims. Philosophers Steven D. Hale and Stephen Law state that the phrase "you cannot prove a negative" is itself a negative claim that would not be true if it could be proven true.

              2. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

                Okay, that great example of something made my head hurt. So, what's the bottom line here? I like logic, well as much of it as I can understand anyway, but who does, in your opinion, have the burden of proof? If I say, that God does not exist (a negative) must I prove that statement? Just for the record, I totally believe God exists and don't want any of our atheist friends here to think I've changed my position on God. 😀

              3. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                yes as you are the one disputing it, now if you are going to dispute it then you have to prove your side. Otherwise is nothing more then your OPINION

      2. Elizabeth Jane Erbe Wilcox's Avatar Elizabeth Jane Erbe Wilcox

        So the god you believe in wants you to fight against the evil that he knew would be the outcome yet he chose not to intervene in? After all, the Bible says he knows all including what will happen so…

        Odd that he stands back while pedophiles…oh never mind.

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          Its called choice. Just like you can believe in him or not. Mankind made it illegal but Christ also warned about placing a millstone around your neck and walking into the ocean if you harmed a little one.

          1. Michael Davis's Avatar Michael Davis

            The God of humans is a Being limited to only 3 dimensions of point, place, and location and a linear timeline forward as those are the dimensions humans understand and exist in. An actual omnipotent GOD would operate in all 26 physical dimensions and the 2 time dimensions, including relative time and not just linear time. This is not something I made up as ask all these big-brain astrophysicists who are a lot smarter than either you or me.

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              Ok first off prove the 26 points as I have scoured the net as well as used Nexus-Lexus (think google on Steroids) and I have yet to see any peer reviewed paper or article that claims 26 points or dimensions. IN fact I have yet to find one that even says there is more then one dimension and that is the one you are living in now. And then you would have to prove that God does exist and if he or she is all powerful, then exactly how can he/she be limited to three points when these "eggheads" you speak of say there is 26? If they are all powerful then they can do anything they want including existing everywhere at once. Your post makes no sense.

  1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

    Okay, this painting doesn’t resemble anything artistic in my opinion, and obviously was meant to get under very thin Christian skin. That being said, conservatives cry cancel culture with one hand while the other is busy banning books. Who’s cancelling who?

    1. Robert Gagnon's Avatar Robert Gagnon

      Would a looney toons version of drag queens crucified be just as well received?

      1. David Shapiro's Avatar David Shapiro

        It wouldn't elicit any death threats. Just verbal complaints at most. Death threats, or stabbing an artist in the neck, is going WAY too far.

        1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

          Tragically, doxing and death threats have become an American Way of Life.

      2. Joshua Gunderson's Avatar Joshua Gunderson

        I don't think anyone would come out of the woodwork threatening to veat or kill the artist who made that painting, however; I think the mere addition of depicting "drag queens being crucified" would be the issue there. That would imply the artist believes or wants drag queens dead and crucified. If it was just drag queens as looney tunes characters doing things drag queens do, no big deal. In this situation, the artist has taken the story of Jesus and a painting that had already been made and overlayed it with looney tunes characters. It is up to the viewer at that point to decide what it means, and choose to get offended or not. See my earlier comment about what it means to be offended by this. Again, adding the "being crucified" regardless if it were drag queens, black people, "woke protesters" etc. would give any other painting a clear meaning without much room for individual interpretation. In other words, apples to oranges here.

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    Its in bad taste but death threats is a big NO Violence is never the answer.

  1. Daniel Todd Kamm's Avatar Daniel Todd Kamm

    I would have used Mickey and Minnie for the leads...

    Scrooge McDuck would have been a fine Herod... and instead of ceremoniously washing his hands of it all as the fable goes, he could have had a swim in the basin... ducks and water... who knew?

    Peace and Out...Rebtk

  1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

    you are quite the educated hater, ain't cha? the woke of which you and I speak has nothing to do with the buddah but instead derives from black culture as a means of alerting each other to the racism that surrounds them. but them you knew that and appreciate the emotion that goes with calling people you disagree with as 'woke'. and sorry but no, no palpitations here, I'd have to care more about you and what you think to ever raise my heart rate. instead, it's just fun to call out racists and haters and provokers of everything they disapprove of

  1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

    That's fine to put up....right after the display of the Looney Tune Muhammad pictures

  1. Bridget Kielas-Fecyk's Avatar Bridget Kielas-Fecyk

    Muslim, Christian, Catholic, Jewish, whatever. Anyone who goes insane over a mocking picture need mental help. If they're flipping out and wanting to kill over a painting, that's right down there to people in the middle east who beat a teacher and broke every bone in her body, and then burned her alive, just because she allowed the kids in her classroom to name a teddy bear "Muhammad"

  1. Theresa C. Marquess's Avatar Theresa C. Marquess

    I find the Looney Toons depictions of the crucifiction hypocritical and offensive. It doesn't matter whether a person is a Christian or not. I would feel the same way about a vulgar depiction of a religious leader of any faith. These zealots need to know when to stop. Have a bit of respect!

    1. Joshua Gunderson's Avatar Joshua Gunderson

      But Christians don't respect anything or anyone unless they also believe in their silly stories. The government should not censor this work because some find it offensive. Boo hoo. I find Christianity offensive, but I will allow anyone and everyone to practice the religion as long as they don't try to force it upon others or errrr...threaten violence. Threatening violence has been the Christian (and most religions) way for centuries though. It the weak minded, childish temper tantrum throwing insecure Christians that get offended over any little thing that questions their beliefs. Someone with true conviction would laugh this off as a "lost soul" trying to stir the pot and move on. To get offended over a painting that isn't hurting anyone just shows that you are insecure in your beliefs and questioning it's validity.

  1. He Who Breathes's Avatar He Who Breathes

    Let them try to display artwork as such of Mo - and see what happens.

  1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

    If left-wing nuts can engage in cancel culture then they'd better learn that it's a two-way street. Until wokeism is dead and buried then it's time for people on the right of the political isle to use the same tactics as the left. The left never does these offensive things to Islam's prophet because in the past such acts were met with aggressive, even violent, reactions. It's a lesson that Christians might need to learn. Good for the Christians in Australia and kudos to the mayor. It's time the progressive and nonreligious crowd stops attacking Christianity even if that means Christians must relearn the principles of a just war.

    1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

      Did I miss something, Kester? Where did it say the artist is a leftist? As for conservatives, they have been participating in cancel culture for decades as evidenced in their attempts to get rid of the gay community. And yes, this panting was in bad taste and doesn’t qualify as art in my book.

      1. Elizabeth Jane Erbe Wilcox's Avatar Elizabeth Jane Erbe Wilcox

        Do you suppose Russ doesn’t know about Project 2025?

        1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

          Elizabeth, first thank you for calling me Russ. That was nice. Many here have resorted to using just my last name which reminds so much of my time in the military.

          I've heard talk of project 2025, and I watched a small panel discussion describing it is a sort of handbook for newly arriving legislatures to help them understand how DC works and how to navigate its labyrinthian governmental offices and silos of power. But I still haven't seen an actual copy of the handbook. Have you?

          1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

            You can download it Russ.

          2. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

            Sorry, I should have included the link.


            1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

              Thank you, James!

        2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          And you do know that project 2025 that you seem so scared of is a think tank and is not connected with the next president in any way. You really need to stop listening to the left.

          1. JPrime's Avatar JPrime

            It is a non-autobiographical, rewritten and updated version of Mein Kampf, and it is ABSOLUTELY connected to the next president, should the next president be Republican. If you haven’t read it, I would STRONGLY suggest you do so. This should NOT be a left/right thing, it should be recognized for what it is: a framework for implementing dictatorship and Christian fascism in its entirety. Please don’t delude yourself that it is not political, because at the heart of it, it most certainly is. The president of the Heritage Foundation said it on national television, and I quote: “We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless ― if the left allows it to be.” So please, see it for what it is and if you love your country, don’t allow history to repeat itself, with the United States as the villain this time!

            Signed: a non-American who is worried about you (collectively)

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              And as usual, the ones who have no leg to stand on try and bring in politics into it and thus show their opinion and nothing based on fact or history.

      2. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

        What qualifies as art? Some art may not be in good taste, yet remains art. I have no problem with art that pokes fun at my beliefs. It may open my mind or aggravate me, but the response is up to me, not some Ministry of Good Taste.

    2. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

      I suggest you look up what exactly 'woke' means. but the far radical neo-nazi kkkristofascists use it to attack anyone and everyone who gets in their way; just like you are doing, here.

      what is the big deal about mocking something someone else believes, I mean, you literally did that in your comment here about 'wokeism'.

      so you're also threatening those that mock with a "...just war..."? who exactly are you to make that statement? a jihadist in kkkristofascist disguise? seems to me you're threatening violence against anyone who mocks your silly, cloud clown beliefs, amirite? maybe law enforcement would be a good place to start with you and people like you. suddenly I feel threatened by kkkristofascists like you. you are definitely NOT ULC material with your horrible views of violence towards unbelievers and progressives. may satan take notice of your horrible views and smite you for them

      1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

        JJ, so the thought of Christians rolling up their sleeves and deciding to take on the woke crowd suddenly seems threatening. That's funny. As for woke, the idea started with Buddha 2,500 years or so ago when he told people to wake up from their sleep (Maya). "The principles of the justice of war are commonly held to be: having just cause, being a last resort, being declared by a proper authority, possessing right intention, having a reasonable chance of success, and the end being proportional to the means used." America has a war on just about everything from the war on poverty and hunger to illiteracy. Using the above principles, if a proportional response means writing letters and making phone calls to Congress then do it. If a proportional response means joining our military to stop our enemies both foreign AND DOMESTIC, then so be it. Onward Christian Soldiers marching as to war .... The best part of your response was that I simply stated a strategy of tit-for-tat which game theorists recommend and that idea sends the progressive left into heart palpitations.

        1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

          Yes, let's have our Military gunning down domestic "enemies". (Like your dreaded woke progressive left?) Worked well in Germany.

          1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

            BH, I'm so glad you're here. I always get a smile on my face as I know I can count on you to make any discussion more interesting. I cannot agree that our current situation is even close to that in Nazi Germany as that social conflict seemed rather one-sided once the brown shirts (or whoever it was) assassinated the opposition. As a soldier, I was required to protect and defend the constitution from enemies both foreign AND DOMESTIC. So, yes, it seems we as a country must be prepared to use our military at home if needed.

    3. David Shapiro's Avatar David Shapiro

      I've heard of an eye for an eye. But an eye for a picture or a verbal insult seems a bit much.

      And even an eye for an eye is strictly Old Testament. What happened to the New Testament's "turn the other cheek"?

    4. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

      Thank you to those responding to Russel before me. I echo most of your comments, but want to add my own. The concept of "just war" and "holy war" are both oxymorons. Jesus was a pacifist. Jesus preached about reaching out to our enemies. Jesus frequently spent time with the dregs of society (sex workers, tax collectors, lepers to name a few).

  1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

    This is not something I would hang in my home, but I don't find it any more offensive than a blonde-haired blue-eyed Jesus.

  1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

    Religions deserve mocking. Not constantly, but whatever amount seems to be justified for THE CONSTANT NANNERINGS AND BLABBERINGS of religious people whining about wedding cakes, photographers, gays, trans, not being allowed to pray in schools, etc, etc.

    Well, okay, constant mocking is rather justified. Fire at will.

  1. Rev. Mike Eggleston's Avatar Rev. Mike Eggleston

    Christians frequently attack and mock those who believe in other gods or supernatural beings. What goes around comes round. They need to remember the doctirine of "Do unto others..."

  1. Dan Anderson's Avatar Dan Anderson

    Are drag queens being crucified? Yes, they are treated little more than garbage, however it shows the intelligence and thinking of those who openly condemn them.

  1. Peter Senderowitz's Avatar Peter Senderowitz

    Talk to the manufacturer if you don't like the (homosapien) product. Good luck!

  1. David Shapiro's Avatar David Shapiro

    You know, when Muslims refuse to allow anyone to even draw a simple cartoon of Muhammad, and respond with violence to anyone who does it, many of us mock them for being primitive and barbaric, and not respecting freedom of speech like we do. So I'd say it's hypocritical to decry the practice when they do it, but turn around and act much the same when it's Jesus rather than Muhammad involved.

    If people can't live up to "Turn the other cheek", or "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" or "Judge not lest ye by judged" and "Judgment is mine sayeth the Lord" (Not YOURS, but HIS)...

    How about the old schoolyard "Sticks and stones can break my bones but names can never hurt me"?

    Seriously. If you're going to go nuts and get violent every time there's an offensive drawing or painting, I hate to tell ya, but there's millions of those out there all over the planet. So you're gonna have to spend your whole life in a state of rage, unless you just don't pay enough attention to notice most of them.

    As ever, the peaceful path is a lot more pragmatic.

  1. JaZe's Avatar JaZe

    Beliver or not, to me is just plain bad taste.

  1. Steven Ferrell's Avatar Steven Ferrell

    I personally think it is wrong and in poor taste, but I don’t agree with making threats against the person

  1. Joshua Gunderson's Avatar Joshua Gunderson

    Isn't threatening violence and trying to censor dissenting opinions the opposite of what Christianity teaches? Love thy neighbor, don't covet what others have, don't be prideful or worship false idols. It's childish to throw a temper tantrum over this. If you don't like it or find it distasteful or offensive, move along and find something you do like. Art is meant to stur emotion and discussion and is often uncomfortable. One group of people who believe in stories written by men a few thousand years ago should not dictate what others believe or can do. Religious zealots have caused most of the worlds problems with the use of violence against non-believers. It has to stop.

  1. Michael Davis's Avatar Michael Davis

    Jesus was Sent Out of Nirvana (the Perfect Planet is Nirvana) and the S.O.N. of the General Over Director (G.O.D.) on a Mission to Earth to spread the Message of Peace and Love and was Martyred for it by Hypocrites and Religious Zealots.

  1. James Bryan Serman's Avatar James Bryan Serman

    What ever happened to “Turning the other cheek” is a phrase from the Bible, Matthew 5:38, that means to respond to an insult or harm without retaliating. The full verse reads, “If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also”.

  1. AKConiferious's Avatar AKConiferious

    Somewhat like Abbott And Costello Meet Frankenstein.. it's a crossover.. unbunch your undergarments..

  1. Walter J. Holbrook's Avatar Walter J. Holbrook

    Dear religious fanatics. Go sit down and take a chill pill. You people are just to off the rails.

  1. Rev. Michelle Love's Avatar Rev. Michelle Love

    After the international incident that was created in 2012 because a French satire magazine called "Charlie Hebdo" decided to feature a cartoon of the prophet Muhammad, I think it is very irresponsible for such pieces of art to be displayed in public. While I do not condone violence and am a huge proponent for the freedom of speech, I have to question the artist's motives when creating this piece and wonder if they were trying to incite a holy war.

  1. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

    It's nuts for people to physically attack someone over that, or threaten to. Call the artist all the nasty names you want, that's fair--I cannot imagine that the reaction he'd receive was not a part of his motivation to display the piece, unless he's an utter idiot. But physically attacking people is over the top and even more disgusting than mocking something that's as important to someone as their religion...or other personal cultural matters of extreme import.

    Art is supposed to be provocative. It's even supposed to piss people off sometimes, if that's what the artist feels like doing for whatever reason. In America, art is a part of freedom of speech. In countries that don't have the freedom of speech that America has, it's pretty stupid to behave as if one does, but an American artist displaying art in America should have a reasonable expectation that the consequences for showing people art that pisses them off will stop short of physical violence. They should not, however, expect that there will be no consequences at all, because that's just ridiculous. People are going to react when one pokes their buttons on purpose. But normal sane people will not try to stab someone over it.

    It's my opinion that mocking someone's family, someone's disability, someone's life's work, someone's marriage or love, or anything else that someone holds personally sacred is just as bad as mocking their religion. This happens all the time, though, and normal people just have to deal with it in a non-insane, non-violent manner.

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