Conan O'Brien Gets Ordained

Become an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church Monastery, with video tutorial by Conan O'Brien.

Become a Minister


Conan: "Before I can Marry Scott and David, I must first become a minister. Now, there was a time when becoming a minster would take years of intense theological study. But thankfully, in the age of the internet, I can go online, and become a minister in just a few minutes."

Conan viewing "Instant online ordination, this is fantastic! And look, it covers every religion, there’s a ying-yang symbol, there’s a Star of David, there is what appear to be 2 radio towers, and then all kinds of other stuff. I realize I’m probably showing a bit of insensitivity towards other religions, but it’s just ignorance, and think ignorance is a good excuse."

Conan fills out form: "First name (types Conan), middle name Christopher … O'Brien. Okay here it says… email. I’m over age 13...yes… submit. Ordination. Request. Welcome, Conan Christopher O'Brien, to the worldwide congregation of Universal Life Church ministers. Feels really good, because, looking back at over the long process, all the work, intense sacrifice, very satisfying, to, finally, two and a half minutes later, get this honor. Yeah."

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