Handfasting Wedding Ceremony

Groom tying handfasting cord around bride's wrist at wedding
  • ~14 Minute Ceremony

Handfasting is an important aspect of many wedding ceremonies in the Wiccan and Pagan spiritual tradition. This handfasting script outlines the essential elements of a Celtic wedding, including samples of the various blessings and readings to include and instructions for how to conduct the handfasting itself.


OFFICIANT (to congregation):

Merry Meet! Hail to _________ and _________ who are to be handfasted here for all of you to see!

We are gathered here today to witness the rite of marriage between _________ and _________. And it very well might be the first of many times _________ and _________ affirm their love, passion and devotion to one another.

Now a few words for the uninitiated: the following is a tradition with deep Celtic and Pagan roots. But don’t worry – we’re not going to be sacrificing animals or running around the woods in the nude. That’s the afterparty! Just kidding. If you’ve never been to a handfasting ceremony, you are in for a treat. It is a celebration of the love shared between _________ and _________ as well as a celebration of nature and humanity working in harmony together.

Whatever God, Gods or Goddesses you worship (or don’t), as long as you are open and loving, you are welcome here.

Blessing of the space

OFFICIANT (to congregation):

Let us all now join hands around our sacred circle and take a moment of quiet reflection. We hail all the gods, goddesses and guardians of the East, West, North and South to clear any negative energy and stress that might be present. We also ask that we ourselves have the courage and strength to banish all negative energy and stress we might have brought with us today and allow it to be replaced with light. Blessed be.

Consecration of the Rings

OFFICIANT (to congregation):

Now that the circle has been cast, we move onto a different type of circle, the wedding rings. As the galaxies circle within our universe, as the planets circle around our sun, as our moon circles around our planet, so too does love circle around us all. And nowhere is that more apparent than when we gaze upon _________ and _________, who shall circle around one another for as long as their love shall last.


OFFICIANT (to couple):

And now as you place the rings on one another’s fingers, know that these rings are the most intimate of circles in your universe. They represent the love, passion and commitment you are making here today within our wedding circle.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

_________, please take your _________’s hand and repeat after me:

_________, as much as any individual can choose what is so clearly their destiny, we have chosen each other as friends, partners, lovers and now husband/wife/partner and husband/wife/partner. I promise to love, honor and respect you fully and faithfully now, tomorrow and for all the tomorrows for as long as our love shall last. I give you this ring as a token of my love and my livelihood that I will use each day to make our lives together that much stronger.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

_________, please take your _________’s hand and repeat after me:

_________, as much as any individual can choose what is so clearly their destiny, we have chosen each other as friends, partners, lovers and now husband/wife/partner and husband/wife/partner. I promise to love, honor and respect you fully and faithfully now, tomorrow and for all the tomorrows for as long as our love shall last. I give you this ring as a token of my love and my livelihood that I will use each day to make our lives together warm and comforting.

Declaration of Intent

OFFICIANT (to _________):

_________, do you take _________ to be your lawfully wedded husband/wife/partner? To put him/her/them before all others and to love, honor and respect him/her/them for as long as your love shall last?

_________: I do

OFFICIANT (to _________):

And _________, do you take _________ to be your lawfully wedded husband/wife/partner? To put him/her/them before all others and to love, honor and respect him/her/them for as long as your love shall last?

_________: I do

Handfasting Ceremony

OFFICIANT (to congregation):

Now, _________ and _________ have chosen to be handfasted today in the ancient tradition.

OFFICIANT (to couple):

As I wrap the cords around you both now, know that your two spirits will be forever joined. Long after you remove these physical bonds, the spiritual bonds will remain. And while this physical act of tying the knot is beautiful, it is but a symbol of the beauty your relationship exudes – a fact readily apparent to all of us here today. May your spirits be filled with joy on this day, and remain so for many, many days to come.

Jumping the Broom (Besom)

OFFICIANT (to congregation):

And now will the parents of _________ and _________ please step forward and grab one side of the broom. Now _________ and _________ it is time for you to cross the threshold and jump the broom!

(_________ and _________ jump together over the broom)


OFFICIANT (to couple):

By the power vested in me by the Universal Life Church, I am truly blessed to pronounce you wed. Pull each other as close as can be and seal today’s ceremony with your first married kiss! And so may it be. Merry Part.