Do pets get to go to heaven? In a recent “Dear Abby” advice column, a reader wrote in about their pet who had just passed away, and a devastating response she received from a religious friend. Here is the full account:
“DEAR ABBY: My cat recently passed away, and it has devastated me.
He was my emotional support during some of the hardest times of my life — relationships ending, moving to different states, deaths in my family, lonely nights battling depression. My cat was my one constant source of peace and companionship. I miss him dearly.
When I mentioned to some friends that I’m looking forward to reuniting with him one day in the “hereafter,” a religious friend scoffed and laughed. She then proceeded to tell me cats do not have souls and I shouldn’t get my hopes up of ever seeing him again.
I managed a small shrug and changed the subject, but on the drive home I was depressed, thinking about what she’d said.
Upon further research, I found that, according to Catholicism, she was correct, and animals do not have souls, which has made me heartbroken all over again.
Should I consult a religious adviser or continue believing I’ll see my cat again?
I have to think that people who have no friends or family but do have beloved pets will be reunited with them. Lots of times, our pets are the only family we have.”
Pastor Responds
After it was published, a pastor who happened to read the column responded to the story:
“I have been an ordained pastor for 27 years. Last summer my cat, Fred, who had been with me for 11 years, died. I claim no deeper or higher connection to God than anyone else, but I do know this: The Bible says that God is a God of love — indeed, that God is love.
I know of no more loving companions than pets. Dogs and cats express their love for us humans far better than most of us humans do for each other. I also know that Fred, who just showed up at my house one night and adopted me, taught me many lessons about how to love and be loved.
I am certain God sent Fred into my life to prepare me for marriage after 55 years as a bachelor. I am a better husband (and pastor) because of Fred. Therefore, I cannot imagine God not inviting, even welcoming, Fred into some sort of heavenly afterlife, whatever that may look like.
Love never dies, and I don’t believe that the loving relationship between a pet and their human ends at death.”
Do All Pets Go to Heaven?
As the advice column indicates, there’s substantial disagreement on this question. It may also depend on the religion of the person you ask – beliefs on the subject vary from one faith to another. Here’s a breakdown of how a few major religions approach the idea of pets in the afterlife:
1. Christianity
In Christianity, whether pets like cats and dogs go to heaven is hotly debated, as animals are not traditionally believed to have immortal souls like humans.
- Catholicism: Historically, Catholic theology has taught that animals, lacking rational souls, do not have an afterlife. However, recent remarks by various Popes have left room for hope. Pope Francis, in particular, suggested that God’s love for creation might mean that animals could be part of a renewed creation in the afterlife, though this is not official doctrine.
- Protestantism: Opinions vary widely among Protestant denominations. Some believe that heaven is solely for human souls, while others are open to the possibility that beloved pets could join humans in heaven. C.S. Lewis, a well-known Christian writer, suggested that animals might be present in heaven, reflecting God’s care for creation.
- Eastern Orthodox: Like Catholicism, the Eastern Orthodox Church traditionally does not teach that animals have immortal souls, though the ultimate fate of animals is often left to the mystery of God's will.
2. Judaism
In Judaism, animals are considered part of God’s creation and are treated with respect, but they are not thought to have an afterlife in the same way humans do.
- The Jewish view of the afterlife is not as clearly defined as in other religions, and there is little emphasis on animals having a place in the afterlife. Rabbinic teachings focus on human souls and their relationship with God, rather than on animals.
- However, in Jewish thought, animals are seen as an integral part of God's creation, and some Jewish scholars argue that since God created them, animals might enjoy some aspect of eternal peace.
3. Islam
Islam teaches that animals are important creations of God and must be treated with kindness and respect. The afterlife, or Akhirah, is primarily described in terms of human souls.
- Animals, including dogs, are considered to serve a purpose in this life, but Islamic teachings generally do not suggest that animals experience an afterlife in the same way that humans do.
- There are, however, traditions that state animals will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment, but after testifying about the justice or injustice they experienced, their souls will cease to exist. They do not inhabit paradise or hell.
4. Hinduism
Hinduism views all living beings as part of a divine cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (reincarnation).
- Animals are considered to have souls, but their souls are in a different stage of development compared to human souls. In Hindu belief, animals (including pets) could be reborn as humans in their next life if they accrue good karma.
- While Hindu scriptures do not directly address whether pets go to a human-like heaven, all souls are considered part of the same cycle of samsara (the cycle of life, death, and rebirth). Therefore, pets might not go to a heaven but are understood to continue in the process of spiritual evolution.
5. Buddhism
Buddhism shares with Hinduism the belief in reincarnation, where all sentient beings (including animals) are part of the cycle of samsara.
- Animals are regarded as sentient beings with the capacity for suffering, but they are considered lower on the karmic scale than humans. Pets, like all animals, can be reborn in different forms depending on their karma.
- In Buddhist cosmology, there are several realms of existence, and animals generally do not ascend to a heaven-like state unless they are reborn as humans or achieve enlightenment.
6. Sikhism
Sikhism, like Hinduism and Buddhism, believes in reincarnation for all living beings.
- Animals, including dogs, are considered to have souls, and their souls progress through cycles of rebirth until they achieve liberation (moksha).
- Sikh teachings emphasize compassion for all living beings, and while there is no direct teaching on pets going to heaven, animals are seen as part of the spiritual cycle.
7. Native American Spirituality
Native American spiritual beliefs vary greatly across different tribes and cultures, but many regard animals as sacred beings that have spiritual significance.
- Some Native American traditions believe in an afterlife where animals and humans coexist in harmony. In this view, animals, including pets, may have a place in the afterlife as they are seen as spiritual companions and guides.
8. Secular and Humanist Views
For those who do not follow a particular religion or who subscribe to secular humanism, the question of pets going to heaven might be less about an actual afterlife and more about the emotional and symbolic value of animals in human lives.
Some people believe that pets live on in the memories of their owners, or that the bonds formed with them reflect a natural – rather than supernatural – form of immortality.
Where Scripture Falls Short
Even though most faiths don’t explicitly teach that animals can go to an afterlife equivalent to what humans can attain, perhaps this is a place where we rightfully seek to fill gaps in the scripture.
For many people, whether our pets join us in an afterlife is a deeply emotional question – one that goes beyond the boundaries of any specific religious text or teaching.
Cats, dogs, and other pets are innocent companions that bring endless joy to our lives. Some would ask: how could they possibly not deserve an afterlife at least as good as humans?
This sentiment appears frequently in pop culture, perhaps most notably in the 1989 animated film “All Dogs Go to Heaven.”
You might have heard the term “soul dog” or “soul cat” – a particular pet with which the owner feels a deep soul-to-soul spiritual connection. When you’re that close with a pet who eventually passes away, it can bring a sense of loss equivalent to losing a friend or family member.
With that in mind, it’s understandable why one may choose to believe they will reunite with that pet when we eventually arrive at an afterlife.
A strict interpretation of scripture might say it’s not possible, but is that the correct answer?
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. Will Rogers <—- I’m with him & I’ll add ..cats , cows, chickens, opossums, foxes, whales, crows…..
Mosquitos? Cockroaches? Rats? Stinkbugs? Jackals? It's all or nothing, gang.
Or is it? One day we will all know or then maybe not. Maybe it is lights out. Humans throughout our existence have clung to various beliefs (religions) all which proclaim some form of heaven or hell. The fact is that none of us know and maybe the atheists' are right. In any event by the time we know, if we do, it will be too late to let anyone know. Or maybe we will come back as spirits and live for eternity among the living. Or maybe mankind (at least those on earth) will destroy themselves.
Heaven is where all the dogs you ever knew will come to greet you.
We are all children of the same universe; animals, plants and people all live together on this rock called Earth. As a witch, I believe that all of the deities’ creations have souls. I believe that our pets will find us again.
I have no answer or Scripture to back me up but I do believe that there will be animals in the afterlife. I have loved several dogs and cats in my life but my last dog was special. He went to church with us every Sunday and laid at my husband's feet during the service. My husband died unexpectedly yet visits me in dreams as do several others who have passed. As my poor Shadow grew weaker due to age we grew closer. He finally passed and a few days later I dreamed that my husband came to me more joyfully than I'd ever seen him. He gestured behind him - and there was my dear Shadow bounding toward me full of life and smiling.
Do all dogs go to heaven? No idea but I believe that my last one did.
Thank you for your comment. I also have pets who have gone to whatever it is beyond this life.
Some days I am not sure they're is an afterlife for people or pets. I am Christian but as I get older I am not sure about heaven. I also wonder if God is just a comforter we have while we struggle here. Maybe we just made God up after all? That doesn't make sense either because I have been a witness to his intervention. I have been comforted when I was sure I would die at home after an illness. I have a beautiful daughter that was a gift from God. God groomed me a husband after 58 years that is truly my soulmate. If we had met sooner we would not be a fit.
I am anxious to see my Bailey, Emma, Banjo, and Jack (quaker parrot). I wonder if he still will call me daughter's name and say "*********" so appropriately. His first owner probably was a woman who called her hubby ********* 😂).
All living creatures have a soul. Without the soul they would not be alive. Scripture tells us that when Jesus Christ returns to set up His Kingdom here on earth that He and His army will be riding white horses dressed in white. Horses and dogs are very good companions here on earth so I believe there will be many animals in Heaven since there must be horses there. Also if there were not other animals there then why would the lion lie down with the lamb and the beast from the wild be led by a little child? In Heaven there are no meat eating animals. All are plant eaters.
There is a Twilight Zone episode where a man and his dog are killed - I don't remember how - and the episode focuses on the two of them making their way down a path in the woods, stopping at the first gate they come to. There's another man there welcoming our recently deceased fellow into heaven, but he tells him that the dog can't come along. (The dog doesn't like the gatekeeper either.) The man says that he'll just pass by and continue on then while the gatekeeper is trying to talk him into entering. The man stands firm.
As the due continues down the path, they eventually came to a bigger, nicer gate where both are welcomed. The gatekeeper there, upon hearing of the earlier gate, asks the man why he decided to continue on. The man said that if his dog was welcomed, then it wasn't a place he wanted to be. Of course, the first gate was Hell and the gatekeeper was the Devil. The second gate was Heaven.
I've seen that Twilight zone episode 2 and I've thought about it when my 15 year old cat died 3 years ago. I mentioned it to an old buddy of mine and he's responded that of course animals are in heaven. I went to Catholic high School and I think that's where I picked up the fact that they tell us they don't have souls and that's what separates humans from animals and that they don't go to heaven. I prefer to believe that it's heaven of course there will be animal, especially your pets. I was in a Como for 3 days once after a car accident and I felt as though I crossed over to the other side. The only thing I can say for sure is that in heaven there is no beer, that's why we drink it here. And when we're gone from here, our friends will be drinking all the beer!
I thought of that Twilight Zone episode as I read the Blog entry.
In my beliefs, the critters in our life do have spirits. After they pass on, their spirit joins the household Fylgia, which is a guardian spirit. After we pass on, the Fylgia joins us on the Final Journey to Wherever.
Definitely Yes. We cross the same Rainbow Bridge as the Animals cross.!
All creatures great and small have a spiritual essence. Why would there not be a place in heaven
so pets are restricted from going to a make-believe place when they die? dopo morte non c'e' niente
Why does everything devolve in to politics? No one said Trump. Take Kamala and look up "the whore of babylon" we are living in Revelations now.
Render to Caesar that which is Caesars, and to GOD that which is GODS. And keep them separate. Also judge not, lest ye be judged likewise. Keep politics out of the discussion.
someone has been drinking orange koolaid and snacking on cheetos...
Delusional thinking won’t get you many followers…
The Bible warns us of false prophets. The warning is clear.
dopo morte non c'e' niente. I had to look it up and I agree...
"The theory of nothingness, or non-existence after death, holds that death means the end of life and that there is no kind of consciousness or existence after death. This theory is held by many people who do not believe in a god or an afterlife."
There’s only one problem with that as far as I can tell… we are comprised of energy. Energy is neither created nor destroyed; it only changes its form. The body is temporary; the energy, or soul, exists forever.
The tiny amount of electrical energy that humans use is not enough to warrant belief in an afterlife... Again, this is my opinion and there is no 'proof' that an 'afterlife' even exists. Thanks for the kind reply.
One of these days we all will find out which set of beliefs or lack thereof is correct.
Who knows? But I enjoyed reading everyone's views on this subject. Frankly, if there is an afterlife than I'd want to share it with my dogs, who lifted me up so often. In my view, Heaven should include animals, that you loved, to live-up to its hype.
I live in a retirement community in Arizona. So people die here more often than in other communities. It's just that we're older.
I've noticed, though, that when one of the humans in my community has died, a dog dies either right before or right after. It has not been the person's dog... someone else's dog.
Right before my friend AJ died, Kathy's dog Jenny died. Right before my neighbor Bob passed away, my friend's dog Louie died.
I am beginning to think there is a pattern... and some dogs somehow earn the right to escort heaven-bound humans to their "forever" homes.
I know it's not Biblical. I'm just seeing a pattern.
Just saying...
I would think a fair general rule would be, older people have older dogs, old people have old dogs
your retirement center allows dogs, so people looking to move in with their dog would likely choose yours so they and their dog can be together
how many 75 year olds want to house-break a puppy (or a hip) and deal with puppy madness? at least with grandchildren they can be sent back to the parents/home at night
I appreciate your comment but I’m a weird duck. I’m a 71yr old female Minister, and when one of my beloved furry pets die, I immediately want a new puppy…this keeps me from mourning the loss of my pet and focusing on all the busyness of my new baby. Frankly I do not care what any religion thinks about their life after earth, because my God and I have a very personal relationship and I totally believe that He loves the creatures that He created and will reward them for all they provide for His children. It’s my own personal belief but I will certainly never question your right to your own belief! I respect you enough not to disagree.
We keep wanting God to act as we think He should act.
God can do anything... He created Day and Night....
If God wants a dog to go to Heaven... then that's exactly what will happen.... even if the stupid humans want to say it can't or won't happen.
God made a donkey talk.
God can have dogs go to Heaven if that's what He wants.
My grandmother was a female Minister. Thank you....
Remember.... God made Balaam's donkey talk!
If God didn’t love animals then why did He have Noah save them from the flood?
The comfort I experience after losing my dogs is that they are waiting patiently at the Pearly Gates for me to arrive, it gives me great solace.
"Your steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds; Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your judgements like the Great Deep; You save humans and animals alike, O LORD." (Psalm 36: 5-6).
Well that sur make it clear, I’d say.
It's interesting that people will bend the rules enough to ignore what pastors and priests tell them because of love for an animal, but they'll cling stubbornly to the most hateful interpretation of religious dogma just so they can judge and despise and abuse other humans.
It very much looks like religion is only ever a guideline and people just make up whatever rule pleases them personally to believe.
I've always believed they do go to the afterlife. That their souls continue on. And I can share a story with you.
My husband died at the end of 2022. About a year later, one of my dogs died. My sister and her family were staying with me at that time. During that night, my four-year-old niece sat up suddenly from sleep, looked into the corner and said hello then went back to sleep. Later, she told her parents she was saying hello to her uncle. That was the night my dog died. I believe he was there for her, to welcome her across. He loved animals. So it would be just like him to be there for her.
Thank you for that Michelle. I’m sorry for your loss, and that is a beautiful story. I think you’re absolutely right.
You forgot the Na'vi of Pandora. Central to the Na'vi is seeing all aspects of nature, all the biosphere of Pandora, including themselves, as a single connected system, a globally distributed consciousness, known to them as Eywa, the Great Mother, the goddess made up of all living things. They see the rich tapestry of life as a network of energy that flows through all living things, temporarily bringing them individual life. Thus, the Na'vi believe that all living things has a spiritual counterpart that's eventually reabsorbed into and reborn as another part of Eywa.
This is pretty much the basis of Native American Religion. Their Eywa was Wakantanka,(hope I spelled it right) the buffalo father.
I have no need of a god that cannot find room in his heavenly kingdom for the pure souls that animals are. Particularly in light of how people treat them at times. In many cases I find more animals than people deserving of “heaven.”
I just can’t imagine a heaven without my pets!
I would like to relate something that happened to me personally, not once but twice, but I feel I need to explain a few things about myself first. I'll try to be brief. My mother was psychic, she could see, and know things others couldn't, and sometimes that made it hard for myself and my siblings, lol. My Granny was a white witch, of course they didn't call it that back then in polite society, she was a 'root woman'. I have always been gifted with clairvoyance, and the ability to channel some deceased people. I worked with several law enforcement agencies to locate homicide victims, not my favorite thing to do, but that brings me to my point. A few years back, a dear friend committed suicide, and there were some questions that the family wanted answered, just to make sure that there was no foul play involved, she had piped exhaust into her car until she passed. I was sent the hose and some cigarette butts and a few other articles to use as a medium. I made contact with her and experienced her death; I felt what she felt and saw what she saw. What follows is what I was allowed to see. At the moment of passing there was a little 'pop' in the middle of my forehead, and a feeling of complete peace. I started slowly floating upwards, through the roof of the car. This happened in a secluded wooded area, and as I rose higher, toward the tops of the pine trees, I noticed that the trees had a golden glow to them, and as I went higher and could see grass, birds, bushes, neighborhoods, people in cars, and everything else that was living, had that same golden glow. The only way I can describe it is to say that it was like everything was lit from the inside. Apparently when I had gone as high as I was supposed to, I snapped out of the picture. I saw the same glow in my mother years before. She was in the hospital with a really bad form of meningitis. The doctors tried to tell us that she was dying, and on the night that all her vitals were failing, I was sitting with her and noticed that she was glowing and continued to glow till morning. I told the family that God was in her and she wasn't going anywhere. And she didn't. In my 75 years on this earth, that's the only two times I've ever seen this light. But as God is my witness, I saw it. How often have you heard that Heaven is a city of GOLD? Streets paved with Gold? Gold has no value in Gods Kingdom. The only Gold I can see in Heaven is life, it is a City Of Life, not riches. Life is life, man woman, child, cats, dogs. All life is sacred, and I cannot, for one second believe that life, even plant life, will be cast aside and wasted. Sorry, I guess I did get a little long winded...
Thank you for sharing that Victor. I know some people don't believe in mediums but I have seen some pretty amazing things from them.
James, you might want to watch that Tyler guy on Netflix. New episode every Tuesday night for the next few weeks.
Thank you for sharing that with us Victor.
I've seen a lot of things in my life, but this incident was the most outstanding. I just felt the need to share it with someone and hope that someone could benefit from it. I'm glad you found it interesting. God Bless.
Thanks for the info, Russel. I'll check it out.
Comment removed by user.
Thank you, Victor, for sharing your story. I totally understand as I too have the gift of communication with those on the other side. A month ago, I had to let me 12-year-old golden, Jensen, go to the other side. As many times before, I clearly heard the voice of my mother say, "I will be there to meet her." Many times, in doing readings for others, I have been told they are there with their pets, or someone else's pets. I find that if it brings peace to those here, let it go. Let those searching for peace have it. Don't complicate it with your thoughts and feelings; mind your own business. As above so below. Everything that God created will return to Him. I don't understand why some people have to be SO right, or righteous about something as soothing as a pet returning to the one who created it. Anyways, Victor, thank you for sharing.
Thanks for the response, Kathy. I firmly believe that all life created by HIM will return to HIM, in one form or another. Anyone who has ever looked into the eyes of a loyal fuzzy family member and seen the love, trust, loyalty, happiness, and wonder there, have seen the soul within. I have no doubt that you will see your Jensen again. Do you ever feel Jensen close to you? I have felt some of mine that have passed through the years, occasionally breeze through.
It is simple God placed animals on.earth to serve us even if for a short time. Some are beast of burden or also know working animals. Some are domesticated to give us pleasure in their presence. Animals do not.have a mortal soul therfore they will neither suffer damnation or heavenly awards.
Dogs go to the same place as humans go postmortem. Cats, OTOH .....
As far as I’m concerned our pets do have a place in heaven and they are waiting for us. I cannot love the animals the way I do and the way they love me and believe that it ends like that. I saw a deer walking along in my yard and just fall down and he died. He was old, it was his time. I saw the spirit of that deer leave the body and walk off. So I know that animals have souls and they have their place in heaven like we have our place. When we live with Jesus there will still be animals and pets. Yes, animals have souls. I witnessed that. I will never forget it.
About me…I was raised as a Catholic and kept that relationship until I was hurt by the Catholic Church more than once. I couldn’t go back to a place where I didn’t feel love. In fact I grew up afraid of God. The Priests and Nuns scared me of him. I still felt the pull though. I’ve been wanting to work for God since I was 6yrs old and yet I was afraid. I knew I had to so he wouldn’t be mad at me. I was in my early 30s and so confused by my feelings and what was being said to me by the Catholic religion. I was invited to attend the Methodist Church in town and I had a lovely talk with the Pastor. I knew I was home. I loved the service, the people were friendly and welcoming. I loved that they taught through the Bible and it was home. I knew I was in the right place. I then pursued being a Methodist Minister too. I converted to a Methodist. One of the hurtful things that was done to me when I was 12 was that I was denied my confirmation because the Bishop had too many parishes to go to so he chose a bunch of churches he wasn’t going to. Mine was one of them. I was a honor student and was to have a sit down with the bishop. I was the top of my class. I was going to be a Nun too and that was my first hurt of many to come. God knew this so He made sure I didn’t get that step in my life so I could convert to Methodist and become a minister myself.
That is my background so you can get an idea why I believe that animals have souls. I saw one.
I look forward to reading your stories. God Bless you all 🙏🏼
I am sorry that you received Trauma do to religion. It happens frequently. I am glad you found another way to God. So many just turn away. You will be able to reduce how someone appreciates heals from this trauma.
I would like to believe the afterlife is more like What Dreams May come. He found his dog in that story, but he was also told how it was his afterlife as he would like to see it. Go back a few thousand years and people believed their slaves traveled to the beyond to serve them in their afterlife. it would be fair to assume pets would have other interests that do not include their human masters or demands/commands.
Of course all of God's creatures go to Rainbow 🌈 Bridge and all animals have souls otherwise I say prove it R.B Has open fields for animals to run around they are out of pain and suffering plenty of food and water and reunite with their human parents.
I have had many pets over the years, and each has had their own personality. I don’t know how anyone look into the eyes of a dog or cat and not see a soul in there.
Only man would find it necessary to judge what creatures have a soul and who does not. Of course, they’ve always judged who will go to heaven and who does not when it says in their bible that God will be the judge of that. I feel sorry for this woman and wonder why her friend would say something like as she was clearly grieving. How Christian of her.
Life is all about believing. I believe Jesus Christ is the son of God and that God raised him from the dead. With that said, God says only those who believe and voice Romans 10:9 will be saved from a second death. If I am at a funeral I don't ask if that person was born again and tell the grieving family that's a shame they were not, that would be cruel and UN-loving in so many ways, when a person is grieving from any loss human or animal the last thing they need is more grief....Death is the most awful thing.
My cats and dogs have always felt more evolved than me. After sitting here crying as I read all these stories and posts I'm just more convinced that there will be another round for us.
The universe always sends me lessons over and over until I truly understand them. Sending my beloved fur babies has been a lesson in love. I'm certain I have more to learn.
Since we are taught that God created all things, it doesn't make any sense if all things are not included in the concept of God's creation of heaven. Happiness in the afterlife is whatever we believe it to be.
I believe that pets go to heaven. They're created by God to serve humans on earth. I believe that they can become angels in the afterlife.
In my belief system, which aligns with the Older Earth Religions and a few Cultures, all Creatures and objects/items have a Soul. I did not really "believe" such a thing, until I Crossed over and Decided to come back. When I came back, either this "gift" was opened due to crossing over or given for the decision to come back, I am able to SEE Souls in all things. I have seen Souls that are small as a newborn, usually in objects/items. When treated with Respect, I have seen that Soul grow to Fulfill its Soul mission and then move on. IF treated with Disrespect, the Soul stays diminished waiting for a chance. Is this not like human Souls? Given Respect, nourishment the Soul Grows and moves into the stages it was meant to accomplish. A Soul given nothing can remain unresolved, diminished, small, unfulfilled. Since my beliefs are closer to the Nature Religions, there is no Heaven, no Hell, we just move On and Out. there are multitudes of MORE than just Heaven and Hell. When it IS my Time for the final Cross Over, I Plan to Move On and Out, exploring what else there is. :D
I have had many beloved pets in my 70 years. When they 'passed on', I always mourned their passing...
Will Rodgers said something like this: "If dogs don't go to heaven, I want to go where they go."
However, this entire conversation hinges on one thing... The belief in an 'afterlife', where Good Souls go after they die, and apparently, our pets too.
It is my belief that when you die? That's it, no haunting or eternity in Bliss/Torment. Yes, I know about the 'energy' in our brains and 'energy cannot be created nor destroyed'. Some believe the tiny spark that runs our biological body qualifies as a Soul. I do not.
The concept of an 'afterlife' was invented by humans, because the idea allowed Religion to flourish and some way to step aside from the reality of the Big Sleep. When someone passes, that's it. There is nothing on the 'other side'...
I have had this conversation before and those who believe? "Oh, you're gonna have a rude awakening when you stand before the Father and are judged for all your transgressions!"
I prefer to believe that our greatest deeds are done while we are alive.
there horse in heaven also birds there doves
I'm right there with you. We have two Pomeranians, both of which are joined to me at the hips, and I don't want to image life on earth or the afterlife without them.
Revelation 22:15 Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and the sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
If god won’t let dogs and other beloved pets in heaven, I don’t want to be there! I want to see all my pets who I’ve loved and lost and if they can’t be there, I won’t be there.
I’m with you. Will Rodger’s said “if there are no horses in Heaven I don’t want to go.” Or close to that. I have to believe that a Loving GOD who created all things would embrace the innocent souls of animals who have suffered mightily at the hands of humans across millennia. I there are no horses, dogs, cats, our beloved pets of whatever species in Heaven than I’ll pass.
despite your need to cheer up dog lovers (and I am a dog lover), I think the last part of the sentence is well worth reading by a lot of people here:
"...and everyone who loves and practices falsehood." so anyone who makes up lies, tells lies, spreads lies is outside as well. that does NOT bode well for donalph trumpler and his minions of the dark art of lies now, does it? coincidentally herr trumpler is known to not like dogs
JJ, Dogs are very good judge of character so I’m not at all surprised tRump doesn’t like them. I also love the line about “The Dark Arts of Lies.” He, his disciples, and followers are sorcerers of that art. LOL!
Trump is our saving Grace. Harris is a messenger from the devil. I keep my distance from most dogs and was bitten by a German Shepherd about a month ago. That dog will go to hell. Nice dogs will go to heaven as well as all cats.
Can we keep politics out of this conversation? Let's stay on topic please. Each candidate says what we want to hear. I am not sure all politicians go to heaven.
Perhaps there is a Dog God that they were made in its image, and a Cat God, and a Snake God, and a Monkey God, and an Ant God, all made in their gods images.
Plants/Vegetation are all live and will die if not fed, just like the animal and insect kingdoms, so perhaps there’s a Tree God and perhaps they have souls too.
Yes, these are crazy statements, but are they any more crazy than saying mankind is made in the image of a god, just because we have more intelligence than other species.
If there is another place we all go to after mortal death I don’t see the need for us to eat or drink, because there won’t be death if we don’t. The only reason we eat and drink is to keep us alive so presumably we won’t need teeth, or even a stomach/GI tract/bowls etc....right? I wonder if God has teeth, and if so…..why?
These are just some things to mull over as you contemplate this topic. 😎
to add, does goD have body hair? eyelashes? ear wax? nipples? belly button? coccyx? finger/toe nails? an appendix? does he fart and does it smell? does goD ever wink? and if so, at whom and why?
Who actually said that we (humans) have more intelligence? Lol! I have found that to be untrue on the broader sense. Especially as far as politics are concerned. But don't get me started on that...
Haha! You actually have a very good point there, Sir Victor. 🤭
Could be “dogs” in reference to humans who behave as wild, base, uncouth, low-life’s ?
From what I have read in the Bible, I don’t think our pets will be in glory with us, however I am by no means an expert and may he pleasantly surprise when I go to our final destination.
my first thought about this is the covenant God made with "every living thing" and with Noah. it wasn't merely a promise not to flood the Earth again. in this covenant even animals had responsibility. though animals can't speak as we do, they have ways to communicate. next, i thought, "what is a soul if not the persona or character of a life form?" (as opposed to the essential life force -- the "spirit") then i thought about the possibility of transmigration of spirit and soul until finally graduating to a human existence. though none of us knows for sure, it's difficult for me to assume that any part of God's Mandate for Existence is wasteful or without the ability to endure in some form. finally, what really is "heaven" if not meaningful existence within God's essentialness? and, why would any element of God's Will be without enduring relevance, including that common ethereal essence of animation within any life form? A so-called "Old Testament" Prophet tells us that nothing exists apart from God. if that is true anyone and anything is but a Divine Phantasm of Essential God, differing only in existential purpose or ability.
Every living creature has soul life, it is what animates us. What separates man is the ability to have Spirit also if he/she becomes Born Again ( Romans 10:9 ) Whatever soul life is departs with every single creature at its last breath, the bible clearly states from Genesis to Revelation that the dead are dead in gravedom awaiting one of 3 resurrections. God clearly states he will remember every person and resurrect every person exactly and only those who accepted Jesus Christ as their savior will receive ever lasting life, all others will die a second death. No animals at all will be resurrected, God would have said so and we can know by our reasoning.
Listen, I have a dog, I love her dearly, I would love her for eternity especially if she could really talk but the fact is she will not be resurrected, I am so thankful for her love and companionship now, it is what it is ! Having said that there is no comparison to the love I have for my children, there just isn't.
God made the possibility of a 3 part man, Body-Soul and if you become Born Again, Spirit. Animals have body and soul life only. The Truth shall set you free !
We all have an opinion but scripture doesn’t say anything about animals going to heaven but I don’t believe that God created animals for animal sake they are mentioned all throughout the Bible most prominently in Genesis and Revelations so officially God does have a place for pets and creatures of every kind his heavenly kingdom amen! Rev Earl
All things are from God and all things are God, of the substance and within the substance of the One. To say that some creatures of things are soulless is ignorance. We are all of the Light and we all are within the Light. In that we are all united with the Light. Yes, pets share a bond with us and will remain with us within the One for eternity. Forms change but in the timeless Light the form is not relevant. The Love is all that remains and binds us together.
Sure, not only your cat, but also pigs and cows so you can continue slaughtering them and eating them, and also, if you want, a bunch of Mexicans to do dirty work for you, like cleaning your heavenly house, wash your car and your clothes for you
Certainly sounds like what many white people expect to find in heaven (to be fair, they were never that sharp when they were alive either).
On the other hand, maybe mexican heaven has white people doing all the dirty work (like a buddhist/karmic heaven)
Who hurt you? You're so full of rage against no one.
Where are my Bible folks? Are we remembering this nugget? "Who knoweth the spirit of man, whether it goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast, whether it goeth downward to the earth?" is Ecclesiastes 3:21. I take heart that I will see my beloved horse and my dogs in Heaven and on time even had a dream that my little hamster, my first indoor pet, who used to sit on my should while I would study or watch TV, was sitting in the palm of Jesus and looking up at him. I couldn't see his face, but I could she the piercing in the palm that was holding her and I knew it was from the nails. So take heart! Nothing is impossible with the Lord!
Prior to our third earth age , during the sixth trumpet , only a third of man kind , earth , and animals in the sea are destroyed , so therefore there is a place for animals in the third earth age which should be our focus, God is Love, He just wanted a family to reside with ,but no actual bible validity and religions are kan made, its all about thr bloodline back to Seth , and Adam was commanded to oversee the animals ,and at that particular time , Adam was in an eternal state prior to sin , common sense
It's all in your head.
If you think or want to believe there is an afterlife for animals, then there is. If only in your head.
If all animals go to an Afterlife where do the Tigers stay? The Monkeys? the Buffalo? Do they all just roam around or is there a huge zoo?
i also believe a loved one is waiting for us in heaven animals show unconditional love for us make us a better person prayers for the lost of your loved one
I do believe the rainbow bridge exists and feel pets are there in heaven in some form
When Christ rules here on this earth as planned , the lion will lay down with the lamb
if everyone goes to heaven as many here think, and the goal is to GET to heaven, worship and fawn over goD, then why would chri be ruling over earth? it doesn't make sense. it's seems petty and a waste of time since all the good folk have already evacuated to heaven. wouldn't it make since for goD to send some flunky to look over earth?
God created all living things, I would certainly hope to see my pets when I get to heaven, or perhaps we truly are reincarnated. I know losing a pet can be just the same as losing a love one.. when you have had your pet for so many years a human and animals have a certain bond, just like a mother and child sometimes... I just recently lost my daughter , which has been heartbreaking, I also before I lost her lost my aunts dog that I have taken care of since her death four years ago. Not the first pet I've lost, but it certainly hit me harder than losing any other pet.. my thoughts are she reunited with Aunt Betty sitting on her lap watching down on us.. Rev. Lisa
I believe animals a a creation of God thus they too will have ever lasting life in heaven right by our sides.
I'm humbly grateful to reply that GOD ALMIGHTY CREATOR created animals before he created Adam. So, as a pet parent of various dogs, cats, birds, fish, ferrets, hamsters, etc before I became a Mother of 3 sons who as well as had all types of animals as pets from spiders, snakes, bugs, snails, slugs, to sea monkeys; we learned about the Rainbow Bridge as we had paid funerals for our family's pets from burials and cremations. As the information goes on if the Rainbow Bridge, our pets awaits their in the garden of the Rainbow Bridge being taken care of by God Almighty and St. Francis until their pet parents leave their mortal life span and before the human can enter heaven, they're met wit all of their pets at The Rainbow Bridge's entrance and the pets we have had throughout our mortal life span will walk with us across the Rainbow Bridge into the Kingdom of GOD. Because all living entities that has breath which is the breath of life from GOD has a soul. As a Mother and Grandmother this family traditional belief is a true comfort and peace provider to a child who is grieving and worried about their deceased pet being fed when hungry or cold and sheltered in the afterlife of their pets. And when God's Kingdom comes on earth as it is in heaven, there will also be animals as the utmost vicious animals will no longer have a vicious urge in the new world. They will be gentle as a newborn babe and humans with all beasts will coexist in harmony as the old world has cometh to pass for all of GOD'S CREATIONS AND HIS CHILDREN WHO WERE CREATED N HIS IMAGE as HIS PLAN beforth the fall of man will finally be done by HIS WILL AS THE CREATOR GOD ALMIGHTY MOST HIGH. Many condolences to all of you who are grieving from a loss of a pet as well as they are our family members and those entities who are family members that have gone from their mortal life span. You are well in my prayers. Bless Be to you all and remember: "This to shall cometh to pass." GOD is always with you and HE knows how you feel inside.
so not only have people created this las-vegas-elton-john-liberace-childish-magical-thinking 'heaven' but they've gone ahead and made it animal friendly.
who cleans up the poop? angels? cherubs?
is it black, latino, immigrant, other friendly?
Maybe there is no poop. Ethier to literal or the man made kind.
When God built the ark he had one thing in mind saving the animals nothing humans but the animals so you got to know that God loves him maybe more than he loves people because he started with people as a companion to him and later found that the dogs and cats loved him more and zebras and all the animals loved him more
while the story of the ark is undeniably bad sci-fy, you seem not to understand the story. wasn't it about noah saving two of every animal (which of course is just ludicrous but anyway...) so they could reproduce? and didn't he have his wife, and their sons, and their son's wives, so they could all interbreed (incest, if you will)?
yeah so no, he had in mind saving animals and people, notice he didn't save ALL the zebra, or ALL the fruit flies, just two of each (where the hell did he put the dinosaurs (like T Rex?))
And the thought that all of humankind came from two individuals, Adam and Eve. That family tree is shrub. Lol
If you hurry and convert to one of the above mentioned Eastern traditions before you die, you will be able to be reunited with your pets. But then again, according to Christian doctrine, you won't be allowed in heaven. So I guess you have to choose, heaven or pets?
When Adam was banished from Heaven so went dog with willingly with all sins washed away Adam was allowed to enter Heaven as was dog and so being all pets with the love for and of their human companions will also by welcomed not including serpents !
Some comments on the preceding comments. Man is not given a soul. Scripture says, "Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." The Hebrew word for soul is "neh'-fesh" H5315 properly a breathing creature, that is, animal or (abstractly) vitality; used very widely in a literal, accommodated or figurative sense (bodily or mental): - any, appetite, beast, body, breath, creature, X dead (-ly), desire, X [dis-] contented, X fish, ghost, The NIV says it better " became a living being" The same word is used to describe all living creatures that God created. Gen_1:20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath H5315 and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. Gen_1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creatureH5315 that moveth, Gen_1:24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creatureH5315 after his kind, Scripture is clear that a soul dies and is not immortal."Eze 18:4 Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die."Jos 11:11 And they smote all the souls that were therein with the edge of the sword, utterly destroying them: there was not any left to breathe: and he burnt Hazor with fire Jas 5:20 Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins Rev 16:3 And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.. Even Jesus said "Mat 26:38 Then saith he unto them, my soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me." Scripture says only God has immortality" 1Ti6:16 Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen." Scriptures tells us that " Rom2:7 To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life:1Co15:53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.1Co15:54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory." we seek it and when we will get it. As far as animals in the NEW heavens, I see nothing in scripture that indicates that. Revelation talks about the four horsemen, but Revelations is a symbolic book. However, scriptures say plenty about animals in the New Earth. Isa 11:6 The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. Isa 11:7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. Isa 11:8 And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den. Since our heavenly father says "Mat 7:11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him. I see no reason why our pets will not be there. And the last comment is that Adam was in an eternal state as long as he did not eat from the forbidden tree. He had conditional immortality. The same immortality that we will receive when we once again have access to the tree of life.
Chaplain Timothy (Tim) Forrester. Yes I do believe pets go to Heaven: Remember Jesus taught that in Heaven the Lion shall lay down by the Lamb: so yes I Believe we'll see our Pets when we get to Heaven.
I find in Isaiah several places that speaks of animals in heaven . It speaks of the wolf and the lamb feed together , the calf and the lion , the leopard and the goat an infant will play near the hole of the cobra ! There is so much it speaks of so therefore I believe that our pets will be there ! They are Gods creation.
I can't imagine it being heaven without our loved ones which includes pets. I also see no reason to not believe that they continue to develop and evolve just as humans do. Maybe we all started in just such a manor. At least that thought has a glimmer of hope to explain furries; LOL. All sentient beings have eternal souls. Whether they are different in kind or degree, I don't know. But God loves them and most have souls purer than many humans. To heaven they go.
Russ, I couldn’t agree more. As for furries… I’ve done some research on it and to my surprise they aren’t just some sort of kink. There’s is a whole community out there who create personalities for their character, they’re rules, codes of conduct, and so on. It is a fandom of some kind apparently centered around art or cartoons. I always thought it was some kind of kink play like leather or other more dramatic types of play. Who knew? I don’t get the draw to it but I don’t have too. LOL!
That was interesting. I had no idea that there were rules! Thanks for doing the research and sharing the results with us.
Russel, I agree 100 percent. I can't imagine an afterlife without my furbabies, nor would I want to go there. God gave me the best gift of in my furries. They were there for me when I was completely rejected by human beings, and I will never forget that.
Russel, Thank you for your comments. I have a very dear furbaby and can't imagine not meeting her once again in the afterlife. She and I have weathered a number of storms, so to meet in the afterlife would be the epitome of our relationship, with souls united with loved ones. It is a comforting thought.
I agree. I think that heaven without our beloved pets wouldn’t be heaven at all!