Ring Ceremony Wedding Script

Happy bride and groom during wedding ceremony ring exchange
  • ~12 Minute Ceremony

The ring ceremony is for couples who have many people in the family that may want to pray over their marriage. This custom will allow everyone to get a chance to silently or vocally pray as the wedding bands are passed around to the bridal party, the wedding guests, and the groom's party. The couple may also want a ring ceremony for the good prayers of everyone in attendance to bless their marriage.

Introduction/Welcome/Wedding Sermon

Officiant (to guests):

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to honor the love and passion of _______________ and _______________. They have chosen to do a symbolic ring ceremony today. Later in the ceremony, all of you will have a chance to say your prayers over the couple’s marriage whether to yourself or aloud to everyone.

Officiant (to couple):

Before you both exchange your vows, I’ll share a reading.


Officiant (to guests):

I take this ring as a symbol

Of my love and commitment to you,

I wear it proudly to show

No one will ever love you as I do.

The band is as my love for you

An unending circle of power,

The precious metal in the ring

Represents this love of ours.

For never a true bond was made

Than the day that I found you,

And never a true love is known

Then what I share with you.

The shine within this ring

Is the light I hold inside,

It's the light that leads my way

To my becoming your bride.

With this Ring by Kristi Day

Exchanging of Vows

Officiant (to couple):

Now it’s time for both of you to exchange your vows.

_______________, please proceed with saying your vows now.

Partner 1:

The rings are only a symbol of our love. I promise to show you my love daily by protecting and defending you and helping you in everything we face together.

(Insert and/or edit based on desired vows.)

Officiant (to couple):

_______________, now it’s your turn to share your vows.

Partner 2:

The rings are only a symbol of our love. I promise to show you my love daily by protecting and defending you and helping you in everything we face together.

(Insert and/or edit based on desired vows.)

[The passing of the rings will now begin passing the ring from the Maid of Honor through the bridal party and down to the first row of people. All the people will get to say their prayers over the rings as it works its way back to the groom’s party and to the Best Man. If anyone wants to vocally pray over the marriage to the whole audience, it can be done so at this time, too.]

Exchanging of Rings

Officiant (to couple):

Now that the passing of the rings has been completed, the couple will exchange their rings with one another.

Officiant (to Partner 1):

_______________, please place the ring _______________’s finger and repeat after me. “I promise to show my love and passion for you beyond the symbolism behind this ring.”

Partner 1:

I promise to show my love and passion for you beyond the symbolism behind this ring.

Officiant (to Partner 2):

_______________, place the ring on _______________’s finger and repeat after me. “I promise to show my love and passion for you beyond the symbolism behind this ring.”

Partner 2:

I promise to show my love and passion for you beyond the symbolism behind this ring.

Declaration of Intent

Officiant (to couple):

_______________ and _______________, join hands at this time. _______________, do you take _______________ to be your lifelong and lawfully wedded wife/husband/partner?

Partner 1:

I do take _______________ to be my wife/husband/partner.

Officiant (to Partner 2):

_______________, do you take _______________ to be your lifelong and lawfully wedded wife/husband/partner?

Partner 2:

I do take _______________ to be my wife/husband/partner.


Officiant (to couple):

_______________ and _______________, you have declared your love for another and promised to uphold it for the rest of your lives before everyone here today.

By the power vested in me by the Universal Life Church Ministries, I now pronounce you husband/wife and wife/husband! You may now share a kiss!