stone age neanderthals in wooded forest It turns out Stone Age men may not have been the stoic, macho, callous wooly mammoth hunters we envision them to be in the popular imagination. In her book Death and Dying in the Neolithic Near East, anthropologist Karina Coucher argues that Neolithic men exhibited an unexpected "feminine" side. Her discovery suggests that Neolithic peoples did not share our modern-day notions of gender, reminding us that everybody is capable of showing love and compassion--whether male or female--including those who want to become a minister in an online church.

Coucher made her discovery in southeastern Turkey, where she and her excavation team unearthed the remains of about 40 human beings who lived 7,500 to 10,000 years ago. The pit contained equal numbers of men and women as well as the remains of animals, pottery, obsidian, flint, and other tools used in daily life. It was not a haphazard affair, either, Coucher explains: "In the Death Pit, a specific choice was made to inter these human remains...within its context, and that undoubtedly required care and effort, not only in its construction, but additionally in keeping the area protected and clear of scavengers." Even today we see the same reverence for the dead we practice as ordained ministers, as well as all the major world religions, in the form of modern-day funeral rites and memorial services.

Both men and women showed great care and compassion for their dead, Coucher argues, citing the meticulous burial of a teenage girl next to the pit. She suggests that the girl, named Kim by the team, was deeply cared for by both the men and women who tended the site, just as were the remains of the others. "When human remains from across the region are examined, it becomes apparent that it was difficult for the living to let go of their loved ones," she says, pointing out that human faces were recreated on the skulls of the dead using plaster as a gesture of respect. "This treatment was not dependent on age or gender, but according to relationships and emotive ties." Those who become a minister in an online church to perform funerals would do well to remember this point.

stone age neanderthals in wooded forest But why do we project modern notions of warring men and mourning women on to the past when the evidence paints a quite different picture? Coucher attributes this tendency in part to the academic status quo. "The stereotypical and inaccurate view of male hunters dominating their more submissive female counterparts is an articulation of male bias in archaeology," she maintains, emphasizing that the evidence from the Death Pit "shows that it's clear the relationship between men and women during the Neolithic Period does not conform to the modern age." If so, maybe ordained ministers and online churches should be questioning this "modern-day bias" in their ministries.

Coucher's research shows us that who we are, and how we treat one another--not only in the past, but also in the present--is determined largely by situation, context, and the demands of the environment. "[W]e should not understand the past in our own terms: it's more about their relationships with each other," she tells us. It may lack the ruggedly romantic allure of the Cave Man archetype peddled by the Ultra-Darwinists, but it does teach those who aspire to become a minister that compassion is the province of male and female alike. After all, Jesus was a man, wasn't he?


  1. Kevin Venteicher's Avatar Kevin Venteicher

    thank you for the training and knowledge im still learning

  1. Diana Heineck's Avatar Diana Heineck

    I was ordained some time back, and my best friend is losing her husband. I am so blessed to be able to help them through it in a very intimate way. They are not married, but we are in discussions about that and his wishes for any service or memorial after he passes. This is the way all of us should handle a very natural, but painful process in the journey called life. D Heineck Ordained March 2017

  1. Wadeline Guillaume's Avatar Wadeline Guillaume

    Very helpful

  1. Arnita Bristol's Avatar Arnita Bristol

    Good reading.

  1. Vernon James Walters's Avatar Vernon James Walters

    It seems to me that anthropologist Coucher and others are just deciding and making their mind up that it is or happened the way they decided it did. I am pretty sure unless God was to tell them how it happened or was that she nor the others could find our or figure out all that just by looking at the bones of the people and of the stuff they used to live. But there was some good statements of how or what a minister should think about within the reading.

  1. Paul Strachan 's Avatar Paul Strachan

    Well written, food for thought

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